The ECOVILA DA LAGOA EMPREENDIMEN TOS SUSTENTÁVEIS LTDA enterprise aims to the implementation of the MOHS - Sustainable Hou sing Occupancy Model (in portuguese: Modelo de Ocupação Habitacional Sustentável) -, with the focus on Hotel Industry, for the construction of the Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustainable.
The MOHS concept is a new production model that utilizes the notions of sustainability and ecovillages, in harmony with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for sustainable development goals. Our main goal is to promote the decentralized development of the region, in order to lower its dependency on public authority, by utilizing the permaculture design methodology, the Biocons truction/Bioarchitecture techniques, syntropic agriculture, Biodynamics, Aquaponics for orga nic food production, as well as local materials, all associated with high standards of workmanship and technology. This project was an “architectu re” category finalist in both the 2014 and 2016
editions of the BRAZIL’S CREATIVE ECONOMY AWARD - Prêmio Brasil de Economia Criativa -, undertaken by Brazil’s Citizenship Ministry in partnership with the 3M Company.
Despite the highlight in the hotel industry, the referred project also intends to be a rese arch site on sustainable technologies, in whi ch worldwide replicable methodologies would be developed, both for “starting from scratch” projects and green infrastructure adaptations on condominiums, neighborhoods, cities, coun tries. We also intend to cast a net of connected enterprises, which would avail from our data base and already tested methodologies. There fore, there will be a privately held holding S.A., in order to orchestrate a MOHS concept global scale expansion.
Extremely contemporary, the project is able to address ALL of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs -, as will be illustrated below:
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
The project will be situated on 10,43 ha ter rain on the shores of Formosa Lagoon, Planaltina de Goiás - Goiás - Brasil. It’s a highly accessible location, just 70km from the center of Brasília/ DF, by the roadside of the BR010 federal road, and the GO118 local state road, which connects Brasília to Alto Paraíso.
The terrain will be arranged from a multi purpose perspective. There will be designated areas for lodging, sports practices, education, agriculture, therapy, essential oils production, food production, sustainable technologies, waste management, and leisure.
The project is intended to be a functional model and an example of a sustainable and cost -efficient enterprise. Our key differentiator is pre cisely the diversity of commercial activities that take place inside one single project, aligned with the most effective management of the energy balance of the multiple activities. The “Macro” design was based on the permaculture theory created by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, in the ‘70s. It consists of a design plan that syste matizes ancestral and current technologies from multiple knowledge fields, in order to create sus tainable human settlements.
The commercial activities were divided into the following Production Centers (PC):
Hotel PC.
Education/Therapies PC.
Food production/medicinal PC.
Sports practices PC.
Research & Development PC
Clean energy PC
Bioconstruction PC
1.2 - Geographical Location.
Figure 2 – Project implementation
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable 14
Figura 1 – Localização Eco vila da Lagoa (Fonte: Google Earth)
Figure 1 – Ecovila da Lagoa location (Fonte: Google Earth) Figure 1 – Ecovila da Lagoa location (Fonte: Google Earth)
1.3 Executing Entity:
The “Ecovila da Lagoa Empreendimentos Sustentáveis LTDA” enterprise, regis tered with the CNPJ - Brazil’s legal entities national register number: 11.736.734/0001 - 50, is the creator and owner of the MOHS concept, it will take responsibility on the implementation of the project, in which will execute all the works on Bioconstruction (Adobe, Pestle Rammed earth) and sewerage. It will also be the manager of all firms and outsourced staff, under rigid and technical quality control. Juno Rocha - CEO - will be, himself, the manager of the “Macro” project.
1.4 Investment Value:
The total investment amount is estimated at BRL 49,469,726.74 (forty-nine million, four hundred and sixty-nine thousand, seven hundred and twenty-six reais and seventy-four cents) and, in US dollars, $9,913,772.89 (nine million, nine hundred and thir teen thousand , seven hundred and seventy-two dollars and eighty-nine cents), estimating an IRR financial index: 90.19%. Pay Back: 1.80 after 100% implemented, accounting for the dollar at BRL 4.99.
IRR (Internal Rate of Return) financial index: 78,79%. Pay Back: 1,65% after 100% implementation.
Figura 3 e 4 Referências de Obra de Taipa de Pilão e Adobe de alto padrão do Livro Construindo com Terra de Gernot Minke.
