Dublin West
Michelle Brophy (086) 0488813 mbrophy@edcolearning.ie
Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow
Linda Bates (086) 2798459 lbates@edcolearning.ie
Louth, Meath, Cavan, Monaghan
Alan Wright (086) 0403815 awright@edcolearning.ie
Dublin North
Ashling Golding (087) 2417936 agolding@edcolearning.ie
Siobhán Moriarty (086) 2845392 smoriarty@edcolearning.ie
North and West Dublin
Sue Macken (087) 6083798 smacken@edcolearning.ie
Clare, Kerry, Limerick
Jim McGann 086 279 1482 jmcgann@edcolearning.ie
Kildare, Offaly, Westmeath, Roscommon, Longford, Leitrim
Cian Salmon (087) 7099047 csalmon@edcolearning.ie
Carlow, Kilkenny, Laois, Donegal, Tipperary
Edco Sales (01) 4500611 sales@edco.ie
Galway, Mayo, Sligo
Terri Fahy (086) 8578666 tfahy@edcolearning.ie
Dublin South
Anna Maher (086) 8172401 amaher@edcolearning.ie
Maths and Me is a new and exciting maths programme from The Educational Company of Ireland, that provides children with playful, engaging and creative learning experiences that will help you nurture and strengthen pupils’ maths knowledge and confidence using simple and effective strategies.
Developed by a team of highly experienced primary teachers, authors and maths experts, Maths and Me is fully aligned to the new Primary Maths Curriculum (PMC). The programme helps you to effectively plan, teach and assess maths, allowing for the easy and practical implementation of the PMC.
Maths and Me is a highly engaging programme that cleverly combines:
l High-quality Pupil’s Books
l Interactive Digital Resources
l Comprehensive Teacher’s Resources
Each class is different so flexibility and choice is key in Maths and Me, enabling you to easily tailor the programme to the needs of your class – the programme is also suitable and fully supports multi-grade classrooms. Suitable for multi-grade classrooms
Designed to make the implementation of the new Primary Maths Curriculum a practical, straight-forward, and supported journey for teachers and pupils, Maths and Me gives special consideration to supporting the five key pedagogical practices recommended, breaking down the new curriculum into lesson plans that are manageable, well structured, engaging, and child-friendly.
l Each unit is subdivided into lessons with detailed lesson plans provided in the Teacher’s Planning Book
l Each unit ends with a ‘Review and Reflect’ lesson which features a useful menu of potential activities that teachers can choose from to support the needs of their class.
Unit 8: Numbers
6 to 8
Day 4, Lesson 4
Consolidation of Number (0−8)
Focus of learning (with Elements)
● Explores how the layout of or size of elements in a set has no effect on the overall total (conservation of number) (U&C)
● Subitises (looks at a group of objects and realises how many there are, without counting) number of objects in a set (U&C)
D C P Learning experiences
Digital activities: Subitising and Conservation of Number A–E MAM Routines: Reason&Respond/QuickImages Concrete activities: Consolidation of Number Pupil’s Book page 44: Consolidation of Number (0−8)
● There is no new maths language for this lesson. Maths language
D Digital activities: Subitising and Conservation of Number A–E MAM Routines: Reason & Respond/ Quick Images Use the Quick Images activities and the slideshows. In these activities, the children are subitising amounts on five frames, on ten frames, in different arrays and scattered at random. Do they realise that it is easier to subitise and count when the objects are in lines (arrays)? They will look at two different sets and respond to the question: ‘What is the same and what is different?’
C Concrete activities: Consolidation of Number For these activities, the children should all have the same type of manipulative (e.g. counters). Activity 1: Subitising Distribute manipulatives and a five frame from PCM 7 – Five Frames to each child. Say/ask: ● Pick up a handful of counters. Can you guess how many you have?
● Manipulatives (bears, counters, beads, links, interlocking cubes, 2-D and 3-D shapes)
Teaching tip: For each slide or image, ask:
● Does each set have the same amount? Some children may think that because the objects are spread out, or the objects are larger, that the set has a greater number of objects.
Main event
● Put your counters on your five frame.
● Count them. How many do you have?
● How did you show your set/counters on the five frame? (e.g. for four counters, two counters, then a gap, then two more counters)
● Put them on your five frame. How many did you pick up? 03 Maths and Me JI TRB LP.indd 25
● Can you pick up about five counters? Count them.
