List of Divine Laws
Radical Feng Shui
Sacred Gemstones

List of Divine Laws
Radical Feng Shui
Sacred Gemstones
Your Inner Guru COVER
Trained in multiple healing modalities that I share in my classes and the services I provide.
Intuitive Palmistry, Card Readings & Mediumship • 952-242-7886
I love connecting to the Angels! Looking for a little guidance or wondering what is next? I will connect to the Angels to provide you with some clarity. • 612-695-8183
Bobby connects with who you really are through intuitive conversations. She provides insight from your inner wisdom. •
Sacred Ceramics and Wire-Wrapped Crystal Jewelry.
Amber Maier
Akashic Record Healing & Reading, Angel Healing & Reading, Soul Coaching, Mentor & Teacher. Founder of the Akashic Angel Healing Academy •
Each GemMe Wand is created with love and intention by artist Cheri Paragi. Stop by Cheri’s booth to see which GemMe Wand resonates with you! • Cell: 952-292-4450 • 952-215-2160
Intuitive Readings with Tarot cards. • 612-567-0531
Hands on healing combined with psychic insight.
Psychic medium with understanding of love, energy, empathy and its impact. Services include psychic readings, mediumship, healings, tarot card readings & grief coaching. • 651-428-1667
I o er QHHT and past life regression sessions to help clients explore their inner wisdom, heal past traumas, and unlock their true potential.
A sacred, shamanic healer guided by divine love providing transformative client sessions.
Details and booking at
Wire-wrapped Custom Gemstone Jewelry, Personalized Zodiac Blueprint Reports, Reiki Tarot Healing, and Vibrational Reiki Chakra Therapy. •
I use a biopulsar Aura and Chakra imaging machine to suggest ways clients can optimize their Aura and Chakra system. • 612-232-0965
Animal Communicator and Medium. • 763-795-8176 (text only)
Akashic Records and Evolutionary Astrology.
Psychic, past life readings, chakra balancing, medium, animal communicator, and healing. • 715-220-7111
Charismatic DNA Reconstruction Discover the ancestor that started it all - and break the cycle.
Julie Seiler
Reflexology is a hands-on approach to healing. Julie applies specific hand, thumb and finger movements to the bottom of the feet which allow the body's reflexes to provide healing from within. • 763-257-9355
Numerology readings showing who you are and what you are here to accomplish in this lifetime. • 612-308-2962
Paula & Rob Smith
We address the top things stressing out your physical and emotional body while giving your body an electrical treatment charging millions of cells at the same time. • 952-220-7201
Angi Jara, Mht
Spiritual Hypnotherapist/Past Life Regression/Reiki Master/Intuitive Reader. Connecting you with your Soul's divine purpose through healing, wisdom, and love. • 651-252-9060
Sheri Melander-Smith
Evidential medium, intuitive reader, past life, pet communication.
• TikTok @ Gods Light and Love
O ers Akashic Record readings and Angelic Energy Healing. Resolve perplexing problems in this lifetime. Angelic Energy Healings help you receive healing already all around you. • 612-275-1832 • 952-212-6749 Guide with the Modern Mystery School providing Ancient Lineage Healings and Teachings for spiritual growth and deep healing. Intuitive reader and Animal Communicator.
Utilizes Emotion Code & muscle testing to work with the subconscious mind to release trapped, unprocessed issues. • 612-444-5893
Angelic Guidance, Direct and Intuitive Channeling, Tarot and Oracle Card Readings, Past Life Explorations, Quantum Coaching.
Morgan Richards
Zenith High, • 952-913-5574
Spiritual Intuitive, practitioner of Energy Healing, Cranial Sacral Therapy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Known for his Aura Photography, in which he interprets and reads auras using a special Aura Imaging Camera.
Kathleen Vinehout
Do you want to clearly communicate with your Spirit Guides and Star Families? Invite divine support? Know you're NOT alone? Kathleen makes real the help that often feels unreal – using channeling, mediumship and art.
Echo Bodine
Psychic, Healer, Teacher, Author, Ghosthunter for close to 60 years. • • 715-714-4968
Spirit United • 651-705-6110 Holistic Arts o ers handmade, loveinspired and Reiki infused jewelry, crystals and gifts for the soul.
When Spirit calls you to go beyond limitations of what has been, to explore possibilities of what can be. We are Spirit United. We are a spiritually diverse community. Join us Sundays, in-person and online. Sign up to receive links at
Spiritual Practice Sundays 10:30am-12pm
Want to rent space at the New Center? Contact Julie Seiler
Rose Healing, Reiki, Shamanic Healings, Spiritual/Life Coaching Services. Sara helps you towards your life’s purpose and removes blockages in your journey.
Featured Topic: Radical Truth & Honesty
With Antonia Harman, Kim Woods, and Elizabeth Wysen
From the Editor By Steve Wagner
With Groundbreaking New Free Film, IT'S TIME to Remember Who We Are By Angelika Kyrah Bragas
Radical Feng Shui
With Carole J. Hyder
Gateway to Higher Consciousness By Marie Schlumpberger
Sound Advice
By Royce Vagnier
Curiously Exploring Burning Man With Kelly Wagner
Opportunities to Manifest By Wes Hamilton
>> COVER STORY Scent of the Nile: Minerals of Wellness By Erik Johnston
The Sacredness of Crystals and Gemstones: Earth Elements in Our Lives
By Dr. Ron Holman, PhD
The Butterfly Pea Plant By Witch Jodi, RN
Community Events Calendar Classes, workshops, expos, festivals, etc.
Unlocking the Power Within: The Transformative Potential of Monatomic Andara Crystals By Mark Naea
Your Inner Guru By Maureen Higgins, MA
Edge Partner Directory
Body/mind/spirit resources
THE EDGE MAGAZINE, 8625 Coachmans Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55347
ISSN 1085-0996 © Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Truth or the Consequences By Share International
Books We're Reading on The Edge 5-Card Draw with DeEtte By DeEtte Ranae
CINDY TORRES 612-482-2007
The Edge Magazine is published by The Community for Higher Consciousness, LLC. Reproduction of articles in print or electronically without permission of the author is strictly prohibited. The Edge does not contain medical, legal, or financial advice. Any information about these topics is not a substitute for professional advice, and the Community for Higher Consciousness or The Edge Magazine does not assume any liability for any actions resulting from the reliance on any information or advertisements provided in this publication. Printed with soy ink. Please recycle.
Step by step, we release... Through 2024, we have learned to forgive, to gather our spiritual tools, to turn around what is off- course in our lives, and to let go of what no longer serves us. Congratulate yourself for your progress! Presenting our next stepping stone:
Radical truth, or authenticity, is fundamental to mental and physical health. When you lie or tell half-truths, you hinder your spiritual evolution. Failing to keep your word – whether to yourself or others – breeds anxiety, fear, and worry. These mind loops create stress, manifesting as physical ailments; stress is the root of all dis-ease.
'People-pleasing' doesn't really exist. Someone will always bear the consequences of your words and actions, often you. Unexpressed needs are premeditated resentments. Dishonesty about your wishes sets you up for failure and misery.
Lack of sincerity leads to suffering. It's arrogant to assume others cannot handle the truth; this misleads them and overwhelms YOU. Over time, this may cause you to lash out and speak unkindly. Logical consideration of worst-case scenarios is essential. For example, what might happen if you decline your family's Thanksgiving invitation? Perhaps you'd receive fewer invitations to future gatherings – yet isn't that what you wanted?
Courage underpins the spiritual path. If you cannot keep your word, you weaken yourself mentally and
physically. If people cannot trust your 'no,' how can they believe your 'yes'?
My philosophy is to "do the right thing because it is the right thing to do." Lead by example and safeguard your health by being honest. Start small – decline invitations you don't want and keep your promises. Your word holds tremendous value; it is one of the few things that cannot be taken from you. People can sense when you're dishonest. The energy you project feels 'off.' Deception erodes your reputation and friendships. It's better to say 'no' upfront than to cancel at the last minute after endlessly fretting about letting people down.
When your authenticity shines, your true tribe will find you. As Gandhi wisely said, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." a
Antonia Harman, from Divine Empowerment, is a trailblazing healer, wizard, teacher, author, and podcaster. Her innovative techniques have revolutionised mental health by neutralising the emotional 'charge' of trauma. Currently, she is leading a groundbreaking study to delete PTSD in 10,000 individuals, aiming to transform the future of mental health care.
“How am I wrong?” I asked myself to meditate every day for weeks. This is my way of being brutally honest with myself because if you can’t be radically honest with yourself, you’re not going to be able to stand fully in your power. When you’re not in your power, you’re not living your soul mission. This is critical when you’re on your spiritual journey.
Spirit shows you how you’re wrong when you show up with honesty about wanting to know what’s wrong about your thoughts, decisions, and actions. When you tackle your wrongness, you discover your rightness at the soul level. Deep within, you discover your truth. When you ask, “How am I wrong?” you strip away your false layers to find your hidden wealth.
Finding your hidden wealth isn’t for the weak. It takes tremendous courage and, yes, radical honesty. When you do, you show up with the truth of you. Your soul mission becomes evident to everyone.
My best advice?
• Listen for spirit and watch for serendipitous connections.
• Stand unwaveringly in the power of your hidden wealth.
• Be honest about your gifts, talents, and skills to demonstrate your value.
Spirit shows you through connections with people, things, and situations that appear out of nowhere. Your best response is to be observant because spirit is creating opportunities and support tailored just for you.
Uncovering your hidden wealth reveals the greatest parts of you to align you with your soul mission.
Being honest about your gifts and power without dissembling or turning away from the spotlight helps you become a magnet to the marketplace.
Radical honesty is a never-ending process of discovery to reveal the deepest treasure within YOU. Spirit can’t wait to show you with radical honesty how valuable you are. a Kim Woods, Business Strategist and Master Astrologer, combines astrology, ancient feminine wisdom, and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help you become rich and powerful, make a big impact, and leave your legacy. Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear your success pathway so you live your soul mission. You can find her at
Law of Divine Will: The soul within you is of Source God. When you live from the will of Source God, it moves and compels you from the Heart, not the mind. This experience feels like magnetism, or a pull or push from the heart space.
Law of Divine Order: No matter what chaos you seem to be in, all things will always return to a Divine Order. This order allows light to move from Source to Source and from Source God back to Source God.
Law of Divine Timing: All things happen in a perfect timing, even if it doesn't seem to be that way. The Universe supports you in events that are within your Divine Right to receive, including life lessons. All Divine Timing happens in Divine Order.
Law of Love: When living in the Divine Will, we create all things with love. When we want change, we ask Source God to create it in love, the energy that determines the Divine Order. Using The Word, we imprint a quickening of the Divine Order upon the field.
Law of The Word: When we speak from the heart, we speak from the Divine Will. When we speak with love and allow Source God to create through us, our Divine Right to voice the Divine Will is active through us. Our words become reality as they imprint on our bodies, the field of consciousness, and our subconscious.
Law of Abundance and Generosity: To get the abundance wheel turning in Divine Law, we must be deeply generous. When we offer our generosity without expectation, Source can create miracles of receiving to fill in the space of energy we created by giving.