Figures 3 and 4 - references of high standard works of pestle rammed earth and Adobe, from Gernot Minke’s book “Building with Earth”.
1.5 - Implementation Period:
ecosystem is expec ted as soon as possible. Due to its complexity, the Project was designed to be divided into 7 stages, which are listed below:
The inflow of capital into the
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable 16
● Preliminary Study ● 3D Design Creation ● Business Plan Creation ● Licensing and Authorizations ● Reception of Funds / Liability Contracts ● Staff recruitment process & Staff and outsourced employee training ● Construction Project implementation
Figura 5 Projeto Macro no X-Mind . ( Anexo)
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
2. Diagnosis:
There is already a consensus in academia that our oil-based production system is on borrowed time. There are strong indicators that in a few decades to come there won’t be enough available oil reserves on the Planet. In addition to this energy matrix issue, the consumerism culture and the tendency toward wealth concentration generate oligopolistic groups of a few companies that control more than 80% of the total global wealth, a scenario that generates deep structural damage because of the social imbalance.
The Latin America and Caribbean region fa ces a large and increasing housing deficit, which would only lower if its governments work to attract private investments to build adequate and acces sible housing, as demonstrated by a new study by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).
Nowadays, one in every three families in Latin America and the Caribbean, which totals 59 million people, lives in poor housing conditions: inadequate, built with low-quality materials, or lacking infrastructure services. Of the 3 million residences that are annually configured in Latin
American cities, about 2 million are driven to settle into informal housing, such as the “fave las”, due to the scarce supply of adequate and accessible housing, according to the book “Room for Development: Housing Markets in Latin Ame rica and the Caribbean”.
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Figura 7. Fonte BID - Banco de Desenvolvimento Internacional.
In addition to the low housing index issue, a big portion of the available ones do not have a functional basic sanitation system. In 2007, when law number 11.445 was sanctioned by the former president, Mr. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, just 42% of the Brazilian po pulation was reached by sewage services. Up to 2015, the index raised 8,3%, which represented an increase of just 1% a year. Regarding water
supply, although its initial coverage rate was big ger than the sewage one, its evolution was even shyer: it rose from 80,9%, in 2007, to 83,3% in 2015. A total increase of just 2,4%. In the same period, the index of treated sewage raised from 32,5% to 42,7%. (Source: economia/noticia/saneamento-melhora-mas -metade-dos-brasileiros-segue-sem-esgoto-no -pais.ghtml).
“Overall, progress has been small in the country. Ten years for the ‘Trata Brasil Institu te’ to reach only half of the Brazilian population with sewage services is not a great result. We just can’t keep up that pace. It is an agenda of the 19th-century, discussions of the developed countries of the 19th-century”, says Édison Car los, executive president.
Our differential lies in the project’s capa bility to address the main social issues of a mo dern city all in one. This is the whole idea of our Macro design. The Bioconstruction technique, for example, associates local materials, such as earth, with ancestral knowledge and acade mic research to obtain better results than what would be achieved with conventional cement work: much better acoustic and thermal com fort, durability, lower maintenance cost, etc.
Another great differential is the local treatment of sewage by using cesspits with an evapotranspiration system, compostable toilets, biodigesters, and a catalytic pyrolysis power plant, which will process 100% of the produced waste, converting it into 3 usable substances: (1) Biochar - charcoal produced with biomass, (2) the raw-materials for biofuel production; (3) high purity gas, that will be converted into elec tric power through gas generators.
Organic agriculture is another pillar of the project, which guarantees food security, free from pesticides, which are overly harmful to health. We seek to invest more in the qua lity of food in order to reduce drug spending, as the popular saying goes. Various production manners implemented here could be replicated elsewhere. Biodynamic agriculture, Aquaponics, Agroforestry, and mandala vegetable gardens are some examples of the soil and microorganis ms regeneration available technologies.
In the course of this presentation, it will be made clear our alignment with all the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as its targets.