Constructivist Collaborative Integrative Reflective Inquiry-Based Learning
Maths and Me creates a positivity towards maths, and helps to build pupils’ confidence and develop their mathematical skills.
The programme for each class is divided into units that focus on an area of learning. www.mathsandme.ie
Fully aligned to the PMC
Real-life Maths
Written by highly experienced teachers, authors and Maths experts
Supports multi-grade classrooms
Dedicated Pupil/Parent App
Innovative blend of interactive, hands-on digital and print-based materials
Comprehensive, editable planning material
Practical and userfriendly
Character based
Carefully curated learning experiences
Reduces the time spent planning lessons
Easy to use interactive digital resources
Home/ school links
Our Maths and Me characters, bring context and fun to the programme, helping children to have a positive and enjoyable experience of maths.
Dara Monty Jay Lexi Dara Monty
Jay Lexi
Jay Lexi Dara Monty Jay Lexi Dara Monty
Mia Jay Lexi Mia Jay Lexi
Mia Jay L Mia Jay L
Mia Jay Lexi Jay Lexi
Mia Jay Mia Jay
Dara Monty Dara Monty
Dara Monty Dara Monty
Lexi Dara Monty Lexi Dara Monty
Lexi, Dara, Mia, Jay, and Monty the dog encourage everyone to be mathematicians – to embrace challenges, pose questions and explore ideas using mathematical models and language.
This is not a fair share!
Yes it is. We both have 2 quarters.
A high-quality Pupil’s Book which includes innovative features and provides opportunity for consolidation and extension activities.
The Pupil’s Books come with free manipulatives including a n mini-whiteboard
n ten frame
n double ten frame
n spinner
n cut-out place value arrow cards and place value counters
l Let’s Talk (to support Maths Talk)
l Let’s Play (to encourage playfulness)
l Try This (to provide appropriate cognitively challenging tasks)
l Further features include Maths Eyes and Let’s Investigate
l Mathematical models are also extensively used to encourage mathematical modelling
The Maths and Me Pupil’s Book pages include purposeful and engaging features such as:
Maths and Me Pupil’s Books come with a range of inserts at each level:
Junior Infants Pupil’s Book Inserts
l Mini-whiteboard (Branching Bond template on reverse)
l Ten frame
l 2 x Spinners
Senior Infants Pupil’s Book Inserts
l Mini-whiteboard (Branching Bond template on reverse)
l Double Ten frame
Additional resource icons –Indicates if a photocopiable is needed to complete an activity
Clear icons –show how to complete activities
Try This –optional extension activities, provide appropriate cognitively challenging tasks
Maths Eyes –making the maths around pupils visible
Open-ended tasks facilitate child-led investigation and playful learning
‘Real-life’ focus –use of photographs and real-world scenarios
The Maths and Me Home/School Links Book is designed to support children’s mathematical development bridging the gap between home and school, encouraging the positive involvement of families in their child’s learning.
The Home/School Links Book will support you in embracing the new curriculum in a practical way inviting parents to play an active role in their child’s mathematical development.
Dear Family notes for every unit
Activities make Maths more meaningful and relevant to the child
Activities support hands-on learning at home Second Progress Assessment The Educational Name: Class: Senior Infants Progress Assessment Booklet
Highlights that Maths is all around them in their lives and especially at home - sparking mathematical conversations and awareness among families
Activities relate to the children’s own lives and experiences
Guidance provided for parents (e.g. on maths language, difficult concepts, what child is learning in school)
Are there things that you or your certain days each wee
A special month
In which month does your most birthdays? Write this month in the yellow the calendar.
When will this month occur next: this year or next year?
Fill in the year.