Law of Perfect Trust & Surrender: None of the Divine Laws work without our perfect trust and surrender to Source God. We must surrender the illusion of our “free will” first and accept that we are a part of the Divine Will. Then, we must surrender what we think we know and accept that we know very little.
After that, we surrender our minds, our feelings, and our words to the Divine so that they are purified. Lastly, we surrender our control over what and how we receive the fulfillment of all our Divine Rights in trust that Source God will do miracles. a
Elizabeth Wysen, Considered an advanced seer, Elizabeth Wysen works on the cutting edge of galactic and quantum anthropology, trauma healing and futurism. With her lifelong ability to see into and work with all dimensions, her theoretical and psychic work has helped people all over the world. Called “Living Library and Oracle”, Elizabeth has spent her whole life studying anthropological theory, quantum physics, ancient and modern medicine. She has two science degrees, including a Masters in Applied Anthropology. Her philosophies and practices bridge science and spirituality to support real change in the world.
Steve Wagner Editor, THE EDGE
Greetings and happy fall solstice to all of you! After busy, event-filled summers, autumn is a time where I can slow down, catch my breath, and reflect. This year, Kelly and I celebrated the equinox at an outdoor south bath presented by Royce Vagnier and Andrea Nyhusmoen. It was the perfect way to release what no longer serves us and welcome in new beginnings. Thank you Royce and Andrea for a powerful experience!
Looking ahead, The Edge has more events on the way. Kelly will be collaborating with Mary Newstrom for a transformative 11-11 event (see page 9). On Saturday, Nov 30th, Edge Life Events Reawakened will host the Small Business Saturday, with a Twist of Curiosity popup expo at Eden Prairie Center (see page 23). Start your holiday shopping with art, crystals, essential oils and other holistic wellness and spiritual products.
Make sure you don't miss out on great in-person opportunities like these, as well as many immersive online/virtual classes and workshops, by signing up for our email list at
On the cover:
Consulting the Book by Steve Wagner
Sometime, when facing the radical truths around you, and searching for your soul's purpose in this lifetime, you must explore and learn about your Akashic Records.
Find wearable high-vibe creations by illustrator and graphic artist Steve Wagner online at Vibe Ko Apparel.
Never in history has there been a film that is being put out to help humanity without expecting a return on investment. “It’s Time” will be forever FREE with the desire that ANYONE that watches will make one change in themselves to spread more love and be more kind. What act of love are you going to perform today? Which habit will you change to love yourself more?
The film was created with the goal of reaching 1 million views, with the hope those million viewers will be a part of shifting the world towards more kindness and love. Please join the movement and share this film far and wide to help us reach our goal!
“It’s Time” was inspired by the story of Gail Lynn, a woman whose quest for healing led her to discover revolutionary sound and light therapies after conventional medicine failed to address her severe cardiovascular stress.
Through her personal journey, Gail not only healed herself but also invented the Harmonic Egg ® – a sound and light healing chamber that has transformed the lives of thousands. This groundbreaking technology, rooted in bio resonance and sacred geometry, is just one part of a larger story that explores the untapped potential of frequency healing.
Together, they unravel long-held beliefs that separate us from our innate power, inviting viewers to reconnect with the ancient wisdom of nature, consciousness, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Through stunning visuals and a soul-stirring soundtrack, “It’s Time” unveils groundbreaking discoveries in sound and light technologies that are revolutionizing the future of healing. It reminds us that the modern pursuit of objective knowledge has come at the cost of our deeper, intuitive connection with ourselves and the natural world.
This film calls for a paradigm shift, urging us to reawaken to our spiritual reality, reclaim our connection to the Earth and each other, and remember the collective power we hold to heal and co-create.
As more people around the world awaken to the truth that division and fear no longer serve us, “It’s Time” offers a powerful message for all of us: the path to healing, renewal, and a new world is within reach – if we have the courage to listen, reconnect with ourselves and others, and choose love. Please watch and share for free, forever, at a
The film follows Gail as she travels across America to meet leading experts from diverse fields, including cognitive neuroscience, medical law, agriculture, nutrition, metaphysics, and energy healing.
About Gail Lynn, inventor and creator of the Harmonic Egg, is dedicated to harnessing the power of sound, light, and sacred geometry for self-healing. When a series of light and sound treatments reversed her diagnosis of severe cardiovascular stress, she set out to uncover the ancient history and modern science behind light and sound as healing therapies. More at
Over the years, I have worked with amazing people who bravely integrated Feng Shui principles and who had astounding results despite how hard it was to make a change. Feng Shui is all about change. “Feng” means wind, and “Shui” means water – both elements that need to move to be effective. If either becomes stagnant, there’s a problem. Their essence is change and flow.
This doesn’t mean new or expensive items need to be incorporated. Often, the biggest change in someone’s life comes from moving a piece of furniture or clearing out a closet. But behind that decision may have been some radical truth.
I had a consultation with a widow who could not move her late husband’s clothes out of the closet. Although he had died years prior, he had been the love of her life. The thought of giving his clothes away felt cruel and inhumane to her. However, she couldn’t sleep in that room because of the memories; instead, she spent restless nights in a recliner in the living room. We discussed the situation, and she made a radical decision. Not only did the clothes get donated, but she also remodeled the room entirely-where she now sleeps with no regret. She had to come to terms with the idea that removing his clothes was not the same as removing him from her life.
But sometimes, it’s the simplest action that is the hardest to activate. People who have studied or know about Feng Shui know that decluttering is a big piece of this philosophy, which does not often go easy with people. Decisions must be made about the importance of something, whether a piece of art, an inherited antique, a room arrangement, or even a wall color. Being honest about the part it is playing in someone’s life can be hard, even excruciating. It takes courage to be truthful to oneself.
Being honest about one’s space is not always easy and will not always feel joyful. But being clear, mindful, and honest about an ideal outcome (new job, more income, partner, or even sleeping better) enables the space to support this intention. As the space is set up to reflect these intentions, confidence grows, courage arises, and freedom expands.
Schedule your own integrative Feng Shui home consultation at
Feng Shui isn’t just about the obvious physical environment. It’s also about the underlayer of hidden items--closet, drawers, basement. A client and I finally got to the bottom of her distress and unhappiness despite her immaculate and well-positioned home. She took me up to her attic. Yup, distress and unhappiness lived up there.
We all need to be taken out of our comfort zone at some point. Moving from our home was a big one for me, but I’ve found that living in a simpler space is easy and very satisfying. A radical change became a new adventure. I was encouraged by a fellow artist to incorporate black into my paintings. I was so averse to the idea that I purposely didn’t have black paint in my possession. These paintings incorporating black are now my favorite creations. Both actions took radical courage to different degrees, but both have proven their worth.
When someone becomes aware of the consequences of the choices they have made in their space and have adjusted to living differently as a result, the true power of Feng Shui is evident. This comes about because they made radical decisions and dipped into the core of what is true and honest for them. a
Carole J. Hyder can help you create a space that you love using not only the principles of Feng Shui in a home or office but also integrating those principles in her paintings as well. Whether a physical re-arrangement of a room or an inspired and intentional image on the wall, the energy of your space will be shifted to align with your goals. Visit or
One of the most compelling aspects of Psychoactive mushrooms is their ability to induce altered states of consciousness. These experiences often lead to profound insights, spiritual revelations, and a sense of unity with the universe. For many, these journeys facilitate a deeper understanding of their purpose and place in the world, which can help them discover inner healing, hidden truths, and self-love.
Native American cultures have long embraced the use of psychedelics to enhance their spiritual practices. These substances are not merely used for recreation but are considered sacred tools that facilitate communication with spiritual realms, ancestors, and spirit guides. Mushrooms and other plant-based psychedelics have been integral to various ceremonies and rituals, offering individuals a pathway to enlightenment and self-discovery.
Mushrooms, particularly those with psychoactive properties, play a significant role in spiritual and religious practices worldwide. When consumed, these mushrooms produce vivid visual and auditory hallucinations, allowing individuals to see objects and experience situations beyond the ordinary. This heightened perception can reveal hidden truths and offer new perspectives, encouraging participants to reflect on their existence and purpose.
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive plant that Native Americans and spiritual seekers use in ceremonies to continually deepen their understanding and connection with themselves and the world around them. This powerful plant from the Amazon rainforest is revered for its profound ability to heal, teach, and nurture. The experience is known to facilitate a profound and often cathartic emotional release, enabling participants to gain clarity and emotional freedom.
In the 1960s, a new rise of interest in psychedelics emerged, which was primarily driven by the counterculture movement. Artists like Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles openly discussed how psychoactive substances influenced their music and vision, creating iconic works that continue to inspire generations, highlighting the age-old connection between psychedelia and artistic expression.
Psychedelic art is often characterized by vivid colors, abstract forms, and surrealistic imagery. It seeks to capture the altered states of consciousness induced by psychedelics. This art form frequently breaks traditional boundaries, inviting viewers to experience reality differently. Many believe that psychedelic art also serves as a medium for spiritual exploration. It allows both the artist and the viewer to transcend ordinary perception, offering glimpses into the infinite complexities of the mind and universe. This spiritual component is a key reason why psychedelics have been embraced by spiritual seekers worldwide.
insight, having a clear purpose can guide your journey and help you stay focused during the trip.
Psychedelics can cause a range of physical and psychological effects, including changes in perception, euphoria, and mystical experiences. Be aware that some people may experience anxiety, confusion, or emotional distress. Knowing what to expect can help you remain calm and centered during your trip. Having a trusted friend or family member act as your sitter during your experience can provide reassurance and safety. This person should be sober, experienced with psychedelics, and able to offer guidance and support if needed. Their presence can help you feel secure, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience without fear.
Navigating the psychedelic experience can be a profound and transformative journey for spiritual seekers. By preparing thoughtfully, dosing responsibly, and integrating the insights from your experience, you can unlock new dimensions of personal growth, truth, meaning, and spiritual understanding. The key to a meaningful psychedelic experience lies in your intentions, the environment, and the support you have around you, which can help unlock creative potential and inspire innovative solutions to complex problems. a
Psychedelics are available in many forms, such as dried mushrooms, tabs, capsules, tinctures, and extracts. Some psychoactive mushrooms can be consumed raw, brewed into tea, or taken in capsule form. Each method of intake can influence the onset and duration of the experience, so choosing the one that best aligns with your comfort level and goals for your trip is essential. Before embarking on your psychedelic journey, it’s important to set clear intentions. Ask yourself what you hope to gain from the experience. Whether it’s healing, personal growth, or spiritual
Do you ever feel anxious? The need to get your creativity flowing? A desire to more profoundly connect with your Higher Self? If you answered Yes, then I have Sound Advice for you! Allow me to share some of my personal stories around healing and manifesting using crystal singing bowls to inspire you on your journey.
you up and find your voice in creativity. Combining the sacral and third eye opens you up to receiving inspiration from your Higher Self. I begin by asking for the solution to my creative need. As I play the different combination of bowls, I feel the frequency moving through me. I begin to relax and my thoughts wander and explore freely. Then, the ah-ha happens and I get the break through that I need to move forward with my project.
