Edibles List Magazine Issue 26 - The Tommy Chong Issue

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CBD Patent U.S. Patent No. 6,630,507 B1 Registered in 2003 by the U.S. Government


The Los Angeles Cannabis Task Force Update

CEO/Editor-In-Chief B. Le Grand


Top 10 Stoner Movies of All Time

Creative Director Wendy Lea Rall


Fewer Opioids Prescribed in States where Medical Marijuana is Legal Opioid Use is Lower in U.S. with Medical and

Edibles Magazine Team



Outreach & Development Director Keiko Beatie Contributing Editors Parham Khorsandi, Esq. Dan Capener L.C. Squared Ruben Honig Rachel Zemser Anthony Franciosi Richard Bell Karin Clarke Ruben Honig Jeff The 420 Chef Tanganyika Sales Manager Eamonn Lynch Graphic Design BuddBranding.com DesignsByBo.com Alexander Andres Photography & Video Paul Tracy Photography Lane Studios Interested In Advertising? Call Or Email Us Info@Edibleslist.com 310.601.7299 Subscribe at EdiblesMagazine.com


Our List of Top 10 Pot Movies

Recreational Cannabis Access


Cover Feature: Tommy Chong


Product Reviews Chong’s Choice, Fuller Life Remedies, Swerve Confections, W Vapes, Sababa Snacks, SweetHeart Medibles, BakedSmart, CaliGold Bars


Big Green Tourist Attractions for Downtown Seattle


Oakland Museum of California


Food Science


Medicated Recipes by Jeff the 420 Chef


10 Signs Cannabis Prohibition is Coming to an End


Tax Audit Strategy 101


Medicare Costs Reduced with Marijuana


Microsoft Enters the Cannabis Industry

Dancer, Musician and Spiritual Cannabis Guru

Downtown Seattle allows Dispensaries to Open Up

Altered States: Marijuana in California

Doesn’t Flavor Matter Anymore?

Hazy Thai Wings, Canna-Apple Roses, Sesame Canna-Chicken Salad

The Signs Are All Around Us, It’s Only a Matter of Time

Learn the Importance of Being Prepared for a Tax Audit

Want to Cut Down Medicare Costs? Legalize Cannabis

The Tech Giant’s Big Green Investment

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Fighting for a Fair, Open and Responsible Market in L.A.

The List Cannabis Infused Products List

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Edibles Magazine Issue 26


Issue No. 26


Welcome To Our New Look!




Letter from the Editor




Boutique Design Studio


Brand identity Product and service logos

Moving into my favorite month of the year (my birthday month), we bring you Tommy Chong! I’m elated to put this issue out, as many changes have taken place.

Packaging and label design

It has always been our mission to put hemp and cannabis education out there. I never dreamed in my life that I would one day be sitting in Tommy Chong’s backyard, poolside chatting it up about music, dancing and cancer… with Tommy Chong himself.

We C.A.R.E.

Creative . Available . Reliable . Experienced .


Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Letter From The Editor

951.704.3374 Wendy@BuddBranding.com

1717 E. Vista Chino A7-463 Palm Springs, Ca 92262

You’ll notice in this issue we have moved to a new national format as we expand and prepare to move to newsstands. Without further adue, I would like to introduce our new Creative Director at Edibles List Magazine, Wendy Lea Rall. She's well-known as the co-founder of Planeta Surf, the first Mexican surfing magazine, where she worked as the Creative Director for 10 years. Wendy has now bonded her love of design with her love of cannabis, launching Budd Branding, a boutique design studio. It is my great pleasure to step away from the design of the magazine and spend more time advocating for cannabis reform and continuing to give patients and businesses what they want and need in this industry, reliable information, a distribution channel and quality networking events. We are still so far away from the proper regulation we need to make cannabis a legitimate, viable industry. While many join the bandwagon for the money and greed, there is still the need for altruistic intent. I always thought it was ironic that the lies about cannabis began with controlled media, and that is precisely the way we seek to end the prohibition of cannabis. The evidence blatantly stares us in the face everyday. We must choose to share the knowledge, research and evidence we find with our friends, family and neighbors. Every conversation is an opportunity to educate. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

I can not tell you how many people don’t even know that you can consume cannabis-derived CBD (cannabidiol) without getting high. One of the articles I’ve been wanting to print for a while now, featured in this issue, is the actual CBD patent, which is owned by the United States government. How is it that the Federal government on one hand says that cannabis is a Schedule 1 drug and has NO medical benefit whatsoever, yet the Federal government owns the patent on CBD and owns the rights to all usage of its medical benefits as a neuroprotectant and antioxidant. If cannabis has no medical benefit, then how and why does the Federal government still issue medical marijuana joints (300 monthly) to 2 surviving members of a 1970’s new drug program? ... a drug program that came out the EXACT same year as the Controlled Drug Substance Act. I’m just saying, the evidence is out there. We must choose the truth and not allow ourselves to be lied to. I made it my mission to help educate the world about infused products and the health benefits of marijuana. Every month we bring to you news, testimonials, legal updates and everything cannabis. But if you do the research yourself, just a couple Google searches bring undeniable light to a subject that has had darkness surrounding it for nearly a century. It’s time to end the lies. The government is going to reschedule cannabis for their own monetary gain. But when that happens, who will be able to deny the many amazing properties of this healing herb? We must not get too comfortable, there is still work to be done. It’s an exciting time to be a part of as we work together to change history forever. As always, we value and appreciate your continued readership.

Pool-side at the Chong residence: B. Le Grand & Keiko Beatie with Tommy Chong. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

:~B. Le Grand (aka) Bo Nicole Capener, Editor in Chief



U.S. Patent No.

6,630,507 B1

MOST AMERICANS ARE UNAWARE: THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT HOLDS THE PATENT TO CANNABINOIDS AS USE FOR MEDICINE. Yes, it's true. The majority of the world is unaware that the United States government holds multiple domestic AND

international patents on cannabinoids as use for medicine,

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

specifically as an antioxidant and neuroprotectant. How can


this be? Cannabis is currently listed as a Schedule I Drug, on

the Federal government’s Controlled Substances List. It’s time that the government’s hypocrisy comes to light.

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To read the full pattent visit uspot.gov and search 6630507

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Photo credits can go here

“Assignment,” in general, is the act of transferring to another the ownership of one’s property, i.e., the interest and rights to the property. In 37 CFR 3.1, assignment of patent rights is defined as “a transfer by a party of all or part of its right, title and interest in a patent [or] patent application....”




LA Cannabis

Task Force UPDATE

Ruben Honig, Assistant Chair, Los Angeles Cannabis Task Force

The Los Angeles Cannabis Task Force: Fighting for A Fair, Open and Responsible Market in Los Angeles Los Angeles’ cannabis industry is a study in contrasts. While one of the largest consumer markets in the world, LA’s cannabis businesses are illegal or banned outright under local laws—creating a catch-22 that leaves businesses and patients in legal limbo. Add to this the fact that medical cannabis is legal under California state law, and the policy picture becomes even more complex. Los Angeles’ cannabis laws are not aligned with the Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MCRSA), a California state law that authorizes licensing across the industry, including cultivation, transportation, manufacturing, distribution, and lab testing.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

The is why the Los Angeles Cannabis Task Force has been founded by LA based policy and legal experts, as well as patient advocates. The Task Force’s agenda is straightforward: to establish a safe, lawful, and responsible local licensing system that aligns with the business and license categories authorized by California state law. Who is the Task Force? The Task Force is made up of people with diverse backgrounds, both inside and outside the cannabis industry in Los Angeles. We include advocates, business owners, investors, patients, and activists. To find out more and get involved visit our website, www.lacannabistaskforce.org.

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Top 10 Stoner Movies of all Time

Almost anything can be considered a stoner movie from the perspective of a stoner... Have you ever watched Planet Earth on mute while listening to Jay Z’s Black Album? Highly recommended. But it takes a certain dedication to the lifestyle to land on... Top 10 Stoner Movies of All Time List.

10. How High (2001) 10

In this movie, Method Man and Redman attend Harvard after discovering a new kind of chronic that makes them geniuses. (They fertilized it with the ashes of their dead friend.) The pair are devout stoners. They’re so devout that they dig up the body of John Quincy Adams to smoke his bones in the hopes it’ll make them smarter. They also believe that if you take a test high, it’ll help you get high scores. Role models they are not.

9. Super High Me (2007)

What started as a joke (a pun on Morgan Spurlock’s Super Size Me) in Doug Benson’s stand up set became a reality after brainstorming with friend and filmmaker, Michael Blieden. It takes place over a 60 day period. He spends 30 days drug-free and the following 30 days smoking weed every day. At the end, he compares the results of his mental and physical health. Shockingly, both his SAT scores and sperm count improved after smoking. The more you know.

8. Half Baked (1998) 9

Thank God for Dave Chappelle. Without him, this movie would have probably suffered under the campy and over-the-top antics of Jim Breuer and Harland Williams. Although you do have to commend Jim Breuer’s character, Brian, and his epic munchies list. And a historic munchie session it would have been had that police officer’s horse not eaten it all. (That poor horse.) Oh, and the things we would do to get the holy grail that is Thurgood’s supply of medical marijuana...

7. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

Otherwise known as the movie Phoebe Cates emerges from the pool in a red bikini. Sean Penn plays an unmotivated pothead, and since Penn was a method actor, he never broke character on set. He even made the cast and crew call him Spicoli. No word on whether or not he actually smoked throughout...

6. Super Troopers (2001)

Edibles Magazine Issue 26



Watching this movie is the one time you don’t have to be paranoid about the cops. Just be glad you’re not one of the kids that gets pulled over by this movie’s squad of irreverent cops who prefer hassling to arresting the criminals breaking their community’s laws. This movies hooks you from the opening scene in which the cops pull over a car full of kids with drugs and make them “smoke the whole bag.” The whole bag? The whole bag. One of the kids also tries to hide a bag of mushrooms meant for three people by eating them... at which point the snozberries taste like snozberries.

5. Pineapple Express (2008)


Sure, Apatow and his cohort had made stoner movies before, (or at least non-stoner movies with an abundance of references to the drug) but this is the culmination of marijuana-related brilliance. Not only did they bring action to otherwise tame stoner movies, they helped reinvent real life ways of smoking. You may have attempted a few “exciting” methods of toking up in your day the apple pipe, the gallon jug gravity bong, etc. - but when Pineapple Express debuted the cross joint (AKA the “apex of the vortex of joint engineering”), the weed world went nuts attempting all manner of joint architecture, each one trying to outdo the last. So you can thank Pineapple Express for whatever this is. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


4. The Big Lebowski (1998)

One of the greatest movies in and out of the stoner genre. You have to respect, the Dude, an author of the original Port Huron Statement and a founding member of the Seattle Seven. Also, there is almost no scene in which the Dude doesn’t “do a J.” The Dude’s attitude encapsulates that of the ideal stoner and even spurred its own religion - Dudeism. He doesn’t impose his beliefs on others, nor does he judge others for theirs. And if you don’t agree with it, well, that’s just, ya know, like, your opinion, man.

3. Dazed and Confused (1993)

This almost plotless film is a cult classic in which just about everyone is trying to get stoned or laid on the last day of high school. As for fun facts: the characters smoke a lot of weed throughout, and the actors were only sometimes actually high. The word “man” is said 203 times, man. It also famously rocketed one actor, Matthew McConaughey, to stardom. Alright, alright, alright.


