Edibles List Magazine - The Space Issue 31

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29 Washington

DEA MAKES NEW CODE FOR CBD L I S T Issue No. 31 The Space Issue

Nevada Oregon Colorado California Arizona

Edibles Magazine Issue 31


Publisher/CEO B. Le Grand Vice President Waylon Broussard Editor Patrick Ian Moore



Edibles Magazine Team

Creative Director Wendy Lea Rall Outreach & Development Director Keiko Beatie

Cannabis Flower Featured on the cover provided by Pharm Aide Pharms


3rd Annual Best of Edibles List Awards Invitation


Letter from the Editor

Contributing Writers Keiko Beatie Tanganyika B. Le Grand Patrick Ian Moore L.C. Squared Gar Souders Rachel Zemser

16 20

Talking Topicals with Gar

Sales Manager Eamonn Lynch

26 29

Product Review: W Vapes Dabs


The Science of Shelf Stability

37 38 43

Pop Cultivate Infused Dinner Party


Product Reviews: King Palms Tobacco Free Wraps & Sprig Cannabis Soda

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COVER STORY: To Boldly Grow Cannabis in Space! with former NASA Botanist & Bioengineer Professor Dale Chamberlain

DEA Makes New Code for CBD

Cosmic Cannabis Infused Recipes Top 10 Intergalactic Strains Inspired by Outer Space

Cannabis Infused / Hemp Infused Product Guide & Dispensary Listings

Cannabis Event Guide


RIP 2 of the Galaxy’s Finest! May the Force Be With You. John Glenn: July 18, 1921- December 8, 2016 Carrie Fisher: Oct 21, 1956 - Dec 27, 2016 EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


Edibles Magazine Issue 31



Letter from the Editor Happy New Year Edibles readers and fans! It’s been a true passion and pleasure to bring to you every month a wealth of information, education and updates. This issue in particular has been a joy to produce. Growing up in Hawaii, I have always been fascinated by outer space. I always thought that with the universe being such a vast place that it would be impossible for us to be alone or the only intelligent beings to ever exist. With the recent announcement that red leaf lettuce was successfully grown on the International Space Station, our stoner team thought, “That means that cannabis can be grown in space!” The implications of a sustainable food supply being created in space would entail the preparations for the commercialization of outer space. The public has already been notified about the manned mission to Mars to attempt colonizing the red planet. Commercializing space or even nearby planets like Mars, would mean medicine would be needed in addition to food. What better seeds to bring than cannabis? And what better to plant than hemp in questionable soil?

Edibles Magazine Issue 31

So we reached out to the professor that created the hydroponic systems currently being used in space. Our excitement and enthusiasm was met with gratitude and praise when Dale J. Chamberlain, who once worked with NASA, was a fan and familiar with the magazine. He founded the High Altitude School of Hydroponics in Colorado and grows amazing weed high up in the mountains.


In our interview he confirms the possibility of growing cannabis in space as well as the existence of “aliens” or interdimensional beings. There are are no flames in space, so Prof. Chamberlain points out cannabis would have to be consumed in edible form. It would only be edibles in space, which is why we dedicate this issue to outer space. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, prosperous new year! B. Le Grand

Issue No. 31 I Page 12

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TALKING TOPICALS with Gar Gar Souders, cannatopics.com

Hi Gar, I am in my early eighties. I follow your column every month and have become very enlightened about infused topical products. My doctor has given his OK, so I am ready to try them. What I need to know is, Are there any side effects? Thank you, Betty Los Angeles, CA Hi Betty, The beauty of topicals is basically -- Relief with no side effects. A few patients have reported slight sleepiness when using higher cannabinoid topicals around the temples or back of the neck. As for bad or unpleasant side effects, there are none, making infused topicals one of the best choices for many people. Dear Gar, How do I know how much to use and how often, if I want to try topicals? Larry Mt. Shasta, CA Hi Larry, Glad that you are considering topicals. One of the beauties of infused skin care products is ease of use. A patient can use a topical as needed. The duration of relief will depend on the product's strength and the ingredients. If you feel you are having to apply too often, try a stronger product, or one using a different base, such as an oil, gel, lotion or salve. Hi Gar, I have been thinking of using a transdermal patch for my shoulder pain. I don't smoke, and am looking for a convenient way to stop my pain. I have used topical salve, which worked great but I don't like a greasy feeling. Bill Culver City, CA Hi Bill, Although transdermal patches are applied topically by affixing to the skin, they do not behave as a topical would. A transdermal patch contains a substance to promote absorption of an exact dose of cannabinoids, such as 10mg of THC in a certain amount of time. While these patches work very well, they are totally different in their effects. A transdermal patch behaves much more like an edible or smoking, but with a very exact dosage. The absorption agent in the patch causes the THC to enter the bloodstream via the CB1 receptors, as with smoking or edibles. Topicals can use a very large dose of cannabinoids per application, due to the fact that topicals travel via the non-psychoactive CB2 receptors. For localized pain, topicals usually bring the most relief. Better yet, try both and get the cannabinoids to both systems. If you don't like the feel of a salve, try a cream or a gel. Gar Souders has over a decade of research into the effects & formulations of cannabis infused topicals. He is the Founder of CannaTopics and is a member of several Pro Cannabis organizations. Issue No. 31 I Page 16

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To Boldly Grow... Cannabis in Space!

The International Space Station recently successfully grew red leaf lettuce in outer space. With the same hydroponic system they used, cannabis can be grown in space. 20

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with NASA Botanist & Bioengineer Professor Dale Chamberlain Patrick Ian Moore

