The Edge Magazine #350 Aug/Sept 2023

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Home but Not Alone

Rose Hip Medicinal Uses

What is Projective Faith?

The Edge Partner Directory




AUG/SEPT 2023 NO. 350

Echo Bodine’s Center

Kris Harper

• 952-242-7886

Amber Maier

Akashic Record Healing & Reading

• Angel Healing & Reading

• Soul Coaching, Mentor & Teacher. Founder of the Akashic Angel Healing Academy

Angelic Guidance, Direct/Intuitive Channeling, Tarot/Oracle card readings, Past Life explorations, Quantum Coaching.

Debra MChelle

Psychic medium with understanding of love, energy, empathy and its impact. Services include psychic readings, mediumship, healings, tarot card readings, & grief coaching.

• 651-428-1667

Bobby Blanz

Bobby connects with who you really are through intuitive conversations. She provides insight of you inner wisdom.


Echo Bodine •

Julie Buckman

Psychic, past life readings, chakra balancing, medium, animal communicator, and healing

• 715-220-7111

Holly Peterson

Intuitive Enegy Healer that channels the Spirit of Love & Compassion in her client sessions.

O ers Akashic Record readings which help you resolve perplexing problems in this lifetime or Angelic Energy Healings which help you receive healing that is already all around you.

Hand Crafted Metaphysical Jewelry/Kemetic Birth Chart Reports/Adv. Reiki & Vibrational Anatomy Instructor

Wes Hamilton

Numerology readings showing who you are & what you are here to accomplish in this lifetime.

Spiritual Hypnotherapist/Past Life Regression/Reiki Master/Intuitive Reader. Connecting you with your Soul's divine purpose through healing, wisdom, and love.

A sacred, shamanic healer guided by divine love providing transformative client sessions

Psychic medium that helps connect others to spirit guides and loved ones who have left this world. I provide messages, guidance, reassurance and peace for my clients.•

Akashic Records and Evolutionary Astrology

I o er full QHHT and past life regression sessions to help clients explore their inner wisdom, heal past traumas, and unlock their true potential.

Amber DeBriyn

Readings provide clear insight, action steps and for powerful clearing & Transformation work with Transformative Life Sessions (Distance and In-Person sessions available).

Paul David Stanko

Intuitive Readings with Tarot cards

• 612-567-0531

Author of the novel & screenplay, “Jesus of Nebraska” • 651-829-1012 • • 612-275-1832 • • 612-308-2962 • • • 952-457-5842 Intuitive
Gail Glover Logan Richman Angi Jara Mht Lisa She et Fernando Tellenz Rev Carl Wergyn Casey Constant • 763-269-1880 612-600-1402 Rebecca Ann Andrea Aydt Echo Bodine’s Center Pre-Book Your Practitioner Session Now! ECHOBODINE.COM MEET US AT THE NEW CENTER
Palmistry, Card Readings & Mediumship Psychic, Healer, Teacher, Author, Ghosthunter for close to 60 years.

Reflexology is a hands-on approach to healing. The Julie applies specific hand, thumb & finger movements to the bottom of the feet which allows the body's reflexes to provide healing from within.

Lovitude TM Soul Paintings and beautiful products have been called visual blessings. Anne Pryor is available for Lovitude demonstrations, speaking and coaching. •

Sacred Ceramics and Wire-Wrapped Crystal Jewelry

Transform ordinary to extraordinary in your life by using colors, textures & a touch of fairy dust to make your surroundings magical. Live like you dream. Let me be your guide. • 612-232-0965

We address the top things stressing out your physical and emotional body while giving your body an electrical treatment charging millions of cells at the same time.

I use a biopulsar Aura and Chakra imaging machine to suggest ways clients can optimize their Aura and Chakra system. Animal

Holistic Arts o ers hand made, love inspired and Reiki infused gifts, jewelry and crystals for the soul. • 651-705-6110 •

Trained in multiple healing modalities that I share in the clases I teach and services I provide.

Utilizes Emotion Code & muscle testing to work with the subconscious mind to release trapped, unprocessed issues.

• Aurapalooza is held the 3rd Saturday of every month from 10 am - 5 pm

• Special Meditations on Friday nights

• Spirit United Church on Sunday

• Classes Starting This Fall:

~ Psychic Development

~ Past Life Regressions

~ Pastor Tim's class

~ Astrology

• Ice Cream Socials on 1st Saturday of the month 10 am - 2 pm

• Christie Umboh 's Holistic-arts store located at the Center

At HeartCentric Divine Creations, we hand-craft one-of-a-kind pendulums, bracelets and pendulaces (pendulum necklaces). We love to help people find their perfect pendulum and educate them on how to use their pendulum to connect to their intuition.

Communicator and Medium •
612-963-7534 • • • 763-795-8176 (text only) Rev Pamela Marko Christie Umboh Anne Pryor Ma Hankerson Edie Dull
Mary Newstrom
Amanda Wi eman Happenings around the Center To rent space, please contact Julie Seiler
763-257-9355 • 952-913-5574
612-444-5893 763-439-9660
Dave Daw Paula & Rob Smith
Seiler Terri Kiggins
Lana Brooks & Karina Muller
Mary Newstrom's Zenith High, o ering shamanic services. Healings, readings, and shamanic training. AURAPALOOZA DATES: AUGUST 19 TH & SEPT 16 TH 10 AM – 5 PM HUB SHOPPING CENTER - 8 WEST 66TH STREET - RICHFIELD, MN 55343

On the cover: The Portal, Activated


Featured Topic: We Are Not Alone

Edge Partner Directory


Michele Rae and Emily Fossum,

The Oxymoron of Being Home and Alone

The Power is Yours: What to Expect with Cannabis in Minnesota

From the Editor


Stages of Faith 2: Intuitive Projective Faith













Body/mind/spirit resources

Power for Manifestation

Medicinal & Magical Rose Hips

Community Calendar Classes, events, fairs, expos

Books We're Reading Right Now

Our very own Edge editor imagines connections to higher consciousness in this extraterrestrial cover. Find wearable high-vibe creations by the gifted illustrator and graphic artist Steve Wagner at VibeKoApparel. 2 4 7 9

The Transformational Art of Benjamin Creme By Share International





THE EDGE MAGAZINE 8625 Coachmans Lane, Eden Prairie, MN 55347

ISSN 1085-0996 © Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved.

The Edge Magazine is published by The Community for Higher Consciousness, LLC. Reproduction of articles in print or electronically without permission of the author is strictly prohibited. The Edge does not contain medical, legal, or financial advice. Any information about these topics is not a substitute for professional advice, and the Community for Higher Consciousness or The Edge Magazine does not assume any liability for any actions resulting from the reliance on any information or advertisements provided in this publication. Printed with soy ink. Please recycle.

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Whether you've seen, communicate with, or simply believe in, angels, fairies, spirits, the afterlife, or extraterrestrials (or beings of an even higher intelligence) we can safely agree that


Are We Alone? Next Question...

By November, there will be approximately 8 billion people on planet Earth. That’s 8 billion fellow human beings! A rhetorical question like this invariably gets asked in the media, a headline, a photo cutline, etc., whenever the UFO/UAP topic pops up. But it strikes me as a patently absurd question to ask.

Are the same bungling and brilliant, awful and awesome creatures “out there” in the great beyond? Or does the question ask if The Grays, The Zeta Reticulins, the large praying mantis-like creatures and the Reptilians and the tall, blonde, Norse-like figures that populate countless tales in UFO lore are somehow sharing the cosmos with us? I don’t know.

What I do know is that Dr. Richard Haines of NASA-Ames documented more than 3,000 pilot sightings of objects under intelligent control – years ago! That Sgt. Major Robert Dean read an alleged classified government document called "The Assessment" during the ‘60s that discussed threats posed by alien activity on Earth, and concluded that no such threats existed, even though the report also said there were many species of “ET” visiting Earth. The document, however, has never been found or made public.

I also know that in 1997, a 40-plus page document was posted on the Rand Corporation's website called “UFOs: What To Do?” written by George Kocher in November of 1968,

Are we alone? It depends.

Humanity is at a choice point of intense possibilities and opportunities, a transition that creates conditions for new perspectives and capacities to emerge."

We are not alone rings true for every human being. We are hardwired to belong. Every one of us experiences connection, however it varies depending on our perspective, capacity, and worldview. At first, we can feel like we are separate from everything else. This is the hardest part! We often have a sense of scarcity, judgment, fear, reactivity, and blame. We are working on healing our holes and finding connections with people we trust and circumstances that support inner calm and growth.

As we mature and know ourselves as a whole, our perception of intuition, synchronicity, paradox, discernment, miracles, and creativity is enhanced. We feel more interconnected and open, curious, tolerant, and compassionate. We access higher levels of consciousness. We connect to inner wisdom, guides, angels, elementals, and galactic beings. Our

but never peer-reviewed. Looking at historical sightings as far back as the 1500s to the modern era, including “the large number” of UFOs around atomic and military installations such as White Sands, New Mexico, and the the Hanford Site, the plutonium production plant in Washington State., the report contains some telling information about how such sightings should be handled, and later speculates about the possible numbers of intergalactic civilizations that may be far advanced beyond our own.

Given that Earth science and technical development are roughly only 500 years old... ”among the populated planets those younger than the sun would be peopled by beings very much behind us technologically, while those on older planets would be extraordinarily advanced (remember our progress of 500 years and note that some planets could be as much as a few billion years older) we are left with the possibility of 100,000,000 planets in the galaxy having life forms very much advanced from us.” That report is 55 years old now.

Maybe as Congress continues down its alleged path of disclosure as it has this summer with public hearings, we’ll get the definitive answer to that silly “alone” question.

In the meantime, we have each other. For better or worse. a

ways of knowing reach beyond time and space, are nonlocal. We are not alone in multiple dimensions.

Continuing to expand our worldview, we realize we are All That Is, and never alone. Our attention is in the present moment. There is a deep knowing of and trust in what is. We live in the world like a dancer responding to music that calls us to move. All our unique qualities, preferences, and lineage continue to exist in and as us, while our primary identity rests in I AM. Unity consciousness prevails.