The Science. Quantum physics teaches us that everything is made of energy, is in movement and thus has a frequency. When you understand that your emotions and feelings are “energy in motion,” you can quickly understand the power and potential of sound frequency to transmute or amplify your emotions. While any instrument can be used for sound healing, I prefer to use quartz singing bowls for two reasons: First, quartz is a master amplifier, transmitter and a receiver of energy (it’s used in most of our electronics). Second, both quartz and the human body are crystalline in structure making it effortless for your body to receive and integrate the crystal bowl frequencies.
Anxiety Relief. When I’m feeling anxious, it manifests as a ball of energy vibrating around my heart. I have learned to play my singing bowls to transmute this energy. I begin playing a root chakra bowl and tone with it to ground. Then, I play both the root and the heart chakra bowl together and focus my attention on my heart. The 2 notes for these chakras also create a musical “fourth interval” known in sound healing for calming the amygdala, our emotional fear center. Within 10-15 minutes, I feel calm, balanced, and ready to move forward with my day.
Creativity. When I need to get my creativity flowing, I grab the bowls tuned for the sacral, throat, and third eye chakra. Obviously, the sacral chakra is known for creation. By combining it with the throat chakra, it helps to open
Soulmate. When I’m feeling disconnected from Self, I get my favorite bowl and take it to a quiet space. I close my eyes and invite in my Higher Self. Keeping my eyes closed, I begin playing and feel myself “drop in” to the space and become really present. I tone with the bowl until I feel my third eye buzz. Then, I begin to “Soul Sing” by opening my mouth and letting out a tone. I mentally ask Spirit where I should go next…then change notes. Surrendering to Spirit, I sing note after note, being guided from one to the next. It becomes a beautiful dance with my Soul leaving me in joy, love and connection.
Want to try? I invite you to experience the transformational sounds of the crystal bowls with me by joining one of my Sound Journeys. And, if you want your own personal singing bowl(s), I would love to help you find your perfect bowlmate . It is a joyful journey of exploring and playing a variety of bowls to find the unique alchemy that matches you and aligns with your intentions. Then, I will work with you to learn how to play and unlock the potential from your powerful and conscious bo wlmate. And that my friend, is Sound Advice. a
ROYCE VAGNIER is a retail strategist, yoga instructor and sound healer. As an alchemist, he guides individuals and companies to transform into a better version of themselves. Visit to learn more and connect with Royce.
Monatomic Andara crystals are a soul-enhancing, highvibrational healing tool that works on all levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual. The process creates a unique healing experience, individual for each person, assisting them in releasing unwanted energies while expanding their understanding of their true reality closer to their original divine consciousness.
The Monatomic Andara crystal is one of the master crystals, a healer, and a powerful tool for:
1. Increasing awareness and vibration to access universal knowledge
2. Cleaning and balancing chakras
3. Activating one’s energy-channeling ability
4. Accelerating the spiritual development process
5. Aiding a person in manifesting the life s/he chooses
Many experience the effects of Monatomic Andara crystals as expanded sensory perception and access to information beyond normal third-dimensional channels. Intuition is increased, especially experiences of telepathic
connection with other people or beings. Connections to your higher divine self are strengthened, increasing feelings of universal oneness, harmony, and joy.
I've been asked if Andara crystals need to be activated, and my response is, “No, they don’t.” Yet, the question remains for those who feel their Andara crystal is dormant. This is the paradox that Monatomic Andara crystals present, the idea of activation.
Actually, they don’t need activation and aren’t dormant. It is their very nature to be inaccessible to those who are not ready for them. The majority will assume that Andara crystals need activation. But when carefully read, the “idea of activation” is being presented, and the realm of ideas falls within your own consciousness. It is not the crystal that activates– it’s you.
Like fingers pointing towards the moon, do not mistake the crystal for the moon. Andara crystals point to the infinite potential that lies within us all and act as catalysts to higher realms of being. For those on the brink of understanding, I have shared a technique in private sessions on how to get past this block.
A close friend and powerful, intuitive healer could not spiritually access her Andara crystal. Although she knew it was a powerful addition to her practice, the crystal just sat there, day after day. She finally asked me, knowing I would good-naturedly point out the obvious, that she already knew how to use it. She replied, “Of course I do, but can you help me remember?”
I told her to use the Key of Possibilities codex image (see right) and place it under the Andara crystal to unlock it, so to speak. What happened next was beyond her imagination. Now, her Andara crystal is a very special part of her practice and an active participant in her healing work.
Monatomic Andara crystals are not just external tools for healing; they act as mirrors to reflect the innate potential within us all. As we grow spiritually and open ourselves to the vast possibilities within, the Andara crystal becomes a trusted companion in our journey, amplifying our intuition, healing, and transformation.
MARK NAEA, Aloha, I’m Mark Naea, aka Øm “not-mark”. Mark is a native Hawaiian, self-educated in many diverse disciplines. From multiple fields of science and history, to alternate realities, spirituality, eastern thought, and one’s actual enlightenment. A true hidden master, Øm “not-mark” guides you through a world of paradox and limitless opportunities.
We all have the wisdom we need within us. We are meant to be our own inner guru by connecting with our Higher Self or spirit which has all the answers we need for our lives. However, we may forget to access it or may not realize that we can do so. Our societal training teaches us that everything is outside of ourselves. That there’s always a person or guru “higher up” than us that can connect to the Divine and knows more than us for our own life journey.
It’s important to have mentors and support in our life – we all need that – but we need to remember that we are all a part of the Divine therefore can connect directly to it. We came here with all we need within our own beautiful spirit! Our spirit is what’s actually guiding our journey. The new era we are collectively moving into requires us to be our own inner guru, so we have the freedom to be our authentic self and co-create an authentic world!
A good way to contact the inner guru, or Higher Self, is to stop the brain’s need to micro-manage our lives. It may go through all the possible details and scenarios which doesn’t leave room for exciting, better surprises. It’s better to take our hands off the wheel and let the Higher Self be the guru directing our lives. See yourself handing over all problems to your Higher Self for resolution. This can look like your human self is handing worries over to an older, wiser self – the Higher Self – or an ethereal being or however you want to picture your spirit.
It’s also important to know that each person in our life has their own inner guru or Higher Self. Even if their journey seems extra challenging, the Higher Self is still in charge even if we don’t understand why they’re going through something. Some things will not be understood by our human mind.
Our lack of understanding can be that we know so little about how our reality really works. We have 98% of the cosmos that our human mind cannot see and doesn’t know anything about. Scientists call this dark matter. Why not ask your Higher Self to tap into this dark matter or unknown energy to help you in your current, everyday life?
The dark matter may include other dimensions or realities that we can tap into that can be helpful for our growth. They may be from the past, present or future since time doesn’t exist except for the gravitational fields of the sun and earth that keep humans in time and space.
The dark matter may be a dimension or reality in the way of what you want – one that can be cleared up or transformed. It could be thought of as a past life or simultaneous/parallel lifetime. You can ask your Higher Self, and optimal spirit guides, aligned with your highest good, truth and Source to help you transform all interfering lifetimes. If you’re not sure how to do this, start by asking that an exact opposite reality or dimension merges with the one that’s interfering to help transform it. If that doesn’t help, you can go to a skilled practitioner to help you tap into your Higher Self so that you can clear them up. You can also try an energetic healing audio, from my website, since they are set up like an energetic healing session.
There are realities/dimensions/lifetimes that have already resolved what you are working on. It may be a past life that still has an energy to it that you can access. You can ask that the learning and growth comes in from this past life so you are more fully embodying it in your current lifetime.
You can ask to tap into a future reality, where everything is resolved with the issues you are working on. This future reality may be your current self out into the future and/or a different reality you exist in where you’ve resolved this same issue and are doing well. You can ask to tap into one or more simultaneous or future realities so you can feel the answers and success you need.
We truly are capable of much more than we realize. We are in an era of great change. Let’s join hands together and make it beautiful! As the Hopi Indians say, “We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.” a
MAUREEN HIGG I NS, owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people let go of the past, be their best selves, and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems. You can learn these systems through the School for Higher Consciousness at energetic-healing-program and experience them through her audios at
Join our new advanced meditation series designed to help you align with the current energies each month so you can access higher levels consciousness and find more inner peace.
Understand the energetic influences impacting you Experience a meditation to raise your vibration
Receive an audio recording to deepen your practice
We connect teachers to enlightenment seekers! Find tried-and-true products and services in your neighborhood and nation-wide. Our practitioners can meet in-person and work remotely via Zoom.
Everett & Charlie Art Gallery
Minnesota Artists Gallery
A Linden Hills art gallery where art meets experience, featuring original art from only Minnesota artists. Gallery includes paintings, screen-printing, photography, pottery, glass, jewelry, textiles, sculpture and woodwork. Offers a calendar of openings, trunk shows, workshops, and demos. Available for private events. #612-444-8706 2720 W 43rd St. #103, Minneapolis, MN 55410
Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs
Our goal is to bring awareness and education to everyone about the benefits of alternative healing to help our bodies emotionally, spiritually, and/or physically. We host events throughout Minnesota currently, with more states coming soon. We offer a mediumship gallery event and educational sessions throughout the day. Our first 25 guests receive a free gift bag! #715-292-2625
Meta Para Promotions
Focused on creating and promoting metaphysical, wellness, and paranormal fairs and expos in the upper Midwest. Meta Para Promotions has reached thousands of attendees through dozens of events. Our fairs attract a strong and enthusiastic attendance, drawing people from all walks of life who share a common curiosity in the metaphysical and paranormal. #715-514-8331
Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs
Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness fairs are held throughout Wisconsin in many communities to bring hope and healing to those in need. At our fairs you can expect to find a multitude of vendors offering products and services as well as Gallery events and guest speakers. Come and join us for a day full of education, healing, shopping, and much more! #715-832-2775
Our purpose is to create community awareness of spirituality by bringing together vendors who share their modalities of healing, journeys and awareness with communities in uplifting humanity and awakening to the reality that we are souls having a human experience. Each expo includes a Gallery event and guest speakers. Join us in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana.
Contact us at and place your listing!