ELM: Hello Professor. Just so our readers know who we're talking to - Please tell us a little about your background. Your education and work experience. DJC: I was born and raised in Colorado - grew up at the base of the Rockies climbing around Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre for fun. Huge stoner gathering place back in the 70's and 80's and a great place to sneak into a concert back then! Had the pleasure of attending the two Major Universities here, Colorado State University and the University of Colorado, Boulder, as well as working with Florida State University and NASA's Space Life Science Training Program. My studies concentrated on agricultural life support systems for long duration space missions. I ended up working with NASA on plant growth chambers that flew on the Space Shuttle numerous times. Later I was the CEO of a Biotech company that worked with large display aquariums including Denver's public aquarium "Colorado's Ocean Journey". My work experience also comprises eight years owning and operating a fine dining, full service, bar and restaurant that supported research on growing sustainable local greenhouse produce for that restaurant. This entire time I was involved with perfecting Cannabis grow rooms for myself, my friends and colleagues. After

a brief stint working high-level pharmaceutical production, I was ironically let go because I refused to submit to drug testing. This turn of events drove me to become the founder of the now legendary High Altitude School of Hydroponics (H*A*S*H). Culminating in my ground breaking cultivation guide. I am now working on extraction research techniques and writing more books on the subject of Cannabis. ELM:. Truly fascinating! Okay Let's get right to it, and then we'll get into the details. Is it currently possible to grow cannabis in outer space? DJC: Technically very possible, politically, no. ELM: Interesting. So then, what conditions, equipment, technology, and resources would be necessary for cultivating on Mars? DJC: The infrastructure required will be substantial. Issues ranging from shielding cosmic radiation (underground structures most likely) to maintaining atmospheric conditions, nutrient availability and lighting technology have yet to be fully understood and/or

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Edibles Magazine Issue 31

Before Starting I would like to say thank you to all your readers Time and interest and Edibles List for such a deliciously done publication. ~D Dale J. Chamberlain

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TEXT C O VHERE ER STORY growing system different than normal, and what are the applications of such a system on Earth? DJC: There is no substantial difference than any controlled environmental grow rooms. Indicas, with their more broad leaves, do seem to fare better at lower pressure and higher altitude. Media is by far the biggest issue in relation to handling and disposal. To eliminate this factor is what true hydroponics is all about. Dr. Gericke's work on hydroponics from the 1940s is still the most important advancement in this area and required reading for all my students. ELM: Your school sounds very amazing. Will cannabis grown in outer space be better? Stronger and more potent? Different in any way - possibly affected by gravitational changes? sufficiently addressed. ELM: Okay. And what would be different if you were to grow onboard the International Space Station or the Space Shuttle? DJC: Limited compartment space is the biggest issue, as well as, safety and power requirements on any orbital vehicle. Microgravity is also a huge issue considering engineering technology and the biological response to there being neither 'up' nor 'down'.

Edibles Magazine Issue 31

ELM: Has NASA, to your knowledge, made plans or preparation to cultivate medicinal or recreational Cannabis, or industrial hemp as any part of our space exploration program?

DJC:. Absolutely, however, artificial gravity using rotation will be a requirement for long-duration lowgravity human missions. Crops would be part of the rotating human habitat providing not only food, water and oxygen, but importantly, a sense of psychological well being. One of our best futurists, Isaac Arthur, has an excellent You Tube channel that I think nicely outlines these asteroid colony ideas.

DJC: No. NASA, disappointingly, has no planned manned missions for space exploration beyond low-earth orbit. Everything for deep space human presence is farmed out to private corporations or other countries. Designingly, the Federal government can't even figure out how best to spell Cannabis. Moreover, there is a "Nixonesque" concern about Cannabis and even a rather legitimate political fear of inadvertently forming an independent space colony that later won't want to pay their "Tea Tax" (sound familiar?). China, Russia, and ESA are ahead of the USA on manned space exploration plans as well as state sponsored Cannabis research. Keeping in mind, of course, companies such as Boeing, Blue Origin, Space X and other private companies are in the game - the new space race is on!

ELM: How is a high altitude hydroponic

ELM: What were your thoughts on the Matt

ELM:. Would any of these techniques work for growing on the surface of an asteroid?


DJC: Yes. Eliminating the factors working against an organism increases its production (Liebig's Law of the Minimum). In this case reduced gravity stress should increase Cannabis oil production and should make for some huge buds with tiny little stems inside.

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TEXT C O VHERE ER STORY Damon movie "The Martian"? Did the filmmakers use actual working scientific farming techniques in the story, and do you believe it would have worked like it did in the film? If so, how could those same techniques be applied to outer space marijuana cultivation? DJC: Cringe alert. 1st, why are we always rescuing Matt? We seem to have to rescue him every single movie. Contrary to popular belief, no - the farming techniques would not have worked. The reasons are on so many levels, but hey, that's Hollywood. Realistically, we have a really bad record on landing on that ol' Red Devil of a planet. Out of all missions to Mars, we have about a 50% success rate (and that is being generous with only robotic probes). The soil is most likely toxic when exposed to Oxygen and poop needs better processing before it can be used as a fertilizer. Eating nothing but potatoes for over a year would have serious physiological and psychological consequences. That is just scratching the surface of the 'movie sins' on this one.

Edibles Magazine Issue 31

As far as fertilizing your Cannabis with poop, it just highlights the importance of a 'final flush' before you harvest! (Pun intended, if you don't get it, the answer is in my book)


ELM: Organic Red Leaf Lettuce was recently grown onboard the ISS. How far are we from having fullyself sustainable farming in space and does cannabis have any part in it?

Furthermore, unless we plan on having a vegan colony; tissue culture, animal husbandry and aquaculture in space need to be developed as well. ELM:. Do you prefer STAR WARS or STAR TREK? Please tell us why? DJC: Ahh, the old Yoda vs. Spock question. When it comes to Science Fiction / Double Feature I'll have to go with - The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Spock's great-granddad comes to Earth for his seven year hormonal rave and parties with Yoda's great-granddaughter (I think). It's all the same storyline, just separated by a Time Warp. Epically, a true Space Opera! ELM: Haha - indeed it is! That’s a great answer, and one I’ve never heard before. Nice to know what real scientists think about sci-fi fantasy. How did you get involved and interested in this type of work? DJC: As a Pisces, fish tanks always were part of my life. The lighting systems on aquariums can be used to grow plants. I started growing Cannabis seedlings in a dresser and it worked rather well until my mother noticed light shining out from my drawer and discovered (to her horror) my stash. Keep in mind this was in the latter part of the last century and attitudes toward pot were rather barbaric. From that time on, small secret grows were the rule and who better to learn how to grow in small, controlled boxes than NASA?

