The Edge magazine 0516

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May 2016



embodying the D ivine F eminine


Strength of Sensitivity with Dr. Kyra Mesich therapeutic massage resources

| poetry | columns | much more


May 2016 the edge  3

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CONTENTS Read Additional Articles on Our Featured Topic: Embodying the Divine Feminine



Practical Intuition by Doreen Virtue & Robert Reeves

Strength of Sensitivity A Conversation with Dr. Kyra Mesich Five Things I Learned from D¯og en Just the kind of thing a punk rock kid like me needed, by Brad Warner

16 She’s Just a Song, by Charlotte Rose 18 The Sacred Feminine, by Chrism 18 Ignite Your Divine Goddess Power by Melissa Divine 19 The Divine Feminine — Woman Clothed with the Sun  The Mystical Christ, by Michael Maciel 20 My Journey from Superwoman to Creative Goddess, by Theresa Nutt

6 Free St. Paul Event introduces the healing of Bruno Groening

20 What Divine Feminine means to Me by Larissa Broten

7 June Holistic Wellness Expo offers many Vendors, Free Talks

22 Being the Divine Feminine by Ann Chatfield

7 Spirit United hosts Moving Forward fundraiser on May 21  7 Poetry: Flowers, by Richard Donnelly

14 May Horoscope: Fertile Ground Mercurial Messages, by Heather Roan Robbins

8 Meaning, Purpose and SourcePoint by Donna Thomson

15 The Spiritual Purpose of Menopause by Alley Brook

8 A Single Dish to Satisfy Your Taste Food First, by Nutrition Julie

24 The Key to Letting Go by Blake Bauer

7 Poetry: in a creative process, by Jesse Castro

Spiritual Development by Russel Williams


10 The Joy of Homecoming A Pleiadian Message, by Christine Day 14 Five Lessons the Earth Taught Me about Love, by Rachel Kahn

EDGE LISTINGS 25 Featured Business Listings:  Therapeutic Massage 26 The Edge Business Network


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28 Sacred Gatherings

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We invite you to write 700 words or less on our featured topic next month: “Creativity and Intuition: How to tap into our inner resources and realize our creative dreams. Share your tips & experiences!” Deadline: May 9 | Or write on any aspect of holistic living, spirituality, healing or metaphysics. Include a brief bio, photo, and your mailing address for our records only. Email: editor@ Submit at:

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May 2016 the edge  5

Free St. Paul event introduces the healing of Bruno Groening In the midst of war-torn Germany during World War II, the son of a bricklayer foreman who wanted to be a carpenter discovered he had the ability to heal others, and wherever he lectured on healing on the spiritual path, people were healed of disease, some reportedly incurable. Bruno Groening, who had been a prisoner of war in Russia, found residence in Herford, Germany, upon release, with an engineer and his family who had heard of Groening’s healing powers. It was there, in 1949, when the engineer asked him to visit his bedridden son, Dieter, who suffered from muscular dystrophy. Groening looked at the 9-year-old boy, and it came to pass that the boy could leave his bed and learned to walk again. Deeply touched, the engineer asked Groening to stay as his guest. He invited more sick people to his home, and they also were healed. In very short time, news of “the Miracle of Herford” spread, whereupon thousands of people streamed to the house of the engineer. It was not long before local officials imposed a healing ban, because he had not been trained as a doctor or healing practitioner. Groening withdrew to the Traberhof in Rosenheim (Bavaria), and when his whereabouts became known, up to 30,000 people gathered on the grounds outside the living quarters of the estate, where again, mass healings occurred and another healing ban was imposed. In his lectures, Groening informed interested listeners about the basis of healing on the spiritual path. He emphasized more than once that people would be capable of receiving the healing energy and that more would be healed after his own death. In 1979, twenty years after Groening’s death, Grete Häusler started the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends to pass on the teaching of this unusual man. Mrs. Häusler, a teacher originally from Austria, suffered from three incurable diseases until in 1950, when she was healed after attending one of Groening’s lectures. By 2007, the year in which she passed away, she managed to start communities in all parts of the world. Today, the Circle of Friends is led by her son, Dieter Häusler. The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends consists

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of tens of thousands of people from more than 90 countries, all involved on a voluntary basis and loosely connected through the spirit of helping. The Circle of Friends pays all expenses through voluntary donations. In the mid-1980s, physicians began to find interest in this path. Today, thousands of physicians and members of other health care professions worldwide help to record the healings and document them according to scientific criteria. Ilse S. was suffering from cervical cancer. Despite several treatments by the head gynecologist at the municipal clinic, the malignant disease could not be stopped. Her family doctor finally told her, “I can’t do anything more for you, but I will give you a phone number where you may possibly still find help.” Ilse made the call and was informed about healing on the spiritual path, and a few days later she was introduced to the teaching of Bruno Groening. She learned to mentally detach herself from the illness and to absorb a power that the community leader called “Heilstrom” (healing force). After three years, Ilse reported at the Christmas celebration of the local Bruno Groening Circle of Friends community that her last visit to the clinic demonstrated that she was completely free of any cancer and regained her health completely. She told the community that she felt more physically fit than she had in two decades. Still today, Ms. S. regularly takes in the healing force and attends the community hours of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends every three weeks. As part of an international lecture series of the Medical Scientific Group, Brigitte Schneider, a Licensed Medical Practitioner from Germany, will be in St. Paul to speak on the topic of “Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path — Medically Verifiable.” She will speak at 7 p.m. Monday, May 16, in Room 105 at the Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave. Also speaking will be Daniela Dentico, M.D. Admission is free, and a donation is appreciated. For more information, please visit: www. For a personal contact in the Twin Cities, call 218.349.1571. a

EDGE TALK RADIO coordinator CATHRYN TAYLOR 612.710.7720 ISSN 1085-0996 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

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June Holistic Wellness Expo offers many vendors, free talks

Spirit United hosts Moving Forward fundraiser May 21

A Holistic Wellness Expo will be presented from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 11, in rural South Haven, Minn., giving participants the opportunity to explore the goods and services of more than 20 vendors, hear free talks throughout the day and experience the peace and joy of nature, animals, and the calmness of your own spirit. The event takes place at Earthway Farm at 15832 County Road 7 in South Haven. Admission is $5. Vendors will be offering their services in the area of energy healing, animal communication (bring a picture of your animal), mediums, card readers, spiritual guidance, numerology, healing touch, and much more. Fees will apply to the individual services. Products will be available for purchase, such as gemstones, jewelry, singing bowls, books, CDs, oracle cards, gem trees,

Spirit United Community will host a Moving Forward Fundraiser from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, May 21, at 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis. All funds, after expenses, will go to Spirit United to support the community’s transformation and transition to its new home. Honored guests will include Rev. Ron Moor, Sol Fire Shaman Jorge Villanueva Castillo and many others. Live musical performances will be presented by Frank DiCristina, Sacred Sound Healing Gongs and Singing Bowls, TentaTively Tea Time, Irish/Sufi Duo with Fiddles, Wild Moon Bhaktas, Chanting, Kirtan and Spiritual Music Band. A Silent Auction will include healing services, tickets to “Lion King” at the Orpheum, art and much more. Donations to attend are $20. Food will be available for purchase at the following food trucks: A Peace of Cake, Artisan Mini Doughnuts and The Bison Butler - Bison and BBQ. “We are Spirit United, full-hearted and mindful participants in the emerging New Story of compassionate co-creation with the Divine Mystery,” the spiritual community notes. “Our gatherings seek to engage your intellect, awaken your intuition, spark your imagination, and gladden your heart. Sunday Celebrations are at 10:30 a.m.” Connect with Spirit United Community online at or www. Explore Spirit United events, and network with members at Visit a

gemstone wands, wire-wrapped pendants, fairy houses, wire works, fairy dolls, and much more. Door prizes will be given away throughout the day. Four free talks will be offered throughout the day:   Amy Vasterling, presenting “Come Learn the Ins & Outs of Your Psychic/Intuitive Ability!”   Candy Mullen presenting “You and Your Animal Companion.”   Tammy Winter presenting “Love Lessons from School.”   Becky Steinhoff presenting “Basic Pythagorean Numerology.” For more information, contact Earthway Farm at 320.236.7852 or Visit or a

in a creative process


by Jesse Castro all things rediscovered in stillness leave to eventually reside in the tops of trees obsessed with the sky.

by Richard Donnelly when we’re old I’ll grow flowers I said

all things revisited loudly beyond the obvious, remain hidden, with no choice but to fly. a Jesse Castro is a poet, outsider artist, community activist, art educator and advocate for the displaced and at-risk children and their parents. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

no she said I’ll do it I’m better at it than you a

Richard Donnelly lives in Minneapolis, home of the waffle fry. Why leave? His first book, The Melancholy MBA, is issued by Brick Road Press of Columbus, Georgia. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Edge Talk Radio Podcasts Expanding the Holistic Conversation visit May 2016 the edge  7

Meaning, purpose and SourcePoint by Donna Thomson Imagine the universe in this way: everywhere you look you see an intricate web of meaning and purpose, a grid of light, energy and information that nourishes you and sustains you, that breathes as you breathe, lives as you live. As above, so below. You, too, are an intricate web of meaning and purpose, a grid of light, energy and information, connected to that greater network, breathing as it breathes, living as it lives. It’s not actually hard to imagine this, because it is how things are. There was a period in my life when I was receiving guidance from a Native American teacher to learn more about energy and how it worked. During that time, every time I saw a raven fly through the bright blue New Mexico sky, I knew, knew, in my whole soul, spirit, body-being, that I was intimately connected to all that is, and that everything had ultimate meaning and purpose. Ravens are said to be the messengers of spirit, and I was generously being given a powerful spiritual message. People today spend a lot of time trying to determine their purpose in life. It’s one of the main subjects of the Awareness sessions I do with people. SourcePoint can help with this. In SourcePoint, we connect with the Blueprint of health for the human being, the specific energy field that gives rise to, nourishes and sustains the human body. This Blueprint contains the information for the highest potential of the human being. As we come into alignment with the Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow of the Blueprint, we access this information. We begin to act in greater harmony with our highest potential. The deep intention of our spirit can flow more readily in our lives. The key is not to worry so much about what we are supposed to be doing, but to focus on our connection to our highest potential, to that greater web of meaning and purpose that we are a part of. That connection, just as it helps our physical health, helps our spiritual health, and helps us to know who we are, why we are here, and what our path in this world is.

When we use SourcePoint Therapy to support our physical health, we don’t neglect other modalities that work directly at the physical level to sustain that health, such as medical treatment, nutrition, herbs, and so on. In the same way, while SourcePoint Therapy can help us come into a greater realization and manifestation of our highest potential, we don’t neglect to work with intention, goal, aspiration and exploration of our own unique talents and gifts. We just do this in the context of being connected to the information of our highest potential. One useful practice is to examine your “organizing principles.” What themes or concerns do you organize your life around? Past trauma, specific relationships, anxiety about the future? General principles of love, service, growth and so on? Specific goals or aspirations? This exploration can be very helpful in getting you in touch with what you really feel your purpose in life is, and whether your current central organizing principles are in alignment with it. This exploration works together with the Blueprint to reorganize the energy field in a meaningful and purposeful way. Another way to phrase this question is: What is your North Star? A tree doesn’t think about its purpose in life. Its entire being is devoted to being a tree. It is its purpose. The purpose of being you — is to be you. The connection to the Blueprint helps you be you, to realize your potential. Many practitioners have now told us that their clients report a “sense of hope” after receiving SourcePoint Therapy. This hope is a sign of connection to that information of the Blueprint, of their highest potential. It’s the ground for physical healing, and another step forward on the spiritual journey. a Donna Thomson, MSW, is an intuitive, meditation teacher and author of the book Simple Meditations to Use your Energy Effectively (Sentient Publications). She is the co-originator of SourcePoint Therapy with her husband and partner in healing work, Bob Schrei. For more information, visit Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

A single dish to satisfy your taste Food First

by Nutrition Julie Want a quick, yummy, nutritious option for lunch or dinner? Of course you do! I love to create one bowl meals that are just that. Instead of making dinner a huge production, just toss together a few great ingredients, enjoy the taste and enjoy the energy you feel after eating it! A lot of this recipe can be done ahead of time and assembled later at work or after work. The roasted chick peas, by the way, are a great snack all on their own! But remember to leave enough for your salad later. Thai Quinoa Bowl with Crunch Crunch: Take 1 - 12 oz. can chickpeas (garbanzo beans) rinse, drain and blot with paper towel. Toss in a bowl with 2 T Olive Oil, salt to taste and spice how you like with curry, onion powder, cayenne, or other spices. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast at 450 degrees for 30-40 minutes until crunchy and 8

browned. This part can be done ahead of time and saved for snacks or crunch for any green leafy salad or this quinoa bowl. For this recipe, I seasoned with Himalayan salt, onion powder and curry powder. Salad: 1 cup cooked quinoa 4 cups mixed greens 1/2 cup cilantro 1/2 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped 2 carrots, shredded 1/2 red onion finely sliced 2 green onions, chopped 1 avocado, chopped Dressing: In small saucepan, combine and heat on low until melted 6 T coconut milk 2 T sesame oil 4 T peanut butter (no sugar added) 2 tsp Sriracha 1 tsp curry powder 2 garlic cloves Himalayan salt and black pepper to taste