During this time of transformation, we are called, individually and collectively, to know every aspect of our multidimensional self. In community with each other, all our connections support us as we usher in this new era together. a

Michele Rae is a Transformational Intuitive Coach and Spiritual Teacher, founder of The Center Within, and author of “Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming.” She offers coaching and classes to individuals and groups integrating higher frequencies as we evolve into a new era. Learn to accelerate and amplify your natural process of awakening, align your mind-body-spirit, and become your most empowered authentic self at

featured topic )
Martin Keller is the author of “The Space Pen Club: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind, UFO Disclosure, Consciousness & Other Mind Zoomers” and blogs on topic at
2 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine

Wise Helpers: Co-Creators of Soul Nourishment

Life circumstances can create patterns of disconnection with the broader world. Limitations of understanding created out of our lived experience are reinforced by habits of isolative living and decreased engagement with new people, ideas, and places.

After I experienced a spiritual awakening, an awareness of my place in the universe and a desire to engage others became clear. I experienced a vision of a wise woman and midwife who was present within me. She was there to assist me in facilitating transformative conversations and playing my part in the birth of a new consciousness in the world. Since then, my life changed remarkably. In fact, I finally had a life. The me that was present before was numb, disconnected, overdrinking, isolative, and frozen. The me after has been living with passion, willingness to feel pain, curiosity, creativity, and movement.

I developed a new way of listening to myself and the world. But this did not happen through quiet inner work alone. It was also through working with wise helpers. Many of those who assisted me are listed in the Edge Directory. The directory offered me a place to have soul conversations and develop a different way of seeing my challenges, circumstances, and pain points. Soul-based inner work supports a broad, grounded, dynamic way of seeing the trajectory of our lives. We need each other to learn to see in this way. Wise helpers are abundant. We are not alone.

I began to invest in the work of my soul and the care of my body in the way that some people invest in their homes. I cannot think of anything I would rather invest in than this work. The clarity within, nourished by soul conversations, inner work, travel, and connection with nature, has continued to stretch my soul and clarify my voice.

Our connection with self-worth, our gifts, and our creative potential is born out of engagement with the world. The old narrative is that it is disempowering to ask for help. The new narrative is that engaging others in conversations around transformation teaches us how powerful we really are.

There are abundant wise helpers to meet, engage, and co-create with. Just look in The Edge Directory! We are never alone on this journey. We are built to co-create. Every experience, joyful or painful, is an opportunity to stretch our souls, learn more, and become more empowered. I invite you to join me on this adventure of discovering your gifts and co-creating a new way of being in the world. a Emily Fossum, MA, is the Founder & Creator of Soul Tunings. This unique and deeply transformative work is provided through individual sessions that have been created to tune you to your soul’s gifts and purpose. Emily is a Soul Practitioner and Soul Storyteller who embraces beauty in all its forms and loves to laugh at life’s absurdities along her journey. To connect with Emily, visit 1-702-352-3021 The 24-Unit Energy Enhancement System combines body, mind, spirit and science to help support and promote peak performance and higher states of health consciousness. Schedule your health assessment at:
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the Oxymoron of being Home and Alone.


In the Tao de Ching, Chapter 47, Lao Tzu says, “Without leaving your home, you can know the whole world.” This is quite a puzzling statement since travel is a big part of our lifestyle – often considered a life-saving aspect that gives us new perspectives on the world as well as a greater appreciation of where we live. Yet, a man from 2500 years ago professes that we can plumb the depths of the universe just from our own home.

What would cause us to find such fulfillment and insight in a place we see all the time and often take for granted? It wasn’t until my studies of Feng Shui deepened through various perspectives and practical experiences that I realized that the place we call home is very much alive and welcomes interaction. Mark Twain discovered this concept and, in one of his essays, wrote the following about a home he and his wife had designed and built, a space for which they obviously had strong feelings:

"Our house has a heart and soul and eyes to see us with; and approvals and deep solicitudes and deep sympathies; it is us and we are in its confidence and live in its grace and in the peace of its benediction. We never come home from its absence when its face does not light up and speak out its eloquent welcome, and we cannot enter it unmoved."

This anthropomorphism of their home underscores the importance of personal space, how deeply it can be felt, and how much it can influence our lives. I call it a quantum entanglement between self and space, not only in my own home but also with specific Feng Shui clients who have found support, answers, and comfort from their home's energy. This intimate connection between self and space is called chrysalism. Our home, our chrysalis, is not only a physical sanctuary but a psychological one as well. It’s where we find such strong support and clarity that we can confidently welcome its wisdom and strength, leading to our own deep transformations.

A space – whether a home, a room, an office, or a corner –when asked, can reflect to us our values and our dreams, and help us remember who we truly are and what’s important to us.

When you lose your way, listen to what your space is telling you. There’s deep transformational wisdom available if you ask and pay attention – it’s “coming home” when you’re already home.

Alain de Botton wrote The Architecture of Happiness: "Returning home at the end of the day, we can slowly resume contact with a more authentic self, who was there waiting in the wings for us to end our performance."

G. I. Gurdjieff, an early 20th-century Armenian spiritual master, refers to this system as “reciprocal feeding” – an exchange of information, a two-way street providing opportunities for both sides to communicate. Communicating with your home/space is a learned experience which means it takes practice. Think of the Velveteen Rabbit – you don't make contact right away, but with time and patience, the communication becomes real. Beginning with an appropriate application of Feng Shui principles, your home can then transcend the geometry of the physical and, with its innate sense of grace, it can help to guide your trajectory to one that provides the next step.

It is a guardian of your identity, a champion of your cause, a light in the darkness. Being alone in your home means there is an opportunity to remember who you are and where you’re going. You are never alone when at home – the space waits for your acknowledgment. That’s all it needs. As Lao Tzu says, without leaving your home, you will never be alone again. a Carole J. Hyder can help you create a space that you love, a space where you thrive, where you always want to be – a space that is remarkable. Let Carole help you find the soul, or essence, of your home or office using both traditional and modern Feng Shui principles. Experience what it means to have a space that quietly and steadily supports and shelters you. Get started by scheduling your consultation at

4 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine
Confident Empath A Complete Guide to Multidimensional Empathing and Energetic Protection $22.99 • 288 pages • Paper ISBN 978-1-64411-755-2 Water Alchemy Oracle A 40-Card Deck and Guidebook $25.00 • 144 pages • Boxed Set ISBN 978-1-64411-730-9 Books for Spiritual and Healing Journeys since 1975 800-246-8648 • Shop • Available Wherever Books Are Sold Rochester, Vermont visit | 5
6 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine

The Power is YOURS:


It’s legal! Minnesota has become the twenty-third state to legalize recreational adult-use cannabis. What used to be “underground” is now becoming full-fledged support for cannabis–and the industry is ready to boom. Each state has implemented legalization a little differently, and it is important to know what to expect from our state in the months to come.

On the consumer side, there are a lot of things to be excited about. The bill is putting cannabis in the hands of the people first by allowing possession and home-grow before retail sales. An individual may possess up to two pounds of cannabis at their home, and each household may grow up to four immature plants and four mature plants at a time, provided they are kept in an enclosed space. The law also states that employers may not require cannabis drug screenings, with certain exceptions. For example, anyone needing a CDL, health care providers, and childcare workers. Of course, employers can and likely will prohibit the consumption of cannabis or being under the influence while at the workplace. Basically, Minnesota employees can feel comfortable being responsible users on their own time, just as with alcohol.

Starting August 1st, 2023, any minor, non-violent marijuana convictions will be expunged from records automatically, and more serious offenses will enter review for potential expungement. The law will also give preference to business license applicants who fall in this category, such as those living with criminal convictions for possession or sale of cannabis. The intention is to give priority to applicants who have been impacted by anti-cannabis law enforcement in the past, including consideration for social equity and those living in areas with high rates of poverty.

The cannabis industry has been scrutinized in recent years for being mostly dominated by privileged or previously wealthy business owners, while those who

originally cultivated these products are still in poverty because they were considered criminals. Minnesota’s lawmakers made some impressive decisions with this in mind. The response of our community and neighboring legal states has been to declare the competency and virtue of the bill, and this specific addition represents a fair shot at inviting everyone to the table.

Another important and positive move enacted by the bill revolves around taxes, of all things: part of the revenue will be used to fund prevention and addiction recovery programs! For those interested, a 10% excise tax has been decided for cannabis products, which falls under the tax rate of tobacco but is still not quite as generous as the rates for alcohol. 80% of the tax revenue is expected to cover the state costs of regulating the industry and grants to help cannabis businesses, while the remaining 20% will be distributed to local governments. When it comes to retail sales, it will be a few months before all cannabis products are available on the shelves. Minnesota must establish the Office of Cannabis Management before licenses can be applied for. However, the current cannabis market is available, and we have a wide range of great products!

At Strains of the Earth, we couldn’t be more excited; new avenues for business, new partnerships, and more opportunities keep presenting themselves. We plan to open more dispensaries, launch our own product line, start offering delivery, and provide grow equipment and training, and we’re just scratching the surface! Minnesota already has some great products available from the hemp-derived market. We have seen many established breweries already partnering with cannabis companies to launch THC-infused seltzers – one of the most popular new cannabis products in our stores. Stop by our locations in Jordan or Carver to give them a try. a

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The bill is putting cannabis in the hands of the people first.

Kelly and I have really enjoyed selecting and investigating the Featured Topics that we highlight each issue. We feel that exploring higher consciousness, embracing chaos, and facing fear have helped equip us for the challenges we face in our lives. Which topics would you like to see us discuss in 2024? Please send your thoughts to Subscribe to start receiving issues at your home or office at

On the cover: Steve Wagner's The Portal, Activated

As a connection to higher consciousness is achieved, the membranes between Earthbound light bodies, galactic and angelic guides, and Source thin. Rest assured, we are not alone.

From the editor ) Mary Newstrom's U P C O M I N G E X P E R I E N C E S hamanic Vortex Dimensional Travel October 15th, 2-4pm in Hudson, WI with CMK ENERGY Visit ZenithHigh com for more information 952-913-5574 8/19: BodyLab USA Keynote Speaker Fergus Falls, MN 8/6: Lake Harriet Spiritual Center Speaker Minneapolis, MN 9/23-9/24: Women & Spirituality Conference Rochester, MN 9/22-9/24: Mycelium Mysteries Women's Mushroom Conference Presenter Almond, WI Break Through Retreat 11/11 N o v e m b e r 8 - 1 2 , 2 0 2 3 i n A r i z o n a
8 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine

Stages of Faith 2: Intuitive Projective Faith

We all come into this lifetime with ancestral and past life shame, doubt, and guilt. Many of these issues activate in childhood, so we can resolve these inherited issues later in life. This not only helps our selves but help our ancestors and the collective since we are all interconnected.

