The Edge Magazine #352 Dec/Jan 2024

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Coffee with the Angels • Spiritual Truth • Unleash Your Inner Light • Numerology Forecast

o n o p o n o p o ' Ho DEC/JAN 2024

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, y r r o s m a I , e m e v i g r o f please thank you, I love you.




FREE Take One

Echo Bodine’s Center MEET US AT THE NEW CENTER Christie Umboh Andrea Aydt Intuitive Palmistry, Card Readings & Mediumship • 952-242-7886

Anne Pryor LovitudeTM Soul Paintings and beautiful products have been called visual blessings. Anne Pryor is available for LovitudeTM demos, speaking and coaching. •

Bobby Blanz Bobby connects with who you really are through intuitive conversations. She provides insight of you inner wisdom. •

Kris Harper

Angelic Guidance, Direct/Intuitive Channeling, Tarot/Oracle card readings, Past Life explorations, Quantum Coaching.

Holistic Arts offers handmade, loveinspired and Reiki infused jewelry, crystals and gifts for the soul. Visit her store at the New Center!

Alison James

Professional Psychic Medium. Medical & Animal Intuitive. Question direct focused readings. • 651-705-6110 •

For details and booking visit

Debra MChelle

Angela Marie

Hand Crafted Metaphysical Jewelry/Kemetic Birth Chart Reports/Adv. Reiki & Vibrational Anatomy Instructor

Hands on healing combined with psychic insight • • 651-456-8087

Dave Daw

I use a biopulsar Aura and Chakra imaging machine to suggest ways clients can optimize their Aura and Chakra system. • 612-232-0965

Rebecca Ann

Psychic medium with understanding of love, energy, empathy and its impact. Services include psychic readings, mediumship, healings, tarot card readings, & grief coaching. • 651-428-1667

Casey Constant QHHT and past life regression sessions to help clients explore their inner wisdom, heal past traumas, and unlock their true potential. • 763-269-1880

Edie Dull

Animal Communicator and Medium • 763-795-8176 (text only)

Fernando Tellenz A sacred, shamanic healer guided by divine love providing transformative client sessions • 952-457-5842

Logan Richman Akashic Records and Evolutionary Astrology

Amber Maier

Akashic Record Healing & Reading, Angel Healing & Reading, Soul Coaching, Mentor & Teacher. Founder of the Akashic Angel Healing Academy •

Julie Buckman Psychic, past life readings, chakra balancing, medium, animal communicator, and healing • 715-220-7111

GemMe Wands Each GemMe Wand is created with love and intention by artist Cheri Paragi. Stop by Cheri’s booth to see which GemMe Wand resonates with you! • Cell: 952-292-4450

Paul David Stanko

Intuitive Readings with Tarot cards • 612-567-0531

Amber DeBriyn RMT, SRTP, CHt Reiki & Intuitive Guidance, Spiritual Response Therapy and more. Sessions may include readings, clearing for present/ past lives, practical and esoteric solutions for positive change. Distance sessions available. • 651-829-1012

Pre-Book Your Practitioner Session Now!

Rev. Carl

Ancestral DNA Relief 612-600-1402



Reflexology is a hands-on approach to healing. Julie applies specific hand, thumb and finger movements to the bottom of the feet which allow the body's reflexes to provide healing from within. • 763-257-9355

Angi Jara Mht Spiritual Hypnotherapist/Past Life Regression/Reiki Master/Intuitive Reader. Connecting you with your Soul's divine purpose through healing, wisdom, and love. • 651-252-9060

Amanda Witteman

Echo Bodine

Transform ordinary to extraordinary in your life by using colors, textures and a touch of fairy dust to make your surroundings magical. Live like you dream. Let me be your guide.

Psychic, Healer, Teacher, Author, Ghosthunter for close to 60 years. • • 612-963-7534

Gail Glover

Matt Hankerson

Offers Akashic Record readings to help you resolve problems in this lifetime and Angelic Energy Healings which help you receive healing that is already all around you. • 612-275-1832

Sacred Ceramics and Wire-Wrapped Crystal Jewelry

Terri Kiggins Paula & Rob Smith We address the top things stressing out your physical and emotional body while giving your body an electrical treatment charging millions of cells at the same time. • 952-220-7201

Rev Pamela Marko Trained in multiple healing modalities that I share in the clases I teach and services I provide. • 952-215-2160

Mary Newstrom

Mary Newstrom's Zenith High, offering shamanic services. Healings, readings, and shamanic training. • 952-913-5574

Wes Hamilton

Utilizes Emotion Code & muscle testing to work with the subconscious mind to release trapped, unprocessed issues.

Numerology readings showing who you are & what you are here to accomplish in this lifetime. • 612-444-5893 • 612-308-2962

Happenings Around the Center • We will be hosting a Mini Aurapalooza Saturday, Dec 2 and Jan 6, 10am-2pm • Special Meditations on Friday nights • Spirit United Church service Sundays • Classes Starting this Fall: ~ Psychic Development ~ Past Life Regressions ~ Pastor Tim's class ~ Astrology

Healers Available All Month Long! Lana Brooks & Karina Muller We hand-craft one-of-a-kind pendulums, bracelets and pendulaces (pendulum necklaces). We love to help people find their perfect pendulum and educate them on how to use their pendulum to connect to their intuition. 763-439-9660

Holly Peterson

Intuitive Healer who combines Reiki and Shamanism, Acupressure and aromatherapy to balance and clear energy, and release blockages.

Sara Amondson

Intuitive Reiki and Shamanic Healings, as well is life coaching services. Helps you move towards your life’s purpose and remove blockages in your journey. • 612-255-4213

To rent space, contact Julie Seiler



On the cover: HA EMET (Hebrew) "The Truth" An attribute of the Divine as the qualifier of the Reality of Life. Beyond our ordinary worlds defined by our memory, our intellect, and our five senses is a mystical realm of beauty, magic and extraordinary potential. D E C / JA N 2024

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2 Featured Topic: Ho'oponopono

12 Edge Partner Directory

With Kelly Wagner, Ulrich Emil Duprée, Gail Lynn and Cheryl Carrigan

Body/mind/spirit resources

17 Simple Ways to Embrace Ho'oponopono

5 Ho'oponopono: Ancient

Staff Reports

Wisdom for Modern Times

18 Whale Spirit Animal Message for 2024

By Wendy Benning Swanson

By Ona Christie Martin

6 The Sentience of Your Dwelling

19 2024 Forecast: Manifest Your Desires

Place: “Home” oponopono

By Wes Hamilton

By Carole J. Hyder

20 Cinnamon: Not Just for Baking

7 Roses & Energy Healing:

By Witch Jodi

The Blooming Connection By Adam Dince

22 Community Events Calendar

8 Plants That Bring Healing

Classes, events, fairs, expos

By Catie Viendthong

24 Books We're Reading Right Now 25 Spiritual Truth with De'Ette: 5-Card Draw

9 Unleash Your Inner Light By Annette Rugolo

By De'Ette Ranae

10 From the Editor

26 Coffee with the Angels

By Steve Wagner

By Cheryl Carrigan

11 Stages of Faith 4: Synthetic Conventional Faith

By Maureen Higgins, MA







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THE EDGE MAGAZINE 8625 Coachmans Lane, Eden Prairie, MN 55347

ISSN 1085-0996 © Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved. The Edge Magazine is published by The Community for Higher Consciousness, LLC. Reproduction of articles in print or electronically without permission of the author is strictly prohibited. The Edge does not contain medical, legal, or financial advice. Any information about these topics is not a substitute for professional advice, and the Community for Higher Consciousness or The Edge Magazine does not assume any liability for any actions resulting from the reliance on any information or advertisements provided in this publication. Printed with soy ink. Please recycle. theEdgeMagazine




featured topic )


"I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." are the four phrases in this potent Hawaiian prayer. Ho'oponopono roughly translates to 'make things right' or to 'make things move back to balance'. The practice teaches the importance of love and forgiveness through a process that allows the participant to rid themselves of burdens or 'pohaku' in order to heal.

Soulful Forgiveness & Mahalo Moments B Y K E L LY W A G N E R

The word forgiveness has always eluded me. I felt to forgive someone (including myself), I had to identify as a victim of someone who wronged me. I was open and welcoming to the frequency and vibration of compassion, but not forgiveness, until I discovered the Ho'oponopono prayer, and even that only happened once I truly embraced it, practiced it, and meant it. I started by putting Post-it notes around my home and office with reminders, making sure to say them with intention. Then, they became just a mantra, thought, and vibration I dialed in with throughout my day.

I love you. (This is an easy one!) I am sorry. (I think I use this one too much) Thank you. (I prefer Mahalo) Please forgive me (This was always my sticking point) I am a work in progress. I have done some dumb shit in my life and have had a wide range of experiences, both good and bad, to boot. I've discovered it's not always what happens to us but how we process and respond to us that

matters most, and this process starts with me. As I sit here in the Cathedral Rock Vortex in Sedona writing this, I am buzzing with energy, observing the beauty of this powerful space and quietly saying Ho'oponopono for myself:

It feels good. It feels right. I am showing up. Forgiveness is powerful. Try adding Ho'oponopono to your daily routine for 30 days, and tell me how it goes. Remember to have fun with it. As your practice grows, see what comes up and sit with it. Honor it. Ho'oponopono. Mahalo. a

Kelly Wagner is an intuitive, visionary, and muse, skillfully refining her distinctive toolkit to offer deeply transformative guidance. With exceptional abilities as a Psychic Medium, Reiki Practitioner, and Channeler, she navigates the energetic realms of ancestral and past lives, delivering profound insights and healing that transcend the limitations of time. Contact Kelly at 612-251-6666 or

Excerpt from Ho‘oponopono BY U L R I C H E M I L D U P R É E

I am part of this world. When I change, the world changes with me. Exercise: Improve the World. If something is bothering you, if you want to improve a situation or bring something on this Earth into harmony, ask yourself the following four questions. 1. What is the problem? 2. What is my part in the problem? 3. What can I do to make things better? 4. How can I set an example and, in so doing, inspire others? Explore the part you play in the matter, and think about how and where you are involved on the various relationship levels, taking into consideration your behavior toward people, animals, plants, and the natural world as a whole. Now conduct a Ho‘oponopono to cleanse all the negativity, the thoughts causing the problems, and the behaviors that are preventing you from being “the change that you wish to see in the world,” a quote often credited to Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi. Say and feel what you are sorry about and what you wish to apologize to Mother Earth for. Ask for forgiveness and listen to the answer in your heart. In your mind, bow your head and say, “I love you.” Unconditionally forgive all those who, through 2


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ignorance or complacency, are harming the Earth, recognizing that you too often act unwittingly in many ways and thereby sow negativity. Give thanks for love, insight, and healing, and for help in being able to change something and so play a part in healing the world. When you have moved yourself—and thus the world—a small step away from destruction and back toward love, seek out ways for peace at work or at home, in your diet, and in your habits as a consumer in particular. What companies do you support, directly or indirectly, that are involved in the ruthless destruction and cruel exploitation of people and animals? Ask yourself if there were something you could do to be part of the solution, what might it be? Use your free will as a human being to increase the good in the world. a

U lrich Emil Duprée is a spiritual seeker, visionary, and seminar leader. He has studied both Western and Eastern philosophy and lived in a Hindu monastery for four years. He has taught Ho‘oponopono, the ritual of forgiveness, since his mystical initiation by a Hawaiian Kahuna priest in 2009. "Ho‘oponopono" by Ulrich Emil Duprée © 2012, 2023 Earthdancer Books. Printed with permission from the publisher Inner Traditions International.

