Interwoven Realities
High Vibrations for a New Era Marvels of Ancient Alchemy
Connect with Your Higher Self

Interwoven Realities
High Vibrations for a New Era Marvels of Ancient Alchemy
Connect with Your Higher Self
Trained in multiple healing modalities that I share in my classes and the services I provide.
Intuitive Palmistry, Card Readings & Mediumship • 952-242-7886
I love connecting to the Angels! Looking for a little guidance or wondering what is next? I will connect to the Angels to provide you with some clarity. • 612-695-8183
Bobby connects with who you really are through intuitive conversations. She provides insight from your inner wisdom. •
Sacred Ceramics and Wire-Wrapped Crystal Jewelry. • 952-215-2160
Intuitive Readings with Tarot cards. • 612-567-0531
Hands on healing combined with psychic insight. • 651-428-1667 •
Psychic medium with understanding of love, energy, empathy and its impact. Services include psychic readings, mediumship, healings, tarot card readings & grief coaching.
Wire-wrapped Custom Gemstone Jewelry, Personalized Zodiac Blueprint Reports, Reiki Tarot Healing, and Vibrational Reiki Chakra Therapy. •
I use a biopulsar Aura and Chakra imaging machine to suggest ways clients can optimize their Aura and Chakra system. • 612-232-0965 • 763-795-8176 (text only)
Akashic Record Healing & Reading, Angel Healing & Reading, Soul Coaching, Mentor & Teacher. Founder of the Akashic Angel Healing Academy
Each GemMe Wand is created with love and intention by artist Cheri Paragi. Stop by Cheri’s booth to see which GemMe Wand resonates with you!
Animal Communicator and Medium.
I o er QHHT and past life regression sessions to help clients explore their inner wisdom, heal past traumas, and unlock their true potential.
A sacred, shamanic healer guided by divine love providing transformative client sessions. • Cell: 952-292-4450 • 651-829-1012
Readings provide clear insight, action steps and powerful clearing and Transformation work with Transformative Life Sessions. Distance and in-person sessions available.
Akashic Records and Evolutionary Astrology.
Psychic, past life readings, chakra balancing, medium, animal communicator, and healing.
Charismatic DNA Reconstruction Discover the ancestor that started it all - and break the cycle.
Reflexology is a hands-on approach to healing. Julie applies specific hand, thumb and finger movements to the bottom of the feet which allow the body's reflexes to provide healing from within. • 763-257-9355
Numerology readings showing who you are and what you are here to accomplish in this lifetime. • 612-308-2962
Paula & Rob Smith
We address the top things stressing out your physical and emotional body while giving your body an electrical treatment charging millions of cells at the same time. • 952-220-7201
Angi Jara, Mht
Spiritual Hypnotherapist/Past Life Regression/Reiki Master/Intuitive Reader. Connecting you with your Soul's divine purpose through healing, wisdom, and love. • 651-252-9060
Myofascial Release, Foot reflexology, Reiki. Bodywork and energy healing for empaths and highly sensitive people looking for pain relief and relaxation. Natalie Lang
O ers Akashic Record readings and Angelic Energy Healing. Resolve perplexing problems in this lifetime. Angelic Energy Healings help you receive healing already all around you. • 612-275-1832
Dr. Katherine Belisle
Guide with the Modern Mystery School providing Ancient Lineage Healings and Teachings for spiritual growth and deep healing. Intuitive reader and Animal Communicator. • 952-212-6749
Terri Kiggins
Utilizes Emotion Code & muscle testing to work with the subconscious mind to release trapped, unprocessed issues. • 612-444-5893
Angelic Guidance, Direct and Intuitive Channeling, Tarot and Oracle Card Readings, Past Life Explorations, Quantum Coaching.
Morgan Richards
on TikTok and YouTube Clairvoyant, intuitive and channeler with 15 years experience guiding through tarot readings. I channel spirit and use life experience to guide others on their journey for their highest good. • 715-714-4968 Intuitive Tarot
Holistic Arts o ers handmade, loveinspired and Reiki infused jewelry, crystals and gifts for the soul. • 651-705-6110
Mary Newstrom
Mary Newstrom's Zenith High, o ers shamanic services. healings, readings, and shamanic training. • 952-913-5574
Spiritual Intuitive, practitioner of Energy Healing, Cranial Sacral Therapy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Known for his Aura Photography, in which he interprets and reads auras using a special Aura Imaging Camera.
Kathleen Vinehout
Do you want to clearly communicate with your Spirit Guides and Star Families? Invite divine support? Know you're NOT alone? Kathleen makes real the help that often feels unreal – using channeling, mediumship and art.
Evidential medium, intuitive reader, past life, pet communication.
651-788-0693 • TikTok @ Gods Light and Love
Sheri Melander-Smith
Spirit United Interfaith Church
A community of like-minded people on our spiritual journey. Held online and in-person in the Earth Room. Sign up for Sunday service links at Sunday Service 10:30am-12 noon
Want to rent space at the New Center? Contact Julie Seiler
Sara Anondson
Sacred Rose Healing, Reiki, Shamanic Healings, Spiritual/Life Coaching Services. Sara helps you towards your life’s purpose and removes blockages in your journey. May your day be filled with magical moments! Find a variety of angels, cardinals, stones, crystals and jewelry.
Aug/Sept 2024
Featured Topic: Relationships
With Ali Fitzpatrick, Jessica Gilbert, and Michele Rae, MA, NBC-HWC
From the Editor By Steve Wagner
A Community for Higher Consciousness
By Maureen Higgins, MA
A Higher Vibration for the New Era By Royce Vagnier
Connecting with Your Higher Self By Wendy Benning Swanson
The Sacred & Powerful Dance of Wood, Copper & Crystal By Cheri Paragi
Coffee with the Angels By Cheryl Carrigan
Unveiling Ormus: The Alchemical Marvel
By Dr. Ron Holman, PhD
Interwoven Realities
With Carole J. Hyder
THE EDGE MAGAZINE, 8625 Coachmans Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55347
ISSN 1085-0996 © Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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Manifest Your Power By Wes Hamilton
>> COVER STORY Your Most Important Relationship: You! By Gail Lynn
Healing Our Land With Annette Rugolo
Goldenrod is a Friend, not your Foe By Witch Jodi, RN
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Relationships with Terpenes By Marie Schlumpberger
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5-Card Draw with DeEtte By DeEtte Ranae
CINDY TORRES 612-482-2007
The Edge Magazine is published by The Community for Higher Consciousness, LLC. Reproduction of articles in print or electronically without permission of the author is strictly prohibited. The Edge does not contain medical, legal, or financial advice. Any information about these topics is not a substitute for professional advice, and the Community for Higher Consciousness or The Edge Magazine does not assume any liability for any actions resulting from the reliance on any information or advertisements provided in this publication. Printed with soy ink. Please recycle.
If you're a reader of TheEdgeMagazine, you may have heard "We are all interconnected." That's because we are a community focused on higher consciousness, and we are here to raise our vibration, collectively, so that we may all succeed. Community is reliant on relationships. Some help us grow, some deliver hard learnings, and some fade when they no longer suit us... Let's talk
It is said that relationships are the highest form of yoga. And throughout the years, that is one phrase I have found truer than true.
When I was younger, I LIVED in my imagination. Everything from Cinderella to Prince Charming whisking her away to unrealistic electric sparks and butterflies. Society feeds us the misconceptions of the Disney fairytale, not a conscious perspective of what relationships actually are and how they are a significant piece of furthering our soul’s journey.
Throughout my experience, I have found that people come into our lives for three main reasons: healing, a lesson, or a true romantic/platonic connection.
They might be coming in to mirror specific unconscious wounding for you to gain awareness and heal from. There might be a new or repeated lesson that you’re FINALLY ready to learn and move forward from. Or it might be that deeper, more lasting connection, indeed.
Don’t get me wrong. I love a good fairytale as much as the next person. AND... when we’re able to approach new
Today, most people are living in an acidic soup of toxicity, from chemicals to relationships, and finding (pH) balance can be near impossible! So, how do we navigate throughout life to find this balance?
Not surprisingly, the answer can be found in Nature. Whether it's foods that are alkaline for our bodies, smelling the roses, or even relaxing in the rays of the sun, Nature knows balance. We simply have to listen to its rhythms. But that's easier said than done!
Because our brains are hardwired towards addiction, laziness, and instant gratification, all things acidic seem to be hard to break up with! These toxicities hold tight to our weaknesses, pulling us deeper and deeper into an acidic soup of guilty pleasures that do not last and quickly turn against us until we once again indulge!
So, HOW do we break this vicious cycle and change our relationship with ourselves and our environment?
connections with this perspective, it automatically creates a sense of reality, a level of conscious relating, and an elevated perspective. Which is what we’re here for, isn’t it?
When we consciously use relationships as vehicles and teachers for our own healing and personal growth, we understand it’s not so much about the other person but rather ourselves. They are simply a mirror to our internal belief systems and wounding. In those moments, we can ask ourselves, “What is this here to teach me? What am I supposed to be learning through this and with this person?”
Doesn’t that feel so much more empowering? We should take our power back and remember that it’s always about us and our own journey. a
Ali Fitzpatrick is a transformational life, spiritual and manifestation coach, kundalini yoga teacher, astrologer, sound healer and mystic. She guides spiritually curious women and men through major life transitions and awakenings using powerful and comprehensive ways forward in self empowerment and self development and discovery. These tools help them to align with personal truths, limitless possibility and support the beautiful nuanced journey of each person’s soul and the destiny that each of us are stepping into.
I think the real answer isn't so cut and dry. As with any relationship, breaking up is hard to do. But at the cost of losing ourselves, we need to find peace and forgiveness in all aspects of our acidic lives. Starting with diet, meditation, and forgiveness, we can begin to heal ourselves while balancing our pH to neutral.
Once we neutralize our body's pH, we will find peace in all different areas of our lives, healing our bodies and the relationships around us. Cutting out acidic foods, relationships, and thoughts can be the beginning of a new relationship, one of balance, peace, and happiness. If you need support finding this new relationship, you are not alone! I love helping people navigate through their healing journey, and balancing pH is where to start! a Jessica Gilbert, owner of Quantum Healers Frequency Practitioner and Health Coach. Helping people navigate their health, finding inner peace and wellbeing. Where Healing The Quantum Starts With Healing Yourself! Contact her at 920-319-3420 and
Have you noticed as you become more aware, more intentional, more able to pause and respond instead of overreacting, that your relationships are radically shifting? As you embody higher levels of consciousness, everything around you attunes to your higher frequency. This experience can feel expansive and joyful. You are more likely to notice magic, epiphanies, synchronicity, and subtle energetic ways of knowing. Yet sometimes there is grief as you live into your Wholeness and Holiness. People in your life may still cling to old era qualities such as scarcity, polarization, entitlement and domination. If you are the only one invested in developing more self-awareness and shifting to access a larger portion of the field of consciousness, incoherence can become intolerable for both people. As your understanding of who you are grows and changes, there can be sadness as you outgrow long time relationships. As you embrace new era values such as interconnectedness, collaboration, transparency, and abundance your choices, points of view and beliefs shift.
Here are a few excerpts from my book, Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming. Let’s take a deeper look at navigating relationships in the new era.