Sustainable Housing Occupation
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
21 Figura - 08 Fonte G1
The project is located in the municipality of Planaltina de Goiás, nei ghboring the municipality of Formosa, and on the border with the Federal Dis trict. Geographically, it belongs both to the macroregion of the east of Goiás state, and the microregion of the Brasília metropolitan area. Information from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - (IBGE) regarding the Fede ral District and two of its neighboring municipalities was used as a referen ce. The region is rich in tourist attractions, mainly waterfalls, archaeologi cal sites, and other natural wonders. It also contains the Águas Emendadas complex, a continentally important headwaters complex, created by the in teraction of the La Plata and the Maranhão river basins. The major regional issue is monoculture plantations for the production of commodities, which pollute groundwater and devastate the natural covering of the Cerrado biome. Latitude 15°23’45.02”S Longitude 47°33’21.56”W.
Formosa - GO
2.3 - Supply and Demand Analysis (Market Research):
Planaltina de Goiás - GO
Brasília - Distrito Federal
The project can potentially intervene in the lives of 3,331,375 people, with experience, knowledge, and income generation.
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable 22
Planaltina de Goiás - GO
Formosa - GO
Formosa - GO
Brasília - Distrito Federal
Brasília - Federal District
The region deals with two different realities, as the two municipalities in Goiás state mentioned above occupy the positions 2034th and 1530th in the national ranking of individual worker income, while the 1st position is occupied by the Federal District, their wealthier neighbor. The latter pre sents itself as a fertile pole for the hotel industry sector and an important supplier of skilled labor.
Planaltina de Goiás - GO
Regarding education, in all three territories, there were registered high levels of primary education, followed by much lower levels of secon dary and higher education. As mentioned before, the present project con templates the ambition to share high-cost technologies with the commu nity, such as Permaculture, Bioconstruction, Aquaponics, Agroforestry, and renewable energy generation methods, which are not made available by the local governments. The attempt also represents an opportunity to develop modern teaching methodologies in the region that are indepen dent of the public traditional models, as in the Waldorf Rudolf Steiner school.
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Planaltina de Goiás - GO
Formosa - GO
Brasília - Distrito Federal
The same pattern of inequality between the Federal District and its neighboring municipalities also applies to the economic sphere. Nonethe less, in the last years, there has been noticed a considerable increase in capi tal inflows to the referred municipalities, in connection with the agribusiness expansion in the region, which is based on monoculture plantations for the production of commodities and results in the pollution of our waters and the gradual destruction of the ancestral Cerrado. Alternative development opportunities are viable in the region: in the Federal District - Brazil’s higher Human Development Index (HDI) -, the strength of the civil service sector increases the per capita income, creating a fertile market for our hotel ser vices. Meanwhile, Permaculture design enables ecological ways of creating wealth in rural areas.
Planaltina de Goiás - GO
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- Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable 24
Formosa - GO
The database of IBGE lacks information about the Federal District. However, the hospitalization rates from diarrhea in the surrounding munici palities reveal a generalized basic sanitation issue, which our project could also help to address by improving waste treatment.
Planaltina de Goiás - GO
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
- Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
This topic reiterates the interpretation of hospitalization rates from diarrhea presented above. The municipalities of Planaltina de Goiás and For mosa have only 24,2% and 42,9% of adequate waste treatment, respectively. This means that 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, more than half of the popu lation contributes to contaminating the groundwater. Our enterprise allows both the local development and application of appropriate technologies, such as evapotranspiration cesspits, compostable toilets, and biodigesters, which are both low-cost and local independent solutions to mitigate these regional issues.
2.4 Characterization of the Target Population:
Some of the permaculture planning principles are to observe the dynamics of living ecosystems, understand them, and use their natural patterns to develop a designed system. In our particular case, we iden tified that the diversity of the target population is the crucial factor that makes it possible to optimize the social experiences of the enterprise and the local communities. Therefore, in order to take advantage of the social, geographical, and economic characteristics of our region, for the MOHS concept, we chose to focus on hotel services. There have been designed 3 modalities of hotel services, outlined below:
● Hotel Services - Full price (100%)
● Education - Hotel services linked with educational or therapeutic events, in which there will be a discount of ( X )% about the full price.
● Volunteerism - Hotel services linked with the donation of 4 hours a day of voluntary labor, in which there will be a discount of ( Y )% about
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable 26 Formosa - GO
- DF
the full price.
Another latent social issue in the region is the high unemploy ment rate, coupled with an equally high rate of low-paid underemploy ment. Besides generating new sustainable jobs in the region, the project aims to empower its employees with the state-of-the-art of socio-sustai nable technologies and techniques, in ways that the microregion’s ave rage wage increases.