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude Amid Life’s Challenges B Y G A I L LY N N

In today’s tumultuous world, it’s easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of fear, especially when confronted with unexpected health challenges. However, it’s in these trying times that cultivating an attitude of gratitude can serve as a potent antidote, guiding us along the pathways of healing and resilience. In the past 14 years, I have encountered so many individuals whose lives were unexpectedly disrupted by health issues, their stories serving as powerful reminders of the unpredictable nature of our existence. Recently, a 75-year-old woman was blindsided by a bladder cancer diagnosis. She spent her entire life free from this malady, and the sudden onset of the disease was a startling deviation from the health trajectory she’d been traveling. Her story mirrors those of many others, where a sudden diagnosis triggers a mix of fear and confusion. However, what I’ve observed is that it’s not just the diagnosis that matters but the individual’s response to it. This sentiment was echoed by an inspiring gentleman I had heard about, who had lost his leg but considered it the best thing to ever happen to him. This gentleman, now a motivational speaker, turned his personal tragedy into a transformative experience. If it weren’t for this significant life alteration, his journey might have taken a completely different route. He adopted an attitude of gratitude, seeing the loss of his leg as an unexpected catalyst that shaped his life rather than an unfortunate event that diminished it. This is a powerful lesson for us all. Our response to life’s curveballs determines our path forward. If we can muster gratitude for the lessons learned and for the journey itself, we might find ourselves stronger and wiser than before. Embracing a mindset of love and positivity can also play a vital role in our well-being. Love, as an emotional state and a mindset, has healing properties. When we dwell in fear, anger, and resentment, we unknowingly create a breeding ground for illness. These emotions, in their intensity and negativity, can trigger stress responses in the body, potentially leading to disease. Conversely, the vibrational frequencies of love, gratitude, forgiveness, and appreciation create an environment hostile to disease. They help us transcend everyday worries and fears, fostering a state of well-being that can support our overall health.

The 24-Unit Energy Enhancement System combines body, mind, spirit and science to help support and promote peak performance and higher states of health consciousness. Schedule your health assessment at: 1-702-352-3021

So, as you go about your day, remember to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Hold love and forgiveness at the heart of your interactions, actions, and reactions. Let’s remember that every experience is part of our journey, and every challenge brings with it lessons for which we can be thankful. In the face of adversity, gratitude may be the strongest balm we can apply. It allows us to see past our fears and to recognize the inherent potential in every situation, however dire it may seem. It is, ultimately, an invitation to embrace the totality of our experiences and to find the strength within them to continue our journey, however it may unfold. a

Gail Lynn, inventor and creator of the Harmonic Egg, is dedicated to harnessing the power of sound, light, and sacred geometry for self-healing. In 2007, at the age of 37, Gail received a diagnosis of severe cardiovascular stress. When a series of light and sound treatments reversed her diagnosis, she set out to uncover the ancient history and modern science behind light and sound as healing therapies. More from Gail on Linktree visit



featured topic ) My Ho'oponopono Journey BY C H E R Y L C A R R I G A N

Many years ago, I was introduced to four simple lines:

I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you. These four lines were game-changers. They allowed me to find peace in a world that can be, at times, difficult to navigate. They taught me that forgiveness runs in many directions and on many levels, and to have balance and peace in your life, you need to embrace forgiveness. One day, shortly after I started practicing Ho'oponopono, I was wandering around a shop, and my eyes were drawn to this small yet beautiful box! It was sending some powerful energy my way. So I picked it up, and POOF, I felt its energy run through me! The box felt like it wanted to be given as a "very special gift." It was clear that it should go to someone who would see its beauty and feel its magical energy! I took a deep breath, and the Angels said, "Yes, it should be a special gift, and we give it to you!" Wow! As I stood holding this gift, my eyes welled up with tears. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace, happiness, acceptance, and unconditional love radiating through



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my heart and soul! Right then and there, I named it my Ho'oponopono magic box! From that day forward, I use this box to do my Ho'oponopono ritual. I find a place that brings me peace where I can sit quietly for a few minutes. Then, on a small piece of paper, I write down what I want to release and forgive. I look inside myself to find what needs to come back into balance. I use it as a form of self-love. Self-love is forgiveness, so I love myself back into balance! I often find that I need to forgive my human self for not listening to my spiritual self. I repeat the Ho'oponopono prayer slowly as many times as I need to. I know when I'm done because of the tears welling in my eyes, and my heart feels content. This ritual is a beautiful gift to give yourself. Find your own beautiful, magical box. Just ask, and it will show up! Then, create your own Ho'oponopono ritual. I promise magic will unfold when you bring forgiveness and balance into your life! a

Cheryl Carrigan is inspired by the Angels and lives guided by her intuition. She is an Inspirational Author, Speaker and Mentor, a Spiritual Teacher, Angel Card Reader and Psychic/Medium. She supports people to be brave enough to take a deep breath in and ignite the spark that is waiting inside each of them. Visit to get more information and to work with Cheryl.

Ho'oponopono Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times BY W E N D Y B E N N I N G S WA N S O N

Deep within the heart of Hawaiian culture lies a profound practice called Ho'oponopono, a ritual deeply intertwined with the spiritual and philosophical tenets of ancient mystery schools. Ho'oponopono, meaning "to make right," serves as a powerful tool for reconciliation, forgiveness, and inner healing, drawing parallels to the esoteric teachings of various ancient mystery schools across different civilizations. Ancient mystery schools are enigmatic institutions that were present in various ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptian, Greek, and Druidic cultures. They are centers of esoteric knowledge, where individuals are initiated into sacred teachings that transcend the boundaries of ordinary understanding. These schools seek to explore the deeper meaning of existence, the human psyche, and the interconnectedness of all things. Central to these schools are fundamental principles like self-discovery, spiritual enlightenment, and understanding the nature of reality. They teach about the importance of balancing the inner self, fostering harmony within, and recognizing the power of the mind in shaping one's experience of the world. Ho'oponopono shares common ground with these ancient teachings, offering a pathway toward self-realization and healing. Rooted in Hawaiian spiritual tradition, it is a practice centered around reconciliation and forgiveness, both toward oneself and others. At its core, Ho'oponopono emphasizes the understanding that our outer reality is a reflection of our inner state of being, which parallels the

mystery school hermetic philosophy, "As above, so below; as below, so above" which encapsulates the idea that the microcosm (the individual) reflects the macrocosm (the universe), and vice versa. Similarly, Ho'oponopono teaches that by taking responsibility for our internal state—our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs—we can influence and change the external world, which reflects these inner aspects. The practice of Ho'oponopono involves four key phrases: "I'm sorry," "Please forgive me," "Thank you," and "I love you." These phrases are not merely words but hold transformative power when used with deep sincerity. "I'm sorry" expresses acknowledgment of responsibility, "Please forgive me" seeks reconciliation, "Thank you" expresses gratitude, and "I love you" encapsulates the healing power of love and compassion. The essence of Ho'oponopono aligns with the teachings of ancient mystery schools in that the acknowledgment of personal responsibility for one's reality, the seeking of forgiveness and reconciliation, and the understanding of the transformative power of love and gratitude echo the core principles found in mystery schools. The idea that changing oneself can bring about a change in the outer world is a central theme in both these teachings. a

W E N DY B E N N I N G S WA N S O N , is a devoted Guide, Healer, and Teacher and has dedicated her life’s journey to unravelling the mysteries of life. Having received certification from the Modern Mystery School, she guides and supports individuals in their quest for self-mastery and empowerment. Learn more at




Of course, implementing Feng Shui principles establishes an intimate relationship with space. And let’s not forget praying with your home.



The Sentience of Your Dwelling Place:

“Home” oponopono

One of my goals for writing my book “Conversations with Your Home” was to seed the idea that your house has had a life and history of its own before you moved in. Even if you’re the first owner, there were builders, architects, and contractors who influenced the space. So, your home brings with it its own story -- situations while being constructed, global occurrences, and universal timing. If it was occupied prior to your arrival, the way it was used prior to you moving in creates chapters as well. All of these factors contribute to the spirit or consciousness of the place you call home. Consciousness in a home is different than consciousness as we know and observe in humans or even animals. That said, this should not be a reason to minimize the kind of life or spirit your home holds. It has a continual connection to universal order, which means there is a direct knowingness and clarity your home can provide. And we should communicate with it with this awareness in our hearts. Writing letters, speaking aloud, singing, and lighting a candle are all ways to let your home know you are acknowledging its wisdom.



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When I first experimented with the simple ho’oponopono prayer (I am sorry; Please forgive me; I love you; Thank you), I was committed to using it for my own benefit – getting rid of a headache or backache – and without fail, after a few minutes or an hour or two or by the next day, I felt relief. I’ve used it on my cats with equal success. My plants as well. Since spatial sentience was the message in my book, the obvious question was, what about my house? Why wouldn’t I use it there also?

Instead of bemoaning a home or apartment or even a room you don’t like, what if time and energy were spent offering some positive Feng Shui adjustments as well as a prayer -- apologizing for your feelings, asking for forgiveness, extending love, and being grateful? I recited the ho’oponopono prayer many, many times with my house before we moved out in January. I wanted the house to know I loved it, I was sorry to be leaving, and that we would both be okay. It was healing on all fronts. Because the number “9” is important in Feng Shui, I would recite the prayer nine times. The move-out was flawless; the move-in by the new owners was equally flawless. I couldn’t discount the power of connecting in this way. I call it Home-oponopono. a

Carole J. Hyder can help you create a space that you love, a space where you thrive, where you always want to be – a space that is remarkable. Let Carole help you find the soul, or essence, of your home or office using both traditional and modern Feng Shui principles. Experience what it means to have a space that quietly and steadily supports and shelters you. Get started by scheduling your consultation at



Roses, with their timeless beauty and enchanting fragrance, have captivated our senses for centuries. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, roses are also believed to possess a deeper, holistic power – the ability to influence and enhance our energy and emotional well-being. In this article, we explore the intriguing relationship between roses and energy healing, shedding light on the potential benefits these exquisite flowers can bring to your life.

T H E P OW E R O F RO S E S Roses have a long history of being associated with healing and emotional well-being. Their soothing aroma and vibrant colors have a unique ability to uplift the spirit and evoke positive emotions. In the practice of energy healing, roses are often used to promote feelings of love, self-acceptance, and harmony.

RO S E E S S E N T I A L O I L A N D A RO M AT H E R A P Y One of the most popular ways to harness the healing energy of roses is through rose essential oil. This aromatic elixir is derived from rose petals and is highly regarded in the world of aromatherapy. The sweet and floral scent of rose essential oil is believed to stimulate the heart chakra, fostering feelings of love and emotional balance. By diffusing rose oil or using it in massages, individuals often report experiencing a sense of calm and inner peace.

BALANCING YOUR ENERGY CENTERS Energy healing modalities like Reiki and chakra balancing recognize the importance of maintaining balanced energy centers (chakras) within the body. Roses, with their natural vibrancy and positive energy, are used to help align and harmonize these energy centers. Incorporating roses into your energy healing practices can aid in restoring equilibrium and promoting a sense of inner harmony.