Fill in the dates
4. Whose birthdays will you celebrate? Write their names or draw them on the correct dates.
Activities enable and encourage the child to express themselves, their understanding and their experiences using the language of maths and maths models, in multiple and varied ways
Dear Family notes are included for each unit with practical ideas for parents to support learning Junior Infants
Home/School Links Book
Activities are approachable and open-ended
l A guide to Maths and Me and the new Maths Curriculum
l All the planning documents required to easily plan and deliver the new Curriculum requirements
n Yearly Overview - clearly outline the recommended sequence of units and duration
n Comprehensive Unit Plans - including everything you need to teach the unit
n Fortnightly Plans - also available in editable format
n Detailed Lesson Plans – provide practical lessons with the right amount of content, they are easy to follow and include the use of Maths and Me routines
l Lesson Plans also come packed full of teaching tips and suggestions for assessment, along with Let’s Strengthen and Let’s Deepen suggestions to help support all children with their learning
l An extensive range of PCMs to support engaging and playful learning experiences
l Photocopiable Masters (PCMs) provide additional differentiated content
n Let’s Strengthen Suggestions for Teachers
n Let’s Deepen PCMs
n Let’s Strengthen PCMs
l Assessment Records
l A Games Bank
l Maths Vocab Lists
l Equipment Lists
n Designed with multi-grade settings in mind
n Planned around units (week or fortnight)
n Carefully sequenced units
n Review weeks built in
n Limited new content covered in June
n Comprehensive – everything you need to teach the unit
n Contains short-term preparation (fortnightly plan) – e.g. outlines focus of learning (linked to progression continua), learning experiences and assessment
n Useful background information, e.g. about the theme of the unit, the placement of the unit, what’s new, etc.
n Common misconceptions are outlined
n Models used in the chapter are highlighted
n Each lesson has a clear focus of learning, informed by the progression continua n Learning experiences are clearly highlighted in bullet points
n The equipment and maths language are also highlighted
n Plans contain three parts – warm ups, main event and optional consolidation and extension ideas
n Tips and notes are included to aid the teacher throughout
n Let’s Strengthen, Let’s Deepen and assessment opportunities are highlighted
n Learning experiences are a perfect blend of [D] digital, [C] concrete and [P] print based
n CPA approach is used, as recommended
Lesson Plans include the use of Maths and Me Routines:
l These are a collection of playful, engaging and inclusive interactions that promote mathematical talk, thinking and modelling among all children
l These repeatable routines have been deliberately chosen as they are proven to activate prior knowledge, foster productive dispositions and provide valuable formative assessment opportunities for teachers
l Many of the Maths and Me Routines are directly supported by innovative and intuitive digital resources, e.g. Concept Cartoons, Quick Images, Three Act Tasks
● Recites forward to at least 10 (U&C)
● Recognises numbers, initially within 10 (U&C)
● Attends to numerals of significance or importance to the child (U&C)
● Demonstrates an awareness of and uses numerals in personally meaningful contexts (C)
Teaching tip: You could play this activity every day over the course of this unit.
An extensive range of fun, innovative and engaging FREE Interactive Digital Resources are central to the programme and provide rich learning opportunities for children, bringing maths to life in the classroom.
l Are innovative and support the pedagogical practices promoted in the PMC e.g. Three Act Tasks are an example of a Cognitively Challenging Task
l Provide rich learning opportunities for children
l Incorporated into the lesson plans
l Bring maths to life in the classroom
l Make maths visual for learners
l Designed to encourage Maths Talk and allow for formative assessment
l Easy access and navigation
l Intuitive and fun to use in class
l Bespoke digital resources designed specifically for Maths and Me
l Include a new and innovative Pupil/Parent App which allows digital content to be used in class by pupils and at home
l An extensive range of digital resources have been purposively created for Maths and Me and they include
n Rich multimedia resources such as engaging videos and animations
n Interactive classroom activities
n Virtual Manipulatives
n Editable planning documents
l Digital resources allow for whole class engagement with the topics and they make life easier for teachers by providing appropriately playful and engaging learning experiences
l Encourage and foster mathematical talk, thinking, reasoning, modelling, and support hands-on learning aong all children
Activity - Game
ActivityMultiple Choice Quiz
Activity - Poster
The Toy Shop
ActivityQuick Images
ActivityInteractive Counting Tool
Ordering Numerals with Monty Video
Subitising and Conservation of Number A
Activity - Poster
The Cosy Cafe
Count with Monty
Extensively teacher and classroom tested, Maths and Me delivers a fresh new approach to maths and provides teachers with the extensive support and planning documentation needed to implement the new curriculum easily and effectively in their classroom
“Overall, I really liked the detail provided in the Teacher Resource Pack, the variety of lesson activities and the resources. I think the material is of a very high standard. I love the layout and the detail of the plans. The lessons are well suited to the given objectives while also being varied, interactive and fun for the children.”
“Lessons are laid out very well with excellent progression. There are plenty of suggested activities to consolidate learning objectives.”
