Printing without borders
With many employees working across different locations, businesses need to consider how to handle their print requirements – and this is where managed print services can help
s COVID-19
Pietro recommends a managed print
reduce costs and ramp up efficiency.”
restrictions were lifted
service (MPS) to maintain control. “An MPS
over the summer life
gives insights into who is printing what and
ensure that their MPS solution’s security
returned to something
when, and to what device, tracking and
parameters, integration, DCA technology,
approaching normal for
logging this information so informed, print-
consumable logistics, contract management
many people - but among office workers, a
based decisions can be made, wherever that
and data analysis functions are state-of-the-
new normal of hybrid working has emerged,
print device is located.
art, and to check that they are compatible
where they split their time between the office and working from home. While this may help employees achieve
“Pre-pandemic, many organisations had robust print policies in place, with rules
Pietro adds that end-users need to
with the print demands and requirements of a modern businesses.
enforced by intelligent print management
a better work-life balance, it does present
solutions. This, combined with good print
potential problems for office managers, as
discipline and growing awareness of our
One way of ensuring your MPS can cope
Pietro Renda, chief marketing officer at MPS
personal responsibility to the environment,
with the demands of the business is by using
Monitor, explains. “With many companies
meant that print volumes were starting to
cloud-based solutions, says Elise McFarlane,
now adopting a hybrid working model, it’s
decrease. As people return to the office we
global product portfolio marketing manager
imperative that companies don’t lose control
expect to see a more vigorous enforcement of
at ECI Software Solutions. “With most
of their print as this will have cost, security
those print rules – at home and in the office
businesses adopting hybrid working models
and productivity implications,” he says.
– as part of an organisation’s overall plans to
in 2021, tracking print, copies, scans and OCTOBER 2021 [35]