I’ll be writing a series of articles about developmental and spiritual stages in life from birth - adulthood and the issues that go with these ages. We can become developmentally stuck in ages we haven’t yet healed, so it’s important to understand them to transform them.

My first article talked about what I labeled Stage 1 – an unnamed stage in James Fowler's "Stages of Faith" book. This stage covers ages 0-2. This is when infants and toddlers develop trust so they feel safe and okay in the world. This age is key to forming positive bonds with others. It's been recently recognized as a key component to good relationships and feeling safe and good in the world as an adult.

This article will cover what we’re calling Stage 2 (James Fowler's Stage 1). He calls this the "Intuitive Projective Faith," which is ages 2 to 6 or 7. During this stage, children are unable to compare two perspectives on the same object or situation. They have magical thinking based on their own way of experiencing their world. They do not yet have logic to see if their magical thinking really fits the world. This stage is also about autonomy vs. shame and doubt and initiative vs. guilt.

Since this is the stage of magical thinking, then anything that happens to you during this age can be viewed as your fault since things are viewed without logical reasoning. It can be your fault that your mother is unhappy, your fault that your sibling or grandparent died, your fault that dad lost his job, etc. If a trauma takes place, you will probably believe you should have stopped it or believe you caused it because you’re bad.

This developmental stage is the perfect stage for re-establishing our unresolved guilt and shame from other lifetimes and ancestry since it doesn't take much to do so. If you don’t work on healing this, a part of you stays developmentally stuck in ages 2-7. You will likely respond as though you are this age.

How do you let go of shame, doubt, and guilt from this stage in life?

The body is holding onto these emotions/feelings and keeping this child-like reaction to life going even though there is no validity in it today. It is helpful to talk to the body like you would a small child, "Body these are old beliefs and emotions that you are feeling. They have nothing to do with your life today. It’s time to let them go and move into the truth that it’s not your fault. You have no control over other people’s actions. You can let go of shame, guilt and doubt from every cell. Picture this happening.

You can also picture your younger self and have your currentself talk to her/him. Your younger self can let you know what is bothering them, which will help your current-self understand what’s being stored within the body. Your current self can reassure your child-self which then reassures your body since your

body feels the same way as your unresolved child-self. Find out if your younger self trusts your current self. Will she/he let you hold or hug them? Once your younger-self feels safe with you, ask if the two of you can merge together which acts like a soul retrieval. This allows any fragments of your spirit that were lost due to difficulties and traumas to come back in. This creates a positive, permanent change for the better. Emotions are a normal reaction to life but are not meant to be held onto and felt throughout your life span. You are not your experiences. You are not your emotions. You are a Divine Being having a human experience. You are meant to live a life filled with growth and meaning. a

MAUREEN HIGG I NS, MA. Maureen owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded the School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through her workshops at and experience through her audios, available at

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Edge Partner Directory body/mind/spirit resources





Everett & Charlie Art Gallery

Minnesota Artists Gallery

A Linden Hills art gallery where art meets experience, Everett & Charlie features original art from only Minnesota artists

Voted “Minnesota’s Best Art Gallery” by readers of Star Tribune in 2021 and 2022. Gallery includes paintings, screen-printing, photography, pottery, glass, jewelry, textiles and leather, sculpture and woodwork. Offers a calendar of openings, trunk shows, workshops, demos and music. Available for private events.

Email: Phone: 612-444-8706 Location: 2720 W 43rd St. #103, Minneapolis, MN 55410


Creators Space

Community Center, Event Destination

Community Creativity Center and Coffee

House sparking and cultivating the Creative Spirit. We provide the space and tools for anyone and everyone to Think, Explore and Create, organically building a diverse community working together to ignite personal enlightenment and growth along with positive change and impact for our community.


Phone: 651-340-6736

Site: Location: 218 7th Street E, St. Paul, MN



Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs

BodyLabUSA’s goal is to bring awareness and education to everyone about the benefits of alternative healing to help our bodies emotionally, spiritually, and or physically. We offer events throughout Minnesota currently, with more states coming soon. We offer a mediumship gallery event and educational sessions throughout the day. Our first 25 guests receive a free gift bag!


Phone: 715-292-2625

Facebook: Website: Location: Minnesota

Souls Of Spirit Expos

Word Count: 70 word max. description

Location: Online updated each month print updated bi-monthly (6 editions/year)

Our purpose is to create community awareness of spirituality by bringing together vendors who share their modalities of healing, journeys & awareness with communities to assist in uplifting humanity and awakening to the reality that we are souls having a human experience. Each expo includes a Gallery event and guest speakers. Join us at events in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana.

Email: Phone: 701-721-2801

Website: Location: North Dakota


AnnapurnaBlue Health and Wellness



Wisconsin’s modern megalithic “Stonehenge”

Located 2+ hours southest of the Twin Cities, and open daily 10am-6pm, May-Oct.

This 30-acre park-like sanctuary boasts three stone circles, thatched chapel, labyrinth, dolmen, prairie, dry-stacked stone sculpture, dragons, and more. This sacred space offers peaceful, calming connection to the land. Enjoy self-guided visits, music events, full moon sound baths, solstice/equinox observances, meditation, drumming, and more. Unique venue for micro weddings, day-retreats, small group classes/workshops.


Christian Gnosis

Christian Gnosis is one person's endeavor to make known the message of Esoteric Christianity, through the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom.

To receive Christian Gnosis send an email request to

Spirit United Interfaith Church

Sunday Services 10:30am

In-Person and Online Via Zoom

When Spirit calls you to go beyond limitations of what has been, to explore possibilities of what can be... We are Spirit United. We’re a spiritually diverse community. Children welcome. Get the Zoom link at

NEW LOCATION for Sunday Services starting April 2nd! The Center – 8 West 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423 Email: Phone: 612-378-3602 Site:

AnnapurnaBlue offers a unique blend of the ancient Tibetan Healing and Modern Healing technique through retreats. Our retreats offer students the space to step out and see their life from the outside in. To discover why their life is not working, removing the obstacles and negativies and to create a plan for their daily life. Our retreats help to promote healing and balance!

Email: Phone: 952-300-6111

Website: Mailing Address: 14702 Excelsior Blvd #1249, Minnetonka, MN 55345 Retreat Center Location: 40719 Lows Lake Rd. Emily, MN 56447


New World Women

We cannot create a new world doing things the old way. New World Women co-founders Dawn Morningstar, Mecca Page and Shawn Vougeot know this and responded by creating an innovative approach to women’s self-empowerment, fully centered in the Divine Feminine. NWW’s platform provides like-hearted sisterhood, learning and increased prosperity for women around the world. When women do better, so does everyone around them – and women are ready for better!



Location: Stillwater, MN


Peng Roden Her

Licensed Acupuncturist, Medical Intuitive, Master of Qigong

As a medical intuitive, Peng Roden Her has the ability to sense the physical, and mental/emotional ailments of his patients – he combines these gifts to treat both the symptom and the source. He has strong passion for teaching and demonstrating the mind-body connection through breath and movement and was a featured expert in Taking Charge of your Health, a program put together by the University of Minnesota: Center for Spirituality and Healing and the Life Science Foundation.

Email: Phone: 612-708-0753

Website: Location: Bloomington, MN


Rooted Holistic

Healing & Wellness Fairs

Rooted Holistic Healing and Wellness fairs are held throughout Wisconsin in many communities to bring hope and healing to those in need. At our fairs you can expect to find a multitude of vendors offering products and services as well as Gallery events and guest speakers. Come and join us for a day full of education, healing, shopping, and much more!

Email: Phone: 715-832-2775

Website: Location: Wisconsin


SOTE Sanctuary

We offer a tranquil refuge for the body and mind. Our knowledgeable practitioners provide healing alternatives to help relieve stressors, mental health issues and physical ailments through yoga, breathwork, mindfulness, sound healing and more. We seek to show our members new paths of connection with their true-selves as well as others around them – ultimately bridging the gap between traditional and alternative forms of medicine.

Email: Phone: 952-582-4841

Website: Location: 415 Broadway Street S, Unit 260, Jordan, MN 55352

10 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine

Light of the Soul, Inc.

Akashic Records, Crystals

Light of the Soul, Inc. is a spiritual center founded by Jeanne Crescenzo empowering Soul Conscious Living through spiritual healing services, training, and crystals from Mother Earth in store and online. Jeanne is an Akashic Medium, Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, QHHT practitioner, Theta Healer, and creator of the Galactic Soul Keys Oracle. When we remember who we truly are we can create a beautiful world.

Email: Phone: 651-214-6560

Location: 14051 Burnhaven Drive, Suite #102, Burnsville, MN 55337


Included: Photo/image/logo, website, contact info, social media us at and place your listing!
The Edge staff is dedicated to bringing our readership together with their optimal healers, teachers and practitioners. In keeping with that mission, we proudly announce our incredible all-new online Partner Directory platform. See The Edge difference at!
Email: Phone: 608-687-3332 Website: S3439 Cole Bluff Lane, Fountain City, WI, 54629

Amber Maier, Soul

Alignment Coach

Akashic Records, Angel Healing, Intuitive Coaching, Thetahealing, Reiki Master, Teacher

Amber has passion for helping you discover your soul purpose, awaken your unique gifts, and move past your blocks so you can fully embrace your power and purpose. Amber uses a unique blend of intuitive coaching with guidance and healing from your Akashic Records, Angels and soul to help you take powerful steps forward on your soul path and quantum leaps in your personal healing and vision for your life.

Email: Phone: 952-220-5428



Being You Energetically, LLC

Ancestral, Crystal Grids, Energy Sessions, Spiritual Oil Anointing

Any session with Carol Dutton is powerful and will give you the unique and specific missing links to clearing the traumatic and ancestral patterns keeping you from living an extraordinary life. She is an expert Subtle Energy Practitioner, Reiki Master, Irigenics® Ancestral Eye Reading Consultant, Crystal Grid Healer, and creator of the Ancestral Connection Ceremony. As an ordained minister, she also offers Spiritual Oil anointing.

