2012 Annual Report for Our Community

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ANNUAL REPORT For Our Community

OUR MISSION The mission of Edina Public Schools, working in partnership with the family and the community, is to educate all individuals to be responsible, lifelong learners who possess the skills, knowledge, creativity, sense of self-worth, and ethical values necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing, culturally diverse, global society.


SUPERINTENDENT’S PERSPECTIVE CELEBRATING THE PAST, EXCELLING IN THE PRESENT, THRIVING IN THE FUTURE Defining excellence. This tag line has been a part of our Edina Public Schools brand for many years. As superintendent, I am proud of the many accomplishments and achievements outlined in this 2012 Annual Report to the Community and how they continue to demonstrate our commitment to defining excellence across the District. The 2012 Annual Report for Our Community is one of the ways we try to demonstrate our accountability to you, our stakeholders. In doing so, we provide evidence of our ongoing commitment to our mission that this community established more than twenty years ago. There are three key components of the mission that we focus on in our work in Edina Public Schools – the partnership between the community and the district, the commitment to educate all learners, and ensuring that all learners can thrive in rapidly changing society. Publication of this annual report is critical to ensuring that partnership so that we can educate all learners for the world that awaits them. As noted within this report, our learners’ successes continue to be most impressive, and they provide us with an opportunity to celebrate the great team of students, staff, families and community that worked together to create another successful year for Edina Public Schools. The report also shares areas of growth and improvement for our district, which we know is vital to our ability to continue to define excellence for all. Our tag line defines for others what we are about, but it is our mission that challenges us to continuously strive to improve. It encourages us to go beyond just having our learners be prepared for the world ahead of them. Edina Public Schools seeks to have learners thrive in their dynamic future. Over the past year, we have strengthened educational programs at all learning levels, expanded the use of technology to support learning and communications, enriched instructional training for our staff, and increased service-learning opportunities for students. These initiatives and efforts, and many others, demonstrate our commitment to educational excellence in the past, present and future. I hope you enjoy our 2012 Annual Report and appreciate that we cannot just rest on our laurels. We continue to need everyone’s support going forward in order to keep Edina Public Schools a nationally recognized community that benefits from our strong commitment to supporting and celebrating our youth and their learning. With your partnership, I am confident that 2013 will be another year of defining excellence in Edina Public Schools.

Ric Dressen, Ed.D. Superintendent

2012-2015 STRATEGIC PLAN In 2011-12, a group of EPS stakeholders worked collaboratively to develop the 2012-15 Strategic Plan. This plan, with its focus on personalized learning, comprehensive educational programs, and effective partnerships, creates a pathway for the district to establish the Next Generation of Edina Public Schools.

MISSION DRIVEN The strategic plan is rooted in the district’s mission statement, first established in 1989 and yet still relevant today, which is focused on ensuring all learners have the capacity to “thrive in a rapidly changing, culturally diverse, global society.” This fall, the district has sharpened the mission statement to a simple three-word phrase, All for All. This refined mission acknowledges that it takes all of us – students, families, teachers, staff, community members – working together to ensure that all of our learners are successful.

CORE STRATEGIES Centered on three core strategy areas – personalized learning, coherent and comprehensive programming, and effective and valued partnerships – the strategic plan is critical to ensuring district schools and services are relevant for current and future students. The district has several key initiatives underway for 2012-13 as it works toward full implementation of the strategic plan and the development of the Next Generation of Edina Public Schools. Such initiatives include a Closing the Achievement Gap Plan, a Secondary Academic Programming Study, and a Facilities Study. In addition, the district is currently implementing its Leadership Equity Action Plan and the District Technology Plan. Core Strategy

Key Descriptions of Core Strategy Implemented Leading to District Vision

Personalized Learning Experiences for ALL Students by

Welcoming, belonging and learning for each and every student and family that compels and energizes ownership of learning

Measured growth and high achievement for each and every student without predictable links to race and income

Life Skills development for students and staff of Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Cultural Competence