Wisconsin’s modern “Stonehenge”
Word Count: 70 word max. description
Location: Online updated each month print updated bi-monthly (6 editions/year)
Included: Photo/image/logo, website, contact info, social media
Kinstone is a modern megalithic site, 2+ hours SE of the Twin Cities, open daily 10am-6pm, May–Oct. This 30-acre park-like sanctuary boasts three stone circles, thatched chapel, labyrinth, dolmen, prairie, dry-stacked stone sculpture, dragons, and more. This sacred space offers peaceful, calming connection to the land. Enjoy self-guided visits, music events, full moon sound baths, solstice/equinox observances, meditation, drumming, and more. Unique venue for micro weddings, day-retreats, small group classes/workshops. #608-687-3332
S3439 Cole Bluff Lane, Fountain City, WI, 54629
The Femme Farm
Feminine Energy Retreat Center
The Femme Farm is a 20 acre hobby farm located in Glencoe, MN. Sleeping up to 14 overnight and equipped for private and public events for up to 75 people, you can be sure to enjoy beauty and bliss. Established as a sacred space; the objective is to create opportunities to learn, trust, and restore divine feminine into our awareness and into the lives of spiritually mindful individuals. # 763-568-0298 6704 70th Street, Glencoe, MN 55336
Spirit United
Spiritual Practice Sundays at 10:30am, in-person and online
When Spirit calls you to go beyond limitations of what has been, to explore possibilities of what can be... We are Spirit United. We’re a spiritually diverse community. Children welcome. Sign up to get links sent directly to your email at
The New Center, 8 West 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423 #612-378-3602
Amber Maier, Soul Alignment Coach
Akashic Records, Angel Healing, Intuitive Coaching, Thetahealing, Reiki Master, Teacher
Amber has passion for helping you discover your soul purpose, awaken your unique gifts, and move past your blocks so you can fully embrace your power and purpose. Amber uses a unique blend of intuitive coaching with guidance and healing from your Akashic Records, Angels and soul to help you take powerful steps forward on your soul path and quantum leaps in your personal healing and vision for your life. #952-220-5428
Being You Energetically, LLC
Ancestral, Crystal Grids, Energy Sessions, Sacred Rose Healing
Any session with Carol Dutton is powerful and will give you the unique and specific missing links to clearing the traumatic and ancestral patterns keeping you from living an extraordinary life. She is an expert Subtle Energy Practitioner, Reiki Master, Irigenics® Ancestral Eye Reading Consultant, Sacred Rose Healing Practitioner, Crystal Grid Healer, creator of the Ancestral Connection Ceremony and offers Spiritual Oil anointing. #320-515-0183
Door to Door Chiropractic
Network Spinal Chiro - Neuro-Based Care
A gentle Chiropractic technique that teaches the body to adjust itself through fascial unwinding and breathing. Your nervous system exhibits its own unique pattern and movement strategy that supports re-organizational healing. Breathing techniques are taught in conjunction so that these movement strategies are taken with you wherever you go. Other services include neuro-based rehab for head, eyes, jaw, voice and the vestibular system. #612-751-2290
3900 Vinewood Ln N, Suite #9, Plymouth, MN 55441
Planet Gratitude
Holistic Health, Acupuncture, Body Work
Innate healing and transformation through holistic health services, chiropractic, acupuncture, acupressure, supplements, stretching and massage.
We provide family, auto, work and sports injury care. Our Planet Gratitude Comedy Club is a unique feature where laughter is the best medicine! New patient specials! $20 for initial chiropractic visit ($150 value) includes consultation, exam and written report. $20 Initial 1/2 hour bodywork visit includes consultation/assessment. $20 donated to charity! #952-922-1478 220 West 98th Street, Suite 7, Bloomington, MN 55420
Maureen Higgins, MA, Wings of Freedom, School for Higher Consciousness
Energetical Healing Audios, Workshops
Want to feel lighter and happier and create a life filled with meaning? Explore my collection of more than 100 energetic energetic healing audios that are to designed to keep your energy field clear. Want to develop your own mastery as a healing practitioner, or to help your family and self? Enroll an take your skills to a higher level with the School for Higher Consciousness., #651-665-0104 #701-721-2801
Annette Rugolo
Energy Healer, Soul Guide, Environmental Healer, Master Dowser, Spiritual Teacher & Mentor
Annette’s greatest passion is to help people align with their soul purpose. By employing a deep understanding of vibrational healing and universe messaging, she can easily tune into a client’s energy through soul-to-soul connections. After identifying what is preventing a person from living his or her life’s purpose, she enables the release of physical, emotional, mental, or karmic patterns. #612-394-3736
Soma Soul Sovereignty with Elizabeth Sullivan Multi Dimensional/Universe Energy Work
The alchemy of SomaYoga, Ayurveda and Energy Medicine is a synergistic approach that supports this self-healing state within and around us. Everything is energy. Becoming more skillful and managing our energy is vital to our well-being. Our energy patterns affect our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Healing ourselves is one of the greatest journeys we can take as humans and multi-dimensional, multi-universe beings. #651-270-0660
Dr. Erika Way, DC, DCBCN, Beyond Chiropractic
Functional Medicine, Chiropractic, QNRT, Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition, Detox Programs and Energetic Healing
Transform your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies so that you may manifest your optimal path. By combining the tools of Chiropractic Care, Functional Medicine, QNRT and Energetic Healing, Dr. Erika helps her patients transform the physical, emotional and energetic blocks that keep patients feeling stuck. Once you have the tools for your "health tool box" you can become the master of your own health. #651-288-1988 7300 Hudson Blvd North, Suite 210, Oakdale, MN 55128
Quantum Healers
Biofeedback, Biomagnetism Pair, Bioptron Lumia Therapy, Bioresonance, Chromotherapy, Detox, EFT, Energy Center Balancing, Functional Medicine Health Coaching, Feng Shui, Imprinting, Iridology, Live and Dry Blood Analysis, Nutrition, PEMF, Qigong, Radionics, Rife, Scalar, and MORE! #920-319-3420
High quality M-State Monoatomic Minerals, and lab grown Ormes therapy products.
Harmonic Egg, LLC
Manufacturer of the Ellipse ® Harmonic Egg ® and LiFT™
Clear the trauma blocking you from self-love and abundance! We use sacred geometry, light, color, and frequencies to empower the body’s own healing energy. By amplifying energy resonance within the chamber, the client receives an energy therapy that is precisely controlled, consistent, and repeatable. Simple and safe. Designed and manufactured in Colorado. Available at over 100 locations in 10 countries. Visit our site to find a location near you.
The Harmonic Egg® is a resonant chamber, utilizing sound and light, to deliver positive, life-changing results. It delivers a natural, holistic energy therapy designed to help the body heal itself, our many clients have found it to be helpful for a variety of health issues. Experience relief from anxiety, difficult emotional issues, injuries and pain, spiritual dissonance, mental and developmental disorders, and illness.
#651-363-3539 2334 University Avenue W, Suite 150 St. Paul, MN 55114
Royce Vagnier, Sound Alchemist
Connecting Human, Heart + Soul
Experience the power and beauty of conscious sound to restore, enliven and transform. Using crystal-infused signing bowls, Royce blends the beautiful healing sounds and alchemies of the bowls to give the receiver a “multi-vitamin for the soul.” Leave feeling grounded, rebalanced and connected to your Soulful Self. Offering immersive Sunday sound baths and special in-person events.
9th Street Wellness Center EAST
Your path to a wellness lifestyle!
Our Wellness Center promotes an environment where practitioners work together for the greater good of individuals, engaging the community for the past 12 years. The path to wellness is a concept that embraces multiple healing arts. We want to see people thrive and live happier, healthier lives. The Wellness Center is a place that encourages your path to a lifestyle of wellness. #920-490-9699 2330 Meadow Park Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311
Enhance your ascension and growth with powerful nutrition through Monoatomic Ormes minerals. These sacred metals and minerals are the philosophers stone and manna created by the ancient Egyptians before “Western medicine” took hold. Upgrade your ascension and wellness practice with next level M-state nutrition. #801-725-6768
Holly Busse
Reiki Master/Teacher, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Practice Group Leader
I believe people want to feel healthier and less stressed, but it can be confusing where to start. In-person and distant reiki sessions, in-person and Zoom reiki classes, and in-person and online stress reduction training.
Contact for more information.
Jennifer Reinertson, Reiki
Master & Past Life Regressionist
Intuitive Reiki Master, Animal Reiki Master, QHHT Past Life Regressionist
Treat your pet with a reiki healing in your home or bring them along to yours and heal together. You are welcome to bring your pet with you to your QHHT past life regression session if it would be calming for you to have them there. Reiki sessions will bring to the surface which emotions need to be healed and QHHT will help you understand them and find purpose. #651-324-4097 Chaska, MN
Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh
Heal the body, clear stuck patterns and deepen your Soul connection through conscious breathwork. With over two decades of experience in holistic health and many years as a licensed pharmacist, Terri offers a variety of holistic sessions: Soul Breathing™, Soul Coaching, Supplement & Nutrition guidance, BEMER therapy, Pranic Healing & Reiki. Use breath to optimize your health, raise your vibration and transform your life., #651-442-4623
The Center Within Transformational Intuitive Certified Coach
Michele supports clients with intentions to live in alignment with their soul’s divine blueprint and inner wisdom personally and professionally. Michele’s guidance as an intuitive coach and spiritual teacher for over 25 years accelerates and amplifies your natural process of removing blocks and what no longer serves while clarifying your next steps as you ignite your full potential. #612-465-9775 8120 Penn Ave S Suite 500B Bloomington, MN 55431
Sandy & Dale Pocernich –doTERRA, Healthy Life Coaching
Sandy & Dale Pocernich are Platinum doTERRA Wellness Advocates and have been part of the doTERRA family since 2013. Our goal is to help you replace everyday toxins with natural products. We will educate and support you on what products and oils are meant for you in your journey to better health and a toxic free lifestyle. Free weekly classes on our Facebook page., #715-832-2775
Benning Swanson
Guide, Healer, Teacher, Warrior of Light
Spiritual guide, healer, and teacher dedicated to empowering individuals to reconnect with their inner power. Through a variety of healing modalities and classes, she assists people in aligning with their true selves and unlocking their full potential. Wendy offers services such as Life Activation, Emotional Cord Cutting, and Aura Clearing, along with classes covering topics such as Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel, and Spiritual Intuition. Her mission is to support humanity's collective journey toward peace and self-mastery. #763-242-4231
Genevieve Wachutka
Spiritual Coaching & Intuitive Guide
Stop spinning your wheels in pursuit of meaningful growth. With a holistic approach and time-tested tools, not only can you break through your stuck points and shine a light on where you’re stopping yourself, but uncover keys from an authentic Mystery School and put the pedal to the metal on your path to up-level all areas of your life. Email to schedule a complimentary discovery session. #763-222-8600 7801 East Bush Lake Rd, Suite 240 Edina, MN 55439
Next with Sara Remke Energetic Healing, Intuitive Guidance
Transforming yourself transforms your world! Working with energetic and psychic boundaries will change your life. Learning about chakras and Auras you will discover how to clear your own energy field and move into the flow of life. As we clear our Astral (emotions, beliefs, vibrations) body we connect to ourselves where expansion can happen. Sara teaches classes on chakras and auras, mapping our dreams and creating psychic boundaries. Available for 1-on-1 sessions #651-808-0652
Carole Hyder
Helping people create a dream-aligned space
Carole Hyder can help you create a space that you love, a space where you thrive, where you always want to be – a place that is remarkable. Let Carole help you determine the soul of your home or office using both traditional and modern Feng Shui principles. You will discover not only how to reflect who you are now but also lead you toward your dreams. #612-823-5093
Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression
Connect deeply with your Higher Soul Self to heal, grow and awaken to your wholeness. I offer Present Life Trauma and Inner Child Healing, Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Spiritual Hypnotherapy. With a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, I ensure a safe, healing experience. 23 years of experience and have guided over 4,000 sessions. Read over 400 reviews and book online. #651-649-1952 Mendota Heights, MN
Juhl Jaxen ~ The Energy Renovator & Healer's Healer
Intuitive Coach, Alignment Mentor, Channel, Master Dowser, Spiritual Teacher
With almost three decades of service in personal transformation, spiritual growth, and healing, Juhl has dedicated her life to helping women step more fully into their power and purpose. Her unique gifts amplify the gifts and talents of those she works with. She enjoys collaborating with individuals who serve as pillars of support for others, embodying the essence of a healer's healer. #612-423-6360
Greywind Raven Intuitive Guide, Past Lives & Contracts
Lisa Howard provides energy services using methods, including past life resolutions, soul contract modification, releasing trapped emotions and heart walls. These methods provide solutions to issues impacting your current lifetime. Also, providing psychic training and spiritual growth workshops. Over ten years of training and certifications. #320-395-9893
Sara Anondson
Executive/Life Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, Intuitive Medium and Certified Sacred Rose Healer
Sara bridges the business and spiritual world through coaching. Find your spark and uncover your life's purpose. Move through stuck places and transform your life. Reach your full potential. Do you feel called to do more? You have the power to change your life. Find your clear pathway forward and heal your mind, body, and soul in the process. Offers classes and individual healing sessions #612-255-4213 The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423
Rachael Maire’ Geurkink, Nuanced Art and Energy
Shamanic Earth Medicine, Mistress of Ceremonies, Dream Guide, Artist
Remembering your light is just the beginning. Through observation and honor of our connection to the natural world and Creative Source energy, I teach techniques of mindfulness and hold space for deep soul exploration and energetic healing. Now offering shamanic Earth medicine healing sessions, past life guided journeys, dreamscape development, weddings & ceremonies, and Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki. Welcoming clients remote and in-person.
