West Lothian News 30 March 2020

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West Lothian NEWS

West Lothian NEWS

Give us a wave . .

STAFF at Cunigar House, Mid Calder, are encouraging passersby to give their elderly residents a cheery wave. Most of the residents are unable to go outside and, because of social distancing, are also unable to use the communal dining room, lounge and conservatory. Manager Lorraine Walker said: “If you happen to be passing our building during your daily exercise �me, could you wave into the tenants if you see them at their windows.”

Gala committees postpone their big day and Bathgate cancels altogether A NUMBER of West Lothian gala commi�ees have taken the decision to postpone their big day to later this year. And Bathgate Procession has decided to fully cancel this year’s event. One of the first to move was the East Calder Gala Day, which is also celebra�ng its centenary this year. It has moved its gala week to 23 - 29 August. Blackburn Gala is hoping to hold this year’s event on 22 August, whilst Whitburn Gala Day has also been postponed, with the view of it taking place on 12 September.

Almond HA continues to support tenants through Coronavirus Pandemic


LMOND Housing Associa�on is doing everything it can to help tenants through the Coronavirus pandemic.

Following a le�er sent to all tenants on Wednesday 18 March, Almond staff are working remotely and will ensure as many services as possible are running during this �me. There is support available for tenants, as Almond HA have a dedicated tenancy sustainment worker and welfare benefits adviser. Tenants can access these services by contac�ng their housing officer for a referral. With the quickly changing circumstances of Covid-19, Almond HA has moved to stage 2 of their Business Con�nuity Plans from Tuesday 24th March 2020. Due to the requirements by the government to limit travel and ac�vi�es, they can no longer con�nue with stair cleaning and the garden aid scheme at this �me. Almond HA have also stopped all non-essen�al inspec�ons, including stair inspects. All tenants are reminded not to store anything in the close for the safety of themselves and others in the building. The associa�on has also made the difficult decision to stop all nonemergency repairs including all void works. As such, the rele�ng of housing has also had to stop. Gas servicing is essen�al for tenant’s safety and therefore Almond HA will con�nue to carry out this service. Tenants are asked to allow access as much as possible, however anyone self-isola�ng should make the associa�on aware in the first instance. Following the First Minister’s request for all construc�on sites to shut down, Almond HA have stopped planned works including the smoke detector contracts, replacement fencing, paint works and rendering. All services will resume to normal as soon as it is safe to do so. Staff at Almond HA are commi�ed to helping their tenants as much as possible, especially during this Gas pandemic. servicing is

essen�al for tenant’s safety and therefore Almond HA will con�nue to carry out this

Almond HA staff can be contacted by phoning 01506 439291 or emailing enquiries@almondha.org.uk. Each message will be passed to the most relevant member of staff who will respond as soon as possible.

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