2 minute read
from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
Key Men And Women
Seventeen students, 15 men and two coeds, attained the coveted Alpha Sigma Tau honor key, indicative of a seven semester cumulative point hour ratio of 2.5 or more. The keys, awarded at a special convocation in March, attest to the intellectual ability of the university's "braintrusters," whose reports had been graced with A's and B's for the three and a half years. The 17 key men and women led in almost every campus activity, not being content to rest on their scho lastic laurels.
Campus Crusaders
Devoted to apostolic ends, the Catholic Students' Mission Crusade unit, sixmonth old campus group, has entered whole-heartedly into the Cincinnati archdiocesan organization set-up. The unit supplied a basis for the entrance of U. D. students into National University Catholic Action and assisted in promoting the Catholic World Congress of University Federations. Members also encouraged and supported the activities of the Miami Valley regional C. S. M. C. conference.
Professional Groups
Rear : Kerez si, Scharf, E Simmons, L. Hi.11 , Rex , O'Toole, L Mullen, C. G. Haye s.
Second: Mueller, Leonard, Siff, Wiley, Schmitt, Dailey, T. Foley, T. Ryan.
Front: J Olcott, Schroeder, Gelofcsak, Olejnyik, B Hollcnk amp, H Mullen, Lorenz, Grimes, Trost.
Rear: Millonig, T Winter, Klosterman, Tonnous, Donl ey , Waag, T. Mak ley.
Fourth: P. Carroll, A. Weber, Ohala , Kochendorfer.
Third: Rush, Rab, Chalmers, Beare.
Seco nd: Gray, H. Jacob s, Koenig, Lohrey, Braun , Biechler.
Front: Kahn, Birmingham, Wool, Gibson, R. Schneble, Alter, Paul.
Mechanics Deluxe
Durin g th e third year of its existence th e Mechanical Engineering society has performed the fun ction of increasin g practical en gin eerin g know ledge of its m embe r s by means of l ec tures and a complete program of trips to industrial plants.
With Prof. Andrew R. Weber, S.M., as advisor, Bernard Hollenkamp as chairman, Frank Schmitt as secreta ry-tr easure r , and Clem Young as publici t y director, th e lecture meetin gs were held the first Monday of each month
Embryo Medicos
Sigma Delta Pi, honorar y pre-medical socie ty, was organized to promote and foster good scholar ship, receiving as m embers only those who attain a high point average. The organization endeavors to present at each meeting speakers whose topi cs are of ed u ca tional value a nd professional interest to the medica l s tud ent.
Officers are: president, John Alter; vice-president, William Paul; secretary , Harry Ja cobs; treasurer, Arthur Millonig.
Future E D Is On S
The camp us chapter of the Illuminating Engineers society was organized by Dr. U. J. Rapp e l, S .M ., for the advancement of the theory and practice of illuminating engineering.
At informal bi-weekly meetings conducted by the junior and senior electrical engineerin g students, prepared talks by members are followed by open discussions . Through these meetings electrical engineering students keep abreast of the latest developments in the light and illumination field s
Sup R Eme Su R Vey Or S
Jlluminat I Ng Eng I Neering Society
Standing: F. Murphy, Gogolach, Dr. Rappel , Fitzpatrick, P. Wagner, Murray, R. Moran, R. Warner, Rupert, Eckhardt, Hoppa, Egger.
Sitting: Zahn, Krumhan sl , Stra sse r-, Clossi11ger, Wong, Fletcher.
American Society Of Civil Engineers
Standing: Schnurr, Lewis, Flynn , Redding, Burns, Lasar , W Hill, Wohl sch laeger, F Hari g, R. Smith, Tom , R. Forslhoff, Sullivan.
Sitting: Ru ssell , R. Harig, H. Smith, Groos, Brodb eck, Sultenfu ss.