At Valero, we

know tomorrow is built on the actions we take today.

At Valero, we
know tomorrow is built on the actions we take today.
Martin County Substance Abuse Prevention (MCSAP) Coalition is a non-profit organization led by a diverse group of Martin County residents who have a passion for helping youth make healthy choices. Formed in 2011, MCSAP functions as a hub of information and resources to help coordinate and support the efforts of substance abuse prevention and the mental and physical well-being of youth. Coalition members include school teachers, police officers, volunteers, nurses, pastors, lay ministers, grandparents, parents, youth, and many others who care about the youth in our communities.
The youth coalition is comprised of students in grades 7-12 at each Martin County high school. Members encourage fellow students to say no to tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and prescriptions that were not prescribed to them. Student members reach their peers through positive messaging in personal notes, posters, and flyers; training opportunities; distribution of educational information at community events; and coordination of safe and fun activities, among other outreaches. If you are interested in learning more about the youth coalition activities at your school, contact the following advisors: Jim Utermarck, Cairne Eytcheson, Truman; Nicole Kueker, Elizabeth Lowry, Fairmont; Kari McGregor, Karen Weets, Granada Huntley East Chain; Laura Ebeling, Heather Winter, Martin County West; Lisa Kube, Martin Luther. If you are interested in joining MCSAP or being kept up-to-date on our activities, join our mailing list by emailing director@mcsapcoalition.com. You can also learn more about who we are and what we do through our social media pages. On Facebook and Twitter, we are MCSAPCoalition, and on Instagram, we are under EmpowerMartinCounty. To receive your free subscription to our quarterly Youth Connections Magazine , sign up at https://mcsapcoalition.com/youth-connections/.
Spring marks big milestones for teenagers and their families. Prom is looked forward to for months, and graduation is a highly anticipated turning point! These are moments students will remember for the rest of their lives. It’s a big deal!
Prom can be a time when the temptation of risky behaviors is heightened. However, our area has been fortunate to have many parents, schools, businesses, and volunteers working together to host successful pre- and post-prom parties. We also have parents hosting punch parties and after post-prom breakfast gatherings. Those events not only provide a safe environment, but an opportunity to model to teenagers that they can have a great time at celebrations without the use of alcohol and other substances. The same is true for graduation celebrations.
Putting on that cap and gown and receiving a high school diploma represents all the hard work the graduate has put in and new beginnings for the future. As parents, schools, and communities, we share in the waiting and excitement with them. We also have a shared responsibility to offer healthy environments for our teens to celebrate these landmark events.
Martin County has also shared in the responsibility of keeping our kids safe by passing a social host ordinance, which makes it unlawful for individuals (or social hosts) to knowingly provide a place for underage drinking on premises under the host’s control. This step protects our youth from alcohol through legislative prevention.
As parents, we are the primary influence on our teens, which is why it’s important to have open conversations with them about staying safe. Take time to discuss their plans and be supportive of those celebrations that provide a healthy environment for your teenager. Most importantly, show them they can still have fun without the use of drugs or alcohol.
For safety tips during prom and graduation season, check out the Alliance for Safe Kids at https://bit.ly/2023grads.
Dominick Lund-May is a sophomore at Fairmont High School who serves on the Minnesota Youth Council, a statewide collaboration of youth which works to create equitable systems. Dominick joined as a representative for District 1 to be a voice for students in his community. He is involved in many school activities, including: speech, debate, math league, knowledge bowl, soccer, and tennis. He also is an active member of his church.Imagine your dream vacation: a stunning setting, fantastic food, ample adventures, while surrounded by the people you love. What if you could create this dream at home instead of traveling afar? Skip the stress and cost of driving and flying long distances. Instead, relax and enjoy a staycation of your dreams close to home. Here are nine simple steps to make it happen.
1. PREP FOR YOUR “TRIP”: Put as much effort into planning your staycation as you would a destination vacation. Prepare your home ahead of time so that it is as pleasant as possible and up to the standards of a vacation rental. Take out the garbage, change the sheets, pick up clutter, and clean the kitchen and the bathrooms. This way you are sure to enjoy your stay at home even more. Ensure all your clothes are clean so you can pack and wear your favorites. Everyone likes to look and feel their best on vacation. For meals that will be eaten at home, shop and prepare in advance, so that you can relax during your staycation. Think ahead about activities and plan your itinerary by visiting the local chamber of commerce or by borrowing a travel book from the library about your area.
2. BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT VACATION MODE: Since you are technically still at home, it is easy to get sucked back into your daily chores, projects, and responsibilities. But resist! Stay in the moment, give yourself permission to unwind, and remind yourself that you are on vacation.