RO S E S A N D EMOTIONAL RELEASE The therapeutic properties of roses extend beyond their aromatic allure. Practitioners of energy healing believe that roses can help release pent-up emotions and foster emotional healing. By using rose petals in bath rituals or meditation, individuals may find themselves letting go of emotional baggage and embracing a more positive outlook. Roses, with their timeless elegance and enchanting aroma, offer more than just aesthetic pleasure; they can play a significant role in energy healing and emotional well-being. Whether through the use of rose essential oil or simply by surrounding yourself with the beauty of these flowers, you can tap into the healing power of roses to balance your energy and nurture your soul. Incorporating roses into your energy healing practices is a personal journey, and the results may vary for each individual. The key is to approach it with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the potential transformation that these beautiful blooms can bring into your life. So, why not let the gentle, nurturing energy of roses lead you on a path of emotional healing and personal growth? a A dam Dince is the founder and medicine minister of Eagle Spirit Collective. Additionally, Adam is a hypnotherapist that specializes in healing trauma, limiting beliefs, and other life challenges through hypnotic regression, as well as a Reiki Master Teacher and founder of Sacred Stairways. Adam authored the book, “Back to the Beyond, Exploring Near-Death Experiences Through Hypnosis”. Learn more about Eagle Spirit Collective at and Adam's book at




Plants That Bring Healing Written by Catie Viendthong

Recently, health care trends have changed and people are seeking easier, natural alternative- and sometimes unconventional healing-methods. The ancient Hawaiian prayer-based healing practice ho’oponopono means “to make things right,” and promotes forgiveness and focuses on healing both self and others. For centuries, healers were sought after by their community to bring peace and health. The draw towards these now unconventional methods reflects the idea of “making things right,” as people are returning to natural healing methods that have worked for generations. Stress and anxiety are easy to come by these days. That is where adaptogens come into play. An adaptogen is a plant or mushroom that helps the body improve how it responds to stress, anxiety, and fatigue, returning the body back to balance. They often enhance the immune system to prevent disease, balance one’s mood and hormones, and increase energy, libido, focus, and cognition. Ashwagandha, also known as Indian Ginseng, is both an adaptogen and Ayurvedic herb native to India that has been used for thousands of years. It helps by reducing cortisol (stress hormone) levels. It’s also used as an anti-anxiety option, supports adrenal fatigue, relieves symptoms of depression, and it improves cognitive function due to its steroids and antioxidants. It’s perfect for those who need inner healing and are looking for a reset for the body. Bacopa, also known as Water Hyssop, is an Ayurvedic herb that helps balance dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. Additionally, it prevents free radicals from damaging the body. Bacopa reduces inflammation in the body, has anticancer properties, and may lower blood pressure. If you are looking to rest, relax, calm, and help the body heal, this herb is right for you. Maca root is a common aphrodisiac that boosts libido and balances both estrogen and testosterone levels in men and women, which helps with sleep, mood, and energy levels. It relieves menopause and PMS symptoms to help the body get back into balance.



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Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is known to have a calming effect. This sacred herb supports the immune and digestive system, and helps lower blood pressure and cortisol (stress hormone) levels. After a long day, this ingredient will help you to rejuvenate the body and put the soul at ease. Rhodiola is another great adaptogen herb. Its roots alleviate stress and fatigue, and it increases mental clarity and memory function. It aids hypertension, increases serotonin levels to promote mood and sleep, and is an aphrodisiac and antidepressant. When it comes to inner healing, detox is the best way to purge the bad and promote the growth of new healthy things. This is true when you detox your unhealthy thought process to renew a positive healthy mindset and when you detox the body. Detoxing is necessary after taking medications, alcohol consumption, and being exposed to heavy metals found in our food and body products. There are a number of options to help with detoxifying the body! Milk thistle cleanses and protects the liver and chlorella binds to heavy metals to eliminate them from the body. Nettle leaves not only help with sinus inflammation, and lowering blood sugar, but they also cleanse the blood of toxins and waste. Ceylon cinnamon helps lower blood sugar and blood pressure, and is a great antibacterial and detox herb. Burdock is not only an adaptogen, it helps detoxify your blood, lymphatic system and skin. These are all great plants that help the body heal, no matter where you are on your health journey. Rosemary is known for healing and forgiveness. It is an antiinflammatory, fights infections, is great for detox, and helps one clear the mind. It promotes blood circulation, aids digestion, alleviates joint and muscle pain, and it improves concentration. As you seek healing and to restore relationships, come try our herbs at SOTE Plant Medicine to help you on your spiritual and health journey. We offer a variety of options to heal the body, mind, and one’s inner self. a

Unleash Your Inner Light WITH ANNET TE RUGOLO

Each year, as we enter the darkest time of the year, there have always been those who know how to connect with their own inner light and seem to be unaffected by the darkness. They have learned how to access the light even during the darkest of days and darkest of times. They have gained access to the Quantum Field and become energetic lighthouses guiding others during stormy times. Lightworkers are needed now more than ever. As we look around us, we see many who are feeling lost, overwhelmed, and overcome with fear, anxiety, and anger. They are in need of a steady light that guides them through emotional storms around them and an anchor to calm them in the storm. Your first step to becoming a light for others is to connect with your own Inner Light. You are able to do this consciously by simply bringing your awareness 3 feet above your head. When you bring your awareness to this level, you will consciously be connected with what is called your Quantum Point, your access point to the Quantum Field. Close your eyes for a moment and bring your awareness to this point. What do you see? What do you feel? Many will feel a tingling or energy being released over their head. Others will see color and light. Pay attention to what you feel or see and trust it. Think of this as your own personal sun. As the days are short and the darkness sets in, you will always have access to your own inner light. The more you connect

with your Quantum Point, the stronger the connection becomes. Each time you connect with this point, it will create more balance between your right and left brainwaves. It also brings your awareness above your personality, and you will begin to feel the guiding light of your own higher self, and you will gain greater access to your own Inner Guidance. It has been over twenty years since I began consciously connecting with my own Quantum Point and all that is available in the Quantum Field. My search for some training started in earnest after September 11, 2001. I felt helpless after the events of 9/11 and wanted more than anything to be a light for others who were engulfed in fear, grief, and anger. A month later, I found myself in an Inner Diamond class that taught me how to consciously connect with the Quantum Field and 24 Light Frequencies. I learned how to consciously connect with my Inner Wisdom, Inner Sight, and Inner Knowing and expand my light to reach more souls. I learned how to release old, unwanted patterns and programs and began freeing myself from energies I had taken on. With each meditation, I felt lighter, freer, and unshackled and began to feel like the lightworker I had wished to be. The Inner Diamond refers to the beautiful, 24 faceted diamond each of us has within, and the Inner Diamond method helps us remember and reconnect with our inner light and brilliance. If you have been searching for powerful tools that will help you stay above the chaos, consciously align with your higher self, open neuropathways in your brain, and begin to see the wonders of the universe, I invite you to check out the variety of Inner Diamond classes that begin in February. a

A N N E T T E R U G O LO is respected worldwide as a transformation teacher, speaker, master dowser, and environmental healer. As a mentor and guide, Rugolo helps people connect with other dimensions from a place of love without fear or judgment. Annette has transformed homes through dowsing and space clearing since 2005 and teaching since 2006. For more about classes or having your home, business, or land energetically healed, call 612-605-8608 or visit




From the editor ) This issue combines two topics that Kelly and I are very passionate about. Hawaii and the powerful healing prayer Ho'oponopono. The spirit of aloha has always captivated us. The smell, the people, the energy and frequency of the Hawaiian islands are like no other. We Steve Wagner even became engaged and were married Editor, THE EDGE on the beautiful island of Maui. Kelly was drawn to the Ho'oponopono prayer from the moment she first heard it. As life provides ups and downs, she's found it to be a strong and transformational mantra. With personal transformation in mind, this issue has crafted it with much care, intention and aloha, and is one of the most powerful yet. Thank you to our contributors from all over the globe, and to our partners... here, there and everywhere. We invite you to find a way to use Ho'oponopono in your lives. Mahalo, – Steve and Kelly Wagner Maui


On the cover: HA EMET "The Truth" by Lori Lentz Lori's current series Universal Human has been inspired by her life journey. The titles are from Hebrew and Aramaic sacred names for the divine and come from ancient texts such as Sanskrit and Vedic. Learning Sacred Geometry many years ago from Drunvalo Melchizedek bringing forth the remembrance of The Flower of Life. The Flower of Life was and is known by all life. All life, not only here but everywhere, knew it was the creation pattern – the way in and the way out. Spirit created us in this image. Lori has worked with many First Nations Elders in different healing modalities and traveled to Sacred sights all over the planet. She has created Medicine bags and regalia embellished with beads and large museum quality pieces for over 35 years. Her own indigenous roots are with the Sami of Norway and Lori considers us all indigenous to our beloved planet Earth. Her intent is to inspire others to share their gifts and creativity, to express their deepest emotions and feelings in any way they are directed to do so, and to reclaim their own sovereignty. Cover art photographed by Lars Thomson. Scan to see more mystical intuitive paintings, beadwork, jewelry and other artwork created by Lori Lentz. 10


DEC/JAN 2024

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Bird Vibes Meditation Cards An inspired deck with 54 beautifully illustrated cards of birds from North America and a fullcolor guidebook for meditation and spiritual guidance.

$24.00 978-1-58270-910-9

Stages of Faith 4: Synthetic Conventional Faith by MAUREEN HIG GINS, MA My last article talked about Stage 3 which is the concrete thinking stage for ages 6 to 12. In this stage, children get stuck on what appears to be "real" and what seems to be "make believe,” due to wanting things more black and white. If any traumas or difficult situations happen to you during this stage of life, and you haven't worked on healing them, you may find yourself stuck in this same kind of black and white thinking today.

Stage 4 (or Fowler's Stage 3) is the Synthetic Conventional Faith for ages 12 to 19. This is the abstract

thinking stage where new insights, anxieties, and commitments are forming. Teenagers are still guided by their parent’s belief systems and those of their peers. Their own beliefs and knowings are not quite formed yet. At this age a person's identity is forming where they ask themselves, “Who am I? How do others see me? What do others think about me?” Many people get stuck in this stage. This is where you follow what others think without really questioning whether it makes sense to you, or whether it is really kind to others or self. If you're "stuck" in Stage 4, you may continue following your parent’s religious beliefs and the beliefs of those considered authority figures, including the beliefs of your peers. This would indicate that having an internal feeling that your personal choices can affect your life path does not yet exist. You would probably believe that the trajectory of your life path is up to other people's decisions and external events.

A key component to permanent healing is replacing your issues with your spirit. We all have bits and pieces of our spirit stuck somewhere back in time due to our traumas and challenges. It’s important to hold the intention that you are letting go of the past and replacing it with your own spirit. A shaman would call this a soul retrieval. This will raise your consciousness to one more aligned with Unity/Oneness consciousness, which is what we need to move into a better world. Remember that you are a Divine Being having a human experience. You are not your experiences. All experiences are part of an interesting adventure here on planet earth.

Remember to enjoy the ride!


MAUREEN HIGGINS, MA. Maureen owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are par t of the Divine. Maureen also founded the School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her workshops at and experience through her audios, available at

What keeps someone stuck in Stage 4? The teen years is when many traumas and difficulties take place due to raging hormones, more risk taking, and experimentation with drugs and alcohol. These create the perfect scenario for devastating events and inner conflict. Almost everyone can come up with at least one event that is super hard during this time in life. It’s a time of much doubt and inner conflict, even without difficult external circumstances. It’s also when many people have their first feelings of love where the heart is hurt or broken. If you haven't worked through these challenges, they still reside hidden within your mind, emotions, and body They stay put like an invisible undercurrent controlling how you respond to life even though you're unaware of what is driving the behaviors.

Breaking out of Stage 4: An important part of healing this stage in life is going within your unconscious issue, beliefs, patterns, emotions, and behaviors. This is most easily accessed by paying attention to your physical body since everything you haven't worked through is held within it. Staying present to how your body is feeling, helps your body to feel heard understood, and seen so it can relax and begin the process of healing. It’s helpful to work with a counselor or practitioner to assist with this healing, since this may be intense work. The main goal of breaking out of Stage 4 is to be your own expert and to find your own answers. This doesn't mean you don't ask for other people's opinions. It’s good to seek the council of others so you can look at all angles of a situation. However, all decisions should come from your own inner wisdom and inner council. Even if you decide, later that you made an error. This is how we all learn and grow so there are no true errors. visit



Edge Partner Directory body/mind/spirit resources The Edge staff is dedicated to bringing our readership together with their optimal healers, teachers and practitioners. In keeping with that mission, we proudly announce our incredible all-new online Partner Directory platform. See The Edge difference at!


Everett & Charlie Art Gallery Minnesota Artists Gallery

A Linden Hills art gallery where art meets experience, Everett & Charlie features original art from only Minnesota artists Voted “Minnesota’s Best Art Gallery” by readers of Star Tribune in 2021 and 2022. Gallery includes paintings, screen-printing, photography, pottery, glass, jewelry, textiles and leather, sculpture and woodwork. Offers a calendar of openings, trunk shows, workshops, demos and music. Available for private events. Email: Phone: 612-444-8706 Location: 2720 W 43rd St. #103, Minneapolis, MN 55410 Website:


BodyLabUSA Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs

WANT TO JOIN ? Contact us at and place your listing!