The quinoa, dressing and crunch can all be made ahead of time. Blend all salad ingredients and top with the dressing and chickpeas. Serves 2. a Nutrition Julie is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Raw Food Nutrition Educator who is passionate about Nutrition, Health and Wellness. Julie believes that real, whole, nutritious foods are a powerful tool in living a healthy, conscious, disease-free life and works to educate, inspire and empower others with her step-by-step Food First System. Visit Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

May 2016 the edge  9

The joy of homecoming A Pleiadian Message

by Christine Day Beloved ones, we greet you. The winds of change move across your Earth plane on yet another level at this most powerful juncture of your journey. The dimensional settings within the energetic core of your planet are being recalibrated to enable you to move beyond aspects of the illusion that have been preventing you from being able to align and stabilize into Truth. This shifting element is bringing you one step closer to a self-realization experience, to your Higher Realm reality of home. This whole energetic transfer is designed for your individual homecoming process. This transfer energy is enabling you to create tremendous shifts within your world. You have been waiting to align to this destiny moment of dimensional change. There will be necessary requirements for you to align into this changing profile by allowing this energy to move you naturally through the moment-by-moment experiences in your daily life. Know that by letting go, and simply meeting this energetic setting, you will find a deep fulfillment within as you are moved to each expanded experience of the moment. Claiming the moment

As you reach forward into each experience with your awareness, you are actually claiming the fullness of the moment as yours. The process of you choosing is how you can achieve this opening into the full multi-dimensional moment. Through the use of the Conscious Breath, you are claiming and opening up into what is yours; this opens you into your natural experience like unwrapping a gift. The full process involves you surrendering into the moment of your experience. As you open to each moment, you need to let go of all attachments to how things are going to look and how your life is going to work out. Through your heart connection you can now “let go” of the need to know and the need to understand what is going on. You can simply witness that which is right in front of you. Your ego mind screams out in this current of change because it feels out of control. Your ego mind holds on to a story of how your life should be, the wants and desires based on past experiences. Fear-based thoughts and stories that are founded on misinterpretation of the Truth are carried within the illusions of the ego. This 3rd dimensional illusion has kept you in a cycle of self-sabotage for lifetimes. Through the energetic changes that are 10

taking place on your planet the misinterpretations of your story are beginning to break down on many levels. Your life is no longer working in the way it has in the past. There are subtle shifts in many small insignificant ways, and there have been some dramatic changes in very major aspects of your life. This breaking down process is an indication of the transformational cycle that your planet is going through. Through this monumental dimensional transition of change taking place, nothing can be the same, as it has previously been known. Within this prevailing phase, the 3rd dimensional illusion can no longer be held in place. There are cracks appearing through the veils that have been holding this illusion in place in order for you to have your full human experience. Now you can begin to see how old patterns are basically breaking down; revelations through your own personal life and throughout your country are being exposed. That which does not contain Truth, that is based on illusion, is being revealed. Expression of change

Now is the time for you to move forward to receive your own personal expression of change. As you choose to reach forward aligning through your heart space, you can receive a new experience of being. Today, right now, you are being asked to simply stop struggling and to open up in a state of acceptance, letting everything fall away in this moment and to witness all that you have created for yourself at this time. By accepting where you are in this moment in your life, your struggle ends. An aspect of the illusion here on your planet is “the need to struggle.” The time for struggle is coming to an end through this energetic dimensional expansion on your planet. The state of self-acceptance involves you being willing to let go and to open up to all of your imperfections of who you are in this moment within your humanness. Your struggle can end through self-acceptance. Through this acceptance, you will be able to open into an expanded dimensional unlimited moment. Within this space you will experience peace. You will find rest. You will know Truth. This is your time to do things differently in your life, to make changes in the way you live with your self on the planet. Change happens by making a decision to do something other than what you have been doing. Open up into the action of holding your self in a moment of compassion and patience. One moment of self-acceptance brings change. Self-acceptance is self-love. The key realization is for you to understand your own imperfection, and to accept

the fact that as a human being you are “perfectly imperfect.” Your striving to do it “right” or to do it perfectly is impossible to fulfill. You need to recognize that your inner design as a human being has been, and still is, for you to make mistakes in order to learn. You have come here to have a learning experience. We honor your human process! And even more importantly, you need to honor your own human process! This dimensional energetic pulse is now flowing across your planet. This pulse is creating new vibrational life force energy for change. The flow of energy emerging from this pulse is designed for you to be able to more easily “let go” and open into the sacred moments of your life. This pulse is changing the vibrational forms of the illusion that are here on the planet, so that you will be able to identify the various forms of illusion more readily than ever before. A new path

Today is your first day to begin a new path, one step at a time and one breath at a time. As you choose to take this step of selfacceptance, the cells of your body can begin to align to the changing energetic rhythm of this pulse that is birthing a dimensional framework on your Earth plane. The cells of your own body will be able to adjust to this pulse, moving through a metamorphosis that will be able to support your inner transformation towards no longer being held within this illusion. This flowing energy will allow you to move beyond these webs of illusion that have been preventing you from being able to make changes within your process of living. Now you can consciously be present with yourself in the moment, and take back full ownership of your life differently than ever before. You have come here to have a human experience and you have done this for lifetimes. Now, in this lifetime, you are moving into another time frame in which you are to birth into the greater part of yourself, your higher Self. This is the time for your spiritual aspect to re-emerge through you and for you to resurrect that sacred part within you. This process of your resurrection plays a major part in your homecoming process. Many of you are already on that pathway and are experiencing aspects of your sacred nature. Yet, you are still experiencing a restriction, a veil in place keeping you in a separated place from deeply anchoring and sourcing from your Higher Realm place. This separating veil is now being released on your planet and giving you a stabilized access to that sacred aspect of you. This is a destiny time for many of you who are on

the path to make a shift forward into a different way of being here on the planet. Many significant factors are coming into play through this transitional phase and you are being called to make some important changes in the way you are living. There is a great need for you to begin to approach humanity in a state of compassion and love. Of course, to be able to achieve this you will need to begin the process of opening up into a state of your own self with acceptance, compassion and love. Remember, this is accomplished by accepting your own imperfections! Actualizing this process successfully requires you to align to moments of understanding the full Truth of your personal journey here on the earth plane. With each moment of experiencing these Truths, the cells of your body can transform. Each cell is capable of holding and anchoring the energy and the frequencies contained in your moments of Truth. These sacred energetic moments become accumulative within your cells. The Sacred Truths

Below are the sacred Truths that will liberate you from struggle in your life now. You will need to open up to these steps as a Truth. From this place of understanding you begin to utilize the framework listed here, applying it to your self and your own life experiences. As you meditate on these statements and open up to your individual experience you can begin to let go of the self judgment, guilt and struggle, all the illusion that you have been holding onto within: Accept that you have come   here to have a series of experiences in order to learn. There are no wrong   choices. Each decision has brought you a new learning experience. Through each of these   series of experiences in your life that you have created, you have done the very best you could in each moment. You are meant to make   mistakes, receive the learning experience and then move

on…and let go. You are not responsible for   anyone else’s experiences, only your own. You are not a victim. You   have never been a victim. You have simply played out your role perfectly to have the desired experience. An essential aspect

To move into your full transition of awakening, you need to transform your relationship with your human aspect. This is an essential aspect of your sacred process. For your full liberation, there must be a deep understanding of all your human vulnerabilities. Part of the illusion on this Earth plane has been that you cannot become enlightened until you reach perfection. This has created an enormous inner separation within you as you try to do everything perfectly. This struggle has accelerated this separating element within you. We remind you again that your state of imperfection is a natural aspect of your humanness. A key element of your enlightenment process includes the acceptance of your human imperfections. There needs to be a resolution restored within you. Through opening to these sacred Truths, you can begin to reconcile within yourself aspects of your life that have not been fully resolved. This is the time for your self-restoration. We witness you and support this aspect of your journey. Know that all is in hand. Let go and allow the natural current of your own life force to take you and hold you. Blessings, The Pleiadians. a Christine Day is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author. Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live. Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete selfhealing. Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally. Visit Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

May 2016 the edge  11




A Conversation with Dr. Kyra Mesich

by staff reports “Being empathic is being sensitive to emotional energy. It is vital to understand empathic ability in order to fully, holistically understand yourself as a sensitive person.” In introducing her new book, The Strength of Sensitivity: Understanding Empathy for a Life of Emotional Peace & Balance (Llewellyn Worldwide), available in bookstores on May 8, local author Kyra Mesich, PsyD., says empathic ability is a profound reminder that we are all connected. However, it’s not always easy to cope with. “For highly sensitive people, empathic ability can feel like an invasion, leading to confusion, physical issues and emotional distress,” she says. “The Strength of Sensitivity explores the causes of empathic connections and provides techniques for developing and coping with sensitivity in a positive way.” Dr. Mesich’s new book follows up on what she presented in The Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide, which explored how it feels to endure the discomforts of being a sensitive, empathic person. The new book shares stories not only about the struggles of being an empath but also the triumphs, and it presents amazing research that explains how empathic ability works. It reveals tools such as flower essences, mindfulness meditation and visualization practice that effectively help sensitive people create healthier relationships with their empathic abilities. “In the 15 years since I wrote the survival guide,” she says, “I’ve learned a great deal about going beyond merely surviving and instead learned to evolve my experience as a sensitive, empathic person. Empathic ability can be developed and used more comfortably. The way you experience your sensitivity can evolve, and its gifts and benefits can outweigh the overwhelm. As sensitive people, our time has come to embrace who we are, carry ourselves proudly, and spread our influence to make a world a more peaceful, compassionate place.” She earned a doctoral degree in clinical psychology in 1995. A quest to understand sensitivity from a truly holistic perspective led her to study extensively in the field of integrative health. Her holistic training includes flower essence therapy, Reiki, hypnotherapy, yoga and meditation. Empathic experiences with clients plus frustration with the limitations of traditional talk therapy led her to integrate holistic modalities into her healing practice. She shared with us some insight into 12

more reactive. There is greater blood flow in our brains in response to certain stimuli. So what I want people to understand is that sensitivity is a holistic experience for us: physically, emotionally and energetically. Why did you write a book for sensitive people? KM: If any group needs a boost in self-esteem,

it is sensitive people. We’ve been told our entire lives that we are weak, odd, and that we need to toughen up. We get dismissed with “Oh, you’re just being too sensitive.” Most sensitive people really do think there is something wrong with them because they are so sensitive, and they dislike being that way. I want every sensitive reader to know that he or she is not alone. Far from it, actually. Highly sensitive people are at least 20 percent of the population. We are strong in number and possess strengths in many misunderstood abilities such as sharp, quick perception, compassion, empathy and intuition.

What new perspectives does your book provide for sensitive people? KM: There are a lot of new concepts in The

Dr. Kyra Mesich: Author of a new book sensitivity, empathy and how the two are related. Your book is titled The Strength of Sensitivity. Are you a sensitive person? Dr. Kyra Mesich: Yes, of course. My work

began on the path of self-understanding. I was a stereotypical sensitive little girl and young adult. I cried easily. I was exhausted by crowded places. I couldn’t stand violence or negativity. I was picked on at school. I felt odd and misunderstood. Fast forward 25 years, and now I am a holistic psychotherapist who sings the praises of sensitivity. Sensitive people need to know that there is nothing wrong with us. In fact, the more we embrace and learn about our sensitivity, the stronger we become in body, mind, and spirit.

How do you define sensitivity? KM: I describe sensitive people as very

perceptive and aware of even the most subtle influences. We feel emotions deeply; experience strong reactions, and generally experience the world with more impact than less sensitive people. Sensitivity is often confused with shyness and introversion, but those are different things. Sensitivity is about keen perception and responsiveness. For example, it has been shown in scientific studies that sensitive people’s physiology is

Strength of Sensitivity. I challenge readers to really look at how they define themselves and to change the limiting beliefs we’ve been taught about our sensitivity. I address sensitivity from a truly holistic point of view — in addition to the physical and emotional, I don’t skip over the energetic and metaphysical. We need to understand who we are in mind, body and spirit if we are to become more comfortable with our sensitivity and access its strengths. That leads to a whole host of new ways to heal, recalibrate our sensitivity, and appreciate the importance of why we are the way we are.

Why has sensitivity been regarded as a weakness? KM: At some point in the history of humanity,

we made a collective shift to focus on the coarse physical and mechanical aspects of life. We separated ourselves from nature and sought to override subtle with forceful. We feared anything that we couldn’t readily see and understand. From that perspective, sensitivity was no longer valued and even viewed as a threat. Also, when sensitivity was defined through that limited, concrete mode of thinking, we lost the knowledge to understand the strengths of our finer, subtler, energetic aspects. Despite all that, sensitive people have always been the artists, visionaries, compassionate healers, and spiritual teachers, providing balance to society as a whole.

How does intuition relate to sensitivity? KM: Intuition is the feeling of just knowing some-

thing without having any outside evidence. It is a sudden insight that comes from within. Some say it is the subconscious speaking to our conscious awareness. Sensitive people naturally have strong, accurate intuition. The only problem is that we’ve been taught to dismiss it rather than listen to it. Sensitive people are keenly perceptive on all levels, especially on the subtle, intuitive level. Intuition is one of the major strengths of our sensitivity. We just need to learn to trust it, which takes a little practice.

