EDILON Corkelast® Embedded Rail System (ERS)

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EDILON Corkelast Embedded Rail System (ERS)

edilon)(sedra bv Nijverheidsweg 23 NL-2031 CN Haarlem

P.O.Box 1000 NL-2003 RZ Haarlem

T +31 / (0)23 531 95 19 F +31 / (0)23 531 07 51

mail@edilonsedra.com www.edilonsedra.com

Solutions that won’t shake the world...


The connecting factor Moving People People are moving, from point A to B, constantly at any

General advantages

time, any place and any where. Quickly and comfortably

• Continuous rail support in vertical and lateral

on their way, that is what people want. Public transport is


becoming more and more attractive, in particular combination of railway and tramway (Light Rail) is gaining

• Embedded Rail (ERS) is corrosion free

popularity. Also High Speed Lines are competing airway

• Easily cleanable and accessible track surface

traffic heavily.

• Stiffness and damping characteristics are tuneable

edilon)(sedra develops, produces and installs all kind of

• Full integration into engineering structures possible

rail systems that contribute to a high quality standard in

• Design can be adopted to structure-borne noise

public transport. That’s exactly why we call ourselves ‘the


connecting factor’’!

EDILON Corkelast® Embedded Rail System (ERS) For over 130 years tracks for railway traffic were almost

The primary characteristics of the EDILON Corkelast®

exclusively based on track panels and cross sleeper sup-

Embedded Rail System (ERS) is based on EDILON

ported on stone ballast. With increasing train loads, higher

Corkelast®. This provides elastic bonding to the rail and

speeds, dual use of road traffic surface and the demand

the supporting rail channels. The unique, proven, reliable

• Numerous options for integral design

for more cost-effective track installation methods, this led

two component embedding compound assures outstan-

• Efficient construction and installation

to the development of more and sophisticated ballastless

ding position stability over decades – along with simple

• Minimum maintenance

track systems, or slab track.

installation, reduced construction height, low system costs, and minimum maintenance.

Cost effectiveness • Low structural height

• Service life > 30 years • Low life cycle costs (LCC)

edilon)(sedra, with its EDILON Corkelast® Embedded Rail System (ERS), has changed the concept of discretely supported rails by means of sleepers or blocks, into continuously supported rails. This homogeneous elastic support is providing the same dynamic spring and damping behaviour as e.g. ballasted track under traffic load, but completely eliminates the influences of individual rail seats or sleepers. Track loads become more evenly spread and dynamic load amplification is getting lower. By virtue of the position-stable integration of the rails into a concrete or steel channel structure, track loads have a negligible effect on track gauge, position and buckling.


Expertise where it matters 3

ERS • areas of application Tunnels • Reduction of construction height • Accessible by emergency vehicles and track maintenance vehicles

EDILON Corkelast® Embedded Rail System (ERS): standardized or customized?

• Integration of drainage systems edilon)(sedra supplies Embedded Rail Systems which meet the standards that are set by the customer. This has led in a period of more than 30 years to a number of Standardized and Customized ERS solutions. In this brochure the emphasis is put on


ERS solutions for two groups: light rail and heavy rail applications. Roughly speaking this means that focus is put on light rail

• 30 m single span in CWR without compensation joints

traffic with axle loads till 2,5 tonnes and higher, and much higher operational speeds.

• Installed on steel, concrete or composite bridges • Substantial weight reductions

Level Crossings

Stations and Stops

• Integrated in EDILON LC designs

• Easily cleanable

• Durable and settlement free rail and road position

• If applied at stops without platforms, easily accessible

• No loose items • Salt water resistant

Grass Tracks • Full green appearance • Hydration and drainage controlled • Noise absorbing features

In street Running Tracks • Best integrated in any concrete slab • Slip-form paved slabs • In-situ cast slabs • Combination of in-situ and prefab elements • Black top surface layer



ERS • stiffness categories and noise and vibration characteristics The EDILON Corkelast® Embedded Rail Systems are designed to meet the requirements for any rail network. Structural en-

System characteristics

gineering design of the ERS allows variation in accordance with the specific vehicle load levels and patterns, with respect to

• Permanent and accurate rail position

national regulatory frameworks, or company standards (e.g. UIC fiche 700 and 702, BO Strab, etc.)

• Special noise engineering design possible To enable flexible adjustment of the track to meet various performance requirements such as ride comfort and structure borne

• Structural integration of design in floating slab

noise, it is possible to regulate the static spring constant of the EDILON Corkelast® Embedded Rail System in combination

• Suitable for any type of grooved and vignole rail profile

with the EDILON Resilient Strip to match the characteristics of the rail profile and the channel dimensions. Basically there are

• Any rail inclination possible

three different categories: Standard Stiffness, Medium Stiffness and Low Stiffness. System parameters are permanently overlooked by research employees. Material and system properties such as stiffness, strength, stability, fatigue behaviour, impact

• Track circuit current conformity

resistance, vibration performance, rail-lift resistance and temperature stability form only an outline of the regular survey in

• Compatibility with any train control systems

laboratory tests and computer aided design facilities.

