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Secci贸n: 5


AREA: English

Apellidos y Nombres del alumno: Alc谩ntara Lorino Eva Andrea

TITULO DE LA CLASE Exercises I.Put in order words to from sentences 1. a / fix / mechanic / cars A mechanic fix cars 2. at / the / cry / night / baby The baby cry at night 3. east / the / rise / the / in / sun The sun rise in the east 4. eat / she / breakfast / of / carrost


Sección: 5


AREA: English

Apellidos y Nombres del alumno: Bolaños Falconí Christia José

TITULO DE LA CLASE Exercises 5. Put in orden the words to from sentences 1. a / fix / mechanic / cars . A mechanic fix cars 2. at / the / cry / night / baby . the baby cry at night

3. east / the / rise / the / in / sun


Secci贸n: 5


AREA: ingles

Apellidos y Nombres del alumno: Ferra cutipa monica

TITULO DE LA CLASE Exercises II. Put in orden the words to from sentences: a) a/ fix/ mechanic/ cars * a mechanic fix cars b)at / the /cry /nigth /baby * the baby cry at night c)east/ he / rice/ the/ in/ sun * d)eat/ she/ breakfast fo carrots *she eat breakfast for carrots e) her children worrry always about she * 6)brush breakfast/ his/ he/ after/ teeth

* 1. speak/ students/ the / the / classroom/ english/ in * 8)the/ carry/MP3/ she / all/ player/ a / time * 9)people/ lawyer/ a / in / defend / trouble *


Secci贸n: 5 to


AREA: Ingles

Apellidos y Nombres del alumno: Gamboa Ortiz Luz Esmeralda

TITULO DE LA CLASE Exercises 1. PUN IN ORDER THE WORDS TO FORM SENTENCES: 1.- a / fix / mechanic / cars

-a mechanic fix cars.

2.- at / the / cry / night / baby

-the baby cry the night.

3-. eat / the / rise / the / in / sun

-the sun in the aet rise.

4-. eat / she / breakfast / for / carrots

5-. her / children / worry / always / about / she


Secci贸n: 5


AREA: English

Apellidos y Nombres del alumno: Paolo Guevara Marcelo


Exercises Put in order the words to form sentences 6. a/ fix / mechanic/ cars -a mechanic fix cars

2. at/ the / cry / night / baby -the baby cries at the night 2. east/ the / rise / the / in / sun -the sun rises in the east

4.eat / she / breakfast / for / carrots -she eats carrots for breakfast 5.her / children / worry / always / about

6. brush/ breakfast / his / he / after / teeth


Secci贸n: 5to


AREA: English

Apellidos y Nombres del alumno: Rios Cadenas Gonzalo Alonso

TITULO DE LA CLASE Exercises 1.Put orden the words to forms sentences 1- a / fix / mechanic / cars - a mechanic fixes cars 2- at / the / cry / night / baby -the baby cries at nigh 3- east / the / rise / the / in / sun -the sun rises in the east 4- eat / she / breakfast / for / carrots 5-her / children / worry / always / about / she 6- brush / breakfast / his / he / after / teeth

7- speak / students / the / the / classroom / English / in 8-the / carry / MP3 / she / all / player / a / time 9- people / lawyer / a / in / defend / trouble


Secci贸n: 5


AREA: ingles

Apellidos y Nombres del alumno: TANCHIVA INUMA MARGOLITH

TITULO DE LA CLASE EXERCISES PUT IN ORDER THE WORDS TO FORM SENTENCES: 1.a / fix / mechanic / cars. Mechanic a fix cars. 2.at / the cry / night baby. The baby at cry night 3.east / the / rise / the / in / sun . The rise sun in the east. 4.eat / she / breakfast / for / carrots. 5.her / children / worry / always / abaut / she. 6.brush / breakfast / his / he / after / teath . 7.speak / students / the / the / classroom / english / in. 8.the / carry / mp3 / she / all / player / a / time.

9.people / lawyer / a / in / defend / trouble.


Secci贸n: 5


AREA: ingles

Apellidos y Nombres del alumno: Vasquez barco gabriela

TITULO DE LA CLASE exercises Put the orden the word to from sentences. 1. A / fix / mechanic / cars A mechanic fix cars. 2. at / the / cry / night / baby The baby cry at nigth. 3. east / the / rise / the / in / sun The rise sun in the east. 4. eat / she / breakfast / for / carrots She eat carrots for breakfast. 5. her / children / worry / always / about / she she 6. brush / breakfast / his / after / teeth 7. speak / students / the / the / clasroom / english / in 8. the / carry / MP3 / she / all / player / a / time 9. people / lawyer / a / in / defend / trouble

10. listen / enjoy / Mary / classical / to music 11. electrical / change / chemical / batteries / energy / into / energy

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