9 minute read
from Croí na Gaeilge 2
by Edco Ireland
Filíocht Téarmaí litríochta
dán (fir) a poem rím (bain) rhyme dánta (iol) poems athrá (fir) repetition file (fir) poet príomhthéama (fir) a main theme filí (iol) poets pearsantú (fir) personification téama (fir) a theme rann (fir) a stanza téamaí (iol) themes véarsa (fir) a verse téama an dáin* the theme of the poem véarsaí (iol) verses atmaisféar (fir) atmosphere líne (bain) a line atmaisféar an dáin* the atmosphere of the poem
Filíocht .................................................................................372 Gearrscéal ..........................................................................375 Drámaíocht ........................................................................377
línte (iol) lines íomhá (bain) an image friotal (fir) language íomhánna (iol) images fileata (aid) poetic íomhánna an dáin* the images of the poem ceolmhar (aid) musical meafar (fir) a metaphor suaimhneach (aid) peaceful meafair (iol) metaphors príomh-mhothúchán (fir) a main emotion * Is sampla den tuiseal ginideach é seo. Foghlaimeoidh tú níos mó faoi seo an bhliain seo chugainn. fir = firinscneach; bain = baininscneach; iol = iolra; aid = aidiacht
Amhránaíocht ...................................................................379 Úrscéal.................................................................................381 ©The Educational Company of Ireland
Frásaí úsáideacha
Bhain mé sult as an dán seo mar bhí sé , agus .
I enjoyed this poem because it was (adjective), (adjective) and (adjective).
greannmhar funny taitneamhach enjoyable suimiúil interesting réalaíoch realistic tarraingteach inviting draíochtúil magical rómánsúil romantic iontach wonderful Níor bhain mé sult as an dán seo mar bhí sé , agus I didn’t enjoy this poem because it was (adjective), (adjective) and (adjective). leadránach boring leamh bland tuirsiúil dull duairc depressing gruama bleak uafásach terrifying seafóideach nonsensical scanrúil scary Chuir an dán _______________________ orm. The poem made me (emotion). brón sadness áthas happiness fearg anger mearbhall confusion tuirse tiredness gliondar delight déistin disgust cumha homesickness Spreag an dán seo mo shamhlaíocht. This poem inspired my imagination. Is file cumhachtach é/í _______________________.
. He/she is a powerful poet (ainm an fhile/name of poet ).©The Educational Company of Ireland
Tá atmaisféar _______________________ sa dán. There is a (adjective) atmosphere in the poem.
rómánsúil romantic iontach wonderful
suaimhneach peaceful spleodrach
fun taitneamhach convivial réchúiseach chilled/easy-going ceiliúrtha festive croíúil glowing Tá mothúcháin láidre/chumhachtacha sa dán. There are strong/powerful emotions in the poem. Baineann an file úsáid as _______________________. The poet uses (poetical technique). athrá repetition uaim alliteration meafair metaphors íomhánna images codarsnacht contrast pearsantú personification Feictear íomhánna tuairisciúla sa dán. Descriptive images can be seen in the poem. Is duine _______________, _______________ agus _______________ é/í an file. The poet is a (adjective), (adjective) and (adjective) person. uaigneach lonely cróga brave grámhar loving gealgháireach cheerful cumhachtach powerful soineanta innocent muiníneach confident brónach sad áthasach happy gránna nasty ©The Educational Company of Ireland