Email: Phone: 320-515-0183

Site: Loc: 221 S. Union St, Suite #4, Mora, MN


Purely Natural Healing

Craniosacral Therapy, Somato

Emotional Release, Chinese Medicine

For those who are ready to heal, we together can move you out of the pain and shift your energy into what you are truly here to do. Every session is focused on what is going on at that time. From womb to a walker. Barb has studied and worked in both Eastern and Western Medicine for over twenty-two years. Come for the HEALTH of it!

Now serving you from two locations: 93 Little Canada Rd W, Suite 100, Little Canada MN 55117 and 111 Maple St N, Turtle Lake WI 54889. Call: 715-441-5905


Strains of the Earth

We believe that Cannabidiol is Mother Nature’s miracle.

Discover the health and wellness benefits of holistic products at Strains of the Earth! Our THC, CBD, and mushroom products – from gummies to topicals to tinctures – offer relaxation and rejuvenation like no other. We believe in a holistic approach to wellness, and that's why all of our products are crafted with premium ingredients to ensure complete satisfaction. Visit us in person or online today!

Email: Website:

Phone : 952-417-6133 Location: 415 Broadway Street S, Unit 140, Jordan, MN 55352


Jill Goux, The Energy Renovator & Intuitive House Whisperer

Master Dowser, Transformational Coach, Intuitive Energy Practitioner, Channel and Spiritual Teacher

Jill Goux has been sharing her wisdom, gifts and natural talents since 1995. Her diverse ‘energetic toolbox’ has helped thousands of people understand, manage, & shift their energy to create a life they truly desire. Join her on a conscious journey across the country as she connects a crystal grid to expand heart energy to raise the vibration. This ‘Trip the Light Tour’ connects powerful souls towards a common goal of expansion, illumination & enlightenment.

Email: Phone: 612-423-6360

Website: Location: Minneapolis, MN


Maureen Higgins, MA, Wings of Freedom

Energetically Healing Audios, Private Sessions, Workshops

Want to feel lighter and happier and create a life filled with meaning? Help your mind, emotions and body let go of the past including outdated beliefs, memories and emotions with individualized energy healing! I’ve created a number of energetic healing techniques you can access through audios and sessions. Learn how to develop your own mastery through a number of energetic healing workshops!

Email: Phone: 651-665-0104

Location: St. Paul, MN Websites:,

Kalila Healing Arts

Energetic Healing, Coaching

Kalila Healing Arts mission is to empower you for optimal mind.body. spirit wellness. We offer Energetic Allergy Healing sessions, distance Reiki, classes, special events, online courses, and more. Stacy Edland, founder of Kalila Healing Arts, is an Energetic Allergy Healing practitioner, Reiki master, certified EFT Tapping practitioner, certified life coach, and has a master's degree in education.

Email: Site:

The Mystic Geek

Spiritual Connection Mentor, Tarot Expert, Energy Worker

Jessica Karels made it her personal mission to empower people who are caught up in the hustle of life to tap into their inner wisdom so they can confidently handle any of life’s obstacles and help heal the world. Certified in Usui Reiki, Evolved Neuro-linguistic Programming, Transformational Coaching, and Quantum Time Release, she uses a variety of spiritual and everyday tools to facilitate individual growth and transformation.

Email: Website:

Annette Rugolo

Environmental Healing

Annette Rugolo is an Author, Global Teacher, Speaker, Environmental Healer and Soul Guidance Facilitator. With almost 20 years of experience, she provides tools of transformation that support those looking for lasting change.

Email: Phone: 612-394-3736

Website: Location: Chaska, MN 55328

Soma Soul Sovereignty with Elizabeth Sullivan

Multi Dimensional/Universe Energy Work

The alchemy of SomaYoga, Ayurveda and Energy Medicine is a synergistic approach that supports this self-healing state within and around us. Everything is energy. Becoming more skillful and managing our energy is vital to our well-being. Our energy patterns affect our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Healing ourselves is one of the greatest journeys we can take as humans and multi-dimensional, multi-universe beings.

Email: Ph: 651-270-0660

Website: Location: St. Paul, MN

Soul Path Energy

A Soul Guided Approach to Healing

Healing is remembering the truth that you are a powerful being who is light, love, joy, peace, and presence, and feeling whole once again. My reiki, intuitive energy, and soul path guidance services can help you remember that truth. Are you looking for a holistic approach to your health or simply want to feel restored and rebalanced? I strive to create healing pathways for my clients, empowering them to feel whole and live better and healthier lives.

Email: Phone: 612-250-8769

Website: Location: St. Paul, MN

True Quantum Holistic Energetic Healing, Dowsing

Vanessa and Andrew have been

True Quantum Healing practitioners for over 4 years. Their alternative healing sessions have yielded positive outcomes with many issues such as trauma/ptsd, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disorders, soul retrieval, past life karmic clearings, soulmate/twin flame partnership healings, entity attachments, abduction issues, mind control de-programming assistance, energy weapon detox or removal assistance, removal of and protection from magical intrusions, ascension issues, bloodline healing,

Email: Phone: 423-445-0077 Website:


Terrain Health LLC, Dr. Robin Rose

Integrative, Functional, Precision Healthcare

Terrain Health and Dr. Robin Rose are leading the biomedical revolution in functional and precision healthcare, utilizing advanced testing and next generation technology that target the human gut microbiome, and understand its links to overall health, immunity and disease through its interconnectedness with the other systems in your body.

Email: Phone: 203-900-4416

Website: Location: Ridgefield, CT

Dr. Erika Way, DC, DCBCN, Beyond Chiropractic

Functional Medicine, Chiropractic, QNRT, Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition, Detox Programs and Energetic Healing

Dr. Erika Way empowers her patients to transform their physical, emotional and spiritual bodies so they can manifest their optimal path. By combining the tools of Chiropractic Care, Functional Medicine, QNRT and Energetic Healing, Dr. Erika helps her patients transform the physical, emotional and energetic blocks that keep patients feeling stuck. Once you have the tools for your "health tool box" you can become the master of your own health.


Phone: 651-288-1988

Website: Location: 7300 Hudson Blvd North, Suite 210, Oakdale, MN 55128


Beyond Iridology

Iridologist, Enlightened Spiritualist, Reiki Master, Paranormal Investigator

Beyond Iridology brings an alternative view through the lens of your iris and much more.


Phone: 763-443-9732 Website:

Location: 1440 85th Ave NE, Suite A, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432

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Partner Directory


Carolyn Vinup of Gateways to Brilliance

Transformational Sound Ceremonies

Carolyn Vinup has been practicing and teaching Sacred Sound Healing, Feng Shui and Creating Sacred Space Ceremonies for over 20 years. Carolyn guides spiritual seekers through Sound Healing Experiences, Spiritual Blessings, Transformative Ceremonies and Attunements that awaken your higher consciousness and expand your inner light. Come experience the beauty, tranquility, warmth, and wisdom of the Sacred Sound Chamber.

Email: Mobile: 612-325-5162 Website:



Egg, LLC

Manufacturer of the Ellipse ®

Harmonic Egg ® and LiFT™

Clear the trauma blocking you from self-love and abundance! Our products use sacred geometry, light, color, and frequencies to empower the body’s own healing energy. By amplifying energy resonance within the chamber, the client receives an energy therapy that is precisely controlled, consistent, and repeatable. Simple and safe. Our products use no harmful EMF or radiation. Designed and manufactured in Colorado. Available at over 100 locations in 10 countries across the world. Visit our site to find a location near you.


OM Center of Healing Sound & Light Healing Therapy


Dr. David Stella, Las Vegas Holistic Health Center

Dr. Stella is a part of the Las Vegas Holistic Center, which has the ability to tap into the frequency of a person's mind body and spirit and enable them to achieve extraordinary health. Located in Las Vegas, with clients all over the world. We provide in person and remote tools, education, technologies, products, and services that help people create their optimal next steps for health and wellness.

Email: Ph: 702-352-3021 Location: 5795 S Sandhill Rd, Suite A, Las Vegas, NV 89120 Website:


9th Street Wellness Center EAST

Your path to a wellness lifestyle!

Our Wellness Center promotes an environment where practitioners work together for the greater good of individuals, engaging the community for the past 12 years. The path to wellness is a concept that embraces multiple healing arts. We want to see people thrive and live happier, healthier lives. The Wellness Center is a place that encourages your path to a lifestyle of wellness.

Email: Phone: 920-490-9699

Location: 2330 Meadow Park Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311 Website:


Holly Busse

Reiki Master/Teacher, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Practice Group Leader

I believe people want to feel healthier and less stressed, but it can be confusing where to start. In-person and distant reiki sessions, in-person and Zoom reiki classes, and in-person and online stress reduction training.

Email: Website:



Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh

Heal the body, clear stuck patterns and deepen your Soul connection through conscious breathwork. With over two decades of experience in holistic health and many years as a licensed pharmacist, Terri offers a variety of holistic sessions: Soul Breathing™, Soul Coaching, Supplement & Nutrition guidance, BEMER therapy, Pranic Healing & Reiki. Use breath to optimize your health, raise your vibration and transform your life.

Email: 651-442-4623 St. Paul, MN Websites: and


Emily Fossum, MA Soul Practitioner, Storyteller

Soul Tunings with Emily Fossum provides individualized sessions that have been created to tune you to your soul’s gifts and purpose. Soul Tuning's creative content can be found across all social media and through live and in-person events. Founder and Creator Emily Fossum is a spiritual comedian, hiker, intuitive, coffee lover, and traveler who embraces beauty in all its forms and loves to laugh at life's absurdities along her journey.


Phone: 206-851-2082

Website: Location: Albuquerque, NM

The Center Within

Transformational Intuitive Certified Coach

Michele supports clients with intentions to live in alignment with their soul’s divine blueprint and inner wisdom personally and professionally. Michele’s guidance as an intuitive coach and spiritual teacher for over 25 years accelerates and amplifies your natural process of removing blocks and what no longer serves while clarifying your next steps as you ignite your full potential.

The Harmonic Egg® is a resonant chamber, utilizing sound and light, to deliver positive, life-changing results. It delivers a natural, holistic energy therapy designed to help the body heal itself, our many clients have found it to be helpful for a variety of health issues. Experience relief from anxiety, difficult emotional issues, injuries and pain, spiritual dissonance, mental and developmental disorders, and illness.