Word Count: 70 word max. description Location: Online updated each month print updated bi-monthly (6 editions/year) Included: Photo/image/logo, website, contact info, social media

Souls Of Spirit Expos Our purpose is to create community awareness of spirituality by bringing together vendors who share their modalities of healing, journeys & awareness with communities to assist in uplifting humanity and awakening to the reality that we are souls having a human experience. Each expo includes a Gallery event and guest speakers. Join us at events in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana. Email: Phone: 701-721-2801 Website: Location: North Dakota


Christian Gnosis Christian Gnosis is one person's endeavor to make known the message of Esoteric Christianity, through the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom. To receive Christian Gnosis send an email request to

Spirit United Interfaith Church Sunday services 10:30am in-person and online

BodyLabUSA’s goal is to bring awareness and education to everyone about the benefits of alternative healing to help our bodies emotionally, spiritually, and or physically. We offer events throughout Minnesota currently, with more states coming soon. We offer a mediumship gallery event and educational sessions throughout the day. Our first 25 guests receive a free gift bag! Email: Phone: 715-292-2625 Facebook: Website: Location: Minnesota

When Spirit calls you to go beyond limitations of what has been, to explore possibilities of what can be... We are Spirit United. We’re a spiritually diverse community. Children welcome. Sign up to get Sunday service links sent directly to your email: Sunday services offered online and in-person at The New Center – 8 West 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423 Email: Phone: 612-378-3602 Site:


SOTE Sanctuary

Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs Rooted Holistic Healing and Wellness fairs are held throughout Wisconsin in many communities to bring hope and healing to those in need. At our fairs you can expect to find a multitude of vendors offering products and services as well as Gallery events and guest speakers. Come and join us for a day full of education, healing, shopping, and much more!

We offer a tranquil refuge for the body and mind. Our knowledgeable practitioners provide healing alternatives to help relieve stressors, mental health issues and physical ailments through yoga, breathwork, mindfulness, sound healing and more. We seek to show our members new paths of connection with their true-selves as well as others around them – ultimately bridging the gap between traditional and alternative forms of medicine.



New World Women We cannot create a new world doing things the old way. New World Women co-founders Dawn Morningstar, Mecca Page and Shawn Vougeot know this and responded by creating an innovative approach to women’s self-empowerment, fully centered in the Divine Feminine. NWW’s platform provides like-hearted sisterhood, learning and increased prosperity for women around the world. When women do better, so does everyone around them – and women are ready for better! Email: Location: Stillwater, MN Website:


Light of the Soul, Inc. Akashic Records, Crystals

Light of the Soul, Inc. is a spiritual center founded by Jeanne Crescenzo empowering Soul Conscious Living through spiritual healing services, training, and crystals from Mother Earth in store and online. Jeanne is an Akashic Medium, Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, QHHT practitioner, Theta Healer, and creator of the Galactic Soul Keys Oracle. Email: Phone: 651-214-6560 Location: 14051 Burnhaven Drive, Suite #102, Burnsville, MN 55337 Website:

Amber Maier, Soul Alignment Coach

Akashic Records, Angel Healing, Intuitive Coaching, Thetahealing, Reiki Master, Teacher Amber has passion for helping you discover your soul purpose, awaken your unique gifts, and move past your blocks so you can fully embrace your power and purpose. Amber uses a unique blend of intuitive coaching with guidance and healing from your Akashic Records, Angels and soul to help you take powerful steps forward on your soul path and quantum leaps in your personal healing and vision for your life. Email: Phone: 952-220-5428 Website:

Email: Phone: 715-832-2775 Website: Location: Wisconsin

Email: Phone: 952-582-4841 Website: Location: 415 Broadway Street S, Unit 260, Jordan, MN 55352

Soul and Synergy LLC

AnnapurnaBlue Health and Wellness

Being You Energetically, LLC

AnnapurnaBlue offers a unique blend of the ancient Tibetan Healing and Modern Healing technique through retreats. Our retreats offer students the space to step out and see their life from the outside in. To discover why their life is not working, removing the obstacles and negativies and to create a plan for their daily life. Our retreats help to promote healing and balance!

Any session with Carol Dutton is powerful and will give you the unique and specific missing links to clearing the traumatic and ancestral patterns keeping you from living an extraordinary life. She is an expert Subtle Energy Practitioner, Reiki Master, Irigenics® Ancestral Eye Reading Consultant, Crystal Grid Healer, and creator of the Ancestral Connection Ceremony. As an ordained minister, she also offers Spiritual Oil anointing.

Reiki Master and Crystal Dealer

We offer Reiki energy healing, classes and all things metaphysical. our goal is to get you what you need for you spiritual journey! Visit our website for more. Email: Phone: 715-598-7002 Location: 1233 Menomonie Street, Suite B, Eau Claire, WI 54703 Website:



DEC/JAN 2024

Email: Phone: 952-300-6111 Website: Mailing Address: 14702 Excelsior Blvd #1249, Minnetonka, MN 55345 Retreat Center Location: 40719 Lows Lake Rd. Emily, MN 56447

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ANCESTRAL HEALING Ancestral, Crystal Grids, Energy Sessions, Spiritual Oil Anointing

Email: Phone: 320-515-0183 Site: Loc: 221 S. Union St, Suite #4, Mora, MN


Purely Natural Healing

Craniosacral Therapy, Somato Emotional Release, Chinese Medicine For those who are ready to heal, we together can move you out of the pain and shift your energy into what you are truly here to do. Every session is focused on what is going on at that time. From womb to a walker. Barb has studied and worked in both Eastern and Western Medicine for over twenty-two years. Come for the HEALTH of it! Now serving you from two locations: 93 Little Canada Rd W, Suite 100, Little Canada MN 55117 and 111 Maple St N, Turtle Lake WI 54889. Call: 715-441-5905


Jeanne Russell

Gentle but Transformative Energy Work I hold certification as an Emotion, Body, and Belief Code practitioner. Therapeutic sessions focusing on these modalities play a pivotal role in identifying the underlying causes of issues that commonly afflict our society, such as depression, trauma, PTSD, chronic pain, misalignments, and emotional distress. The ultimate objective of treatment is to target the origins of these problems, paving the way for sustained improvements in health and overall well-being. Email: Website:

Barbara Pylka, CECP, CEBP, IMHC / Living 4 Grace LLC

Energy Medicine Healing, Intuitive Healer Do you feel disconnected, stuck, unable to move forward in life? Do you feel burdened by your thoughts and emotions? Do you need change? Energy Medicine healing sessions with Barbara can help to identify and clear energies that keep you stuck, that trigger unwanted emotions and reactions, or drive undesirable behavior. Services include Energy Medicine healing, Emotion Code®, Body Code™, and other services for healing body, mind and soul. Email: Website:

Maureen Higgins, MA, Wings of Freedom Energetically Healing Audios, Private Sessions, Workshops

Want to feel lighter and happier and create a life filled with meaning? Help your mind, emotions and body let go of the past including outdated beliefs, memories and emotions with individualized energy healing! I’ve created a number of energetic healing techniques you can access through audios and sessions. Learn how to develop your own mastery through a number of energetic healing workshops! Email: Phone: 651-665-0104 Location: St. Paul, MN Websites:,

The Mystic Geek

Spiritual Connection Mentor, Tarot Expert, Energy Worker Jessica Karels made it her personal mission to empower people who are caught up in the hustle of life to tap into their inner wisdom so they can confidently handle any of life’s obstacles and help heal the world. Certified in Usui Reiki, Evolved Neuro-linguistic Programming, Transformational Coaching, and Quantum Time Release, she uses a variety of spiritual and everyday tools to facilitate individual growth and transformation.

Annette Rugolo

Environmental Healing Annette Rugolo is an Author, Global Teacher, Speaker, Environmental Healer and Soul Guidance Facilitator. With almost 20 year s of experience, she provides tools of transformation that suppor t those looking for lasting change. Email: Phone: 612-394-3736 Website: Location: Chaska, MN 55328

Michael Schwengel

Energy Healing Practitioner, Intuitive Guide, Workshop Speaker Reconnect to your true nature through Caritas Technique, a unique convergence of talk therapy, somatic awareness, and energetic healing. Michael's mission is to help others deepen their understanding of self to achieve greater peace and fulfillment in their lives. He has assisted people with experiences of emotional trauma, unwanted mental, emotional, and behavioral patterns, physical pains and discomfort, energetic phenomena, spiritual questions, and more. Sessions offered in-person and online. Email: Website: Location: Saint Paul, MN

Soma Soul Sovereignty with Elizabeth Sullivan

Multi Dimensional/Universe Energy Work The alchemy of SomaYoga, Ayurveda and Energy Medicine is a synergistic approach that supports this self-healing state within and around us. Everything is energy. Becoming more skillful and managing our energy is vital to our well-being. Our energy patterns affect our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Healing ourselves is one of the greatest journeys we can take as humans and multi-dimensional, multi-universe beings. Email: Ph: 651-270-0660 Website: Location: St. Paul, MN


Terrain Health LLC, Dr. Robin Rose

Integrative, Functional, Precision Healthcare Terrain Health and Dr. Robin Rose are leading the biomedical revolution in functional and precision healthcare, utilizing advanced testing and next generation technology that target the human gut microbiome, and understand its links to overall health, immunity and disease through its interconnectedness with the other systems in your body. Email: Phone: 203-900-4416 Website: Location: Ridgefield, CT

Dr. Erika Way, DC, DCBCN, Beyond Chiropractic Functional Medicine, Chiropractic, QNRT, Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition, Detox Programs and Energetic Healing


Beyond Iridology

Iridologist, Enlightened Spiritualist, Reiki Master, Paranormal Investigator Beyond Iridology brings an alternative view through the lens of your iris and much more. Email: Phone: 763-443-9732 Website: Location: 1440 85th Ave NE, Suite A, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432


Carolyn Vinup of Gateways to Brilliance

Transformational Sound Ceremonies Carolyn Vinup has been practicing and teaching Sacred Sound Healing, Feng Shui and Creating Sacred Space Ceremonies for over 20 years. Carolyn guides spiritual seekers through Sound Healing Experiences, Spiritual Blessings, Transformative Ceremonies and Attunements that awaken your higher consciousness and expand your inner light. Come experience the beauty, tranquility, warmth, and wisdom of the Sacred Sound Chamber. Email: Mobile: 612-325-5162 Website:


Harmonic Egg, LLC

Manufacturer of the Ellipse ® Harmonic Egg ® and LiFT™ Clear the trauma blocking you from self-love and abundance! We use sacred geometry, light, color, and frequencies to empower the body’s own healing energy. By amplifying energy resonance within the chamber, the client receives an energy therapy that is precisely controlled, consistent, and repeatable. Simple and safe. Designed and manufactured in Colorado. Available at over 100 locations in 10 countries. Visit our site to find a location near you. Email: Website:

OM Center of Healing Sound & Light Healing Therapy

The Harmonic Egg® is a resonant chamber, utilizing sound and light, to deliver positive, life-changing results. It delivers a natural, holistic energy therapy designed to help the body heal itself, our many clients have found it to be helpful for a variety of health issues. Experience relief from anxiety, difficult emotional issues, injuries and pain, spiritual dissonance, mental and developmental disorders, and illness. Email: Phone: 651-363-3539 Location: 2334 University Avenue W, Suite 150 St. Paul, MN 55114 Website:

MEDICAL INTUITIVE Dr. David Stella, Las Vegas Holistic Health Center

Dr. Erika Way empowers her patients to transform their physical, emotional and spiritual bodies so they can manifest their optimal path. By combining the tools of Chiropractic Care, Functional Medicine, QNRT and Energetic Healing, Dr. Erika helps her patients transform the physical, emotional and energetic blocks that keep patients feeling stuck. Once you have the tools for your "health tool box" you can become the master of your own health.