3. PLAY THE TOURIST: If you had an out-of-town visitor, where would you take them? What does your town have to offer, and when was the last time you visited those tourist attractions? Maybe those places deserve to be revisited. Chances are that your town or city even has attractions you have not yet visited. Look for a play, concert, exhibit, or show that is happening during your staycation and add that to your itinerary, too.
4. PAMPER YOURSELF: Add an extra layer of relaxation to your vacation by scheduling a massage, getting a mani/pedi, taking a yoga
class, or visiting a hot spring. Curl up with your favorite book and a cup of tea next to a roaring fire. Or catch the latest episode of Yellowstone. Whatever floats your boat.
5. BE A FOODIE: Take a break from shopping, prepping, and cooking, just like you would on a dream vacation. Either get these things done ahead of time, or make arrangements to get takeout. Treat yourself to things you might not normally have at home, like tropical fruits or a charcuterie board, and plan lots of meals out to eat. And it is a vacation, so don’t skip dessert!
6. STAY LOCAL: Look into renting a hotel room for a night or two and take advantage of the hotel pool. Another great option is renting an in-town AirBNB to escape your house but not your hometown. Maybe a friend or family member is up for a house swap?
7. SLEEP: Turn off the alarm clock, close the shades, and get some much-needed sleep. Coach the kids on what they can do when parents are sleeping (read books, play a quiet game), and make nap time sacred and mandatory.
8. BE ADVENTUROUS: Destination locations are not the only places to offer activities and outings. Look for adventures that pique your interest such as horseback riding, ziplining, and whitewater rafting in your area. In the winter months, look for ice skating, snowmobiling, skiing, sledding, and snowshoeing.
9. CAMPOUT: If you love the outdoors, a campout in the backyard can be a fun and affordable vacation alternative. Even a tent in the living room can be great fun that will create family memories for years to come. Or check out a local campground where you can build a campfire, roast smores, and gaze at the stars.
Near or far, the most important element of any family vacation is being together and present and creating lasting memories. ■
YOU CAN SUBMIT YOUR STORY AT: shelly@mcsapcoalition.com
For many of us the kitchen table represents the typical family experience. We have laughed while having family game night. We have cried over our children’s choices. We have blown out the candles on many cakes. We have argued our way out of doing the dishes. We have struggled through those “three more bites.” We have learned hard lessons and celebrated many deserved successes. One thing is for sure though—if our kitchen tables could talk, there would be plenty of stories! So often it is in relating to others’ stories that we realize there isn’t always one answer, or even a right answer. Parenting is hard work! If you have a story of lessons learned, we invite you to share it with our readers. Sometimes, knowing we aren’t the only ones struggling to find the answer is all the help we need.
It seems wrong until you think it through:
To become independent, you must become good at getting help.
This statement doesn’t seem true to many people until they mull it over long enough, but I promise you that learning to request and receive help is an essential ingredient to the self-sufficiency that I’m referring to as independence.
I’m not talking about extremes, such as living the life of a mountain man in a cabin without electricity or subsisting as a survivalist with a bunker stocked with weapons and canned food. From my perspective, independence involves:
+ Level-headedness and self-control
+ Resilience
+ Problem-solving skills and creativity
+ Personal responsibility
+ Effectiveness and success
+ Practicality
+ A broad knowledge base with an understanding of systems
+ Knowing when and how to ask for help
Just labeling yourself an independent person does not make it so. Independent people have developed many skills and characteristics that helped them to become and remain independent. Asking for and receiving help is a critical strategy that helped them get there. Learning how to effectively get help from others is a critical skill for kids to learn.
What are the basics of raising a child? You know, the bare minimum. If you had to list only five things, what would they be? Here are some things that crossed my mind:
1. Feed and clothe your child.
2. Don’t beat or berate them.
3. Make sure they brush their teeth and go to school.
4. Let them know they are loved.
5. Have some fun together.
It’s interesting though that doing those basic things for kids won’t really get them ready to enter the world as an adult. Also, it’s not clear that our school systems will teach kids basic living skills. Kids can go to school and never learn how to:
+ Budget or balance their checking account
+ Set boundaries with unhealthy people
+ Present themselves well in a job interview
+ Save and invest money for retirement
Even adults struggle to develop these life skills. People can benefit from books, the internet, and online videos to gain these skills, but often they need more specific help
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continued from page 7 from another person to move beyond the basics. But before you ask for help, you might want to consider a few factors that can affect the experience.