Coherent and Comprehensive Educational Programs by

Maximizing our resources – time, talent, finances, and facilities – to best serve our learners and community

Relevant, valued and flexible choices meeting the needs of students, families, staff and community

Intentional relationships and communications serving to make known the district traditions and subtle gateways to student learning experiences and success

Effective and Valued District Partnerships with

High levels of partnership and collaboration among all employees, administration and the School Board with shared ownership of our performance and innovation

Community and business organizations sharing resources to support the mission of the district

Effective and responsible communication by and among all members of our school community

Vision 2015 Edina Public Schools will continue to be among the premier school districts both nationally and internationally. Our high expectations in academics, arts, extracurricular activities and community involvement best prepare each learner to achieve success in college, career and life.



Current student enrollment in Edina Public Schools (EPS) is approximately 8,300 students


21% of residents are age 65 orK-12 Enrollment older; 16% are over the age of 70, nearly 10% higher than the Twin Cities average

7,514 8,326


62% report having earned at least a bachelor’s degree Students of Color




KEY 2001-02 2006-07 2011-12

4.2% 6.7%

Free & Reduced Lunch






Free & Red. Lunch

Over 50% of Edina residents have strong ties to Edina Public Schools – as graduates, parents or grandparents of students, or as volunteers in the schools

K-12 Enrollment

Students of Color

Edina Public Schools is a nationally recognized suburban public school district The city of Edina has a serving a large portion of the city of population of approximately Edina. The district includes six elementary 47,941. The population is schools (gr. K-5), two middle schools (gr. projected to increase by 9% 6-9), and one high school (gr. 10-12). The over the next 25 years district also includes the award winning Edina Family Center, providing early 98% of residents surveyed rate learning opportunities for children from the quality of life in Edina as birth to age five, and their families, and good or excellent Community Education Services providing 12% of Edina residents report Free & Reduced programs for of all Population Lunchand services Students o f Clearners olor K-­‐12 Enrollment minority status and 10% ages, from birth through age 85+.8,326 2011-­‐12 747.6748 1457.05 of Edina residents speak 2006-­‐07 503.438 1066.988 7,514 289 572 6,891 languages other than2001-­‐02 English at home STUDENT ENROLLMENT










86% of resident school-age students attend Edina Public Schools

14% of the student population joins EPS through state open enrollment programs

383 students receive English Learner services, an increase of 35% in the last five years, with EPS families speaking 44 different languages at home

11% of students receive special education services

11% of EPS students are served by the gifted and talented program

99% of students graduate from Edina High School, with 94% pursuing some sort of post-secondary education

AWARDS AND HONORS 2012 Best High Schools in America (Newsweek) Edina is the top-ranked school in Minnesota and is the only Minnesota school to make Newsweek’s list of the Top 20 High Schools in the Midwest.


The 632 students of the 2012 senior class included three National Merit Finalists, eleven National Merit Semifinalists, and 33 National Merit Commended Students. Also among the graduates were 293 Edina Scholars, numerous state champion athletes, award winning thespians and musicians, international robotics competitors, and debate champions. Over ninety percent of the Class of 2012 indicate that they are going on to higher education institutions, with students matriculating to over thirty states as well as Canada, Japan, Tanzania and Australia.


EHS Language Arts teacher Jackie Roehl was named the 2012 Minnesota Teacher of the Year by Education Minnesota and is currently vying for the 2013 National Teacher of the Year. Roehl is the 48th winner of the prestigious award, and the first from Edina Public Schools.