Dr. Stella is a part of the Las Vegas Holistic Center, which has the ability to tap into the frequency of a person's mind body and spirit and enable them to achieve extraordinary health. Located in Las Vegas, with clients all over the world. We provide in person and remote tools, education, technologies, products, and services that help people create their optimal next steps for health and wellness.

Email: Phone: 651-288-1988 Website: Location: 7300 Hudson Blvd North, Suite 210, Oakdale, MN 55128

Email: Ph: 702-352-3021 Location: 5795 S Sandhill Rd, Suite A, Las Vegas, NV 89120 Website:

Email: Website: visit



Partner Directory CONTINUED


9th Street Wellness Center EAST

Your path to a wellness lifestyle! Our Wellness Center promotes an environment where practitioners work together for the greater good of individuals, engaging the community for the past 12 years. We want to see people thrive and live happier, healthier lives. The Wellness Center is a place that encourages your path to a lifestyle of wellness. Email: Phone: 920-490-9699 Location: 2330 Meadow Park Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311 Website:


Holly Busse

Reiki Master/Teacher, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Practice Group Leader I believe people want to feel healthier and less stressed, but it can be confusing where to start. In-person and distant reiki sessions, in-person and Zoom reiki classes, and in-person and online stress reduction training. Email: Website: Location: Chanhassen, MN

INTUITIVE GUIDANCE BREATHWORK Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh Heal the body, clear stuck patterns and deepen your Soul connection through conscious breathwork. With over two decades of experience in holistic health and many years as a licensed pharmacist, Terri offers a variety of holistic sessions: Soul Breathing™, Soul Coaching, Supplement & Nutrition guidance, BEMER therapy, Pranic Healing & Reiki. Use breath to optimize your health, raise your vibration and transform your life. Email: 651-442-4623 St. Paul, MN Websites: and


The Center Within

Transformational Intuitive Certified Coach Michele supports clients with intentions to live in alignment with their soul’s divine blueprint and inner wisdom personally and professionally. Michele’s guidance as an intuitive coach and spiritual teacher for over 25 years accelerates and amplifies your natural process of removing blocks and what no longer serves while clarifying your next steps as you ignite your full potential. Email: Phone: 612-465-9775 Location: 8120 Penn Ave S Suite 500B Bloomington, MN 55431 Website:

Guide and Coach, Naturopathic Services Coaching and Guidance for the New Earth Frequencies where we create our realities. Awaken naturopathic super immune system coaching. Specializing in superfoods and laser healing technology. Heal they self with the Laser Light watch, Amethyst Biomat, Ormus powders and other products. Lisa coaches for our awakening – to learn how to ascend to the new frequencies on the planet, where something wonderful is happening. Retreats and private 1:1 sessions available via phone and Zoom. Email: Ph: 941-400-8384 Loc: 213 Roelofs Court, Mount Shasta, CA 96067

Business Coaching to Create Wealthy Healers Imagine how incredible you would feel waking up every day... knowing that, as a healer and a supporter of people, you are also experiencing an abundant life and sustainable practice. My whole practice is about helping to create wealthy healers. It would be my honor to be able to help you Top Performance your holistic practice into a joyful sustainable experience for both you and your clients. Email: Phone: 604-655-4698 Location: #1102, 1438 Richards St. Vancouver, BC V6Z3B8 Website:

Sandy & Dale Pocernich – doTERRA, Healthy Life Coaching Sandy & Dale Pocernich are Platinum doTERRA Wellness Advocates and have been part of the doTERRA family since 2013. Our goal is to help you replace everyday toxins with natural products. We will educate and support you on what products and oils are meant for you in your journey to better health and a toxic free lifestyle. Free weekly classes on their Facebook page. Email: Phone: 715-832-2775 Sites:,

Founder of Elysian Dream, a transformational dreamscape for Dream Life Design and Dream Journeys. Transformational Depth Coach and energy healer. Take a one-of-a-kind Hero/Heroine’s Journey to change your narrative and rewrite your story. She helps you find sustainable solutions, balance, passion, purpose, abundance, and power to create a high-quality life/career. Artist of Dreams: Where You Dream & It Becomes™ dreamwork, lucid dreaming-maximize potential/intuition/creativity.

Innerpowerment with Wendy Benning Swanson

Triple-Certified Professional Coach: Life, Energy & Spirituality + Career


DEC/JAN 2024

Healing Family Grief provides certification training through The Confident Grief Coach School. Through this extensive training, learn key concepts of coaching specifically designed for working with the bereaved to help them create lives filled with peace and purpose. Course approved by International Coaching Federation for 34 CCEs. Email: Phone: 952-210-3767 Website: Location: Chaska, MN

What's Next with Sara Remke Transforming yourself transforms your world! Working with energetic and psychic boundaries will change your life. Learning about chakras and Auras you will discover how to clear your own energy field and move into the flow of life. As we clear our Astral (emotions, beliefs, vibrations) body we connect to ourselves where expansion can happen. Through self reflection, self awareness and self responsibility we open up potentiality and openness to life as it is. I teach classes on chakras and auras, dreams and psychic boundaries. Available for one on one sessions. Email: Phone: 651-808-0652 Website:

FENG SHUI Carole Hyder Helping people create a dream-aligned space Carole Hyder can help you create a space that you love, a space where you thrive, where you always want to be – a place that is remarkable. Let Carole help you determine the soul of your home or office using both traditional and modern Feng Shui principles. You will discover not only how to reflect who you are now but also lead you toward your dreams. Email: Phone: 612-823-5093 Website: Location: Saint Paul, MN


Leslee Wegleitner

Transformative Messenger, Spiritual Guide Leslee combines Human Design and her unique Light Language called Fields and Harmonics of Sacred Light™ to support clients through transformative change. Human Design provides strategies to know oneself beyond the mind. Light Language as a vibrational expression shifts energy to frequencies beyond human limitations. Combining these, Leslee’s clients can understand and expand their relationship with Self and others while living their own Divine guided moments. Email: Phone: 651-260-5622 Website:


Guide, Healer, Teacher, Warrior of Light

Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT

Spiritual guide, healer, and teacher dedicated to empowering individuals to reconnect with their inner power. Through a variety of healing modalities and classes, she assists people in aligning with their true selves and unlocking their full potential. Wendy offers services such as Life Activation, Emotional Cord Cutting, and Aura Clearing, along with classes covering topics such as Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel, and Spiritual Intuition. Her mission is to support humanity's collective journey toward peace and self-mastery.

Connect deeply with your Higher Soul Self to heal, grow and awaken to your wholeness. I offer Present Life Trauma & Inner Child Healing, Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Spiritual Hypnotherapy. With a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, I ensure a safe, healing experience. 23 years of experience and have guided over 4,000 sessions. Read over 400 reviews and book online at

Email: Phone: 763-242-4231 Website:


Grief Coach Certification Training

Energetic Healing, Intuitive Guidance

New Earth Frequencies

Georgia Lee Arts, founder of Elysian Dream LLC

Email: Website: Phone: 805-315-6057 Locations: Minneapolis, MN and Eau Claire, WI

Pat Sheveland, Healing Family Grief

• t he e dg e m ag azine

Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression

Email: Phone: 651-649-1952 Website: Location: Mendota Heights, MN

Angi Jara MHt, Angelaria Healing Studio Spiritual Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression, Reiki Master

Angi is passionate about guiding her clients to achieve a lasting state of peace, positivity, and empowerment in their individual Soul’s journey. Through gentle and relaxing Hypnosis or Reiki sessions, you will access your inner wisdom, move beyond obstacles, explore past lives, heal trauma, experience abundant love, discover your divine purpose, channel your Soul, meet your Spirit Team, and embrace the exceptional life you were meant to live. It's easy. Let's begin. Email: Phone: 651-252-9060 Website:

NDRevolve, LLC

Hypnotherapy, Artist, Energetic Healing Living heartfelt genuine expression. Feeling. Healing. Learning. Growing. Multidimensional intuitive healing, exploration, and wisdom gathering from within the incredible safe and peaceful stillness reached via hypnosis with Nathan Rolf as a loving and compassionate team member. Open up to healing dialogue with all energies within the everythingverse including emotional healings, body pains, ailments, and opening up to your own intuitive self. Explore the wisdom from divine spirit realms. The possibilities of learning from, and healing all stuck energies that no longer serve you in your life are infinite. Follow Nathan on Instagram: Email: Phone: 920-342-5454 Location: 3937 Blaisdell Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55409


Greywind Raven

Intuitive Guide, Past Lives & Contracts Lisa Howard provides energy services using methods, including past life resolutions, soul contract modification, releasing trapped emotions and heart walls. These methods provide solutions to issues impacting your current lifetime. Also, providing psychic training and spiritual growth workshops. Over ten years of training and certifications. Email: Phone: 320-395-9893 Website: Location: Winsted, MN


Mary Newstrom, Zenith High

Shamanic Teacher & Mentor, Shamanic Healings, Spiritual Wellness Coaching, Cacao Ceremonies & Shamanic Cacao Cleanse Internationally known Shamanic Practitioner and creator of Spirit Flow Shamanic Study Programs, Mary has studied with shamanic teachers in the U.S. and with the Shipibo Shamans living in the Amazon basin of Peru, enhancing the skills Mary brings to her training and healings. She holds a doctoral degree in psychology and is certified in Health and Wellness Consultation. Email: Phone: 952-913-5574 Website: Location: St. Louis Park, MN


Heather Norton, Dancing Bee Alchemy Alchemize your life through animal and plant communication. Animal communication sessions connect you with your animal companions whether living or in spirit. Gain a deeper understanding of their heart and soul, and of your unique connection. Shamanic and Reiki healing sessions help you and your animal companion move through challenges and evolve into the embodiment of your dream. Guidance sessions illuminate your heart’s path and facilitate communion with plant consciousness, deepen your intuition, and lead you into the dreamtime. Email: Phone: 510-863-4790 Website:

Michele Jacobson, PhD As a lifelong Intuitive, Michele has been gifted with skills as an intuitive, psychic, mystic, healer, medium, animal communicator and knowledgeable in all things faerie, including Faerie Teas. She has a PhD in Developmental Psychology focusing on areas of understanding personal development. Located in the Twin Cities area with in person or phone sessions available. Email: Phone: 612-554-0061 Website:


Eagle Spirit Collective Non-profit 508(1)(C)(A) organization that celebrates our connection to the Divine Creator through sacred medicine ceremonies, self-exploration, and shadow work. We build relationships through monthly integration meetings, group meditations, spiritual mentoring, and other fellowship events. Email: Phone: 651-504-2493 Website: Location: Stillwater, MN

SHAMANIC HEALING Rachael Maire’ Geurkink, Nuanced Art and Energy Shamanic Earth Medicine, Mistress of Ceremonies, Dream Guide, Artist

Remembering your light is just the beginning. Through observation and honor of our connection to the natural world and Creative Source energy, I teach techniques of mindfulness and hold space for deep soul exploration and energetic healing. Now offering shamanic Earth medicine healing sessions, past life guided journeys, dreamscape development, weddings & ceremonies, and Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki. Welcoming clients remote and in person. Email: Website: Location: 512 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362

Richard Bonk

Offering a balance of evidence based and intuitive arts Richard Bonk, M.Ed. has 30+ years experience in health and wellness as a counselor, educator, researcher and currently works as a behavioral specialist supporting mental health and independently as a meditation facilitator, intuitive consultant, workshop leader and visionary artist. With a special interest in the mind-body connection, he utilizes techniques such as creativity, hypnosis, dream-work, floatation, nature immersion, yoga and meditation, and is a NCGR certified Astrologer. Email: Website: Location: Minneapolis, MN

Ryan Evans

Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology A Certified Master Level Astrologer, Ryan practices an integrative approach to Astrology combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. Ryan aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms.