“Our relationships mirror our level of consciousness. When we live in lower consciousness, I am Individual, we are primarily focused on healing our holes. From this viewpoint, we often see the other as the source of our suffering and happiness. We tend to blame them for not bringing us enough joy and for causing us pain. In our conversations, we can be defensive, need to impose our opinions as the only right idea on the other, and feel like a victim. We may recognize patterns of dissatisfaction and discontentment. We may move from job to job or relationship to relationship. At first there is excitement in the new relationship, then the inevitable complaining and judgement that our bosses and lovers are inadequate. Love is conditional. We are seeking wholeness outside. The lessons will repeat indefinitely until we decide to heal our holes and find wholeness inside.”
“As we continue to expand our perspective, we can taste the sweet joy and peace of I am Infinite and know ourselves as the essence of All That Is. When we know this stage of unity consciousness, we experience the 'other' someone or something as interconnected to ourselves. When we deeply see another person, we recognize our identical inner nature of Holiness. We honor and salute the love shining from the core of their being and all beings. With discernment, we recognize each relationship is unique and engage accordingly. Right action and right relationship arise in present moment awareness.”
The universe is calling you to embrace a higher consciousness, to mature into the new era with ease and joy. Let’s do this together in New Era Relationships! a
Michele Rae, MA, NBC-HWC, is a master transformational coach, founder of The Center Within, and author of “Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming.” She coaches individuals and groups and offers a variety of online recorded and in person courses. Michele provides guidance navigating the transformative shift we are individually and collectively engaged in as we expand our awareness and access higher consciousness. Learn to accelerate and amplify your natural process of awakening, align your mind-body-spirit, and become your most empowered authentic self at
Steve Wagner Editor, THE EDGE
Greetings readers, and thank you for feeding your curiosity and opening this magazine. Life imitates art this issue in an interesting way.
As Kelly and I gathered articles discussing relationships this summer, several relationships of our own tranformed. Some involved loss, such as losing loved ones to illness. Other relationships involved surprise reconnections with our past, receiving ancestral healing as a beautiful byproduct! Meanwhile, other relationships delivered life lessons.
We hope you enjoy this issue, and recieve some wisdom, understanding, and healing in your own relationships.
If you're enjoying what our staff is creating, please show your support by subscribing to The Edge Magazine and by supporting our trusted advertisers.
This Month's Cover: "I GIVE" by Marcella Rose
Marcella Rose traces her artistic roots and love for the natural world back to her formative years growing up on a western Minnesota farm. She currently operates Marcella Rose Studio & Gallery in Pelican Rapids. Marcella’s fine art encompasses sculpture, jewelry design and oil painting. Feminine figures and animals have long been a central focus of her work.
This soulful piece is a part of Marcella's 13-painting Eternal Dance series. Browse her diverse collection of abstract and surreal paintings, bronze and Raku sculptures, and jewelry at "I GIVE"
As I reach out I encounter myself reaching out to myself in return. I/WE embrace in eternal love and Motherly/Fatherly caring of self. We are all We need.
Blinding realization of Duality urges me to expand my Embrace. Both of us in Here need both of you in There. Feeling comfort and peace I am free to reach Out to The Other… – Marcella Rose
Humanity has moved away from being in community over the last century. We have found ourselves feeling self-sufficient and self-absorbed due to the convenience of stores, cars and now delivery services, the internet, social media and cell phones.
There are many things we like about this progress but, in the process, we’ve lost much of what’s important. Being a part of each other’s lives and supporting each other through the highs and lows of life. Our relationships.
During the last few years, many people have been thinking about community and missing their meaningful relationships. Their connection to each other through physical contact and shared goals are what matter the most.
I started thinking about community, and its connection to higher consciousness, about 15 years ago. It takes community to truly move into higher consciousness since we’re all energetically connected. The more each of us focus on love, and helping each other, it creates a ripple effect that creates a critical mass shift into a large global awakening that many call ascension.
My interest in community and higher consciousness guided me to purchase the website domain Community for Higher Consciousness in 2009, which many of us call “CHC”. I intuitively felt a reason to purchase the domain but wasn’t sure what it was. I followed the guidance from my Higher Self/spirit, trusting that the reason would reveal itself. Shortly after I purchased the domain, a good friend of mine told me she had owned it for the previous five years and felt guided to let it go. “I must have saved it for you,” she laughed!
My oldest son created the original CHC website for me, and then it remained without an official purpose for about two years. Around 2011, six people decided to use the website together. Myself, Michele Rae, Barb Stahl, Henry Emmons, Kevin Harrington and Tim Culbert used the website, for a few years, to promote higher consciousness.
We decided to create a celebration to honor 2012 which was considered the beginning of a new era. We also had quarterly workshops that followed the equinox and solstices. We called our event and workshop series, “Transforming Together.”
Once the 2012 event and workshops were complete, the website needed a new purpose. A group of twelve decided to use it to promote higher consciousness through our practitioner work, workshops and blogs. Steve Wagner, now co-owner of The Edge with his wife Kelly, redesigned the CHC website. Over time, the purpose of the website seemed outdated again. Community for Higher Consciousness needed a bigger purpose.
In 2020, I meditated with Kelly and Steve Wagner, then new owners of The Edge. We asked our Higher Selves and guides for optimal outcomes for the Community for Higher Consciousness, its members, and other participants. My inner guidance said that they’d be the best candidates to take CHC to the next level of growth. Steve and Kelly expanded the CHC website to include other great practitioners and teachers, multimedia, a services directory, and a robust calendar of events, classes and workshops. But still, as time passed, we saw this model was also becoming outdated.
We felt that our Community for Higher Consciousness was ready to be global – welcoming all humans on earth to be a part of our community!
It may not seem like higher consciousness is ready to go global due to all the chaos and extreme difficulties occurring all
around us. However, whenever things feel at their hardest is when the biggest breakthroughs happen. Kelly, Steve and I are feeling the push forward to breakthrough, and we’re thinking you are too.
Stay tuned as Kelly and Steve combine CHC with The Edge and bring higher consciousness into greater focus, helping humanity move into love and unity consciousness where everybody and everything matters!
We can all make a difference towards higher consciousness by joining hands together and letting go of the past personally, ancestrally and collectively so we can bring in something totally new where we all matter. As the Hopi Indians say, “We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.” a
MAUREEN HIGG I NS, owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people let go of the past, be their best selves, and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems. You can learn these systems through the School for Higher Consciousness at energetic-healing-program and experience them through her audios at
As a kid in the 1970s, one of my favorite songs was The Age of Aquarius by The 5th Dimension. I had no clue what the song meant when they sang: When the Moon is in the Seventh House , and Jupiter aligns with Mars Rather, I just felt happy and joyous and danced around as I sang: This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius over and over again. What I know now is that my body was in resonance with the frequency and intention of the song. It was raising my vibration. It was nutritious. It made me feel enlivened.
The same thing happened when I purchased my first singing bowl. I chose it by listening to multiple bowls and picking the bowl that “felt right” to me. The heart bowl I chose is tuned to 528 Hz, a tuning slightly higher than modern music, making the music sound slightly brighter and a little bit clearer. 528 Hz is also one of the Solfeggio Frequencies known for invoking Universal Love and transformation. As we raise our consciousness during this transformational time, does it not make sense that our bodies will crave this higher vibration?
The Aquarian Age is ushering in a higher vibration for humanity. Lee Harris, an Energy Intuitive, speaks of this transformation, “You are here and now. And the now is about to get wider. The now is about to feel richer, bigger, and more connected. For you are entering into your connection to everything. The magic, the complexity, the love, the fire, the passion, the joy – everything collides in oneness. You are a world awakening.”
I felt the magic and the connection the first time I heard Jeralyn Glass play the alchemy singing bowls. As she began playing, I felt the rich sounds wash over me, wave after wave. I experienced their healing power and felt enlivened.
An alchemy crystal singing bowl® is 99.99% quartz infused with semi-precious gemstones, minerals, or precious metals with healing properties. The quartz crystals in every bowl amplify, focus, transfer, and, most importantly, transmute energy. Our bodies are also crystalline, so when you work with crystals, you may discover that they profoundly affect you all the way down to your very cells. Every alchemy crystal singing bowl® is one-of-a-kind and born with its own unique voice. They are a transformational tool for awakening, enlightenment, grounding, healing, and wholeness.
I intentionally curated the alchemies of my own singing bowls to help the receiver ground, balance, and connect to their Higher Self. For grounding, there is Carnelian (grounding first three chakras), Mt. Shasta Serpentine (the Earth’s root chakra), and Charcoal (a dynamic portal for clarity and personal vision to ground us within ourselves). For balance, Androgynous Indium (male/female energies), Super 7 (all chakras), and Tibetan Copper (auric fields). Finally, connection to the Universal Spirit through Azeztulite (“I AM” energy + universal light) and St. Germain Aura (embodiment of high vibrational Source Energy). Together, these powerful alchemies combine to enrich the healing frequencies of the bowls to create a multi-vitamin for the Soul.
As we navigate this chaotic transition to a brighter future, we all need to find the nutrients and the “oasis from the storm” to help us recalibrate, rebalance, and transform. Sound healing can be one of the transformative practices for this evolution. I would love to share these higher frequencies with you in a group sound journey anchored in my intention of love and peace. You can also use singing bowls for your own personal practice. Let me help you choose your bowlmate and show you how to use it to ground and balance you and help accelerate you to your higher consciousness.
In this Aquarian Age, Intention + Frequency + Love = Enlivened Living. Are you ready to start feeling the connection and live a more enlivened life? a
ROYCE VAGNIER is a retail strategist, yoga instructor and sound healer. As an alchemist, he guides individuals and companies to transform into a better version of themselves. Visit to learn more and connect with Royce.
Did you know that you have an aspect of your consciousness that transcends the ego and is connected with the truest, most authentic aspect of who you are – your divine essence that exists beyond the physical realm? This is what is called your Higher Self. It is the part of us eternally connected to the universe and holds the wisdom, clarity, and purpose our human self seeks. Building a relationship with your higher self can profoundly impact your life, offer you greater clarity, enhance your understanding of your purpose, and support your spiritual growth.
As we are spiritual beings having a human experience, our human self is in a physical body and has limitations of time and space. As humans, we tend to unconsciously build a relationship with our ego, which is a more reactive, self-centered, and protective aspect of our consciousness that results in fight, flight or freeze responses. This aspect of consciousness is rooted in a perception of disconnection and separation, where individuals see themselves as separated from others and the world around them.
GREATER CLARITY: When we connect with our higher self, we gain access to a deeper understanding of our lives and the world around us. This clarity helps us see beyond the distractions and illusions of everyday life, allowing us to make decisions that align with our true nature and highest good. The higher self offers guidance that cuts through confusion and doubt, leading us to a clearer path.
SENSE OF PURPOSE: Our higher self holds the blueprint of our soul’s journey. Tuning into this aspect of ourselves can uncover our true purpose and passions. This connection can reveal why we are here and what we are meant to contribute to the world. Living in alignment with our higher self brings a sense of fulfillment and direction that transcends the mundane.
SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Spiritual growth is a natural outcome of connecting with the higher self. This connection encourages us to transcend ego-based thinking and embrace a more expansive perspective. It fosters qualities such as compassion, empathy, and unconditional love, which are essential for our spiritual
evolution. As we grow spiritually, we become more attuned to the interconnectedness of all life and the divine within ourselves and others.
MEDITATION: Meditation is a powerful tool for quieting the mind and creating space for the higher self to emerge. Regular meditation allows us to tune into our inner guidance and build a stronger connection with our higher self. I particularly recommend a technique called The Sanctuary Meditation.
JOURNALING: Writing can be a channel for communication with the higher self. Through journaling, we can express our thoughts and feelings; often, insights from our higher self emerge on the pages.