2. Friday (1995)

One of the few stoner comedies that was successful enough to become a trilogy. This is one of the original "high-till-you-die" movies. As Chris Tucker’s character says, “Ain’t nothing wrong with smokin’ weed. Weed is from the Earth. God put this here for me and you.” It’s right up there with Up In Smoke. In fact Ice Cube’s character has the Cheech & Chong poster on his bedroom wall. Which leads us to...

1. Up in Smoke (1978)

Cheech & Chong. The pioneers of stoner comedy. The two met in Vancouver where Cheech had fled as a Vietnam draft dodger. The movie actually received bad reviews when it debuted, but that’s likely because it seemed childish at the time. There hadn’t been a movie like it. In it, the two are charged with driving a car that is literally made of weed across the U.S.-Mexico border. There’s so much green that the van’s exhaust gets an officer high, and just the smell of it kills a drug-sniffing dog. Without this film we’d never have the cache of stoner movies to come. And for that we thank them.


Bonus: Reefer Madness (1938)

AUTHOR: Anthony Franciosi was born and raised in New Jersey until 2008 when he moved to Colorado to become a marijuana farmer. Since then, Anthony has founded HonestMarijuana.com, an organic marijuana growery. Outside of work, Anthony can be found high up in the mountains on his snowboard. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com





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An early 20th century propaganda film originally titled “Tell Your Children” that was made to warn parents about the horrors of “marihuana” (with a hard H). It should be no surprise that it was made and funded by a church group. It starts with a rolling disclaimer that says weed is “a violent narcotic, an unspeakable scourge,” and that those who use it may experience “uncontrollable laughter.” Though the only thing laughable is what this movie thinks pot does to a person.



Fewer Opioids Prescribed in States where Medical Marijuana is Legal Keiko Beatie, Senior Editor

Opioid Use Is Lower in U.S. with Medical and Recreational Cannabis Access

The employee health benefit group, Castlight Health, recently completed a study on opioid consumption. Castlight is an employee health benefit provider and what they found is that use of this intrusive pharmaceutical, is in fact lower within the states that have either medical and or recreational access. Investigators assessed anonymous prescription reporting data from over one million employees between the years 2011 and 2015. In this study, they defined "abuse" as opioid use by a person who was not receiving medical assistance. Those who received greater than a 90-day cumulative supply of opioids, and received an opioid prescription from four or more providers were researched. They found that only 2.8 percent of individuals with an opioid prescription living in medical marijuana states met the criteria. The states that did not permit medical cannabis access had 5.4 percent of individuals with an opioid prescription qualified as abusers of the drug.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

In 2015, the RAND Corporation found that the U.S. states that had medical marijuana dispensaries and delivery services, experience a decrease in both opioid addictions and opioid overdose deaths compared to states that do not. As well as data from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine stated the enactment of statewide medicinal marijuana laws is associated with significantly lower state-level opioid overdose mortality rates. "States with medical cannabis laws had a 24.8 percent lower mean annual opioid overdose mortality rate compared with states without medical cannabis laws."


Most recently, Illinois launched their medical marijuana program, providing patients with the option to choose cannabis over addictive, expensive and sometimes deadly pharmaceutical prescription drugs. Currently, in states where medical cannabis is legal, there are now fewer deaths associated with pharmaceutical drugs (thankfully). The study compares the number of pharmaceutical-related deaths in 13 states where medical marijuana was legal before EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


HEALTH 2010 to states where medical marijuana remains illegal. The report reveals that states where medical marijuana is legal have a 25 percent lower rate of opioid-related deaths. Sequentially, there were approximately 1,729 fewer opioidrelated deaths in 2010 in states where patients have access to medical marijuana. Rates for opioid deaths have been estimated to have dropped even lower within the five fully recreational states with full access to cannabis. Opioids and narcotics are the primary drugs used to treat chronic pain, despite their noxious side effects. According to the CDC, approximately 44 people die everyday due to prescription drug overdose. In 2012 alone, healthcare providers wrote more than 259 million prescriptions for painkillers. Cannabis, on the other hand, can help ease pain, has low levels of toxicity and is impossible to overdose on. In addition, there are cannabinoid receptors in some regions of the brain that can even alter chronic pain. For instance, rather than consume a deadly opioid like OxyContin for chronic pain, patients can ingest medical cannabis to mitigate pain without the harmful side effects.

...approximately 44 people DIE everyday due to


Edibles Magazine Issue 26

With the most recent passing of popular musician Prince and his now publicly discovered addiction to opiates, our awareness of addiction bring this to the masses at a critical moment. The overdose risks associated with use of opioid painkillers such as Oxycontin and Vicodin grows.

Hopefully, individuals with chronic pain and their medical providers will now be seeking to treat pain entirely or in part with medical marijuana within the states where medical and recreational cannabis is legal. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Our edibles are hand-made in Northern California, lab tested and infused with a hybrid THC oil. Our Lucky Lemon Cookies are available at 40MG &160MG. Our Daily Double Peanut Butter Cups (4 pack) are available at 80MG & 240MG.




Dancer, Musician, and Spiritual Cannabis Guru:

Here is Tommy Chong Keiko Beatie, Senior Editor

Who would you imagine fits this personality profile? It was an insightful experience as well an honor being a meeting Mr. Tommy B. Kin Chong. We know that in the 1960’s Tommy was the “Straight Man” to the comedy duo Cheech and Chong who became the cannabis consumer compadre. It was the touchstone to relating to the once underground

Tommy was born in Alberta, Canada to humble beginnings. His father immigrated from China and first resided in Vancouver with an aunt. He served in the Army during WWII. Because of an injury while serving in the army it was necessary to relocate to Calgary, near a VA Hospital. Tommy’s dad Stanley Chong, found a career as a truck driver, which took him away from home frequently. Chong’s mother Lorna Jean Gilchrist was of Irish Scottish descent. During Tommy’s early years his mother sadly contracted Tuberculosis and spent four years in a hospital during his adolescence. At one point, Chong himself was susceptible to TB and was

hospitalized for nine months. He says his first memories are of being in a hospital. Although he spent time being sick as a child, his family gave him a sense of belonging. His mix of friends included an array of Canadian Native Indians, Africans and peace seeking American Draft escapees. He found camaraderie and observed life with an open perspective. He was inspired by music, had a guitar available and soon found an outlet to create music. But not many others had instruments in his neighborhood, so for a time, creating music was a solo effort. Tommy also discovered how being a guitar player made him popular

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Edibles Magazine Issue 26

community of tokers. The “puff and pass syndrome” was coming to light and our inspiration to continue, was supported by listening to their albums while sitting in a bean bag chair within a tight circle of friends. But have we truly acknowledged the diverse depth of Tommy’s talent, creativity, spiritual being and intelligence?


INTERVIEW TEXT HERE with the ladies, which was a plus for an introspective half-Chinese guy. The first person he collaborated with was a fiddle player. That was the only person in his area who had an instrument, and a new country band was born. Soon, other collaborations came his way and rock n’ soul music became his true genre of choice.

made it to number 29 on the Billboard Top 100. While on tour in Chicago, an up and coming new group opened for them, The Jackson 5. But to their dismay, Chong was fired by the record company when he missed an appointment to get a Green Card. Receiving a Green Card was going to assist in moving to America and furthering their impact on the music industry. The Vancouvers broke up shortly after that, proving to be the best thing for Tommy’s future.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Being a musician allowed Chong’s innate business talents to emerge. He negotiated the contracts between venues and the band. Tommy states, in his deep low voice, “I dropped out of Crescent Heights High School when I was 16, but they were going to throw me out anyway... and I played guitar to make money.”


One of Tommy’s acquaintances was Cheech Marin, who was living in Canada to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War. A partnership was made as an eclectic comedy duo, whose fascination with the marijuana lifestyle came to light. The topic of cannabis was not normally made available to the mainstream, and Cheech & Chong introduced it to the Baby Boomers generation, making its commonplace a reality. Chong co-wrote and performed on the Cheech & Chong comedy albums, two of which were nominated for Best Comedy Album Grammy Awards. He also directed the duo's films, while co-writing and starring in all seven of the pair’s films with Cheech Marin. Tommy’s favorite film he made is “Still Smoking” as it highlights their on By the early 1960’s, Chong stage comedy act. was playing guitar for a Calgary soul group called Cheech & Chong, while a very successful comedy duo, The Shades. The band’s split in 1985, as Marin’s desire to expand his acting career name was inspired by became his calling for varying roles. Tommy found the diverse racial mix a diverse direction and found acting opportunities of the group’s band himself, continuing his repertoire of film, TV and stage. members. The Shades then relocated Some of those roles over the past few years include to Vancouver, British Columbia, and the Disney animated film Zootopia, as a yak named changed their name to Little Daddy & Yax, a hippie in Dharma and Greg, and an appearance The Bachelors. on Franklin & Bash. Other TV and film roles include Miami Vice, South Park, George Lopez, Raising Hope, With his bandmate, Bobby Taylor, The Millers, Uncle Grand Pa, Nash Bridges, George Tommy had the opportunity to open Carlin Show, Half Baked, Senior Trip, a/k/a Tommy, a nightclub in 1963 and called it “Blue the documentary about Chong’s comedic life and a new Balls.” One of the acts they brought in upcoming film It’s Gawd. was the Ike and Tina Turner Revue. Little Daddy & The Bachelors even An acting role that brought Tommy from the popularity recorded a song called, “Too Much of the 70s to the 2000s was the TV show That 70’s Monkey Business,” and with a few Show, in which Chong played “Leo” the aging hippie band name changes, finally decided on with wit and amusement. It was reminiscent of his Bobby Taylor & the Vancouvers. At this Chong character from Cheech & Chong days. With time, he got married to Maxine Sneed that role, Tommy found a new generation of Gen X and had two children, Ray Dawn and fans who appreciated his character and the relation to Robbi and were together till 1970. the cannabis lifestyle. He was hip and acceptable on mainstream television. The show ran from 1998 to 2006, His music career was taking off and and he participated in all seasons except for 2004 and the band signed with a division of 2005 due to his unfortunate visit to federal detention. Motown Records in 1965. They had a single that Tommy co-wrote, “Does Which brings us to this time in Tommy’s life that Your Mama Know About Me,” that many thought was a sheer trumped up charge or a EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

INTERVIEW fabrication of hysteria. Mary Beth Buchanan a Federal prosecutor was part of the Federal Operation Pipe Dreams and Operation Headhunter. The cost for this program was 12 million dollars and 55 companies that sold paraphernalia were the targets. Some of Tommy’s family members were a part of the company Nice Dreams, which sold bongs to consumers. The charges for distributing drug paraphernalia were directed at Nice Dreams. Incredulously, it was Chong that they chose to personally prosecute. A request for home detention was denied, and Tommy was federally incarcerated for nine months. This was during the time of being contracted to That 70’s Show, and he was able to return for the last season of the show to a great welcome back. Soon afterwards, Chong started touring shows with Cheech Marin they found a vast new audience with the realization the popularity of cannabis lifestyle was growing. The number of states soon allowing more medical and recreational cannabis access were increasing. Tommy was asked to be on the Advisory Board for National Organization Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML). People view him as one of the warriors of the movement. He contributes to Cannabis Culture Magazine on various topics such as supporting the growing awareness of the culture of cannabis.