DJC: "Fully self-sustaining" will be a challenge. Issues regarding vitamin deficiencies as well as availability of ELM: What is the name of your book, and raw materials on whatever surface where can our readers find it? is nearby are of critical importance. DJC:. Aromatic Cannabis Cultivation; Growers EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

C O V E R TEXT S T OHERE RY Guide to Great Ganja. Don't Panic, it's available on Amazon Kindle. ELM: Awesome. Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? Do you believe we'll ever make contact, and if so, do you think there is any chance in the galaxy that they get high? DJC: Yes, yes and yes. If you can concede extradimensional as extra-terrestrial. ELM: Oh man for sure, and I wish we had time to get into The Mandela Effect, CERN, Sinbad, and Shazaam. Maybe next time? Now - If someone wants to go this route for a career path, what should they do? Where's the best place to get started and do you recommend it?

media grows. Soil, rocks, wool, fiber - all have intense labor, pest and disposal issues. To be most efficient, the techniques outlined in my book Aromatic Cannabis Cultivation provide a great roadmap to the future of cultivation technology. Remember- there’s no smoking in space, so edibles are where it’s at, and where it’s going!

DJC: Tune out, turn off, and drop in. Take advantage of the university level libraries and research journals - no one will stop you from visiting a campus and reading what is on file. There is so much that has already been accomplished, no need to reinvent the wheel. Beware of the agenda driven liars who do not want human space exploration. Don't dream it, be it.

DJC: Genetically Modified Organisms created by multinational corporations, unfortunately, is the standard model for agriculture at the moment. A rich blessing in disguise was given by the underground nature of Cannabis. Individuals, not huge corporations control the seed stock. As long as growers are given the ability and right to maintain their own genetic stock, monoculture fears will never come to pass. However, a standard of non-GMO must be outlined in the coming years to protect individuals and growers alike. Pollen can travel for miles, Cannabis breeds could face similar issues as the corn industry today. Individuals and large grows alike both know labor can be overwhelming. Elimination of

ELM: Wonderful to hear! Wow Professor - Thanks so much for speaking to us about this. You’ve truly blown my mind and it’s been an honor to talk to such a wise and cool person about such a fantastic topic. I’m sure our readers will enjoy everything we’ve learned! DJC: It has been a pleasure thinking about these questions and I hope all my answers give everyone confidence to grow their own, either here on earth or on the frontiers yet to be explored.... Until Next Time, ~D Dale J. Chamberlain Check out Dale's Book on Amazon, Aromatic Cannabis Cultivation: Grower's Guide to Great Ganja

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Edibles Magazine Issue 31

ELM: Sweet - Another Rocky Horror reference! Tell us - With the ever expanding world of cannabis, it truly seems like the sky is no longer the limit. Where do you see cultivation technology going in the next 25 years?

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W Dabs Sour Tangie. California.

W Dabs are the new line of 100% pure Co2 concentrates being produced by W Vapes. Like the oil in their vape cartridges, W Dabs are all natural, and extracted from top shelf, strain specific organic flower with zero pesticides, and no added flavoring or chemicals. The original terpenes are reintroduced in the post processing to make sure the taste and effects are well preserved. We had the opportunity to taste test the Sour Tangie W Dabs and the experience was absolutely outstanding. The notes and undertones of the fruity and sour citrus were clearly there and very delicious. We used the versatile concentrate to line the interior of a blunt, and coated the outside of a hand rolled joint too. Both smokes were transformed into powerful and extremely smooth cannabis oil delivery systems. Next we did actual dabs on an e-nail and glass vaporizer rig and spent some extended time afterward laying on the floor discussing how wonderful we felt and how much we love W Dabs. You can also just spread it on to bud and pack it into a bowl. This stuff goes far and it doesn’t take much before you feel fully medicated and highly elevated. The Sour Tangies is 62% THC and your body and mind will both feel and greatly appreciate every last percent! You can even use this product for infusing food or topicals. The packaging is very convenient, subtle, and easy to travel with. Each 1 gram unit comes in a small glass jar with an airtight non-stick silicone lid colored and labeled to make life easier: yellow-sativa, blue-indica, and greenhybrid. Each W Dab also comes with a handy reusable dabber tool making dab-application totally painless. You’ve got plenty of options when it comes to using this medicine and they all work great. W Dabs are potent, clean, and flavorful, and different from concentrates you’ve used before. It’s not wax, shatter, or crumble - it’s something new - strong, smooth, and tasty. I personally think W Dabs looks like beautiful golden tree sap. W Dabs are available in collectives throughout California, and soon to be in Oregon and Nevada as well. Go to wvapes.com/dabs/ for more information, pace yourself, and always medicate well. Issue No. 31 I Page 26




Our edibles are hand-made in Northern California, lab tested and infused by CaliGreen, with a hybrid Co2 THC oil. Our Lucky Lemon Cookies are available at 40MG &160MG. Our Daily Double Peanut Butter Cups (4 pack) are available at 40MG, 80MG & 240MG.




DEA Makes a New Code for CBD

Once again, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in their righteous virtue have created a new rule in regards to strengthening its hold on cannabis regulation. On December 14th, 2016, they amended the Federal Register with a new Administration Controlled Substance Code Number for “marihuana extract” which will allow the DEA and any entities affiliated with it to track quantities of this material separately from actual marijuana. Under this code, cannabis extracts will defined as, “an extract containing one or more cannabinoids that has been derived from any plant of the genus Cannabis, other than the separated

resin (whether crude or purified) obtained from the plant.” According to the DEA, this measure will aid in complying with international drug-control treaty agreements. Essentially, this is a reinforcement of its stance to classify cannabis as well as cannabis extracts, including CBD oil, as Schedule I substances which makes them as illegal as heroin, LSD and peyote. This new measure will allow the DEA to arrest and prosecute

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L.C. Squared



Edibles Magazine Issue 31

possessors of cannabidiol products that are even below the legal threshold for the THC percentage of 0.3% or less. In their point of view, “For practical purposes, all extracts that contain CBD will also contain at least small amounts of other cannabinoids. However, if it were possible to produce from the cannabis plant an extract that contained only CBD and no other cannabinoids, such an extract would fall within the new drug code.” Under this arbitrary purview, CBD oil derived from hemp is no longer safe from the ramifications of Schedule I regulation. Simply put, if you get caught extracting or possessing CBD oil that comes from hemp, you’ll be federally prosecuted.


2028, which will expire on April 28, 2017. When that resolution expires, so will the protections of Rohrabacher-Farr, making it open season for the DEA to hunt CBD oil possessors.