In building independence, I believe people need to adopt a growth mindset. It is incredibly hard to change behavior if you don’t believe that you can. A growth mindset is about adopting attitudes and beliefs about yourself and others that foster help-seeking behavior. It involves convincing yourself that you can become smarter and better at things. The growth mindset fosters a don’t-quit approach to failures and setbacks in life. It means learning from mistakes, revising your plan, and trying again. Working on your own growth mindset is something that you can model for your kids. We can help our kids to feel empowered to try, fail, and try again. We do not stop growing and learning, no matter how old we are. There is nearly always someone out there—somewhere—who can help. And we can get help from others in the areas where we are struggling. The book Mindset does an excellent job of providing examples of adopting a growth mindset.
Some kids really struggle in adopting a growth mindset and find that challenges, setbacks, and failures stop them in their tracks. There are several reasons why kids are unwilling or afraid to try, but most of them stem from avoidance. Common thoughts and attitudes that drive avoidance and interfere with help-seeking and adopting a growth mindset are:
+ I’ll look like a fool.
Counter-thought: “Smart kids know when to ask for help.”
+ People will make fun of me.
Counter-thought: “Most of the time people are not laughed at for asking for help.”
+ I should know this. I’m supposed to know this.
Counter-thought: “Even if I’m supposed to know this, I sometimes forget. I can decide to remember it forever once I re-learn what I need to know.”
+ I need to be the best.
Counter-thought: “The people who are the best at things have learned from their mistakes and disappointments.”
+ I don’t want to feel stupid.
Counter-thought: “I would rather feel embarrassed by asking for help than feel helpless and frustrated by avoiding help.”
+ I don’t want others to see how stupid and incapable I am.
Counter-thought: “I admire people who know how to ask for help and achieve success because of it.”
+ I feel too anxious to ask for help.
Counter-thought: “I’d rather feel anxious in asking for help than feel anxious about giving up on my dreams and goals for myself.”
Did you see yourself in any of the negative thoughts and attitudes above? What we tell ourselves in our heads matters tremendously. When we can change our inner dialogue and become more balanced and understanding of ourselves, we will be happier, less anxious, and more likely to ask for help when we need it. For more information on dealing with negative, self-critical thoughts, please read my article, “Mindfulness – How to Chill Out and Stop Beating Yourself Up” (https://psychiatryresource.com/articles/ mindfulness).
Modeling a help-seeking attitude and growth mindset begins at home. Do a quick self-check. How do I model a growth mindset and help-seeking attitude for my kids when I am struggling and need help? How do I communicate to my kids that I’m there to help them without undermining them or fostering dependency? If you are helping your child with their homework and don’t know the answer, how do you go about getting the answer if you can’t figure it out with available resources?
So, how can you help kids without doing things for them or making them feel stupid? One way is to figure out what level of support they might need from you. There are many different roles that you can take when helping kids figure out problems:
+ Planner – “If that doesn’t work, what is your backup plan?”
+ Technical Support – “Call me if you have a question.”
+ Helper – “I’ll run the mixer and put the cake pans in the oven.”
+ Inspector – “Okay, kids. Before you ride your bikes off the jump you’re building, come get me to check things out.”
+ Supervisor – “I’ll be in the shade over there to keep track of your progress.”
+ Fan – “Come get me when you’re done. I want to see what you’ve made.”
+ Transportation – “If you guys get tired out or if something isn’t going right, call me and I’ll come to get you.”
The other way to help kids is to avoid
some basic mistakes. When kids ask for help, don’t blame them, mock them, or do something for them without them watching you and learning how to do it themselves in the future. It’s also helpful to think about helping your children as a process, not a one-time event. Kids remember these experiences and it improves their confidence. The more areas where they feel confident and gain “adult” skills the more they will be encouraged to try more things and not be afraid to ask for help when they need it. They might also try a little harder before asking for help because it’s comforting to know that help is there when you need it.
Expanding the field means adding more people (or helpers) to a problem that needs to be solved. Even experts need help. I have to connect with other medical and mental health specialists several times each week in my role as a physician, even though I’m already a specialist in psychiatry.
So how can we encourage kids to reach out for help and expand the field in their lives when they need it? It can feel especially hard when kids seem to only be willing to ask for and receive help from their parents. Probably the best place to start is supporting kids to ask for help in their current school classrooms. Once kids master asking for help from their teacher, they can expand to other areas of their lives like coaches, music teachers, etc. Helping your child to reach out to teachers right away and ask for help appropriately is critical. We want our kids to say, “Please show me how to do this math problem so I can do the others,” not “Just tell me the answer.”