Phone: 651-363-3539

Location: 2334 University Avenue W, Suite 150 St. Paul, MN 55114


Location: Chanhassen, MN


Stammer, P.M.T, R.S,

Balanced Elements Reiki Training & Bodywork LLC

Professional Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Sound Healing & Aromatherapy Student

Falina Stammer has over 20 years of experience and is the founder of Balanced Elements Reiki Training & Bodywork LLC. She blends many modalities to give you what your Mind, Body, Soul & Spirit need. A free 15 minute consultation is available Specialties: Massage/Reiki, Hypno-reiki meditation, Sound Healing, Reiki Training.

Email: Phone: 612-991-8309 Website:

Email: Phone: 612-465-9775

Location: 8120 Penn Ave S Suite 500B Bloomington, MN 55431 Website:

Sandy & Dale Pocernich –doTERRA, Healthy Life Coaching

Sandy & Dale Pocernich are Platinum doTERRA Wellness Advocates and have been part of the doTERRA family since 2013. Our goal is to help you replace everyday toxins with natural products. We will educate and support you on what products and oils are meant for you in your journey to better health and a toxic free lifestyle. Free weekly classes on their Facebook page.

Email: Phone: 715-832-2775 Sites:,

12 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine

Pat Sheveland, Healing Family Grief

Grief Coach Certification Training

Healing Family Grief provides certification training through The Confident Grief Coach School. Through this extensive training, learn key concepts of coaching specifically designed for working with the bereaved to help them create lives filled with peace and purpose. Course approved by International Coaching Federation for 34 CCEs.



Phone: 952-210-3767

Location: Chaska, MN

What's Next with Sara Remke

Energetic Healing, Intuitive Guidance

Transforming yourself transforms your world! Working with energetic and psychic boundaries will change your life. Learning about chakras and Auras you will discover how to clear your own energy field and move into the flow of life. As we clear our Astral (emotions, beliefs, vibrations) body we connect to ourselves where expansion can happen. Through self reflection, self awareness and self responsibility we open up potentiality and openness to life as it is. I teach classes on chakras and auras, dreams and psychic boundaries.

Available for one on one sessions. Email:

Phone: 651-808-0652 Website:

Carole Hyder

Helping people create a dream-aligned space

Carole Hyder can help you create a space that you love, a space where you thrive, where you always want to be – a place that is remarkable. Let Carole help you determine the soul of your home or office using both traditional and modern Feng Shui principles. You will discover not only how to reflect who you are now but also lead you toward your dreams.


Phone: 612-823-5093

Website: Location: Saint Paul, MN


Leslee Wegleitner

Transformative Messenger, Spiritual Guide

Leslee combines Human Design and her unique Light Language called Fields and Harmonics of Sacred Light™ to support clients through transformative change. Human Design provides strategies to know oneself beyond the mind. Light Language as a vibrational expression shifts energy to frequencies beyond human limitations. Combining these, Leslee’s clients can understand and expand their relationship with Self and others while living their own Divine guided moments.

Email: Phone: 651-260-5622



Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression

Connect deeply with your Higher Soul Self to heal, grow and awaken to your wholeness. I offer Present Life Trauma & Inner Child Healing, Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Spiritual Hypnotherapy. With a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, I ensure a safe, healing experience. 23 years of experience and have guided over 4,000 sessions. Read over 400 reviews and book online at

Email: Phone: 651-649-1952

Website: Location: Mendota Heights, MN

Angi Jara MHt, Angelaria Healing Studio

Spiritual Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression, Reiki Master

Angi is passionate about guiding her clients to achieve a lasting state of peace, positivity, and empowerment in their individual Soul’s journey. Through gentle and relaxing Hypnosis or Reiki sessions, you will access your inner wisdom, move beyond obstacles, explore past lives, heal trauma, experience abundant love, discover your divine purpose, channel your Soul, meet your Spirit Team, and embrace the exceptional life you were meant to live. It's easy. Let's begin.

Email: Phone: 651-252-9060


NDRevolve, LLC

Hypnotherapy, Artist, Energetic Healing

Living heartfelt genuine expression. Feeling. Healing. Learning. Growing. Multidimensional intuitive healing, exploration, and wisdom gathering from within the incredible safe and peaceful stillness reached via hypnosis with Nathan Rolf as a loving and compassionate team member. Open up to healing dialogue with all energies within the everythingverse including emotional healings, body pains, ailments, and opening up to your own intuitive self. Explore the wisdom from divine spirit realms. The possibilities of learning from, and healing all stuck energies that no longer serve you in your life are infinite. Follow Nathan on Instagram: Email: Phone: 920-342-5454 Location: 3937 Blaisdell Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55409


Greywind Raven Intuitive Guide, Past Lives & Contracts

Lisa Howard provides energy services using methods, including past life resolutions, soul contract modification, releasing trapped emotions and heart walls. These methods provide solutions to issues impacting your current lifetime. Also, providing psychic training and spiritual growth workshops. Over ten years of training and certifications.

Email: Phone: 320-395-9893

Website: Location: Winsted, MN

Dr. Janaka Hanvey, Lighthouse Therapies

Past Life Regression Therapy

Lighthouse Therapies provides past lives regression services. Objectives are for clients to learn how a past life or series of past lives experiences affect current relationship issues, phobias, addictions, talents, themes, as well as provide insight into how past life trauma can relate to current life trauma. Another frequent occurrence is discovering spirit guides that inspire and protect one through many lives.

Email: Phone: 651-271-2460

Website: Location: Forest Lake, MN


Eagle Spirit Collective

Non-profit 508(1)(C)(A) organization that celebrates our connection to the Divine Creator through sacred medicine ceremonies, self-exploration, and shadow work. We build relationships through monthly integration meetings, group meditations, spiritual mentoring, and other fellowship events.

Email: Phone: 651-504-2493

Website: Location: Stillwater, MN


Rachael Maire’ Geurkink, Nuanced Art and Energy

Shamanic Earth Medicine, Mistress of Ceremonies, Dream Guide, Artist

Remembering your light is just the beginning. Through observation and honor of our connection to the natural world and Creative Source energy, I teach techniques of mindfulness and hold space for deep soul exploration and energetic healing. Now offering shamanic Earth medicine healing sessions, past life guided journeys, dreamscape development, weddings & ceremonies, and Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki. Welcoming clients remote and in person.



Location: 512 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362

Mary Newstrom, Zenith High

Shamanic Teacher & Mentor, Shamanic Healings, Spiritual Wellness Coaching, Cacao Ceremonies & Shamanic Cacao Cleanse

Internationally known Shamanic Practitioner and creator of Spirit Flow Shamanic Study Programs, Mary has studied with shamanic teachers in the U.S. and with the Shipibo Shamans living in the Amazon basin of Peru, enhancing the skills Mary brings to her training and healings. She holds a doctoral degree in psychology and is certified in Health and Wellness Consultation.

Email: Phone: 952-913-5574

Website: Location: St. Louis Park, MN

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Partner Directory CONTINUED



Hope Healing


Medium, Seer, Remote Viewer


Norton, Dancing Bee Alchemy

Alchemize your life through animal and plant communication. Animal communication sessions connect you with your animal companions whether living or in spirit. Gain a deeper understanding of their heart and soul, and of your unique connection. Shamanic and Reiki healing sessions help you and your animal companion move through challenges and evolve into the embodiment of your dream. Guidance sessions illuminate your heart’s path and facilitate communion with plant consciousness, deepen your intuition, and lead you into the dreamtime.


Phone: 510-863-4790 Website:

Michele Jacobson, PhD

As a lifelong Intuitive, Michele has been gifted with skills as an intuitive, psychic, mystic, healer, medium, animal communicator and knowledgeable in all things faerie, including Faerie Teas. She has a PhD in Developmental Psychology focusing on areas of understanding personal development. Located in the Twin Cities area with in person or phone sessions available. Visit her website and learn more about all her services.


Phone: 612-554-0061 Website:


Richard Bonk

Offering a balance of evidence based and intuitive arts

Richard Bonk, M.Ed. has 30+ years experience in health and wellness as a counselor, educator, researcher and currently works as a behavioral specialist supporting mental health and independently as a meditation facilitator, intuitive consultant, workshop leader and visionary artist. With a special interest in the mind-body connection, he utilizes techniques such as creativity, hypnosis, dream-work, floatation, nature immersion, yoga and meditation, and is a NCGR certified Astrologer.

Email: Website: Location: Minneapolis, MN

Ryan Evans

Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology

A Certified Master Level Astrologer, Ryan practices an integrative approach to Astrology combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. As an Organic Flower Farmer of 20 years, he aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms.

Email: Phone: 608-632-0750

Website: Location: Viroqua, WI

Starcodes & Heartcodes

Astrology, Heart-Centered Readings

Ceremonialist, counselor, intuitive, and astrologer for 40 years, creator of the Starcodes Astro-Oracle Deck, author of the weekly Starcodes column, Moon Wisdom, Everyday Palmistry, and several children’s books. As an ordained interfaith minister and Druid grade member of OBOD, she brings her spiritual search to her work. She has an active global practice via phone and Zoom.

Email: Phone: 914-315-5001

Website: Location: Ronan, MT

Spiritual Medium, Intuitive with the innate ability to Channel Messages from Divine with Compassion and Care. She is a Trauma Transformational Guide assisting you to Release Pain and Suffering from Forms of Abuse, Loss of a Loved one, Relationships Physical, Mental, Emotional, Sexual Abuse, which can cause Grief, Shame, Fear, Anxiety, Depression and Loss of your Life Force. Kimberly’s Gentle Approach can take your from Pain to Peace to Rebalance your Life.

Email: Website:


Jenny Lee is a multidimensional internationally recognized medium, author and remote viewer who channels what Spirit says in a very natural way. She does not use tools of any kind when she completes readings and depends solely on her Spirit Guides and the spiritual energy around us to gain information. She believes that Spirit talks to each and every one of us, but most of us don’t know how to listen for it.


Phone: 406-850-0613

Website: Location: Fargo, ND


Umboh, owner of Holistic Arts

Intuitive jewelry artist and wellness professional, with an array of jewelry, crystals and clearing products for the soul. Christie is a Reiki master and Guided Meditation Therapist, and has worked with Echo Bodine to create jewelry infused with love and light. She combines numerology and crystals to make personalized jewelry.

Email: Phone: 651-705-6110

Website: Location: Eagan, MN

Moxie Malas

Crystal energy & aromatherapy jewelry created as a wearable affirmation of the energy within. Each piece is handmade in MN with genuine stones and crystals with its own story to tell. Our Moxie Monthly Bracelet Club that comes with unique bracelet, loose crystal and intention practice each month. We take people beyond the bracelet with workshops and retreats to support personal discovery, transformation, and empowerment.