EHS Band Teacher Paul Kile was named Edina Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year

SVMS Math Teacher Michelle Terry was named Minnesota Middle Level Educator of the Year

EPS Latin Teacher Mary Howe was named Minnesota Latin Teacher of the Year

EHS Principal Bruce Locklear was elected to National Association of Secondary Principals Board of Directors

2012 Gold Medal Ranking (US News and World Report) Edina is ranked 234 out of 21,776 schools assessed nationally, and is second among schools in Minnesota. EHS was also named a Best High School for Math and Science in 2011. 2012 Best Community for Music Education (NAMM Foundation) Edina is one of 176 communities recognized nation-wide, and one of four districts in Minnesota, acknowledged for its commitment to and support of music education as part of the core curriculum. National Blue Ribbon Schools (U.S. Department of Education) Six EPS schools have earned National Blue Ribbon School honors, including Normandale Elementary French Immersion School in 2012. 2012 100 Best Communities for Young People (America’s Promise Alliance) For the third year in a row, Edina was recognized for the strength and innovation of efforts and programs to help young people graduate from high school prepared for college and the 21st century workforce. 2011 Gone Google Award EPS was named one of ten global winners in Google’s “Gone Google Story” contest. EPS was recognized for its innovative use of Google Apps to transform the way students and staff engage in learning in a global society 4

STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT The district continually reviews what and how students are taught. Student performance, as shown by a variety of assessment results, guides the district in deciding what needs to be done so that all students can be successful. Furthermore, Edina Public Schools believes that academic standards, when embedded into the curriculum, help ensure that students will be critical thinkers, effective communicators, engaged learners, and responsible citizens. Students must not only have an opportunity to learn content, but also to know how to access, interpret and apply information to solve the new problems an increasingly complex world will present.


ACT – Average composite score 26.3, the highest of any public high school in Minnesota, with 90% of the senior class taking the ACT in 2011-12. According to ACT, the percentage of Edina students ready for college level course work was twice as high as the typical Minnesota High School graduate. SAT – Average scores: 629 (reading), 624 (math), and 604 (writing), with 24% of the senior class taking the SAT in 2011-12.


2500 2500

Advanced Placement – EPS offers over 25 AP classes for students in grades 9-12. In 2012, over 1,000 students 2000 2000 (equivalent to half of the students at EHS) took AP tests, 87% of which achieved scores of 3 or higher earning them college credit; and 452 students earned Advanced Placement1500 1500 Scholar awards, including 61 National AP Scholars. EHS administers almost twice as many AP exams as any other Minnesota high school. 1000 1000


Edina students regularly place among the top two or three Minnesota school districts on state reading, math and writing tests. In fact, Edina is often considered a benchmark school for other districts in the state.

500 500 0 0

Number of AP Students with scores of a 3 or higher Total Number of AP Students Total Number of AP tests taken 2,292 2,003



2008 2008



2012 2012

TESTING IMPROVES CURRICULUM The primary purpose of testing in EPS is to provide information to help improve program design and instruction. The testing program employs a variety of assessments and standardized tests. The data received from testing help the district analyze student progress and district curriculum, learn which programs will be most helpful for each student, and hold the district accountable for offering the best possible education for all students. 5

MINNESOTA COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENTS (MCA) Used primarily for public accountability, these tests are administered in reading and mathematics in grades 3 through 8, and in grade 10 for reading, and grade 11 for mathematics. A science assessment is also administered three times - in grades 5 and 8, and when students complete high school biology.



Average Percentiles by MAP Grade Fall 2012 NWEA Math & Reading

2012 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment Average Percentiles by State and DistrictResults

Average Percentiles by GradeKEY Edina Reading Edina Math

100 100% 90 90%

80 80%

70 70%

70 70% 60 60%

50 50%

50 50% Edina Rdg %ILE

40 40%

Edina Math %ILE 40 40%

30 30%

30 30%

20 20%

20 20%

10 10%

10 10%

2* 2 Gr.





Grade Levels










50.8 MN


0 0%






60 60%

MN Edina


90 90%

80 80%

0% 0


Percent Proficient by State and District

100 100%

Math Math

Reading Reading


Science Science

Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments

Overall, EPS students continue to outperform their state peers by considerable margins.

Overall, EPS students continue to score in the top quartile of students across the U.S. in both reading and mathematics.