To distribute the surpluses fairly is an ethical principle of the per maculture theory. Our enterprise disposes of a priceless immaterial ca pital surplus in the form of knowledge. Lots of information regarding the specific sustainable technologies we apply here are too costly to access otherwise, because of highly expensive courses and certifications. We plan to share that knowledge with two municipal schools in the region, called Felipe de Dylon and São José, in order to capacitate both school communities, parents and teachers included, to reproduce these practi ces locally and take up new jobs. Our applications will give opportunities to locals, women, people of color, and the LGBTQI +, as long as the mini mum skills required for each function are reached during the selection process.
Before the global pandemic, there has never been so much sear ching for new opportunities outside the urban centers as in the present. The biggest urban exodus ever seen in human history is now in march.
A concerning number of these migrants do not have the necessary in formation or knowledge for that transition. The MOHS, based on the concept of the European Ecovillages, could be an interesting alternative for this population. Our enterprise is willing to transfer technologies and practical experiences with them, to make this new sustainable lifestyle feasible.
The purposes of our enterprise are:
● Fomentar MOHS ( modelo de ocupação habitacional sustentável) , utilizan
● To foster the MOHS (Sustainable Housing Occupancy Model) concept, using the principles of permaculture design, the Bioconstruction in its buil dings and water and waste treatment, in tune with the arts, technology, cul ture, and spirituality, resulting in the decentralized regional development, independent of the public power initiative.
● To create a research, development, and innovation center on green eco nomy and green technology.
● To implement a sustainable network in the hotel industry, equipped with specialized centers on education, sports practices, leisure, and therapy.
● To produce international quality standard food, through organic agricul ture, biodynamics, SAF (Symbiotic Agroforestry), and Aquaponics.
● To develop and incubate initiatives with the potential to create sustaina ble technologies.
● To foster eco-educational, sports, and cultural events.
● To develop electronic games and digital applications for social communi cation that address sustainable behavior.
● To produce, capture, and distribute educational and sporty audiovisual content, in multidisciplinary areas.
● To rescue, protect, and preserve intangible heritage.
● To capacitate cooperatives in order to implement a system of recovery and preservation of the biodiversity and the hydric resources of the Águas Emendadas complex.
3.1 - Purposes, and General and Specific Objectives:
The overall objective of the project is to demonstrate the viability of this new production model, which could be replicated in other different environments, such as neighborhoods, cities, and countries. It would also be useful to promote local infrastructure, generate wealth and technology, produce food and recover the soil, as already demonstrated above. The pur pose is to demonstrate that unconventional but proven technologies, as sociated with permacultural planning, can be utilized in specific situations, in order to improve the outcomes and decrease the costs. Consequently, shaping behaviors towards a more sustainable society.
3.2 - Indicators. UN 2030 Agenda (full document attached in the annexes)
Sustainable Development Goals, composed of 17 goals and 169 tar gets.
Indicators: 241 proposed indicators
5Ps of the 2030 Agenda
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
● People ● Planet ● Partnership ● Prosperity ● Peace
17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda:
SDG 1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
SDG 2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
SDG 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well -being for all at all ages.
SGD 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
SDG 7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
SDG 5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
SDG 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive, and sus tainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
SDG 9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
SDG 10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries.
SDG 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclu sive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
SDG 6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
SDG 12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
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SDG 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
SDG 14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.
SDG 15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.
SDG 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive socie ties for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.
SDG 17 - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainab le development.
The 214 indicators proposed by the UN 2030 Agenda will be used as a basis for evaluating our actions. In the next couple of topics, the actions of the production centers we projected will be correlated with the completed actions and the expected outcomes.