Email: Phone: 651-808-7378

Location: 7406 Central Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 Website:


Echo Bodine

Spiritual Teacher, Multifaceted Healer, Ghost Hunter, Psychic Learn from an Intuitive Advocate with more than 50+ years of expertise in a wide range of classes, from spiritual development to psychic abilities, laying on hands healing, and ghost busting at the Center for spiritual and intuitive development. Join a community of like-minded individuals on your transformative journey of self-discovery.

Email: Website:

Location: The New Center, 8 West 66th St, Richfield MN 55423

Ameena Darwish

Psychic Guru with 30 years of experience in healing from narcissistic abuse, chakra cleansing, spiritual diagnostic meditation, spiritual DNA work, twin flame reading, tarot card reading, full life reading. Noticing unwanted patterns in your relationships and life? Have ideas and plans but lack the energy to execute them? Experiencing spiritual and physical clutter? An expert in discovering the root of your issue on your first session. Special offer; 2 services for the price of 1.

Email: Phone: 773-485-3489

Alison James

Psychic Medium, Medical & Animal Intuitive

Voted the best by WCCO, CBS, TCT and MSP. Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. Alison James is one of the finest professionals and most referred names by those in the know. Five-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career and stays on point with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Alison has a strong affinity with animals and is a successful healer.

Website: Location: Worldwide

Rebecca Krogen

Psychic Medium, Celtic Shaman, Paranormal Investigator

Rebecca is an international psychic medium, Celtic shaman & paranormal investigator. She offers clearings, psychic/mediumship reading, shamanic healings & more. With over 50 years experience she can use her gifts to help you on your journey as well as help you understand the influences in your life that shape your soul path. Her guides and angels assist her in helping you communicate with passed loved ones to seek guidance and closure.


Phone: 218-532-2607 Facebook: Site: Loc: Fargo, ND

Cindy Lehman

Soul Readings, Beginning & Advanced Psychic Development Classes

Private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. Offers beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. Teaches others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul.

Email: Mobile: 612-669-1861


Carol Margaret Lowell

Medium, Psychic, Ghost Communicator, Intuitive Hands-on Healer, Teacher, Mentor and Lecturer

As a medium, I communicate directly with the spirit of the deceased. A mediumship session allows you to understand the truth about death. It isn’t the end. It is just a transition to a different state of being.

I am a Reiki Master, trained in Level 4 Healing Touch, and certified in 5-PATH™ Hypnotherapy and 7th Path™ SelfHypnosis. I am also a Ghost and Energy Clearing Specialist working with Angels and Guides, Intuitive Energy Healer, and trained Past Life Regression Facilitator.

Email: Phone: 612-840-3562


Transcendent Soul Healing

Inclusive healing sanctuary for your soul

Transcendent Soul Healing offers services to help you go beyond anything you ever thought was possible to heal your life and soul. Services include, Certified Akashic Record readings, Aura Photo and Reports, Psychic Mediumship, Past life readings, Shamanic Reiki energy healing, Tarot/Oracle Readings, and Paranormal investigations. We also offer weekly classes, workshops and events to enlighten and support spiritual growth. We also carry metaphysical products and jewelry/art.


Ph: 612-468-8411

Website: Location: 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417

14 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine

Transforming Your Phoenix

Healer, Life Coach, Clearings of Negative Energy and Entities

Nancy pinpoints the core issues that hold you back in life. She helps with self-actualization of Who You Are, strengthening your spiritual gifts and growth. Nancy helps you overcome and heal limiting beliefs and self doubt, including healing past lives, ancestral issues, issues within yourself that need resolving for optimal spiritual growth.

Email: Phone: 715-928-3098

Site: Location: Baldwin, WI

Angela Zabel LLC

Teacher, Coach, Medium

Angela has connected to those on the other side her entire life. People who passed and those from other realms, here to support us. Healing energy, messages from those that passed and information to help you on your journey, are shared with compassion. Offering online and in person private and group sessions, personal and spiritual growth coaching, classes and retreats at

Email: Website:


Group Tarot with Kate Mura

Your quirky alternative to team building. Whether you want to shake up your current culture, sit more deeply into co-creating a b.e.s.t. world, strategically plan a bit differently, or just have a fun alternative to a Zoom happy hour, Group Tarot is a surprising yet effective experience for corporations, organizations, teams, and other collectives to interact in an uplifting, engaging way. Individual readings and coaching sessions, also offered. Visit the Group Tarot FB page at


Phone: 503-298-6972

Website: Location: Portland, OR



Randi Hoyt

Artist, Illustrator, Intuitive Painter

My books, Women Are Like Trees and Women of the Earth represent the connection between women and nature exploring deeper into the mind, body and spirit of a woman. I also offer intuitive painting sessions with oracle readings, where I translate your emotional and spiritual energy into a watercolor painting! Find out what part of the Earth you resonate with! Check out my art, books, tapestries, prints, and oracle cards!

Email: Website:


AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota Radio

& Podcasts

AM950 is the only Progressive Talk Radio station in Minnesota. We strive to provide the best progressive programming available. We feature national talkers Thom Hartmann, Stephanie Miller, Amy Goodman, David Pakman and Brad Friedman. We are also dedicated to local programming that creates a community forum for important Minnesota Progressive issues like Native Roots Radio. Email: Phone: 952-946-8885 Site: 11320 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344


Bergh Consulting

Strategy, Branding, Website Creation, WordPress Care Plans, Ongoing Support Bergh Consulting supports businesses and organizations in creating a digital foundation including strategy, branding, and website design and development. We take pride in a simplified processes to get you online joyfully. We focus on the details so you can focus on what you love. Our favorite clients are ones who are passionate about what they do and want to make a difference in the world.

Email: Web:


Awakenings... Gifts & Guidance for the Soul Metaphysical Store

The area’s premier meta-physical stores and learning spaces. We offer a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. Let our friendly staff guide you to hand curated selections of crystals, singing bowls, and one of the largest selections of in-stock oracle, affirmation and tarot decks.

Now with two locations!

MN: 4165 Minnehaha Ave, Mpls, MN 55406 Phone: 612-656-9007

Email: Website:

WI: 421 2nd Street, Hudson, WI 54016 Phone: 651-248-1900

Email: Website:

Dream in Jasper

Small Town Crystal Boutique

Dream in Jasper is a small woman-owned crystal, and metaphysical shop offering a safe space to shop for, and learn about crystals. We also Carry a variety of jewelry, incense, oils, books, candles and more with many of our items being made by local artists and creators.

Email: Phone: 651-491-8011

Location: 107 N Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Website:

Lady and the Beard Salon

Healing Beauty Salon for ego and spiritual love

An inclusive Beauty salon that has dedicated themselves to "Healing you whole from your hair to your soul." We provide custom haircuts, colors, hair extensions as well as other beautifying services to help you feel your best! We also host Transcendental Soul Healing and offer Akashic Record Readings, Angelic Energy Healing, Aura Photos, Shamanic Energy healing and host workshops and classes for spiritual growth. We also offer metaphysical products, tarot cards, jewlery and art.


Ph: 612-468-8411

Location: 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417


Let's Rock Shop

Rock Shop, Healing Center

Let’s Rock Shop and Present

Wholeness Healing Center sells minerals and spiritual tools and books, and provides classes, retreats, ceremonies and healings. Leamarie is a Reiki Master teacher, intuitive Healer and Empath specializing in shadow work. Our partner Dominic’s Light 501c3 brings holistic healing to those in need at an affordable cost. You are not alone, we have been waiting to help you with this process, and so have your Guides, Angels, and Teachers.


Phone: 651-494-2070

Location: 543 State HWY 46, Unit 4, Amery WI 54001


Midwest Witchery & Healing LLC

Being a nurse combining holistic, homeopathic remedies for your wellness, along with using majick as a Witch, Jodi Jacobson creates unique medicine. Using organic and ethically sourced components, Jodi hand creates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. Practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Jodi creates a safe environment to helps those on their own unique spiritual path.


Location: Stillwater, MN Website:

Soul and Synergy LLC

Reiki Master and Crystal Dealer

We offer Reiki energy healing, classes and all things metaphysical. our goal is to get you what you need for you spiritual journey! Visit our website for more information.

Email: Phone: 715-598-7002

Location: 1233 Menomonie Street, Suite B, Eau Claire, WI 54703 Website:

L E T ' S R O C K S H O P P r e s e n t W h o l e n e s s H e a l i n g C e n t e r Studio Rental Are You Brave Enough to Heal Yourself Amery WI. 54001 (651)494-2070 Retreats School of Enlightenment Psychic Paintings Crystals Rocks Singing Bowls Books Pendulums Hand-wrapped Jewelry Classes Reiki I & II Sound Healing Crystal Rock Healing Awakening Support Breath Work Meditation Store
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If you have been hoping and dreaming of bringing something into your life, the 8-vibrational energy of August will supply you with the manifesting energy you need to make it happen. The energy of August is here and ready to use. However, you need to be clear about what you want.

August has a very strong “Git-er-done” power energy that generates a highly attuned network of manifesting spheres of accomplishment energy. Be sure to use this energy wisely. Be clear about what you want and not what you don’t want in your life. Remember the adage, “You will always get more of what you think about.”

I want to remind you that 2023’s 7-vibrational energy is inspiring you to know thy self. Each month this year, the unique digital vibrational energies have been teaching you about who you are and what you are capable of accomplishing. Last month, July’s vibrational energy was reminding you that it was time for magic. July’s vibration inspired you to believe in magic so that you will use magic whenever you can to accomplish your dreams and desires.

Let’s look at what else is supporting you to believe you have the power to manifest this month. The 7-vibrational energy of 2023 says it's time to know yourself, and it merges with the powerful 8-vibrational energy that is whispering to you, “Git-er-done”. You now have the power to manifest With this merger, the vibrational energy becomes 7 + 8 = 15/6, the balancing energy of karma.

This combination of energies has an undercurrent of karma. The karmic message is it’s time for you to make changes in your traditional self-doubt beliefs that limit you. This karmic message is here now. This is happening so that you can accept the understanding and belief that you do have the power to manifest. I believe karmic experiences are here to teach us something that we signed up to study, learn and develop for ourselves. This month you get to learn something about who you are being and what you can be doing to manifest your dreams.