Do you think people are becoming more sensitive? KM: Yes, children are being born with more and

more profound sensitivities. As human beings, we evolve and each generation is a little different. Taking care of the Earth, compassionate action, and creative, outside-the-box thinking are sensitive attributes embraced by our young generations. Chemical sensitivities and food intolerances are common issues now. People are also more willing to learn about esoteric things such as intuition and empathic ability. Sensitivity, heightened awareness, creativity, compassion, cooperation and empathy had been devalued in our society. I believe the pendulum is starting to swing back in our favor so that these strengths of sensitivity will again be respected and cultivated. You use the word empathy in relation to sensitivity. How do you define empathy? KM: People generally think of empathy as truly

understanding another person’s emotional experience, but there is more to it than that. I use the words empathy, empathic and empath all interchangeably. I was recently pleased to see that even the dictionary has started doing the same by defining the word empathy as, “vicariously experiencing the feelings of another without having the feelings communicated in an objective or explicit way.” In other words, an empathic person can feel what someone else is feeling. And, in my research, I have identified that empathic ability is a trait shared by all sensitive people. What do sensitive people need to know about being empathic? KM: Of all the things people dislike about

being a sensitive person, the capacity for being empathic is usually number one. It is our ability to be empathic that makes us cry at awkward

moments or feel someone else’s grief as if it were our own. Sensitive people often describe their empathy as painful and overwhelming at times. That is, if they are aware that they are empathic. When sensitive people are never taught that empathic ability even exists, much less that they themselves are empathic, they wind up identifying the empathic emotions they are sensing from others as their own feelings. This leads to a lot of emotional confusion and discomfort. Luckily, though, that state of being can be alleviated. How can sensitive people experience empathic emotions more comfortably? KM: For most, it is not an instantaneous process

because we live in a society that denies empathic ability even exists. That means we have a lot of limited beliefs to overcome. So first, it is a matter of accepting what empathy is, how it has impacted us throughout our lives, and learning to recognize it when it happens. Next is the willingness to think outside the box and try holistic healing methods to recalibrate. I have found flower essence remedies to be especially healing for sensitive, empathic people. Particular essences can actually recalibrate us to better discern between our own emotions and empathic feelings that we sense. And lastly, we need to stay on the course of healing our own emotional baggage and issues. The clearer we are, the easier it is to discern what emotional energy is not ours. Then we can begin to use empathic ability as helpful information, akin to intuition. What’s the most important thing you want sensitive people to know? KM: Being sensitive is not a life sentence for

feeling uncomfortable. We can change. We can learn to understand and use the lesser known aspects of our sensitivity, such as empathic ability and intuition. There are tools available to help us recalibrate and feel more resilient. None of these approaches will dull or “turn off” our sensitivity. When I say we can change, I mean we can transcend the limitations and false beliefs about our sensitivity. The more we learn about ourselves in body, mind and spirit, the more comfortable, confident and strong we become. I’m not kidding when I say there is strength to sensitivity. We just have to treat ourselves with respect and believe that we are far more expansive than we think we are. a

For more information on Kyra Mesich, visit her online at

Coming Next Month! 2016 Spring / Summer E d g e D i r e c to r y in the June issue June at more than 500 locations in the Twin Cities ...and beyond May 2016 the edge  13

Five lessons the earth taught me about love How to listen to the earth, the voice of a carrot, and following your heart by Rachel Kahn I am on a journey. A journey of discovery. Of heart and of food. My journey is quite literally taking me on a cross-country adventure in search of earth inspiration. I have stepped away from the life I know, placed all my belongings in storage, and packed two suitcases to flow through the heart of mama earth. This tour is not sponsored or funded. It is my contribution. I write about people to inspire others. This article is dedicated to what I know now of the people of the earth. In the coming months, as life is all about the lessons we learn, I envision the “what I know now” to become a new now, with updated lessons. It is my hope that this journey inspires your dreams. Take a step with me on this fabulous food adventure. My spirituality is food. The carrots and soil speak if we listen. This is what they have told me. The ground is soil — not dirt. Choose your words and your food lovingly. I was once told that soil stands for Source of Infinite Life. Even today when I write the words, tears spring to my eyes. How can we use the word dirt despairingly when it is what connects us to infinite abundance? The soil is the home for all life. It is the womb for our trees, our beloved oranges, and the ground we are honored to walk upon. Sit down on the earth. Grab a handful of soil. Rub it between your fingers and feel yourself smile. It is the magic of reverence. Real food straight from healthy soil tastes different. I recall the first time I visited an organic farm. The lovely farmer picked an edible flower and handed it to me. Dirt and all. (Yes, I used to use the “D” word). My polite self said “Oh, pretty. Thank you.” She said eat it! My city girl self thought “Whaaaat?” The good news is that polite won, and when I bit into that flower it was like tasting sunshine, bright colors and joy. All at once! My life changed in that moment. I felt the energy of all time and giggled child-like from my toes. No matter where you are in the world. 14

Seek out a farmer and ask for a bite straight from the garden. Your world will be instantly brighter. Healthy soil has the same microbes as a healthy digestive tract. Imagine a city full of happy diverse people all working together for the good of each other. Pretty cool, eh? Well this is what healthy soil does everyday. It is full of microorganisms essential for life. The cooperation between those microorganisms, plant roots, insects and weeds make for a winning team. (Contrary to popular biotech propaganda, weeds and insects are the rockstars of our community). Where does our digestive tract fit into this? The root of the plant is essential to its health and ultimately the fruits and vegetables that nourish our bodies. A healthy root houses beneficial microbes, just like a healthy human gut. Healthy soil is crucial for healthy humans! Food heals. We have been supplied with all we need for health. Do you know what garlic, raw honey and coconut oil all have in common? They are anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Did you know that lemons are not only natural internal cleaning agents, they are happy little mood boosters. How about kale and broccoli? More calcium than milk! Turmeric? Antiinflammatory. I could go on and on, yet you get the idea. What is the fun way to make all this glory happen in your body? See how many colors you can combine on one plate and eat, eat, eat and eat some more. Don’t forget to take a picture and send them to us! Why? Because we love to share the joy — and because food that looks like a rainbow is art for the soul. We are one with the earth. What happens to me happens to all life. Really! I will let you think about this one. See you on the road. I will be the lady hugging a tree, chomping on a healthy “weed” and chatting with the caterpillar. a Rachel Kahn is the founder of LoveSelf, a gluten free wellness magazine dedicated to inspiring self-love through real earth-empowered food. She tells the happy stories! Rachel began studying holistic health and nutrition over a decade ago and attributes her own healing to lessons in body nurturing choices. Rachel is highlighting inspiring people making a positive difference in our food communities. Please reach out to Rachel at or on Facebook at LoveSelfWellness, Twitter: LoveSelfGF, and Instagram: LoveSelfGF. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

May horoscope: Fertile ground Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac

by Heather Roan Robbins

Our garden and the ground of our soul are fertile, ripe for planting anything we truly want to grow (seeds, love, resumes, projects) with the Sun, Mercury, Venus in earthy, stubborn, fecund, Venus-ruled Taurus as May begins. On the Taurus New Moon May 6-7, plant with love and care; It will grow, so make it beautiful. May 8-10 an openhearted and romantic Venus-Jupiter trine opens our heart, creates connections, and encourages creative flow. Just don’t rush. With Mercury retrograde April 29 through May 23, complications arise when we hurry, push or get stuck in our head. Mercury symbolizes communication and transportation; when Mercury retrogrades (appears to back up as it passes between Earth and Sun) our hearts know more than our head. If tension arises, assume a misunderstanding. Confirm facts, schedules and look for a silver lining in delays. Review, retreat, remember, reconnect. The Sun enters flirtatious, curious Gemini on May 20, Venus follows May 24, and the conversation speeds up. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Your world buzzes with opportunity if you stay on track and double-check your facts; sprint ahead, just make sure you’re running in the right direction. If material concerns crop up, work with karma and plant seeds of future abundance; generosity boomerangs. Reconnect with an old interest mid-month, sidestep confrontation in late May. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…You understand the present rhythm, and can be helpful in a way that help people appreciate what you do and who you are. Garden life well May 6-11, as subtle doors open. Don’t count on others’ generosity mid-month; it comes with unexpected complications. Stay centered but flexible May 24-26 and prioritize healthy relationships. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…If you feel out of your element the first few weeks of May, find the humor in oddities. Drop into your heart and out of your head to solve problems. Heal old misunderstandings mid-month. Rest and recuperate now, your season is coming. Handle anxiety with grace May 20-24, then take the conversational lead. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Nurture community relationships, feed family, support teamwork. Tap into your ability to lead people out of misunderstanding and into caring. Plant seeds in gardens and friendships May 6-10. Connect around moments of shared history mid-month; review and fine-tune your memory. You may choose quiet when others get busy after May 23.

the world gets noisy after May 24. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Work, work, work; don’t stress it or drop the ball for the first few weeks of the month. Take leadership, encourage discouraged people mid-month; people will tend to lean on you. Life gets more comfortable after May 24, but the energy diffuses; concentrate on bringing small projects to completion before, explore afterward.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Look for fertile professional opportunities by reconnecting with old leads, students or mentors. Walk lightly and stay flexible the first three weeks of May; if you’re misunderstood, open your heart and reach out to understand. Prove to be a wonderful, open-hearted listener. Your social life opens towards the end of the month. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Life is your university; everything is a learning experience, just how you like it. Since mistakes are expected under Mercury retrograde, relax and try a new skill. Appreciate humor in slapstick, notice unusual luck, and have faith. Keep agenda light May 21-25 to deal with unexpected events. Balance the many possibilities afterwards. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…You appear so upbeat, your normally supportive circle won’t notice if you face some tough inner work this month. Speak up if you need help. Notice unspoken motivations of the people around you and investigate your concerns. Much will be made clear in the conversation towards the end of the month. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…If life feels difficult, stop pushing. Honor other people’s process, support their efforts, and they’ll support you next. Mercury retrograde can be a relief; enjoy quiet solitude if communication gets difficult, rather than cranky. Get contemplative, and let in the quiet to serve you when

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…You’re probably tired of being the grown-up in the room; take time to feed your personal dreams May 6-10. Your deep sense of responsibility helps others stay on track mid-month, but don’t micro-manage; instead co-create with Spirit and cohorts and leave room for serendipitous mistakes. Relax and receive the last week of May. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Return to your roots, to an old habit that makes you feel cozier; visit home or visit with someone who reminds you of family. Whether comfortable or uncomfortable, old family patterns come up for review and healing. Clear unfinished business to more comfortably create the home and family you want in the future. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Don’t get caught up in others’ tensions early May; instead, be a soothing, imaginative resource who helps others think of fresh possibilities when they feel stumped. Mid-May, take an opportunity to learn from familiar people; it does them good to teach. Get centered to help manage the postMay 24th business with aplomb. a Heather Roan Robbins is a heart-centered and choiceoriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years’ experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She’s trained in astro-locality, mythic, multigenerational and traditional astrology and uses it at the core of her spiritual counseling. For a daily view, read Starcodes at Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

The spiritual purpose of menopause by Alley Brook A younger woman’s birthing system procreates physical life — babies. As a woman matures, her birthing system changes. This is called menopause. These menopausal years will become a time of sacred change for each woman. Indigenous cultures understood this important time, one of deeper contemplation and selfawareness…awakening the Elder, the Crone, the wise woman. Your birthing process now becomes an experience of expanded spiritual awareness and co-creation. During this process, you will be reborn and all that you create manifests sacredness and understandings. If you are aware of this opportunity, it is an easier transformation. If you are unaware, then blocked fears and unresolved issues can make this transformation confusing, painful and difficult. Living in our modern culture, devoid of true spiritual guidance, we have forgotten our sacred nature — but,

do not deny the importance of your spiritual self, for it is the truth of which you are. To become a participant during your sacred time of menopause, awareness of your multidimensional nature is essential. You become more complete with the physical aspect of the world, while deepening your focus into the Spiritual World revealed from deep within. This is a sacred time — a most sacred journey — awakening into self. a Learn the Art of Spiritual Purification — connect to the Spiritual World while accessing your Spiritual Guidance — at the Bismarck Workshop in June 2016. For a complimentry 10-minute consultation with Alley go to Alley Brook is a speaker, teacher, conduit and published author based in Boulder, Colo. Contact her at 303.999.9181 Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

May 2016 the edge  15


She’s Just a Song by Charlotte Rose

Tell them the story about the heart that couldn’t stop beating. It wasn’t long before she asked the question. Is it real? she uttered, nearly breathless. ¶ No, he said. She almost missed it. His voice was muffled by the blanket of stars that wove the two of them together. She didn’t know if it was real or an illusion; she couldn’t seem to find the lines, the borders of the context that she was playing in this time. Fear struck her like a hot blade to new flesh. She felt its sting and her immediate impulse was to pull back. But as she pulled herself away she realized that she had space to move, and if she had space that must mean that she was within a playing field of some kind. And if she was, then it would follow logically to assume that her voice was not hers, but belonged merely to her projection. Who was listening to it? she asked herself. I must be outside of myself. The self that I believe to be me must be but a part of my whole. Questions flooded the 16

room and strangled her; she felt her life force being snuffed out as she grappled with real, fake, here, there, now, then, future, time. Then the questions stopped. She lie awake in bed, hardly breathing. She felt the pulse of her heart, the subtle rise and fall of her chest as she drew in the air around her and returned it to its source. She realized that she must have been here all the while, breathing, beating, living. She existed here, making sounds that didn’t belong to her, in a space that wasn’t hers, asking questions in a dream that didn’t need to be answered but rather needed not be asked. And she was again, afraid. If there are no questions and no answers, then how will I know that I am real? Will I lose myself? she asked. She wasn’t sure whose ears would catch her query. Or if ears were the direction of her aim at all. She waited, in stillness, returning to the reflection of the nothing that she belonged to. But how could it be? How could it be that she was something, someone, with breath, a heart, a face, a story, a voice, but belonged to nothingness and was nothing more? All that ever was

Relinquishing control, she slipped again into a slumber of sorts. Memories of other times and places flooded her awareness and made her sure that she had lived a

thousand lives before the present. She understood, suddenly, that she was the accumulation of all that ever was and would ever be. The contrast of nothing and something lived through her. She stopped asking questions and her heart opened, fully, for the first time. She lived as a songbird sits on a wire and lets the world translate itself through its instrument. She didn’t try anymore. She left well enough alone. She felt not that she had figured it out but that understanding was her natural state. Alone again in misery, her body pulled her. The urge to use the restroom was so human, so far from the divine, that it called her back to all of her fear and longing. She wished that she could return to where she had just been but wasn’t able to locate the state. She searched, trying to feel her energetic body woven between the lines of each of her cells, chromosomes, physical existence. Nothing. She couldn’t find it. So she waited, living like she was used to, following the call of thoughts to act in ways that seemed to serve her but didn’t. And she knew that she was coming up short. This wasn’t going to cut it, for she wanted that feeling of being truly alive and she wanted it all of the time. Not just sometimes. She was terrified of losing it, of being forced to return to the feeling of being separate.