RITUALS & CEREMONIES: Rituals and ceremonies create a structured space for spiritual focus, invoke higher energies, and use symbolic actions to bridge the physical and spiritual realms. These deepen your connection to your higher self.
NATURE: Spending time in nature can ground us and open our hearts to the wisdom of the higher self. Nature’s tranquility often provides the perfect backdrop for inner reflection and connection.
Connecting with the higher self is a transformative journey that leads to greater clarity, a profound sense of purpose, and significant spiritual growth. By nurturing this connection through meditation, journaling, rituals, ceremonies, and time in nature, we can align with our true essence and live a life that reflects our highest potential. Embracing the higher self is embracing the divine within, and through this connection, we find the wisdom, love, and guidance we seek on our spiritual path. a
Wendy Benning Swanson, is a devoted Guide, Healer, and Teacher and has dedicated her life’s journey to unravelling the mysteries of life. Having received certification from the Modern Mystery School, she guides and supports individuals in their quest for self-mastery and empowerment. Learn more at
~ Teresa S.
In addition to delighting our eyes, auric fields and well-being – wood, copper, and crystal form a holy trinity that holds the power to change our lives.
Wood (especially driftwood selected from global resources) holds unique energy. Each piece of driftwood has its own story to tell and is rare because its textures, features, and densities are like snowflakes, no two being alike. Whether washed up on shore or discovered elsewhere, the wood's journey of origin may be unknown. What is known is that it found its way to you.
Spiritual aspects of driftwood are rejuvenation, good luck, prosperity, and connecting the past and future.
Creating each GemMe Wand is my gift to humanity and part of my reason for being here on Earth at this particular time. What is it that you are called to create or offer our world? And what is your process for bringing forth your gifts?
My process flows like this: I listen deeply for guidance from Mother Earth, which is how I was inspired to combine the natural and magical elements of driftwood – or Purpleheart wood – pure copper and natural crystals. I entwine them together to make wands, car vent clips, and necklaces.
Copper , crystals, and wood are tied together as transmitters of healing energy. Ancient people believed that copper provided calm and balance for body and spirit. Many cultures hold copper sacred, attracting prosperity, balancing chakras, and amplifying crystals.
I was guided to use Purpleheart wood from the Peltogyne tree , which is native to Central and South America. Purpleheart wood derives its name from its unique purple color, which deepens after exposure to the elements. The wood enhances knowledge, creativity, and spiritual healing while promoting divine magic and eradicating negative energies.
Crystal benefits from copper's connection by improving momentum
and energy flow, expanding to the wood and the person holding it. What a magical treasure trove of elements! Components, individually and in combination, work together, bringing a higher level of energy from Mother Earth.
I infuse each of my creations with healing properties, blessings, and intentions that help humans, pets, environments, and plants thrive.
Wearing a necklace of wood, copper, and crystal when planting, repotting, or watering transfers the energies from the necklace through your hands and into your plants. This connection is grounding and uplifting, especially as you witness the outcomes.
Helpful Tip: When bringing plants inside during the colder months, assist their transition by placing a wand next to, inside the pot, or above your plants. Plants, wood, copper, and crystal help to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and stress. When our plants thrive, so do we.
Mother Earth has given us so many wonderful gifts, and I'm grateful I listened to a way to weave three of them together to uplift people, places, and plants. Visit today. I look forward to sharing my creations with you! a
CHERI PARAGI, Cheri Paragi, lifelong crystal enthusiast and artist, is the inventor of the GemMe Wands. Cheri connects with her guides, angels and Mother Earth as she creates unique spiritually guided wands, necklaces and car vent clips out of wood, copper and gemstones. Each GemMe Wands is designed with love and with the intention to uplift people, places and plants. To learn more, please visit or connect with Cheri at
by Cheryl Carrigan
Hello and welcome to August & September of 2024! Yikes, where oh where has this year gone???
As I sit here preparing to write my article on relationships, I touch base with the Angels. I ask the Angels to take a moment and walk through my magical life, reflecting on all the relationships I have had thus far. Wow!! I have a lot of relationships; however, the coolest connection I have is the relationship I have with the Angels and myself.
It is very clear that the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. It is from this relationship that all else grows. Relationships can be complicated. However, your relationship with yourself is the most beautiful gift you can give your heart and soul. The Angels and I would like you to spend some time getting to know you on a deep level, like you would your very best friend.
Before you place your feet on the ground in the morning, take a moment to say "Thank You" for all that you have. Count your blessings!
Take time in the middle of the day to stop and take deep breaths. You deserve the break!
Take yourself out to dinner. Go ahead and make a reservation for one to a fancy restaurant.
Take yourself out to a movie. Grab a bucket of popcorn and something to drink, laugh, cry, and enjoy the show.
Buy yourself a new journal. Then, set some time aside to write what your heart wants you to hear.
Spend time outside amongst Mother Earth and listen.
Eat dessert first! Go ahead, we dare you!
This month, my request is very simple: Make time to get to know you, the real you. Build a solid connection. We promise it will have the most magical effect on your other relationship.
Do you want to build your relationship with your Angels? Come join me at Coffee with the Angels , where I will teach you Ask-Believe-Trust-Allow! I promise your Angels are waiting to connect with you! a
CHERYL CARRIGAN is inspired by the Angels and lives guided by her intuition. She is an Inspirational Author, Speaker and Mentor, a Spiritual Teacher, Angel Card Reader and Psychic/Medium. She supports people to be brave enough to take a deep breath in and ignite the spark that is waiting inside each of them. Visit to get more information and to work with Cheryl.
Ormus, short for Orbitally Rearranged Mono Atomic Elements (ORMEs), represents a fascinating intersection of ancient alchemy and modern science. These mysterious particles, primarily from the platinum group of metals, materialize through a unique alchemical process that opens energetic portals, bridging the gap between potentiality and physical reality. The creation and harvesting of Ormus is a testament to the profound capabilities of alchemical practices that have intrigued humanity for centuries.
The Alchemical Genesis of Ormus
Ormus emerges from an alchemical formula that energetically opens a portal, allowing these monatomic particles to manifest from a state of pure potentiality. Unlike traditional chemical compounds that are synthesized through direct manipulation, it materializes when specific physical and non-physical conditions align perfectly. This unique aspect means this substance is not manufactured in the conventional sense, but is instead collected or harvested when the right alchemical conditions are met.
This process underscores the ancient belief in the transformative power of alchemy, where base materials could be transmuted into something finer through an energetic process. The alchemical ingredients and conditions necessary for Ormus to materialize create a pathway for these particles to emerge, making its collection an almost mystical endeavor.
Ormus is often hailed as an accelerant and amplifier, opening gateways both physically and psychically. Its effects are reported to extend across various aspects of human health and consciousness, offering a multitude of benefits that have intrigued both practitioners and users alike.
One of its most celebrated benefits is its reported ability to rejuvenate and tighten the skin, contributing to a more youthful appearance. Users often describe experiencing sparkling eyes and glowing skin, with some even suggesting that Ormus has anti-aging properties. This has made it a popular addition to beauty and wellness routines, promising a natural pathway to enhanced vitality and appearance.
Ormus is also reputed to support brain function, aiding in the refinement of neural pathways that govern mental operating programs, beliefs, and conditioning. By facilitating the emergence of imbalances and conditioned beliefs to the surface, it allows for these to be transmuted with greater ease and speed. This accelerates access to more refined mental and psychic abilities, enhancing cognitive clarity and mental agility.
On an emotional and psychic level, Ormus acts as a potent amplifier. It is said to hasten access to natural mental and psychic abilities, allowing individuals to experience heightened awareness, greater alertness, and a more attuned presence. This makes it a valuable tool for those engaged in spiritual practices, meditation, and other forms of inner work.
Beyond individual cognitive and physical benefits, Ormus is reported to amplify the effects of herbal, homeopathic, and gemstone supplements. It enhances life force energy, promoting vigor, hardiness, and stamina. This increased vitality supports overall wellness, helping the body to prevail over illness and maintain a state of health and balance.
Interestingly, the benefits are not limited to humans alone. Animals and other life forms reportedly experience similar enhancements in awareness and vitality, demonstrating the broad-spectrum impact of these unique alchemical particles.
The allure lies in its profound potential to unlock new dimensions of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. By bridging ancient alchemical wisdom with contemporary interest in holistic health, Ormus continues to captivate those seeking a deeper understanding of the hidden forces that shape our existence. Whether used for its rejuvenating properties, cognitive enhancement, or its ability to amplify life force energy, it stands as a testament to the enduring mystery and transformative power of alchemy.
As we continue to explore and understand Ormus, it becomes clear that this remarkable substance holds the key to unlocking new realms of potential within ourselves and the world around us. The journey is one of discovery, transformation, and the continual pursuit of greater harmony and balance in life. Find out more at a
DR. RON HOLMAN, PHD, embarked on a spiritual journey in the early 1990s after his wife Linda's illness. Traveling to sacred sites in India, Peru, and China, he received sacred knowledge to create Quantum Morphogenetic Energies. Known as Siddha Ron, he and his wife Tison co-founded Anu Alchemy, inspired by divine visions and auditory guidance. Visit
There’s not much argument anymore that there is a connection between the concrete and the conceptual. Sometimes, this connection between concrete and conceptual creates a consciousness of its own. Artists, musicians, and authors will tell of their experiences of being lifted out of their presumed and planned direction with their art, music, or plot into something they hadn’t expected. An exciting intervention took place that was beyond them which was better than what they had planned.
As a painter, I’ve exper ienced some ethereal guidance leading me in a direction I wouldn’t have considered on my own.
I have been strongly encouraged at times to step out of the way to enable a new idea, image, color, or even technique to present itself onto the canvas. It was always a surprise to me and better than what I could have imagined. As a result, my relationship with that painting has changed forever.
4. Get its opinion on changes that are under consideration. Feel its reaction. Be open to the idea that your home may have a better plan or maybe even a cheaper one.
5. Make a scrapbook of photos of your home. It will capture the changes you’ve made over the years. Think of it like a baby book.
6. When something major goes wrong (broken garage door, leaking water heater, etc.), ask your home what that was about. There will be a message here.
7. Find a space where you can successfully connect with your home, such as a study, a den, a special chair, a certain time of the day.
It follows that, in that same vein, a home can also step forward into a relationship with its occupants and likewise create something magical. Like painting, this exalted experience requires trust, patience, and openness. Here are some ways to open the door (maybe even a literal one) to fostering a relationship with the place you call home.
1. Get in the habit of silently saying “hello” and “good-bye” when going in and out of your home.
2. Find a name for your home. This doesn’t require you to publicly announce its name or have a sign painted, but it enables you to greet the space quietly in your heart when you can call it by name. You may need to try a few name options before you find one that both you and your home like.
3. Write letters to your home. Trust me: this is a therapeutic and rewarding exercise for both you and your space.
Schedule your own integrative Feng Shui home consultation at
8. Homes do not like clutter, so keep things in order.
9. Thank your home on many occasions for keeping you safe, dry, and warm. If appropriate, write a thank you note.
10. Keep in mind that this is a relationship, and you may need to give and take on some issues.
So, get to know your home as you would do with any new relationship. Ask it questions and determine its preferences. Does it like privacy or parties? Listen to it. Bring it flowers. Keep it clean. Your rewards will be forthcoming as you nurture this unusual but rewarding relationship.
By finding ways to connect with your space, you will not only be able to access answers to questions but also explore new possibilities and create the life that your home dreams for you.