To manifest something into your life, I want to share with you a magical practice using numerology and the law of attraction. I like magic, so I do this practice every day. This practice involves using Nicola Tesla’s brilliance.

He understood the powers of using the vibrational energies of the numbers 3, 6, and 9. The number 3 connects you to source so that you remember that you can create your reality. The number 6 helps you remember your karmic lesson to stay balanced in love. The number 9 reminds you to let go of old self-doubts and transform your beliefs into “Yes, I can!"

How Nicola Tesla's Formula Works:

In the morning write down your manifesting desire 3 times.

In the afternoon, write down your manifesting desire 6 times.

Just before you go to bed, write down your manifesting desire 9 times.

I suggest you continue doing this until you see your desire coming into your life. When you have your desire manifested, be sure to celebrate with passion and gratitude! Manifesting your desires will heal your karma of self-doubt. You now have a better understanding of who you are and what you were born to do. a

WES HAMILTON, MASTER NUMEROLOGIST brings a blend of extensive practical experience and extraordinary mystical know-how to his work. As a Master Numerologist, clients throughout the world seek his guidance and insight regarding important decisions. His expertise has been honed over 40+ years and thousands of clients to deliver amazing results. Connect with Wes at 612-308-2962 or and visit

1 2 3 16 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine

Rose Hips

We are at the height of the season for roses. That means rose hips are also in full season as they ripen through autumn. They look like little red or orange-colored bulbs found under the flower’s petals. Some varieties of roses may produce a darker purple or even black bulb. They are sometimes referred to as rose haw or rose hep.

So, what’s all the hubbub about with rose hips? Well, these are amazing little medicinal powerhouses! Let’s take a closer look at what they can be used for.

Rose hips are great for pain relief. The natural anti-inflammatory properties reduce pain, swelling, and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis and many other inflammatory disorders. I imagine many of you remember your grandparents drinking rose hip tea.

These little beauties are high in vitamin C, which can boost your immune system. It also stimulates your body to help support the blood system to produce white blood cells to fight off infections, helps reduce the risk of heart disease, and even lowers your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.

If you have a history of iron-related disorders, such as hemochromatosis, or thalassemia, a word of caution: the high vitamin C content can increase iron absorption which can make these conditions worse.

The antioxidant aspect of rose hips provides many benefits to help the human body, including protection against some chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, and even type II diabetes. Antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties, which really help with pain control for many people. People that suffer from osteoarthritis can really benefit from rose hips.

Rose hip oil can help the skin as well. You’ve heard of rose water, but rose oil made from rose hips can help to reduce signs of aging by brightening the skin and reducing wrinkles. Say goodbye to those crow’s feet, ladies! This amazing oil is extremely moisturizing and delicate enough to use daily. It can even help ease the discomfort of eczema and help to heal wounds faster.

So how do you utilize this healing herb? You can harvest the bulbs from the rose bush and dehydrate them in a dehydrator. After that, you can store them in a mason jar, or you can just purchase the dried form, available at Midwest Witchery and Healing. It’s very easy to make tea from rose hips – just steep

them in hot water for 3 mins. Make the oil by using a combination of rose hips, either fresh or dried, mixed with jojoba oil. Always make sure the rose hips you gather have not had any chemical treatments on them. Heat the oil on low for 8 hours, then strain and only store the oil. This is sensitive to light, so use a dark bottle or jar for storing and is good for up to 8 months.

Did you know that rose hips are used frequently in magical practices for a variety of things? They are used to attract good luck and fortune, prosperity, confidence, truth, and even protection. They can be placed into a spell bottle or a sachet. That rose hip oil you made can be used to dress candles or used in a ritual bath. Place rose hips under your pillow at night to ward off nightmares. You can even adorn your altar with them.

Rose hips are a great offering to give to different deities, including Venus, Aphrodite, and Isis. So, on the next full moon, place rose hips in your spell work to assist you in manifesting your desires. Rose hips have been used for centuries by our ancestors. Let’s get back to our roots and utilize this amazing herb and reap its benefits.

Do check with your medical general practitioner before taking any herbal supplements to make sure that they are not contradicting any prescribed medication or medical condition you may have. If you want to learn more about rose hips stop in and talk with Witch Jodi at Midwest Witchery and Healing. a

JODI JACOBSON, owner of Midwest Witchery and Healing, uses organic and ethically sourced components, as well as hand creates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. Practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Jodi can help you with your spiritual needs. Find out more by visiting

Midwest Witchery & Healing
N O W H O S T I N G C L A S S E S & E V E N T S ! D e t a i l s a t m i d w e s t w i t c h e r y h e a l i n g . c o m
Many of the rose hip teas and tinctures our ancestors used were very beneficial for different ailments and were must-haves back in the day.

Developing Psychic Ability Group Hypnosis

Join Angi Jara MHt to be gently guided to discover and develop your intuitive gifts. 1:00pm-2:30pm Thursday, August 10th, 2023. Fee: $40. Phone: 651-252-9060

Email: Website:

Discover Your Soul Group Group Hypnosis

Join Angi Jara MHt to gently explore your Soul's physical and non-physical Soul Group . 7:00pm-8:30pm Friday, August 11th, 2023. Fee: $40. Phone: 651-252-9060

Email: Website:

Ghost Stories

Join us for a fun night around the campfire telling real ghost and paranormal stories, sharing evidence and experiences!

6:30pm-8:30pm Fri Aug 11th, 2023. Fee: $10. 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417. Website:


Star Seed Origins

We will discuss what Starseeds and wanderers are, what it means to be one, and how they got here. Find where else you might be from. 6:15pm-8:15pm CST Aug 14th, 2023. Fee: $20.

1233 Menomonie St, Suite B, Eau Claire, WI 54703. Contact Terry Flick at 715-598-7002 and

Death Cafe

A FREE monthly event to share in an open discussion about end-of-life: Death Planning, Body Disposition, Grief, and caring for your beloveds. 6:30pm-8:00pm CST Aug 15th, 2023.

1233 Menomonie St, Suite B, Eau Claire, WI 54703. Contact Terry Flick at 715-598-7002 and

Starseed Collective: Psychic Abilities

A safe, judgement-free gathering of likeminded seekers discussing all things spiritual & metaphysical for FREE. 6:30pm-8:30pm Wed, Aug 16th, 2023. 5200 47th Ave S. Mpls, MN 55417. Email:

Website: Phone: 612-468-8411

Mt. Shasta Retreat with Annette Rugolo

One of 24 enlightened mountains with a high vibrational field. Let go of old fears and limitations and open to the incredible love and wisdom that’s within you. Aug 16-19, 2023. Fee: $1,048, early bird thru July 15: $848. Full retreat itinerary:

Healthy Lifestyle Group Hypnosis

Join Angi Jara MHt to release excess weight, enjoy exercise routines, and make healthy food choices 1:00pm-2:30pm Thur, Aug 17th, 2023. Fee: $40. Phone: 651-252-9060

Email: Website:

Psychic Development for


Join us and explore your Psychic Gifts! Are you gifted or want to find out if you are? Learn the “claires” and divination tools! 6:30pm-8:30pm Thur Aug 17th, 2023. Fee: $25. 5200 47th Ave S. Mpls, MN 55417. Website:


Connect w/ Mother Earth Group Hypnosis

Join Angi Jara MHt to connect with Mother Earth through elemental cleansing and purification . 1:00pm-2:30pm Thursday, August 24th, 2023. Fee: $40. Phone: 651-252-9060

Email: Website:

Chakras 101

Have fun learning about Chakras! Balancing and healing chakras is essential to living a meaningful, happy, fullfulling life! 6:30pm-8:30pm Thur Aug 24th, 2023. Fee: $25. 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417. Website:



Contact us at and place your listing!

Word Count: 70 word max. description

Location: Online updated each month print updated bi-monthly (6 editions/year)

Included: Event photo/logo, dates/times, site, contact info, social media

The following are only a portion of the events on our Community Calendar at! Find out why it's the fast and efficient way to discover great holistic, spiritual, and metaphysical events – both online and in your area. ALL

Connect with Christ Consciousness Group Hypnosis Session

Join Angi Jara MHt to gently experience your Soul’s divinity and unity with God . 7:00pm-8:30pm Friday, August 25th, 2023. Fee: $40. Phone: 651-252-9060

Email: Website:

Sound Healing & Light Languages: Accelerating and Activating Your Potential

Are you ready for a boost in your spiritual awakening? For personal growth and expansion? Join us for a transformative day of sound energy healing and channeled light languages with Michele Rae, Jill Goux, Leslee Wegleitner & Bonnie Polk. Fee: $148. Sunday Aug 27th 10am–4pm. Southtown Office Park, Bloomington, MN 55431 Register at

Breathe in the Energies of the Blue Moon

It's a Super Full Moon and Blue Moon! Join an evening of Soul Breathing, Heart Healing and Soul Connection by Zoom. You will let go of stress, clear your blocks and raise your vibration. Fee: $35 or $66 for 2 sessions. Contact Terri for questions and Zoom link at 651-442-4623 or

Second August Full Moon Meditation

Each month we will travel to Shamballa (Sanskrit word for ‘place of peace’ or ‘peace of silence’), where we will lend our light to the ascended masters gathered at this time to uplift the vibration of the world. Connect more fully with our soul purpose as we step into service for humanity. $7.50 per meditation! Buy tickets at

Intro to Shadow Work & Healing

A deep dive into deep trauma healing! Learn about yourself, your shadow, and how we can heal from our shadow for us to be able to live our best lives! 6:30pm8:30pm Fri Aug 11th, 2023. Fee: $10. 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417. Website: Email:

Angelic Healing Group Hypnosis

Join Angi Jara MHt to experience the divine light of Angelic healing, energy renewal, and profound wisdom. 7:00pm8:30pm Fri, Aug 24th, 2023. Fee: $40. Phone: 651-252-9060

Email: Website:

Advanced Coaching and Facilitative Leadership Competencies For the New Era

This 6-month series is designed to create community, expand perspectives, accelerate development, and ignite creativity as we support you and your service. Hosted online via Zoom. 11:00am-1:00pm. Tuesdays Sept 5- March 5, 2024. Info at and

Build A Thriving Group Coaching Practice

Everything You Need to Successfully Run Groups Online. Find clarity and the next steps and take YOUR practice to the next level through group coaching. Hosted online via Zoom. 2:00pm-4:00pm. Tuesdays Sept 5- Nov 7. Info at and

Psychic Gallery with Samantha & Shanna

Join this fun evening getting a mini psychic reading in a group setting. 6:30pm-8:30pm Friday, September 8th, 2023 Fee: $40. 5200 47th Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55417


Website: Phone: 612-468-8411

Chakra Clearing Group Hypnosis

Join Angi Jara MHt to be gently guided clearing your chakras through breathe, energy, visualization, color, and love. 7:00pm8:30pm Fri, Sept 8th, 2023. Fee: $40. Phone: 651-252-9060

Email: Website:

Intuitive Development I

Develop your intuition in this 4-week workshop. In-person and online via Zoom. Learn how to connect to your intuitive abilities and listen to the insights provided by your Higher Self and guides. Sat Sept 9, 2023 9:00am–1:00pm, Mon Sept 11, 18, 25, 2023 6:30pm–8:30pm. Baldwin, WI or via Zoom.