The DEA’s passing of this slippery slope rule has raised questions about the DEA’s authority to enforce such a regulation. Colorado cannabis attorney and law professor Robert Hoban claims the DEA’s action may be unlawful as their duty is to carry out the law, not create it. By creating a new category for “marihuana extracts”, they wrest all control of all cannabinoids in order to make them illegal, which is beyond their authority. Hoban also predicts that this new rule may threaten hundreds, if not, thousands of growing businesses as their careers and investments are based on the previous There IS a spot of light to this tale, definitions of hemp and cannabidiol for there are temporary safeguards in the Controlled Substances Act and to protect patients and distributors recent favorable rulings in federal courts. who possess the oil. Passed in 2014, the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, Some have even speculated that this rule which is part of a Congressional was passed as a favor to the DEA’s most appropriations bill, forbids the Justice esteemed client, Big Pharma. Several Department from spending funds to months ago, the DEA attempted to interfere with the implementation reclassify another substance called kratom of state medical cannabis laws. In as Schedule I. The timing of these two acts August, the amendment was upheld have been deemed too coincidental, which by the 9th US Circuit Court despite has led to the theory that the DEA as well efforts by federal prosecutors to as the FDA are trying to allow Big Pharma have it rescinded. This amendment to commit biopiracy against the cannabis is crucial in protecting patients from industry. Essentially, it is the act of learning federal prosecution in the 28 legal everything about a plant or some kind of medical cannabis states, including natural substance then extracting, stealing, D.C. Furthermore, there are 16 states patenting and then destroying others’ that allow patients and caregivers to ability to obtain the original plant. possess only non-psychoactive CBD products, albeit with no legal means Whatever the case may be, business, lawyers to produce or obtain the products. and consumers alike are not planning Unfortunately, Rohrabacher-Farr to let this go without a fight. Should this has an annual renewal requirement, rule prove itself to threaten the cannabis which was just done on Dec. 9 industry in any way, Hoban promises to as part of House funding bill HR “see the federal government in court.” EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com



The Science of Shelf Stability Rachel Zemser, cannabisculinologist.com

What does it mean when someone describes a food as being “shelf stable”? Shelf stability in the general sense refers to food that can sit on a shelf, at room temperature and maintain its quality, safety and sensory attributes over a set period of time predetermined by the manufacturer. Some shelf stable foods can last literally almost forever on the shelf such as canned foods, juice boxes and boxed soy milk. Other shelf stable foods like bread or packaged cookies will last a fairly long time (4 weeks to 3 months) but eventually will not taste “fresh” or could get moldy after being opened and closed multiple times. Manufacturers usually put a “Best-By” date or “Use-By” date to guide their consumers on how long they should keep the shelf stable product on the shelf.

Edibles Magazine Issue 31

There are intrinsic and forces surrounding food that must be managed to maintain shelf


extrinsic products in order stability.

High Sugar and Salt: Bacteria likes warm watery environments with lots of carbohydrates and protein. When too much sugar or salt is dumped in their world, they don’t grow as well. Thus many foods are “preserved” with excess sugar and salt. High sugar is often combined with heating to make shelf stable products like jams. pH: Some shelf stable products are “pickled” or “brined” by adding vinegar and other acids to them. Pickles are brined with vinegar and the low pH (under 4.6) inhibits bacteria growth. Food companies use a variety of methods to render a food product shelf stable. Sometimes more than one method is used like heat + acid or preservatives + dehydration. For example, a fresh bread at the local bakery has been “baked” to kill off the bacteria and it can last a few days on your kitchen counter. Eventually outside bacteria will attack the bread and it will get moldy. The higher moisture that bread was to begin with will affect how quickly it begins to mold. If there are inclusions in that bread (like wet bits of olives) it will mold even faster. An industrial bread that is sold in a supermarket will last much longer because in addition to being baked, it has a high quality bag to protect it and preservatives like potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate—both bacterial inhibitors, have been added as well to keep the bacteria at bay for a few weeks longer.

Heat: Heat is the most common way to make a food product shelf stable. Canned goods are food products that have cooked to very high “retorted” temperatures of 250’F or higher while inside a can. Bacteria cannot survive that heat treatment so the product For the cannabis entrepreneur, shelf stable is essentially sterilized inside the food means mandatory compromises to the can and is shelf stable till opened. final food flavor, texture and taste. Many dispensaries don’t have refrigeration so Moisture: Dried foods like beef jerky, products like fresh dairy, meat and vegetables milk powder and raisins are examples cannot be sold. Baked goods will need to be of food products that have had their very dry, well packaged and possibly have moisture removed via dehydration preservatives added to them. Analytical Tools and other drying methods like such as water activity (Aw) and moisture spray drying, drum drying or analyzers should be used to ensure consistency freeze drying. One the moisture is in finished products. This is why most edible removed from a food, the natural cannabis products are in the form of cookies, bacteria that was previously present candy and other long lasting products that in that food can no longer grow. don’t have any potential safety hazards. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


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POP Cultivate Infused Dinner Party Tanganyika

​ op Cultivate was an event that brought our 2016 P to a close and it was definitely one for the books. I was so impressed with Chef Chris and every aspect of the meal. From the location, to the déco,r to the vibe to, the company - everything seemed to be perfect about this evening. Imagine walking into a dimly lit art gallery in the heart of the DTLA Arts District, with beautiful aesthetic paintings covering every wall. Then you walk down this corridor towards another room with brighter lights. In this room is where multiple tables were strategically placed in the middle of the room so that no one had an obstructed view, or was left singled out of this magnificent dining experience. The music is just loud enough to be heard, but not enough to interrupt your conversation, which is so important at these networking events.

covered in this Romesco sauce. On the board was a setting for each person in that section so it was almost like family dinner style at that point. It had a sliced potato that had asparagus and carrots beautifully displayed on top of it. I’m all about my fruits and veggies these days so for me that was the highlight of the meal. The meat that accompanied it was Prime Rib with Wasabi Aioli. I ended up giving mine away, but not before I took a bite and I must say it really was so tender and flavorful that I started to take a second piece. I kept my self-control but any meat lovers I found a seat and a woman immediately greets out there would have thoroughly me with a bubbly personality carrying a tray full enjoyed. of medicated Raspberry White Russian drinks. I grab a glass, thank her, and get the party started All in all this was an incredible instantly. It is so velvety and smooth, with just experience. We were allowed a hint of a THC aftertaste. I can’t remember if to consume at the table so in actual alcohol was in it because I don’t remember between the rolled joints and the feeling drunk but either way it was delicious. The meal we had the most incredible appetizer was a Cauliflower Goat Cheese Crostini night. The décor had real cannabis that was bite size and tasty enough to get your leaves on the table, and other mouth watering for the next course. The next small details were not overlooked thing I tried was a medicated spinach salad that I at all. Thank you Chef Chris crushed because it was so good. Like - absolutely Yang for bringing Pop Cultivate: nothing left on the plate whatsoever crushed! A Splash of Christmas to this Next was this creamy mushroom soup with an evolving industry, and we look actual mushroom on the top. YupI- I practically forward to watching this talented destroyed that one too. It was so smooth, thick, company continue to grow. creamy and delicious that the whole table asked for seconds. By this time we had reached the main Cannabis concentrate was provided by 3C Farms, available at Cannabal course and I have to say I was feeling amazing. City Collective or Coast to Coast. The main course was this wooden Harvest Board Check out more of their montly display of the brightest tastiest looking vegetables themed events at: Popcultivate.com EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com