With the social tides flowing in a positive direction, one of the top network celebrity competition TV shows, Dancing With The Stars came calling for Tommy in 2014. He was paired with the beautiful and talented professional dancer bombshell Peta Murgatroyd. Week after week of grueling competition, America’s vote was in Chong’s favor. His fans were voting not only for him, but others saw his drive, talent and entertaining qualities. His finesse on the dance floor was exciting, and the Chong Dancing Charm came through.. soon Tommy was in the semifinals. He is now noted as the oldest contestant (at 78) to make it to the semifinals. Alas, he didn’t win, but his outreach garnered new fans and mainstream America got to learn more about his brave advocacy for the right to use cannabis. When in his presence, Tommy’s down-to-earth comfort comes as a peaceful exchange. The focused gaze feels as if he seeks to find out who you are, on a deeper level than normal conversation. It has been noted that when anyone approaches Tommy he is always open with a

sincere smile on his face. This kind of respect for the human spirit connects, as if to say, “We are here to share, exchange and respect.” I appreciated our time together and I was touched by Chong’s spiritual energy in his exchange with us. Tommy shared a lesson in humbleness, in a conversation about his approachability. Earlier in his career, he had an experience that guided his future interactions to the present day.

Cheech & Chong’s career had taken off, and they were being courted to rub elbows with top entertainment industry stars. They received an invitation to an exclusive Hollywood

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In 2012, Tommy was diagnosed with prostate cancer and began a regime of medical cannabis oil to assist with his recovery. It was a slow moving disease for him, and by mid-July 2012 Chong announced that he was cancer free. Tommy’s focused and spiritual sense of being, seems to have guided him through his journey to becoming a fighter and survivor.



Edibles Magazine Issue 26

party with many A-List celebrities in attendance. Tommy saw, none other than Jack Nicholson himself. He walked up to him, praised him and asked a question regarding a role Jack played in a movie Chong loved. Nicolson was oddly silent, stood back and gave Tommy a steely-eyed stare, possibly filled with disdain. Nicolson then turned his back and walked away without a word. The moment was deeply etched into Tommy’s mind and soul. That another person could be so detached from a friendly exchange, was so wrong, he vowed to never disregard and treat another human being that way….ever! You will see Chong always waving, smiling, and acknowledging each and every person who calls out to him, and this is a rare attribute for a person of his caliber. He said to us, “Every person has a story,” reinforcing the Golden Rule; treat others how you want to be treated.


On a disappointing note, it was found that Chong had contracted colorectal cancer in June of 2015. This particular cancer is similar to what the actress, Farrah Fawcett, was diagnosed with. Through using cannabis, and other healing modalities, Tommy has shared that he is once again cancer free. Chong attributes his 2015 fight with cancer to the stress and toll taken on him while filming DWTS. He continues to pave the way with his brave and bold path as a Guru of Cannabis, sharing the knowledge of this amazing God-given plant. Tommy’s theory on cannabis is that marijuana calms the mind, and when the mind is calm, the body can heal. Chong’s Choice is a cannabis product line of the finest high quality items. Let’s face it, if anyone knows cannabis products it's Tommy Chong! He attends many festivals, expos for both

consumers and business-to-business. With Tommy’s keen insight and sharp intelligence, his products are bound to succeed. Items include vape cartridges, pre-rolls, glass jars of eighths to name a few. Visit their website at www.chongschoice.com for more information. Tommy Chong’s many talents include intelligence, creativity and a good golf game to boot. At a point in his young musical journey, Tommy met a young woman named Shelby Fiddes who became his muse. She inspired, supported and guided him through a myriad of things that were happening in his life. Today, Tommy

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and Shelby are still together along with their four grown children Paris, Precious, Gilbran and Marcus. He is a humble man who honors Jesus as someone he most admires. If given a moment of contemplation, a session with Sativa appreciation is the choice of Chong. Who really knew about the depth of this Master of Cannabis Culture. Nowhere was there the “Hey Dude” syndrome. It was an honor of one’s spiritual path, where the highest regards to this natural healing plant was a common ground. An exciting time during this meeting was sparked by learning of his cooking experiment

with infused kumquats, when asked what his favorite edible was. Please Tommy, I want to taste your kumquat culinary delight! Tommy Chong is also revered by many as an advocate, activist, comedian, businessman, musician, entrepreneur and writer. When asked what he enjoyed doing the most in his long list of accomplishments, the look of Yoda came through his twinkling eyes and Tommy shared, “Dancing.” Chong was most proud of sharing himself as a dancer, his grace, poise, drive and musicality of dance on the dance floor and in life itself.

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Photo: B. Le Grand . Shutterstock

Tommy and Shelby



P roduct R eviews Keiko Beatie, Senior Editor Each month the team at Edibles List explores new products in order to bring you the best on what is on the market across America today! This month we feature Chong's Choice and our editor's picks. Medicate Responsibly!

Chongs Choice Pre Rolls

The Chong’s Choice Pre Rolls made me feel as if I had a personal cannabis concierge. The luxury of having an eights pre rolled with some high quality flower was fantastic. Each joint was about .75g each packaged and in a well-sealed box.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Chongs Choice Oil Cartridge


The strain specific CO2 vape cartridges by Chong’s Choice are made with quality ingredients and in high demand. Vapes have taken over as the convenient go to for the replacing joint and pipes. The extraction method they use keeps the natural flavor in and a nice high concentration of THC. I enjoyed the Sativa the best!

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Chongs Choice 1/8 Flowers

Chong’s Choice seeks out locally grown cannabis to fill these jars with the finest flower. They have each batched tested and tout how it is a top shelf strain. The bud I picked out had a good structure and was fairly fresh for what I expected. After smoking I was pleased and I did feel I received a top quality eighth.

Tommy wants everyone to have fresh breath with his infused Chong’s Choice Breath Strips. This product is so simple, easy to use and who doesn’t want to have clean feeling in your mouth with a fun punch to it. The best thing about these breath strips is that it is 40 mg dosage and in the sublingual state of infusion it will inter act within the body. It appeared to by a hybrid blend infused in the breath strips, which is a good aspect. Other pluses are that it can fit easily in a purse or wallet.

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Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Chongs Choice THC Breath Strips


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Fuller Life Remedies Relief Balms

As we are all learning about the fantastic properties of cannabis, it is now realized how the impact of CBD is coming to light even more. With the Fuller Life Brand Super CBD the result and testimonials are truly astounding. Fuller Life Remedies is finding so much joy and satisfaction in being able to assist those in need with their highly effective products. One of their most versatile items on their menu is the Super CBD Tincture. I’ve found the taste nice and mild, but it’s the results that have made an extreme difference in so many people’s lives. First off all, of the products that Fuller Life Remedies carries are manufactured in a laboratory clean room environment, with testing results on each of their products. Taken sub-lingually, a couple of drops at various intervals during the day. Fuller Life Remedies has helped me personally with extraordinary pain relief, and I know many patients have also been helped by these products, combating myriad of ailments.

Fuller Life Remedies also offers an effective topical Relief Balm of three different types: D9 Relief Balm, CBD Relief Balm and D9 CBD Relief Balm. In using the products we found the consistency of the balm was smooth and it spread on the areas easily and seemed to absorb into the skin quickly leaving no residue. The first balm we used was the D9 Relief Balm for a patient with acute joint arthritis in the knees. The ingredients are listed as naturally refined Shea Butter, Beeswax and Medical Cannabis Oil. After only 5 minutes, the 55 year old female was experiencing relief and southing feelings in her knees. She said that it took care of her pain for at least 8 hours and was appreciative for finding a product that worked so well. The CBD Relief Balm and D9 CBD Relief Balm does very well with topical issues with healing and pain. With the infusion of the CBD in both of these products, the open sores and skin inflammation showed dramatic improvements within just two days.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

A 34 year old female patient, who resides in Antelope Valley, has had ulcerative colitis for the past 15 years. Her symptoms involved her violently throwing up daily. We had her start with two drops three times during the day and four at bedtime. At this time, she is no longer vomiting and the abdominal pain has

subsided drastically, her physician is impressed. Many cancer patients who have chosen to go through radiation or chemo are finding a quicker recovery after their treatments with taking the Super CBD as well. Another patient with multiple sclerosis has had movement come back to their left hand, and with less pain throughout the body. This is a great product with promise to medical cannabis growth, awareness and acceptance. Super CBD by Fuller Life Remedies.

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Swerve Confections and Melts Swerve Snooze Bar Review

Tanganyika This week I had the pleasure of tasting the Snooze Bar by Swerve Confections, and I must say that this was one of the highlights of my week. This scrumptious poppy seed, honey, and almond masterpiece almost made me forget that it was a medicated treat. This seriously tasted like I could easily pick this up from my nearest healthy supermarket, and then go over to grandma’s house to drop off samples.

I am really big on checking ingredients and nutrition facts on the back of food packages, so I really hope that they start putting that on their packaging, but other than that no complaints. I am so excited to see what other products this company will offer, and what other delightful treats they will cook up for their cannabis consumers.

I have had poppy seed bagels in the past, so I was familiar with the taste and texture, but to combine it with a sweet from the honey and the nutty flavor of the almond put this edible in a brand new category of its own. Then to mentally know that it has cannabis and opium poppy in the ingredients made it even more sinfully delicious. This reminded me of a cinnamon sweet granola bar that I used to eat years ago serving in the military. It is crunchy, sweet, chewy, and tasty all in one. Even though it says that it’s for sleep and stress on the package I felt like I could climb Mt. Everest after I finished eating it. It felt like it was so healthy and beneficial for me, and I was just glad that I didn’t have a bigger piece because I surely would have gone overboard.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

The 25 mg dose was just enough to keep the pain away, and the fact that it was an indica hybrid strain means that you get the best of both worlds as I conducted my daily activities. I didn’t feel like I needed to lay down, but I did feel relaxed and clear minded at the exact same time.


W Vape Disposable

350mg Hybrid CO2 Extract; Banana Cookie Tanganyika My first thoughts were this is a disposable device. At least to me, this comes with some kind of negative connotation. Past experience leads me to believe that the product may be less thought out or some corners were cut. I know that those thoughts are a little prejudiced, but that is just my experience. Furthermore, vaping is not my first choice in medicating. I would much rather touch feel and smell what I am about to ingest. But they have their purpose. There are times where you just need to get the medicine into your system no matter where you are. At least with the vape, you can find a corner for a moment of privacy to do your thing.

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REVIEWS TEXT HERE I really like the packaging for this product. It's not very complicated, but well-designed and clearly details all of the pertinent information. After removing the Pen from the packaging, I was once again perplexed because it looks a little different than I expected. It looks like a literal pen. There are no buttons, or a distinguishable mouthpiece. It's actually kind of gorgeous in a way. It has a really nice solid feel to it too. I would like to nominate this for a industrial design award. After carefully examining the pen for a few minutes, and discovering a tiny hole on the top part of it, I took my first hit. That ladies and gentlemen is all that there is to it. My previous vape pen would take quite a bit of effort to get a nice plume of vapor. This was a whole different experience. A much nicer experience. It feels like I don't have to work as hard to get an effective amount of medicine. There was no artificial flavor. The THC oil they use is really high-quality. This little package is absolutely awesome. You can never judge a book by its cover. That statement is applicable to this Pen. From now on I will not hold the same opinion on all disposable products. Every product should be judged on its own merit regardless of it's name or cost. This product has by far exceeded all of my expectations. Spanish word for “pumpkin seed.” Look at that… culinary review and cultural lesson at the exact same time.