“Liked the content, the progression of the material, the interactive content was excellent. Posters and visuals were also great as a reference and teaching resource. Class enjoyed the material and I found the Teacher Resource Pack was a fantastic resource, well-structured great layout to each lesson, overview was great and the suggested integration, differentiation and assessment was good too.”
“I am impressed by the amount of detail and the variety of learning experiences/resources in each lesson. It links in well with the new curriculum and I actually find that it makes the new curriculum seem attainable…”
Maths and Me combines interactive teaching tools, digital games, high-quality pupil’s books, and teachers packs, to empower teachers to make maths an adventure for the children in their classrooms.
By choosing Maths and Me, you can be confident that your classroom is:
You are using a programme fully aligned with the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum, with extensive teacher’s resources to help you to implement and deliver the five key pedagogical practices, all strands and strand units, learning outcomes, elements and progression continua of the new curriculum.
You can easily support children developing and using strategies, being flexible in their thinking and approaches, and having a positive attitude to maths.
The programme is written by a team of experienced primary teachers and authors, inspired by best practice from around the world, and created specifically for pupils, teachers and schools in Ireland.
You will be delivering a greater focus on how maths is taught rather than what is taught.
l Direction on the pedagogies to use is highlighted throughoutmaths talk, cognitively challenging tasks, mathematical modelling etc.
l Skills, now called elements, are more to the fore - reasoning, communicating etc.
You are embedding an exciting growth mindset and problem-solving approach, for your pupils and sparking curiosity and excitement for maths.
You are supported every step of the way to meet the needs of all learners in your classroom. Both classroom teachers and Special Education Teachers can use the suggestions provided in Let’s Strengthen and Let’s Deepen.
Calculation Strategy Wall Cards Monty
Numeral Posters
A separate Teacher’s Resources Book including:
A dedicated Teacher’s Planning Book including:
Numeral Posters
z An extensive range of Photocopiable Masters (PCMs) to support playful and engaging learning experiences
z Let’s Deepen PCMs
z Let’s Strengthen PCMs
z Let’s Strengthen Suggestions for Teachers
z Sticker Templates
z Assessment Records
z A Games Bank
z A Guide to using Manipulatives with the New Curriculum
z Maths Vocabulary Lists
z A guide to Maths and Me and the new Primary Maths Curriculum
z A full range of planning documents
z Yearly Plans
z Unit Plans
z Fortnightly / Short-term Plans
z Lesson Plans
Maths and Me A Progress Assessment Booklet
Maths and Me A Home/School Links Book
Maths and Me A Pupil’s Book
z Check-up questions provided for every unit
z With Dear Family notes for every unit
z with tactile numbers
z Teaching tips and suggestions for assessment
z Suggestions for inclusion to help support all children with their learning
z Common Misconceptions
A separate Teacher’s Resources Book including:
A dedicated Teacher’s Planning Book including:
z An extensive range of Photocopiable Masters (PCMs) to support playful and engaging learning experiences
z A guide to Maths and Me and the new Primary Maths Curriculum
z A full range of planning documents
Calculation Strategy
Wall Cards
z Let’s Deepen PCMs z Let’s Strengthen PCMs z Let’s Strengthen Suggestions for Teachers
z Sticker Templates
z Assessment Records z A Games Bank z A Guide to using Manipulatives with the New Curriculum z Maths Vocabulary Lists
z Yearly Plans z Unit Plans z Fortnightly / Short-term Plans z Lesson Plans z Teaching tips and suggestions for assessment
z Flexible approach: test on unit-by-unit basis or during review weeks
z Includes QR codes and short links to digital resources
z Ten Frame
z Spinners
Set of Classroom Posters
A separate Teacher’s Resources Book including: z An extensive range of Photocopiable Masters (PCMs) to support playful and engaging learning experiences
z Let’s Deepen PCMs z Let’s Strengthen PCMs z Let’s Strengthen Suggestions for Teachers
Calculation Strategy Wall Cards
Set of Classroom Posters Calculation Strategy Wall Cards
z Sticker Templates
z Assessment Records