Price: $375 plus $25 for the manual. Call Nancy Randen at 715-928-3098 or email

Reiki II: The Next Step In Your Journey

This class is for those who are Reiki I attuned and want to continue their journey. Learn distance healing and more. 10:0am-4:00pm CST Sept 10th, 2023. Fee: $150 with 50 deposit. 1233 Menomonie St, Suite B, Eau Claire, WI 54703. Contact Terry Flick at 715-598-7002 and

The HeArt of InPowered Living

Join us in a 4-month journey consisting of 7 bi-weekly twohour sessions , as we embark on a path to live authentically and in alignment with our higher potential. Tuesdays, 6-8pm, on Sept 12, 26, Oct 10, 24, Nov 7, 28, Dec 12, 2023.

Registration: $324. Secure your spot at

Breathe with the Crystals: Soul Breathing & Holy Divine Healing Mount Ida Retreat

Soul Breathing (Terri) & Holy Divine Healing (Dan) are teaming up for another life-changing retreat. Join us to raise your vibration and transform your body, heart, mind, and soul. Sept 13-18, 2023, at the Mountain Harbor Resort & Spa in Mount Ida, Arkansas. Fee: $899. Register Early! Space is limited. Contact Terri at 651-442-4623 and

Healing the Inner Child Group Hypnosis

Join Angi Jara MHt to be gently guided to nurture, love, and heal your inner child and soul 1:00pm-2:30pm Thursday, September 14th, 2023. Fee: $40. Phone: 651-252-9060



Higher Octave Living Series

Join us for 90 minutes of amazing intuitive conversation and mind-body-spirit practice. One Saturday a month, Sept 2023 through Jan 2024, 10:30am-12pm CST. $150 for all sessions. Info at and

Fall Equinox Meditation

Join us to help us raise our frequency and move through this time of transition with greater ease and grace. Maureen Higgins will be leading a global meditation to help people better understand and integrate the energies coming onto the planet during the Fall Equinox. Thurs, Sept 21st, 7:00pm CST. Register at to receive the Zoom link.

Psychic Development

Beginning/Foundation Classes

Learn to manage your energy consciously and effectively! This class is about coming home to your highest self and reclaiming who you are with understanding and compassion. Nine-month class begins Sept 26, 2023, and meets Tuesdays 7-9pm CST via Zoom. 36 sessions at $45 each. Visit or contact and 612-669-1861 for more info.

Usui/ Holy Fire®III Reiki Master Training

Learn to give Placements – Ignition-like experiences for Reiki I & II and the first part of Reiki Master. Sept 27-29, 2023. 6:00pm-9:30pm. Cost: $824. Email: Website: Phone: 952-913-5574

September Full Moon Meditation

Each month we will travel to Shamballa (Sanskrit word for ‘place of peace’ or ‘peace of silence’), where we will lend our light to the ascended masters gathered at this time to uplift the vibration of the world. Connect more fully with our soul purpose as we step into service for humanity. $7.50 per meditation! Buy tickets at

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Community Calendar classes, workshops, events
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27 30 30 31 25 18 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine



Echo Bodine's Aurapalooza is back on the third Saturday of each month, at her new Hub Shopping Center location! Please contact her at and for directions and event and vendor details.

Saturday Aug 19 and Sept 16, 10am-5pm CST at The New Center 8 W. 66th Street in Richfield, MN

BodyLabUSA Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs

Indulge yourself in a fantastic day brimming with an array of amazing vendors offering a wide range of products and services! $5 entry fee grants you access to four captivating speakers. Group mediumship gallery event for only $25. We can't wait to see you there!

Saturday August 19, 10am-5pm CST

Bigwood Event Center, 925 Western Ave. Fergus Falls, MN 56537

Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs

Come to explore Everything Spiritual, Holistic & Wellness related. We will have a variety of vendors, a Group Gallery mediumship, as well as 4 FREE Lectures. $5 Entrance Fee. FREE gift bags to the first 25 people. We have something for everyone.

Saturday Sept 9, 10am-5pm CST

North Star Conference Center at Comfort Inn & Suites, 5025 County Rd. V, De Forest, WI 53532

Saturday Sept 23, 10am-5pm CST Onalaska Omni Center, 255 Rider Clubs Road, Onalaska, WI 54650

Saturday Sept 30 10am-5pm CST Janesville Conf. Center, 3100 Wellington Place, Janesville, WI 53546

Be the Light Psychic & Wellness Expos

Held on the second Saturday of each month. Find healers, psychics, mediums, aura photos, jewelry, sound bowls, and more. More info at or contact Carol at and 612-840-3562

Saturday Aug 12, Sept 9, 1-7pm Studio TimeOut

Building, 6001 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55419

Souls of Spirit Spiritual & Holistic Expos

Experience vendors, including healers, readers, psychics, authors, crystals, jewelry, handmade products and more! $5 entry. $25 group gallery event. Contact or visit for expo details.

Saturday Sept 16, 10am-5pm CST

Deadwood Mountain Grand, 1906 Deadwood Mountain Dr. Deadwood, SD 57732

Souls of Synergy Psychic & Wellness Fair

Join us for a day of healing. We will be hosting a variety of vendors that include readers, mediums, psychics, energy healers, shamans, and reflexology. Vendors selling crystals, stones, candles, jewelry, incense, and more. $5 entry fee. Schedule at or contact Terry Flick at 715-598-7002 and

Saturday Aug 12 , 10am-5pm CST Rochester Eagles Club, 917 15 Ave SE, Rochester, MN 55904

Saturday Sept 9 10am-5pm CST Elks Lodge, 1132 Clark St. Stevens Point, WI 54480

Saturday-Sunday Sept 16-17, 10am-5pm CST Ashland AmericInn Splash Park, 3009 Lakeshore Dr. E., Ashland, WI 54806


Edge Talk Radio

Teacher, coach, and medium Angela Zabel brings decades of experiences and learnings, and an expansive new list of special guests! Listen to new episodes on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7pm CST. More about Angela's coaching, classes and retreats at Browse shows at

Shamanic Drumming and Journeying Group

Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. No experience is required and newcomers are welcome! We have extra drums and rattles if participants don't have their own. We meet at 7pm at White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church, 328 Maple Street, Mahtomedi MN 55115. Zoom also available. For more info, contact Nancy Hauer at 651-426-4917 and

Spirit United Interfaith Church Sunday Services

Honoring personal and planetary awakening

All are welcome to join Spirit United Interfaith Church spiritual community. Guest speakers each month. Sunday services are now at 10:30am in the Earth Room of Echo Bodine's new Center, located at 8 West 66th Street, Richfield, MN, 55423. Email: Phone: 612-378-3602 Web:

The Being Curious Show

Listen Sundays 12–1pm on AM950. The Being Curious Show with Kelly and Brian creates discussions that curiously connect Teachers and Seekers on a wide range of unique topics. Hear past episodes and subscribe using your favorite app at Please contact if you're interested in being interviewed or sponsoring an episode.

1-877-NEW-WRLD New Worlds of Mind, Body, & Spirit Since 1901 Discover the Dappled Grove of Druidry Kristoffer Hughes Wales is Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order, a Mount Haemus Scholar, and a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. The Book of Druidry A Complete Introduction to the Magic & Wisdom of the Celtic Mysteries $26.99 • Paperback • 336 Pages
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Scan to view list and purchase these books.

Danny's Day in Heaven

This beautifully illustrated children’s book follows a young boy through his near-death experience to heaven and back, a happy ending helps to open the conversation between children and adults about what happens when we die.

Inspired by the New York Times bestseller Saved by the Light by Dannion Brinkley and dozens of other near-death experiences, this book features author Marie Antoinette Kelley’s transcendent paintings and is designed to comfort and reassure children about the reality of an afterlife. Danny’s Day in Heaven is a wonderful gift for anyone who has ever asked – or had to answer – the all-important question: “What happens when we die?”

Back to the Beyond: Exploring Near

Death Experiences Through Hypnosis

What happens after you die? Is there an afterlife? How can I find peace in my fear of death, or comfort after I've lost a loved one? After the tragic death of his father, Adam Dince wrestled with these questions for years. In search of answers, he began to research stories of those who had near-death experiences-people who briefly died but came back to life.

The Space Pen Club: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind

The book takes readers on a compelling insider’s journey through the often-bewildering world of renowned UFO researchers and their debunkers, close interactions with media and government officials, celebrated astronauts, Native American medicine men, and many other fascinating people and ideas that he encountered along the way.

Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and Their Humans

In this practical guide, expert animal communicator and healer Joan Ranquet shows how to apply this energetic bodywork method on animals such as dogs, cats, or horses. As you tap on certain acupressure points with a specific intention in mind, the animal will experience energetic release on the levels of mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

Lymph Health: The Key to a Strong Immune System

This practical guide explores the essential role played by the lymphatic system in the body’s detoxification processes, immune system, and overall health. Details 12 natural therapies for strengthening and maintaining lymph health, including drainage therapies, detox methods, simple dietary changes, herbal remedies, compression therapies, breathing practices, and physical exercises.

Endless Awakening: Time, Paradox, and the Path to Enlightenment

Have you awakened spiritually yet still feel stuck? You are not alone. Many feel dissatisfied despite years of practice. Endless Awakening reveals that the answer lies in the paradoxes of time. When you let go of the idea that you are on a journey, you arrive at your destination.

20 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine
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22 | AUG/SEPT 2023 • the edge magazine
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