The painting “Purple Silence” above exemplifies the concept of relationship. It is a pair of similar images but not the same – related but different from one another. By the way, some brushstrokes and color selections were not my idea, but they worked. Relationships. a
Carole J. Hyder can help you create a space that you love using not only the principles of Feng Shui in a home or office but also integrating those principles in her paintings as well. Whether a physical re-arrangement of a room or an inspired and intentional image on the wall, the energy of your space will be shifted to align with your goals. Visit or
We connect teachers to enlightenment seekers! Find tried-and-true products and services in your neighborhood and nation-wide. Our practitioners can meet in-person and work remotely via Zoom.
Everett & Charlie Art Gallery
Minnesota Artists Gallery
A Linden Hills art gallery where art meets experience, featuring original art from only Minnesota artists. Gallery includes paintings, screen-printing, photography, pottery, glass, jewelry, textiles, sculpture and woodwork. Offers a calendar of openings, trunk shows, workshops, and demos. Available for private events. #612-444-8706 2720 W 43rd St. #103, Minneapolis, MN 55410
Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs
Our goal is to bring awareness and education to everyone about the benefits of alternative healing to help our bodies emotionally, spiritually, and/or physically. We host events throughout Minnesota currently, with more states coming soon. We offer a mediumship gallery event and educational sessions throughout the day. Our first 25 guests receive a free gift bag! #715-292-2625
Meta Para Promotions
Focused on creating and promoting metaphysical, wellness, and paranormal fairs and expos in the upper Midwest. Meta Para Promotions has reached thousands of attendees through dozens of events. Our fairs attract a strong and enthusiastic attendance, drawing people from all walks of life who share a common curiosity in the metaphysical and paranormal. #715-514-8331
Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs
Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness fairs are held throughout Wisconsin in many communities to bring hope and healing to those in need. At our fairs you can expect to find a multitude of vendors offering products and services as well as Gallery events and guest speakers. Come and join us for a day full of education, healing, shopping, and much more! #715-832-2775
Our purpose is to create community awareness of spirituality by bringing together vendors who share their modalities of healing, journeys and awareness with communities in uplifting humanity and awakening to the reality that we are souls having a human experience. Each expo includes a Gallery event and guest speakers. Join us in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana.
Contact us at and place your listing!
Kinstone Wisconsin’s modern “Stonehenge” #701-721-2801
Word Count: 70 word max. description
Location: Online updated each month print updated bi-monthly (6 editions/year)
Included: Photo/image/logo, website, contact info, social media
30-acre sanctuary boasts three stone circles, chapel, labyrinth, dolmen, prairie, dry-stacked stone sculpture, dragons, and more. This sacred space offers peaceful, calming connection to the land. Enjoy self-guided visits, music events, full moon sound baths, solstice and equinox observances, meditations, and more. Unique venue for micro weddings, day-retreats, small group classes and workshops. Open daily 10am-6pm, May-October. #608-687-3332
S3439 Cole Bluff Lane, Fountain City, WI, 54629
The Femme Farm Feminine Energy Retreat Center
The Femme Farm is a 20 acre hobby farm located in Glencoe, MN. Sleeping up to 14 overnight and equipped for private and public events for up to 75 people, you can be sure to enjoy beauty and bliss. Established as a sacred space; the objective is to create opportunities to learn, trust, and restore divine feminine into our awareness and into the lives of spiritually mindful individuals. # 763-568-0298
6704 70th Street, Glencoe, MN 55336
Spirit United Interfaith Church
Sunday services 10:30am in-person and online
When Spirit calls you to go beyond limitations of what has been, to explore possibilities of what can be... We are Spirit United. We’re a spiritually diverse community. Children welcome. Sign up to get Sunday service links sent directly to your email:
The New Center, 8 West 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423 #612-378-3602
SOTE Sanctuary
We offer a tranquil refuge for the body and mind. Our practitioners provide healing alternatives to help relieve stressors, mental health issues and physical ailments through yoga, breathwork, mindfulness, sound healing and more. We show our members new paths of connection with their true-selves as well as others – bridging the gap between traditional and alternative forms of medicine. #952-582-4841 415 Broadway Street S, Unit 260, Jordan, MN 55352
New World Women
We cannot create a new world doing things the old way. New World Women has created an innovative approach to women’s self-empowerment, fully centered in the Divine Feminine. NWW’s platform provides likehearted sisterhood, learning and increased prosperity for women around the world. When women do better, so does everyone around them – and women are ready for better!
Amber Maier, Soul Alignment Coach
Akashic Records, Angel Healing, Intuitive Coaching, Thetahealing, Reiki Master, Teacher
Amber has passion for helping you discover your soul purpose, awaken your unique gifts, and move past your blocks so you can fully embrace your power and purpose. Amber uses a unique blend of intuitive coaching with guidance and healing from your Akashic Records, Angels and soul to help you take powerful steps forward on your soul path and quantum leaps in your personal healing and vision for your life. #952-220-5428
Being You Energetically, LLC
Ancestral, Crystal Grids, Energy Sessions, Sacred Rose Healing
Any session with Carol Dutton is powerful and will give you the unique and specific missing links to clearing the traumatic and ancestral patterns keeping you from living an extraordinary life. She is an expert Subtle Energy Practitioner, Reiki Master, Irigenics® Ancestral Eye Reading Consultant, Sacred Rose Healing Practitioner, Crystal Grid Healer, creator of the Ancestral Connection Ceremony and offers Spiritual Oil anointing. #320-515-0183
Door to Door Chiropractic Network Spinal Chiro - Neuro-Based Care
A gentle Chiropractic technique that teaches the body to adjust itself through fascial unwinding and breathing. Your nervous system exhibits its own unique pattern and movement strategy that supports re-organizational healing. Breathing techniques are taught in conjunction so that these movement strategies are taken with you wherever you go. Other services include neuro-based rehab for head, eyes, jaw, voice and the vestibular system. #612-751-2290
3900 Vinewood Ln N, Suite #9, Plymouth, MN 55441
Maureen Higgins, MA, Wings of Freedom, School for Higher Consciousness
Energetical Healing Audios, Workshops
Want to feel lighter and happier and create a life filled with meaning? Explore my collection of more than 100 energetic energetic healing audios that are to designed to keep your energy field clear. Want to develop your own mastery as a healing practitioner, or to help your family and self? Enroll an take your skills to a higher level with the School for Higher Consciousness., #651-665-0104
Annette Rugolo
Environmental Healing
Annette Rugolo is an Author, Global Teacher, Speaker, Environmental Healer and Soul Guidance Facilitator.
With almost 20 years of experience, she provides tools of transformation that support those looking for lasting change. #612-394-3736
Soma Soul Sovereignty with Elizabeth Sullivan Multi Dimensional/Universe Energy Work
The alchemy of SomaYoga, Ayurveda and Energy Medicine is a synergistic approach that supports this self-healing state within and around us. Everything is energy. Becoming more skillful and managing our energy is vital to our well-being. Our energy patterns affect our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Healing ourselves is one of the greatest journeys we can take as humans and multi-dimensional, multi-universe beings. #651-270-0660
Dr. Erika Way, DC, DCBCN, Beyond Chiropractic
Functional Medicine, Chiropractic, QNRT, Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition, Detox Programs and Energetic Healing
Dr. Erika Way empowers her patients to transform their physical, emotional and spiritual bodies so they can manifest their optimal path. By combining the tools of Chiropractic Care, Functional Medicine, QNRT and Energetic Healing, Dr. Erika helps her patients transform the physical, emotional and energetic blocks that keep patients feeling stuck. Once you have the tools for your "health tool box" you can become the master of your own health. #651-288-1988 7300 Hudson Blvd North, Suite 210, Oakdale, MN 55128
Quantum Healers
Biofeedback, Biomagnetism Pair, Bioptron Lumia Therapy, Bioresonance, Chromotherapy, Detox, EFT, Energy Center Balancing, Functional Medicine Health Coaching, Feng Shui, Imprinting, Iridology, Live and Dry Blood Analysis, Nutrition, PEMF, Qigong, Radionics, Rife, Scalar, and MORE! #920-319-3420
Zeropoint Technologies
High quality M-State Monoatomic Minerals, and lab grown Ormes therapy products.
Harmonic Egg, LLC
Manufacturer of the Ellipse ® Harmonic Egg ® and LiFT™
Clear the trauma blocking you from self-love and abundance! We use sacred geometry, light, color, and frequencies to empower the body’s own healing energy. By amplifying energy resonance within the chamber, the client receives an energy therapy that is precisely controlled, consistent, and repeatable. Simple and safe. Designed and manufactured in Colorado. Available at over 100 locations in 10 countries. Visit our site to find a location near you.
The Harmonic Egg® is a resonant chamber, utilizing sound and light, to deliver positive, life-changing results. It delivers a natural, holistic energy therapy designed to help the body heal itself, our many clients have found it to be helpful for a variety of health issues. Experience relief from anxiety, difficult emotional issues, injuries and pain, spiritual dissonance, mental and developmental disorders, and illness.
#651-363-3539 2334 University Avenue W, Suite 150 St. Paul, MN 55114
Royce Vagnier, Sound Alchemist
Connecting Human, Heart + Soul
Experience the power and beauty of conscious sound to restore, enliven and transform. Using crystal-infused signing bowls, Royce blends the beautiful healing sounds and alchemies of the bowls to give the receiver a “multi-vitamin for the soul.” Leave feeling grounded, rebalanced and connected to your Soulful Self. Offering immersive Sunday sound baths and special in-person events.
9th Street Wellness Center EAST
Your path to a wellness lifestyle!
Our Wellness Center promotes an environment where practitioners work together for the greater good of individuals, engaging the community for the past 12 years. We want to see people thrive and live happier, healthier lives. The Wellness Center is a place that encourages your path to a lifestyle of wellness.
Enhance your ascension and growth with powerful nutrition through Monoatomic Ormes minerals. These sacred metals and minerals are the philosophers stone and manna created by the ancient Egyptians before “Western medicine” took hold. The amazing healing properties of these Monoatomic powders enhance a wide array of products and therapies. Our minerals are fully ingestible and dissolve readily into all kinds of liquids and products. Upgrade your ascension and wellness practice with next level M-state nutrition. #801-725-6768 #920-490-9699 2330 Meadow Park Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311
Holly Busse
Reiki Master/Teacher, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Practice Group Leader
I believe people want to feel healthier and less stressed, but it can be confusing where to start. In-person and distant reiki sessions, in-person and Zoom reiki classes, and in-person and online stress reduction training.
Contact for more information.