• Sababa Mole

Sababa is hands down my new favorite edible line of snacks. These whole oat clusters are not only healthy and delectable but also knocking a power punch in the potency department. The experience (yes I’m calling it an experience because that’s what it felt like) starts by appreciating their packaging and labels on each of their products. You could put this right in the cabinet and people would think its any other snack that you enjoy. Kudos to the company on their logo and how unique yet neat it is as well. Then you move on to the flavor of your choice. Today I am trying the Molè Spice with Pepitas & Cacao…try saying that five times fast. It comes with four pieces to a bag with each of the pieces averaging 20 mg apiece. When you open the bag it smells like you’re walking down the bag-your-own-oats section at your local Wholefoods. That is followed closely by an herbal spice flavor that hits your nose and excites your senses. You can’t really put your hands on what the actual spice is, but you know its there and that you can’t wait to try it. To be perfectly honest I thought it was pepitas until I realized that pepitas was the

The molè is so authentic when added to the chocolate, sesame, and pumpkin seeds. It tastes exotic, fresh, and interesting all at the same time. Im almost certain I wouldn’t like this oat cluster if the crunch from the seeds were missing, but since they are present this is one of my new favorite snacks. The cannabis that made this snack can be traced to a grower in Oakland, and the mole used is hand made. I also love the fact that it is gluten and dairy free. This makes this the perfect snack right before a hike, on a picnic, or after a long day at work. Whatever your reason just make sure you try one of their amazing whole oat cluster flavors today.

• Sababa Dark Chocolate & Hazelnut

Sababa Dark Chocolate Pecan & Hazelnut would be a treat at any party. This is one of my new go to snacks that I know will taste great and really does a great job of medicating me effectively. The package contains four (4) doses of delicious clusters totaling about 80 mg per package. This helps the consumer dose their medicine according to their tolerance, so I knew exactly how much I could handle before I got carried away.

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Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Sababa Snacks


TEXT HERE REVIEWS When you open the bag it smells like a sweet Christmas tree sprinkled in cinnamon. I promise you that’s a good thing, and I found myself imaging what the flavors would taste like as I inhaled. After several deep breaths I pulled out the perfect square piece that I examined closely. The chocolate coating is surprising since I could smell the cinnamon more, but the gluten free oats really brought the entire snack together. It also has my favorites pecans and hazelnuts as well. The organic coconut oil is a nice touch, and people with dairy allergies will love this treat because it is dairy free. I love how I can pronounce all of the ingredients on the back of the label. That speaks volumes in my opinion of the direction that the industry is headed in. We will start to see more and more of these amazing health conscious products to hit the market. Ones that pay attention to the dietary needs of a niche market and really excel as industry leaders because of it. Thanks Sababa and other companies like them for elevating the edible game to an entirely different palate of mature audiencess.

• Sababa Cashew and Apricot

inside content was something to look forward to, and I’m just glad it lived up to my expectations. The clusters come four to a package, and they are around 20 mg per piece. This is just enough to make the average consumer feel mellow and at ease for several hours. The Sababa Caramel with Cashew and Apricot were the first ones I sampled. The chewy apricot was the first ingredient I tasted followed slowly by the crunch of the cashew. The cashew texture was the perfect end to the moist bite, and the caramel was a light added flavor that held the cluster together. The apricot was such a unique and new flavor that you aren’t used to in a medicated edible, and it made me appreciate the snack even more. This snack truly wins hands down for me because it has 0 THC taste to it. You really feel like you picked this snack up from Costco or your local grocery store instead of at a dispensary full of other medicated products. I hate that lingering back-of-the-mouth residual THC taste, and I’m happy to report that none of the Sababa products have that problem. Not only does it tell you the nutritional information on the outside, but it also displays when the products expire, and where the cannabis came from to make the delicious treats. The resealable bag keeps your goodies fresh until the expiration date, so you don’t have to worry about the product becoming stale. This is also an awesome dietary friendly snack that is gluten and dairy free, which makes it an even bigger winner in my book.

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The first thing I noticed about the Sababa whole oat clusters, was how It actually feels like manufacturers are starting to great the packaging looked. This respond to consumers who want more options besides immediately gave me hope that the brownies and candy.


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Sconed Toasted Toffee Tanganyika Raise your hand if you love caramel? Well if you do then you will thoroughly enjoy this new BakedSmart product called Toasted Toffee. I must admit that growing up I preferred caramel to toffee any day, but when I googled what toffee was I realized it was just caramel with butter added to it. My more refined mature palate really enjoyed the buttery taste of the BakedSmart Toffee Treat this time around, and I found myself crushing the first piece and immediately going back in for another piece just to make sure that I enjoyed it as much as I thought I did. The second time was even better than the first.

Sweetheart Medibles

Chocolate Covered Pretzels Tanganyika Ok everyone…say it with me Chocolate Covered Pretzels. I know that anyone with a sweet and savory palate will enjoy this new delicious medible. I had the pleasure of sampling this 100mg sprinkled sensation and trust me it did not disappoint. The front of the packaging lets you know that it is hash infused so already I was expecting this to be super potent, and trust me, it was. The chocolate dissolved fairly quickly and I was left with the sprinkles and the hard pretzel ready to be chewed and gobbled up. The sprinkles reminded me of a happy childhood long ago with those ice cream buffets with all of the topping choices your heart and eyes could stomach.

It wasn’t until I ate the second bite, that I really started to pay attention to the label and get an understanding of what I was eating. It’s a “buttery rich toffee topped with chocolate and pecans.” I really can’t speak for the pecan taste, and the chocolate melts almost as fast as it hits your palate, but the toffee is EVERYTHING. The entire bag is only 15mg, so I felt zero hesitation in eating at least two more pieces out of the bag before I really put it away. I flipped the package over and appreciate the fact that this is lab tested and there is a date and registry of each batch made. That is highly reassuring in an industry where this is not mandatory

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

The aftertaste is clean and because its hash infused they have managed to make it potent but without the THC plant flavor that goes with it. With pretzels you think about that salty taste sprinkled on top, but I didn’t get that at all when I ate this pretzel. It wasn’t until like the final chew before you digest it that I was reminded it indeed was the infamous salty snack.


It would be very easy to sit and nibble away at the bag and then suddenly realize you ate all the contents inside. The clear bag lets you see the goodies that are inside, but when the chocolate starts to melt it doesn’t look as attractive or appealing. The taste will make you go in and lick the chocolate right off those clear plastic walls though, so remember you’ve been warned. in all states. Its up to the discretion of the producer, and not a lot of manufacturers have made this bold The outside label tells you to keep out of reach of children, and move yet. The one downside to the toffee treat is all the for these I would definitely agree. They look and taste good, so added preservatives. The outside package says that this if you don’t want someone in the house to eat them you most product was made with love, and judging by the taste I certainly will have to keep them stashed away safely. believe that’s true. All in all, it was a great new twist to an old favorite, and I can’t This is a special treat that you can eat on the go or take wait to try more as this company continues to grow. out to impress your guest. Either way just try it! EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

We make edibles easy.

Know what you're getting with your cannabis care. Our products are made with the highest quality ingredients, dosed consistently, and lab tested. Request us at your local dispensary. heavenlysweetmedibles.com | b x @heavenlysweetmedibles In compliance with CA H&S code 11362.5 and Prop 215.

TEXT HERE REVIEWS everyone wins in the end. 70 percent cacao in a chocolate bar is a lot for me and the taste was more for the chocolate connoisseur who could appreciate the art in this goody. If you are a chocolate lover, and are in search for the perfect CBD delight then Cali Gold cannabis infused chocolate is for you. Make sure you give it a try and let me know what you think after.

Caligold Semi Dark Chocolate bar

Cali Gold Chocolate Cali Gold CBD Bar

Sampling new Cali Gold products is always a pleasure and their new 125 mg cannabis infused chocolate bars made up primarily of CBD did not disappoint. As a person who suffers from chronic pain and PTSD, I appreciate the power of CBD and the health benefits you experience when you take it. The 22 to 1 ratio of CBD to THC ensures that I get the maximum relief this decadent chocolate square has to offer. This is awesome for individuals who don’t want to feel the psychoactive effects of THC, and this would be ideal for people like children or the elderly. On the back of the bar, I appreciate just how much CBD was put into this bar, and the ingredients were easy to identify which was a plus as well. When you open the chocolate it is separated into five pre-cut pieces for easy dosing. The chocolate is dark, rich, and decadent. The first bite is smooth and creamy, but it melts slowly so that you can enjoy the flavor. After I tasted it, I thought to myself, that it would go so well on top of a warm brownie with cold vanilla ice cream as the chocolate sprinkle.

Cali Gold semi dark chocolate bar is the latest 125mg adult dessert making people lick their fingers. This chocolate bar is made of 53 percent cacao so it reminds me of an upscale Hershey bar that you buy at the counter of any store you’ve ever been to. I enjoyed the flavor of the chocolate and accidentally ate the entire bar before I read the instructions to start with a half on the back. All it did was cause me to get a peaceful nights rest ready to tackle the next day. The chocolate was much lighter than the 70% cacao bar that they also offer, but either way if you’re a chocolate person you will love equally the same. Not only did Cali Gold test their product at Steep Hill Labs, but also they were kind enough to share with us how much terpenoids and cannabinoids on average were found in each package. As consumers become more and more educated on flavor profiles, this will set Cali Gold apart as an information trend setter. Its like the more I learned about the product the more I like it. To know I had CBG and limonene in my chocolate made me seriously take another bite. I seriously slept so good that night guys!

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I have always been a fan of Sour Diesel, so using that strain to infuse this chocolate helped me enjoy it even more. I remember eating this semi-dark chocolate bar and thinking to myself, “I can’t believe this is my job.” Chocolate will continue to evolve in this new industry and space, but Cali Gold is definitely working with a winning cannabis product It tells you on the package that it is lab tested, and the with their 125mg semi-dark chocolate bar. strain that they used to infuse the chocolate. These branding strategies works toward building a brand that If you want to find out more about the different chocolates and consumers can trust, and it creates a situation where other items to choose by Cali Gold go to www.caligoldbars.com .


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Big Green

Tourist Attractions for

Downtown Seattle LC Squared

As tourists disembark from massive cruise ships docked at Pier 66 to enter Downtown Seattle, they’ll be surprised to know that the heart of the Emerald City is now home to two state-licensed cannabis shops ready and willing to serve. Herban Legends and Have a Heart, which have opened on April 20th and July 12th, respectively, are well within walking distance of the famous Pike's Place Market and looking to make their fortune from tourist season.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Carleen Smith, one of the managers of Herban Legends expressed optimism and excitement at the prospect of selling to tourists, saying “When a cruise ship comes in, it looks like a giant hotel has been set up. We know then it’s going to be


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a busy day.� The Herban staff claim that 80 percent of their customers are from out of town, many of which are international travelers who were in awe being able to shop for cannabis at a regular retail-like experience.