Her eyes found mine in a mirror as she stared into space. How is it that I can see me, but I still don’t know who I am, where I came from, or how I got here? The questions buzzed in her mind like insects, feverish, searching for flesh, savage, careless, bumping into sacred structures and causing damage as they went. She knew, she could feel that it was all wrong, but she couldn’t find the way to leave it. Help me, she called out. To whom? I’m afraid. I don’t want to fail, I don’t want to fall, I don’t want to bruise, I don’t want to suffer, I don’t want to be less than connected, I don’t want to be me anymore, I want…I want to be more. I want to be everything. I want to understand. I want not to want. I want not to ask. I want to go home. But I don’t want to lose control, I don’t want to let go. I don’t want to fall, I don’t want to fail, I don’t want to lose this person that I have worked so long and so hard to craft because if I don’t have me, then what do I have? What else is there? What is beyond these eyes that I stare into and ask, Why?

anymore. She was bursting at the seams and the pain of it alerted her to the fact that she was breaking. But instead of feeling fear as she normally did when she noticed this horrible, unbearable pain, this nagging, unquenchable thirst, this terrible, terrible lie, she decided to let it live, and let it die, and see what was on the other side. Out of this world

Orgasm of the spirit

And as if another person had been standing with her, just waiting for her to give permission, she felt enveloped in a warm hug. An orgasm of the spirit. She was overcome with the most amazing feeling of trust and love. A feeling that she thought was unattainable. And she asked, Who was it that thought I couldn’t be here? Connected? Who was it that was so afraid that I would be lost by becoming found? Who was it that was so afraid of going home? Was that me? The difference was clear to her. Her mission seemed to be arranged like a series of magnets attracting her, guiding her every step in the direction that would bring her joy and deliver it like a vessel to every other being. It all seemed so clear and so silly that she ever believed she was alone. Where do I end? she asked the mysterious mother who held her. Where is my start and where is my finish? she clarified. Never my dear. You’ve never been, you never will be. You’ve never lived nor died, nor will you. You are simply me, my child, one of all and all in one. I will love you always and always have, and time, my dear, is but a story you’ve crafted to have a game to play. My love, you are nothing but a song. I sing you when I want to hear my voice, I love the way you sound and sing you often, and when I am finished with you, you will be no more. Rest in that. Find peace here, it’s the only place, the only way, the only time. You have not been tricked nor tried, my dear, for you’re alive to be and you be because I am. Rest in that.

And so she sat. In stillness. Her hands no longer moving. Her heart beating through the silence, and she was alive. She was told, she was sung. She. Just. Was. And all the others were. And all of her fear, her need to be accepted by them, washed away, fell to the earth and was absorbed, transformed. She felt energy flow up through her feet and in through her crown and she knew that she was a queen. She knew then that there was no competition. She was no less worthy of being sung than anyone else because all were in harmony. All were trying this out together, learning and living and breathing and beating and then they weren’t and nothing changed. So she let go and she let the world flow through her like the song that she was. And she realized that her voice was but an extension of the infinite. This desire she had been harboring for all of her life to sing was coming closer to the surface. The mystery, why she was here, was becoming solved. Her ego mind struggled to hold her as she spilled over the sides and stained the earth and skies that held her in her truth. She felt the sky say, I see you, love. I see what you are here for. I sing you and you are mine. She tried to integrate it all at once, but her ego couldn’t hold her

One by one her chakras spun, her energetic frequency raised to match that of the sisters and brothers she flew with in other realms. She found harmony with the others who were all a part of her story, her song. She became the lyrics and the dance. She laughed and smiled and the people around her all knew that she was insane. Truly out of this world. Her reality expanded to include not only her truth but the truths of all, and in that place she had no doubt that she could hold it. The last of her fears clung to her like a child afraid to leave its mother. This little story she’d created seemed to live inside her mind, but really, it was just a thought floating out in the abyss of existence alongside every other thought, pulled on by every other song who shared the same plane. She was sure she couldn’t let it go. She didn’t know a life without it. She had imagined it, many times. Dreamt of it even. A life unrestricted. A place where she was supported fully in living her truth as a being of light. She soared alongside the infinite creatures that secretly and silently guided her on her journey, but she didn’t yet look to her sides for fear that they were not actually there. But they are. And they are calling you. Look to your left. See how your shadow doubles? I do, she cried! What are you showing me? She begged, she pleaded. I demand to be shown what you have been keeping from me! We have always been here, baby, never left your side. Now is your time to awaken to us. To know that you are just one of many, and never less unique than the only one. Wake up. The dream is over now. The pain is over, too. Look up. She said it, she called out the name she had crafted to represent her fear. Evil. Money. I call you now and I set you free. I don’t need you anymore. I realize that you never protected me, that I didn’t need protecting. I’m sorry that I held you so close and didn’t let you live through me. I relinquish my control. I am open now to see how you would like to play through me. And I trust that I will not fall. a Charlotte Rose is a singer, rapper, writer, poet and visual artist from St. Paul, Minn. Her contagious creative spirit flows through her artwork which is always bold in concept and honest in delivery. Charlotte Rose is unapologetic in her self-expression and is known for inviting the inner artist of her listeners and viewers to join her in play as she explores the world around her through artistic conversation. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

May 2016 the edge  17


The Sacred Feminine by Chrism Let the feminine have her way with you. Let the full moon encourage you to lose what is blocking you and to accept what is coming into you. As you are within your spiritual transformation, associating the full moon with sacred feminine and with chaos, learn to love the chaos. Be accepting and surrender into it as best you can without harming yourself or others. Let your feminine be free. Sacred feminine can be felt as mundane feminine. Everyone has a moon time, for we are both genders merely appreciating one over the other. We are both and have all of the needed equipment. Let this give you permission to get into the feminine side of the brain and be creative! Embody the expanding heart and be loving and nurturing and maternal! Let the masculine order and dominance fade for a time as you embrace that sacred touch of the sacred mother this month and every month. The rose is a symbol of love and a symbol of truth and a symbol of sacred femininity. The beautiful rich red rose of the first chakra that houses our own impending grace as identified with Shakti Kundalini. Kundalini is all about love and the transformations that come from the multi aspects of love. The gentle yielding love of the feminine and the unyielding fierce love of the sacred mother. The love of maternal nurturing and the harsh love of lessons being given and received all converge in the love of God and Goddess upon the physical being. Let the springtime give you the love of the “Sacred Mother” as she guides us and transforms us and helps us to embrace our imperfections while changing them in the process. We are the product of that love. Our seed of grace upon this world is waiting to expand and be formed within the warmth and fecundity of this nurturing planet. She represents our ascension into our inner balance as we carefully grasp our issues and learn how to balance them through the direct assistance of the divine within us. The leaves of her love give us protection and the strength to express through us as we learn to fearlessly go and do within ourselves as we are given from the inner grace to go and do in the outer world of challenge. The sacred feminine captures us with her truth, as truth is a main expression of the sacred mother — for is it not she that knows our secrets and our dreams of life and nurtures our response to those quests of formation? Is it not she that provides for us and breathes through us as we inhale the cold morning air and bathes us in raindrops like tears of joy? It is from the manifestation of life on this world that is nurtured through the sacred feminine that we are able to exist at all. Let us conspire with her upon and within ourselves to assist our reach into the inner and outer heavens. a Chrism is another person like you, a consciousness clothed in flesh, who uses a set of protocols entitled the Safeties as he guides students in a loving and safe manner through the Kundalini process. He offers seminars in the Twin Cities and around the world. Visit www.KundaliniAwakeningSystems1. com, or on Facebook search Kundalini Seminars and Events with Chrism. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.


Ignite your Divine Goddess power The practical emergence of the Divine Feminine by Melissa Divine Wake up and smell the estrogen, ladies and gents! The tides are turning from a society predominantly driven by autocracy, authoritarianism and scientific reasoning. We are shaking off the opposing strongholds of masculine credos and feminist doctrines, and we are waking to a duality of feminine/ masculine ideology. Organizations and individuals alike (yes, boys, this is inclusive of you, too) are shifting the scales to ignite the power, strength and value of a more balanced reality. The Divine Feminine is not dogma that pushes women (or men) to repress their feminine tendencies to find their place in a masculine world. It is a natural energy that seeks to embrace and encourage the binary of electric power with softness, grace, love and kindness. And it is not just for women. Heavens no! Men are learning to embrace — not conceal — their sweeter and more nurturing sides as well (come on, you know you’ve got it!). Regardless of your chromosomal makeup, you can reap the benefits of embracing your internal and eternal connection to the Divine Feminine. Here are a few defining qualities to enhance and embrace now: You are Sensual and Sexual —   Sex. We all do it (solo-sex counts too), and most of us like it a lot. If you ask me, it is high time we shed the heavy cloak of shame and guilt and

acknowledge the spiritual and emotional benefit of sensual and passionate physical connections. No more should sultry sexuality be shunned or taboo. Let’s agree to stop hiding our god and goddess bodies in shame or flaunting them for attention. Let’s confidently vocalize words like nipple, erection and masturbation without blushing. Let’s dismantle exploitation and discrimination. And let’s kiss goodbye judgment and comparison to embrace a healthy and respectful body image once and for all. Now that’s sexy! You are Intra-Connected and   Inter-Connected — The Divine Feminine honors connection: connection with self, connection with others, connection with nature and connection with the non-physical. This conscientious and principled cooperation opts for motivation over delegation, favors common goals over a top-down mentality and enforces compassion and justice for all. Take that walk in the park to connect with nature rather than digitally disconnect, offer a pat on the back to boost the confidence of another and, gosh darn it, don’t forget to show yourself some love, too! You are Intuitive and Logical   — The universe is not ruled by scientific deduction and reasoning alone. Empower yourself to give credence to the gentle voice within that connects you to universal intelligence and creativity. Learn to trust your empathic nudges, to honor your emotional responses and to act on

your spontaneous impulses. But don’t think you have to forgo logic for intuition. In the same way you have two eyes to see, you have been blessed with two ways to process data, as well. The cooperation of intuition and logic will surely enhance and enrich your perception. You are Nurturing and   Steadfast — At some point someone likely told you it was necessary to be more rigid, goal-oriented or forceful to earn success and get what you want out of life. The Divine Feminine gently — but decidedly — disagrees. That part of you recognizes you will catch more than flies with honey. You attract more love, health, wealth and abundance by reflecting love, compassion and caring into the world rather than demands and ultimatums. When you stand up for your ideals without swords, you will find that kind and conscientious success is both sweet and swift. Spiritual empowerment encourages us to dismantle the systems of masculine dominance and feminine frailty for a richer duality. Genders of all makes and models can boldly buck the system of masculine versus feminine to embody the sweet, supple and spunky power of the Divine Feminine within. a Melissa Divine is a psychic medium, spiritual teacher and speaker. She is an honest and ethical channel for spirit guidance, and her jovial and candid approach to a range of spiritual topics vitalizes and inspires. She trained at the world’s foremost college for psychic mediums in England. Read more about Melissa, schedule a private reading or find local events and workshops at Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

The Divine Feminine — woman clothed with the sun The Mystical Christ

by Michael Maciel The tendency on the spiritual path is to personify divine principles, and to a certain extent that’s okay. But the discipline is to never forget who the person is and which principle is being represented. In the case of Mary, the mother of Jesus, this is especially true because, well, she’s the mother of Jesus, you know? And if you’ve already personified the Christ in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, then Jesus is God, which makes Mary the Mother of God. And I am quite sure that there is no one in the universe who would object to that appellation more than Mary herself. The reason divine principles are personified in the first place is that in order for a teaching to persist over time, it must be turned into a myth. This doesn’t make it a lie, which is the way most people interpret the word “myth.” Instead, it turns it into an immortal story. And because divine principles don’t change over time, all of the world’s great myths closely resemble each other. It does not mean, as some mythologists think, that one story gets emulated over and over, thus building up a mystique around it. The stories are similar because the principles they describe are eternal. Some believe that the