Jennifer Reinertson, Reiki
Master & Past Life Regressionist
Intuitive Reiki Master, Animal Reiki Master, QHHT Past Life Regressionist
Treat your pet with a reiki healing in your home or bring them along to yours and heal together. You are welcome to bring your pet with you to your QHHT past life regression session if it would be calming for you to have them there. Reiki sessions will bring to the surface which emotions need to be healed and QHHT will help you understand them and find purpose. #651-324-4097 Chaska, MN
Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh
Heal the body, clear stuck patterns and deepen your Soul connection through conscious breathwork. With over two decades of experience in holistic health and many years as a licensed pharmacist, Terri offers a variety of holistic sessions: Soul Breathing™, Soul Coaching, Supplement & Nutrition guidance, BEMER therapy, Pranic Healing & Reiki. Use breath to optimize your health, raise your vibration and transform your life., #651-442-4623
The Center Within Transformational Intuitive Certified Coach
Michele supports clients with intentions to live in alignment with their soul’s divine blueprint and inner wisdom personally and professionally. Michele’s guidance as an intuitive coach and spiritual teacher for over 25 years accelerates and amplifies your natural process of removing blocks and what no longer serves while clarifying your next steps as you ignite your full potential. #612-465-9775 8120 Penn Ave S Suite 500B Bloomington, MN 55431
Sandy & Dale Pocernich –doTERRA, Healthy Life Coaching
Sandy & Dale Pocernich are Platinum doTERRA Wellness Advocates and have been part of the doTERRA family since 2013. Our goal is to help you replace everyday toxins with natural products. We will educate and support you on what products and oils are meant for you in your journey to better health and a toxic free lifestyle. Free weekly classes on our Facebook page., #715-832-2775
Innerpowerment with Wendy Benning Swanson
Guide, Healer, Teacher, Warrior of Light
Spiritual guide, healer, and teacher dedicated to empowering individuals to reconnect with their inner power. Through a variety of healing modalities and classes, she assists people in aligning with their true selves and unlocking their full potential. Wendy offers services such as Life Activation, Emotional Cord Cutting, and Aura Clearing, along with classes covering topics such as Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel, and Spiritual Intuition. Her mission is to support humanity's collective journey toward peace and self-mastery. #763-242-4231
Genevieve Wachutka
Spiritual Coaching & Intuitive Guide
Stop spinning your wheels in pursuit of meaningful growth. With a holistic approach and time-tested tools, not only can you break through your stuck points and shine a light on where you’re stopping yourself, but uncover keys from an authentic Mystery School and put the pedal to the metal on your path to up-level all areas of your life. Email to schedule a complimentary discovery session. #763-222-8600 7801 East Bush Lake Rd, Suite 240 Edina, MN 55439
Next with Sara Remke Energetic Healing, Intuitive Guidance
Transforming yourself transforms your world! Working with energetic and psychic boundaries will change your life. Learning about chakras and Auras you will discover how to clear your own energy field and move into the flow of life. As we clear our Astral (emotions, beliefs, vibrations) body we connect to ourselves where expansion can happen. Sara teaches classes on chakras and auras, mapping our dreams and creating psychic boundaries. Available for 1-on-1 sessions #651-808-0652
Carole Hyder
Helping people create a dream-aligned space
Carole Hyder can help you create a space that you love, a space where you thrive, where you always want to be – a place that is remarkable. Let Carole help you determine the soul of your home or office using both traditional and modern Feng Shui principles. You will discover not only how to reflect who you are now but also lead you toward your dreams. #612-823-5093
Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression
Connect deeply with your Higher Soul Self to heal, grow and awaken to your wholeness. I offer Present Life Trauma and Inner Child Healing, Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Spiritual Hypnotherapy. With a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, I ensure a safe, healing experience. 23 years of experience and have guided over 4,000 sessions. Read over 400 reviews and book online. #651-649-1952 Mendota Heights, MN
Cheryl Carrigan
Spiritual Counseling, Metaphysical Store
May your day be filled with Magical Moments! As an Intuitive Guide and a Happiness Mentor my goal is to assist you in aligning with your soul's beautiful life purpose, clearing away any limiting beliefs, so you can manifest magical miracles! It's my honor to connect you with loved ones on the other side or pets waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. Mystical Magical Things by Cheryl is my beautiful shop filled with angels and metaphysical items. #612-695-8183
The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423
Juhl Jaxen ~ The Energy Renovator & Healer's Healer
Intuitive Coach, Alignment Mentor, Channel, Master Dowser, Spiritual Teacher
With almost three decades of service in personal transformation, spiritual growth, and healing, Juhl has dedicated her life to helping women step more fully into their power and purpose. Her unique gifts amplify the gifts and talents of those she works with. She enjoys collaborating with individuals who serve as pillars of support for others, embodying the essence of a healer's healer. #612-423-6360
Greywind Raven
Intuitive Guide, Past Lives & Contracts
Lisa Howard provides energy services using methods, including past life resolutions, soul contract modification, releasing trapped emotions and heart walls. These methods provide solutions to issues impacting your current lifetime. Also, providing psychic training and spiritual growth workshops. Over ten years of training and certifications. #320-395-9893
Sara Anondson
Executive/Life Coach, Shamanic
Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, Intuitive Medium and Certified Sacred Rose Healer
Sara bridges the business and spiritual world through coaching. Find your spark and uncover your life's purpose. Move through stuck places and transform your life. Reach your full potential. Do you feel called to do more? You have the power to change your life. Find your clear pathway forward and heal your mind, body, and soul in the process. Offers classes and individual healing sessions #612-255-4213
The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423
Rachael Maire’ Geurkink, Nuanced Art and Energy
Shamanic Earth Medicine, Mistress of Ceremonies, Dream Guide, Artist Remembering your light is just the beginning. Through observation and honor of our connection to the natural world and Creative Source energy, I teach techniques of mindfulness and hold space for deep soul exploration and energetic healing. Now offering shamanic Earth medicine healing sessions, past life guided journeys, dreamscape development, weddings & ceremonies, and Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki. Welcoming clients remote and in-person.
Locations in Elk River and Monticello, MN
Heather Norton, Dancing Bee Alchemy
Alchemize your life through animal and plant communication. Animal communication sessions connect you with your animal companions whether living or in spirit. Shamanic and Reiki healing sessions help you and your animal companion move through challenges and evolve into the embodiment of your dream. Guidance sessions illuminate your heart’s path and facilitate communion with plant consciousness, deepen your intuition, and lead you into the dreamtime. #510-863-4790
Michele Jacobson, PhD
As a lifelong Intuitive, Michele has been gifted with skills as an intuitive, psychic, mystic, healer, medium, animal communicator and knowledgeable in all things faerie, including Faerie Teas. She has a PhD in Developmental Psychology focusing on areas of understanding personal development. Located in the Twin Cities area with in person or phone sessions available. #612-554-0061
Astrology by Celeste
Astrology Guidance and Life Coaching
Celeste Brooks is an astrologer, coach, and teacher. Her offerings include classes, workshops, coaching packages, events, and both in-person and virtual readings. She helps people find unknown birthtimes using chart rectification. Her podcast, Celestial Insights, offers weekly guidance to surf the cosmic tides. She discusses the astrology of current events on her popular Instagram live broadcasts.
Ryan Evans
Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology
Certified Master Level Astrologer combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. Ryan aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms. #608-632-0750
Starcodes & Heartcodes
Astrology, Heart-Centered Readings
Ceremonialist, counselor, intuitive, and astrologer for 40 years, creator of the Starcodes Astro-Oracle Deck, author of the weekly Starcodes column, Moon Wisdom, Everyday Palmistry, and several children’s books. Ordained interfaith minister and Druid grade member of OBOD. #914-315-5001
Kim Woods/KW Enterprises
Use the stars + strategy for success!
Kim Woods, Master Astrologer and Business Strategist, combines ancient feminine wisdom, astrology and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help business leaders become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave their legacy. As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success so you fulfill your soul destiny. #617-335-1219
Alison James
Psychic Medium, Medical & Animal Intuitive Voted the best by WCCO, CBS, TCT and MSP. Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. One of the finest professionals and most referred names by those in the know. 5-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Has a strong affinity with animals of all kinds and is a successful healer. She is the genuine real deal!
Our members offer both in-person and remote services!
Cindy Lehman
Soul Readings, Beginning & Advanced Psychic Development Classes
Private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. Offers beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. Teaches others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul. #612-669-1861
Jurema Silva
Brazilian Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Leader, Mentor and Transformational Speaker
Jurema stands as a beacon of wisdom, spiritual leader, and a guiding presence, dedicating decades to support individuals on their unique journeys. Beyond being a psychic or medium, Jurema embodies the essence of a soul healer, armed with profound intuition and a meticulous sensitivity to energies. Jurema is a gifted intuitive, consistently weaving healing techniques with her innate abilities. #320-260-7305
Transcendent Soul Healing
Inclusive healing sanctuary for your soul
We offer services to help you go beyond anything you ever thought was possible to heal your life and soul. Services include, Certified Akashic Record readings, Aura Photo and Reports, Psychic Mediumship, Past life readings, Shamanic Reiki energy healing, Tarot/ Oracle Readings, and Paranormal investigations. We offer weekly classes and events to enlighten and support spiritual growth, as well as metaphysical products, jewelry, and art. #612-468-8411 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417
Transforming Your Phoenix
Healer, Life Coach, Space Clearings
Nancy pinpoints the core issues that hold you back in life. She helps with self-actualization of Who You Are, strengthening your spiritual gifts and growth. Nancy helps you overcome and heal limiting beliefs and self doubt, heal past lives, ancestral issues, and issues within yourself that need resolving for optimal spiritual growth. #715-928-3098
Kelly Wagner
Psychic Medium, Remote Viewing, Ancestry and Other Lifetimes
Angela Zabel LLC
Teacher, Coach, Medium
Angela has connected to those on the other side her entire life. People who passed and those from other realms, here to support us. Healing energy, messages from those that passed and information to help you on your journey, are shared with compassion. Offering online and in person private and group sessions, personal and spiritual growth coaching, classes and retreats at
Angelic Intuitive, Reiki Master and Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Card Reader
Are you looking for peace in your life? Start with peace in your SOUL. Margaret will help you find peace in your life and the power inside you. Gain angelic guidance from a card reading, or relax and release from reiki healing. Margaret is a natural teacher with certified courses on Communicating with Angels, Reiki Basics for Kids, and Traditional Usui Reiki I, II, and III (Master and Teacher). Zoom sessions available. #651-442-3732
Strains of the Earth
Discover the health and wellness benefits of holistic products at Strains of the Earth! Our THC, CBD, and mushroom products – from gummies to topicals to tinctures –offer relaxation and rejuvenation like no other. We believe in a holistic approach to wellness, and that's why all of our products are crafted with premium ingredients to ensure complete satisfaction. Visit us in person or online today! 415 Broadway Street S, Unit 140, Jordan, MN 55352
Crystal Rock Healing, LLC
Healthy Products for Healthy Living
We are full-line metaphysical stores with a huge selection of crystals, teas/herbs, essential oil products, books/cards, sage/ incense, stone jewelry, chakra and evil eye products. We have 5 stores located in Bloomington, MN; Bismarck and Fargo ND; Sioux Falls, SD, and Wisconsin Rapids, WI. All locations often have readers and healers on site. Visit our website for reader, class and event schedules.
Kelly is fascinated with discovering her client’s “Why?” Kelly is a knower and seer, with gifts in ADC (After Death Communication) which assist in revealing her client's past and present issues. Whether its energetic healing of their ancestry, current relationships, business strategy, or planning their future, Kelly’s guidance is motivational while remaining authentic and honest. She sees an illuminated “Yellow Brick Road” that shows Kelly the path her clients should follow to fulfill their goals and live their optimal life. #612-251-6666
GemMe Wands
Gemstone Wands that Uplift People, Places and Plants
Handcrafted, radiant and powerful crystal gemstones partnered with pure copper wire and dance around sealed wands of purpleheart wood or driftwood. These unique, one-of-a-kind, magical gemstone and wooden wands are blessed, charged and have energic meanings. #952-292-4450
Pegasus Pizzazz Crystals & Mystical Boutique
Crystals, Metaphysical Supplies, Mystical Decor & Gifts
We are a true Mystical Boutique! Our store features: Crystals, towers, spheres, carvings, jewelry, tumbles, chips, and specimens! Our apothecary has herbs, incense, oils, sound healing and more! Browse our great selection of books and tarot and oracle cards. See our fabulous altar statues, candles, offering bowls and cauldrons. Check our website for info about independent practitioners in our shop! #651-403-0759 834 Lake St. S, Forest Lake, MN 55025
Energies of Service
Angelic Armour, You can feel it!
Handcrafted and angelically guided energy tools with Tensor Technology!