Locations in Elk River and Monticello, MN
Heather Norton, Dancing Bee Alchemy
Alchemize your life through animal and plant communication. Animal communication sessions connect you with your animal companions whether living or in spirit. Shamanic and Reiki healing sessions help you and your animal companion move through challenges and evolve into the embodiment of your dream. Guidance sessions illuminate your heart’s path and facilitate communion with plant consciousness, deepen your intuition, and lead you into the dreamtime. #510-863-4790
Michele Jacobson, PhD
As a lifelong Intuitive, Michele has been gifted with skills as an intuitive, psychic, mystic, healer, medium, animal communicator and knowledgeable in all things faerie, including Faerie Teas. She has a PhD in Developmental Psychology focusing on areas of understanding personal development. Located in the Twin Cities area with in person or phone sessions available. #612-554-0061
Astrology by Celeste
Astrology Guidance and Life Coaching
Celeste Brooks is an astrologer, coach, and teacher. Her offerings include classes, workshops, coaching packages, events, and both in-person and virtual readings. She helps people find unknown birthtimes using chart rectification. Her podcast, Celestial Insights, offers weekly guidance to surf the cosmic tides. She discusses the astrology of current events on her popular Instagram live broadcasts.
Ryan Evans
Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology
Certified Master Level Astrologer combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. Ryan aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms. #608-632-0750
Starcodes & Heartcodes
Astrology, Heart-Centered Readings
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern — you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly Starcodes forecast on The Edge website #914-315-5001
Kim Woods/KW Enterprises
Use the stars + strategy for success!
Kim Woods, Master Astrologer and Business Strategist, combines ancient feminine wisdom, astrology and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help business leaders become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave their legacy. As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success so you fulfill your soul destiny. #617-335-1219
Alison James
Psychic Medium, Medical & Animal Intuitive
Voted the best by WCCO, CBS, TCT and MSP. Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. One of the finest professionals and most referred names by those in the know. 5-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Has a strong affinity with animals of all kinds and is a successful healer. She is the genuine real deal!
Cindy Lehman
Soul Readings, Beginning & Advanced Psychic Development Classes
Private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. Offers beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. Teaches others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul. #612-669-1861
Our members offer both in-person and remote services!
Jurema Silva
Brazilian Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Leader, Mentor and Transformational Speaker
Jurema stands as a beacon of wisdom, spiritual leader, and a guiding presence, dedicating decades to support individuals on their unique journeys. Beyond being a psychic or medium, Jurema embodies the essence of a soul healer, armed with profound intuition and a meticulous sensitivity to energies. Jurema is a gifted intuitive, consistently weaving healing techniques with her innate abilities. #320-260-7305
Transcendent Soul Healing
Inclusive healing sanctuary for your soul
We offer services to help you go beyond anything you ever thought was possible to heal your life and soul. Services include, Certified Akashic Record readings, Aura Photo and Reports, Psychic Mediumship, Past life readings, Shamanic Reiki energy healing, Tarot/ Oracle Readings, and Paranormal investigations. We offer weekly classes and events to enlighten and support spiritual growth, as well as metaphysical products, jewelry, and art. #612-468-8411 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417
Transforming Your Phoenix Healer, Life Coach, Space Clearings
Nancy pinpoints the core issues that hold you back in life. She helps with self-actualization of Who You Are, strengthening your spiritual gifts and growth. Nancy helps you overcome and heal limiting beliefs and self doubt, heal past lives, ancestral issues, and issues within yourself that need resolving for optimal spiritual growth. #715-928-3098
Kelly Wagner
Psychic Medium, Remote Viewing, Ancestry and Other Lifetimes
Kelly is fascinated with discovering her client’s “Why?” Kelly is a knower and seer, with gifts in ADC (After Death Communication) which assist in revealing her client's past and present issues. Whether its energetic healing of their ancestry, current relationships, business strategy, or planning their future, Kelly’s guidance is motivational while remaining authentic and honest. She sees an illuminated “Yellow Brick Road” that shows Kelly the path her clients should follow to fulfill their goals and live their optimal life. #612-251-6666
Angela Zabel LLC
Teacher, Coach, Medium
Angela has connected to those on the other side her entire life. People who passed and those from other realms, here to support us. Healing energy, messages from those that passed and information to help you on your journey, are shared with compassion. Offering online and in person private and group sessions, personal and spiritual growth coaching, classes and retreats at
Angelic Intuitive, Reiki Master. and Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Are you looking for peace in your life? Start with peace in your SOUL. Margaret will help you find peace in your life and the power inside you. Gain angelic guidance from a card reading, or relax and release from reiki healing. Margaret is a natural teacher with certified courses on Communicating with Angels, Reiki Basics for Kids, and Traditional Usui Reiki I, II, and III (Master and Teacher). #651-442-3732
Discover the health and wellness benefits of holistic products at Strains of the Earth! Our THC, CBD, and mushroom products – from gummies to topicals to tinctures –offer relaxation and rejuvenation like no other. We believe in a holistic approach to wellness, and that's why all of our products are crafted with premium ingredients to ensure complete satisfaction. Visit us in person or online today! 415 Broadway Street S, Unit 140, Jordan, MN 55352
The Worldwide Trusted Recognized Experts of Andara Crystals
We specialize in Andara crystals exclusively, and have been the worldwide recognized experts on Andara crystals since 2002. Unlock the 10,000-year-old mystery that revolutionizes your true spiritual potential and capabilities. Mark and Linda launched Life’s Treasures Kauai as a physical incarnation of a higher reality, activating and supporting personal growth, fulfillment, and wellness/healing on all levels. #808-634-6676 8700 Stonebrook Pkwy #1664 Frisco, TX 75035
Crystal Rock Healing, LLC
Healthy Products for Healthy Living
We are full-line metaphysical stores with a huge selection of crystals, teas/herbs, essential oil products, books/cards, sage/ incense, stone jewelry, chakra and evil eye products. We have 5 stores located in Bloomington, MN; Bismarck and Fargo ND; Sioux Falls, SD, and Wisconsin Rapids, WI. All locations often have readers and healers on site. Visit our website for reader, class and event schedules.
GemMe Wands
Gemstone Wands that Uplift People, Places and Plants
Handcrafted, radiant and powerful crystal gemstones partnered with pure copper wire and dance around sealed wands of purpleheart wood or driftwood. These unique, one-of-a-kind, magical gemstone and wooden wands are blessed, charged and have energic meanings.
Pegasus Pizzazz Crystals & Mystical Boutique
Crystals, Metaphysical Supplies, Mystical Decor & Gifts
We are a true Mystical Boutique! Our store features: Crystals, towers, spheres, carvings, jewelry, tumbles, chips, and specimens! Our apothecary has herbs, incense, oils, sound healing and more! Browse our great selection of books and tarot and oracle cards. See our fabulous altar statues, candles, offering bowls and cauldrons. Check our website for info about independent practitioners in our shop! #651-403-0759 834 Lake St. S, Forest Lake, MN 55025
Energies of Service
Angelic Armour, You can feel it!
Handcrafted and angelically guided energy tools with Tensor Technology!
A few years ago, I received a channeled message from Archangel Metatron to make tools that will help people keep their vibration intact and clear. These tools shift your personal energy so powerfully, you will instantly feel the effect. The power of tensor fields and crystals intertwine, creating a symphony of vibrations that resonate with your very being. 2487 S Gilbert Rd, Unit 106-289, Gilbert, AZ 85295
Christie Umboh, owner of Holistic
Intuitive jewelry artist and wellness professional, with an array of jewelry, crystals and clearing products for the soul. Christie is a Reiki master and Guided Meditation Therapist, and has worked closely with Echo Bodine to create jewelry infused with love and light. She combines numerology and crystals to make personalized jewelry. #651-705-6110
Moxie Malas
Crystal energy nd aromatherapy jewelry created as a wearable affirmation of the energy within. Each piece is handmade in MN with genuine stones and crystals with its own story to tell. Our Moxie Monthly Bracelet Club that comes with unique bracelet, loose crystal and intention practice each month. We take people beyond the bracelet with workshops and retreats to support personal discovery, transformation, and empowerment. #651-808-7378 7406 Central Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432
Awakenings... Gifts & Guidance for the Soul
The area’s premier meta-physical stores and learning spaces! We offer a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. Let our friendly staff guide you to hand curated selections of crystals, singing bowls, and one of the largest selections of in-stock oracle, affirmation and tarot decks. Now with two locations! #612-656-9007 4165 Minnehaha Ave, Mpls, MN 55406 #651-248-1900 421 2nd Street, Hudson, WI 54016 #952-292-4450
Lady and the Beard Salon
Healing Beauty Salon for Ego and Spiritual Love
An inclusive beauty salon that has dedicated themselves to "Healing you whole from your hair to your soul." Custom haircuts, colors, hair extensions and other beautifying services. We offer Transcendental Soul healing, Akashic Record Readings, Angelic healing, Aura Photos, and Shamanic Energy healing. We host workshops and classes for spiritual growth and offer metaphysical products, tarot cards, jewlery and art. #612-468-8411 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417
Midwest Witchery & Healing
Being a nurse combining holistic, homeopathic remedies for your wellness, along with practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Jodi Jacobson creates unique medicine. Using organic and ethically sourced components, Witch Jodi handcreates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. #651-342-1833 324 Main Street S, Suite 7, Stillwater, MN 55082
Katie Nelson, Sales Uprising Cashflow IS Oxygen for your Business
Mastermind: Are you ready to join a community of highly-motivated business owners and ready to take your cash flow (& business) to the next level? Start the process by booking a call to see if you’re qualified to join the mastermind. VIP Day: Interested in taking a day out to work on your business and not in it? Then this is for you. Reach out and learn more about how to start your Sales UpRising with a targeted VIP Day. #540-809-9524 590 Grove St. Unit 5273 Herndon, VA 20172
Bergh Consulting
Strategy, Branding, Website Creation, WordPress Care Plans, Ongoing Support
Bergh Consulting supports businesses and organizations in creating a digital foundation including strategy, branding, and website design and development. We take pride in a simplified processes to get you online joyfully. We focus on the details so you can focus on what you love. Our favorite clients are ones who are passionate about what they do and want to make a difference in the world.