Feminine Principle has to do with the mystery of childbirth, which it does, but to say that that’s the only thing it does misses the boat entirely. Childbirth, while miraculous, is still of the body. Even if you raise it to the mental level and call it the creative principle, it’s still only a mental phenomenon. No, the real meaning of the Feminine Principle has to be ontological in scope. It has to be about being itself. This is the realm of the divine — not body, not mind. For this reason, the Feminine Principle cannot be about Mary alone, nor can it be about the female gender alone. Gender is body. And it doesn’t help us very much either to try to expand it into a cosmic perspective and say that it is about polarity, though it is about that, too. But to think that Mary represents the negative charge of an electron would be reductionist in the extreme. There is a reason that people are used as icons, that God is pictured as a person, that animals and other living things are used to describe divine principles. And it has to do with the very nature of the universe itself, namely that it is alive and not merely an aggregation of rocks and ice pushed and pulled by nuclear reaction and gravitational force. When we talk about the   see

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My journey from Superwoman to creative Goddess by Theresa Nutt So many women have learned how to be Superwoman these days. We learn to thrive on constantly caring for others, producing in a masculine fashion, and being so busy that we don’t have the time to ask the deeper questions or tend to the soul journey. I have always been a seeker of spiritual truth and personal growth. I woke up three years ago and found myself on a journey to reclaim my feminine nature. I had become the buttoned-up corporate success, the woman who was able to work 80 hours a week and rarely slept, and the woman who had lost so much of herself that she spent every day in the agony of deep emptiness and grief that she could not explain. I was separated from myself so significantly that I became physically ill. And I began a journey to reclaim my Divine Feminine nature, though I had no idea I was doing that at the time. The journey to reclaim my Divine Feminine brought to light many aspects of my life that were missing or untended. I hated my physical body and had no sense of inner beauty, because I didn’t fit the ideal standard of beauty in our American pop culture. I thought that the only way I had value was based on producing a lot and making great money in my work. I was so dependent on the opinion of others that I had bent, twisted and stretched in every direction trying to please others and keep them happy. I never made time for the things that mattered to me because I was always banking on that magic someday when I could finally have a life that truly mattered to me. I was rarely, if ever, speaking my truth in the world or sharing my sensitive nature, and I certainly was not taking time to take care of myself. I was completely empty and disenchanted with the daily grind. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and lost. And a deep yearning I couldn’t understand grew inside of me, begging for my attention. I started the arduous journey of leaving behind the behaviors and patterns I had grown to rely on and fell into the deep abyss of darkness, uncertainty, grief and confusion. Though harrowing, it turns out that this combination was the perfect incubator for reclaiming the Divine Feminine.

I found pieces of my shadow reintegrating after years of separation and suppression. I started speaking my truth and trusting in my own experience. I trusted my intuition. I started to really understand what it means to care deeply for oneself on every level. I stopped waiting for someone to save me. I stopped punishing myself for being sensitive and started listening to and acknowledging the myriad of emotions that arose in my experience. I started looking for more ways to be in community with others because I was surrounded by people and still felt completely alone. I delved deeper into the mysteries of my spiritual journey and asked myself the questions that were long overdue. I welcomed back my playfulness, wild side, daydreamer, sexual goddess, creative, and a host of other parts of myself that I had dissected or discarded over the years. I learned for the first time how to tend to the rhythms and cycles of my feminine nature. I became comfortable with the periods of rest and turning inward followed by outward, creative expression. I started dressing in a way that celebrated the fullness of who I am and I was no longer hiding my powerful goddess nature. I became comfortable taking in and receiving attention, nourishment of all kinds, and the energy of the world in a whole new way. I hear the stories of women every day who are disconnected from their Divine Feminine nature. It’s an epidemic in our society. Fortunately, our feminine nature empowers us to reach out to one another in conversation, compassion and concern, to tend and create together. May we each elevate one another to own our Divine Feminine gifts of love, connection, receiving, creativity, intuition, beauty, purpose, mystery, nurturing and untamed wildness. a Theresa Nutt is a transformational coach, author, energy healer and holistic nurse. She guides women who feel empty and disenchanted with the daily grind to reclaim their Divine Feminine nature and reignite their inner creative spark so they can shine their true colors in the world. Her business is Closeted Creatives Coaching. You can reach her at theresa@,, or 949. 728.8640. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

What Divine Feminine means to me A journey of a women’s creation and growth by Larissa Broten Ever since I can remember, I have been chasing something — something that I can feel deep down in my soul — and finally I feel as though I am on the right path, the path to abundance, love and light, not only in my life but also in everyone around me. I was fortunate to have grown up in a household with the best teacher, my own mother, to help guide me to the idea of spreading love and light into the world. Or maybe I should say that I picked a “good one.” In my family we believe that the children pick the parents, but that’s a whole different subject. Compared to other people in the world, I was already ahead of 20

what it means to live a truly blessed life. We all go through life asking many questions, and if you have the right tools, those questions are answered. All you have to do is put it out into the universe. As I was approaching my 30s, I knew that my life needed a change. I could feel a shift happening. I knew that I was the only person who was going to be able to create something new in my life. So, I quit my thankless job that was literally sucking the life out me and went back to the skills I had learned more than 10 years earlier as a skin care specialist. At the exact instant when I decided I needed to make a change, my vibration shifted. Let me express that this was not an easy decision, but once I made it there was no going back. As I approached the coming days, I was more excited about life

than I had ever been. I was following what spirit was guiding me to and I trusted it. This is when I believe I was reconnecting with the divine feminine. It became more important to me to care for others, be compassionate, to help, to empower and to make people feel loved. It was about being a day maker. The divine feminine is in everyone, male or female. If you take a look at the people surrounding you in your life and pay attention to their vibration, it can be very apparent which vibration is stronger, the masculine or feminine. For example, I have two female cousins on my mother’s side. They are sisters, but they have two totally different personalities. The older one is very independent and takes risks, and she is aggressive, assertive and has very masculine energy. The younger sister is so caring, nurturing, motherly, almost too sensitive at times. It is so interesting to sit in a room and

feel the two different energies. I suggest trying this yourself with close loved ones. Neither one is better than the other; they are just different, and you can totally feel it. Something else happened to me during this time that was very unexpected. I found myself sitting in a classroom with seven other women embracing and learning the sacred practice of Reiki handson healing. I really do not know exactly how I got there, but I know that this practice of healing has allowed me to connect with others at even a deeper level. So now I split my time doing energy healing and skin care for individuals, and I am so happy. People closest to me have seen a shift in me, and my attitude about life is just showering people with love. When you realize that the power is within you to make the change, and you do it without fear, that is divine balance to me. I now have a story that I can share with the universe to help others find their true path and not be afraid to go after it. a Larissa Broten has a degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of St. Thomas in the Twin Cities. She found herself working in advertising and the ever so popular world of startups, but discovered she wanted to connect with people one-on-one. This is what drove her back into the world of beauty and skin care. She is now working as an Esthetician and Reiki Master at Tula Spa located in Tangletown Minneapolis. Larissa received her certificate in Reiki from the Devanadi Yoga and Wellness Center and her Esthetician License from The Aveda Institute. This specialized training allows Larissa to enhance her unique offerings. If you are interested in any of her services, please reach out via email at Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

  Divine

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Feminine Principle, we are talking about consciousness. And even deeper than that, we are talking about Being and the way Being expresses itself outwardly into manifestation — the act of creation. The act of creation requires four things: An idea of the thing you   want to create — a plan The will to put your plan   into action The daring to commit the   action, sometimes in the face of seemingly insurmountable resistance And the ability to let go of   your action so that your plan can manifest (on the seventh day, God rested) The Feminine Principle is the spiritual universe’s response to these four elements of the act of creation. “Let it be done…unto me! ” That which is put into motion by mind must have an energy that receives the action and brings it into manifested form. Now, this all sounds so cosmological, so metaphysical — even occult. And it would be all that if the universe were not conscious and alive. Rocks, trees, plants and animals are not enough to contain this Life. We are not talking about nature worship. What we normally perceive as “nature” is but the effect of a larger Life, our own physical body being no exception. It is the Solar System itself that constitutes the vehicle of this larger Life — a living cell in the greater body of the Cosmos.

We have to understand the body in which we live before we can understand the greater body. The Feminine Principle is so vast and so powerful that the mind cannot comprehend it. Consider the analogy of sperm and egg. The tiny sperm cell carries the initiative, the spark; the brooding ovum carries the power to act on that initiative. The sperm cell carries the plan, which is procreation. It is the extension of will. And it is committed to the action. But once it has achieved its goal, it disappears. And all of the latent potential of the ovum is unleashed in mathematical precision to the fulfillment of the Divine Will. The universe functions through adaptation. It takes the infinite number of available possibilities and decides which of them will be acted upon. The ancient symbol for decision is the sword. (Note that the word “decide” has the same root as the word “homicide.”) The ovum culls the herd of sperm cells, choosing only one. The rest die. The Divine Feminine yearns to fulfill the Divine Will. Without the Divine Feminine’s yearning (and capability) there could be no Divine Will. Neither could exist without the other. A plan means nothing without the ability (and the mater-ial) with which to carry it out. The vast productive power of the Divine Feminine belies its seemingly passive nature. Just as the ovum controls which sperm will be allowed to start

the process of reproduction, so does the Divine Feminine adjudicate the endless ramifications of the mind. If the mind were the final arbiter of what would be created, this universe would be chaotic and unsustainable. It would implode under its own weight. Thus, the Divine Feminine is the Preserver of the Cosmos. The Divine Feminine manifests itself in both men and women. It is not exclusive to the female gender. In fact, it has nothing to do with gender at all. Women manifest outwardly as feminine, but inwardly, which is to say spiritually, they are fiercely masculine. This is why they are the chief proponents of the world’s spiritual movements. Men, on the other hand, are spiritually feminine, which means that they are willing to receive instruction. But those who have achieved the balance of male and female within themselves are capable of being both proponents and adherents. They can both give and receive. They have the ability to create within themselves. This is the Sacred Marriage spoken of by the ancients. It is the inner meaning of the Virgin Birth. Mary was one who had attained the Sacred Marriage, and was thus able to give birth to the Sun. a Michael Maciel is the author of the website The Mystical Christ ( and two books on contemporary Christian mysticism—The Five Vows and World Priest. Michael lives and writes in Redwood City, California. Contact Michael at Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

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Being the Divine Feminine by Ann Chatfield A Divine Feminine is confident in the truth of her own magnificence! She rises into her full potential as a Creator Being and shines the light of her spirit to infinity. A Divine Feminine Being listens closely to her inner voice and empowers others to do the same. She calls other women to leadership to unite the community as a whole. She has great trust in her path and in the process of life. She knows that true Love is in support of each and every thing she comes into contact with. She realizes that all relationships are sacred and is respectful of her boundaries. She is at peace with her life on all levels. So how do you get to be this Divine Feminine Being? It takes practice and willingness to grow and change. What follows are some basic principles to guide you. Listen to your own intuition. Trust your gut instincts. They are there for a reason and seldom wrong. Intuition can be enhanced through many intuitive-based workshops, or by simply paying attention to how you feel. You are an emotional being — yes, you are. Learn that feelings are simply a guide to help assist on this bump-and-go life path we are on. Feel them, acknowledge them, thank them, then take a deep breath and let them go. Make time in your busy life to do things you love and things that bring you joy. This amplifies the joy and love not only in this moment, but also tells the universal energies that this is what you want more of in the future. At first, this may seem difficult, but the energy gains momentum the more things you do that support your energy. Most of us already have things in our life we love doing. Extend gratitude for being able to enjoy all parts of your life you enjoy. Learn to become neutral or non-judg-


mental to the energies of others around you. Take the time to communicate your own truth in a clear, direct, honest way — for anyone who truly loves you will be in support of you taking time to thrive and flourish. If you find yourself in relationships that don’t support your boundaries, spend time contemplating the purpose of the relationships. We cannot be of service to ourselves or others if our boundaries are weak and we allow our energy to get low. Sacrificing,

martyrdom and being a victim are no longer options. They all build resentment on some level and bring your energy down. Learn to take care of yourself with love, without guilt. When you give, give freely from the heart expecting nothing in return. View messages from the media and mass consciousness without investing your energy into the drama of it all. This does not mean that you do not care, or have an opinion; it just means that you keep yourself from buying into any energy that brings your own energy down. Often the influence of the outside world leaves us feeling inadequate in many ways: that we are not beautiful enough, smart enough and skinny enough. Find ways not to get caught up in these feelings and let them go. Clearly look at your own unique beauty and trust that you are whole, you are Divine and you are right where you are meant to be. Be in touch with everything that helps you grow and learn and makes your spirit soar. Be curious. Try new things. Play. Find joy. The world is your playground; explore, find what matters most to you. If you are struggling in your life and with your own journey or just need confirmation you are on the right path, get someone to read your Akashic Records. This is an ancient art of reading the blueprints of your spirit journey here. These sessions can be done via distance and have been extremely helpful to many. You are not alone. You have everything you need inside! You are the Divine Feminine! a Ann Chatfield, owner of Live a Little Consulting, assists people on life’s journey by connecting them to their own individual Akashic Records, an energetic blueprint of their soul journey in this life. Throughout the session, Ann acts as an interpreter between her client and their Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones. During this process, a frequency upgrade occurs. The reading is based on the premises that we are all perfect exactly as we are! Contact her at 306.384.1373 or Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Five things I learned from D¯og en by Brad Warner I discovered the 13th Century Japanese Zen Master Eihei D o¯ g en when I was an 18-year-old punk rock bass player. Now I’m a waaaayyy-more-than 18-year-old punk rock bass player and I’m still trying to understand his philosophy and practice. D o¯ g en is unusual in the realm of Zen Buddhist thinkers in that he wrote his own stuff and he was pretty young when he did so. Mostly when you read ancient Zen philosophy, you’re not only reading the words of a very old person, but you’re reading those words as interpreted by their students, since few of the old Zen Masters (male and female, see below) were writers. D o¯ g en was a writer and what’s more, he started writing very early in his career. Most of his writing was done when he was in his 30s and 40s. He became a monk when he was just 12. So while he’s very wise, he’s also young and fired up and often kind of ornery. Just the kind of thing a punk rock kid like me needed. But D o¯ g en wrote 800 years ago in a time and a place very unlike ours. So he’s not that easy to understand. Still, if you work with him, and if you do the meditation practice he keeps recommending, it gets a little easier. Here are a few things I learned from Mr. D o¯ g en: Sit Down and Shut Up — D o¯ g en taught a style of medita   tion called Shikantaza, which means, “just sitting.” It’s meditation without any goal. You’re not trying to become more balanced or more in touch with yourself or more mindful. You’re just sitting with yourself exactly as you are. On one hand, it’s dirt simple.