The CEO of Have a Heart, Ryan Kunkel, also hopes to see his newly opened store in downtown make good with locals, patients and tourists thanks to new zoning rules that were signed by Mayor Ed Murray. Previously, the minimum for marijuana retailers was to be at least 500 feet to parks, child care centers, and other places where children may be present, which are still applicable to the rest of Seattle. On Jan 21st, the minimum distance for the downtown area was halved to 250 feet, which allowed Mr. Kunkel to make his expensive yet prospectively profitable investment in the construction of a new establishment. Before the rule change, Mr. Kunkel said that the investment in a new store downtown was also a risk since a dog park was within the 500 feet limit, but thanks to Mayor Murray, the risk has been mitigated. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

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Photo: KB . Shutterstock

"...staff claim that of their customers are from out of town"


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Oakland Museum of California Highlights Exhibition

“Altered States: Marijuana In California”

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Keiko Beatie, Senior Editor


It’s a sign of the times when a municipal museum group seeks to shed light upon the history of cannabis within the Golden State. As California is set to place a groundbreaking initiative on the November 2016 ballot that will consider marijuana for recreational use, the Oakland Museum of California decided to curate this bold first-of-its-kind exhibit. “Altered States: Marijuana In California,” is a unique exhibit focusing on cannabis, the history of social use, legal issues and the upcoming and hopeful acceptance to this highly regarded plant. This Bay Area exhibit is opening mainstream awareness that cannabis has many medicinal purposes. The goal is to become an integral part of society and hopefully never to be considered an undesirable entity

again. It seems only fitting that with San Francisco and Oakland leading the way, in cannabis reform in California that the Bay Area be home to this amazingly progressive presentation. Associate Curator of Natural Science, Sarah Seiter shares, “We have designed an open and participatory experience to engage anyone who has an opinion or wants to learn more about the complex issues and information about this topic. What you’ll find on display includes active and preserved specimens of cannabis on loan to the museum. Included is a walkin installation by artist Cybele Lyle, which alters the viewer’s perspective of space and time, and a 'Cannabis

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The exhibition has procured artwork, political documents, classic propaganda, scientific displays, interactive and multimedia exhibits. All of these items were gathered to provoke, question, and attempt to understand the prolonged prohibition of this plant. Also included in the exhibit are fact and statistic displays of crime and stereotyping in non-medical states, as well as a telephone booth of testimonials from mothers and families where you pick up the phone and listen to countless stories of how cannabis has changed these families' lives. There are products, plants, books and magazines, along with a time line of cannabis’ history throughout pop culture. As America and other countries move to a better comprehension of cannabis and the true benefits, we at Edibles List Magazine appreciate the time and dedication brought forth by the Oakland Museum of California!

Oakland Museum of California, is an interdisciplinary museum dedicated to the art, history, and natural science of California.

If you find yourself near Oakland, California, we highly recommend checking out this revolutionary exhibit. The exhibit will be on display through September 2016.

Oakland Museum of California is located at 1000 Oak Street, Oakland, California. Visit the website at www.museumca.org

... a unique exhibit focusing on cannabis, the history of social use, legal issues and the upcoming and hopeful acceptance to this highly regarded plant.

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Confessional' that allows the visitor to share their private anonymous thoughts about marijuana.�



Low Carb Low Sugar High Protein No Calories


FLAVOR Matter Anymore ?

blend together carbs and protein by adjusting the ratios resulting in the consumer receiving a high protein, high carb edible, which negates the goal of a low-carb product.

Rachel Zemser, Staff Editor

As a food science consultant, I often get requests to make products that are not only low in sugar, calories, and carbohydrates, yet high in protein. But then—they also want it But what is the purpose of a low-carb to taste really delicious and be vegan to boot, product? The goal these days is to take delicious, decadent products like and of course be shelf stable!

potato chips, chocolate chip cookies and creamy ice cream and try to convert them into something that fits the latest marketing claim: be low sugar, high in protein, fiber fortified, clean label, all natural, or low carb. Unfortunately, success has been minimal. The high protein products that taste good are the ones that had purposed with that quality from the start and are minimally processed for shelf stability like beef jerky or freeze dried cheese balls. These products that stay true to their purpose of high protein have clear communication to consumers.

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However, it is not so simple to have a tasty product that’s high in protein with low sugar and carbs. For starters, the obvious—a protein is not a carbohydrate and no matter how much the protein companies manipulate protein powders, they will never perform the same as a carbohydrate which results in the lack of the appealing sweetness. Therefore, food makers try to sneak in natural sweeteners such as date paste – yet the healthiness of natural sweeteners is no better than the sugar that comes from the fruit. Other sweeteners include Stevia, monk fruit and sugar alcohols, all of which have their own set of limitations. Stevia and monk will give you sweetness at the cost of bulk (you can’t make a cake with pure stevia as a replacement for sugar). Alternatively, manufacturers will try to



“Stop trying to hit every claim in the book. Stick with one health claim and make sure there is a broad enough market to make it successful.”

The main reason why these “healthy” products are not so successful on the market is due to the consumers’ careful attention to taste. However, there are certain cases in which taste is immaterial, especially for those who are afflicted with Celiac disease, so they too can experience crunchy fun at a party. Overall, the mass market includes those who have no major allergies to gluten, peanuts and dairy and are foodies; they are the ones who ultimately decide the success of a product. And the sad truth of it is that if they don’t like the taste—the chances of success are minimal, (unless you are going for the niche market).

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

It is a conundrum in which the maker is caught up between the choice of staying true to making healthy, wholesome products that small groups will genuinely enjoy or ensure long term success by making a sellable, long lasting that will appeal to the mass market at the cost of some elements of healthiness. In truth, there is no wrong way to go about how you try to make your product succeed in the edibles market. If the minimization of appealing taste for the inclusion of a natural, healthy ingredient is integral to your product, it would be worth the cost as the consumers who will surely benefit will surely come back for more. Additionally, there is a real need for cannabis to be medicine. As cancer patients turn to cannabis for relief, sugars and fat are not ideal for the patient to consume when choosing edibles. This is especially when a patient is willing to sacrifice taste for high quality ingredients. Sometimes people forget that cannabis is medicine, and in an effort to enjoy the consumption process, we add unhealthy ingredients for flavor, bulk or effect. If you are indeed a cancer patient, or have dietary limitations because of Celiac’s disease or diabetes, our suggestion is to take cannabis capsules, free of any additives and in its purest oil form. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

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Shown here:

Jeff’s 420-Irish Cream

Infused recipies come from the kitchen of JeffThe420Chef

Better than Baily’s… non-alcoholic. Infused with THC! A totally unique experience!

Photos: Joseph Viles

See recipie on following page.

Jeff The 420 Chef

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Dedicated to improving the lives of other people, JeffThe420Chef is the only cannabis chef in the world that specializes in cooking and baking with specially crafted strain specific “Light Tasting” and “Tasteless" cannabutters and cannaoils, created to achieve the health and wellness goals of those who choose to medicate with cannabis. Jeff's mission is simple: "Do it yourself. Do it right!"

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Hazy Thai Wings

This recipe is an ode to Pok Pok, Chef Andy Ricker’s renowned Thai street-food restaurant. The first time I had authentic Thai wings was at Pok Pok Noi in Portland, while visiting Chef Adrian Hale of Communal Table—and I fell in love! For days, all I could think about was how to re-create these awesome wings with one (or two) added ingredients. And here you have it! You’ll never look at wings the same way again, guaranteed. Number of servings: 4 (5 wings per serving) Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Approximate THC per Serving* 10%: 7.6 milligrams 15%: 11.4 milligrams 20%: 15.2 milligrams


½ cup raw cane sugar ½ cup Asian fish sauce 3 tablespoons ketchup 1½ tablespoons chili garlic sauce (Sambal sauce) 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon rice vinegar 1 cup cornstarch 1 teaspoon garlic powder 2 pounds chicken wings, rinsed and patted dry Extra-virgin coconut oil for frying 1 tablespoon canna–coconut oil plus 3 tablespoons extra-virgin coconut oil Toasted peanuts and garlic (see sidebar, below) 4 tablespoons cilantro, chopped


Toasted Peanuts and Garlic ¼ cup raw peanuts, crushed 4 cloves garlic, chopped 1 teaspoon coconut oil Dash of salt In a small bowl, mix peanuts and garlic with coconut oil and a dash of salt. Spread evenly on a small pan and roast at 325ºF for 30 minutes, until toasted and browned. Remove, let cool, and voilà!

Celery Curls Cut celery into 6-inch pieces, slice in half lengthwise, make lengthwise cuts almost to center and repeat to create slivers. Refrigerate in ice water until slivers curl.

Place sugar in a food processor and grind until very fine. In a medium bowl, add the fish sauce, ketchup, sugar, chili garlic sauce, lime juice, and rice vinegar. Set aside. In a shallow dish, sift the cornstarch and garlic powder. Toss the wings in the cornstarch mixture to coat. Heat a large skillet on the stovetop for 1 minute on high. Add enough coconut oil to fry, about 2 inches from the bottom of the pan. Fry the wings until golden brown. Remove with slotted spoon and drain on brown paper. Preheat oven to 340ºF. Place the fried wings on a lightly greased baking sheet and drizzle each wing with 1 teaspoon of canna–coconut oil mixture. Bake for 7 to 8 minutes. In a clean skillet, add the sauce and heat on medium until syrupy, about 5 minutes. Remove the wings from the oven and toss with the sauce until evenly coated. Toss in the toasted garlic and peanuts. Garnish with cilantro and serve alongside a cup of carrot sticks and celery curls.

*Approximate dose per serving is based on infusing 5 grams of cured/dried/ decarbed cannabis into 5 ounces of oil. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Photos: Leela Cyd

Edibles Magazine Issue 26



Canna-Apple Roses

Number of servings: 12 Apple Roses Preparation Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time: 27-30 minutes Approximate THC Per Serving* 10%: 3.8mg 15%: 5.7mg 20%: 7.7mg Note: You will need to use a mandolin for this


1 Package of your favorite frozen Pastry Dough 3 large red apples 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon rose water 2 Tablespoons Cannabutter Grass fed butter – to grease muffin tins 2 tablespoons raw cane sugar ¼ teaspoon cinnamon 6 tablespoons of apricot preserves 2 teaspoons honey ¼ cup Maple syrup ¼ cup Maker’s Mark Bourbon Confectioner’s sugar


Jeff’s 420-Irish Cream

Number of servings: 6 - 4oz. servings Approximate THC per Serving* Milligrams per serving based on Kiva’s Terra Espresso beans 5mg THC content 4.5 mg THC per serving


1 ½ cups Jameson Irish whisky (we are going to boil out the alcohol content) 5 Ice cubes 6 KIVA Terra Espresso beans (5mg each) 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 shot of espresso or 1 teaspoon instant coffee 1 cup heavy cream ½ cup Sweetened condensed milk 1 Tablespoon Hershey’s chocolate syrup


Bring Irish whisky to a boil over a Medium/Low flame for 5 minutes to reduce and begin to boil off the alcohol content. To finish, (this is fun but be very careful!), using a long neck lighter, ignite the whisky in the the pot. A light blue flame will burn on top of the alcohol for about 5-7 minutes until all the alcohol has evaporated. Set aside to cool. In a blender add ice cubes, vanilla, espresso, heavy cream, sweetened condensed milk, Jameson and Kiva Terra Espresso beans. Blend until smooth and creamy Strain through a fine strainer or cheesecloth and voila!

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Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Defrost 2 sheets of pastry dough and cut each into 6 equal strips (12 total) Using a roller, roll each into 2 ½" X 12” strips Core and slice apples in half lengthwise and then, using a mandolin, slice apples into thin half-moons. I use setting 2 or 3. Quickly place apples in a bowl with and toss with the lemon juice and rosewater. Microwave the apples for 2-3 minutes until the apples are tender but still slightly crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Create your roses Preheat oven to 340ºF. Grease a large muffin tin with a thin layer of grass fed butter. Spread ½ teaspoon of the cannabutter along each strip Spread a thin layer of apricot preserves along each strip and place 6-8 apple slices, slightly overlapping, on top. Carefully fold the bottom of the strip over the bottom half of the apple slices Form your rose by rolling each strip from end to end. Place in the buttered muffin tins. Bake for 27-30 minutes until lightly golden. In a small bowl mix together bourbon and maple syrup. Brush tops with a little maple bourbon syrup. Dust with confectioners sugar and then serve.



