UCFC Preparing Future Industry Professionals through NGO and University Partnerships

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UCFC Preparing Future Industry Professionals through NGO and University Partnerships Dr. Kelly Bricker The International Ecotourism Society The University of Utah

Presentation Overview TIES and Ecotourism What is TIES? Careers within the Field of Ecotourism A Resource for Students and Industry Professionals

T&E The T&E Mission International training programs Advocacy Campaigns UCFC program Distance Learning Courses Conferences Public Forums Publications Outreach

TIES Mission • Creating an international network of individuals, institutions and the tourism industry; • Educating tourists and tourism professionals; • Influencing the tourism industry, public institutions and donors to integrate the principles of ecotourism into their operations and policies.

TIES Main Projects • Training & Education –– –– –– –– –– ––

Conferences Conferences Workshops Workshops & & Forums Forums International International on-site on-site training training programs programs Classroom Classroom and and distance distance learning learning courses courses Publishing Publishing research, research, books books and and outreach outreach materials materials UCFC UCFC program program Outreach Outreach

• Research –– –– –– ––

Technical Technical Projects Projects Carbon Carbon offsets offsets and and sustainable sustainable transportation transportation Environmental Environmental and and social social footprints footprints of of tourism tourism enterprises enterprises Indigenous Indigenous and and community-based community-based ecotourism ecotourism

• Membership –– –– –– ––

Network Network of of professionals, professionals, institutions institutions and and businesses businesses Newsletters Newsletters Experts Experts Bureau Bureau (speakers, (speakers, consultants, consultants, lecturers) lecturers) Worldwide Worldwide Events Events

Your Travel Choice Makes a Difference! Travel with a purpose:

• Choose destinations, accommodations, and tour operators, that work to protect the environment and benefit local cultures and communities

• Anyone can be a responsible traveler anywhere they travel!

What is Responsible Travel? – Five Easy Steps – Helpful Internet Resources – What You Can Do While Traveling – "Green-Washing" – Flying Responsibly – Responsible Travel Myths – What is Certification? – Travelers' Phlanthropy

A RESOURCE FOR STUDENTS AND INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS TIES Membership • More than 800 members in nearly 100 countries Experts Experts Bureau: Bureau: –– academics, academics, consultants, consultants, conservation conservation professionals professionals and and organizations, organizations, governments, governments, architects, architects, tour tour operators, operators, lodge lodge owners owners and and managers, managers, general general development development experts experts and and travelers travelers

Benefits include: –– Newsletters Newsletters (Digital (Digital Traveler, Traveler, Eco Eco Currents) Currents) –– Access Access to to current current trends trends –– Free Free subscription: subscription: Outside Outside Magazine Magazine –– Online Online Membership Membership Directory Directory –– “Your “Your Travel Travel Choice” Choice” –– Discounts Discounts with with other other TIES TIES members members –– Internship Internship and and Jobs Jobs announcements announcements for for members members

Global List of University Programs TIES has spent significant time and energy both researching and recording the many university degree programs and courses dedicated to ecotourism and sustainable tourism. This comprehensive list is a valuable tool to our members. •Asia and the Pacific •Australia and New Zealand •Europe and Central Asia

•Latin America and the Caribbean •North Africa and the Middle East •North America •Africa •Africa


• Non-profit organizations/non-governmental organizations (i.e. environmental, conversation) • International and domestic tourism administrations • Tour operators/sustainable hospitality management • Academic research and teaching • Planners and architects (i.e. transportation, tourism development strategies/infrastructure) • Consultants • Sustainable development professionals (green building, renewable energies) • Protected area managers and planners

TIES Website


• • • • • • •

Online Library Current Projects Jobs and Internships Comprehensive Calendar of Events Training and Education Bulletin Board Discussion Forum

• • • • • •

Press Room TIES Store Membership Directory Experts Bureau Business to Business (B2B) “Your Travel Choice�

TIES TIES’’ Department of Training & Education (T&E) Mission:

• Build awareness of ecotourism and sustainable tourism among the traveling public

• Expand learning opportunities in ecotourism and sustainable tour ism tourism subjects

• Promote the concept of ecotourism and sustainable tourism among a variety of audiences

• Create an opportunity for professional recognition in ecotourism and sustainable tourism

• Assist in the creation of a global network of travel industry professionals

• Advance sustainability in development projects and tourism polic y policy

• To provide the public with up -to-date information ecotourism and up-to-date sustainable tourism

University Consortium Field Certificate (UCFC) To foster a holistic understanding of ecotourism and sustainable development through the education of multi-disciplinary students and professionals TIES-UCFC incorporates:

What is the TIES-UC Vision? a a) at least one international course • All travel professionals will demonstrate an inherent, reality-based provided through a university understanding of the principles of consortium member; ecotourism within the context of b) on-campus course work; sustainable development. c) engagement in at least one internationally focused seminar What is the TIES-UC Mission? through TIES, and • Our mission is to foster a holistic d) an internship focused on some understanding of ecotourism and aspect of ecotourism/sustainable sustainable development through the tourism development. education of multi-disciplinary students and professionals.