You can learn all there is to know about the technique in a couple of minutes. But you can spend a lifetime on it and never exhaust what you can learn from it. Don’t Be a Jerk — There’s a misconception that Zen is all   about self-improvement and has nothing to do with ethics. But D o¯ g en says that the very essence of the practice can be summed up as “Don’t be a jerk.” Actually, that’s my paraphrase. In the original it’s more like, “Just avoid doing wrong.” Ethics isn’t about memorizing a set of supposedly universal moral standards, because every situation is a little different. No set of rules can ever cover every situation. It’s about sitting down and shutting up and allowing what the Old Testament called the “still small voice” we all possess show you what the right action is in this specific situation. Keep Your Bum Clean — When people translate D o¯ g en,   they generally choose the juicy philosophical parts. But D o¯ g en also wrote some very nuts-and-bolts pieces about how to practice in a Zen monastery. My favorite of these pieces is the one in which he gives extremely detailed instructions about how monks should clean themselves after using the toilet. It’s really TMI! But D o¯ g en’s teaching isn’t just about high-minded philosophical ideals. It’s about every little thing you do. It’s what my teacher called a “philosophy of action.” It’s not a philosophy you read and memorize. It’s a philosophy you do. Women and Men Are Both Just as Stupid — In the year   1240 CE, D o¯ g en wrote a sermon called “Prostrating to That Which   see

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Has Attained the Marrow.” You wouldn’t guess from the title, but the sermon is mostly about how men and women should be regarded as absolutely equal when it comes to their capacity to understand the deepest truths of life. In Japan in the 13th century, that was revolutionary. Remember that women couldn’t even vote in the USA until 1920. In Japan in D o¯ g en’s day, the spiritual inequality of women was taken for granted. There were temples that all women, including Buddhist nuns, were forbidden to enter that any man could walk into any time he pleased. D o¯ g en denounced that practice in no uncertain terms and went on to say that anyone who held the view that men are superior to women is an idiot. I already believed that before I read D o¯ g en, but it was amazing and inspiring to read words like that from a man who lived when he did. You Are Not Your Self and Neither Am I —   The Buddhist idea that the self is an illusion is one of the trickiest aspects of the philosophy. You can tell me the Loch Ness Monster and the Easter Bunny aren’t real, but if you say that my self is unreal that just sounds crazy. I know I have a self because here I am! But D o¯ g en isn’t saying that all those things you include within the concept of “self” are unreal. You have a personality and an individual history, you have your credit cards and I can’t use them — that’s all true. It’s just that when we combine this stuff into something called “self” — and then believe that this “self” we have created is a real thing — that’s when we get into trouble. We waste our time, energy and effort building up something that doesn’t even exist. Then we defend this imaginary concept against imaginary attacks. We hold this “self” — that doesn’t even exist except in our minds — to be the single most important thing in all the world. And because of that, we suffer. It takes more to get past this than simply acknowledging that we understand the self to be unreal. But that’s a very good first step. I know it’s made my life a whole lot better. a Brad Warner is the author of Don’t Be a Jerk and numerous other titles, including Sit Down & Shut Up, Hardcore Zen, and Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate. A Soto Zen priest, he is a punk bassist, filmmaker, Japanese-monster-movie marketer, and popular blogger based in Los Angeles. Visit him online at Published with permission of New World Library – Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

The key to letting go by Blake Bauer It is never easy to let go of someone you love. Change is often harder than we want to admit. Whether it’s death, divorce or another form of separation, trying to move on brings grief and sadness for the joy and connection that’s passed. Or for the unresolved hurt and misunderstanding we’ve felt. But we would not be on the edge of release if it were not meant to be for our highest good. Sometimes we outgrow a relationship. Sometimes a person outgrows us. Sometimes it’s just someone’s time to go. Either way, we are forced to befriend the parts of us we have abandoned, rejected or denied in exchange for love, comfort or companionship. We are challenged to step into the unknown and to trust this is as it is meant to be. We are all asked by life, the universe and God to come home to ourselves eventually, whether it’s through the death of a relationship or in our physical death. Holding on to someone who limits us or feels limited by us only causes pain. Our underlying fears and insecurities must be healed for us to truly be healthy, happy and free. In my personal life as well as my professional work with thousands of people, I have found that there is only one effective approach to letting go. This often forgotten key entails becoming clear about what we actually want in life now, expressing it to the Universe or God, and moving toward it, while focusing our time and energy on what makes us feel good, alive and well each day. We have to train ourselves to choose activities and relationships we can fully be ourselves in, as opposed to ones where we feel compromised

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or obliged to please. As you become more accustomed to focusing on things that make you feel good daily, you will naturally move away from anyone or anything that is not healthy for you, without feeling guilty. Those people who are meant to be with you on your destined path will organically come with you, while those who limit you, do not meet you, or do not value you, will naturally be left behind. Through this process, every unresolved emotion, limiting belief or incomplete situation that needs to be transformed will naturally surface to be addressed when the time is right. Your only task becomes feeling everything that’s present, regardless of how painful or scary, and then making a conscious choice to speak and act honestly, kindly and respectfully based on your heart’s truth and instinct now. You’re the only person who can give yourself permission to live fully before your time comes to let go of your body in this lifetime. Are you finally ready to stop making yourself wrong for wanting to be happy, knowing it’s OK to be free to enjoy your precious days as much as possible before you’re forced to let go of everything and everyone? a Blake D. Bauer is an internationally recognized author, counselor, qi gong master and alternative medicine practitioner. His bestselling book, You Were Not Born To Suffer, and pioneering work focus on loving yourself unconditionally as the key to healing yourself, fulfilling your life’s purpose, and awakening spiritually. Bringing together what he’s found to be the most effective spiritual practices and holistic approaches to well-being, Blake’s work has successfully guided thousands of people internationally toward greater health and freedom in mind and body. Contact him at unconditionalselflove@ Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.



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business network …provide category, brief description, name, phone, email, website, photo or logo. $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail 5th DIMENSIONAL ENERGY HEALING Working with the highest available Light on Earth at this time, Susan facilitates healing by working with multiple levels of consciousness. Sessions available for all ages. Susan Broadwell, MA, PsyD., 952.922.1848, ANTI-OXIDANT/HYDROGEN-RICH/HEALING WATER Our bodies are 75% water. What’s the quality of your water? Acidic, Toxic & Dehydrating (sickness) or Alkaline and Hydrating (healthy)? Holistic, Eco-Friendly, Sustainable, Economical Brenda Brazil, 651.334.8742,, ASCENDING INTO HEALING: Women’s Healing Circle addresses the challenges that arise after initial recovery. Learn new ways of thinking about yourself and the world around you to activate freedom and happiness. Insurance and sliding fee. Paula P. Daine, MA, LICSW, 612.724.6200, Ayurvedic Medicine Classical Ayurvedic practices using traditional Indian herbal formulas, body therapies, meditation, yoga, pranayama, diet and life style suggestions. Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, Pancha Karma Specialist, 200hr. RYT Ashley Christianson, 320.444.1429, BODYWORK & BREATHWORK Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108, Breathwork Guided Breathing Sessions & Reiki combined to release trauma, decrease pain and transform your life. Private sessions, live workshops and certifications available. Deanna Reiter & Troy Stende, 651.238.7248,, BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING Heal your Body, Clear your Blocks, Deepen your Connection with Spirit, Transform your Life. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions, ongoing. Individual breath sessions, Pranic Healing® / Reiki by appointment. Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh., 651.442.4623,, CAREER COUNSELING Clarifying Conversations – guided by your own heart, inspired by your own knowing. Laurie Mattila, M.S.Ed., Career Counselor, 651.644.7766,, Coaching Are you going through a life transition and feeling lost, confused and stuck? I can help you gain the peace, clarity and confident direction you’re looking for. Terese Guettler, RN, Wellness Coach of Wise Woman Wellness Coaching, 612.501.1806,,

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COACHING BE It Coaching located at Free Spirit Ranch, Maiden Rock, WI, featuring Equine Human Connection™. Understand how you are creating and manifesting at this exact moment. Lisa Kuchinski, CTC, 612.807.4740 or 715.448.4520,, COUNSELING: Marriage, Family, Teens, Kids. Confidential counseling with effective techniques. Individual, Couples, Family, DBT Skills Groups, Play Therapy. We take insurance. Offices in Circle Pines, Buffalo, Rogers and Wayzata, MN. Bridging Hope Counseling, Various Therapists, 763.291.5505,, CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), decorator pieces, jewelry. In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017,, EFT Guaranteed Fast & Easy relief. Change your life NOW. Dr. Kim Eisen is Experienced and Intuitive, Master of EFT. Dr. Kim Eisen, 612.802.HEAL (4325),, Energy Clearing / Chakra Balancing / Trauma Release: Experience Transformational Intuitive Energy Work. Using Keen wisdom & strength along with tenderness & compassion, Kimberly masterfully orchestrates a safe & loving space for deep healing & Spiritual Awakening. HOPE Healing, Kimberly, 805.769.4734, HopeHealing.Me ENERGY HEALING Christine, Reiki Master, offers energy healing sessions for pain relief, relaxation, emotional well-being & general health. It’s wonderful work! Healing Arts 101, Christine, call/text 651.338.1216, Energy Healing Divine Specialized REIKI Master healers and educators as guided through Divine guidance. Become a Divine Specialized REIKI Master through our Classes. Divine REIKI - Dagney Kvamme (Walters) & Tracy Kvamme (Krouse) 612.501.0858,, FENG SHUI CONSULTATION Consultations, one-on-one professional mentoring, and workshops. Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437, FLOWER ESSENCES Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. In business 33 years. Located at 3546 Grand Ave. S. Minneapolis. Contact Martin Bulgerin. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,, GRIEF & TRAUMA RECOVERY: Heal grief and trauma with Induced After-Death Communication. This miraculous therapy rapidly heals grief and trauma resulting from the death of loved ones (including beloved pets). In practice since 1990. Gary R. Beaver, M.A., Licensed Psychologist, 612.910.1191,, HEAL YOUR LIFE TRAINING: Become a licensed Heal Your Life workshop leader in Louise Hay’s philosophy. Receive complete materials to lead up to 14 different workshops. One-week intensive training is approved by Louise. Pre-registration required. See website for details. Patricia J. Crane, 800.969.4584,,

HERBS: 600+ medicinal & cooking herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, new and used books, Natural healing practitioners available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking, ND, Duane Givens. In business 33 years at 3546 Grand Ave. S. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,

Intuitive Readings: Kimberly is a Mulit- Sensory Intuitive, a gifted Medium who delivers Readings with Compassion & Care. Your loved ones in Heaven wish to connect with you to give messages of Hope & Healing. They may offer guidance and messages regarding your life. You may also ask other question you may have. Kimberly, 805.769.4734,, HopeHealing.Me

Holistic Health and Wellness Coach Manifest balance in your life — health, nutrition, spiritual, career, energy. Create your healing journey. Customized programs. Kristin Johnson, CHHC, AADP, 952.200.4804,,

Massage, healing & Chakra Balance: Professional Massage 50 percent off: Pay $30 for a 60-minute massage and 20-minute chakra balance healing with first visit. Available in 60, 90, 120 options. Schedule today using code EDGE. Edgar Massage & Chakra Balance, 612.384.4572, at Backlund Chiropractic, 7101 York Ave. S., Suite 250, Edina, MN,

HOMEOPATHY: 2000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, We buy and sell new and used books. At 3546 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,

MEDIUMSHIP, INTUITIVE CARD READINGS, REIKI HEALING, ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: As the Minnesota Nice Medium, I use my unique talents and gifts to bring oneness and healing to everyone’s life I touch. The Empathic Connection, 320.226.3127,,

HYPNOTHERAPY Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 15 Years Experience. Located in St. Paul, MN. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 651.649.1952,

Psychic Detective Stacey is an experienced psychic detective and psychic medium who gives accurate messages from Spirit, giving law enforcement and clients direction and peace. Connect With Spirit, Stacey L. Scott, 612.250.5500,,

HYPNOTHERAPY 5-PATH® Are you on the right path? Now is the time to strive for better wellness - physically, mentally & emotionally. You owe it to yourself to Change the Path of Your Life. Christa Sack, CH, Restore Your Path Hypnosis & Healing, 612.810.6158,,

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / SOUL READINGS Soul Readings for clarity and guidance. Classes to discover how to heal and consciously create with your own unique body/soul partnership. Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861,,

HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy™. Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, habits, 5 Pillars of Balance, Spiritual Direction, Conflict Resolution Skills. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis & Coaching, 651.216.0085,

PSYCHIC MEDIUM: Award-winning Psychic and Master Channel. Specialties include Animal communication and Shamanic healing. All office and phone readings are scheduled online. Monthly Psychic Galleries at Healing Elements, 2358 Stinson Blvd, Minneapolis Alison James, 612.424.1411 returned via text,,

HYPNOTHERAPY/PSYCHOTHERAPY: Help with emotional overwhelm, healing trauma, sexual abuse & other issues. Access past-lives & between lives. Build skills for relationships across the veil, interactive prayer, Synergy Meditation. Channel for Mother Mary. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., psychotherapist, 763.546.4133,,

PSYCHIC MEDIUM Well-Known Psychic Medium Deborah Lynn11 is gifted with the power to Name, names. She is unlike any other as she is known to go back 2-3 generations or even 10 years into the future. Deborah Lynn11, 651.439.5337,

HYPNOTHERAPY & TRAINING Past Life, Life-Between Lives Regression. 20 years experience. Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., LBL, 612.709.5578,

Psychic Readings / Spiritual Goods Super affordable, super accurate email readings. Spell kits, oils, altar decor, and more, crafted personally by Pagan priestess/Crone. Free shipping always. The Wild Haunt,,

INNER CHILD WORK & EFT Author of the best-selling Inner Child Workbook & EFT (Tapping) Practitioner. Cathryn Taylor, 612.710.7720,

RECONNECTIVE HEALING It all happens at the quantum level. It all begins with love from an open heart. Experience Reconnective Healing session. Experience the Reconnection. Bogdan Borkowski, Certified Reconnection Practitioner, 715.262.3342,,

INTUITIVE CLASSES & READINGS Intuitive Tarot, Psychic & Palm readers available for in-store private readings or events. Classes in Psychic Development, Tarot & Runes. Schedule online. Eye of Horus Metaphysical 612.872.1292,

REIKI HEALING Experience the divine energy of Reiki for balance, relaxation, wellness. Treatment sessions. Student-oriented training for all levels. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Reiki Master-Teachers, 763.420.9017,

INTUITIVE HEALING Past Life Regression, Reiki, Spiritual Coaching, massage and more. Visit the website for full service offerings and current pricing structure. Tina McGee, 715.456.0677,,

REIKI HEALING: Feel Empowered on Every Level! Usui Reiki Training and Sessions, schedule a Reiki I or II class, inquire about Reiki Master apprenticeships. Learn Reiki yourself, or bring your friends! Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan, 651.735.2863,,  May 2016 the edge  27


SHAMANIC HEALER, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SIFU Break barriers & shift life situations into your highest good. Shamanic rituals, energy healing & manifestation work reawakens synchronicity into all aspects of your life. Chee Vue (PaLiChi) 763.742.8690,,

SPIRIT REMOVAL Spirit removal including, “ghosts” shadow people, and yes, even the mean ones, from places, objects and people. Classes too. Tracy Kvamme (Krouse), White Dragon Force X, 612.501.0858,

SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS Do you transform people’s lives, but are struggling to get more clients, money, or grow your business? Check out the “Shortcut to Success – Quick Start Program.” Kim Eisen, Success Coach, Master of EFT, 612.802.4325,,

SPIRITUAL TUTORING Gain everyday skills for transforming your struggles and suffering into deep peace and joy. Customized approach using techniques appropriate to you and your situation. Mindy Schulke, 651.491.3981,

SOAP (PREMIUM ARTISAN): Our soap is all-natural, vegan, and handmade locally with organic, sustainable and animal free/ cruelty free oils and butters. Our soaps contain healing oils and butters to produce the highest amount of glycerin for skin health. Good Intentions Soap Company, Cathy Jacobsen, 763.381.1911,,

SUFI Four Layers of the Heart. Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259,,


G AT H E R I N G S …provide name, address, phone, website, service times + brief description. $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Contact: 763.433.9291 or ECKANKAR / TEMPLE OF ECK: Religion of the Light and Sound of God, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www.TempleofECK. org — Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Worship Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am Youth programs. Community HU Song: third Sunday of each month, 10-10:30am. Free workshops: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. Temple hours: Noon-9 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and from Noon to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.922.4272, online at www. — Raise your consciousness by attending our classes, workshops and Sunday Services led by amazing speakers!


Raise your vibration in our beautiful, historic building (now on the National Historic Register). Give us a try as part of your spiritual journey and feel the love of our heart-based community. Visit our community for: great meditations, yoga classes, speakers and programs that include mindfulness, developing your intuition, releasing negative beliefs, allowing greater abundance, and breaking the barriers to deep selfhealing. SPIRIT UNITED CHURCH: 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602,, Worshiping the Wonder, birthing the Emerging Spirituality. Welcoming ~ Supportive ~ Healing ~ Transformational. Discover your spiritual home. On Sundays: 10:30 a.m. Main service, 10:30 a.m. Kids With Spirit Class.


…provide category and text. $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publish date. Major credit cards accepted. Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail Cathy today at

SPIRITUAL SPACE FOR RENT ST. PAUL LOCATION: Heartspace: A Gathering Place For Spiritual Practitioners, Meetings or Events, 2101 Randolph Ave., St. Paul. Seats 20. Contact Marcia @ 651.707.6888, marcia@

JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST Subscribe today to receive News, Free Podcast Links and much more! Visit 28

UNITY MINNEAPOLIS: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, 763.521.4793, www.unityminneapolis. org — Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Sunday 8:15, 9:45 & 11:30 a.m., nursery & Sunday school at all 3 services. Monthly Healing service 7 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday. Adult education classes throughout the year. Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center: 4011 W. Hwy 13, Savage, MN 55378, 952.895.0745, — Discover Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center, a positive path for spiritual living. Practical teachings to help you live a healthy, meaningful life. As we grow in consciousness, we create a loving, peaceful world. Sunday Service 10 a.m. UNITY NORTH SPIRITUAL CENTER: 11499 Martin St. NW, Coon Rapids, MN, 763.754.6489,, — Committed to offering a space to support community members and youth in fulfilling their potential. Services and events include healing, prayer, men’s and women’s groups, meditation, sacred text and shamanic studies. UNSC serves the wider community through programs such as Family Promise and Family Table.



EXHIBIT AT AUGUST EVENT: Intuitives, readers, healers and vendors wanted for Enchanted Expo at White Bear Country Inn in White Bear Lake, MN, August 28 from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. For more information, visit or contact Bonnie at 651.600.3769.

ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS SOUGHT: LoveSelf is accepting article submissions. Are you a writer with a passion for human-interest stories and healing food? If so, please reach out to inspire@ for detailed information on a special assignment.

JOBS AVAILABLE NOW: Immediate Job Openings on 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts at Boston Scientific. Call ResourceMFG at 612.354.8534 to schedule interview.

READ OUR RICH CONTENT Articles supporting Body, Mind & Soul Visit

SHARE THE EDGE the edge in mankato: The Edge magazine is seeking volunteers in Mankato, MN, to identify new locations where The Edge can be shared with the public, and we’d love for you to take The Edge around to these locations each month. Become an ambassador of peace. Call Cathy at 763.533.9291 or email us today at for more details!





Free Podcasts that Enlighten & Educate Listen at or call 714.364.4750. Show archives are found at Host your own monthly program by calling 612.710.7720 or 763.433.9291. “Edge Learning Well” with Elise Marquam Jahns - Tuesday, May 3 at 6 p.m. — Host Elise Marquam Jahns will have a conversation with Dr. Kathi Kemper, director of the Center for Integrative Health and Wellness at Ohio State University. Dr. Kemper is recognized internationally as the founder of the field of integrative pediatrics. She founded three Centers for Integrative Medicine and published four books for the public: The Holistic Pediatrician; Mental Health Naturally; Addressing ADD Naturally; and Authentic Healing. This show is sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. “The Multi-Perspective Edge” with 2GuysInTheKnow – Wednesday, May 4 at 6 p.m. — Eric Earll and Bert Allen of 2GuysInTheKnow explore a multitude of topics that will deepen and enrich your life’s journey through special guests, interviews and live on the air readings. NEW: “The Edge of Divinity” with Dr. Julie Buckman - Saturday, May 7 at 6 p.m. — Learn the language of the Divine. Learn to trust what you hear, to be guided by what you say, as we explore the multitude of differences we each uniquely possess. Host Dr. Julie Buckman is an ordained Minister who works with God and his Divine guidance while asking for guidance from the other realms, as well. Her focus is to embrace who you are, understand what your purpose is, and know there is more in reality than what meets the eye. “On the Edge” with Doug Crandall Sunday, May 8 from 6-8 p.m. — Each month, join host Doug Crandall as he views life from On the edge, using his unique perspective to delve into such topics as life, death, this, that and the other! The host will be joined by notable guests who will share their knowledge with the listening audience. “The Akashic Vibrational Edge” with Maggie Chula - Monday, May 9 at 8 p.m. Central — Maggie Chula is a psychic trance channel for the Akashic Master Teachers. On this show she will open up the phone lines to answer questions on how to heal every aspect of your life, your physical body, and your connection to your own Council of Light using the Akashic Vibration. Maggie is a certified Psychic Professional, Medical Intuitive and the author of several books including Open the Doorway to Your Soul: Channeled Messages from the Master Teachers of the Akasha.

“Edge Inner View” with Cathryn Taylor Wednesday, May 11 at 3 p.m. — Join host Cathryn Taylor for a conversation with Dr. Kyra Mesich, author of the new book, The Strength of Sensitivity: Understanding Empathy for a Life of Emotional Peace & Balance (Llewellyn Worldwide), available in bookstores May 8. The local author shares stories not only about the struggles of being an empath but also the triumphs, and it presents amazing research that explains how empathic ability works.

B e n e f i t s OF Advertising in The Edge

“Edge EFT Happy Half Hour: Rap & Tap” with Cathryn Taylor - Monday, May 16 at 3 p.m. — Take the edge off your day! Treat yourself to a half hour of relaxation and relief with the new, innovative stress-reducing technique of Energy Tapping. Learn how to use EFT for Body, Mind, Heart & Soul.

You save money and receive great public exposure in the Twin Cities & Upper Midwest, both in print monthly and online.

“Edge Happenings” with Cathy Jacobsen Wednesday, May 18 at 3 p.m. — Live conversations with those who are bringing special events to the community in the next month. Gather more insight into what to expect at these coming events and why they will be meaningful to you in your everyday life.

You multiply your exposure with ad packages in print and online.

You can become host of an online podcast, audio recordings monthly or more frequently, as part of Edge Talk Radio.

You get special discount pricing on additional advertising, listings, email blasts and sponsorships with The Edge.

“Edge of Wellness” with Tina McGee Monday, May 23 at 7 p.m. — Join host Tina McGee each month and expect to be inspired to think of your health in new and innovative ways that educate, as well as empower! Tina is an LPN currently attending St. Catherine’s Unive rsity earning her masters degree in Holistic Health Studies. “The Multi-Perspective Edge” with 2GuysInTheKnow Wednesday, May 25 at 6 p.m. — Eric Earll and Bert Allen of 2GuysInTheKnow explore a multitude of topics that will deepen and enrich your life’s journey through special guests, interviews and live on the air readings. “Edge Wise Woman Wellness” with Terese Guettler, R.N. - Thursday, May 26 at 5 p.m. — Join host Terese Guettler, R.N. each month for Edge Wise Woman Wellness — Empowering Women through Life Transitions. Whether you are experiencing a divorce, empty nest syndrome, a health challenge, job loss or searching for your life purpose Terese Guettler offers you assistance and support in that transition.