A few years ago, I received a channeled message from Archangel Metatron to make tools that will help people keep their vibration intact and clear. These tools shift your personal energy so powerfully, you will instantly feel the effect. The power of tensor fields and crystals intertwine, creating a symphony of vibrations that resonate with your very being. 2487 S Gilbert Rd, Unit 106-289, Gilbert, AZ 85295
Christie Umboh, owner of Holistic Arts
Intuitive jewelry artist and wellness professional, with an array of jewelry, crystals and clearing products for the soul. Christie is a Reiki master and Guided Meditation Therapist, and has worked closely with Echo Bodine to create jewelry infused with love and light. She combines numerology and crystals to make personalized jewelry. #651-705-6110
Moxie Malas
Crystal energy nd aromatherapy jewelry created as a wearable affirmation of the energy within. Each piece is handmade in MN with genuine stones and crystals with its own story to tell. Our Moxie Monthly Bracelet Club that comes with unique bracelet, loose crystal and intention practice each month. We take people beyond the bracelet with workshops and retreats to support personal discovery, transformation, and empowerment. #651-808-7378 7406 Central Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432
Awakenings... Gifts & Guidance for the Soul
The area’s premier meta-physical stores and learning spaces! We offer a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. Let our friendly staff guide you to hand curated selections of crystals, singing bowls, and one of the largest selections of in-stock oracle, affirmation and tarot decks. Now with two locations! #612-656-9007 4165 Minnehaha Ave, Mpls, MN 55406 #651-248-1900
421 2nd Street, Hudson, WI 54016
Lady and the Beard Salon
Healing Beauty Salon for Ego and Spiritual Love
An inclusive beauty salon that has dedicated themselves to "Healing you whole from your hair to your soul." Custom haircuts, colors, hair extensions and other beautifying services. We offer Transcendental Soul healing, Akashic Record Readings, Angelic healing, Aura Photos, and Shamanic Energy healing. We host workshops and classes for spiritual growth and offer metaphysical products, tarot cards, jewlery and art. #612-468-8411 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417
Midwest Witchery & Healing
Being a nurse combining holistic, homeopathic remedies for your wellness, along with practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Jodi Jacobson creates unique medicine. Using organic and ethically sourced components, Witch Jodi handcreates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. #651-342-1833 324 Main Street S, Suite 7, Stillwater, MN 55082
Be Appsolute Mobile Is Everywhere Your Brand Should Be!
I am Keith Troup, Owner and Founder of Be Appsolute and HelloCard. I provide marketing solutions for small businesses. Branding, Websites, Mobile Apps, Digital Business Cards, Video, Social Media, Print, Graphic Design, Social Communities, and Lead Generation. #615-852-8895
Bergh Consulting Strategy, Branding, Website Creation, WordPress Care Plans, Ongoing Support
Bergh Consulting supports businesses and organizations in creating a digital foundation including strategy, branding, and website design and development. We take pride in a simplified processes to get you online joyfully. We focus on the details so you can focus on what you love. Our favorite clients are ones who are passionate about what they do and want to make a difference in the world.
Vibe Ko Apparel
Metaphysical T-Shirts and Apparel for any occassion
As we enter August's powerful manifesting 8-vibrational energy, we find ourselves standing at the doorway of making our dreams come true. This is the manifesting energy you started learning more about and how to master in January 2024. In my monthly forecasts, I have been using the art and science of numerology, teaching what you need to know and develop to awaken your innate skills of manifesting your dreams.
I highly suggest you visit my website and reread each month's lessons. You will be using these lessons this month to manifest your desires. Here is a recap of the manifesting skills you will want to practice this month and for the remainder of the year.
But first, let's look at what happens when August's 8- vibrational energy merges with the 8-vibrational energy in 2024. 8 + 8 = 16 becomes a karmic vibration of 16/7. This inspires you to explore a deeper aspect of who you are in this lifetime. It reminds you that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. As an awakened spiritual being, you have the innate ability to manifest your desires!
In January, using the wisdom of numerology, you became aware that the timing was ripe for you to manifest your desires. In February, you were guided to manifest supportive relationships. In March, you were alerted to manifest your creativity. April made you aware of using the innate power of mindfulness. In the month of May, I suggested you manifest opportunities. June made you aware of the values of manifesting a balanced life. July encouraged you to manifest your inner guidance. These skills make manifesting happen!
In addition to using the wisdom of numerology, here are three manifesting powers within each of us:
1. SPOKEN WORD: Your words carry immense vibrational energy. Affirm your intentional desires aloud. Speak in positive statements. Example: "I am an abundance magnet. I am a powerful force manifesting my desires." Imagine your words are the arrows taking your desires to hit the target of your manifested desires.
2. EMOTIONAL ENERGY: Your emotions fuel manifestation. Identify how you will feel having your desires manifested in your life. Your emotions become the magnetic tractor beam of energy that draws your desires back to you.
3. COMMITMENT: Manifesting requires continual activities and focused actions to keep you in alignment with your desired results. Create your plan of action to keep you connected to your desires, then follow the plan. Embrace unexpected challenges with positive thoughts, lessons, and growth opportunities.
Remember, you possess an innate power to create the life you desire. Embrace the manifestation process with an open heart and a willingness to take inspired action. Your dreams are closer than you think. The numbers give you the knowledge and power to manifest your desires. a
WES HAMILTON, MASTER NUMEROLOGIST brings a blend of extensive practical experience and extraordinary mystical know-how to his work. As a Master Numerologist, clients throughout the world seek his guidance and insight. His expertise has been honed over 40+ years and thousands of clients to deliver amazing results. Connect with Wes at 612-308-2962 or and visit
High Vibrational, inspirational designs on soft, quality cotton t-shirts and other apparel for the "Wu" person in your life... (Is this you?) Full spectrum of sizes available. We use water based non-toxic inks, ensuring bright and beautiful eco-friendly results. There is 'a lil love' in every design. So proudly wear your Vibe Ko shirt and spread the good vibes! Fully customizeable designs available – perfect for parties and family reunions.
Building a healthy relationship with yourself is essential for enhancing mental health, strengthening connections with others, and boosting work productivity. This often-overlooked relationship impacts every aspect of your life, from emotional well-being to how you interact with the world around you.
In today’s fast-paced world, we tend to seek advice from external “experts,” forgetting that we are our own best gurus. We’ve lost touch with our bodies and intuition. It’s time to reclaim our power and nurture ourselves. Put on your oxygen mask before helping others!
1. Cultivate a Gratitude Practice: Start each day by acknowledging the things you are thankful for. This simple practice can shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, fostering a positive outlook.
2. Do Things Alone: Spending time alone can be incredibly fulfilling. It allows you to explore your interests, reflect on your thoughts, and build a deeper connection with yourself.
3. Forgive Yourself: We are often our harshest critics. Learning to forgive yourself for past mistakes is crucial for moving forward and embracing self-compassion.
4. Set Boundaries: Establishing boundaries is a form of self-respect. It helps you protect your energy and prioritize your well-being, ensuring you are not overextended. Put your phone on DO NOT DISTURB more often.
5. Practice Relaxation: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, time in nature, or yoga into your daily routine. These practices help calm your mind and reduce stress.
6. Care for Your Needs: Pay attention to your physical, emotional, and mental needs. Whether it’s eating well (a healthy lifestyle of food choices is important), getting enough sleep, or seeking professional help when needed, taking care of yourself is vital.
If these tips seem foreign to you and you don’t know where to start, choose an attitude of gratitude. Begin each day with one thing in which you are grateful. Do that for a week and add a new and simple tip each week. Habits don’t form overnight. Take baby steps and build on each healthy habit.
The Harmonic Egg is a sound and light relaxation chamber designed to help you reconnect with your intuition and inner self. We are beings of sound and light, and the Harmonic Egg uses these elements to promote deep relaxation and healing.
• Stress / Anxiety Relief: The combination of sound and light therapy can alleviate stress, which is often a precursor to various diseases.
• Trauma Release: It helps release past traumas that may be holding you back from achieving your dreams.
• Empowerment: By reconnecting with your highest self, you are empowered to pursue your goals and live your best life.
I heard a shocking statistic from Kristy Hall, a board- certified holistic nutritionist. She took the platform with me at the Naturally Inspired Health Summit in Loveland, Colorado.
She reported that nationally, we are spending $6.5 TRILLION in additional health care costs trying to manage symptoms of anxiety. And 54% of Americans have anxiety. I think that number is higher, but that was what she presented.
Nurturing a healthy relationship with yourself is the foundation of a fulfilling life. You can improve your overall well-being by practicing gratitude, spending time alone, forgiving yourself, setting boundaries, relaxing, and meeting your needs. Tools like the Harmonic Egg can further enhance this journey, helping you connect with your true self and live a more balanced and joyful life. Say it with me, right now: "I LOVE ME!" I didn’t hear you. Say it loud and proud! a
Gail Lynn, inventor and creator of the Harmonic Egg, is dedicated to harnessing the power of sound, light, and sacred geometry for self-healing. In 2007, Gail received a diagnosis of severe cardiovascular stress. When a series of light and sound treatments reversed her diagnosis, she set out to uncover the ancient history and modern science behind light and sound as healing therapies. More at
We are being called to heal our environments, and that means healing the land on which our homes are built. Just like us, the land we live on carries energy from the past. Even newly built homes on a piece of property where no houses previously existed can carry history from past events that occurred in that area.
Consider the long history of our country and all of the events that have happened since it was first inhabited by humans. The grief, anger, trauma, and abuse that was created as Europeans claimed this land as their own still exists in many parts of the country. For those who live in the southern and eastern areas of the country, there is also some very heavy energy created by the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Once this energy is created, it remains until it is cleared.
As a Master Dowser, I have witnessed dozens of homes built on land carrying energy from a traumatic, sometimes horrific event. When the house is built, it now contains that energy, and after a family moves into their newly built home, they may start feeling depleted, out of balance, and
sometimes sick. What should have been their dream home turns into a nightmare, or at the very least, a bad decision.
The children in the homes are usually the first to feel or react to this energy. Nightmares, night terrors, and emotional imbalances begin to surface after the family moves in. The parents try to handle things in more traditional ways, most of the time without results.
Living in a home with unresolved trauma takes a lot of effort to stay above the lower vibrational field of the home and land. Over time, homeowners begin to feel worn out and depleted. It could be compared to holding two ten-pound weights at arm's length 24/7. After a while, it becomes impossible to sustain. Exhaustion, issues with sleeping, a lowered immune system, and emotional issues begin to surface.
If you are feeling some heavy energy or would like to begin healing your property, here are some simple steps you can take to start uplifting the energy:
1. Find a quiet space, go to your heart, and send energy to the heart of your land. If you don't feel a connection, it is giving you information that some energy needs to be cleared.
2. Visualize a Violet Light bathing your property. Violet Light has the ability to release energies created by past events.
3. Honor the land by burying rose quartz, clear quartz, or amethyst crystal somewhere on the property. As you hold the crystal, ask to be guided as to the best place to bury it.
4. Invite the nature spirits to help heal the land. Many people are starting to work in collaboration with the beings of Mother Earth, and they are waiting to be asked.
Everything we do with the intention of healing the land will create a change. The first step is to recognize that what you're feeling isn't your imagination and trust what you are feeling, seeing, and sensing. a
ANNETTE RUGOLO is respected worldwide as a transformation teacher, speaker, master dowser, and environmental healer. As a mentor and guide, Rugolo has been instrumental in helping people connect with other dimensions from a place of love, without fear or judgment.