Raspberry Reefer Pork Chops Ingredients:

1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed 1/2 teaspoon dried sage, crushed 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 4 (4 ounce) boneless pork loin chops 1 tablespoon cannabutter 1 tablespoon canna olive oil 1/4 cup seedless raspberry jam 2 tablespoons orange juice

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 4 sprigs fresh thyme (optional) Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Ready In: 30 minutes


Preheat oven to 200 degrees F (95 degrees C). In a small bowl, combine crushed thyme, sage, salt, and pepper. Rub evenly over pork chops. Melt cannabutter and canna olive oil in a nonstick skillet. Cook pork chops for 4 to 5 minutes on each side, turning once. Remove from skillet and keep warm in preheated oven. In the skillet, combine raspberry jam, orange juice, and vinegar. Bring to a boil, and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, or until sauce is reduced to desired consistency (sauce will thicken as it cools). Spoon sauce in a pool onto a serving plate, and top with pork chops. Garnish with sprigs of thyme.

Ganja Garden Cucumber Salad Ingredients:

Edibles Magazine Issue 31

4 cucumbers, thinly sliced 1 small white onion, thinly sliced 1 cup white vinegar 1/2 cup water 3/4 cup white sugar 1 tablespoon dried dill, or to taste 2 tablespoons canna olive oil


Prep Times: 5 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes Ready In: 1 hour Instructions:

Toss together the cucumbers and onion in a large bowl. Combine the vinegar, water and sugar in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil, and pour over the cucumber and onions. Stir in dill, cover, add in canna olive oil and refrigerate until cold. This can also be eaten at room temperature, but be sure to allow the cucumbers to marinate for at least 1 hour. It’s important to add the olive oil in after the boiling process, because you don’t want the THC to burn off and oil has a higher flash point than butter. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com



Broccoli Quiche with Keif



Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Over mediumlow heat melt cannabutter in a large saucepan. Add onions, garlic and broccoli. Cook slowly, stirring occasionally until the vegetables are soft. Spoon vegetables into crust and sprinkle with cheese. Combine eggs, milk and keif. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in melted butter. Pour egg mixture over vegetables and cheese. Bake in preheated oven for 30 to 50 minutes, or until center has set.

2 tablespoons cannabutter 1 onion, minced 1 teaspoon minced garlic 2 cups chopped fresh broccoli 1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 4 eggs, well beaten 1 1/2 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon cannabutter, melted 1 gram keif, decarboxylated Prep Times: 20 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Ready In: 50 minutes

Canna Infused Apple Cobbler Ingredients:

1 cup self-rising flour 1 cup white sugar 1/2 cup cannabutter, softened 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 4 Granny Smith apples, cored and sliced


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease baking dish. Mix flour, sugar, cannabutter, and cinnamon together in a bowl using a pastry blender or fork until crumbly; reserve 3/4 cup flour mixture to use as topping. Sprinkle a light layer of flour mix into the prepared baking dish; top with a layer of apples. Continue alternating layers of flour mixture with apples and ending with apples. Sprinkle top apple layer with the reserved 3/4 cup flour mixture. Bake in the preheated oven until apples are tender and topping is lightly browned, 30 to 35 minutes. Allow cobbler to cool for 10 minutes before serving. Serve with ice cream and/or whip cream as desired. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

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Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Ready In: 1 hour


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Edibles Magazine Issue 31


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Alien OG: Hybrid.

Alien OG is a cross of Tahoe OG and Alien Kush. A potent, indica-dominant hybrid with a lemon-pine smell and flavor, and an intense high - mind and body both.

Space Queen: Hybrid.

Space Queen is a royal and legendary hybrid cross between Romulan and Cinderella 99, with an energetic body high, that smells of apples, vanilla and cherries.

Romulan: Indica.

Romulan, named after the Star Trek race of aliens, is a potent indica known throughout the galaxy for providing a full body calm, heavily intoxicating properties, and powerful therapeutic qualities.

Skywalker OG: Hybrid.

An indica-dominant hybrid strain created from Skywalker with OG Kush that takes you to a galaxy far, far away. Relaxing and strong body effects prove the Force is strong with this one.

Outer Space: Sativa.

Outer Space is a sativa strain that is a cross of Island Sweet Skunk and Trinity, known for cerebral and creative effects. The strong citrus odor and flavorful smoke works great as daytime medicine.

Death Star: Indica.

Death Star is No Moon, it's the powerful cross of Sensi Star and Sour Diesel and has the shared effects of its parent strains and a taste that combines sweet, skunk, and TIE Fighter fuel aromas.

Blue Galaxy: Hybrid.

Blue Galaxy is a space age combination of Afghani and Hashplant Haze bred for potency and resin production and is ideal for combating insomnia, chronic pain, and nausea.

Martian Mean Green: Hybrid.

MMG is a combination of Sharksbreath and G13 Haze with a super pungent aroma and consciousness-altering effects, that can be helpful for relieving stress.

Full Moon: Sativa.

A classic tropical sativa, with a visually stimulating high from the Thai island of Koh Phangan and is named after the famous Full Moon Party.

Asteroid OG: Indica.

An OG that can be found throughout Southern California. Like many classic OG strains, this is a great option for patients and aliens in need of serious stress relief. Issue No. 31 I Page 43

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King's Palms Tobacco Free Wraps. Sprig THC Soda.