You can also practice role-playing with your child in interacting with teachers and other adults, and if your child finds that a particular person is not helpful, then you can start brainstorming together on who to reach out to next to help them get the help they need.
Imagine your child as a confident, grounded, and independent young adult. How did they get there? Kids who have learned to ask for and receive help have greater resilience, healthier relationships, and greater success in their education and later careers. They have a sense of competence that builds confidence and they don’t feel awkward about reaching out for help when they have reached the limits of their knowledge, education, and available resources. You can be the person who helps your child get on the path to becoming an independent adult by modeling and encouraging them in appropriate help-seeking behavior. ■
Please email shelly@mcsapcoalition.com and tell us why this individual has stood out in your crowd.
Mariel is an excellent student who tries hard and does extraordinary work, according to her teacher Jim Utermarck. Her work ethic continues in athletics, where she’s involved in track, cross country, summer softball, and hockey. Her 12U hockey team was also just named state consolation champs! She is in choir and band and enjoys reading and quality time with friends and family. For the past eight years, she and her family have donated Easter baskets and Christmas gifts to the Ronald McDonald House. “Mariel’s outstanding effort, attitude, and determination will lead her to great things in life,” said Mr. Utermarck. “We are fortunate to have her as a student at Truman High School.”
The summer before seventh grade, Landen attended Celebrate Me Week (CMW) at Camp Patterson, which provides information on how to navigate some of life’s tough situations, like peer pressure, acceptance, and relationships with family and friends. He remembers hearing, “I can make a difference in this world. I can, I will, I must.” That helped him through a difficult time as he moved to a new town and a new school. Because Landen thought that was such an important message for everyone, he was a camp counselor at CMW in 2022. Landen runs cross country and track, is co-president of Fairmont’s Empower group, and loves to be outdoors. He plans to go to school for HVAC and plumbing and might own his own business someday.
Ella Marie is involved in National Honor Society and just received a full-ride scholarship to Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, Minnesota. Ella has received an academic letter in volleyball the past three years and was also a captain of her team. Ella is a regional officer for Future Farmers of America where she organizes agricultural and leadership workshops for other students. She volunteers with her church youth group, providing outreach to area community shelters. Ella is hard working and has a heart for helping others in whatever ways she can.
Joseph’s love for football is evident in the success he has had on the field. He has played wherever needed: running back, linebacker, kicker, slot receiver, and cornerback. Joseph also was involved with track and wrestling. Joseph is a positive role model and assists in football camps to help younger players improve their skills. His caring nature is evident, as he is always willing to listen and encourage others. Others describe Joseph as a person who strives to do the right thing even when no one is watching. Outside of school and sports, he enjoys walks, working out, and spending time with family. Joseph works at Exit 87 Truck Wash and plans to attend University of Jamestown to play football and study exercise science.
The county sheriff’s department has never had a K-9 unit before, but Deputy Figueroa is helping change that. He’s currently going through training to partner with Bruno, a 13-month-old Belgian Malinois. Luis grew up in Martin County and graduated from Fairmont. He studied law enforcement at Alexandria Technical and Community College before interning with the Fairmont Police Department. In 2018, he was hired as a part-time sheriff’s deputy and covered the towns of Sherburn, Truman, and Fairmont before becoming full-time. He and his wife, Marissa, have two children, Elaina and Maddox. He is involved in the Toward Zero Deaths campaign for highway safety, Rotary’s STRIVE program, and Martin County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition.
Check out who’s standing out in
40 Developmental Assets are essential qualities of life that help young people thrive, do well in school, and avoid risky behavior.
Youth Connections utilizes the 40 Developmental Assets Framework to guide the work we do in promoting positive youth development. The 40 Assets model was developed by the Minneapolis-based Search Institute based on extensive research. Just as we are coached to diversify our financial assets so that all our eggs are not in one basket, the strength that the 40 Assets model can build in our youth comes through diversity. In a nutshell, the more of the 40 Assets youth possess, the more likely they are to exhibit positive behaviors and attitudes (such as good health and school success) and the less likely they are to exhibit risky behaviors (such as drug use and promiscuity). It’s that simple: if we want to empower and protect our children, building the 40 Assets in our youth is a great way to start.
Look over the list of Assets on the following page and think about what Assets may be lacking in our community and what Assets you can help build in our young people. Do what you can do with the knowledge that even through helping build one asset in one child, you are increasing the chances that child will grow up safe and successful. Through our combined efforts, we will continue to be a place where Great Kids Make Great Communities.