UCFC Partners! California Polytechnic University North Carolina State University University of Utah West Virginia University University of Minnesota

Why Join UCFC?! Program Benefits to students: • Industry-wide and academically recognized endorsement; • Practical hands-on field experiences and research projects (resume builders, “toolkits”); • Enhanced awareness of natural resource management; • Study abroad programs and coursework that expand perspectives on sustainable tourism; • Internship and professional employment opportunities.

Benefits to Universities… • Set the program apart and offer unique experiential learning options, domestically and internationally; • Meets partial degree requirements of recreation, parks and tourism programs; • Excellent recruitment opportunities for the University and department via press releases and student visits to agencies across the county and internationally; • Develops University and department contacts with wide range of professionals; • Increased program offerings without increasing faculty teaching loads; • Opportunities for creative faculty involvement, without the planning burden; • Expanded multi-disciplinary opportunities university and industry wide; networking in non-profit organizations, and the private sector.

Benefits to the Professional Community • Training and familiarization for future employment; • Guide/leader Training for entry level positions; • Access/understanding of internship needs; • Domestic and international development assistance via an approved internship program; • Trained interns with up to date knowledge on Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism; • Provides an opportunity to market their program; and, • International and domestic collaboration with ecotourism professionals

Benefits to TIES… • Supports our Mission! • Increases research capacity for the overall industry • Provides an opportunity to expand academic networks both domestically and internationally; • Allows the organization to participate in the evolution of the academic development of sustainable tourism as a tertiary subject of focus • Expands the communication among multidisciplinary academic professionals, industry leaders and community members

Benefits to TIES… • Provides additional outlets for Information dissemination in various multidisciplinary arenas • Increases the organization’s ability to link TIES members with responsible and industry aware student intern • Allows TIES to participate directly with the development of highly competent new professionals for the sustainable tourism field • Provides an additional method of collecting and disseminating current trends in the academic arena of sustainable tourism

How to Join UCFC?! UCFC is for students who have completed their Freshman and Sophomore year 9Review the TIES-UCFC website; down load application 9Meet with the University ACA 9Complete application and submit to ACA (October 1 or February 1), with $50 application fee 9ACA submits qualified student with recommendation for acceptance to TIES-UCFC 9Student is notified of acceptance by November 15 and March 15 9Student submits program fee of $250 ($500 next year), TIES-UCFC Plan of Study, and begins course work.

Program Requirements Student Application Fee: $50 Student Program Fee: $250 9 Credits of Coursework Tourism Development Class with Emphasis on Sustainable Development and Ecotourism (GW/TIES Certificate) Two additional courses that address sustainability issues International Study Abroad Course (3 Credits - Minimum) For undergraduates: Internship approved by the including final applied project or project evaluation. For graduates: Project or Thesis


Sustainable Tourism Certificate

• Distance Learning (DL) courses developed by international industry experts • Offer an excellent opportunity to acquire up-to-date knowledge and skills to improve professional standing • TIES members are entitled to a discount for each course

9 9 Sustainable Sustainable Tourism Tourism Assessment Assessment and and Development Development 9 9 Sustainable Sustainable Tourism Tourism Destination Destination Marketing Marketing 9 9 Electronic Electronic Marketing Marketing and and Internet Internet Applications Applications 9 9 Ecotourism Ecotourism Management Management 9 9 Ecolodge Ecolodge Development Development 9 9 Environmental Environmental Management Management for for Tour Tour Operators/Destinations Operators/Destinations 9 9 Tourist Tourist Guide Guide Techniques Techniques 9 9 Coastal Coastal and and Marine Marine Ecotourism Ecotourism 9 9 Cultural Cultural Heritage Heritage Tourism Tourism 9 9 Community-Based Community-Based Ecotourism Ecotourism

TIES Ecotourism Speaker Series The Ecotourism Series Topics Include: • Current Trends in Ecotourism • Handicrafts, Fair Trade and Revitalizing Culture Impacts of Cruise Tourism: Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras and Mahahual Mexico • Traveling with Climate in Mind: Sustainable Transportation and Carbon Offseting • Global Certification and Ecolabeling • Green Products for Sustainable Travel • Organics and the Slow Food Movement • Greenbuilding and Sustainable Architecture • Renewable Energies

TIES Publications & Website


““If If our planet is to be saved, this will be achieved not by ideologies or political programs, but by people, individuals, in business and elsewhere -- who make up their minds to love and work in greater harmony with the world in which we live. ” live.” -Sir Laurens --Sir Laurens Van Van der der Post Post

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