Tangi Business
Intersection of Talent + Technology Story by Nick Gagliano | Photos by Riyen Helg
EXECUTIVE BUSINESS FORUM TAILORED FOR NORTHSHORE DECISION MAKERS Running a business in 2024 can be challenging. Whether you are selfemployed, a small business owner or operate a business with a vast number of employees, information is the key to making successful decisions. The Southeastern Louisiana University College of Business will help bring critical information to the Northshore as they launch their inaugural “Intersection of Talent + Technology” Executive Business Forum which is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, 2024, at the Castine Center in Mandeville. “Our Executive Business Forum is designed for decision makers on the Northshore with information our business leaders need to navigate in the future,” said Dr. Tará Lopez, the Dean of the College of Business. “Our presenters will take national business issues and tailor the information for Northshore businesses.” The Business Forum will present helpful and practical information with a focus on “Talent, Technology, and the Economy.” The slate of speakers includes Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Tim Temple and nationally recognized economist, Ted Abernathy, as well as others. When asked what specific challenges Northshore businesses are facing in 2024, Dr. Lopez says that AI and talent recruitment, and retaining employees are areas that are critical in the upcoming year.
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Dr. Tará Lopez
SLU Dean of College of Business