The possibility of a customized stiffness of the system, and by consequence a custoSYSTEM












mized deflection of the rail, has contributed to a major improvement in noise reduction. This has e.g. led to a widespread application of the EDILON ERS MS (Medium Stiffness) on railway bridges for heavy rail. For light rail, numerous steel bridges and


Standard Stiffness

60 kN/mm/m

< 1.0 mm


Standard Stiffness

100 kN/mm/m

< 1.0 mm


Medium Stiffness

15 kN/mm/m

1.0 - 2.0 mm


Medium Stiffness

50 kN/mm/m

1.0 - 2.0 mm


Low Stiffness

9 kN/mm/m

> 2.5 mm


Low Stiffness

25 kN/mm/m

> 2.0 mm

several concrete slab track sections have been equipped with EDILON ERS MS or LS, in order to control and reduce structure borne and ground borne noise. The seamless integration of ERS and Floating Slab Track has contributed to efficient designs e.g. for tunnels, Floating Slab Track and ERS easily match and supply customized and effective vibration insulation.

4 Wheels

Static rail deflection (mm)

-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0









25 tonnes axle load

4.5 5.0 10











Distance (m)



ERS • system design The EDILON Corkelast® Embedded Rail System is always applied in a channel. Depending on the supporting structure, it is possible to design and construct a type of

Track in Level Crossings and Road Surfaces • Strengthening of the road surface corners

channel that meets the requirements of costs, efficiency,

• Application of durable joint filler material

geometry and structural strength and stability.

• Skid resistant surface treatment

Track Curves • No restrictions in track super elevation

Other track facilities

• Application of pre-bended rails possible

• Insulated rail joints and rail expansion joints

• Installation with enforced gauge widening

• Cable connections, e.g. for earthen and signalling

• Special design for increased lateral load risk

• Drainage

• Optional guard rails

• Provisions for quick rail access and rail section replacement

• Optional check rails or anti-derailment plinth

• Gradual transition to other types of track

Basically there are no restrictions in applying EDILON Corkelast® ERS when the track is in gradient. And where it concerns switches and crossings, the scale of integration of EDILON Corkelast® ERS can reach a hundred percent.



ERS • approvals

ERS • maintenance and recycling System design tests and approvals As with all products, the EDILON Corkelast® Embedded Rail System (ERS) must undergo extensive external system tests to satisfy the strict approval criteria of their various user organizations. The clients include railway authorities, and operators of metro, light rail ad tramway networks, private clients, e.g. industrial factories or port authorities. They have formulated approval criteria for their special application of ERS. For many years our Research & Development Department has collaborated closely with research institutes, certification bodies and several leading technical European universities. Installation

Maintenance and Replacement

The installation of EDILON Corkelast® Embedded Rail

Historical track data have indicated that EDILON Corke-

For repair and replacement of EDILON Corkelast® ERS,

System is an important stage on the route between

last® Embedded Rail System service life is at least twice

different methods have been developed together with

design and operation. As the underlying structure,

as long as ballasted track systems, designed for simi-

customers, rail authorities and contractors. Depending

comprising both channels, is finished and has been

lar rail traffic, which means several decades. Also in its

on the type of repair and replacement, time schedules

checked for its correct alignment and level, the installation

service life, EDILON Corkelast® ERS requires only minor

are produced and special removal and installation equi-

of the rail system commences. The partially industrialized

maintenance, e.g. grinding and cleaning where neces-

pment for ERS is allocated. Overnight rail replacement is

embedding process requires preparation of the bonding

sary. And conservation of the supporting structure is ne-

possible for complete level crossings and for rail sections

surfaces, accurate positioning of the rails and qualified

cessary, as with any other rail system for Slab Track.

up to 50 meters on steel bridges and concrete slabs with

conditions. After applying the EDILON Corkelast® mate-

rail replacement provisions (so-called ‘pockets’).

rial, self-levelling and hardening takes place. Recycling and Environment The positioning process of the rails according to the correct track alignment and track level can be carried out in two basically different manners: • Bottom-up by means of levelling and rail inclination shims, and alignment wedges. • Top-down by by means of rail portals

All components used in the Corkelast® Embedded Rail System (ERS) are fully recyclable. Embedding and pouring compounds are disposed of as domestic waste, in accordance with the European Waste Catalogue. For further information please consult the edilon)(sedra Product Information Sheets.

Pre-embedding the rail in the channel is possible. The rail and the channel are then transported to the site and installed by means of cement grouting or bolted plates. Full bridge installation with pre-installed Embedded Rail System has also taken place.



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