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Centers (PC)
Sustainable Development Goals
Clean energy
Research & Development
1.5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.a, 6.b, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.b, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.a, 9.b, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3,11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.a, 11.b, 11.c, 12.5, 12.6 12.8, 12.a, 12.b, 17.6, 17.7, 17.14 7.1, 7.2, 7.b, 11.6, 12.5, 4.3, 4.7, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.a, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.9, 10.2, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.8, 12.a, 12.b,12.c, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5, 15.9, 16.6, 16.7, 16.b, 3.5, 3.7, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.a, 5.5, 5.a, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.9, 10.2, 12.8, 12.a, 16.2, 16.6 ,16.7, 16.10,16.b, 17.14, 17.15, 17.19 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 6.6, 8.2, 8.3, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.9, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5, 15.9
3.5, 4.4, 4.7, 4.a, 5.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.5, 3.7,,6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.a, 6.b, 7.1, 7.2, 7.b,8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.99.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.a, 9.b,11.1, 11.2, 11.3,11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.a, 11.b, 11.c, 12.5, 12.6 12.8, 12.a, 12.b, 17.6, 17.7, 17.14
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable 32
H Hotel Education/Therapies Food
In the “MOHS - Ecovila da Lagoa’’ Macro plan, there has been reserved a space for Bioconstruction - a set of techniques that use earth as their main raw material for the building of diverse structures. Some of these ances tral techniques are the adobe, pestle rammed earth, cob, superadobe, and hiperadobe. Likewise, the Bioarchitecture methodology, which is used to design residential and commercial spaces, is also present. It was a modern architecture school influenced by the ideas of Frank Lloyd Wright, and is also called organic architecture, organicist architecture, or simply “organicism”. Although it first appeared in America, it was developed all over the world. A famous European organicist architect was Alvar Aalto.
Besides working with buildings, we develop infrastructure technolo gies, which could be replicated in large cities, such as ecological paving and soil sealing, using clean and state-of-art nanotechnology (waterproofing gel, soil stiffeners). There is also a concern to treat waste locally, by decentrali zing low-efficiency treatment centers and applying technologies such as the evapotranspiration systems, biodigesters, and compostable toilets.
In this regard, the enterprise aims to create the first bioconstructor specialized in earth as the main raw material and to become a benchmark in
the high finish standard and functionality.
There will be used ancestral technologies associated with the best conventional construction techniques. Besides modern iron and cemen t-based technologies for the construction of water tanks and lightweight structures, such techniques as Adobe, Pestle Rammed earth, light rammed earth, Pau a Pique, COB, superadobe, and artistic adobe shall always be applied. Our products will be categorized according to their target markets: affordable social housing and building; constructions with a high finish stan dard, equipped with sustainable technologies, such as photovoltaic panels, aquaponics, and self-irrigation systems; works of artistic expression; to par ticipate in public biddings; and to operate consultancy services on sustaina ble urban planning.
In order to escalate the applicability of that technology, our com pany created its own methodology, by developing an automated adobe production machine, which is able to build with the same or even higher efficiency than the conventional ones. The mentioned methodology is in accordance with the following UN SDGs indicators: 1.5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.a, 6.b, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.b, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.a, 9.b, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3,11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.a, 11.b, 11.c, 12.5, 12.6 12.8, 12.a, 12.b, 17.6, 17.7, and 17.14.
Examples of finished high-standard works.
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Having a clean, renewable, and, preferably, a self-produced energy matrix is extremely important for the project. In our permacultural design, we list the following production technologies:
● Photovoltaic tiles - producing 20 kW per month per square meter.
● Catalytic pyrolysis power plant - producing biofuel from waste.
● Micro hydroelectric power plants
● Solar power plants
● Biodigester systems
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable 34
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
35 ● Molecular Catalytic Pyrolysis Plant - Fuel Matrix Waste biomass. ● Micro Hydroelectric Power Plants● Solar Power Plants. ● Biodigester Systems.
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
● Usina de Energia Eólica
The architectural design reserves a space of more than 7000 square meters of edifications where it is viable to install photovoltaic tiles. Also, the catalytic pyrolysis power plant is a waste processing equipment ca pable of processing plastic, orange and coconut bagasse, MDF dust, and other pollutant residues, converting them into 3 usable substances: 20% of oil, 53% of Biochar - charcoal produced with biomass, and 20% of high purity gas, which will be converted into electrical energy, together with the methane from the biodigester and the hydroelectric micro-plants. This electricity must be used for local consumption, in order to minimize our external consumption or to be sold in the open market, in accordance with the following UN SDGs indicators: 7.1, 7.2, 7.b, 11.6, and 12.5.
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
3.5.b - RENEWABLE ENERGY: Having a clean, renewable, and, preferably, a self-produced energy matrix is extremely important for the project. In our permacultural design, we list the following production technologies:
● Photovoltaic tiles - producing 20 kW per month per square meter.