Sesame Canna-Chicken Salad

This colorful grilled chicken salad is a fan favorite. It’s the perfect balance of sweet and savory. The salad is not only light, simple to make, and chock-full of flavor, but it also kicks in pretty quickly since the cannabinoids are in the dressing and are therefore easily metabolized. Number of servings: 12 side salads / 6 entrées Preparation time: 40 minutes Cooking time: 8 to 10 minutes Approximate THC per Serving* 10%: 2.5 milligrams / 5 milligrams 15%: 3.8 milligrams / 7.6 milligrams 20%: 5 milligrams / 10 milligrams



For the dressing: ½ cup strawberries, muddled 2 tablespoons canna–sesame oil plus 2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil ¼ cup sesame oil (plain) 3 tablespoons rice vinegar ¼ teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon minced garlic

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Photos: Joseph Viles

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

For the chicken and marinade: 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts ¼ cup hoisin sauce ¼ cup barbecue sauce ½ teaspoon kosher salt 2 tablespoons sesame oil (plain) ½ cup of water

TEXT HERE RECIPIES ½ tablespoon strawberry jam Pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper For the salad: 3 cups kale, torn or as chiffonade (see sidebar, page 000) 3 cups baby greens 1 cup green cabbage, shredded 1 cup red cabbage, shredded 1 cup brussel sprouts, shredded 1 cup broccoli florets 2 blood oranges, divided into supremes (remove the membrane; see sidebar, page 000), or 1 small can mandarin oranges ¾ cup strawberries, sliced 1 mango, diced 1 cup snow peas 1 Italian cucumber, sliced thin ½ package dry instant ramen noodles, crumbled 3 teaspoons sesame seeds

Make the dressing: Make the dressing by mixing all the ingredients together in a small bowl. Set it aside to let the flavors develop. To finish the salad: Toss the kale, baby greens, green cabbage, red cabbage, brussel sprouts, and broccoli. Top with the marinated chicken, orange supremes, strawberries, mango, snow peas, and cucumber. Drizzle with the salad dressing and sprinkle with crushed ramen noodles and sesame seeds before serving. *Approximate dose per serving is based on infusing 5 grams of cured/dried/decarbed cannabis into 5 ounces of oil.


All Recipies By: JeffThe420Chef ©2016 For more recipies visit JeffThe420Chef.com

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

Marinate the chicken: Pound the chicken breasts until the sides are even. Mix the hoisin sauce, barbecue sauce, kosher salt, and plain sesame oil into ½ cup of water and stir well. Pour the mixture into a 1-gallon Ziploc bag along with the chicken and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, or overnight. Grill for 4 to 5 minutes on each side. I like to rotate each side 45º halfway through cooking time. Remove from the grill and let cool 5 minutes. Cut chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces.

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10 Reasons CANNABIS PROHIBITION is coming to an END

Steph Sherer, the Executive Director for Americans for Safe Access, has written and published an article for the Huffington Post outlining 10 major signs which may indicate the end of federal medical marijuana prohibition in regards to the potential passing of the Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States (CARERS) Act (S. 683/H.R. 1538) in Congress. In her article, she has also cited a Quinnipiac National Poll which shows that 89 percent of Americans support marijuana legalization. L.C.Squared

National Poll shows


SUPPORT Marijuana Legalization

1. CARERS has growing support from 4. States Continue to Improve Medical Cannabis Laws: Mainstream Republicans: In March, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) joined as a co-sponsor of the bill. He also held a Senate hearing in July called Researching the Potential Medical Benefits and Risks of Medical Marijuana for the Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism. In the same month, Representative David Young (R-IA) also became a cosponsor for the House version of the bill and declared his support by saying that the federal government shouldn’t stand in the way of Iowa patients making informed decisions about treatment options with their doctors.

2. National Patient Organizations Are Calling for Change in Federal Law: Americans for Safe Access (ASA) delivered a letter on behalf of 13 patientbased organizations to two senators and two congressmen requesting that they give the CARERS Act a vote in the US Judiciary Committee and House Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee of Health, respectively.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26



States Keep Passing Medical Cannabis Laws: Pennsylvania and Ohio are the first two states of 2016 to pass medical cannabis laws with Arkansas and Missouri possibly next. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed SB 3, which allows patients who are afflicted with certain ailments to obtain medical cannabis with a doctor’s recommendation. Ohio’s senate also passed HB 523, which will create a statewide retail dispensary framework for medical cannabis.

States with existing medical cannabis laws are making progressive addendums to their cannabis programs to increase availability to their residents. The Virginia Senate passed SB 701, which will allow the production and manufacturing of cannabidiol and THCA extracts. Meanwhile in Maryland, its own senate has passed HB 104, which allows medical practitioners such as physicians and nurses to make written recommendations for medical cannabis.

5. New CDC Guidelines Omits THC Tests: In May, the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has made bold new instructions to clinicians to not deny patients from receiving pain medications for any drug tests that show tetrahyrdocannabinol (THC) in their system due to using medical cannabis.


Largest Pharmaceutical Retailer Acknowledges Medical Benefits of Cannabis: Pharmacy and retail giant, Walgreens, posted an article called “What is medical marijuana?” written by one of their resident pharmacists. The article open details the many treatments, delivery methods, possible side-effects, and obtainment of medical cannabis while encouraging the reader to talk with their doctor for more information.

7. Politicians Breaking Political Boundaries for Medical

Cannabis: In January, Congressman Allen Peake (RGA), who authored Haleigh’s Hope Act (HB1) openly admitted to unlawfully bringing medical cannabis to patients in Georgia. In May, Mike Weinholtz, Utah’s gubernatorial Democratic candidate who looks to legalize medical marijuana, revealed that his wife is facing a criminal investigation for using medical cannabis to treat arthritis and chronic pain. In June, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) also admits to using medical marijuana to treat his arthritis, noting that it was the first time in a year and half he’s been able to have “a decent night’s sleep”. Continued ...

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SEPTEMBER 7-9, 2016

The cannabis industry’s top brands and thought-leaders will be at the premier show in the cannabis industry that focuses on investment, entrepreneurship, cannabis business owners, business services and future industry growth. Will you be there?

The CWCBExpo is the leading forum for: Dispensary Owners, Growers, Suppliers, Investors, Medical Professionals, Government Regulators, Legal Counsel & Entrepreneurs


EDUCATION Learn how to navigate regulatory, legal, financial and logistical challenges. DISCOVERY Explore the technology and services that are revolutionizing the cannabis industry. NETWORKING Meet face-to-face with the top manufacturers and innovators in the industry. GROWTH Gather the keys that you will need to profit in the cannabis industry.


10 Reasons CANNABIS PROHIBITION is coming to an end 8.

Studies Continue to Show Public Health Benefits in States with Medical Cannabis: University of Georgia found that Medicare experienced a savings of $165.2 million on prescription drugs across the 17 states with medical cannabis laws. Had medical cannabis legalization been nationwide, the savings would amount to a whopping $468 million. The Journal for American Medicine also report that states with medical cannabis laws also had a 24.8% lower annual mortality rate from opioid overdosing compared to states that have no medical cannabis laws.

Both Presidential Candidates Support Medical Cannabis: Presidential hopefuls, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, have both pledged their support for national medical cannabis programs. 9. Both Presidential Candidates Support Medical Cannabis: Presidential hopefuls, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, have both pledged their support for national medical cannabis programs. The Democrats have promised on their platform to have the federal government remove marijuana as a Class 1 Federal Controlled Substance to pave the way for future legalization.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

10. Opponents Know they are Losing this Fight: In June, the bipartisan Medical Marijuana Research Act of 2016 was sponsored by several Democratic and Republican senators and congressmen who used to be vocal opponents of legalized cannabis. This may indicate the “If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em” mentality for those who are perpetuating the war against weed in the federal government. Upon listing all 10 reasons, Sherer expresses her optimism yet urgency to have the CARERS Act passed as soon as possible in order to end the conflict between federal and state medical cannabis laws in benefit for the patients. She stresses that while more research is desirable, patients do not have the luxury to wait for years, if not, decades for more results to drive further Federal policy changes. In spite of this, she is confident that Federal prohibition of much needed medical cannabis may be facing its final year. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


TAX Audit Strategy 101 Audit. IRS.

These words alone, strike fear in Americans’ hearts. Together,IRS AND Audit, are enough to induce chest pains and indigestion that no ‘Big Pharma’ product can heal.

Parham Khorsansi, Esq., Contributor Here’s the problem…you ARE going to be audited! The cannabis industry is in the direct cross-hairs of the IRS. In 2014, the IRS audited less than 1 percent of all tax returns. Small businesses with over $100,000 in revenue had an audit risk of 2 percent. However, in 2014, about 8 percent of Cannabis Retailers were audited by the IRS. For 2015, the statistics suggest a two-fold increase to 16 percent.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

If you assume you will be audited— and you should—having a tax professional (accountant or attorney) develop an audit strategy will be key to defending the wolves banging on your door. Recent United States Tax Court cases have provided limited guidance on what can be considered the cost of goods sold (COGS). With this direction, we can create an audit strategy for each particular business. Although the federal tax rate can get as high as 75 percent (and Congress seems in no mood to address this), cannabis dispensaries and other industry components can implement strategies to lower their federal tax bill. As an industry subject to IRS 280E (expenditures in connection with the illegal sale of drugs) regulations, you have a few options to avoid IRS pitfalls. These include: strictly adhere to 280E regulations, aggressively claiming expense-related deductions and a strategy that merges these two options in some fashion.

or credit shall be allowed for any amount paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on any trade or business if such trade or business (or the activities which comprise such trade or business) consists of trafficking in controlled substances (within the meaning of schedule I and II of the Controlled Substances Act) which is prohibited by Federal law or the law of any State in which such trade or business is conducted.” Cannabis businesses should be aware of the two different types of audits, a Paper Audit and a Field Audit. Each will start with a letter to either the individual or the business. Be very wary of scams! The IRS will always communicate by mail and they do NOT—WILL NOT—phone or email your business! Don’t fall victim to a scam phone call or spam email. A Paper Audit is generated by IRS computers when information the Agency has received does not match information on a tax return. Due to the high volume of tax returns, this is basically a numbers game. In most instances, regardless of the industry, reviewing returns for a Paper Audit is the first level of scrutiny when any tax return is filed.

A Field Audit is a more in-depth process that occurs after the IRS assigns a revenue agent. Revenue agents will request a time to meet (in person) to review all documentation regarding U.S. Code 280E states, “No deduction income, expenses or deductions. The EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

TEXT HERE TAX AUDIT IRS may also use national and local industry standards to fit each industry into a “bubble” of how much revenue should be earned and how many expenses should be allowed. This can be tricky in the cannabis industry. Taxpayers should also expect to prove the “reasonableness” of the income, expenses or deductions reported. The outcome of a field audit can be unpredictable for the average taxpayer, especially as revenue agents can get quite aggressive.

based industry that lacks access to normal banking systems. Finding creative ways to document your income and expenses is the smartest way to protect yourself and your business. You can keep logs, ledgers, and spreadsheets. Make sure your documentation is time stamped. If all else fails, take pictures to document your business activity. Always keep notes on why the business incurred the expense and why it was critical to your business.

questions about establishing your firm’s audit strategy contact a qualified tax firm today. Whatever you do, don’t wait for an IRS notice to start to develop your audit strategy. The founders of Tax Defense Partners have been in the Audit Representation, Tax Resolution and Tax Preparation business for nearly 20 years.

