Edgy Mag Internatonal

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to be the substance of CONTEMPORARY INTERIOR DESIGN By Si Khan

Ihssan Basim the rising Jordanian designer advocates importance of kitchen interior and involve nature into your design.


Ihssan adores the Contemporary style designs. Talking to Edgy Magazine Ihassan said "I believe Contemporary style helps express the feelings deep inside me. While I also admire and prefer the lines in the classic styles more than modern. My life overall is impacted with the imIhssan Basim is the rising Jordanian Interior pression of my design, it could be my car, designer. She is famous professionally for my living place, the fashion attire, or my general lifestyle." her work in kitchen interior designs and she is a big “KITCHEN IS THE My designs always completesupporter of keeping your HEART OF ANY HOUSE interior closer to the nature ly describe all details and UNDOUBTEDLY, THE in design aspects, as the na- MOST VITAL PLACE IN A I enjoy the details in my work. My favourite architect ture always is always more HOUSE AND NECESSIpleasing. Ihsaan has designed TATES EXTRA ATTENTION is frank Lloyd wrights, the for celebrities such as Lojain IN THE PLANNING AND favourite interior designer Omran , Joelle Mardanian EXECUTION OF ITS INTE- Victoria Hagan. My passion RIOR DESIGN” for work takes me an extra and Hussain Al Jasmy. mile. I am working more than twelve hours every day In her vision, Artistic aptitude, or passion for work, both are required with the same energy, only because I love my to be in the interior design profession. She work. I am preparing a new concept these is in divine assembly with interior designing days which may make me work twenty-four from early age and that led to the Special- hours a day but even if I work around the ize degree in Interior Design and later she clock my work will have the same passion carried it professionally. I have right now. e heard the phrase “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” but when we talk about interiors and especially house interiors, the kitchen is most important in a contented daily life.


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