Starcodes & Heartcodes

Astrology, Heart-Centered Readings Ceremonialist, counselor, intuitive, and astrologer for 40 years, creator of the Starcodes Astro-Oracle Deck, author of the weekly Starcodes column, Moon Wisdom, Everyday Palmistry, and several children’s books. As an ordained interfaith minister and Druid grade member of OBOD, she brings her spiritual search to her work. Email: Phone: 914-315-5001 Website: Location: Ronan, MT


Hope Healing Spiritual Medium, Intuitive with the innate ability to Channel Messages from Divine with Compassion and Care. She is a Trauma Transformational Guide assisting you to Release Pain and Suffering from Forms of Abuse, Loss of a Loved one, Relationships Physical, Mental, Emotional, Sexual Abuse, which can cause Grief, Shame, Fear, Anxiety, Depression and Loss of your Life Force. Kimberly’s Gentle Approach can take your from Pain to Peace to Rebalance your Life. Email: Website:


Ameena Darwish Psychic Guru with 30 years of experience in healing from narcissistic abuse, chakra cleansing, spiritual diagnostic meditation, spiritual DNA work, twin flame reading, tarot card reading, full life reading. Noticing unwanted patterns in your relationships and life? Have ideas and plans but lack the energy to execute them? Experiencing spiritual and physical clutter? An expert in discovering the root of your issue on your first session. Special offer; 2 services for the price of 1. Email: Phone: 773-485-3489

Alison James

Psychic Medium, Medical & Animal Intuitive Voted the best by WCCO, CBS, TCT and MSP. Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. One of the finest professionals and most referred names by those in the know. Five-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career. Stays on point with fine-tuned focused readings. Alison has a strong affinity with animals and is a successful healer. Website: Location: Worldwide

Rebecca Krogen

Psychic Medium, Celtic Shaman, Paranormal Investigator Rebecca is an international psychic medium, Celtic shaman & paranormal investigator. She offers clearings, psychic/mediumship reading, shamanic healings & more. With over 50 years experience she can use her gifts to help you on your journey as well as help you understand the influences in your life that shape your soul path. Her guides and angels assist her in helping you communicate with passed loved ones to seek guidance and closure. Email: Phone: 218-532-2607 Facebook: Site: Loc: Fargo, ND

Email: Phone: 608-632-0750 Website: Location: Viroqua, WI visit



Partner Directory



Kelly Wagner, owner You’ve Got Kelly

Intuitive Counseling, Marketing and Business Coaching

GemMe Wands

Cindy Lehman

As a knower and remote seer, Kelly has learned to use her unique tool set in new ways. Kelly is fascinated by discovering and understanding her client’s “Why?” Kelly's guides show her an illuminated “Yellow Brick Road” that shows her the path her clients should follow to fulfill their goals and live their optimal life.

Handcrafted, radiant and powerful crystal gemstones partnered with pure copper wire and dance around sealed wands of purpleheart wood or driftwood. These unique, oneof-a-kind, magical gemstone and wooden wands are blessed, charged and have energic meanings.

Email: Phone: 612-251-6666 Website: Location: Eden Prairie, MN

Email: Phone: 952-292-4450 Website: Location: Shakopee, MN

Soul Readings, Beginning & Advanced Psychic Development Classes Private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. Offers beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. Teaches others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul. Email: Mobile: 612-669-1861 Website:

Carol Margaret Lowell

Medium, Psychic, Ghost Communicator, Intuitive Hands-on Healer, Teacher, Mentor and Lecturer As a medium, I communicate directly with the spirit of the deceased. A mediumship session allows you to understand the truth about death. It isn’t the end. It is just a transition to a different state of being. I am a Reiki Master, trained in Level 4 Healing Touch, and certified in 5-PATH™ Hypnotherapy and 7th Path™ Self-Hypnosis. I am also a Ghost and Energy Clearing Specialist working with Angels and Guides, Intuitive Energy Healer, and trained Past Life Regression Facilitator. Email: Phone: 612-840-3562 Website:

Transcendent Soul Healing Inclusive healing sanctuary for your soul

Transcendent Soul Healing offers services to help you go beyond anything you ever thought was possible to heal your life and soul. Services include, Certified Akashic Record readings, Aura Photo and Reports, Psychic Mediumship, Past life readings, Shamanic Reiki energy healing, Tarot/Oracle Readings, and Paranormal investigations. We also offer weekly classes, workshops and events to enlighten and support spiritual growth. We also carry metaphysical products and jewelry/art. Email: Ph: 612-468-8411 Website: Location: 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417

Transforming Your Phoenix

Healer, Life Coach, Clearings of Negative Energy and Entities

Nancy pinpoints the core issues that hold you back in life. She helps with self-actualization of Who You Are, strengthening your spiritual gifts and growth. Nancy helps you overcome and heal limiting beliefs and self doubt, including healing past lives, ancestral issues, issues within yourself that need resolving for optimal spiritual growth.

Angela Zabel LLC Teacher, Coach, Medium

Angela has connected to those on the other side her entire life. People who passed and those from other realms, here to support us. Healing energy, messages from those that passed and information to help you on your journey, are shared with compassion. Offering online and in person private and group sessions, personal and spiritual growth coaching, classes and retreats at Email: Website:


Group Tarot with Kate Mura Your quirky alternative to team building.

Whether you want to shake up your current culture, sit more deeply into co-creating a b.e.s.t. world, strategically plan a bit differently, or just have a fun alternative to a Zoom happy hour, Group Tarot is a surprising yet effective experience for corporations, organizations, teams, and other collectives to interact in an uplifting, engaging way. Individual readings and coaching sessions, also offered. Visit the Group Tarot FB page at Email: Phone: 503-298-6972 Website: Location: Portland, OR


Strains of the Earth

We believe that Cannabidiol is Mother Nature’s miracle.

Discover the health and wellness benefits of holistic products at Strains of the Earth! Our THC, CBD, and mushroom products – from gummies to topicals to tinctures – offer relaxation and rejuvenation like no other. We believe in a holistic approach to wellness, and that's why all of our products are crafted with premium ingredients to ensure complete satisfaction. Visit us in person or online today! Email: Website: Phone : 952-417-6133 Location: 415 Broadway Street S, Unit 140, Jordan, MN 55352

Email: Phone: 715-928-3098 Site: Location: Baldwin, WI



DEC/JAN 2024

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Gemstone Wands That Uplift People, Places and Plants


Christie Umboh, owner of Holistic Arts

Intuitive jewelry artist and wellness professional, with an array of jewelry, crystals and clearing products for the soul. Christie is a Reiki master and Guided Meditation Therapist, and has worked with Echo Bodine to create jewelry infused with love and light. She combines numerology and crystals to make personalized jewelry. Email: Phone: 651-705-6110 Website: Location: Eagan, MN

Moxie Malas

Crystal energy & aromatherapy jewelry created as a wearable affirmation of the energy within. Each piece is handmade in MN with genuine stones and crystals with its own story to tell. Our Moxie Monthly Bracelet Club that comes with unique bracelet, loose crystal and intention practice each month. We take people beyond the bracelet with workshops and retreats to support personal discovery, transformation, and empowerment. Email: Phone: 651-808-7378 Location: 7406 Central Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 Website:


Awakenings... Gifts & Guidance for the Soul Metaphysical Store

The area’s premier meta-physical stores and learning spaces. We offer a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. Let our friendly staff guide you to hand curated selections of crystals, singing bowls, and one of the largest selections of in-stock oracle, affirmation and tarot decks. Now with two locations! MN: 4165 Minnehaha Ave, Mpls, MN 55406 Phone: 612-656-9007 Email: Website: WI: 421 2nd Street, Hudson, WI 54016 Phone: 651-248-1900 Email: Website:

Dream in Jasper

Small Town Crystal Boutique Dream in Jasper is a small woman-owned crystal, and metaphysical shop offering a safe space to shop for, and learn about crystals. We also Carry a variety of jewelry, incense, oils, books, candles and more with many of our items being made by local artists and creators. Email: Phone: 651-491-8011 Location: 107 N Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Website:

Lady and the Beard Salon

Healing Beauty Salon for ego and spiritual love An inclusive Beauty salon that has dedicated themselves to "Healing you whole from your hair to your soul." Custom haircuts, colors, hair extensions and other beautifying services. We offer Transcendental Soul healing, Akashic Record Readings, Angelic healing, Aura Photos, and Shamanic Energy healing. We host workshops and classes for spiritual growth. We also offer metaphysical products, tarot cards, jewlery and art. Email: Ph: 612-468-8411 Website: Location: 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417

Midwest Witchery & Healing Being a nurse combining holistic, homeopathic remedies for your wellness, along with using majick as a Witch, Jodi Jacobson creates unique medicine. Using organic and ethically sourced components, Jodi hand creates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. Practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Jodi creates a safe environment to helps those on their own unique spiritual path. Email: Location: Stillwater, MN Website:



Ho'oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian practice of purifying memories and dispelling negative energies, offers a unique path to break free from the barriers and limitations that often impede personal growth and happiness. Here are some simple ways to incorporate its guiding principles in your daily life. Adorning yourself with intention-focused jewelry becomes a tangible reminder of your steadfast commitment to the practice of forgiveness, extending compassion to yourself and others. These specially crafted pieces often incorporate symbols, gemstones, or inscriptions aligned with Ho'oponopono's core principles. Each time you wear this jewelry, you consciously choose to carry the essence of forgiveness and love with you throughout the day, anchoring yourself in the practice, even amidst life's challenges.


AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Radio & Podcasts

AM950 is the only Progressive Talk Radio station in Minnesota. We strive to provide the best progressive programming available. We feature national talkers Thom Hartmann, Stephanie Miller, Amy Goodman, David Pakman and Brad Friedman. AM950 Radio is also dedicated to local programming that creates a community forum for important Minnesota progressive issues such as Native Roots Radio. Email: Phone: 952-946-8885 Site: 11320 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344


Bergh Consulting

Strategy, Branding, Website Creation, WordPress Care Plans, Ongoing Support Bergh Consulting supports businesses and organizations in creating a digital foundation including strategy, branding, and website design and development. We take pride in a simplified processes to get you online joyfully. We focus on the details so you can focus on what you love. Our favorite clients are ones who are passionate about what they do and want to make a difference in the world. Email: Web:

Vibe Ko Apparel

Metaphysical T-Shirts and Apparel for any occassion High Vibrational, inspirational designs on soft, quality cotton t-shirts and other apparel for the "Wu" person in your life... (Is this you?) Full spectrum of sizes available. We use water based non-toxic inks, ensuring bright and beautiful eco-friendly results. There's 'a lil love' in every design. So proudly wear your Vibe Ko shirt and spread the good vibes! Fully customizeable designs available – perfect for parties and family reunions.

Music serves as a harmonious gateway to bring Ho'oponopono into your daily life. Its soothing melodies and meaningful lyrics can touch your soul and evoke profound emotions. Music becomes a vessel for embracing forgiveness, gratitude, and love. It enables you to transcend verbal language, reaching deep into your core, where healing and cleansing transpire. Ho'oponopono cleansing foods present a unique and holistic approach to healing and renewal. These foods are thoughtfully selected for their spiritual significance and their ability to support the cleansing process integral to the Ho'oponopono practice. For instance, strawberries and blueberries are known for their capacity to release negative beliefs and memories. Similarly, coconuts, with their deep spiritual connections, can bring you closer to the Divine. Drinking blue solar water constitutes a potent Ho'oponopono cleansing tool. To create blue solar water, pour tap water into a blue glass bottle and place it in sunlight for a minimum of one hour. This solarized water becomes blessed by the Divine and can be employed in a multitude of ways, including drinking, cooking, washing, and even bathing. It serves as a powerful means for problem-solving and enhancing overall well-being.

Incorporating Ho'oponopono into your daily life through these tools and techniques has the potential to be profoundly transformative. By selecting the practices that resonate with you, you can embark on a journey of personal growth, improved mental well-being, and a deeper connection to the Divine. a

Email: Web: visit




Whale Wisdom for Healing and Star Communication BY O N A C H R I S T I E M A R T I N

At this pivotal moment in the unfolding of Earth’s consciousness, the Whales have a message for those who will listen. THE WHALE S SPE AK :


"If you ask us to, we will relay your messages to those who are watching over you. If you ask us to, we will assist you in communicating with your star brethren.