Vibe Ko Apparel
Metaphysical T-Shirts and Apparel
The ethos of Burning Man has always intrigued me. But this summer the pull grew even stronger. Held in the desolate, sun-baked desert, the theme of this year’s gathering “Curiouser & Curiouser” sparked my soul’s curiosity.
A long but uneventful journey to Reno quickly changed in the rental car line. There I met my unlikely travel mates – a DJ from Manhattan and a young woman from Costa Rica. Both had manifested their way to Burning Man, despite lacking tickets, transportation and accommodations.
As we drove through the expansive desert, the landscape suddenly transitioned to a bustling metropolis of tents, art installations, and themed encampments. For one week each year, Black Rock Desert becomes Nevada’s third-largest city – founded on the principles of self-expression, inclusivity, and collaboration. Upon arrival, a woman named Siren glided towards me with arms wide. She greeted me with a “Welcome Home” and warm hug, as though we were lifelong friends. As the sun set, I navigated through the makeshift city and finally joined my cousin, his wife, and the rest of our group at our campground, dubbed ‘Home on the Range’. Thankfully, the camp was centrally located, shaded, and well-stocked with supplies.
One of the most distinct elements of every Burning Man is the art. One highlight was titled “I'M FINE”, a compelling installation created from bullet hole-laden street signs collected from Ukraine (see right). More whimsical creations included a 3-story tall traffic cone, animatronic dragons, and playful octopuses and unicorns. Many participants wore wild costumes and rode on psychedelic bicycles. It was a dreamscape of the new and unexpected, which blurred the lines between reality and fantasy.
The communal aspect of Burning Man was profound. Steeped in radical inclusivity; everyone was encouraged to express their true selves. Attendees have the understanding they should arrive prepared and self-reliant – as the desert environment can test one’s resilience. However, I was simultaneously struck by the kindness and support between fellow festival-goers. Everyone seemed willing to share resources with those in need.
High vibe, creative, and inspiring designs on soft, organic cotton t-shirts and other apparel for the "Woo-woo" person in your life... (Is this you?) We use water based non-toxic inks, ensuring bright and beautiful eco-friendly results. So proudly wear your Vibe Ko Apparel and spread the good vibes! Fully customizeable designs available – perfect for parties and family reunions.
From my arrival to the festival, with unexpected travel companions in tow, to the final cathartic moments of witnessing the Burning Man and Temple engulfed in flames, the experience was nothing short of transformative. The festival’s commitment to radical self-expression and inclusivity provided a unique, communal experience. As a dust storm swelled to push us out and reclaim the desert, I carried with me a renewed sense of creativity, community, and a deeper appreciation for the human connection. a
I love October's energy. Throughout my life, October's energy has gifted me with opportunities, adventures, and lifechanging events. My career life started in October with my first job, learning the art and science of landscaping. Two years later, in October, I was offered a job in the home improvement business.
Several years later, again in October, I enlisted as a flight crew member in the Air Force. Years later, in October, I entered the real estate sales world for many years. In 2019, my numerology chart informed me in October that it was time for me to close my real estate company and begin my spiritual work on a new level. My focus is to help newly awakened seekers find their way to embracing their passion and purposeful life.
I only became aware of this “coincidence energy” of October’s new beginning when I started studying numerology. I know the power of new beginnings is ready to move things forward when October rolls around. This year, my chart shows me that, once again, October is moving me into my next adventure, and I am not sure what it looks like.
Here is the practice I use to keep me inspired while allowing the universe in its wisdom to guide me. I am ready to experience another joy-filled aspect of the career path I am moving into in October.
SELF-ASSESSMENT: Knowing who you are is the best place to start your quest to your next adventure with fulfilling opportunities. I love my What’s My Destiny program and our Core Passion Assessment to identify what my inner self, my soul, wants me to know that fulfills me for new opportunities.
IDENTIFY THE VALUES MOST IMPORTANT FOR YOU: Consider what you need to feel satisfied. I call these values “the guard at the gate.” Alignment of your values keeps you connected. This could also include factors like work-life balance, salary, location, or opportunities for growth.
IDENTIFY THE DESIRED FEELINGS YOU WANT: Make a list of feelings you will have once you have identified and secured your new opportunity. Why is this so valuable? The magnetic feelings you have act like a tractor beam to pull your fulfilling opportunities into your search path.
CREATE A VISION BOARD WITH PICTURES: Your vision board activates your subconscious mind to generate your inner desires into possible new opportunities to explore. Once these appear in your path, you can use these opportunities to match your dream.
VISUALIZE YOURSELF BEING SUCCESSFUL: Spend a few quiet moments in the morning and before bed. See yourself loving the feelings you desire in this new dream opportunity you have manifested.
Life is filled with crossroads and choices. Many of us will be looking for opportunities to manifest in our lives this month. These opportunities will show themselves in many forms: career, relationships, health, and spiritual beliefs and practices. Take advantage of October’s vibrational energy to create inspiration, clarity, and direction to bring you joy and appreciation for who you are. a
brings a blend of extensive practical experience and extraordinary mystical know-how to his work. As a Master Numerologist, clients throughout the world seek his guidance and insight regarding important decisions. His expertise has been honed over 40+ years and thousands of clients to deliver amazing results. Connect with Wes at 612-308-2962 or and visit
In the early 90s, I put my former wife through pharmacy school and learned the ways of Western medicine and the complex racket that requires its own unique crystal ball to navigate. There’s definitely a needed place for Western medicine, but turning your back on Ayurvedic, holistic healthcare and wellness is not a smart path either. Balance in everything, is an important key to overall happiness and wellness.
In 2006 I was fortunate enough to be a part of a group of Alchemical Masters that were doing amazing work making Platinum “transition” group metals ingestible like minerals, that can be easily absorbed by the body. Taking old world Egyptian medicine and advancing it with modern technology had become my new passion.
I was able to secure funding and buy the company in 2007 and we started our journey with Ormes. Our transition with these Monoatomic Elements has been remarkable and we’ve advanced our sources and methods ever since. The holistic angels that have surrounded these materials have been amazing and have helped so many people.
Our goal has always been to get these minerals in people’s bodies and since they are so soluble, we started infusing them into various products and looking for ways to make them more mainstream. (Liquid Vitamins, Antioxidants, Bath Salts, Pet Minerals, etc.)
We’ve always had the understanding that absorbing minerals through the skin and bypassing the stomach and digestive system makes great sense. We saw some people in Australia making a Moringa/Blue Lotus blend, and immediately dusted off our essential oils equipment.
Old world Egypt used Moringa oil and Blue Lotus Flower for Celestial skincare and adding our Egyptian Monoatomic Gold, was next level. We went to work and blended some of the softest, mineral rich, aeromatic oils anywhere.
We are now building out the “Scent of the Nile” line with various essential oils for both men and women. The smells and scents in the lab now are unbelievable. We’re building our website and Amazon store right now and are welcoming resellers and distributers. The website has a wholesale section to cater to larger clients and resellers.
The product is absolutely divine and the labels are oil proof. They come in their own box individually, or in a countertop display pack for resellers, loaded with different oils. If you are looking to expand your product lineup and would like to resell our new Moringa oils, please visit the wholesale section on our website and we’ll make it easy for you.
Fall in Love with the newest mineral skincare ritual and experience our newest Alchemy. Discover the next level technology in modern skincare and mineral therapy at a
Crystals and gemstones, the earth's precious elements, are more than just beautiful adornments; they embody God's energetic essence. Each one of us possesses an open channel to connect with this divine consciousness. By holding an earth element with curiosity, respect, and love, we can open channels of communication and tap into its sacred energy.
The process of connecting with crystals and gemstones begins with an open heart. When engaging with an earth element, it's essential to introduce yourself respectfully. Approach the crystal or gemstone from the depths of your loving heart and ask with genuine curiosity, "What is your mission and purpose in this 3D reality? What do you wish to teach, express, or emanate here in this human realm?"
Dr. Holman has found that opening a dialogue with earth elements can lead to profound experiences. Through psychic communications—words, pictures, feelings, and holographic downloads—a rich and loving interface with these elements is possible. This form of interaction is not just about receiving information; it's about forming a relationship with the earth's elements.
One fascinating aspect of crystals and gemstones is that two of the same kind (for example, diamonds, quartz, sapphires, rubies) can possess completely different energy
frequencies and purposes. Each stone is unique, with its own mission and way of contributing to our world. This diversity underscores the importance of approaching each element individually and with an open mind.
In the realm of energetic objects, there is a distinction between talismans and amulets. A talisman is an active energetic alchemical object that vibrationally reaches out to infinite manifested creative potential. Wearing a talisman harmonizes one's energetic field, allowing the wearer to embody the frequencies of the earth element.
Conversely, an amulet is a passive energetic object that acts more as a protective shield. While both are valuable, their functions differ significantly. A talisman is like a dynamic participant in the energetic symphony of life, whereas an amulet provides a steady, shielding presence.
The holistic description of an earth element talisman can be likened to an orchestra. Just as an orchestra consists of many different instruments playing together, each expressing unique sound frequencies, an earth element talisman comprises various energies working in harmony. Listening to the different instruments together creates a symphony effect, much like the combined frequencies of the elements in a talisman.
Engaging with earth elements can be a transformative experience. These elements hold the potential to teach us, guide us, and support our journey toward greater awareness and connection with the divine. They remind us of our intrinsic link to the earth and the cosmos, highlighting the interconnectedness of all things.
By respecting and loving these sacred elements, we honor their presence and the wisdom they offer. Whether through a talisman that harmonizes our energy or an amulet that protects us, crystals and gemstones can play a significant role in our spiritual and energetic well-being.
The sacredness of crystals and gemstones lies in their ability to connect us with God's divine essence. By approaching them with respect, curiosity, and love, we can open channels of communication and benefit from their unique energies.
These earth elements, whether as talismans or amulets, offer profound support in our journey towards greater spiritual awareness and energetic harmony. Embracing their presence in our lives can lead to transformative experiences and a deeper understanding of our connection to the earth and cosmos. Learn more about earth elements at a
DR. RON HOLMAN, PHD, embarked on a spiritual journey in the early 1990s after his wife Linda's illness. Traveling to sacred sites in India, Peru, and China, he received sacred knowledge to create Quantum Morphogenetic Energies. Known as Siddha Ron, he and his wife Tison co-founded Anu Alchemy, inspired by divine visions and auditory guidance. Visit
Have you ever seen a Butterfly Pea plant or wildflower? The beautiful blue color of the flower is a distinct character marker and is used as a natural food dye. This plant is a part of the pea family (Fabaceae), also known as Clitoria ternatea , and originated from Southeast Asia but has migrated throughout the world. However, this herb is so much more than just a pretty flower.
Butterfly Pea has many different health benefits. It is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and appetite suppressant. It's no wonder that this amazing little herb has become so popular.