Sprig Soda is an award winning, delightfully refreshing and effective THC beverage that tastes great. Each 12 FL oz can of Sprig contains 45mg THC, so 1 half to one full can will be plenty of medicine for some people, and other more heavy medicators will want to consume a couple of cans slowly. It’s great to sip on, straight from the can or in a glass over ice. Sprig also makes a great non-alcoholic beverage to carry around and drink from at a party if you’re It was immediately evident that the King Palms weren’t looking for a substitute for beer and are hoping for a making us cough the way tobacco blunt wraps tend to do different head change. and that was much appreciated by all. The taste is very good, and reminds me of the grapefruit The leaves aren’t grown with toxic fertilizers, and were soda pop I used to drink as a kid in the summertime. not treated with pesticides, preservatives, or any artificial It also works well as a cocktail mixer, but be careful if chemicals, and are made using sustainable production you decide to combine cannabis and spirits. We were practices. doing Sprig and Vodka mixed drinks at the Infused Each package of King Palms comes with 3 tubes. The Expo and they were very delicious and really got the packaging can be resealed so your spare tubes, or even party going. Oscar nominated actor Eric Roberts was the palm blunts you’ve already packed, can be put back drinking straight Sprig from the can and we couldn’t into the envelope, closed and kept fresh until you’re keep him off the dance floor! We even took a six pack ready for them. The size, weight, taste, and feel of these of Sprig with us when we visited “The Ganja Zone” palm leaf blunts are perfect and very sturdy. We came on Z420.TV and everyone casually sipped on and across King Palms at a Cannabis Expo in Las Vegas enjoyed them throughout the broadcast. and are so happy we made the discovery. If you love The can is a clean and subtle piece of packaging, and medicating by smoking blunts, but you’re looking for a you can easily consume Sprig without raising any more environmentally friendly, healthier, and tobacco suspicions - it really just looks like a can of soda. This free method, we highly recommend trying the King Palms beverage also mixes well with fruit juice if you’d like Hand Rolled Tubes. They’ve quickly become a favorite to cut the dose down a little without compromising around here, and we think you’ll feel the same way! any flavor. This cannabis infused drink is tasty, simple, and soon to become a classic! To learn more visit info@kingpalms.net. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Edibles Magazine Issue 31

King Palms Organic Pre-Rolls - are all natural and hand rolled tubes made from leaves that have been handpicked from the arecaceae family of palm trees, with a built in crutch made from natural corn cob. These chemical free non-tobacco wraps are absolutely the best substitute for blunt wraps we’ve tried so far. A wooden packing tool is included in each pack, making it simple to fill and stuff each tube with a full gram of ground flower. The green leaves burn slow and smooth making the cannabis smoking experience extra satisfying and very mellow.


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• Chocolates

• CBD Edibles • Gummies • Drinks • Topicals • Sugar-Free • Vegan Edibles

Edibles List Issue 31


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Type: Chocolate Bars, Gummies, Capsules, Shatter, Vape Pens Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Hash Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Medical and Recreational Available in: Colorado and California

Type: Strain Specific Baked Goods, Cupcakes, Brownies, Crispy Treats, Hilbilly HashTea, Cookies, Granola, Peanut Butter Cups Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made with: Canna Coconut Oil Alcohol & Glycerin Based Tinctures, Hash Infusion Dosage available: 16mg - 648mg Available in: CALIFORNIA


Type: 5mg Sugar Free Micros (pack of 20 or 50) 20mg Gluten-Free Truffles -filled with delicious ganaches, caramel, & peanut butter Strain used: Indica, Sativa. Made with: Ethanol, Other Extract Dosage available: 5mg Mircros & 20mg Caramel Chocolate Truffles Available in: CALIFORNIA www.getstokes.com Twitter.com/GetStokes215 Instagram: @getstokes215 Facebook: Stokes-Confections

Type: 20+ Baked Treats!! Pastries – Cookies – Breads – Brownies, Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: Canna Coconut Oil Dosage available: 100mg - 110mg Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.GreenTicketBakery.com Facebook.com/GreenTicketBakery Twitter.com/GreenTicketBky Instagram.com/GreenTicketBakery

www.iloveincredibles.com Twitter.com/IncrediblesMMJ Instagram.com/ IncrediblesMMJ



www.TrikomTreats.com Facebook.com/trikomtreats Twitter.com/trikomtreats Instagram.com/trikom_treats




Type: Award Winning THC & CBD Gummies, Fruit & Nuts, Chamoy, Jerky, Take N’ Bake Mixes, CBD Tinctures & Vape Cartridges. StrainUsed:Indica,Sativa,HybridTHC&CBD MadeWith: SolventlessDistillate&Isolates. Dosage Available: 75mg, 150mg, 300mg THC Products available: California CBD Products available: Worldwide www.InfusedEdibles.org Instagram.com/InfusedEdiblesCA


Type: Hard Candy Lollipops and Lozenges, Both Sugar and Sugar-Free, and Honey Strain used: Indica, Sativa, CBD Made with: Bud & CO2 Extract Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA www.JollyMeds.com Facebook.com/Jolly.Lolly Twitter.com/JollyMeds Instagram.com/GetJollyMeds




Type: Gummies, Chocolates, Brownies Strain used: Sativa ,Hybrid, CBD Made with: Other Extract, Shatter Dosage available: Varies Per Product Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.GotBhang.com Facebook.com/BhangChocolate Instagram.com/BhangBhang Twitter.com/ BhangChocolate

Type: Nutty Truffles & Bold, Boozy Bonbons Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made With: Organic coconut oil Doses available: 2.5mg, 5mg, 15mg, 45mg Available in: CALIFORNIA Order at: www.theartofedibles.com www.towhomitmaychocolates.com IG: towhomitmaychocolates


Edibles List Issue 31

Type: Gourmet Chocolate Bars, CBD Gum, Vaporizer Pens, Sublingual Spray, Disposable Vape Cartridges Strain used: Hybrid Strain/Mix, Sativa, Indica Strain, High CBD Made with: C02 Concentrate Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: AZ,CA,CO,MI,WA,DC

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Type: Chocolate truffles and confections with each box inspired by music Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: CannaButter Dosage available: 20mg/piece, 80mg/box Available in: CALIFORNIA & ARIZONA www.Something-Chocolate.com Twitter: @SomethingChoco Facebook: Something Chocolate Instagram: @SomethingChoco

Type : Chef crafted, lab tested, 100% Organic, Grass Fed, Strain Specific Budder for all of your Marijuana Cookery. Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Top Secret Dosage available: Every Jar Contains 1,200mg of active THC Available in: CALIFORNIA BohemianBudder@Gmail.com Facebook.com/BohemianBudder Instagram.com/BohemianBudder