Search for “Whale” on for an expanded version of this article, including how to work with them for healing, spiritual awakening, and inner peace. a

We can work together. Oh human beings, when will you finally remember how to work together, how to sing together? Remember what it is like to harmonize before it is too late. Speak to us. Think of us in your dreams. Bring us back into your awareness. We are the voice of the Water. We are the voice of Life. You are allowed to grieve. Grieve now; let the tears flow. There has been much pain, much anguish on the surface of the world. We feel it; we feel it deeply. Allow yourselves to feel. You must feel the pain to heal from it. Ask us, and we will invite the healers in on your behalf. Ask us for our wisdom. You need only to ask. There is so much healing and love available to you, should you will yourself to receive it." WO RK W IT H T H E W H A L E S : Walking the healing path is an act of will. At this time, the Whales are reminding us that we are not alone. We have incredible support in the spiritual realm, including angels, spirit animals, and star beings. However, we must ask for their help if we wish to receive it. Water is the lifeblood of the planet and an incredible carrier of electrical impulses. It connects and flows through every living being here on Earth. Water is a reminder that we are all one. The Whales are the Lords of Water and are able to receive and amplify or rebroadcast information (impulses) received from extraterrestrial sources. They are vital to Earth’s ability to communicate with her planetary brethren. They can also communicate on our behalf if we ask them to. In their message, the Whales are offering themselves as partners in healing for yourself and for humanity. Will you take them up on it? 18


DEC/JAN 2024

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O n a C h r i s t i e M a r t i n is a visionary artist and lightworker who helps people heal through art and nature. Ona has a special connection with spirit animals and is the creator of the Spirit Animal Awareness Oracle. Visit her YouTube channel @ArtOfAwakening, learn about Ona’s readings, art, and events at ArtOfAwakening.LIFE

20 Manifest Your Desires 24



What a powerful year this will be for you as you discover the many great manifesting opportunities that are waiting for you to create and experience this year. This is the year you will have the supportive vibrational energy to manifest what you have been dreaming about. The vibrational energy for 2024 adds up to the manifesting (make it real) energy of the number 8. The ancient wisdom of numerology teaches you that everything is energy. When you measure this energy, you gain insights into the messages it wants you to know. The vibrational energy of 8 supports your personal power for manifestation (make it appear) and your desires (strong feelings of wanting something). Each month this year you will be given enhanced energies and supportive manifesting abilities to explore and experience. You will be rewarded by manifesting something personal, something material, and or experiencing spiritual satisfaction. The “trick” is you will need to spend time each month getting clear and setting your intention on what you want to manifest. You will need to explore your “why” each month to identify what feelings will be satisfied by the desires you choose to manifest. I believe January’s new beginnings energy is the best time for you to do whatever it takes to release any self-doubt about your manifesting abilities. Why is this necessary? A wise man once said, “If you can believe it, you can achieve it”. Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking said, “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.” These manifesting energies (to the right) are available for you to succeed. They work best if your desires are just a little out of your reach. If your early desires are uncomfortable and a bit intimidating, they have better odds of success. Once you master your confidence in manifesting the out of your comfort level desires you can move on to manifesting bigger desires. If you’re not quite feeling you can do this, you can always wait... this powerful 8 manifesting energy will return in 2033. The following is a very successful 4-step manifesting practice that Lori Palm and I use at the end of each year. We celebrate what we have manifested to bring us the joy we desire.

Practice these Manifestation Steps: clear on what desire you want to 1 Get manifest - a new relationship, new

career, new home, new lifestyle? Getting clear vision will give you a target to hit.

tricky part now is to identify why 2 The you have this desire. Your “why” comes from the feelings you will have when your desire is manifested.

a vison board with pictures of 3 Create the desire you crave to accomplish.

We suggest you only use pictures and feeling words on your vision board.

your vision board and hang it an 4 Frame area where you will see it everyday to keep you connected to and inspired to manifest your desire.

Your Daily Affirmation: With strong feelings of desire, a little daily practice, and a daily pep talk, I will manifest my desires in 2024. a

WES HAMILTON, MASTER NUMEROLOGIST brings a blend of extensive practical experience and extraordinary mystical know-how to his work. As a Master Numerologist, clients throughout the world seek his guidance and insight regarding important decisions. His expertise has been honed over 40+ years and thousands of clients to deliver amazing results. Connect with Wes at 612-308-2962 or and visit






I was going to write about Holly with the holiday season upon us, but Spirit stepped in and said “no, you need to tell everyone about cinnamon!” Well, I don't argue with Spirit, so cinnamon it is! I am sure somewhere you have cinnamon in your spice cabinet, as we have all used it in cooking. But the benefits of this spice go far beyond just flavoring food. This spice has so many amazing health benefits; it's no wonder our grandmothers always had it around! Add cinnamon to your cooking to keep yourself healthy throughout this winter season. If you feel a cold coming on, make chili and add cinnamon. It gives it a warm, nostalgic taste and fights off the virus because it's an antiviral! Do you suffer from high blood pressure? Have a cup of hot cocoa with a sprinkle of cinnamon, which can help reduce it. Warm cinnamon tea is another option, and it helps ease tummy troubles like IBS, as it's an anti-inflammatory agent. Being anti-inflammatory means it can help with joint pain, too. How many of you have seen the videos of people blowing cinnamon into their front door on the first of the month for prosperity? That's because it has been used for years to bring abundance into your life. So stand outside your front door every month, blow a small pinch of cinnamon into your home, and say, "I welcome prosperity and good fortune into my home on this day and all the days that follow." Do this each month. Leave it on your floor for 24 hours before you sweep it up. Keep in mind cinnamon can be dangerous for cats. If you have felines, be sure to sweep it up right away. Did you know cinnamon is also used in protection working? In pagan practices, we make cinnamon stars and hang them by our front door. It's in the form of a pentagram, a form of spiritual shielding. It drives away negative spirits and entities. We also adorn our Yule trees with them.



DEC/JAN 2024

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Add cinnamon to your cooking to keep yourself healthy throughout this winter season! Many witches put cinnamon into their spell bottles and other magickal workings for protection for themselves and their families. I have even placed a cinnamon stick over my front door frame to help stop negativity from walking in my door and to allow for prosperity and abundance to come in. It's a double-duty spell that works to my advantage. Cinnamon is also used in love and lust spells. It is known to "heat up" the situation and bring love to you or passion into your relationship. Do you have a manifestation spell that you need to come to fruition quickly? Add cinnamon! It is known to speed things up in spell work! I use it in my kitchen witchery by putting it in hotdishes and baked goods to give my family when arguments happen. It brings love, understanding, and protection to defuse any unpleasant situations. There are many more amazing and powerful aspects of cinnamon. So, make sure you always have it in your pantry to help you along your journey in life. You never know when you might need an extra "kick" of love. a

J O D I J ACO B S O N , owner of Midwest Witchery and Healing, uses organic and ethically sourced components, as well as hand creates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. Practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Jodi can help you with your spiritual needs. Find out more by visiting

Hope, warmth & tarot cheer for the most wonderful time of year.

Yuletide Tarot Kristoffer Hughes; Art by Erin O’Leary Brown $32.99 • Boxed Kit • 78 Cards; 312-Page, Color Guidebook 1-877-NEW-WRLD New Worlds of Mind, Body, & Spirit Since 1901




Community Calendar classes, workshops, events The following are only a portion of the events on our Community Calendar at! Find out why it's the fast and efficient way to discover great holistic, spiritual, and metaphysical events – both online and in your area.

DECEMBER Sacred Space 2 Creating Our physical spaces and the land they are built upon have

HAVE AN EVENT TO SHARE? Contact us at and place your listing!

for this special Holiday Market sale. Find original paintings as well as prints, cards, jewelry, journals and other art. A perfect opportunity to start your holiday shopping. Saturday-Sunday, December 2-3, 2023. 10am - 5pm. Location: A-Mill Artists Lofts, 315 SE Main Street, Minneapolis, MN 55414

Light Meditations for You and 4 Free the World with Annette Rugolo

Are you ready to bring in more light in your life? For the first 3 Mondays in December I invite you to join me. We will be bringing in light for ourselves, our families and, as a group, will be radiating light to the world. Dec 4, 11, 18, 7-8pm CST. More info email Register for free at

6 Join a safe, judgement free inclusive gathering of like-

in the New Moon 12 Breathe Join Terri for an evening of Soul Breathing, Heart Healing

and Soul Connection by Zoom. You will let go of stress, clear your blocks and raise your vibration to find more clarity, harmony, peace and joy. It's a NEW MOON. As we breathe in the new moon energies, we will send our intentions out to the ethers to manifest our desires and help create the new Earth. Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023 7pm-9pm CST. Fee: $35. Sign up for 2 sessions and save: Only $66 for 2 sessions. Call 651-442-4623, email, or visit



DEC/JAN 2024

Included: Event photo/logo, dates/times, site, contact info, social media

December is a busy month as we prepare for family visits and gatherings. During this space clearing meditation, you will learn a powerful method for clearing out any old, unwanted energy that might negatively be affecting your holidays. Using powerful light frequencies, you will be able to clear out old energetic debris that has collected over this past and prior years. Dec 14 7-8:30pm CST. Fee $48, Cyber-Monday sale price $28. More info email Register at

Collective 20 Starseed Join a safe, judgement free inclusive gathering of like-

minded seekers of all things spiritual & metaphysical at no cost to you. Fee: $0. 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Wednesdays Dec 6, Dec 20, 2023, Jan 3, 17, 31, 2024. 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417. Site: Email:

Celebration & Travel to the 21 Holiday Upper World in Santa’s Sleigh

Come celebrate the holidays with some yummy high vibrational food, laughter, and great conversation. We will travel as a group in our magical Santa’s Sleigh to meet with our Spirit Guide and have a conversation with them and give thanks. Come to the Zenith High Healing Studio and hang out with friends. Thursday, Dec 21, 6-8pm CST. Location: Zenith High Healing and Wellness Center, 2654 Alabama Ave. S. Saint Louis Park, MN 55416

Starseed Collective

minded seekers of all things spiritual & metaphysical. No matter where you are in your journey join us to learn more, ask questions and question all things in the universe. Make connections, enjoy good conversation and leave feeling supported, inspired and renewed. 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Wednesdays Dec 6, Dec 20, 2023, Jan 3, 17, 31, 2024. Fee: $0. 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417. Website: Email:

Location: Online updated each month print updated bi-monthly (6 editions/year)

Clearing Your 14 Space Home for the Holidays

natural and accumulated energies that can disturb our wellbeing. Learn how to clear and set energies of protection around your home, office, or property using two Star of David energetic grid techniques. Saturday Dec 2, 2023, 9:00am 1:00pm CST. Baldwin, WI or online via Zoom. Price: $175 plus $50 for manual. To Register: Call or text Nancy Randen at 715-928-3098 or email

Artist's Gallery Market 2 Holiday Tour and shop artist's galleries within the A-Mill Artist Lofts

Word Count: 70 word max. description

Full Moon Meditation 26 December Join me in a Full Moon journey to the sacred city of

Shamballa! The energy of the Full Moon assists us in expanding and heightening this peace, not only for ourselves but for humanity. Connect more fully with our soul purpose as we step into service for humanity. Tuesday, Dec 26, 2023 7-8pm CST. $7.50 per meditation. Purchase tickets at

JANUARY Collective 3 Starseed Join a safe, judgement free inclusive gathering of like-

• t he e dg e mag azine

minded seekers of all things spiritual & metaphysical at no cost to you. Fee: $0. 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Wednesdays Dec 6, Dec 20, 2023, Jan 3, 17, 31, 2024. 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417. Site: Email:


Octave Living Series 13 Higher Join us for 90 minutes of amazing intuitive conversation and

mind-body-spirit practice. One Saturday a month, Sept 2023 through Jan 2024, 10:30am-12pm CST. $150 for all sessions. Info at and