Téarmaí litríochta
gearrscéal (fir) gearrscéalta (iol) gearrscéalaí (fir)
a short story short stories a short story writer údar (fir) an author scríbhneoir (fir) a writer téama (fir) a theme téama an ghearrscéil* the theme of the short story carachtar (fir) a character carachtair (iol) characters an príomhcharachtar (fir) the main character ról lárnach a central role ról tánaisteach a minor role scéalaí (fir) a narrator reacaireacht (bain) narration plota (fir) a plot plota an ghearrscéil* the plot of the short story tús an ghearrscéil* the beginning of the short story críoch an ghearrscéil* the end of the short story cnuasach gearrscéalta* a collection of short stories suíomh (fir) a setting scríbhneoireacht (bain) writing alt (fir) a paragraph an chéad alt the first paragraph an t-alt deireanach the last paragraph buaicphointe (fir) climax/high point dialóg (bain) dialogue comhrá (fir) conversation/dialogue codarsnacht (bain) contrast coimhlint (bain) conflict forbairt (bain) development cór sa scéal a twist in the tale iardhearcadh (fir) a flashback * Is sampla den tuiseal ginideach é seo. Foghlaimeoidh tú níos mó faoi seo an bhliain seo chugainn. ©The Educational Company of Ireland

Frásaí úsáideacha
Bhí mé an-tógtha leis an ngearrscéal seo mar bhí sé ______________ agus ______________. I was very impressed with this short story because it was (adjective) and (adjective).
barrúil amusing dochreidte astonishing
iontach brilliant tarraingteach
captivating spéisiúil interesting sólásach comforting Níl raibh mé róthógtha leis an ngearrscéal seo mar bhí sé ______________ agus ______________. I wasn’t too impressed with this short story because it was (adjective) and (adjective). tragóideach tragic dorcha dark aisteach strange seafóideach nonsensical uaigneach haunting leadránach boring Is údar an-chumasach é/í _______________. (Ainm an údair/name of author) is a very talented author. Thaitin príomhcharachtar an ghearrscéil liom mar bhí sé/sí _______________ agus _______________. I liked the main charachter of the short story because he/ she was (adjective) and (adjective). éirimiúil bright mealltach charming fonnmhar enthusiastic fuinniúil energetic fial generous macánta sincere/honest misniúil courageous neamheaglach fearless Chuir an gearrscéal mearbhall orm. The short story confused me. Chuaigh an gearrscéal go mór i gcion orm. The short story had a profound effect on me. Taitníonn an scríbhneoireacht chruthaitheach liom agus mar sin bhain mé an-sult as an ngearrscéal. I like creative writing therefore I really enjoyed the short story. Is féidir liom ionannú le príomhcharachtar an ghearrscéil. I can relate to the main character of the short story. Táim ag súil go mór le gearrscéal eile a léamh. ©The Educational Company of Ireland I’m really looking forward to reading another short story.

Téarmaí litríochta
carachtar (fir) a character
an carachtar the character carachtair (iol) characters na carachtair the characters príomhcharachtar (fir) a main character an príomhcharachtar the main character mioncharachtar (fir) a minor character an mioncharachtar the minor character foireann (bain) a cast suíomh (fir) a setting radharc (fir) a scene an radharc the scene
acht (fir) an act ról (fir) a role an radharc tosaigh the opening scene an radharc deiridh the closing scene monalóg (bain) monologue dialóg (bain) dialogue prólóg (bain) prologue lucht féachana (fir) audience drámadóir (fir) a playwright an drámadóir the playwright aisteoir (fir) an actor an t-aisteoir the actor feisteas (fir) a costume plota (fir) a plot script (bain) a script íoróin dhrámata dramatic irony léiriúchán (fir) a production teannas (fir) tension tragóid (bain) tragedy coiméide (bain) comedy feisteas stáitse (fir) scenery seit stáitse (fir) a stage set ©The Educational Company of Ireland

Frásaí úsáideacha
Thaitin an dráma go mór liom. I really liked the play. Níor thaitin an dráma liom. I didn’t like the play. Is maith liom freastal ar léiriúcháin éagsúla agus ba bhreá liom an dráma seo a fheiceáil ar stáitse. I like to go to different productions and I would love to see this play on stage. Is maith liom an teannas drámata. I like the tension in the play. Ní maith liom plota an dráma. I don’t like the plot of the play. Bhí sé deacair an dráma seo a thuiscint. It was hard to understand this play. Is dráma é. It is a (adjective) (adjective) (adjective) drama. thar a bheith suimiúil compelling tarraingteach inviting gruama bleak cliste sophisticated taitneamhach enjoyable tuirsiúil uninspiring a spreagann an mheabhair invigorating leamh boring duairc depressing Ba bhreá liom na feistis a roghnú do na carachtair. I would love to choose the costumes for the characters. Ní raibh críoch an dráma róshásúil, dar liom. The end of the play was not too satisfying, according to me. Tá an chéad chuid/dara cuid/tríú cuid den dráma suite _______________. The first/second/third part of the play is situated _______________. Is _______________ buaicphointe an dráma.©The Educational Company of Ireland The climax/high point of the play is _______________.