Type : Confections, Hard Candies, Taffy Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: BHO Extraction Dosage available: 70-100mg Available in: ARIZONA www.TDMints.com Twitter.com/TDMints Facebook.com/T.D.Mints Instagram.com/TDMints


Type: High Quality Flowers, Pre-Packaged Cannabis Bud Flower Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made with: Cannabis Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA & COLORADO PharmAidePharms.com

EvergreenOrganix.com Twitter.com/EvergreenMMJ Facebook.com/EvergreenOrganixLV Instagram.com/evergreenorganix


Type: Gummy Candy, South of the border Candies, Medicated Powdered Drink Strain used: Hybrid Made with: THC Oil Tincture Dosage available: 150mg, 300mg Available in: CALIFORNIA Instagram.com/RemedyPlus Twitter.com/RemedyPlusCandy



Edibles List Issue 31


Edibles: Cookies, Brownies, Honey Sticks, Hard Candy, Gummies, Tinctures, Chocolate Bars Flower: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid Vapes: Disposables, Vaporizers, Cartridges. Topicals: Body Cream, Lip Balm, Bath Balm, Massage Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: NV (Nevada Takes Out-of-State Medical Marijuana Recommendations!)

50 The Herb List. Our List is for consumers and dispensaries alike. Browse each brand's detailed listing and see what states they're available in.

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Type: Vegan Sour gummies, Vegan hard candies, Vegan coconut caramels, salted caramels Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: Hash Oil, Alochol Based Tincture Dosage available: Hard Candies - 100 mg (3.5 mg per candy), Sour Gummies "Gomitas" 200 mg - (10 mg per gummy), Salted Caramels - 100 mg (20 mg per caramel) Available in: CALIFORNIA


www.kannaedibles.com Instagram.com/kannaedibles Facebook.com/Kannaedibles

Type: High Potency Fruit Chews & Disposable Vape Pens Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made with: Sugar Cane Alcohol Extraction Dosage available: Sativa/Indica/Hybrid (100mg), TKO (200mg), Recover (60mg THC +30mg of CBD), CBD (60mg CBD) Available in: CALIFORNIA


Type: Carbonated Fruit Sodas & Medicated Fruit Tincture, CBD Water, Vape Cartridges Strain used: Sativa/Indica/Hybrid Made with: Refined Full Spectrum Oil Dosage available: 90-200MG depending on product. Available in: CALIFORNIA

Type: Medicated Mecheladas, Infused Mexican Chili Seasoning, 420 Horchata, 420 Lemonade, 420 Kool-Aid, Hard Candy Strain used: Neptune OG Made with: Top Secret Infusion Process Dosage available: 150-600mg Products Available in: CALIFORNIA

#HabitSparkling #HabitEdibles

Facebook.com: Dabchelada Instagram.com/Dabchelada

CANAPA BRANDS Type: Milk Chocolate and Caramel CANNAbar, Dark Chocolate, Almond and Sea Salt CANNAbar, Cocoa Nuts, Cordial Cherries Gold 100mg and Cordial Cherries Green 200mg Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: Co2 Concentrate, Dosage available: 250mg Milk Chocolate and Caramel CANNAbar, 250mg Dark Chocolate Almond and Sea Salt CANNAbar, Cocoa Nuts 5mg bites (120mg/ canister), Cordial Cherries Gold 4- 25mg bites (100mg canister), Cordial Cherries Green 450mg bites (200mg/canister) Available in: CALIFORNIA Canapabrands.ca Canapabrands.ca/find-us/ Facebook.com/canapabrands Instagram.com/canapabrands

OxendineFamilyFarm.com Instagram.com/Wonk0 Twitter.com/ MondoMedicines


Type: Caramels, Taffy, Baked Goods, Toffee Strain used: Indica, Sativa ,Hybrid, CBD Made with: Other Extract Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: OREGON www.BakedSmart.Org

Edibles List Issue 31

Type: Medicated Bacon, Pretzels, Peanut Butter, Baked Goods, Breads, Trail Mix, Nuts, Cheese Crackers, Rice Crispy Treats, Hard Candy, Sour Cream & Cheddar Potato Chips Strain used: Organic Hybrid Strain/Mix Made with: Clean Green Organic Cannabis by Oxendine Family Farm Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.TheGoodGumCo.com thegoodgumcompany@gmail.com @thegoodgumcompany


www.KushyPunch.com Instagram.com/official_kushypunch Facebook.com/getkushypunch Twitter.com/kushypunch


Type: Infused Gum in Peppermint, Grape, Cinnamon, and Double Bubble Strain used: Organic/Hybrid Made with: Cannabis Extract Dosage available: 15MG per piece, sold in packs of 5 Available in: OREGON Medical & Recreational

www.DerbyBakery.com Instagram.com/DerbyBakery




Type: Cookies, Caramels, Baked Goods, Peanut Butter Cups, Brownies Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: Co2 Concentrate Dosage availables: Lemon Cookie 40/160mg, Chocolate Brownie - 40 mg, Peanut Butter Cups - 80/160 mg (4 pack), Caramels - 40mg (4 pack) Available in: CALIFORNIA



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Type: Pain Salve, Massage Oil, Sport Massage Oil, Body Lotion, Hash Bath, Lip Balm, Skin Products, Topical Tincture, First Aid Ointment Strain used: Hybrid Made with: Canna Olive Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA www.CannaTopics.com Facebook.com/CannaTopics Instagram.com/CannaTopics Twitter.com/CannaTopics


Type: Medicated Topicals Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Trim, Canna Infused Oil Dosage available: Very High, Various Available in: CALIFORNIA LoveandLightBakery.com


Type: All Natural Cannabis Infused Pain Salve, Topical Products, Cucumber Cannabis Body Scrub, Coffee Cellulite Scrub, Lip Balms Strain used: Hybrid, CBD Made with: Coconut oil, Cannabis Oil Available in: CALIFORNIA godsgiftproducts@gmail.com Instagram.com/gods_gift_balm



Type: CBD Oils, Tinctures, Hemp Products Strain used: Hemp CBD Made with: Other Extract Dosage available: Varies by Product Available: Nationwide www.Bluebird-Botanicals.com

Type: Dead Sea Mineral Peel, Extreme Facial Cream, Dazey Hemp Travel Kit Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Hemp Seed Oil, RSO, Dead Sea Minerals Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA www.dazeyhemp.com Facebook.com/dazeyhemp Instagram.com/dazeyhemp Twitter.com/dazeyhemp