Did you know antioxidants play a vital role in fighting free radicals – unstable molecules produced during cell metabolism? These powerful compounds are believed to help combat certain cancers and chronic illnesses and even slow the aging process. That's why Butterfly Pea is a popular ingredient in cosmetics and anti-aging products. It works wonders for your skin by boosting collagen production, improving tone and texture, and fading those stubborn age spots. Plus, it nourishes hair follicles, promoting healthy growth and reducing hair loss. No wonder the beauty industry has relied on it for years!
As an anti-inflammatory, Butterfly Pea also helps reduce swelling, making it beneficial for various conditions, including IBS. It can ease joint pain, offering relief for arthritis and other inflammatory issues.
Butterfly Pea is also a wonderful antibacterial. Its properties fight gram-positive bacteria such as E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It can even help with lung infections such as pneumonia. Butterfly Pea is used as a cough expectorant for different forms of respiratory inflictions. Drinking Butterfly Pea tea can help treat asthma and other lung allergies, too.
Looking for a natural way to decrease your sweet tooth? Then give Butterfly Pea tea a try! Even though it's caffeine-free, it is known to be an appetite suppressant and curbs your cravings for junk food and sweets. It's ideal for people trying to lose those extra pounds because it aids digestion, which helps you lose weight. It's great to use when you are doing a body detox.
By drinking 1-2 cups of Butterfly Pea tea daily, you are well on your way to a better you! You can find Organic Butterfly Pea at Midwest Witchery and Healing. Check with your primary care provider before taking any herbal supplement. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional for any questions or concerns regarding any medical condition. This article is for informational purposes only. a
WITCH JODI, RN, owner of Midwest Witchery and Healing, uses organic and ethically sourced components, as well as hand creates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. Practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Jodi can help you with your spiritual needs. Find out more by visiting
Contact us at and place your listing!
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Path to Purpose Angels & Akashic Records Workshop
This FREE series is your chance to taste the transformative power of working with Angels and Akashic Records. It's time to answer your soul's call. Are you ready? Oct 7-10, 7-8pm CST. For details contact Register at
Starseed Collective: Past Lives
Join us for a safe, judgement free, inclusive gathering of like-minded seekers of all things spiritual and metaphysical. 6:30-8:30pm Central on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024. 5200 47th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55417. Contact Samantha Richards at and 612-468-8411. More information at
Awareness, Transformation & Vision Building Immersion
Join us for a day of self-discovery and growth! This inperson event will take place both indoors and outdoors in nature. We will meet Saturday Oct 12, 2024 at 11am at Planet Gratitude Holistic Health, 220 West 98th St, Suite 7, Bloomington, MN 55420 and then travel to the event location. Contact Una Forde at 952-922-1478 and una@ for details and registration.
Usui/Holy Fire ® Reiki 1 Training
L earn Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki, the history of Reiki, guiding principles, and initiation to universal life force energy. Cost: $495 for both Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki 1 and 2 or $250 per individual class. Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 9am-5pm Central. Call Sara at 612-255-4213 to register. Held at The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423
Usui/Holy Fire ® Reiki 2 Training
L earn Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki, a new high vibration energy healing technique. Includes distance reiki, and initiation to reiki symbols. Cost: $250 includes manual, journal, pendulum, beverages and snacks. Register by calling 612255-4213. Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 10:30am-5pm Central. Held at The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423 Chakras and Auras
Explore these and more events on our online calendar! Find out why it's the optimal way to discover holistic, spiritual, and metaphysical events – both locally and virtually! 14 26 29 30 31 26 23 12 16
Introduction to the fascinating Chakras and Auras energy systems. Learn how your chakras, energy centers for the body, can impact your aura and your life. Discover how you can make personal changes by influencing your chakras and aura. 6-7:30pm on October 14, 21 and 28, 2024 at the Central High School, 275 Lexington Parkway N, St Paul, MN 55102. Email Sara Remke for more. Register at
Word Count: 70 word max. description
Location: Online updated each month print updated bi-monthly (6 editions/year)
Included: Event photo/logo, dates/times, site, contact info, social media
Join us in a Circle of Connection™ during the 2024 election season as we unite women in all walks, stages and life paths in our shared vision of LOVE: Liberation of Vibrational Energy™ and Linking Our Voices Empowered™. Free 90 minute sessions on Zoom. Wed Oct 16, Wed Oct 30, Sun Nov 3, and Thur Nov 7. Contact for more. Register for each session at
Reiki Level 2 Class
Learn the symbols to send reiki across space and time (distal reiki). Includes thorough review of Reiki Principles and fundamentals. Held Wed Oct 16, 2024, 11am-5pm Central at Awakened Soul, 421 2nd Street, Hudson, WI 54016. Fee: $222. Contact Margaret via text or email to register at 651-442-3732 and
The program consists of 4 weekend classes along with 11 study groups for more in-depth exercises, support, and to assist with integrating the energy throughout the journey. In this introduction Genevieve will share insight into the 10-month Kabbalah Ascension journey and how to tell if it is right for you. Thursday, Oct 17, 2024 7pm-8:30pm Central. Cost: FREE! Held at the Modern Mystery School MSP, 7801 East Bush Lake Rd, Edina MN. Contact Genevieve 763-222-8600 for more info. Register at
19 ISTA Level 1: Spiritual Shamanic Experience – 8-day Training
If you’re ready to meet yourself more deeply, join us for the first ever ISTA event in Minnesota! In Level 1, a team of skilled Temple Arts Faculty will share, inspire, guide and support you to bring light to the shadows where your power awaits to be reclaimed. By the end of this event, you will feel more open, relaxed, present, and in touch with the effortless flow of life. Oct 19-26, 2024 at Minnesota address shared upon registration. Fee: $2222. Contact for full retreat info. Sign up at
Our physical spaces and the land they are built upon have natural and accumulated energies that can disturb our well-being. Learn how to intentionally create environments that feel more supportive and harmonious, so you can be at your best. Wednesday Oct 23, 2024 10am-2pm Central. St Paul, MN or online via Zoom. Price: $175 plus $50 for manual. Register at
Starseed Collective: Ghosts & Paranormal
Join us for a safe, judgement free, inclusive gathering of like-minded seekers of all things spiritual and metaphysical. 6:30-8:30pm Central on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024. 5200 47th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55417. Contact Samantha Richards at and 612-468-8411. More information at
Breath Mastery Seminar: Level 1 "I LOVE to Breathe"
Experience two days of heart healing, energy activation and soul integration. As you begin to master your breath, you will begin to permanently hold a higher level of vibration. Includes four facilitated breath sessions over two days. Oct 26-27, 2024. Saturday 9am-5:30pm, Sunday 9am-5pm. Fee: $425. Contact Terri at 651-442-4623 or to register.
FREE The Toxic Trait of Self-Help
Self-Help not only sells us false promises. It actively keeps us stuck, isolated, and disempowered. In this live, online event I suggest an alternate path guided by a deeper, richer wisdom. Cost: FREE. Sat Oct26, 2024 at 12pm Central. Online via Youtube Live. Email for class details. Register at
Introduction to the Healing Journey
Unlock Your Potential: A Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Growth. This series of 5 classes was designed for those ready to step onto the path to higher consciousness and personal healing. Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm Central. Classes held Oct 29, Nov 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024. Baldwin, WI or online via Zoom. Price: $225. To Register: Contact Nancy Randen at 715-928-3098 or email
Disconnection from the Collective Shadow & Cellular Activation
This 2-day workshop connects you to your soul’s purpose by activating your highest perspectives and potential! Experience how much lighter and happier you can feel as you raise your vibration. Wednesdays, Oct 30 and Nov 6, 2024, 9:30am – 2:30pm Central. St Paul, MN or online via Zoom. Price: $175 plus $50 for manual. Register and workshop details at
Reach your business goals in 2025! Gain the tools you need to solidify your business skillset, work your millionaire mindset, and set yourself up for success in 2025! Oct 31Nov 1, 2024 at the Canopy by Hilton Philadelphia. Contact Katie Nelson at 703-782-8757 and for retreat itinerary. Sign up at
Samhain Wicca Ceremony
In this season the veil between the physical and spirit world is thinnest, and so we have a special opportunity to work with the magick of the season. Friday, Nov 1, 2024 7pm-8:30pm Central. Cost: $25 in advance / $35 at the door. Held at the Modern Mystery School MSP, 7801 East Bush Lake Rd, Edina MN. Contact Genevieve 763-222-8600 for more. Register at
Sacred Journey to France (Virtual)
Are you ready to free your mind and body from limitations? Do you want to receive the gifts our planet has to offer? Remember and reclaim our special connections to these sacred places. Sat, Nov 2, 2024 10am-2pm Central. Online via Zoom. Price: $68. Contact Annette at 612-394-3736 for details. Register at
Starseed Collective: Akashic Records
Join us for a safe, judgement free, inclusive gathering of like-minded seekers of all things spiritual and metaphysical. 6:30-8:30pm Central on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. 5200 47th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55417. Contact Samantha Richards at and 612468-8411. More information at
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Join Sara Anondson from Sacred Oaks Healing for an afternoon of energy healing practice, and receiving a healing from another practitioner. All modalities welcome. Contact with questions. Suggested donation $15. Held on both Sundays Nov 7 and 24, 2024, from 1-3pm Central at The New Center, 8 W 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423
Creating Sacred Space
Our physical spaces and the land they are built upon have natural and accumulated energies that can disturb our well-being. Learn to intentionally create environments that feel supportive and harmonious. Sat Nov 9, 2024 10am2pm Central. Baldwin, WI or online via Zoom. Price: $175 plus $50 for manual. Contact Nancy Randen at 715-9283098 or to register.
A spiritual, intuitive, and mystical journey awaits! Join Kelly Wagner and Mary Newstrom during the powerful 11/11 energies. Catapult yourself to the next spiritual level and reserve your spot. Sunday-Monday, Nov 10-11, 2024 at the ARC Retreat Center in Stanchfield, MN. Fee: $333 for a shared room. $444 for single. Contact Mary Newstrom at 952-913-5574 and for retreat details. Sign up at
FREE online course for entrepreneurs that are serious about drawing in prospective clients and closing deals. Upon completion you’ll be ready to clean out your pipeline so you can embrace a steady flow of business. 2-3pm Central, 3-4pm Eastern, Tuesday Nov 12, 2024 Online via Zoom. Contact Katie Nelson at 540-809-9524 and for details. Sign up at
Reiki I Class
Learn the history of Reiki, rediscovered by Mikao Usui, and all that's necessary to become a certified Reiki Practitioner. 11am - 5pm Central Wed Nov 13, 2024 at Awakened Soul, 421 2nd Street, Hudson, WI 54016. Fee: $222. Contact Margaret via text or email to register at 651-442-3732 and
Soul Breathing for the Full Moon
Join Terri for an evening of soul breathing, heart healing and soul connection by Zoom. Let go of stress, clear your blocks and raise your vibration to find more clarity, harmony, peace and joy. Thurs Nov 14, 7-9pm Central. Fee: $35. Pay by Venmo @theconnectingspirit, cash or check. Pay online at Breath Mastery Seminar: Level 2
"I Breathe to LOVE"
Learn body mapping points and affirmations to assist in clearing stuck emotions and trauma and the subconscious mind. As you begin to master your breath, you will begin to permanently hold a higher level of vibration. November 16-17, Sat: 9am-6pm. Sun: 9am-5pm. Contact Terri at 651442-4623 and . St Paul, MN address given at registration. $450 or $375 (early bird)
Host Angela Zabel is a teacher, coach, medium, radio show host, writer, retreat host, gallery reader and speaker with decades of experiences and learnings. Listen to new episodes on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7pm Central. Browse new and previous shows at
Sign up for Angela Zabel’s website, newsletter, membership and more at
All are welcome! Spiritual Practice Sundays at 10:30am Central. Join us online and in-person at Echo Bodine's New Center, located at 8 W. 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423. Between Walgreens and China Garden. Afterwards we gather for refreshments and conversations. We hope to see you there! Sign up to get Zoom links sent directly to your email at
Tune in as Kelly Wagner, psychic intuitive and publisher of The Edge Magazine, dives into discussions with a diverse group of thought-leaders and industry professionals. Hear converations that curiously connect teachers and seekers on a wide range of holistic and metaphysical topics. Watch episodes and subscribe at Shamanic
Newcomers welcome, no experience required! We have extra drums and rattles if you don't have your own. We meet the third Tuesday of every month, 7pm CST at White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church, 328 Maple Street, Mahtomedi MN 55115. Zoom option is available. Contact Nancy Hauer at 651-426-4917 and email for more information.