1. Family support: Family life provides high levels of love and support.
2. Positive family communication: Young person and her or his parent(s) communicate positively, and young person is willing to seek advice and counsel from parent(s).
3. Other adult relationships: Young person receives support from three or more nonparent adults.
4. Caring neighborhood: Young person experiences caring neighbors.
5. Caring school climate: School provides a caring, encouraging environment.
6. Parent involvement in school: Parent(s) are actively involved in helping young person succeed in school.
7. Community values youth: Young person perceives that adults in the community value youth.
8. Youth as resources: Young people are given useful roles in the community.
9. Service to others: Young person serves in the community one hour or more per week.
10. Safety: Young person feels safe at home, at school, and in the neighborhood.
11. Family boundaries: Family has clear rules and consequences and monitors the young person’s whereabouts.
12. School boundaries: School provides clear rules and consequences.
13. Neighborhood boundaries: Neighbors take responsibility for monitoring young people’s behavior.
14. Adult role models: Parent(s) and other adults model positive, responsible behavior.
15. Positive peer influence: Young person’s best friends model responsible behavior.
16. High expectations: Both parent(s) and teachers encourage the young person to do well.
17. Creative activities: Young person spends three or more hours per week in lessons or practice in music, theater, or other arts.
18. Youth programs: Young person spends three or more hours per week in sports, clubs, or organizations at school and/or in the community.
19. Religious community: Young person spends one or more hours per week in activities in a religious institution.
20. Time at home: Young person is out with friends “with nothing special to do” two or fewer nights per week.
If you or your child would like to submit a picture that represents one of the 40 Developmental Assets, please email shelly@mcsapcoalition.com with a picture and the number of the asset the picture represents.
Not all pictures are guaranteed publication.
21. Achievement motivation: Young person is motivated to do well in school.
22. School engagement: Young person is actively engaged in learning.
23. Homework: Young person reports doing at least one hour of homework every school day.
24. Bonding to school: Young person cares about her or his school.
25. Reading for pleasure: Young person reads for pleasure three or more hours per week.
26. Caring: Young person places high value on helping other people.
27. Equality and social justice: Young person places high value on promoting equality and reducing hunger and poverty.
28. Integrity: Young person acts on convictions and stands up for her or his beliefs.
29. Honesty: Young person “tells the truth even when it is not easy.”
30. Responsibility: Young person accepts and takes personal responsibility.
31. Restraint: Young person believes it is important not to be sexually active or to use alcohol or other drugs.
32. Planning and decision making: Young person knows how to plan ahead and make choices.
33. Interpersonal competence: Young person has empathy, sensitivity, and friendship skills.
34. Cultural competence: Young person has knowledge of and comfort with people of different cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds.
35. Resistance skills: Young person can resist negative peer pressure and dangerous situations.
36. Peaceful conflict resolution: Young person seeks to resolve conflict nonviolently.
37. Personal power: Young person feels he or she has control over “things that happen to me.”
38. Self-esteem: Young person reports having a high self-esteem.
39. Sense of purpose: Young person reports that “my life has a purpose.”
40. Positive view of personal future: Young person is optimistic about her or his personal future.
Whether it’s about learning geometry to get a good grade, finding a job, or making a new group of friends, the pursuit of a meaningful goal can bring light, life, and organization to a kid’s life.
One of the worst things to see is a kid who’s disconnected and disengaged from growing, the ones who show little interest in caring or trying. Kids in that state fall into an at-risk category and deserve our attention and care.
For those kids who do identify goals and ambitions, there’s actually more support and guidance that we can provide them, which will in turn strengthen their foundation for a thriving future.
On one hand, you might have a kid who focuses solely on the benefits of achieving their goal. They imagine what it will feel like, and what they’ll be able to do once they get it. That leads to fantasy and a set-up for disappointment.
On the other hand is a kid who gets overwhelmed by the uphill battle they’ll need to push through and all of the various obstacles that are going to impede their progress. That turns into dejection and avoidance.
Both of those approaches will be a realistic barrier to a kid’s willingness and ability to meaningfully pursue their goal.
The third path is the way of mental contrasting, a relatively straightforward and simple exercise with powerful effects. It’s where an equal amount of attention and reflection is spent on goal attainment and goal obstacles. In the balance of both emerges a realistic path forward combined with the motivation to keep going.
Mental contrasting exercises ask kids to conceptualize all aspects of a dream, goal, or ambition they have, and also think through the inherent obstacles they’ll face as they try to achieve it.