Photo credits can go here

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

For more information, please visit us at www.CannabisTaxRelief.com or call us for a free consultation at With no direct guidance from 800-830-7777. The easiest way to Congress, the cannabis industry is immediately strengthen setting its own precedent and carving This column should be considered your audit strategy is to this path with help from tax court informational and not used as a substitute DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. decisions. At the end of the day, it for tax, audit, accounting, investment, all boils down to documentation and consulting or other professional advice. The easiest way to immediately how prepared a business was at the You should seek advice directly from a tax professional before making any decision or strengthen your audit strategy time the return was audited. taking any action on accounting, tax, financial is to document everything. The Don’t fight the IRS alone! If you have and consulting related matters and issues. cannabis industry is a heavily cash-

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Wanna Cut Down Medicare Costs? Simple, Just Legalize Cannabis! LC Squared

Researchers of the acclaimed peerreviewed healthcare journal, Health Affairs , have released a stunning study in their July issue that indicates the fiscal benefits of legalizing cannabis. They have found that in 2013, in which 17 had legalized cannabis, Medicare enrollees had managed to save about $165.2 million over the year due to the reduced purchases of prescription drugs. The study also claims that had every state legalized the use of medical cannabis, the U.S. could have saved about $468 million in Medicare costs.

At the University of Georgia, experts analyzed the relationship between the physicians’ prescribing patterns and the cannabis legalization laws in the 17 states between 2010-2013. They assessed patients’ purchasing and consumption of approved prescription drugs under Medicare

the course of the three year period, the use of these drugs seven out of nine of these domains have fallen significantly. The co-author of this study, W. David Bradford backs on the validity of cannabis as medicine by saying, “When states turned on medical marijuana laws, we did see a rather substantial turn away from FDA-approved medicine.” The study furthers his claim by showing that the annual number of daily doses for prescribed pain medication per physician fell by 11 percent. “The results show that marijuana might be beneficial with diverting people away from opioids,” said Bradford. The researchers concluded their study by saying,“ Our findings and existing clinical literature imply that patients respond to medical marijuana legislation as if there are clinical benefits to the drug, which adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that the Schedule I status of marijuana is outdated.”

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Edibles Magazine Issue 26

In states where cannabis is still illegal, it is classified under the Controlled Substance Act as a “Schedule 1” drug, which is defined as having no medical benefits and high potential of abuse. The FDA has also not yet approved cannabis.


Part D which treated nine domains: anxiety, depression, glaucoma, nausea, pain, psychosis, seizures, sleep disorders, and spas ticity. Over

Photo: Shutterstock

As patients, including the elderly and the disabled, are looking to alleviate their ailments in a way that doesn’t involve over-the-counter drugs that costs an arm and a leg, they are looking no further than for the green goodness itself, which has been proven to be more affordable than their big pharma counterparts. In proving itself as more than a recreational drug, cannabis is making itself known as a viable medicinal treatment in the healthcare industry.



MICROSOFT enters Cannabis Industry

Microsoft’s Big Green Investment L. C. Squared Tech giant Microsoft announced in June that it will be making a major contribution to the marijuana industry by partnering with cannabisfocused software company, Kind Financial. Kind Financial developed a “seed to sale” software system called Agrisoft which is a program for cannabis growers that enables them to track inventory, handle transactions through Kind’s merchant systems, while helping maintain compliance with state laws and regulations. This joint partnership will make Agrisoft available on Microsoft’s Azure Government cloud services so it can be marketed to state agencies. Microsoft is thus the very first major tech company to willingly involve itself in the cannabis industry despite its nationwide notoriety.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

In an interview with the LA Times, Kind Financial’s founder and CEO David Dinenberg explained that this deal happened thanks to one of his board members who had a contact in Microsoft. “We spent several months discussing the idea with Microsoft, and they were very warm to the idea,” said Dinenberg. He also expressed confidence with his product Agrisoft being marketed on Microsoft Azure’s Government by explaining, “It puts our company in pole position to garner government contracts. Microsoft has relationships with states. We get the ability for Microsoft to support us with their sales staff. We get to use their lobbyists in those states.” He supports this by claiming that his company has already received phone calls from five states.

Microsoft’s involvement in government compliance may mark the laying of the foundation of infrastructure for the growing industry. The company’s Executive Director of State and Local Government Solutions, Kim Nelson, explains, “As the industry is regulated, there will be more transactions, and we believe there will be more sophisticated requirements and tools down the road.” She has also said that while marketing Agrisoft EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

to government employees, Microsoft may indeed make appearances at cannabis events to demonstrate their support. While Nelson iterates that Microsoft is not in the cannabis business, she still sees this as a worthwhile business opportunity by saying, "Kind's

strategic industry positioning, experienced team and top-notch-technology running in the Microsoft Azure Government cloud, made for an easy decision to align efforts," indicating the benefits of increased traffic on the Azure platform.

Venture capital firms such as Tuatara Capital and law firms such as Tesser, Ryan, & Rochman, LLP, both see this as a big step for the cannabis industry as it practically cements the legitimacy it needs to grow in the next ten years to be worth billions.

Edibles Magazine Issue 26

As word of Microsoft’s brave new venture has gone around, those in the cannabis industry have expressed mixed reactions. Some have expressed excitement, others were skeptical, but overall, the most have been flabbergasted at the recent turn of events. MJ Freeway and Flowhub, two of the more prominent developers of cannabis compliance software, see it as a boom to seedto-sale companies and the industry as a whole. The Marketing Manager for MJ Freeway says that there’s little worry about the competition by claiming, “We're confident in our abilities and the fact that we've been here since 2010 and we have the seed-to-sale patents and experience,” while Flowhub’s CEO has expressed similar views by saying, “Microsoft is marketing their cloud services and allowing cannabis tech companies to use their cloud for compliance tracking purposes. That's huge. It makes companies like ours 100 times more valuable.”

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THE LIST The Herb List. This issue we bring you a new format to our Infused Product Listings. Our List is for consumers and dispensaries alike. Browse each brand's detailed listing and see what states they're available in.




Type: The First Ever Edible Vaping Pearl. Introducing Canna Pearl, an Edible and accurately dosed vaping pearl concentrate. The first vaping product of its kind. Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Other Extract Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.iloveincredibles.com Twitter.com/IncrediblesMMJ Instagram.com/ IncrediblesMMJ

www.InfusedEdible.org Instagram.com/InfusedEdible

www. CannaMX.com

Edibles List Issue 26

Type: Chocolate Bars, Gummies, Capsules, Shatter, Vape Pens Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Hash Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Medical and Recreational Available in: Colorado and California

Type: Sour Candy, Fruits, Nuts,Trail Mix, Brownie Mix, Cake Mix, Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free, Take-N-Bake, Mac N' Cheese Strain used: Indica, Sativa ,Hybrid, CBD Made with: Varies by Product Dosage available: 150mg & 300mg THC Candy Available in: CALIFORNIA CBD Candy Available: Nationwide

69 CBD

Gluten Free





Peanut Free

Sugar Free



Certified Kitchen


Nutrition Info Avail



Type: Gourmet Cakes, Brownies, Cookies, Cake Balls, Dry Goods, Snacks, Soups, Ice Cream, Fudge, Chips, Cereal Treats, Pastas, catered meals. Strain used: Indica, Sativa, Hybrid Strain or Mix, CBD Strain Made with: Canna Butter, Canna Olive Oil, Canna Coconut Oil, Canna Coconut Butter, Glycerin Based Tincture Dosage available: 1-4 Dosage sizes Available in: CALIFORNIA CCNCEdibles.com Instagram.com/CCNCEdibles



Type: Strain Specific Baked Goods, Cupcakes, Brownies, Crispy Treats, Hilbilly HashTea, Cookies, Granola, Peanut Butter Cups Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made with: Canna Coconut Oil Alcohol & Glycerin Based Tinctures, Hash Infusion Dosage available: 16mg - 648mg Available in: CALIFORNIA www.GreenTicketBakery.com Facebook.com/GreenTicketBakery Twitter.com/GreenTicketBky Instagram.com/GreenTicketBakery


Type: CBD Tinctures 1) CBD-rich Oral mouth sprays in CBD: THC ratios of 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1, and 18:1 2) CBD:THC 2:1 disposable vape cartridge 3) CBD-rich Concentrated Oil Extract with applicator in 18:1and 4:1 CBD:THC 4) CBD-rich 4:1 honey straws Made with: Coconut oil, Cannabis Oil Available in: CALIFORNIA & OREGON www.CBD.org Facebook.com/CareByDesign Instagram.com/CareByDesign Twitter.com/CareByDesign T


Type: Cookies, Caramels, Baked Goods, Peanut Butter Cups, Brownies Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: Co2 Concentrate Dosage availables: Lemon Cookie 40/160mg, Chocolate Brownie - 40 mg, Peanut Butter Cups - 80/160 mg (4 pack), Caramels - 40mg (4 pack) Available in: CALIFORNIA www.DerbyBakery.com Instagram.com/DerbyBakery


Type: High Potency Fruit Chews & Disposable Vape Pens Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid Made with: Canna Oil Dosage available: 60mg, 80mg, 200mg Available in: CALIFORNIA


Type: Cannabis Infused Drinks Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid Made with: C02 Extract, Other Dosage available: Varies by product Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.KushyPunch.com Instagram.com/KushyPunch Facebook.com/KushyPunch Twitter.com/KushyPunch

www.ZaspCo.com Instagram.com/Zasp.Co Facebook.com/ZaspCo Twitter.com/ZaspCo T

Edibles List Issue 26


Type: 125+ variety of Gourmet edibles: brownies, lemon bars, cereals, ice creams, Potsicles, Squookies, Munchies, frozen pizzas, crispy bars, butter and spreads, sugar-free & gluten-free options Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: Canna Butter, THC Vegetable Oil, Canna Coconut Milk, Other Extract Dosage available: 37mg THC - 588mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA www.heavenlysweetmedibles.com Twitter.com/heavenlysweetmedibles Instagram.com/heavenlysweetmedibles


Type: Olive Oil, Caramel Popcorn, Brownies, Cookies, Crispy Treats, Cheez Its, Pretzels, Empanadas Strain used: Indica, Sativa ,Hybrid Made with: All Natural Extra Virgin Canna Olive Oil Dosage available: Varies by product Available in: CALIFORNIA www.GBMagooch.com Twitter.com/GBMaGooch Instagram.com/GoodiesbyMagooch

70 EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


Type: Gourmet Chocolate Bars, CBD Gum, Vaporizer Pens, Sublingual Spray, Disposable Vape Cartridges Strain used: Hybrid Strain/Mix, Sativa, Indica Strain, High CBD Made with: C02 Concentrate Dosage available: Varies per Product Available in: AZ,CA,CO,MI,WA,DC www.GotBhang.com Facebook.com/BhangChocolate Instagram.com/BhangBhang Twitter.com/ BhangChocolate

Type: Cookie, Brownie,Cakes, Crispy, Gummy Bears, Fruit Rolls, Candy, Popcorn, Pixie Sticks, Beef Jerky. Strain used: Indica, Sativa. Made with: Alochol Based Tincture, Glycerin Based Tincture, BHO Extraction Dosage available: 20mg Available in: CALIFORNIA


Type: Chocolate Chunks and Vape Cartridges Strain used: Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, CBD Made with: C02 Concentrate Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.TrikomTreats.com Facebook.com/trikomtreats Twitter.com/trikomtreats Instagram.com/trikom_treats

www.Varavo.com Instagram.com/Varavo

www.strangetherapysolutions.com Instagram.com/strange710

Type: 20+ Baked Treats!! Pastries – Cookies – Breads – Brownies, Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: Canna Coconut Oil Dosage available: 100mg - 110mg Available in: CALIFORNIA




Type: 5mg Sugar Free Micros (pack of 20 or 50) 20mg Gluten-Free Truffles -filled with delicious ganaches, caramel, & peanut butter Strain used: Indica, Sativa. Made with: Ethanol, Other Extract Dosage available: 5mg Mircros & 20mg Caramel Chocolate Truffles Available in: CALIFORNIA