● Catalytic pyrolysis power plant - producing biofuel from waste.
● Micro hydroelectric power plants
● Solar power plants
● Biodigester systems
The architectural design reserves a space of more than 7000 square meters of edifications where it is viable to install photovoltaic tiles. Also, the catalytic pyrolysis power plant is a waste processing equipment capable of processing plastic, orange and coconut bagasse, MDF dust, and other pollu tant residues, converting them into 3 usable substances: 20% of oil, 53% of Biochar - charcoal produced with biomass, and 20% of high purity gas, whi ch will be converted into electrical energy, together with the methane from the biodigester and the hydroelectric micro-plants. This electricity must be used for local consumption, in order to minimize our external consumption or to be sold in the open market, in accordance with the following UN SDGs indicators: 7.1, 7.2, 7.b, 11.6, and 12.5.
After much study, we have concluded that the MOHS model in Brazil should be focused on the hotel industry of sustainable experiences, once it is one of the most reasonable ways to explore the possibilities of the ter rain, take advantage of the multidisciplinarity of the project, and profitably develop green technologies. Therefore we created an ecosystem of tourist experiences, in which people could experience their skills, studies, rituals, performances, trades, thoughts, and other talents, seeking the cooperative evolution of the MOHS concept, and the production of methodologies to be
replicated anywhere.
We expect that, as time goes on, the accommodation experiences would co-produce Creative Bio-Systems, and reiterate an environment free of any kind of prejudice. It is the responsibility of each member of the staff to take an assertive stance against any racist, sexist, classist, homophobic, or xenophobic behavior, as well as against religious intolerance.
A FREE and SAFE environment, focused on the evolution of the col lective and the individuals. It is only natural that mistakes are constantly made in an environment of creation and innovation. That is why the values of resilience and tolerance will always be encouraged.
In order to expand access to our services for different audiences, we have established a policy of 3 different fees for our accommodations: (1) Hotel services; (2) Education; (3) Volunteerism. There has been developed a methodology in which the guest, student, or visitor itself will be invited to choose what type of experience they want to be involved in.
ACTIVE EXPERIENCE - Learning by doing: each piece of equipment re lated to sustainable technology in the ecovillage, such as the composter, earthworm farms, vegetable gardens, stockyard, bioconstructions, biopo ols, vivariums, etc contains a QR CODE, with which people can understand and learn about their utilities, through self-explanatory videos or augmen ted-reality. Thus, those who opt for the active experience model will inte ract directly with the elements and contribute to the evolution of the entire system.
An App will lead to the action:
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable 38
PASSIVE EXPERIENCE - Guests who opt for this model will still have open access to all collective structures. However, their contribution to the system will be minimal, once they are not supposed to interfere with its elements.
To design any system, it is important to identify the natural patterns involved in its elements. Due to our aim to develop a bio-system with peace as one of its foundations, we had to reserve some space in our methodo logy to contemplate the theme “conflict resolution”, once our project deals
with human beings, a species that preserves conflict at the core of their collective behavior. Thus, the designed system will focus on the peaceful evolution of collective living by minimizing conflict. In accordance with the following UN SDGs indicators: 4.3, 4.7, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.a, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.9, 10.2, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.8, 12.a, 12.b,12.c, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5, 15.9, 16.6, 16.7, and 16.b HOSTEL.
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
After creating the MOHS - Sustainable Housing Occupancy Mo del, Juno Rocha (CEO) realized that the type of sustainability that is really capable of positively impacting the world is the SUSTAINABLE INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR, in contrast to those who believe that the materials and metho dologies used are the most important factors. Individual behavior, conside ring the needs of the collective, of practicing conscious consumption - by choosing local, organic, and artisanal products, coming from ecologically correct and socially fair production centers - is not the only way to a better world, but it surely is one of the best options to adapt our society to a planet of finite resources.
“Every education is self-education, and as teachers we can only pro vide the environment for children’s self-education. We have to provide the most favorable conditions where, through our agency, children can educate themselves according to their own destinies.”
Rudolf Steiner
The basic premise of Waldorf’s education system is the slogan “educa tion toward freedom”, seeking a holistic development of the physical, spiri tual, artistic, and intellectual spheres, in order to form highly integrated, ca pable, and responsible citizens. The development of artistic sensibility and love and respect for nature are also priorities of Waldorf’s pedagogy.