Annette has been transforming homes though dowsing and space clearing since 2005 and has been teaching classes since 2006. For information about classes or property dowsing, call 612-605-8608 or visit
I am goldenrod, don’t mistake me for ragweed. I am an incredible asset to your herbal apothecary. However, I often get mistaken for ragweed, and because of this, people don’t like me. They think I am the cause of their allergy ailments when, in reality, I can help them.
Goldenrod is a marvelous herb for helping with skin disorders, inflammation, infections, and more. A goldenrod oil infusion can create an excellent salve for skin irritation and rashes, and is also great for eczema and minor skin wounds. If you have problems with muscle spasming, it's a wonderful salve to apply to muscles to help calm them down.
This herb is an anti-inflammatory, and is excellent for treating aches and pains. Reducing swelling helps to decrease pressure in joints and other areas of the body. It also helps the kidneys as it acts as a diuretic. When used in tea form, it’s said to help flush out kidney stones and even prevent them. Studies have shown that it stops inflammatory disease of the urinary tract. Goldenrod may be the herb for you if you are prone to kidney infections. Do you have an enlarged prostate? Goldenrod could help with that.
Goldenrod (Solidago) extract is shown to be antimicrobial and antifungal, which helps with illnesses and yeast infections, breaks down mucous in the lungs, and alleviates allergies, colds, and even flu symptoms. It is also great for relieving upper respiratory congestion.
Now that you know a bit more about me, goldenrod, maybe you could give me a try. As always, check with your primary MD before consuming any herbals. a
WITCH JODI, RN, owner of Midwest Witchery and Healing, uses organic and ethically sourced components, as well as hand creates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. Practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Jodi can help you with your spiritual needs. Find out more by visiting
Contact us at and place your listing!
Goat Yoga
Yoga starts with a walking meditation to a clearing where we will practice surrounded by nature, and miniature goats. This is a family-friendly event. 9:30am Central on Saturday August 3, 2024. Bee Sage Farm is located 15 minutes NW of Maple Grove, MN. 22525 County Road 117, Corcoran, MN 55374. Fee $30. Contact 763-242-2078 and for more information. Register at:
Coffee with the Angels
A truly magical evening hosted by Cheryl Carrigan and her Angels. The evening starts with asking the Angels for guidance. Time is allowed to ask a question or connect to a loved one. Closes with an Angelguided meditation. Fee $30. Thurs August 8th 7-9pm at Awakened Soul, 421 2nd Street, Hudson WI 54016. Contact to schedule.
Starseed Activation
Are you a STARSEED? Do you feel connected to a higher purpose and don’t understand? Do you feel drawn to the stars? Step into the realm of cosmic consciousness and discover your unique origins and purpose. Fee $25. 6:30-8:30pm Thurs August 8th. 5200 47th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55417. Contact Samantha Richards at 612-4688411 and More information at
Communicating with Angels
This unique 6-hour class answers questions like: “What are angels? How can I connect with them? Which angels are around for specific purposes?" And, "Who are my angels?” Participants will be gifted a deck ($25 value). Sunday, August 11, 2024, 10am - 4pm in Vadnais Heights, MN. Fee: $175. Register at Contact Margaret Walker at and 651-442-3732.
Group Sacred Rose Ceremony/Sound Bath
Guided meditation and rose ceremony followed by crystal singing bowl sound bath. Bring a blanket or gravity chair for your comfort. Register on event page. Contact or 612-255-4213. Friday, Aug 16, 7-8:30pm Central. Join us at The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423.
Intuitive Development I
In this series of four classes, you will learn how to connect to your intuitive abilities and listen to insight provided by your Higher Self and guides. Learn to trust your inner guidance. Saturday August 17, 10am – 2pm, Thursdays, August 22, 29, September 5, 6:30-8:30pm. Baldwin, WI or online via Zoom. Price: $375 plus $25 for manual. Register at
Breathe in the Blue & Super Full Moon
Join Terri for an evening of Soul Breathing, Heart Healing and Soul Connection by Zoom. Let go of stress, clear your blocks and raise your vibration to find more clarity, harmony, peace and joy. Sunday, August 18, 7-9pm. Fee: $35. Pay via Venmo @theconnectingspirit, cash or check, or online at
Practitioner Energy Healing Share
Join Sara Anondson from Sacred Oaks Healing for an afternoon of energy healing practice, and receiving a healing from another practitioner. All modalities welcome. Contact with questions. Suggested donation $15. Held on Sundays, August 18, Sept 5, Sept 22, 2024, 1-3pm Central at The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423
Word Count: 70 word max. description
Location: Online updated each month print updated bi-monthly (6 editions/year)
Included: Event photo/logo, dates/times, site, contact info, social media
Introduction to the Healing Journey
Unlock Your Potential: A Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Growth. This series of 5 classes was designed for those ready to step onto the path to higher consciousness and personal healing. Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm Central. Classes August 20, 27, Sept 3, 10, 17, 2024. Baldwin, WI or online via Zoom. Price: $225. To Register: Contact Nancy Randen at 715-928-3098 or email
Psychic Practice
Explore and enhance your psychic abilities in this immersive workshop. Engage in guided meditations and intuitive exercises to unlock your innate potential. Perfect for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. Fee: $20. 6:30-8:30pm Central, Thursday, August 22, 2024. 5200 47th Ave S.Minneapolis, MN 55417. Contact Samantha at 612-468-8411 and More information at
Coffee with the Angels
A truly magical evening hosted by Cheryl Carrigan and her Angels. The evening starts with asking the Angels for guidance. Time is allowed to ask a question or connect to a loved one. Closes with an Angel-guided meditation. Fee $30. Friday August 23rd, 6:30-8:30pm at The New Center, 8 West 66th Street, Richfield MN 55343. Contact to schedule a session.
Angel Communication
Join a safe, judgement free inclusive gathering of likeminded seekers of all things spiritual and metaphysical. No matter where you are in your journey join us to learn more, ask questions and question all things in the universe. 6:30-8:30pm on Saturday, August 31. 5200 47th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55417. Info: Email:
Embracing Your Inner Shadows: A Transformative Shadow Work Workshop
A deep dive into deep trauma healing! Learn about yourself, your shadow and how we can heal from our shadow for us to be able to live our best lives. Fee: $20. 6:30-8:30pm on Thursday, Sept 5, 2024. 5200 47th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55417. Info: Email:
Intuitive Development I
We are all intuitive beings who are much more powerful than what we have been led to believe. Learn how to connect to your intuitive abilities and listen to insight provided by your Higher Self and guides. Classes held Wednesdays, Sept 11, 18, 25, 2024, from 9:30am-1:30pm Central. Saint Paul, MN or online via Zoom. Cost: $375 + 25 for manual. Register at Starseed Collective: Divination
Join a safe, judgement free inclusive gathering of likeminded seekers of all things spiritual and metaphysical. No matter where you are in your journey join us to learn more, ask questions and question all things in the universe. 6:30-8:30pm Wednesday Sept 11, 2024. 5200 47th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55417. Info: Email:
Group Sacred Rose Ceremony/Sound Bath
Guided meditation and rose ceremony followed by crystal singing bowl sound bath. Bring a blanket or gravity chair for your comfort. Register on event page. Contact or 612-255-4213. Friday, Sept 13, 7-8:30pm Central. Join us at The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423.
19 21 17 15
Explore these and more events on our online calendar! Find out why it's the optimal way to discover holistic, spiritual, and metaphysical events – both locally and virtually! 18 23 8 17 19
L earn this high vibration energy healing technique, using roses, to give self treatments and client treatments. This sacred process uses the high vibration of the roses to begin a beautiful unfolding of healing. $250 cost includes manual, journal, pendulum, beverages and snacks. Register with Sara at and 612-255-4213. Sunday, Sept 15, 2024 from 9am-5pm. Join us at The New Center, 8 W 66th St, Richfield, MN 55423
Experience a small group SOUL BREATHING session virtually from home via Zoom. We will prepare to take in the energies coming onto the planet during the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Tuesday, Sept 17, 7-9pm. Fee: $35. Pay via Venmo @theconnectingspirit, cash or check, or online at
Coffee with the Angels
A truly magical evening hosted by Cheryl Carrigan and her Angels. The evening starts with asking the Angels for guidance. Time is allowed to ask a question or connect to a loved one. Closes with an Angelguided meditation. Fee $30. Thurs Sept 19th, 7-9pm at Awakened Soul, 421 2nd Street, Hudson WI 54016. Contact to schedule.
Learn to guide your breath to amplify your intentions that will catapult you farther down your path. Retreat includes multiple Soul Breathing group sessions, time to relax, meditate, journal, pontoon on the lake, drumming circle, and an excursion to Lake Itasca. Sept 19-22, 2024 at the Crow Wing Crest Lodge, located about 2.5 hours north of Twin Cities. Fee: $483. To register, contact Terri at 651-442-4623 or
Join us for a FUN night with an intro in exploring different divination modalities! Designed for those new to the realm of psychic abilities and intuitive practices. 6:30-8:30pm Central, Thursday, Sept 19, 2024. Fee: $20. 5200 47th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55417. Info: Email:
Learn advanced intuitive skills that prepare you for working with yourself, family and friends, and clients in a very sophisticated way. Each class is designed to open and expand your intuition as you experience different techniques. Saturday, Sept 21, 10am–2pm, and Thursdays, Sept 26, Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 2024, 5:30–7:30pm Baldwin, WI or online via Zoom. Price: $475 plus $25 for manual. Register at
Practitioner Energy Healing Share
Join Sara Anondson from Sacred Oaks Healing for an afternoon of energy healing practice, and receiving a healing from another practitioner. All modalities welcomed. Contact with questions. Suggested donation $15. Sunday Sept 22, 1-3pm Central at The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423
Learn to manage your energy consciously and effectively! This class is about coming home to your highest self and reclaiming who you are with understanding and compassion. Nine-month class begins Sept 24, 2024, and meets Tuesdays 7-9pm CST via Zoom. 36 sessions at $45 each. Visit or contact and 612-669-1861 for more info. 22
A truly magical evening hosted by Cheryl Carrigan and her Angels. Ask a question or connect to a loved one. Fee $30. Friday Sept 27th 6:30-8:30pm at The New Center, 8 West 66th Street, Richfield MN 55343. Contact to schedule a session.
Share the Love - High Vibe Floral Design
Spend an afternoon of learning floral design and working with roses and other beautiful flowers. Register on the event page. Contact Sara at 612-255-4213 or with questions. 1-4pm Central on Sunday, Sept 29, 2024 at The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423
Solar Eclipse & New Moon Breathe
Join Terri for an evening of Soul Breathing, Heart Healing and Soul Connection by Zoom. Breathe in the new moon and eclipse energies, and send our intentions out to the ethers to manifest our desires and usher in the new Earth. Sunday, September 29, 7-9pm. Fee: $35. Pay via Venmo @theconnectingspirit, cash or check, or online at
Don’t miss exciting new episodes of Edge Talk Radio, with host Angela Zabel, a teacher, coach and medium. Angela brings decades of experiences and learnings, and an expansive variety of special guests!New episodes LIVE on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7pm Central. Listen on PodBean and using the PodOps media player below. Email for advertising opportunities. Browse new and previous shows at
Spirit United Interfaith Church Sunday Services
Honoring personal and planetary awakening. All are welcome! Join our Sunday services in-person and online at 10:30am Central. Held at The New Center, located at 8 W. 66th Street, Richfield Hub, MN 55423. Ring doorbell if needed. Sign up for Sunday service links, sent directly to your email, at
Tune in as psychic intuitives Kelly Wagner and co-host Cheryl Carrigan dive into discussions that curiously connect teachers and seekers on a wide range of holistic and metaphysical topics. Live-streamed onto The Edge Facebook, YouTube and Rumble channels. Subscribe with any popular podcast platforms. Contact to promote yourself, your business, or events with an interview or sponsorship/ Shamanic Drumming and Journeying Group
Newcomers welcome, no experience required! We have extra drums and rattles if you don't have your own. We meet the third Tuesday of every month, 7pm Central at White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church, 328 Maple Street, Mahtomedi MN 55115. Zoom option is available. Contact Nancy Hauer at 651-426-4917 and email for more information.