z A Games Bank z A Guide to using Manipulatives with the New Curriculum z Maths Vocabulary Lists
A separate Teacher’s Resources Book including:
z An extensive range of Photocopiable Masters (PCMs) to support playful and engaging learning experiences
z Let’s Deepen PCMs
z Let’s Strengthen PCMs z Let’s Strengthen Suggestions for Teachers z Sticker Templates
z Assessment Records z A Games Bank z A Guide to using Manipulatives with the New Curriculum z Maths Vocabulary Lists
z Suggestions for inclusion to help support all children with their learning
z Common Misconceptions
A dedicated Teacher’s Planning Book including:
z A guide to Maths and Me and the new Primary Maths Curriculum z A full range of planning documents
z Yearly Plans z Unit Plans z Fortnightly / Short-term Plans z Lesson Plans
z Teaching tips and suggestions for assessment
z Suggestions for inclusion to help support all children with their learning
z Common Misconceptions z Equipment and Maths Language z At-A-Glance Guide to the Maths and Me
A dedicated Teacher’s Planning Book including: z A guide to Maths and Me and the new Primary Maths Curriculum z A full range of planning documents
z Yearly Plans z Unit Plans z Fortnightly / Short-term Plans z Lesson Plans z Teaching tips and suggestions for assessment z Suggestions for inclusion to help support all children with their learning
z Common Misconceptions
z Equipment and Maths Language
z At-A-Glance Guide to the Maths and Me
Maths and Me B Progress Assessment Booklet
z Check-up questions provided for every unit
z Flexible approach: test on unit-by-unit basis or during review weeks
Maths and Me 1 Progress Assessment Booklet z Check-up questions provided for every unit z Flexible approach: test on unit-by-unit basis or during review weeks
B Home/School Links Book
Maths and Me
z With Dear Family notes for every unit
z Includes QR codes and short links to digital resources
Maths and Me B Pupil’s Book z with Mini-whiteboard z Double Ten Frame z Spinners
Maths and Me 1 Home/School Links Book
z With Dear Family notes for every unit
z Includes QR codes and short links to digital resources
Maths and Me 1 Pupil’s Book
z with Mini-whiteboard
z Double Ten Frame
z Spinners z Place Value Arrow Cards
z with Mini-whiteboard z Double Ten Frame z Spinners z Place Value Arrow Cards z Place Value Cut-out Counters Maths and Me 2 Home/School Links Book z With Dear Family notes for every unit z Includes QR codes and short links to digital resources Maths and Me 2 Progress Assessment Booklet z Check-up questions provided for every unit z Flexible approach: test on unit-by-unit basis or during review weeks
Maths and Me 2 Pupil’s Book
Carefully curated kits for the New Primary Maths Currulcum, created in conjunction with a Maths Resources Specialist. 5 Manipulatives
Kits available packed with a full range of concrete resources for your classroom: z Number Kit z Sorting Kit z Measures Kit z Pattern Kit z Shape and Space Kit
* Kits are purchasable
Carefully curated kits for the New Primary Maths Currulcum, created in conjunction with a Maths Resources Specialist.
5 Manipulatives Kits available packed with a full range of concrete resources for your classroom:
z Number Kit z Sorting Kit z Measures Kit z Pattern Kit z Shape and Space Kit
* Kits are purchasable
Carefully curated kits for the New Primary Maths Currulcum, created in conjunction with a Maths Resources Specialist. 5 Manipulatives Kits available packed with a full range of concrete resources for your classroom: z Number Kit z Sorting Kit z Measures Kit z Pattern Kit z Shape and Space Kit
* Kits are purchasable
Carefully curated kits for the New Primary Maths Currulcum, created in conjunction with a Maths Resources Specialist. 5 Manipulatives Kits available packed with a full range of concrete resources for your classroom: z Number Kit z Sorting Kit z Measures Kit z Pattern Kit z Shape and Space Kit
* Kits are purchasable
Free Manipulatives to support hands on learning in the classroom, Maths and Me provides: z Mini-whiteboard for each pupil z Ten frames z Spinners z Manipulatives e-Toolkit
Printables z A Guide to using Manipulatives with the New Curriculum z Manipulatives Sustainable Sourcing Ideas
z Manipulatives
Available to support Home/School links and Class Station Teaching The Pupil/Parent App provides access to Maths and Me Digital Platform, and includes a selection of interactive games and resources to support and reinforce class content. It can be used and shared in a class setting and accessed at home.