100% 100%

100% 100%


White Asian


90% 90%

90% All90% Students

MCA Reading - 5 year trend

Hispanic Am. Indian

MCA Math - 5 year trend

Black Free & Reduced

MCA Math: 5-­‐yr Trends

80% 80%

80% 80%

100% 70% 100% 70%


100% 70% 100% 70%


90% 60% 90% 60%






90% 60% 90% 60%


80% 50% 80% 50%

80% 50% 80% 50%



70% 40% 70% 40%

70% 40% 70% 40%


60% 30% 60% 30%


60% 30% 60% 30%



50% 20% 50% 20%

50% 20% 50% 20%


40% 10% 40% 10%




40% 10% 40% 10%

30% 0% 30% 0%



2008 2008


2009 2009

2010 2010 2010

2011 2011 2011

2012 2012 2012

20% 20%


30% 0% 30% 0%


2008 2008


2009 2009

2010 2010 2010

2011 2011 2011

2012 2012 2012

For several years, EPS has seen a narrowing of the achievement gap, which looks at results of individual student group results, such as those of specific racial/ethnic groups or students in poverty, compared to white student performance. While progress has been made, a gap still 10% 10% 10% 10% exists. Attention to the achievement gap, as well as gaps in access and opportunity, is a primary focus of the district’s strategic plan work. 0%


20% 20%

2008 2008

2009 2009

2010 2010

2011 2011

2012 2012



2008 2008

2009 2009

2010 2010

2011* 2011

2012 2012



EPS administers MAP tests to students in grades 1-9 to help parents and educators track individual student growth, determine appropriate student placement, improve curriculum and instruction, and benchmark achievement nationally.

Minnesota schools administer this assessment in grade 9. Students must pass this test to receive a diploma from a Minnesota public high school.

COGNITIVE ABILITIES TESTS (CogAT) CogAT results can identify student learning styles, strengths and areas for improvement. These tests are administered in grades 2 and 4.

ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) Available to grade 9-12 students enrolled in AP classes, AP tests are held nationally each May and provide the opportunity for students to receive college credit for their coursework.


STUDENT ACTIVITIES Edina Public Schools Activities, Arts and Athletics, in partnership with the family and community, inspire all students to develop and enhance their potential through innovative, comprehensive and high achieving programming within and beyond the classroom.


Adaptive Soccer Cheerleading Performance Dance Boys Cross Country Running* Girls Cross Country Running* Football Girls Swimming and Diving* Girls Soccer Boys Soccer Girls Tennis* Volleyball


Adaptive Floor Hockey Boys and Girls Alpine Ski* Boys Basketball Girls Basketball* Competition Cheer Team Competition Dance Team Girls Gymnastics* Boys Hockey* Girls Hockey* Boys and Girls Nordic Ski* Boys Swimming & Diving* Wrestling


Adaptive Softball Girls Badminton Baseball Boys Golf* Girls Golf* Boys Lacrosse* Girls Lacrosse Softball Synchronized Swimming Boys Tennis* Boys Track and Field* Girls Track and Field*

In 2011-12, 1,583 students participated on one or more of Edina High School’s 35 athletic teams, of which 17 appeared at the State Tournament. Both the Girls Swimming & Diving and Girls Tennis brought home State Titles for Edina, with Girls Tennis winning for a record-breaking 15th consecutive year.

Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities provide opportunities for students to develop leadership and responsibility, initiative and flexibility, and social and cultural awareness. In 2011-12, 90% of EHS students participated in school sponsored clubs, activities and fine arts performances. 7

FINE ARTS Band Choir Orchestra Theater


212 Leadership American Sign Language Breakfast Book Club Debate

To date, Edina students have won 145 State Championships, making Edina number one among the 500 members of the MN State High School League *State tournament qualifier

The Green Machine, Edina’s FIRST robotics team, earned a spot in last year’s world championships in St. Louis, MO, after achieving the Best Website and Engineering Inspiration awards in regional competition.