In the referred pedagogy, the Ministry of Education’s mandatory cur riculum is fully covered, even though the manner and intensity with which the disciplines are applied are totally different from regular schools. Moreo ver, teachers have the autonomy to decide how each content is addressed. The idea is that children learn by actively seeking the knowledge they are re ady to reach, in accordance with their needs and capacities. As an example, at the age children start questioning themselves about their origins is when they are ready to learn about the creation of the world. Comparably, before preadolescence, in order to prepare them for puberty, they are introduced to Norse myths regarding that matter. The point is that their curiosity must be stimulated from the beginning of their journeys, whether by teaching languages, sciences, or numbers. The approach used by teachers takes into consideration different characteristics of students, concerning their age. The same subject is never introduced in the same way for different age groups.
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Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Topics covered:
Themes addressed: Healing Space:
We believe in the power of healing through changes toward healthy behavior. We are also in favor of alternative and complementary methods, such as holistic medicine, Psychology of the Future, medical cannabis po tential, psychedelic psychotherapy, essential oils, Holotropic Breathwork Therapy, Human Design new knowledge, kabbalah, shamanism, etc. A sum mit will be destined for this type of therapy and healing process.
One of the principles of Stanislav Grof’s Holotropic Breathwork the rapy is to create a safe environment, free from any kind of prejudice, cen sorship, judgment, or evaluations (Set in Set), in which the healer can guide
the patients to unravel their traumas, then resignify them and obtain the definitive cure. This was one of Juno Rocha’s most important inspirations to create the MOHS concept: as making mistakes is something natural, the ecovillage is not only a place where people have the right to commit mis takes but to understand them in order to create new and innovative things. It is necessary to eliminate the competition culture. Cooperation is the basis to re-design, re-think, re-create, and recycling our world. Besides the desig ned environment, we also suggest an ethical agreement with our guests to discourage the share of information regarding the therapeutic processes of other guests with third parties. In accordance with the following UN SDGs indicators: 3.5, 3.7, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.a, 5.5, 5.a, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.9, 10.2, 12.8, 12.a, 16.2, 16.6 ,16.7, 16.10,16.b, 17.14, 17.15, and 17.19.
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Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
For sure the production of quality food without environmental dama ge is one of the greatest world issues. The current food production system is based on large-scale commodity plantations and uses large volumes of water and pesticides, polluting groundwater, rivers, lakes, and seas. Still, most of that production is destined to feed livestock (bovine, goat, chicken, fish, and others). All those human choices provoke countless imbalances in the great ecosystem. Although we commonly imagine the agribusiness model feeds the great cities in Brazil, in reality, that is an accomplishment of the small producers around urban centers, organized on a family-based agriculture model.
Research proves that a balanced and good quality diet, preferably or ganic, drastically reduces chronic diseases, in addition to medication expen ses. In this sense, our project contemplates the production of high-quality food, through the use of the following technologies:
● Agroforestry Systems (AFS)
● Aquaponics
● Mandala organic vegetable gardens
● Rudolf Steiner’s Biodynamic Agriculture
● Medicinal and aromatic herbs (Essential Oil technology and haute cuisine)
● Honey production
● Fishes
● Cattle and milk goats for the production of special cheeses
● Edible landscaping
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Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Another goal of the project is to produce most of our guests’ and collaborators’ food inside the ecovillage. In accordance with the following UN SDGs indicators: 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 6.6, 8.2, 8.3, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.9, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5 and 15.9.
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Our sports practices production center was conceived with the aim to ex pand the range of people’s integration and connection capacity, which could positively influence the group’s cohesion around the project. As our planning concept determines that each element of the system must deal with at least 3 functions, there will be created a department of high-performance sports, seeking the unravel, train, and management of new talented athletes. In accordance with the following UN SDGs indicators: 3.5, 4.4, 4.7, 4.a and 5.1.
The following modalities were projected:
● XCO - Mountain Bike Olympic modality
● SKATE PARK - Olympic modality
● SKATE STREET - Olympic modality
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Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
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Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Housing Occupation Model
HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable
Sustainable Housing Occupation Model HOTELARIA - Eco Resort Ecovila da Lagoa Sustentable