Type: Auto Draw Vaporizer Cartridge Sold seperately: Yes Disposable cartridge: Yes 510 Threading: Yes Strains used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Strain Specific Flavors like Skywalker OG, Strawberry Cough, Jack Herer, Gorilla Glue Made with: Clear Dosage available: 1000mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA Instagram.com/BrassKnucklesOG MassRoots.com/BrassKnucklesOG brassknucklesog@gmail.com

2015 Hempcon Winner, 2015 Dab Cup Winner


Edibles List Issue 31

THE DOOBIE COMPANY Type: Medicated E-Juice Cartridge sold separate: Yes Disposable cartridge: Yes Strain used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Made with: Other Concentrate Dosage available: 1283.25 THC Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.TheDoobieCompany.com Twitter.com/Doobie_Co Instagram/Doobiejuice Facebook.com/Doobiejuice

Type: Push Button & Direct Inhale Vaporizer Cartridge sold separate: Yes Disposable cartridge: Yes 510 Threading: Yes Strains used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Strain Specific Flavors like Skywalker OG, Green Crack, GSC, Fire OG, GDP. Made with: Clear/Co2 Dosage available: 500mg THC/300mg CBD Available in: CALIFORNIA www.WVapes.com Instagram.com/WVapes Facebook.com/WVapes Twitter.com/W_Vapes


Type: Lip Balm, Roll On, Vape Cartridges, Vape Pens, Topicals, Transdermal Patches, CDB, THC Strain Used: Sativa/Indica/Hybrid Made with: Proprietary C02 Extraction Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA www.PureRatios.com Instagram.com/PureRatios Facebook.com/PureRatios Twitter.com/PureRatios

52 The Herb List. Our List is for consumers and dispensaries alike. Browse each brand's detailed listing and see what states they're available in.

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Type: Body Butter, Beard Oil and Beard Balm, Paraben-Free, 100% Natural, Not tested on Animals Strain used: Hybrid or Mix, CBD Made with: Coconut oil, Cannabis Oil Available: Nationwide www.JaynGreen.com Instagram.com/_JaynGreen Facebook.com/TheJaynGreen Twitter.com/_JaynGreen

Type: Organic Cooking Oils Strain Used: Organic Hybrid Made with: Organic GMO-free Canola Oil, Organic Coconut Oil Dosage: Serving size: 1 tsp OCCO-Organic Cannabis Canola Oil, THC 25mg, Serving size: 1/4 tsp CANNA*COCO*BIS, THC 18.5mg Available in: CALIFORNIA


Type: Balms, Tinctures, Topicals, Lotions, Creams, Cooking Oil, Female Lubricants, Sexual Enchancers, Serums, Pet Products Strain used: Hybrid or Mix, CBD Made with: Other Extract Available in: CALIFORNIA








Shop Name: Beverly Alternative Relief Center 432 S. San Vicente Blvd. Suite #100, LA Phone Number: 855.227.2420 Hours: 11am-8pm M-S, Sun 11am-6pm Menu Includes: First Time • Flowers • Bath Soaks Patients: • Edibles • Vapes Receive a • CBD • Concentrates Top-Shelf • Tinctures • Clones Free Joint!


Type: Shatter, Wax, and Rosin Strains used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Strain Specific Flavors: True OG, GDP, Berry White, Lemon Kush Made with: 100% Solvent Free Extraction Dosage available: 500-1000mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA Instagram.com/DeviantDabs Twitter.com/DeviantDabs Facebook.com/DeviantDabs




Shop Name: Green Fiend Delivery Location: Delivery Only San Francisco - San Jose, CA Phone Number: (585)-420-7770 Hours: 24/7 Daily ASK FOR THE TURKEY PROMO! Menu Includes: • Flowers • Topicals • Vapes • Edibles • Tinctures • Concentrates

www.Kushism.com Instagram: @kushismvannuys Facebook.com/kushism Twitter: @KushismVanNuys T

Shop Name: Cannabal City Collective Address: 547 Seaton St. Los Angeles, CA 90013 Phone Number: (213) 613-1288 Hours: 10am - 8pm Daily Menu Includes: • Flowers • Edibles • Tinctures • Drinks • Vapes • Topicals • Concentrates Weedmaps: CannabalCityCollective IG: @CannabalCity Facebook.com:/CannabalCityCollective Twitter: @CannabalC T



Edibles List Issue 31

Shop Name: Kushism Address: 7555 Woodley Ave. Lake Balboa, CA 91406 Phone Number: (818) 994-3446 Hours: 10am - 8pm Daily Menu Includes: • Topicals • Pre-Rolls • Flowers • Tinctures • Seeds • Edibles • Concentrates • Tinctures • Clones • Wax • Drinks

Instagram.com/BARC_Collective Twitter.com/BARCCollective Facebook.com: BARC Collective

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C a n a d i a n Veterinarians Treating Pet Pain With Cannabis B. Le Grand

We’ve known for a while that you can use CBD to treat your cats and dogs suffering from pain or disease. Now we have actual veterinarians supporting this cause, recommending cannabis treatments to pets to help them find relief. Dr. Janice Huntingford is a veterinarian and a certified pain practitioner working at Essex Animal Hospital in Vancouver, Canada. Dr. Huntingford has been giving cannabis oil to some pets dealing with issues like chronic pain, arthritis, seizures and cancer. S


eYou and a gaggle of your best buds are invited to join in on the dankest Bowling Tournament on the Planet! Don your most dapper team bowling shirt & get ready to roll in the CALIFORNIA ROLL. ENTER YOUR TEAM IN ANY OR ALL 4 TOURNAMENTS!

recommends her patients use CBD oil made from hemp because it does not contain THC, which can be toxic to animals. "You would like to get a product that...has very little THC because dogs and cats are so susceptible to THC," Huntingford said. She went on to confirm it can reduce pain, decrease seizures and can shrink tumours in pets with cancer.

Edibles Magazine Issue 31

Dogs and cats have extreme sensitivity to THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis sativa, which is why she uses CBD (cannabidiol) for pain management. "Cats are very sensitive to the CBD, so you have to dose them differently than dogs," she said. "There's not a lot of pain meds that we can use for cats, because they're sensitive to so many things. This one thing that we can use." Plus each winning team member scores a nifty bowling pin pipe! Laughs, good times and the blazin’ best between-game-breaks on the planet. Some day all bowling tournaments will be this much fun…well, maybeEdiblesList.com not. I EdiblesMagazine.com


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