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edilon)(sedra bv

Haarlem, Netherlands

about edilon)(sedra edilon)(sedra is worldwide active in the field of products for railway infrastructure projects. edilon)(sedra develops, manufactures and markets innovative, highly durable rail fastening systems (amongst others) for train, tram, metro and crane tracks. Edilon and Sedra are co-operating since 2004 and operational as edilon)(sedra from the first of March 2007. Originally the companies Edilon and Sedra were founded in 1945 and 1885 and active in the rail infra segment. The structured sales efforts guarantee a sharp international market approach. edilon)(sedra employs highly educated rail infra technicians who are responsible on a day to day basis for innovation and project analysis. The patented rail fastening systems are fully compatible with the leading quality and safety requirements. Naturally edilon)(sedra is ISO 9001 certified. This makes edilon)(sedra worldwide to a valuable partner speaking to for broad railway infrastructure projects.
