Human Hazards Lesson Two

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Learning Focus: How have animals adapted to living in the Antarctic? • What: learn what difficulties animals face living in the Antarctic and how they adapt to survive • How: design an animal to survive in the Antarctic for your formative assessment • Why: discover how animals cope living in extreme environments

Where are we going!?

Hold on tight!

When we get there what will it be like?

Connect: You are now in Antarctica. You must fill out the observation chart to tell everyone back in the classroom what it felt like to be here… WARNING! • We will not be staying very long! • This means you must write down as many details as you can before you get transported back to the classroom!

Good Luck!


Home sweet home! Now you are back, how did you adapt to life in Antarctica? • • •

What problems did you face? Why? How did you overcome your problems?

Activate: What problems do animals face surviving in the Antarctic?

Too cold Too Slippery Could be hunted

Too dark Limited Food Could be eaten

Stop! Assess your progress! • Turn your activity sheet over. • Do you now… Know what difficulties animals face living in the Antarctic?

Activate: Real life adaptations Watch the short video clip and create a mind map of the different ways the emperor penguin has adapted to survive in the Antarctic.

Other adaptations

This Ice fish has no red blood cells so its blood flows more freely – it’s a bit like anti-freeze!

These Weddell seals have a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm. They mostly live under the ice where its warmer – they have teeth that can gnaw holes in the ice. They can hold their breath for an hour allowing them to deep sea dive for food.

Are there any other adaptations? • Use independent research to record further details as you watch this documentary… v=TLPEhrS7TLI&feature=player_embe dded

• Remember you will be designing your own species for your assessment so effective research is critical to success!

Stop! Assess your progress! • Turn your activity sheet over. • Can you now… Describe how different features help animals survive in the Antarctic?

Demonstrate: Design your own Antarctic animal Now its your turn!

Design your own animal to survive in the Antarctic . You must include at least 3 features that help it survive the cold Antarctic and explain why they do. Extension: Can you think of more than 3 features and explain these? Which do you think are the most important features? Why?

Stop! Assess your progress! • Turn your activity sheet over. • Can you now… Design an animal to survive in the Antarctic.

Success criteria for your Antarctic animal LEVEL F


3 features to help your animal survive the cold are labelled.




Features clearly described.

3 2

LEVEL D Explains how each feature helps it survive. LEVEL C Explains each feature in relation to the Antarctic environment. LEVEL B Uses ALL Geographical terms


Reflect: Target evaluation •

Assess your peers design against the success criteria.

What level would you give them?

What have they done well?

What targets could they aim for?

Homework: • Design another animal to survive in a different environment, for example in a desert or rainforest. • Do you own research about animals living there so that you know what features to give your own animal.

Learning Focus: How have animals adapted to living in the Antarctic? • What: learn what difficulties animals face living in the Antarctic and how they adapt to survive • How: design an animal to survive in the Antarctic for your formative assessment • Why: discover how animals cope living in extreme environments

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