Wooden Sleeper Lifetime Extension
The life of a wooden sleeper is primarily determined by the condition of the bedding area under the base plate and the sleeper screws
High traffic loadings and axle loads damage wooden sleepers by creating an uneven bearing surface, by pressure indentation, deforming the base plate and loosening sleeper screws
The resulting loss of stability of the rail support system leads to accelerated wear of the rail and other components early replacement of all components increased maintenance reduced line capacity speed restrictions increased costs
Wooden Sleeper Lifetime Extension
Edilon Dex-K 2K® reduces whole life costs Proven over decades of use to extend the life of wooden sleepers by up to 30% Edilon Dex-K 2K ® provides a firm support for the base plate and allows sleeper screws to be fitted securely to the wooden sleeper Edilon Dex-K 2K ® bonds damaged wood fibres and splits inside the sleeper reinforcing both the screw hole and surrounding area under the base plate Edilon Dex-K 2K ® restores track stability allowing correction of track gauge, elevation and positioning of S&C components reducing rail wear Restored stability can allow increased availability of track, increased speeds and enhanced passenger ride comfort Reduces maintenance and by extending the sleeper life has positive environmental advantages Edilon Dex-K 2K ® can extend the life of wooden sleepers by 10 to 15 years Factory or site applied