DECA French German Hip-Hop Dance Hornettes Dance Images Latin Math Mock Trial Model UN Ping Pong

Quiz Bowl Robotics Science Sober Squad Soccer Spanish Speech Team Student Council Windigo Youth Serving Youth Zephyrus

COMMUNITY EDUCATION Nationally Recognized for Enriching Lives and Strengthening Community Edina Public Schools is more than bricks and mortar. It’s more than teachers and students in classrooms. Edina’s thriving community education program blurs the edges of classroom and community, engaging and inspiring learners of all ages. needs and abilities with high-quality, flexible and affordable lifelong learning opportunities. EDINA FAMILY CENTER Newly awarded the Parent Aware 4-Star rating, the Edina Family Center touched over 2,500 families in 2011-12 with high-quality Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), preschool, childcare, parent education and family gatherings.

YOUTH PROGRAMS Last year our nationally-accreditated KIDS Club (gr. K-3), WISE Guys (gr. 4-5) and SURGE (gr. 6-9) offered enriched curriculum and care for over 1,788 students before and after school, on release days, and during the summer. Youth Classes & Camps for ages 3-18 created an additional 900+ opportunities for students to dig a little deeper through personalized learning opportunities not available in the traditional school day.

ADULT EDUCATION Education is a lifelong process. Our Adult Programs encourage adults of all ages, backgrounds and needs to stay active and engaged as lifelong learners. In 2011-12, adults participated in 6,521 extensive lifelong learning opportunities ranging from fitness to Facebook, Quickbooks to quilting, Mircrosoft Office to mahjong, Spanish language to swing dance.

VOLUNTEER Our Volunteer Program invites community members to join us as active partners in the learning process of students and the learning climate of our schools. In 2011-12, nearly 100 community members contributed their time, talents and passions for learning with over 2,200 hours of academic help in classrooms, success centers, and after school. Other volunteers contributed nearly 1,000 hours by giving over 850 classroom presentations, sharing their expertise to help bring the curriculum to life.

EDINA RESOURCE CENTER A partnership of Edina Community Education Services, Edina Public Schools, and the City of Edina, the Edina Resource Center (ERC) offers expert connections to resources, services and community information. ERC services are free and confidential, providing connections to resources such as childcare, food, financial assistance, and care supports for aging adults. In 2011-12, the ERC touched the lives of many families and individuals in Edina. 8

COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Ensuring the success of all students requires the sustained commitment of the entire community. Our community has a strong tradition of supporting its schools in a variety of ways.

EDINA EDUCATION FUND Driving a culture of innovation and possibility, the Edina Education Fund raised over $498,000 in private donations in 2011-12 to support teachers and learners at every level and at every school in the district. The Edina Education Fund also partners with district administration to identify and support initiatives that can have a district-wide impact. Large-scale projects in 2011-12 included: •

Improving writing instruction across all disciplines with continued support for the Edina High School Writing Center and new support for the South View Middle School Writing Center.

Creating a Math Center at Valley View Middle School, providing personalized help with assigned math problems and sharpening problem-solving skills in all disciplines.

Leveraging technology for 21st century learning, Ecademy was launched as a video screencast teaching tool.To date, more than 243 video screencasts have been created by Edina teachers, giving students and families 24/7 access to curriculum materials and providing teachers with more flexibility for personalized interactions in the classroom.

Supporting cutting-edge Project Lead the Way curriculum, integrating science, technology, engineering and mathematics. In 2011-12, 166 students taking these courses each earned three college credits through the University of Minnesota.


Edina Public Schools values community input. Every year, over 100 community members participate in committees, councils and special task forces. Staff and community members of the committees serve in an advisory function by providing input, advice, direction and insight to district leadership. The School District uses the advisory model to help shape district policies, procedures and practices. Bringing community members trogether to identify and link community needs and resources helps us reach our mission of educating all members of the community and strengthening the community.

SCHOOL BOARD Seven elected School Board members each serve 4-year terms. Members attend regularlyscheduled School Board meetings, serve on one or more Board Committees, and act as liaisons to district and community councils, boards, and organizations. In addition, each Edina school has a School Board Member liaison.


