Dr Liz Wilks, European director
If sustainability is already part of your strategy there is no
of sustainability at Asia Pulp and
reason not to continue this, as we are seeing that consumers
Paper (APP)
are more ready than ever for these products and services.
We now know that consumer
If you haven’t embarked on this journey already, now is the
behaviour can be predicted based
on behaviours in radically different
You can also often prevent a crisis from occurring by being
markets. The run on toilet paper rolls
aware, and having a plan of action in place, in case something
was first seen in China and Hong
does go awry. Sit down with your team, talk about potential
Kong, as fearful consumers rushed
obstacles, and map out a crisis plan in advance. Revisit it
to hoard daily essentials. This same behaviour then emerged in other cities around the world over the weeks and, in some places, continues today.
regularly for modifications and additions. Furthermore, embracing continuing education as a leader is critical. Remember that improving yourself improves your
Ensuring that you have a diverse product range which
team and the company as a whole. Maybe it’s a software class,
has, and will, include hygiene products, among other things,
or a workshop series on stress management. Lifelong learning
is a way to help ride the storm - as is storing some products
doesn’t just help improve the business, but also improves
more than others, and not relying on lean deliveries in case of
you by keeping you sharp and up-to-date on the latest best
supply chain delays.
practice. As a visiting professor this is something I’m seeing
Crises are, inevitably, also opportunities. As a producer
a lot; however, I also recently took a coaching course to
of essential products, our operations were not disrupted as
understand better what makes me tick and certainly, during
much as other industries were; however, many of the other
lockdown, have begun reading a lot more.
functions within our business had to adapt. Sustainability is
Some crises involve fast and long action. Adrenaline from
an integral part of our business and we need to continue this
discovering the crisis can give you a lot of energy, and clarity,
work, even amid local restrictions on travel. Our sustainability
to start dismantling it right away - but the biggest crises can
team has had to explore alternative means for conducting
take time. Leaders know when to pause for both themselves
ground verifications, using remote monitoring technologies
and their teams.
or working through emplaced teams. Some of these advances
The journey we are all on is not an overnight one and,
were already planned as part of a broader modernisation
sometimes, it is ‘the journey that teaches you a lot about your
effort, but the pandemic presented an opportunity to fast
destination’ – Drake. So, hopefully, some of these insights
track some of these initiatives.
from our own experience will help you along the way.
[14] OCTOBER 2020