The process of mental contrasting is a mature skill to develop over time. You can
certainly teach kids how to do it by walking them through a goal-setting exercise in a formal context. Here is a document that walks through the steps on how to make plans to reach their goal: naturalhigh.org/ wp-content/uploads/2019/07/LandingYour-Trick.pdf
It can also be taught and reinforced through natural discussions about their goals and ambitions. By asking questions on both sides of the equation, you can lead them to process the full reality of their desires.
As you watch them move forward, pay attention to how they move from one side or the other, either overwhelmed by the obstacles or caught up in the fantasy of a dream unfulfilled. Acknowledge what you notice and invite them to think aloud about the other side.
STEP ONE: Ask them to think of one or two goals or accomplishments in different areas of their life, for instance, academics, sports, friendships, or college prep.
STEP TWO: After they’ve made a list, ask them to select the goal that feels most important to them.
STEP THREE: Direct them to write down what they will feel like, what they will say to others, and the new reality that they’ll experience after they accomplish their goal.
STEP FOUR: Have them share their goal and their future feelings about accomplishing that goal with a partner or small group
STEP FIVE: Now, looking at their goal, have them write down the obstacles, barriers, and roadblocks they might face as they move forward. Ask them to consider what it will cost them in terms of time, energy, and focus, and write those things down.
STEP SIX: Putting it all together, invite them to take turns in pairs or small groups, first sharing their goal, why it’s important to them, then the barriers they’ll face along the way. The final piece would be for them to share how they will feel once they accomplish their goal, despite the challenges and barriers.
When a kid has meaningful, interesting goals to focus on, whether those goals are about academics, sports, or something else, and also has the capacity to pursue them, they are protected against distractions and choices that could be harmful to their health and future. Kids who practice mental contrasting increase their self-regulation skills and are much less likely to engage in
risky behaviors. ■
When a kid has meaningful, interesting goals to focus on, whether those goals are about academics, sports, or something else, and also has the capacity to pursue them, they are protected against distractions and choices that could be harmful to their health and future.
Natural High
a youth drug prevention and life skills program that provides easy, effective, and fun resources for educators, mentors, and parents to deliver protective measures in a relevant way through storytelling. The Storyteller library contains a roster of 40+ Natural High Storytellers — athletes, artists, musicians, designers — people who kids admire and trust. Their flexible curriculum offers videos, discussion questions, and activities. It can be used to meet a variety of needs, from brief 10-15-minute discussions to project-based work that takes place across multiple days or class periods.
Dating abuse can often be thought of as an adult problem, but that is not always the case. According to the CDC one in 12 U.S. high school students experiences physical dating abuse. That number also holds true for high school students who have experienced sexual dating abuse. We often want to blame the person in the relationship who is being abused. How many times have you heard someone say, “Why doesn’t she (or he) leave him (or her)?” or “If I were in that situation, I would never stay with someone who treats me like that”? The problem is not the person being abused, but the abuser themselves. If you talk to anyone who has ever been in an abusive relationship, they will tell you that the relationship did not start out this way. The abuser was everything this person had wanted. They were romantic or attentive to their partner’s needs. This is all part of the “Cycle of Abuse,” the Honeymoon period, then the tension builds followed by explosion and then onto the Honeymoon period again. By the time the abused person knows what is going on, they are stuck in this cycle and it is hard to escape.
So, what do parents need to know and what should they look for?
Prevention is a key component in helping to decrease teen dating abuse and you can never start too early. Talk with your preteens about healthy boundaries and how to maintain healthy relationships. The CDC has developed resources to help communities focus on prevention efforts. Check out Dating Matters on the CDC.gov website. It includes multiple prevention components for 11–14 year olds. There are multiple strategies that help prevent intimate partner violence and teen dating abuse which include engaging men and boys as allies and bystander empowerment
and education. We often overlook how communities can help to reduce teen dating abuse. Check out the CDC’s Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: A Technical Package of Programs, Policies and Practices
As your teens start dating, make sure you are keeping open communication with them; you want them to know that you are always there for them no matter what. Talk to your teen about what a healthy relationship looks like. Here are some green flags (signs that a relationship is healthy):
+ The relationship is not moving too fast
+ The partner respects the girl/ boyfriend’s decisions
+ The partner is not jealous or possessive
+ They both have their own lives
As a parent you need to also talk to your kids about red flags (warning signs) of relationships:
+ Extreme jealousy
+ Moving too quickly into a relationship
+ Isolation from family and friends
+ Telling someone what they can and cannot do
This is not an exhaustive list, but a good starting point for a conversation about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
As a parent, pay attention to signs of dating abuse:
+ Has your teen become withdrawn from their usual activities?