Art on The Edge Festival
Come to beautiful Linden Hills this summer for the 3rd annual Art on the Edge Festival! Hosted by Everett & Charlie and The Edge Magazine, Art on the Edge is a festival where art meets metaphysical. Experience over 60 visual art and holistic vendors, from painters and potters to psychics and yogis. Event goers also will enjoy live music, author readings and book signings, psychic gallery reading, and an array of other experiences and offerings. Full event details at
10am-7pm, Saturday August 10, 2024 W. 43rd Street & Zenith Ave, Minneapolis, MN
Join us at The New Center on the third Saturday of each month from 10am-5pm for Echo Bodine's Aurapalooza! Also, check out the smaller Mini-Paloozas held on the first Saturday every month. Email for event details or to become a vendor.. Pre-book your session at
Saturday, Aug 17, 2024, and Sept 21, 2024 10am-5pm Central at The New Center 8 W. 66th Street in Richfield, MN 55423
Be the Light Psychic & Wellness Expos
New speakers monthly! Find over thirty healers, psychics, mediums, aura photos, jewelry, sound bowls, and more. Held the second Saturday of each month For more information contact Carol at and 612-840-3562. Purchase tickets at the door or in advance at
Saturday Aug 10, 2024, and Sept 14, 2024 1-7pm at the Studio TimeOut Building, 6001 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55419
Indulge yourself in a fantastic day brimming with an array of amazing vendors offering a wide range of products and services! $5 entry fee grants you access to four captivating speakers. Group mediumship gallery $25. We can't wait to see you! Fall schedule at
Saturday September 14, 2024
Mankato, MN
Saturday September 28, 2024
Grand Rapids, MN
Saturday October 5, 2024
St. Cloud, MN
Meta Para Promotions Psychic &
Join us for a day of healing, with vendors that include readers, mediums, psychics, energy healers, shamans, and reflexology. Find crystals, candles, jewelry, incense, and more. $5 entry fee. To become a vendor vontact Terry Flick at 715-598-7002 and See full fair schedule at
Saturday August 17, 2024
Holiday Inn Downtown Conference Center
200 W. First St. Duluth MN 55802
Saturday September 21, 2024
Onalaska Omni Center
255 Riders Club Rd. Onalaska, WI 54650
Saturday October 12, 2024
Holiday Inn
1155 Hwy 10 East, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
Sunday October 13, 2024
Holiday Inn, 5637 MN-29, Alexandria, MN
Come to explore Everything Spiritual, Holistic and Wellness related. At our fairs you can expect to find a multitude of vendors offering products and services as well as Gallery events and guest speakers. Come and join us for a day full of education, healing, shopping, and much more!. $5 entrance fee. FREE gift bags to the first 25 people. We have something for everyone. Find upcoming fairs at
Saturday August 3, 2024
Prairie du Chien Country Club 38485 US-18, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
Saturday September 7, 2024
Onalaska Omni Center
255 Riders Club Road, Onalaska, WI 54650
Saturday September 14, 2024
The Colonial Club
301 Blankenheim Ln. Sun Prairie, WI 535390
Saturday September 28, 2024
Cliffbreakers Event Center & Riverview Inn 700 West Riverside Boulevard, Rockford, IL 61103
Sunday September 29, 2024
Antioch VFW Post #4551 75 North Ave. Antioch, IL 60002
Saturday October 5, 2024
Central WI Convention & Expo Center 10101 Market Street, Rothschild, WI 54474
Saturday October 13, 2024
DoubleTree by Hilton 11800 108th St. Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
Saturday October 19, 2024
Hudson Middle School 1300 Carmichael Rd. Hudson, WI 54016
Our purpose is to create awareness of spirituality by bringing together vendors sharing their modalities of healing, journeys and awareness to the community. 10am-5pm. Discover holistic services, free lectures and a $25 Gallery event. $5 admission. Free entry for active military and veterans. More info at
Saturday September 14, 2024
Deadwood Mountain Grand 1906 Deadwood Mountain Drive Deadwood, SD 57732
Women's Spiritual Healing Retreat in Honor of Jeannette Jenson
This retreat is an opportunity to take a little time for yourself, connect with other likeminded women, and refresh your soul. Join us and"Become open to all of the possibilities" Cost of $255.00 includes continental breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning, catered lunch Saturday, all speakers both days, and shared lodging Saturday at Gary’s Place. To register, contact
Saturday and Sunday, August 10-11, 2024 Location: Bottineau, North Dakota
40th Anniversary Minnesota Men's Conference
This October, we dedicate ourselves to and examine the role of tempered, developed, mature masculine energy in the world today. Men of all backgrounds, preferences, and traditions are invited. Fee: $995 (includes five nights lodging, meals, all conference activities). To register, go to Questions? Contact Walton Stanley at 612-850-6711.
Tuesday through Sunday, October 1-6, 2024 YMCA Camp St. Croix 532 County Road F, Hudson, WI 54016
While Cannabis might not be for everyone, sometimes "dating around" or trying different strains can bring you new insights into what to look for in these curious flowers. Terpenes are essentially the "personality traits" of a cannabis strain. Now, just like any relationship, it is important to have a stable and clear understanding of yourself, your needs, and any pre-existing conditions that might affect your overall experience. Getting to know how you interact with different terpenes can help you appreciate the benefits of today's variety of strains.
In relationships, everyone looks for different qualities. When it comes to Cannabis, the process can be similar. Some people enjoy a relationship that flows naturally, while others might have specific ideas about what makes it easy and manageable. The study of Terpenes is still early in its progress, but there have been convincing case studies that share how to find the most beneficial strain for the effect that you are looking for. After all, the right match—whether it's a partner or a cannabis strain—can make all the difference.
Myrcene is a terpene commonly found in Cannabis. It is particularly known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the production of certain inflammatory cells in the body and slow the progression of osteoarthritis. Those who have experienced the effects of myrcene often report its sedative qualities. However, it's essential to note that high doses can cause anxiety, as observed in mice studies.
Therefore, it's recommended to consume myrcene in small doses to enjoy its calming and sleep-inducing effects without adverse reactions. Myrcene-rich strains might be worth exploring if you're dealing with inflammation and seeking natural relief.
Caryophyllene is what gives black pepper its spice. Because it is so frequently encountered in foods, it is one of the few terpenes the FDA recognizes as "safe" to consume in large doses. It is also the only terpene known to interact directly with the endocannabinoid system CB2 receptors, which plays a large role in anxiety and depression disorders. Caryophyllene has also been known to delay the onset of epileptic seizures and is studied in treatments for neurodegenerative disorders and addiction. A strain that contains a high amount of Caryophyllene terpene might be an ideal choice for those who struggle with psychological ailments or are looking to increase a positive mindset.
Limonene isn't just a pleasant citrus aroma—it's also packed with impressive health benefits. Limonene has shown significant medical properties, particularly in reducing inflammation and anxiety, similar to caryophyllene. Additionally, studies suggest that limonene can aid in weight loss, act as an antidepressant, and serve as a powerful antioxidant. For those dealing with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or other gastrointestinal issues, limonene offers soothing relief. If you typically choose strains high in Myrcene for their relaxing effects but struggle with inflammatory diseases, consider trying a limonene-dominant strain. It could provide the additional health benefits you need to soothe the body and the mind.
cancer cells, combat bacteria and infections, work as an antioxidant, and open airways in asthma patients.
β -PINENE: This type is known for its earthy aroma and is found in basil, dill, parsley, and hops. Its flavor is a favorite among many experienced consumers.
Terpenes are not only found in Cannabis but also in various everyday products. Knowing the differences between each type is essential when selecting a strain. It can be overwhelming at first, but researching and experimenting in a safe environment will guide you in finding the best option for your needs.
Relationships are a central part of our lives, filled with highs, lows, and valuable lessons about ourselves and the world around us. Every day, we form connections with people, objects, and routines. A crucial aspect of life is identifying which relationships bring positive energy and personal growth versus those that might hold us back. By understanding Terpenes, you can gain a deep, introspective understanding of yourself. a
Pinene is a common terpene in the Cannabis family responsible for the pine trees' characteristic "piney fresh" scent. There are two types of Pinene, which is important to know to determine the compatibility of how each strain will affect you:
α -PINENE: Found in pine and conifer trees, rosemary, and orange peels. It improves cognitive function and memory, increases focus and alertness, and reduces anxiety. XPinene can show benefits in treating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, and multiple sclerosis. Additionally, it can help manage pain, reduce inflammation, fight
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DeEtte Ranae is a certified psychic medium, medical intuitive and master teacher. Watch her show "Schooled Thru Spirit with DeEtte" on The Edge Network's YouTube, Rumble and Facebook channels.
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Focus and then Act - You have reached a pivotal point in your journey, where you have identified your deepest aspirations and innermost desires. After seeking guidance, it is now time to transform those prayers into tangible actions. Mere prayers are not enough; it is crucial to concentrate your thoughts and emotions. This is the moment to make a resolute commitment and start taking the necessary steps to manifest your dreams. The power to act is in your hands, and the time to wield it is now.
Nourish the Soul - You've been a spectator in the theater of your own life, observing from the sidelines. But now is the time to step into the spotlight and embrace the rich tapestry of experiences waiting for you. Take the opportunity to fully engage with each encounter. Life is a symphony of presence and appreciation. Always hold on to the memories you create along the way.
We are all Connected - It is a common misconception that we are solitary in this life. We enter and depart alone, but this is far from the truth. Every achievement is a collective effort, and you are never truly alone. Every action, every decision, and every thought is a part of a larger, interconnected web. Recognizing this empowers you to actively participate in your journey and the journeys of others. Start acknowledging the vital role you play in the grand tapestry of the universe.
Let Go of the Old - We often enthusiastically embark on new ventures, only to encounter setbacks along the way. This can lead to moments of reflection as we try to discern what caused the endeavor to fall short of our expectations. It may not always be apparent at first, but sometimes, the key to success lies in abandoning familiar approaches in favor of fresh perspectives. To achieve success, it's essential to release outdated practices and beliefs that hinder progress. Embracing change and exploring new possibilities is crucial for paving the way toward a prosperous future.
Hear the Ancient Ones - The increasing focus on history and reminiscing about the past stems from us living in a society marked by excessive consumption. Our relentless pursuit of more has led us astray, and we are in dire need of a different approach. If you find yourself at a crossroads, consider guidance from an elder, immersing yourself in ancient literature, or engaging in meditative practices to draw wisdom from those who have a wealth of life experiences.
We are at the point where everything is falling into place. You've devoted a great deal of time to exploring your inner self, understanding your true nature, and identifying what no longer serves you. It's time to translate all this into action and take the necessary steps to manifest your thoughts into reality. Take the time to thoroughly examine all the details. Rushing through may cause you to overlook a crucial element that ties everything together. What would be the point of success if you didn't savor the journey? Please remember that you're not alone; unexpected sources of assistance are available to help you as you continue along this path.
– DeEtte Ranae