Type: Gummy Candy, South of the border Candies, Medicated Powdered Drink Strain used: Hybrid Made with: THC Oil Tincture Dosage available: 150mg, 300mg Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.getstokes.com Twitter.com/GetStokes215 Instagram: @getstokes215 Facebook: Stokes-Confections

CustomerService.RemedyPlus@gmail.com Instagram.com/RemedyPlus Twitter.com/RemedyPlusCandy

Type: Medicate Lozenges, Hard Candies and Syrups Strain used: Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, CBD Made with: Bud & Trim Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA www.JollyMeds.com Facebook.com/Jolly.Lolly Twitter.com/JollyMeds Instagram.com/GetJollyMeds



Type: Chocolate, Gummies, MiniBrownie Bites, Breakfast Bars, Hard Candy, Capsules, CannaButter, Peanut Butter and Liquid Caramel Strain used: Hybrid, Sativa, Indica, CBD or Mix Made with: Hash Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA


Type: Cannabis Infused Marinara/Pizza Sauce Strain used: Indica, Sativa, CBD Made with: THE CLEAR Dosage available: 60mg,150mg, 500mg Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.infusedcreationscali.com Instagram.com/Infusedcreationscali

DankGrasshopper.com Facebook.com/DankGrasshopper Twitter.com/DankGrasshopper IG: @DankGrasshopperMedibles


Edibles List Issue 26

Type: Cannabis Infused Candies & Gummies Strain used: Indica, Sativa, CBD Made with: CO2 Concentrate Dosage available: : 150mg,300mg, 37.5mg, 50mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA CBD Available: Nationwide

71 CBD

Gluten Free





Peanut Free

Sugar Free



Certified Kitchen


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Type: Chocolate truffles and confections with each box inspired by music Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: CannaButter Dosage available: 20mg/piece, 80mg/box Available in: CALIFORNIA & ARIZONA www.Something-Chocolate.com Twitter: @SomethingChoco Facebook: Something Chocolate Instagram: @SomethingChoco


Type: Peanut Budders, Chill Pills, Slam Cakes, Caramel Chocolate Bombs, Smorezzz, Nuggets, CBD Soda Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made with: CannaButter, Other Extract, Kief Extract Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.BakedBros.com Facebook.com/thebakedbros Instagram.com/bakedbros


Type: Elixirs, Chocolates, Mints, Tinctures, Topicals, Scrips, Vape Products Strain used:Hybrid or Mix Made with: Glycerin Based Tincture, Co2 Concentrate Dosage available: Varies by Product Medical and Recreational Available in: AZ, CA, CO, OR www.DixieElixirs.com Twitter.com/DixieElixirs Facebook.com/DixieElixirs

Edibles List Issue 26

www.LazyMaesEdibles.com Facebook.com/LazyMaes Twitter.com/LazyMaes Instagram.com/LazyMaesEdibles T

Type : Home of the Original Dank Drank Pourable THC/CBD Syrup, Peanut Butter and Jelly Brownie, S’more Brownie, Gummies, Tinctures Strain used: Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, CBD Made with: Hash Oil, Canna Coconut Oil, BHO Extraction, Co2 Concentrate Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CA, AZ, OR

72 EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


Type : Confections, Hard Candies, Taffy Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: BHO Extraction Dosage available: 70-100mg Available in: ARIZONA www.TDMints.com Twitter.com/TDMints Facebook.com/T.D.Mints Instagram.com/TDMints


Type : Granola Bar, Roasted Seed Mix, Fresh Granola, Nutty Bite, CannaButter, CannaCoconut Oil Strain used: Indica, Sativa, Hybrid Made with: Canna Coco-Oil, CannaButter Dosage available: Rec: 10MG per serving, Med: 30MG per serving Available in: COLORADO (Med & Rec) Juliesnaturaledibles.com Twitter.com/juliesnatural Facebook.com/JuliesNaturalEdibles Instagram.com/JuliesNaturalEdibles T

Type: Authentic Bhang Drink Mixes, Cannabis Elixer Sprays (Herbal Tinctures), Herbal Bhang Capsules, Topicals, Superfood Confections, Cannabis Infused Bottled Coffee Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made with: THC Oil Tincture Dosage available: 20mg (1:1), 40mg, 75mg, 180mg (Varies by Product) Available in: WA, OR, CA (Medical)



Type: Sesame Matcha Savory Shortbread Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: Cannabis Flower Extract Dosage available: 13.80mg THC, 0.44mg CBD Available in: OREGON Medical & Recreational

Type: Artisan Chocolate Bars & Bites Strain used: Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, CBD Made with: BHO Infusion Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: OREGON 541.934.9110 bill@gaiabounty.com Facebook.com/GaiaMedBar

www.SiddhiTonics.com Facebook.com/SiddhiTonics





Type: Cookies, Brownies, Stuffed Brownies, Crispy Treats, Truffles, Peanut Butter Cups, Snack Cakes, Mini Donuts Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: CannaButter Dosage available: 100mg - 1000mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA


Type: Gourmet Edibles, Granola, Peanut Butter, Ranch Dressing, Ketchup, BBQ Sauce, Hot Sauce, Chicken & Waffles available at Ktown Collective Strain used: Hybrid Straing or Mix Made with: Cannabis Flower Extract Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.strictlyediblescollection.com Twitter.com/strictlyedibles Facebook.com/strictlyedibles Instagram.com/strictlyedibles



Type: Medicated Mecheladas, Infused Mexican Chili Seasoning, 420 Horchata, 420 Lemonade, 420 Kool-Aid, Hard Candy Strain used: Neptune OG Made with: Top Secret Infusion Process Dosage available: 150-600mg Products Available in: CALIFORNIA Facebook.com: Dabchelada Instagram.com/Dabchelada


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Type: Pain Salve, Massage Oil, Sport Massage Oil, Body Lotion, Hash Bath, Lip Balm, Skin Products, Topical Tincture, First Aid Ointment Strain used: Hybrid Made with: Canna Olive Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA www.CannaTopics.com Facebook.com/CannaTopics Instagram.com/CannaTopics Twitter.com/CannaTopics


Type: Medicated Topicals Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Trim, Canna Infused Oil Dosage available: Very High, Various Available in: CALIFORNIA godsgiftproducts@gmail.com Instagram.com/gods_gift_balm


Type: All Natural Cannabis Infused Pain Salve, Topical Products, Cucumber Cannabis Body Scrub, Coffee Cellulite Scrub, Lip Balms Strain used: Hybrid, CBD Made with: Coconut oil, Cannabis Oil Available in: CALIFORNIA godsgiftproducts@gmail.com Instagram.com/gods_gift_balm



Type: CBD Oils, Tinctures, Hemp Products Strain used: Hemp CBD Made with: Other Extract Dosage available: Varies by Product Available: Nationwide www.Bluebird-Botanicals.com

Type: Auto Draw Vaporizer Cartridge Sold seperately: Yes Disposable cartridge: Yes 510 Threading: Yes Strains used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Strain Specific Flavors like Skywalker OG, Strawberry Cough, Jack Herer, Gorilla Glue Made with: Clear Dosage available: 500mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA Instagram.com/BrassKnucklesOG MassRoots.com/BrassKnucklesOG brassknucklesog@gmail.com

Edibles List Issue 26

www.TheDoobieCompany.com Twitter.com/Doobie_Co Instagram/Doobiejuice Facebook.com/Doobiejuice

Type: Packaged Pre-Rolls, 1/8 Jar of Buds, C02 Vape Oil Cartridges, THC Breath Strips Strain used: Indica, Sativa ,Hybrid, CBD Made with: Varies by Product Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: AZ, CA, CO, MT, OR, WA www.ChongsChoice.com




Type: Medicated E-Juice Cartridge sold separate: Yes Disposable cartridge: Yes Strain used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Made with: Other Concentrate Dosage available: 1283.25 THC Available in: CALIFORNIA



Type: BHO, Shatter, Crumble Strain used: See Instagram for Strains Made with: BHO Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA Instagram.com/CrownExtracts CrownExtractsCalifornia@gmail.com

74 EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Type: Auto Draw Vaporizer Cartridge Sold seperately: Yes Disposable cartridge: Yes 510 Threading: Yes Strains used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Made with: Concentrate Dosage available: 500mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA & OREGON www.AbsoluteXtracts.com Instagram.com/AbsoluteXtracts Facebook.com/AbsoluteXtracts Twitter.com/AbsoluteExtracts

Type: Body Butter, Beard Oil and Beard Balm, Paraben-Free, 100% Natural, Not tested on Animals Strain used: Hybrid or Mix, CBD Made with: Coconut oil, Cannabis Oil Available: Nationwide


www.JaynGrene.com Instagram.com/JaynGrene Facebook.com/JaynGrene Twitter.com/JaynGrene


Shop Name: The Kings of Canna Address: 1465 NE Prescott St. Suite C. Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone Number: 971-319-6945 Hours: Sun - Wed 10am - 8pm Thurs - Sat 10am-10pm Menu Includes: • Flowers • Concentrates • Edibles • Pre-Rolls www.theKingsofCanna.com Instagram.com/theKingsofCanna Twitter.com/KingsofCanna Facebook.com/The KingsofCanna


Type: Balms, Tinctures, Topicals, Lotions, Creams, Cooking Oil, Female Lubricants, Sexual Enchancers, Serums, Pet Products Strain used: Hybrid or Mix, CBD Made with: Other Extract Available in: CALIFORNIA

Type: Caramels, Taffy, Baked Goods, Toffee Strain used: Indica, Sativa ,Hybrid, CBD Made with: Other Extract Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: OREGON www.BakedSmart.Org






Shop Name: K9 Chronic LLC Address: 1505 18th St. #AB Springfield, OR 97477 Phone Number: (541)654-0624 Hours: 7am-9pm 7days Menu Includes: • Dave’s Space Cakes • Flowers • Topicals • Edibles • Tinctures • CBD only edibles • Concentrates


• Clones • Pre-Rolls • BHO Extract • CO2 Extract

Shop Name: Deanz Greenz Two Portland Locations: 5625 SE 85th Ave., Portland, OR Phone Number: (503) 265-8353 10518 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR Phone: (971) 255-0758 Menu Includes:• Pre-Rolls• Clones • Flowers • Glass • Vapes • Edibles • Apparel • Concentrates





• Pre-Rolls • Seeds • Tinctures • Wax

www.Kushism.com Instagram: @kushismvannuys Facebook.com/kushism Twitter: @KushismVanNuys T


Shop Name: Cannabal City Collective Address: 547 Seaton St. Los Angeles, CA 90013 Phone Number: (213) 613-1288 Hours: 10am - 8pm Daily Menu Includes: • Flowers • Edibles • Tinctures • Drinks • Vapes • Topicals • Concentrates Weedmaps: CannabalCityCollective IG: @CannabalCity Facebook.com:/CannabalCityCollective Twitter: @CannabalC T

www.GreenCureCollective.com Instagram: @GreenCureLA Facebook.com/GreenCureLA Twitter: @GreenCureLAT

Edibles List Issue 26

Shop Name: Kushism Address: 7555 Woodley Ave. Lake Balboa, CA 91406 Phone Number: (818) 994-3446 Hours: 10am - 8pm Daily Menu Includes: • Topicals • Tinctures • Flowers • Concentrates • Edibles • Clones • Drinks

Shop Name: Green Cure Collective Location: 1238 1/2 S. Atlantic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90022 Phone Number: (844) GCLA-420 Hours: 10am - 10pm Daily HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS! Menu Includes: • Flowers • Edibles • Drinks • Topicals • Tinctures • Concentrates • Vapes

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