Join us at The New Center on the third Saturday of each month from 10am-5pm for Echo Bodine's Aurapalooza! Also, check out the smaller Mini-Paloozas held on the first Saturday every month. Email for event details or to become a vendor. Pre-book your sessions at
Saturday, Oct 19, 2024, and Nov 16, 2024 10am-5pm Central at The New Center 8 W. 66th Street in Richfield, MN 55423
BodyLabUSA’s goal is to bring awareness and education to everyone about the benefits of alternative healing to help heal our bodies emotionally, spiritually, and or physically.
We offer 4 educational sessions throughout the day, included with the $5 entry fee. Children age 12 & under get in free. We offer a $25 Mediumship Gallery event at each of our fairs. Come join us at one of our upcoming events for a fun and educational day in a comfortable, safe and inspiring atmosphere. See our full schedule at
Saturday October 5, 2024, 10am-5pm
St. Cloud River's Edge Convention Center 10 4th Ave South, St. Cloud, MN 56301
Saturday October 26, 2024, 10am-5pm Arrowwood Lodge at Brainerd Lakes 6967 Lake Forest Road, Baxter, MN 56425
Saturday November 2, 2024, 10am-5pm
Empire Event Center, Best Western Rochester 1517 16th St SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Saturday November 9, 2024, 10am-5pm Tavern at Green Haven 2800 Greenhaven Road, Anoka, MN 55303
New speakers monthly! Find over thirty healers, psychics, mediums, aura photos, jewelry, sound bowls, and more. Held the second Saturday of each month . October 12th expo will feature Dave Schrader, Carol Lowell and Frank DiCristina. Hosted by the Haus of T&P. Purchase general admission and gallery tickets on site.
Saturday Oct 12, 2024, and Nov 9, 2024 11am-5pm at the Studio TimeOut Building, 6001 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55419
Meta Para Promotions
We are focused on creating and promoting metaphysical, wellness, and paranormal fairs and expos in the upper Midwest. Join our fairs for a day of healing, with vendors that include readers, mediums, psychics, energy healers, shamans, and reflexology. Find crystals, candles, jewelry, incense, and more. $5 entry fee. Vendors interested in registering for our events should contact Terry Flick at 715-598-7002 and See our fair schedule at
Saturday October 5, 2024, 10am-5pm
Best Western Resort Hotel & Conference Center 2701 County Road CX, Portage, WI 53901
Saturday October 12, 2024, 10am-5pm Holiday Inn 1155 Hwy 10 East, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
Sunday October 13, 2024, 10am-5pm
Holiday Inn 5637 MN-29, Alexandria, MN 56308
Saturday November 9, 2024, 10am-5pm
Best Western Plus Conference Center 3340 Mondovi Rd, Eau Claire, WI 54701
Saturday November 30, 2024, 10am-5pm
Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, 625 Rolling Meadows Dr, Fond Du Lac, WI 54937
Come to explore Everything Spiritual, Holistic and Wellness related. At our fairs you can expect to find a multitude of vendors offering products and services as well as Gallery events and guest speakers. Come and join us for a day full of education, healing, shopping, and much more!. $5 entrance fee. FREE gift bags to the first 25 people. We have something for everyone. Find upcoming fairs at
Saturday October 5, 2024, 10am-5pm Central WI Convention & Expo Center 10101 Market Street, Rothschild, WI 54474
Saturday October 13, 2024, 10am-5pm DoubleTree by Hilton 11800 108th St. Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
Saturday October 19, 2024, 10am-5pm
Hudson Middle School 1300 Carmichael Rd. Hudson, WI 54016
Saturday October 26, 2024, 10am-5pm WCTC Waukesha Campus – Waukesha County Technical College 327 E. Broadway Waukesha, WI 53186
Saturday November 2, 2024, 10am-5pm UW – Superior Yellowjacket Union 1605 Catlin Ave. Superior, WI 54880
Sunday November 3, 2024, 10am-5pm Elks Lodge #1441 36 East Eau Claire St. Rice Lake, WI
Saturday November 9, 2024, 10am-5pm
Oneida Hotel 2040 Airport Dr. Green Bay, WI 54313
Saturday November 16, 2024, 10am-5pm
Stout Craft Co. Kitchen & Tap House 1501 N. Broadway Street, Suite #1500, Menomonie, WI 54751
Saturday November 23, 2024, 10am-5pm Oshkosh Waterfront Hotel & Convention Center 1 N. Main St. Oshkosh, WI 54901
The Natural Healing Expo is a holistic conference focused on sharing organic approaches to healing body, mind & spirit. This 2-day bi-annual event is an emporium of gifts, products and information to support holistic life – including health, ecology, community and a balance of mind, body and spirit.
Over 20 exhibitors including health and wellness providers, psychic medium keynote speakers, dozens of workshops, many intuitive consultants, energy & light healers, specialty gift products, art, jewelry, spirituality resources, and more. Purchase gallery tickets at
Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-4pm, November 9-10, 2024
Courtyard by Marriott-Mankato 905 Raintree Road, Mankato, MN, 56001
Our purpose is to create awareness of spirituality by bringing together vendors sharing their modalities of healing, journeys and awareness to the community. 10am-5pm. Discover holistic services, free lectures and a $25 Gallery event. $5 admission. Free entry for active military and veterans. More info at
Saturday October 19, 2024, 10am-5pm Clarion Hotel 2200 E. Burdick Expy Minot, ND 58701
Saturday November 9, 2024, 10am-5pm AmVets Post #9 2402 Railroad Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501
Saturday November 16, 2024, 10am-5pm Ramada Inn 3333 13th Ave S Fargo, ND 58103
In today’s world, we’re experiencing what some clever journalists have referred to as 'truth decay.' Certain politicians pepper their speeches with lies they think will further their political ambitions, fossil fuel companies deny that their products have any effect on the climate (even though their internal research shows otherwise), AI technology creates damaging deep fakes of anyone they choose to target, and so on.
Truth by definition is the actual state of a matter; conformity with fact or reality. How is it that we’ve become a culture that can’t seem to (or doesn’t want to) distinguish between truth and falsehood? Is it the capitalistic drive to compete or 'get ahead' of everyone else, even if it means distorting facts? Is it the belief that the country is so big and complex that people won’t ever find out the truth of a matter? Is it because our moral compass has been lost over time because of poor parental modeling, lack of spiritual awareness, or personality disorders such as narcissism or sociopathy? Perhaps it’s a combination of all of these.
Even if the causes aren’t entirely clear, the consequences of failing to anchor our lives in truth are abundantly clear – and show up both on personal and societal levels. At the most basic level, we cannot hope to have any kind of satisfying, genuine, intimate relationships if we’re unable to communicate from and be our true selves. For example, separations often occur when our partner discovers we aren’t the person we made ourselves out to be in the beginning of the relationship. Trying to be someone we’re not will always cause problems – or at least preclude true intimacy – in any relationship. Large or even small lies break trust, and lack of trust breaks relationships.
On a societal level, democracies cannot function unless citizens have accurate information about who candidates are and what policies they embrace. Voting intelligently requires a close look at a candidate’s character, judged by past and present behavior, as well as their policy choices. Are they seeking a position for personal power and gain, or are they dedicated to improving the lives of everyone they hope to represent? Do their policies make sense? Lies – direct, or indirectly implied through advertising – will not provide that crucial information. However, uncovered lies will convince us that this certainly isn’t the candidate we want to choose!
What, then, is the basis of truth? Maitreya, the World Teacher for this age, expected to be seen among us soon, has this to say [note that ‘men,’ ‘man’ and ‘mankind’ are used in the generic sense to mean all humanity]: “My plan is to
release into the world my simple teaching of truth: that men are One, brothers all; that God loves all men equally; that nature provides the sustenance for everyone to share; that, coming as I do from mankind’s past, I know the answers to man’s dilemma. I shall show you the simple ways of change, of correctly relating one to another, of correctly manifesting the Will of God.”
He also says that in truth we are all Divine Beings, and tells us “the truth is in your hearts. The truth, my friends, my brothers and sisters, is Love and Sharing, Justice and Freedom. Make these manifest in your lives and communities, and re-establish the plan of God.”
“Sharing, my friends, is an attribute of God. To become the Gods which you are, this principle must govern your lives. Allow me to remind you of this simple truth once again, and show you the path to the future.” a
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DeEtte Ranae is a certified psychic medium, medical intuitive and master teacher. Watch her show "Schooled Thru Spirit with DeEtte" on The Edge Network's Facebook, Podbean, Rumble and YouTube channels.
Get in touch with DeEtte to book your own reading and to learn more about her courses on her website
Wonder, open your mind to imagine and dream - You have spent countless time in my imagination of how wonderful life can be, yet have not put credit to where your imagination can take you. Now is the moment to open to all the possibilities of your imagination. Allow yourself to have what you dream about.
Strategize, the yin of strategy wants to interrupt you now - In this moment look to your calendar and set time for you to strategize your future. How are you going to make what you want to come to you. Ring in the details to manifest.
Shine, It's time to shine your gifts - You have been sitting back and allowing others to be seen. It is your turn to come to the front of the line and shine. Take center stage and be the star you are. You are brilliant.
Opportunity, Opportunities abound! Say yes right away – this may seem simple, but few do it. We like to take a moment, day, or week to think over what has been offered. In this time, we lose the moment if we had just said yes. Don't think, just speak. Yes!!!
Create, Stay in the spiral of creation - Once the moment has begun, don't stop. Keep it moving. You are never done. Remember when one thing comes to an end another begins, that does not mean your creation stops. Keep it flowing, keep your imagination alive.
So often we have ideas that come into our mind, and we don't give them the energy they need to make something of them. We dream of what may be, and when reality comes back in, we let the dream drift away. This is not the time to let it go. The idea has come to you for a reason. Give it all the time it needs and then begin to bring it from a dream to a reality.
You will find opportunities will come to you easily to make things happen smoothly. As you continue to imagine even more you can do, it will grow. This is your time to make your life what you want it to be. Stand up, say yes to you. And show shine for the world to see.
– DeEtte Ranae