+ Has your teen become depressed?
+ Does your teen have unexplained bruises or marks?
If you see signs of abuse, what should you do next? First and foremost, talk with your teen. Make sure that you are open and honest with your concerns, but do not be critical. This can cause them to withdraw and not want to talk with you. Make sure they understand that you do not blame them for the abuse happening. Tell them that you understand it is the abuser’s fault.
Teens are at a point in their lives where they may not want to talk to you or feel like you will make them break up with their partner. Encourage your child to turn to a teacher, a mentor, a clergy leader, or another trusted adult if they need someone else to talk to.
The most important thing that a parent can have is knowledge when dealing with teen dating abuse. Often, we think of physical abuse when we think about dating abuse. But that is not the only kind of abuse. There is also:
+ Sexual abuse: behavior that coerces someone to do something sexually that they don’t want*
+ Emotional/verbal abuse: nonphysical behaviors such as threats, insults, isolation and humiliation*
+ Financial abuse: limit access to finances, using financial circumstances to control
+ Digital abuse: using technology to harass, stalk, or intimidate*
+ Stalking: someone watches, follows, or harasses repeatedly* ■
We asked law enforcement for their advice on Snapchat. Officer Gomez shared this information:
1) Popular and most kids use it.
2) The filters on Snapchat are fun to use.
3) Automatically hides information from parents.
4) Has a secret pass-coded picture vault.
5) Automatically logs devices out when logged into on another device.
1) Parents can’t check kids’ phones for content incoming or outgoing.
2) Lots of inappropriate behaviors posted on Snapchat desensitize kids to reality. (Nude photos, drugs, parties, crimes, pornography, fights, pranks, challenges)
3) Parents can’t monitor or filter information being seen.
4) Parents can’t check who is talking to their children.
5) Parents have to blindly trust their young teens in a hazardous environment.
6) Snapchat can broadcast your child’s location within 10 feet.
7) Most predators highly recommend Snapchat to kids they are speaking with.
I strongly recommend 18 (previously 16) be a better age for Snapchat to be allowed on phones. I see terrible things at school come across Snapchat and parents have no way to see what that is. It is common for 75% of students in high school to have sent out naked pictures and most of those have been sent on Snapchat. I also see kids get completely addicted (8-15 hours per day) to time that is completely wasted and will not have return on time used.
1) I want to be the “cool parent.”
2) I’m tired of arguing with my kid about it.
3) I have no idea what Snapchat is.
4) All the other kids have it.
5) I trust my kid and nothing you say will change that.
6) My kid is different from other kids.
Did you know Snapchat has a built-in secret picture vault with its own password? Yup, most parents don’t know about this either. (See https://tinyurl.com/mr7n9p25 about how to find the secret vault which is called My Eyes Only). Did you know spambots now send unsolicited pornography indiscriminately to usernames on Snapchat? Parental phone checks are not going to uncover this Snapchat feature. Please put serious thought into letting your children have an application on their cell phones that hides information from you, the parent.
The number of thunderstorms per hour on the earth
The weight in ounces a human hair can support 100
The number of different facial expressions a dog can make 75
The number of hamburgers McDonald’s serves every second
The number of dreams the average person has per year
The percentage of the world’s currency that is physical money (the rest exists only on computers)
Well, it happened again last night ... and we both went to bed feeling terrible. I said NO! Again. For the umpteenth time. It seems like I say NO every day, all the time, in fact. One little, teeny word is so powerful.
Saying NO feels like it creates a rift in the relationship between you and your child, a rift that sometimes becomes an insurmountable mountain that you precariously traverse with a rock pick in hand. Along the way, you get harsh words, yelling, tantrum, pouting, “I hate you” and all the other heart-puncturing weapons thrown at you to dissuade. It almost makes you want to quit, back down, take another path, an easier one, one where your child is smiling and hugging you!
Why is that little word so important to all human well-being? Well, for a moment, let’s imagine a world where we were never told NO. Those stop signs around town? They would be meaningless – just suggestions, really. Being told NO, gently, by our parents and teachers taught us to wait our turn.
Think of all the ways adults tolerate NO on a daily basis:
+ Doing a project for your boss when you don’t agree with the premise.
+ Fixing the lawnmower for your spouse when you would rather go fishing.
+ Stopping after only one cookie when your inner child is telling you to have another.
As parents, I think we struggle with NO for many reasons. We are tired. It’s a crazy-busy world. You may be exhausted, insecure in your parenting role or afraid of how your child will react, especially in a public place. (I swear Walmart is the best place to throw a tantrum.) We are afraid of how our children will feel about us, if they will be mad at us. We are afraid that it will stifle their creativity, they won’t be such free thinkers.
