Did you know?
Did you know it takes 70 different pieces of wood to make a violin? This explains why some of them are so expensive (one even sold for $16 million!)
Eagle population reaches new heights The number of golden eagles in southern Scotland has hit its highest recorded level since the early 19th
1. In what country is K2, the second-tallest mountain in the world?
than 30 birds in an area where there
2. Sisters Anne, Charlotte and Emily were members of which 19th century literary family?
were fewer than five breeding pairs
3. In what year was the Great Fire of London?
just four years ago. The South of
4. What was the name of Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Pulp Fiction?
There are now estimated to be more
Scotland Golden Eagle Project has been relocating birds to the region since 2018. It started bringing chicks from the Highlands but has now begun
5. In Friends, who plays Rachel’s sister Jill? Answers: 1. Pakistan 2. The Brontë family 3. 1666 4. Jules 5. Reese Witherspoon
Century, BBC News has reported.
introducing older birds and is the first project in the UK to move golden eagles aged between six months and
Knock me down with a feather
three years from one area to another. The latest additions are seven birds
A record-breaking strawberry
caught in the Outer Hebrides and then
A farmer in Israel has entered the Guinness World
transported and released in the south
Records after he grew the largest strawberry on record,
of the country.
says Sky News. Weighing in at 289g, it has been declared the world’s largest after Chahi Ariel spent a year farming it; the previous record was held by a strawberry grown in 2015 in Fukuoka, Japan, that tipped the scales at 250g. The strawberry was picked on Mr Ariel’s family farm near Netanya in central Israel in February 2021 and has been stored in a freezer ever since. “We waited for a year for the results. We kept it in the freezer for a year - it’s no longer as pretty as it was,” Chahi said. The strawberry is a local variety called Ilan, which tends to grow to a hefty size. Sadly, the record-setting fruit has shrunk to about half the size it was a year ago.
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