OUGD203 EVALUATION LIAM COOPER 1.What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? The main skills i have developed throughout this module are my skills outside of illustration. This whole module i have focussed trying something different, something i am not use to doing and not completely comfortable working in. For the YCN me and mitch decided to take our designs down the experimental route using different/unique ways of working to produce our outcomes and in the Product/Range/Distribution brief i decided to work with just type and layout. I feel throughout this module i have definitely developed on these skills, especially my type and layout skills, this being something i have not really been too comfortable with and felt others in the class were pushing ahead of me in, however i feel by doing these brief i have definitely proven that i am actually quite skilled in these areas and am happy with the quality of the outcomes i produced.
2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? I have developed the way i go about approaching design work, trying out different techniques and styles and looking at other design work out these before just going straight into designing. I feel by doing this it has improved my design work massively. Also with being experimental with outcomes, especially with the ycn, using different/unique approaches to design work to create innovative outcomes with a theory behind them without just designing something because it looks pretty. I also tried this with the P/P/R brief, attempting to use processing to come up with the design work for the project even though i couldn't develop my skills well enough to produce anything worthwhile it still influenced my design work to help produce some visually engaging design work. I
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? I feel my strength within the P/P/R brief was definitely my colour choices, because the design work itself was quite crisp and minimal i felt the main thing which really made it stand out was the use of colour, using different colour schemes than what you usually would see to give the design work a modern eye-catching look. Also my type and layout skills, not doing the type module i missed out on allot of typography knowledge that i feel could of really benefitted my practice, however by not doing this it allowed me to be allot more experimental with my typography, which i felt worked really well for the context of the PPR brief.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future? The main weakness would be fully developing my range. With my chosen brief being create the design work for a science exhibition, the potential range i could of produced was massive. However, i did not give myself enough time to explore this, wasting time trying to learn a new software and on the overall identity of the exhibition i didn't leave myself with enough time to create as many outcomes as i would of liked to create. The possible range available was massive aswel, i will adress this in the future by being realistic with the time scales of briefs and the
things i can achieve in this space of time, learning and mastering a new software not being one of these, i should of focussed on creating outcomes from as early as possible and given myself enough time to produce and many things as i possible could of done.
5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 1. explore processing further. 2. develop range capabilities further - give me a wider range of designs for my outcomes and allow me to experiment producing products that i wouldn't usually aim to produce. 3. master the processing programme well enough to create some interactive, unique outcomes allow me to produce design work with a theory behind it and create some really nice, different pieces of designs. 4. time management - i know it's a standart obvious point to make, but i feel if i put more time into the PPR brief i could of come out with a massive range of outcomes (because the possibilities where huge) which would of let to a massive portfolio of design work and. 5. Prepare for print properly, when printing some of my files were not formatted correctly which lead to low quality prints and a waste of time and money.