An invaluable bank of Printables including: z Editable Planning Documents
A complete set of custom-made Interactive Manipulatives to use in your classroom including:
z Counters and Frames
Over 200 Interactive Resources including: z Teacher-led activities and slideshows
z Number Line/Path
z Fun, vibrant animations
z Maths Language Cards
z Manipulatives Cut-Outs
z Assessment Record Sheets
z SET Planning Sheets
z Number Chart/Square
z Place Value/Base Ten
z Pre-money counters
z Money z Shapes
z Clock z Carroll Diagram
z Dice
z Immersive videos
z Posters
z Interactive games
z Quick Images z Interactive e-books
Free Manipulatives to support hands on learning in the classroom, Maths and Me provides: z Mini-whiteboard for each pupil z Double Ten frames
z Spinners z Manipulatives e-Toolkit
z Manipulatives
Printables z A Guide to using Manipulatives with the New Curriculum z Manipulatives Sustainable Sourcing Ideas
Available to support Home/School links and Class Station Teaching The Pupil/Parent App provides access to Maths and Me Digital Platform, and includes a selection of interactive games and resources to support and reinforce class content. It can be used and shared in a class setting and accessed at home.
An invaluable bank of Printables including:
A complete set of custom-made Interactive Manipulatives to use in your classroom including:
z Counters and Frames
Over 200 Interactive Resources including: z Teacher-led activities and slideshows
z Number Line/Path
z Editable Planning Documents
z Maths Language Cards
z Manipulatives
z Assessment Record Sheets
z SET Planning Sheets
z Number Chart/Square
z Place Value/Base Ten
z Pre-money counters
z Money
z Shapes
z Clock
z Carroll Diagram
z Dice z Spinner
z Fun, vibrant animations
z Immersive videos
z Posters
z Interactive games
z Concept Cartoons, Quick Images and Three-ActTasks
z Interactive e-books
Free Manipulatives to support hands on learning in the classroom, Maths and Me provides: z Mini-whiteboard for each pupil z Double Ten frames z Spinners z Open Number Line z Place Value Arrow Cards Cut-Outs z Manipulatives e-Toolkit z Manipulatives Printables z A Guide to using Manipulatives with the New Curriculum z Manipulatives Sustainable Sourcing Ideas
Available to support Home/School links and Class Station Teaching The Pupil/Parent App provides access to the Digital Platform, and includes a selection of interactive games and resources to support and reinforce class content. It can be used and shared in a class setting and accessed at home.
An invaluable bank of Printables including: z Editable Planning Documents z Maths Language Cards z Manipulatives Cut-Outs
A complete set of custom-made Interactive Manipulatives to use in your classroom including: z Counters and Frames
z Assessment Record Sheets
z SET Planning Sheets
z Number Line/Path z Number Chart/Square z Place Value/Base Ten z Pre-money counters z Money z Shapes z Clock z Carroll Diagram z Dice z Spinner
Over 200 Interactive Resources including: z Teacher-led activities and slideshows z Fun, vibrant animations z Immersive videos z Posters z Interactive games z Concept Cartoons, Quick Images and Three-ActTasks z Interactive e-books
Free Manipulatives to support hands on learning in the classroom, Maths and Me provides: z Mini-whiteboard for each pupil z Double Ten frames z Spinners z Open Number Line z Place Value Arrow Cards Cut-Outs z Place Value Counter Cut-Outs z Manipulatives e-Toolkit z Manipulatives Printables z A Guide to using Manipulatives with the New Curriculum z Manipulatives Sustainable Sourcing Ideas
Available to support Home/School links and Class Station Teaching The Pupil/Parent App provides access to the Digital Platform, and includes a selection of interactive games and resources to support and reinforce class content. It can be used and shared in a class setting and accessed at home.
An invaluable bank of Printables including: z Editable Planning Documents z Maths Language Cards z Manipulatives Cut-Outs z Assessment Record Sheets z SET Planning Sheets
A complete set of custom-made Interactive Manipulatives to use in your classroom including: z Counters and Frames z Number Line/Path z Number Chart/Square z Place Value/Base Ten z Pre-money counters z Money z Shapes z Clock z Carroll Diagram z Dice z Spinner
Over 200 Interactive Resources including: z Teacher-led activities and slideshows z Fun, vibrant animations z Immersive videos z Posters z Interactive games z Concept Cartoons, Quick Images and Three-ActTasks z Interactive e-books