Join The Edge Advertise Yo u r G i f t s 763.433.9291 May 2016 the edge  29






E VENT listings

…provide date, title and text. $29: up to 35 words. $45: 36-70 words each month. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Listings must include specific event dates. Major credit cards accepted. Order online at Call 763.433.9291 or e-mail May 1 – Is Heaven Real? Join people from all walks of life for the monthly worship service at the Temple of ECK. Dynamic speakers, original creative arts, and singing HU, a sacred name for God, celebrate a life lived in harmony with Divine Spirit. Sunday, May 1, and every first Sunday of the month, 10 a.m., Temple of ECK/Eckankar, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, May 1 & 22 – Divine REIK I Class: Through research, our Divine REIKI class (5 hours) is designed to transform the “Specialized Master” armed with knowledge, wisdom, education, benefits and the future for self and others. Sunday classes available. $125. Register at!classes/uj1zj May 3 – Your Personal Numerology Chart — Your Life Cycles: Discover the nature of the opportunities, challenges, and themes you will encounter during your personal cycles and phases. This fascinating and interactive class will help you identify the timing in your birth chart and will give you newfound knowledge to help you achieve your goals. 6-8:30 p.m., $49 class, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www. May 3, 17, 24, 31 – Psychic Development Classes: With Alison James, award-winning Psychic Medium & Animal Intuitive. 7-9 p.m. weekly on Tuesdays. No class May 10. Each class is complete, you don’t have to have any previous experience or have taken previous classes to attend. Several topics covered with individualized attention whilst surrounded by the frequencies of the master healing crystals. Age 16+ with paid seats for adult & minor. Amanae & Frequencies of Brilliance Center, 2324 37th St. E, Mpls. Details & reservations or drop in:,, text 612.424.1411. May 4, 11, 18, 25 – Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel: Discover your true identity as Soul—a divine spark of God! This four-week class explores how to awaken past-life memories, how dreams can give you insight and warnings, and how Soul Travel can help in spiritual unfoldment. Learn how to work with an inner guide for more guidance, protection, and love in your life. Free! Come any or all Wednesdays, May 4–25, 7-8:30 p.m., Eckankar,, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, www. Pre-register; gift booklet, Eckankar’s Spiritual Experiences Guidebook. May 5 – Yoga Nidra — The Gift of Deep Restoration and Healing: One hour of Yoga Nidra is equal to


three hours of sleep. Use this guided meditation to boost your immune system and reduce anxiety and depression. Yoga Nidra is a non-movement “yogi sleep” that is used to prevent and reverse numerous ailments and diseases. 6-8 p.m., $49, Normandale Community College,952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes May 6 – Silk Painting Class: Ever wanted to make your own reading cloth, altar cloth or fun piece of artwork? Now you can! This silk painting class will give you the opportunity to make your own small piece of art — painted by You. 6 p.m. at Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. For more information, visit or call 651.600.3769. May 6 – Yogananda-Style Kirtan & Meditation: Spiritfocused devotional singing opens the heart, plus raises consciousness. Periods of guided meditation included. No Experience Needed — All Welcome! 7:30-9 p.m., River Garden Yoga Center, 455 7th St. W., St. Paul. Info: Contact Alan Pritz at May 7 – Qi-ssage with Spring Forest Qigong: Learn how to leverage the healing power of Spring Forest Qigong by stimulating key energy points with your fingers, hands, and to draw the healing energy from the source love. Workshop includes a Qi-ssage demonstration manual, DVD and audio CD. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., $239, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, May 7 – Advanced Aromatherapy Applications Certificate — Pain Relief: This class is ideal for those who have taken the foundations certificate or other related certificates. You will learn about the use and application of essential oils related to pain reduction in various areas of the body. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., $155, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www. May 7 – Reiki Level II: Class taught by Rebecca Borowskem 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave, White Bear Lake. For more information visit or call 651-600-3769 May 7 – Reiki Circle — An Exchange of Energy: The Reiki circles are a great way to network with likeminded individuals. Open to the public. Come with an open intention to heal & experience Reiki, by joining Reiki practitioners work together in a healing environment. You will have a chance on the healing

MAY 13

MAY 21

MAY 29

tables to experience Reiki, and discover your own healing journey. 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. For more information, visit or call 651.600.3769. May 7 – Moonlight & Magic Expo: Offering attendees access to a Free Outdoor Festival with 30+ vendors, live music, food trucks. Attendees have access to psychics, mediums, tarot readers, energy healers, crystals, stones and much more. Free speaker workshops throughout the event. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday, May 7 at Faery House, Buffalo, MN. Followed by a Medium Gallery event at 6:30-8:30 p.m., $25. More info: call Leigh at 763.233.1354 or May 7 & 8 – EFT Level 2 Certificate: Learn Emotional Freedom Techniques that will help prepare you to handle extreme challenges when working with emotions and trauma whether you are there in person or in some other form of communication. You will gain powerful self-tools to release unhealthy thoughts and emotional stress, to get “unstuck,” and quickly manifest positive change. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., $395, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes May 8 – Psychic Sunday at Enchanted Boutique: Enjoy a sampling of services from some of our providers. Four providers for 15 minutes with each. Tarot & Psychic Readings, Reiki Session, and SRT Healing. One hour of services for only $75. 1-6 p.m. at Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. For more information, visit or call 651.600.3769. May 10 – Tarot Circle — Sharing the knowledge: Come hang out with fellow tarot enthusiasts and share your love for the cards! Bring your favorite deck (or two) and meet us open and thought-provoking discussion. 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. For more information, visit or call 651.600.3769. May 11 – Fairy Workshop: Join us as we explore the magical realm of Fairies and their Elemental friends. Create a fairy wand and leave with a small gift for your little friends. Safe/fun atmosphere. May 11 from 6:309:30 p.m. Special pricing/details. Psychics in the Cities,, 612.860.9196. May 13 – Intuitive Circle: With Alison James, awardwinning Psychic Medium & Animal Intuitive. 7-8:30 p.m. on the 2nd Friday of the month. Relax, rejuvenate and practice. Work with your spiritual team in the safety of your soul sanctuary; receive answers to your questions; surrounded by the frequencies of the master healing crystals & gentle drumming by Alison. Open forum, open group. Teens welcomed with paid seats for adult & minor. Amanae & Frequencies of Brilliance Center, 2324 37th St. E, Mpls. Details & reservations or drop in:,, text 612.424.1411.

May 14 – Discovery Feng Shui —A Personal Journey: Learn to maximize the benefits of Feng Shui with tools that you can start using immediately in your personal and professional life. Discover simple energy and position changes can help you align with your goals and health. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., $149, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes May 14 – Energy Medicine — Being the Practitioner: The last class of the 7-part series, this workshop will show you how to become aware of your energy protocol and identify and use your particular energetic gifts. You will learn how to integrate all previously learned concepts, practices and techniques. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., $145, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, May 14 – Psychic Gallery Event: With Alison James, award-winning Psychic Medium & Animal Intuitive. 7-8:30 p.m. on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Interactive experience with intuitive forum including Q & A, and connections with those in the afterlife, including pets all whilst surrounded by the frequencies of the master healing crystals. Adults. New Location: Amanae & Frequencies of Brilliance Center, 2324 37th St. E, Mpls. Details & reservations or drop in: www.,, text 612.424.1411. May 14 – Bellaluna Boutique May Day Event: Our Mayday event is upon us. We are celebrating May 14 with our special guest author and renowned Mystic, Soulaire. We are also featuring Reiki by Soultar and Animal Whisperer Romawai. Expect great deals, great people and delightful treats. Celebrate Mom. Bellaluna Boutique, 11305 Minnetonka Mills Rd., Minnetonka, MN. Call 952.938.0800. May 14-15 – Family of Origin — Shamanic Breathwork Workshop: Release blocked emotions and energies, appreciate your past, integrate the gems of your experience. Application process required if this is your first SHIP workshop. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., $300. Burnsville. Contact for questions and registration:, May 15 – Let Go and Let God—Chant HU! In our fastpaced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Experience the divine love and inner peace of chanting HU, a sacred name for God. All are welcome to this half-hour HU Song at the Temple of ECK. Free! Sunday, May 15, 10-10:30 a.m., Eckankar, www.TempleofECK. org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. May 16 – Free Public Lecture: “Healing on the Spiritual Path — medically verifiable” with Speakers Dr. Daniela Dentico and Brigitte Schneider, licensed healing practitioner. 7-8:30 p.m. at the Carondelet Center, Room 105, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul. The event is free of charge, donations are appreciated. For more information: May 19 – EFT “Tapping” Free 15-minute “Life Breakthrough” chat: Do you feel stuck? Need to get over something or move forward? Schedule your private 15-minute phone “Life Breakthrough” chat to see if Kim can help you. Register at www.SuccessAndEFT. com. Kim Eisen, Experienced & Intuitive Master of EFT “Tapping,” Life Breakthrough Coach and Energy Healer,, 612.802.HEAL (4325). May 21 – Half-Day Shamanic Breathwork Experience: Ready for transformation? Whether you are new to Shamanic Breathwork or are experienced and ready for more, this workshop is for you! 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. $75. Burnsville. Contact for questions and registration:,

May 21 – Spirit United Fundraiser — “Support Spirit United, Moving Forward”: Live Musical Performances: Frank DiCristina, TentaTively Tea Time and Wild Moon Bhaktas. Honored Guests: Rev. Ron Moor and Sol Fire Shaman Jorge Villanueva Castillo and many more. Food Trucks: A Peace of Cake, Artisan Mini Doughnuts and The Bison Butler - Bison and BBQ. $20 Fundraiser Donation with Silent Auction, 5:30-9:30 p.m., Spirit United, 3204 SE Como Ave., Minneapolis. Info: or SpiritUnited May 22 – Aura Photo with Bobby Sullivan: Receive a photograph of your aura and an intuitive reading. Noon - 6 p.m. at Enchanted Boutique, 4074 White Bear Ave., White Bear Lake. For more information, visit www. or call 651.600.3769. May 22 – Order of Melchizedek Workshop & Ordinations: Rev. Chesbro will celebrate the 10:30 a.m. service at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, then the Workshop & Ordinations into the Order of Melchizedek at 1 p.m. sharp. Arrive early to complete registration. 4401 Upton Ave. S, Minneapolis. Information: 612.929.3822. Investment: $200. May 26 – Spirit Removal: You will learn how to protect yourself, and remove attachments and spirits. 6-8 p.m., $35. Register online at or call 612.501.0858. May 28 - Prayer, Meditation and Contemplation: Discover the most secret part of yourself! Learn how simple spiritual exercises can enhance your relationship with God and help you find the source of all truth — the heart of love. Free discussion at the Wedge Table, 2412 Nicollet Ave. S., Minneapolis, 1-2 p.m. For more information, contact Steve: 612.508.7815. Eckankar of Minnesota: June 1 – What Is Eckankar? Find out about the ancient, yet new, spiritual teachings of Eckankar. Discover how you can master your spiritual destiny in this lifetime, become a co-worker with God, and experience more freedom and love. Free! Wednesday, June 1, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar,, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, Eckankar. Pre-register; gift book, Eckankar—Ancient Wisdom for Today. June 8 – Wild Plant Walk: Learn to identify and appreciate basic edible and medicinal uses of wild plants and shrubs of late summer and early autumn. You will explore plant life in Normandale’s expansive natural setting and learn how to utilize them for food and medicine. 5-7:30 p.m., $49, Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, classes June 8 – Dreams, Miracles and Coincidences: Come share your dreams, miracles, and coincidences. Try spiritual tools to help you recognize the miracles in your life every day! Free! Wednesday, June 8, 7-8:30 p.m., Eckankar,, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, Eckankar. Pre-register; free booklet, Eckankar’s Spiritual Experiences Guidebook. June 11 – Holistic Wellness Expo: 20+ Vendors offering their services. Door prizes, 4 Free workshops, Products for sale. 10 a.m - 5 p.m. Saturday, June 11, $5. Earthway Farm, 15832 County Rd. 7, South Haven, MN. For information, email Visit or earthwayfarm June 15 – Does Life Have a Spiritual Purpose? Come explore this topic, and find ways to live your highest dreams. Find keys to advance your pursuit of truth.

Free! Wednesday, June 15, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar,, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, Pre-register; free booklet, Is Life a Random Walk? June 18 & 19 – Introductory Weekend of the New Earth Priestess Process, “The Priestess Archetype and Women’s Mysteries”: Explore the Priestess archetype and women’s mysteries before committing to the nine month New Earth Priestess Process™. Connect in sisterhood, ritual, and ceremony. Activate your cellular memory, ignite your inner flame. This is a deep transformative process of personal empowerment and shamanic initiation. Optional ministerial ordination available upon process completion. $265 in Golden Valley, MN. Contact: Sarah O’Rourke, facilitator, 651.398.9056. Info & registration: www. June 22 – Explore Out-of-Body Adventures: Imagine being able to Soul Travel! Learn dynamic exercises to explore your inner worlds to solve problems, expand your consciousness, and move closer to the heart of God. Free workshop! Wednesday, June 22, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar,, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, Eckankar. Pre-register; gift booklet, Eckankar’s Spiritual Experiences Guidebook. June 25-26 – Dancing With Your Shadow — Shamanic Breathwork Workshop: Learn to “stalk” the hidden parts of yourself to find the true gold hidden in the shadows of your being. Application process required if this is your first SHIP workshop. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. $300. Burnsville. Contact for questions and registration:, www.shamanshearth. org June 29 – Past Lives: Have You Lived Before? Awaken past-life memories through spiritual exercises, dreams, and Soul Travel. Break free from the wheel of reincarnation, and step into a more spiritually rewarding life. Free workshop! Wednesday, June 29, 7-8:30 p.m. Eckankar,, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, Eckankar. Pre-register; gift booklet, Spiritual Wisdom on Karma and Reincarnation. July 9-10 – Kundalini Awakening Seminar: Kundalini Awakening Systems’ spiritual teacher, Chrism, will present a Kundalini Awakening Seminar at a high energy prairie near Canon Falls, July 9-10. He will be speaking the prior 8 days. Kundalini is a powerful Divine energy, birthright of us all. See articles/information in the May, June issues. Contact Rosemary at rosemaryg@ or call 612.452.3161. July 16 – Northwoods Health and Wellness Expo: Alternative and complementary methods assisting the public with their health and other issues. Available: Healers, Shamans, Lightworkers, Reiki, Access Consciousness Bars, Intuitive Readers, Aura Photography, Tarot Card Readers, Acupressure, Chair Massage, Jewelry, Healing Tools, Essential Oils, Singing Bowls, Natural Products, Kid Yoga, Artists, plus much more! 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., drumming will follow, Minocqua Park Complex, 10295 Highway 70, Minocqua, WI. Info: or Cindy J. Marten 715.966.9400, July 25-27, 29-31, November 4-10 – SourcePoint Therapy training: Register for SourcePoint Therapy training in the Twin Cities. A modality that supports the full potential of the human being. Module 1 – The Blueprint – on July 25-27. Module 2 – The Inner Temple – July 29-31. Module 3 – Drawing Out, Releasing and Re-Structuring – Nov. 4-10. NCBTMB and NCCAOM continuing education provider. For more Info: www.

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