2012 School Board (pictured from left): Leny WallenFriedman, Sarah Patzloff, Idith Almog, Randy Meyer, Lonni Skrentner, Cathy Cella, and Regina Neville.




2011-12 Expenditures by Object

Capital Expenses Instructional Supplies




• 1,143,968 total meals served in 2011-12 • Over 178,000 pounds of produce served • 32,000 less cookies sold in middle school by offering cookies only three days a week

• In 2011-12, the district ran 63 routes, traveling over 660,000 miles

Purchased Services



• The 42 regular route buses make a combined total of 5,000 stops per day


• All buses have been retrofitted with energy-saving devices to help cut down on emissions


Salaries + Benefits = 82% total Cost Schools are a people centered business


WHERE DOES EPS GET ITS MONEY? 2011-12 Revenue by Source

3% Federal 3% Other Local

3% District Support


Property Taxes

Maintenance, Capital, Utilities

• Average age of buildings = 40.3 years

67% State

3% Administration


• Over 1 million square feet of painted walls • Over 26 acres of parking lots • Nearly 10 acres of carpet • Over 18,000 light fixtures



STAKEHOLDER ACCOUNTABILITY Edina Public Schools continues its strong management of its finances, balancing fiscal responsibilities while maximizing available resources, to provide quality educational services for all learners. In a 2012 community survey, 70% of residents agreed that the district spends money effectively and efficiently, a rate significantly higher than most metro school district and other public entities. Additionally,

97% of residents rated the quality of education provided by EPS as good or excellent

94% of residents felt they are getting a good value on their investment in EPS

90% of residents said the district is held accountable enough for the quality of education provided to its students

2011 Aaa Rating Moody’s Investors Service, Fitch Ratings One of only three districts in Minnesota to earn the Aaa rating, which allows EPS to obtain the lowest interest rates available when borrowing money. 10

CONTACT US EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Edina Community Center 5701 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55424 www.edina.k12.mn.us 952-848-3900 info@edina.k12.mn.us SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE Edina Community Center, 2nd Floor 952-848-3904 superintendent@edina.k12.mn.us

EDINA SCHOOL BOARD STUDENT REGISTRATION Welcome Center, Room 171 Edina Community Center Open Mon-Fri, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 952-848-3934 EDINA COMMUNITY EDUCATION Edina Community Center, 1st Floor www.edinacommunityed.org 952-848-3952 comedu@edina.k12.mn.us


Randy Meyer, Chair Idith Almog Regina Neville Cathy Cella Leny Wallen-Friedman Sarah Patzloff Lonni Skrentner BoardofEducation@edina.k12.mn.us


Concord Elementary (gr. K-5) 5900 Concord Avenue South Edina, MN 55424 952-848-4300 concord.edina.k12.mn.us

South View Middle School (gr. 6-9) 4725 South View Lane Edina, MN 55436 952-848-3700 southview.edina.k12.mn.us

Cornelia Elementary (gr. K-5) 7000 Cornelia Drive Edina, MN 55435 952-848-4600 cornelia.edina.k12.mn.us

Valley View Middle School (gr. 6-9) 6750 Valley View Road Edina, MN 55439 952-848-3500 valleyview.edina.k12.mn.us

Countryside Elementary (gr. K-5) 5701 Benton Avenue South Edina, MN 55436 952-848-4700 countryside.edina.k12.mn.us

Edina High School (gr. 10-12) 6754 Valley View Road Edina, MN 55439 952-848-3800 edinahigh.edina.k12.mn.us

Creek Valley Elementary (gr. K-5) 6401 Gleason Road Edina, MN 55439 952-848-3200 creekvalley.edina.k12.mn.us Highlands Elementary (gr. K-5) 5505 Doncaster Way Edina, MN 55436 952-848-4500 highlands.edina.k12.mn.us Normandale Elementary (gr. K-5) French Immersion School 5701 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55424 952-848-4100 normandale.edina.k12.mn.us

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