The reality is that learning NO is all a part of the human condition. It is a part of learning boundaries and limits, how far to go and how much to have. We are survivalists by biology. It is how we were
engineered (or we would probably have died out long ago). We take what we can get when we can get it. But we also learn societal rules, because you don’t want to be left out of the clan when the saber-tooth tigers are out hunting. We learned that by being together we can do more, but we have to have rules or we don’t accomplish anything. Weirdly, NO is good. NO makes us feel safe. NO makes our children feel like we love them and care about their well-being. NO is extremely important.
I had to say NO to my son again today, but I did it with a kind word and an understanding that he will be upset because he doesn’t like my NO. NO, a
well-balanced NO, is not a punishment. It is meant to teach a child frustration tolerance, disappointment, self-regulation. As adults, not only do we get told NO in some way a 100 times a day, we also have to tell ourselves NO. If not, we would spend all our money, not pay bills, eat to excess, make terrible decisions with our relationships. But mostly we have learned to self-regulate, which is the outcome of being told NO as a child. A good NO must be couched with a firmness (so the kid knows you won’t give in) and a kindness (so they know you are not just punishing them because you want to be mean). This helps them focus on what is important –what lesson we want them to learn with this NO.
One of my favorite examples of a good well-balanced NO is from a few years ago when my child was four. He went through a phase where, every day, about 15 minutes before dinner, he would ask for a cookie. I took it to heart and tried really hard not to do what I had experienced (a lot of yelling and screaming on my mom’s part to get out of the kitchen and leave her alone). It was hard! But I was able to use kindness, saying, “I’m sorry, honey. You cannot have a cookie. We are going to eat soon,” while still using firmness and standing by my NO. I worked hard not to waver, as he cried and pled, even threw a tantrum a time or two. But eventually, he no longer asked for a cookie and if he needed a snack he had a carrot stick instead. In this one instance, I could really connect to why my son was hating NO so much – who doesn’t want a cookie pretty much anytime?
All of this aside, what I want most for my children is that they will grow up kind and caring people. This is real success. Hearing NO is just one step in that direction. Look for opportunities to tell your children NO in a safe and caring manner, where the price tag is low and where you are there to help them learn frustration tolerance and selfregulation. Be okay that they get upset at the NO; help them with that feeling. Practice having kindness and firmness – it’s not an easy combination! It’s hard for us all. Go out there and love your kids with a big wellintentioned NO! ■
NO, a well-balanced NO, is not a punishment. It is meant to teach a child frustration tolerance, disappointment, self-regulation.
As adults, not only do we get told NO in some way a 100 times a day, we also have to tell ourselves NO. If not, we would spend all our money, not pay bills, eat to excess, make terrible decisions with our relationships.
Did you know that “bath salts” is just a street name for synthetic cathinones? Bathing products (like Epsom salts) are often natural in origin and have no mind-altering effects, whereas synthetic cathinones are manufactured by humans in a lab.
Often sold as either “bath salts,” “plant fertilizer,” or “vanilla sky,” synthetic cathinones are packaged as a white or brown crystalline powder. The drug is a stimulant, marketed as a substitute for cocaine and/or amphetamines. Most commonly smoked, synthetic cathinones can also be swallowed, snorted, or injected.
While no doubt dangerous, these products are available legally, and legislative attempts to control synthetic cathinones have been particularly challenging. Synthetic cathinones are available online, at cannabis paraphernalia stores (aka “head” shops), and sometimes at convenience stores and truck stops, and are sold with varying names such as “Red Dove,” “Cloud 9,” “Ocean Snow,” and so-on. They often state that they are “not for human consumption”
on the packaging, which is sold in 200-mg and 500-mg sizes. Chemically similar to other stimulants like amphetamines, cocaine, and MDMA (aka “Molly”), synthetic cathinones share similar dangers, such as potential for addiction, increased heart rate, chest pain, breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue, kidney failure, and in some cases, death. Short-term effects include very severe paranoia that can sometimes cause people to harm themselves or others. Signs of use include suicidal thoughts, agitation, combative or violent behavior, confusion, hallucinations, and psychosis.
The best way to know if your children are using synthetic cathinones is through having a strong relationship based in trust, in which you can talk to them about their substance use. On the foundation of a loving relationship, if your child is struggling with an addiction of any sort, they will know that they can come to you as a safe resource who will help them access the professional help they may need. ■
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