Breathe in the New Year 14 Join Terri for a powerful, life changing workshop to

consciously create your 2024. This workshop will take you into your creative process as we use the energies of the New Year and the New Moon along with the power of BREATH to set your intentions in motion and manifest them into form. Sunday, Jan 14, 2023 10am-1:30pm CST. Fee: $129. Call 651442-4623, email, or visit

& Deepen Your 16 Develop Intuition – Levels I & II

Each class is designed to open and expand your intuition as you experience different techniques. We will explore a range of different techniques that you can continue to practice between classes to keep developing your skills. Tuesdays Jan 16, 30, Feb 6, 20, and March 5, 12, 2024. 9:30am - 1:30pm CST. Saint Paul, MN or online via Zoom. Cost: $850 + 50.00 for both manuals. Register at

Collective 17 Starseed Join a safe, judgement free inclusive gathering of like-

minded seekers of all things spiritual & metaphysical at no cost to you. Fee: $0. 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Wednesdays Dec 6, Dec 20, 2023, Jan 3, 17, 31, 2024. 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417. Site: Email:

from the Collective 19 Disconnection Shadow & Cellular Activation

We are all connected and affect one another on an energetic level through the collective consciousness – a unifying energy field that surrounds all of us. This course teaches you how to disengage from the heavier issues and problems that affect humanity through the collective consciousness. Friday Jan 19, 2024, 2:00pm – 6:00pm CST and Saturday Jan 20, 2024, 9:00am – 5:00pm CST. Cost: $450 + $100 for the manual. To Register: Call or text Nancy Randen at 715-928-3098 or email

Full Moon Meditation 25 January Join me in a Full Moon journey to the sacred city of

Shamballa! The energy of the Full Moon assists us in expanding and heightening this peace, not only for ourselves but for humanity. Connect more fully with our soul purpose as we step into service for humanity. Tuesday, Jan 25, 2023 7-8pm CST. $7.50 per meditation. Purchase tickets at

EXPOS, FAIRS & FESTIVALS Aurapalooza Meet us at The New Center for Aurapalooza! Hosted by Echo Bodine on the third Saturday of each month at her Hub Shopping Center location. Mini Aurapalooza events held 10am2pm on Saturday Dec 2, 2023 and Jan 6, 2024. Please email for directions and event and vendor details. Pre-book your session at Saturday Dec 16, 2023, and Jan 20, 2024 10am-5pm CST at The New Center 8 W. 66th Street in Richfield, MN 55423

Be the Light Psychic & Wellness Expos

New speakers monthly! Find over thirty healers, psychics, mediums, aura photos, jewelry, sound bowls, and more. Held the second Saturday of each month. Purchase tickets at the door or in advance at Contact Carol at and 612-840-3562 Saturday Dec 9, 2023, and Jan 13, 2024 1-7pm Studio TimeOut Building, 6001 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55419

BodyLabUSA Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs

Indulge yourself in a fantastic day brimming with an array of amazing vendors offering a wide range of products and services! $5 entry fee grants you access to four captivating speakers. Group mediumship gallery $25. We can't wait to see you there! Fall schedule at Saturday Dec 9, 2023, 10am-5pm CST Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Rd. Maple Grove, MN 55369

Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs

Come to explore Everything Spiritual, Holistic & Wellness related. We will have a variety of vendors, Group Gallery mediumship, and 4 FREE Lectures. $5 Entrance Fee. FREE gift bags to the first 25 people. We have something for everyone. Find upcoming fairs at Saturday Feb 10, 2024, 10am-5pm CST Flat Creek Lodge, 10290 Highway 27, Hayward, WI 54843 Saturday Feb 17, 2024, 10am-5pm CST Stevens Point Elks Lodge #641, 1132 Clark Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481 Saturday Feb 24, 2024, 10am-5pm CST Comfort Inn & Suites, N6295 Holiday Drive, Black River Falls, WI 54615

Soul and Synergy Psychic & Wellness Fair

Join us for a day of healing, with vendors that include readers, mediums, psychics, energy healers, shamans, and reflexology. Find crystals, candles, jewelry, incense, and more. $5 entry fee. Visit or contact Terry Flick at 715-598-7002 and Sunday Dec 17, 2023, 10am-5pm CST Wintergreen Conference Center, 60 Gasser Road, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53940 Sunday Feb 11, 2024, 10am-5pm CST Oshkosh Waterfront Hotel, 1 N Main St, Oshkosh, WI 54901


Teacher, coach, and medium Angela Zabel brings decades of experiences and learnings, and an expansive new list of special guests! Listen to new episodes on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7pm CST. More about Angela's coaching, classes and retreats at Browse shows at

Spirit United Interfaith Church Sunday Services

Honoring personal and planetary awakening. All are welcome! Join our Sunday services inperson and online at 10:30am. Held at The New Center, located at 8 W. 66th Street, Richfield Hub, MN 55423. Ring doorbell if needed. Sign up to get Sunday service links sent directly to your email:

The Being Curious Show

Listen Sundays 12–1pm, during AM950 Radio's Sunday Shine Radio programming block. Hosts Kelly and Brian create discussions that curiously connect Teachers and Seekers on a wide range of unique topics. Listen to past episodes and subscribe at Please contact if you're interested in being interviewed or sponsoring an episode.

Shamanic Drumming and Journeying Group

Newcomers welcome, no experience required! We have extra drums and rattles if you don't have your own. We meet the third Tuesday of every month, 7pm CST at White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church, 328 Maple Street, Mahtomedi MN 55115. Zoom option is available. Contact Nancy Hauer at 651-426-4917 and for more information.





Scan to view list and purchase these books.

101 Ways to Create Mindful Forgiveness: A Heart-Healing Guide to Forgiveness, Apologies, and Mindful Tools for Peace By Kelly Browne Navigate the digital age with this timely guide, a compass for expressing apologies, accepting forgiveness, and making meaningful amends. It's a treasure trove for fostering personal awareness and wellness.

The Sacred Herbs of Yule and Christmas:

Remedies, Recipes, Magic & Brews for the Winter Season By Ellen Evert Hopman An enchanting exploration that takes readers on a global journey through ancient Christmas traditions, Pagan customs, and seasonal flora! The author examines the magical properties of herbs and the origins of holiday symbols from Yule Logs to Winter Solstice divinations.

Extraordinary Awakenings: When Trauma Leads to Transformation

52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles: Cultivate a Simpler, Slower, More Love-Filled Life

By Steve Taylor

By Karen Casey

Explore the profound, and often perplexing, phenomenon of transformation through intense psychological suffering. Through captivating narratives of individuals who emerge from life's depths into higher states of being, the author examines the intricacies of 'shifters' – those who, like phoenixes, rise from adversity. With a keen psychological lens, he deciphers the processes behind these remarkable rebirths after struggles, loss, addiction, or imprisonment. The book offers riveting stories showcasing human resilience and provides invaluable lessons, guidelines, and a beacon of hope for readers navigating their own trials.

Discover the power of progress over perfection as you glean practical wisdom for embracing serenity and healing. Let each page be a stepping stone toward a more harmonious and fulfilling life, inviting you to find solace in the present moment and create a sanctuary of peace within.

Finding Your Calm: Twelve Methods to Release Anxiety, Relieve Stress & Restore Peace Edited by Angela A. Wix Discover your relaxation solution with this compilation by twelve top authors from Llewellyn. This guide presents diverse relaxation techniques, blending scientific and spiritual approaches. Each chapter offers practical insights from body wisdom to astrology, mindfulness to aromatherapy.

Sleep Magic: Surrendering to Success By Victoria Pendragon



This spiritual guide unveils the power of dreams to reprogram the mind for profound healing and self-manifestation through DIY Emotional Cellular Reprogramming. Dive into the author's journey, adding depth to this insightful and empowering method of self-discovery and transformation. Unleash the potential within and start on a path of healing and personal evolution like never before! D E C / J A N 2 0 2 4 • t he e dg e m ag azine

Spiritual Truth with De'Ette Watch De'Ette's show LIVE Mondays at 9am CST on The Edge Facebook and YouTube channels

5-card Draw




The Wishing Well - You have helped others and now the universe is paying it forward to you. You will find yourself on the receiving end of positivity.


Metamorphosis - it is time to transform, you are no longer the same as you were. Embrace the new you.

Discover the sacred healing powers of water and find support, connection, and guidance with this activating 44-card deck. The Healing Waters Oracle is a beautifully illustrated and easy to use card deck. The imagery is soft, and includes both descriptions of the imagery and descriptive words to assist in understanding the cards drawn. Written by Rebecca Campbell with artwork by Katie-Louise.

CARD 3: The Waterfall - you have inner strength and confidence within you. You will find yourself going inward, be assured the answers are within.

CARD 4: Stagnant Waters - You have found yourself feeling stuck, not able to move past the current into a new way of being. It's time to move into an uncomfort zone and allow change to occur.

CARD 5: The Sirens - Freedom can be found when we use our voice. Look with in and find your truth. Speak it out and allow yourself to be free.

READING AS A WHOLE: De'Ette Ranae is a certified psychic medium and medical intuitive and master teacher. Watch her live show "Spiritual Truth with De'Ette" on The Edge YouTube and Facebook channels Monday mornings at 9am CST. Get in touch with De'Ette to book your own reading and to learn more about her courses on her website

You have spent time giving to others and not always giving to yourself. This is the time for you. You are going through an inner transformation. This can be an unnerving time, trust that you have what it takes to do this. The strength is within you to conquer what is ahead of you. Within this change you will learn more about you, who you are and what you are here to experience. Trust in your truth and freedom will be yours. – DeEtte Ranae

P visit




with the Angels by Cheryl Carrigan

My favorite time of day is when the Angels call! I pour a cup of coffee, grab my journal and pen, and converse with the Angels. I call this very magical time "Coffee with the Angels" and I am thrilled to bring you some of my experiences through The Edge Magazine.

another one. I smiled! I asked the Angels how they made fireworks that look like smiley faces. The angel said, "In the same way that you make happiness in your lives. We choose to." Happiness will surround you and the rest of the world in 2024!

On this particular day, the Angels wanted me to wind up 2023, then set some intentions for 2024! They said, "Watch this!" As I looked up, I saw the most spectacular fireworks display, every color of the rainbow exploding overhead! Fireworks are a sign from the Angels that magic is about to begin!

The fireworks remind you to look beyond the chaos/distractions, and you will find happiness and smiles once again.

As I continued watching the fireworks, I was surprised to see all the heart shapes. Heart fireworks! What could be more beautiful? I asked the Angels what the hearts mean for 2024. The angels replied that the red hearts were from our loved ones, sending us a message from above that we are very much loved. Then what were the pink hearts for? The Angels replied, "Oh sweetheart, those are to bring love into people's hearts once again! So many people are feeling lonely. 2024 is going to be a year for love!" The Angels said, "Open up your hearts for a new level of love to come to you and through you! You will find your tribe amongst the chaos in the world because your hearts are shining bright!" I stopped, placed my hand on my heart, and watched the hearts appear before me. Open up your heart and let the sparkling hearts in! Love it! When I looked again at the fireworks, I saw what appeared to be a smiley face. I blinked and saw



D E C / J A N 2 0 2 4 • t he e dg e m ag azine

As the grand finale exploded, magic beyond magic appeared in the sky. The angels whispered, "See all the sparkles? Those are all the amazing unlimited opportunities you will have in 2024!" I couldn't believe my eyes! Every rainbow color appeared and sparkled with opportunity as it lit up the black sky! This is truly a remarkable time to be here on earth. I encourage you to pour a cup of coffee, wrap up 2023, and set some intentions for the year ahead! Then look up and watch the magic of your intentions explode into breathtaking fireworks displays in 2024! Let's see what magic is coming for you in 2024! Book your Coffee with Angels Reading in December or January for 50% off your reading. a C H E R Y L C A R R I G A N is inspired by the Angels and lives guided by her intuition. She is an Inspirational Author, Speaker and Mentor, a Spiritual Teacher, Angel Card Reader and Psychic/Medium. She supports people to be brave enough to take a deep breath in and ignite the spark that is waiting inside each of them. Visit to get more information and to work with Cheryl.




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