Téarmaí litríochta
amhrán (fir) amhráin (iol) amhránaí (fir)
a song songs a singer amhránaithe (iol) singers cumadóir (fir) a composer cumadóirí (iol) composers véarsa (fir) a verse véarsaí (iol) verses curfá (fir) a chorus ceol (fir) music ceoltóir (fir) a musician ceoltóirí (iol) musicians liricí (iol) lyrics liricí an amhráin* the song lyrics teideal an amhráin* the song title albam (fir) an album albaim (iol) albums teachtaireacht (bain) a message rithim (bain) rhythm buille (fir) beat uirlisí ceoil* musical instruments luas an cheoil* the speed of the music seánra (fir) genre amhrán traidisiúnta a traditional song ceol breá croíúil groovy music ceol timpeallach ambient music ceol beomhar lively music geantraí (bain) fun-filled music suantraí (bain) a lullaby goltraí (bain) slow sad music dísréad (fir) a duet tuin an ceoil* the tone of the music©The Educational Company of Ireland * Is sampla den tuiseal ginideach é seo. Foghlaimeoidh tú níos mó faoi seo an bhliain chugainn.

Frásaí úsáideacha
Taitníonn an t-amhrán seo go mór liom. I really like this song. Nílim róthógtha leis an amhrán seo. I’m not too mad about this song. Tógadh le ceol mé agus taitníonn gach seánra ceoil liom mar sin. I was raised with music therefore I like every genre. Seinnim ceol tíre agus mar sin cuirim suim san amhrán seo. I play folk music so therefore I have an interest in this song. Feileann an ceol go maith don téama. The music suits the theme well. Is sampla den gheantraí é seo agus cuireann an ceol spion maith orm. This is an example of upbeat music and it puts me in a good mood. Is sampla den suantraí é seo agus cuireann an ceol mé ar mo shuaimhneas. This is an example of a lullaby and it makes me feel calm. Is sampla den gholtraí é seo agus cuireann an t-amhrán brón orm. This is an example of a slow sad song that makes me feel sad. Chuir an ceol ______________________ i gcuimhne dom. The music reminded me of ______________________. Bhain an ceol anáil díom. The music blew my mind. Mhúscail an t-amhrán seo rud éigin ionam. This song roused something in me. ©The Educational Company of Ireland

Téarmaí litríochta
úrscéal (fir) úrscéalta (iol) úrscéalaí (fir)
a novel novels a novelist údar (fir) an author scríbhneoireacht (bain) writing stíl scríbhneoireachta* writing style scríbhneoir (fir) a writer stíl an údair* the author’s style tús an úrscéil* the beginning of the novel críoch an úrscéil* the end of the novel croí an úrscéil* the heart of the novel caibidil (bain) a chapter an chaibidil the chapter an chéad chaibidil the first chapter ag tús na caibidle* at the start of the chapter i lár na caibidle* in the middle of the chapter ag deireadh na caibidle* at the end of the chapter an chaibidil dheireanach the final chapter carachtair (iol) characters leathanach (fir) a page leathanaigh (iol) pages sliocht (fir) an excerpt struchtúr an úrscéil* the structure of the novel teachaireacht an úrscéil* the message of the novel deireadh oscailte an open ending deireadh malartach an alternative ending * Is sampla den tuiseal ginideach é seo. Foghlaimeoidh tú níos mó faoi seo an bhliain seo chugainn.©The Educational Company of Ireland