Learning Newsletter - Fall 2011

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Fall Edition 2011 ISD 273

Edina Public Schools News

Referendum Invests in Classroom of Today and Tomorrow Edina Public Schools is conducting a vision for technology. The 2015 Technology Referendum on Tuesday, November 8 during Plan will guide investments over the next the general election that asks voters to renew decade that seek to create a new standard the current operating levy and to increase for excellence to expand successful, the capital levy to advance learning through innovative and personalized learning technology. Existing to occur anytime, levies are due to expire “The community’s support of anywhere. in 2012. this referendum is critical to The last technology our ongoing success” All schools would levy was approved receive funding to in 1998. Since then, - Randy Meyer keep class sizes at mobile devices are used current levels and to integrate technology constantly, transforming the way people infrastructure, hardware, software, support communicate and access information in and training. their daily lives. A similar transformation is happening in the classroom, where students Impact on Learning have new opportunities to communicate and “Digital media technologies have tremendous collaborate with people across the globe. potential to enhance learning,” said Steve Buettner, Director of District Media & While the District has seen a good value on Technology Services. “Technology will its past technology investments, several areas empower teachers and help them to make need to be updated. The district’s current learning more dynamic and engaging.” computer operating system, Windows XP, is almost 10 years old. Its fiber optic network was Every day in Edina classrooms, digital media installed a decade ago. The 2015 Technology technologies allow student to access, produce, Plan calls for the first major systems-wide distribute and modify information and creative technology reinvestment in seven years, aside content with unprecedented speed, ease and from installing a new telephone system scope. With the additional investments in last year. technology, students will develop the critical personal and professional skills they need to The current technology levy pays for only enter a 21st century job market and world. a small portion of the District’s actual technology expenses, the majority of which In 2010-11, more than 70 community and staff are covered by general funds. The new members collaborated to update the District’s technology levy would cover 90 percent of

Don’t forget your yearly well-child exam! A yearly visit is an important element of your child’s health care, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and your provider at Partners in Pediatrics.

technology expenses and allow the District to redirect almost $1.2 million, currently used for technology back to the general fund to support other educational programs, services and projects. If both questions are successful, the additional tax impact on a median-priced home of $400,000 in Edina would be less than $15 per month. If both questions are unsuccessful, the district would lose five percent of its general fund annual revenue and would need to make an annual $4 million budget adjustment. “Strong communities make strong schools. Edina students continue to excel and our district continues to rank among the best in the nation because the Edina community places a high value on education and has historically supported the operating and capital levy referendums,” noted School Board Chair Randy Meyer. “The community’s support of this referendum is critical to our ongoing success.” Turn to page 4 for Referendum Q & A By their nature, children’s injuries and illnesses are urgent. That is why we have Ready Care. You don’t need any kind of appointment if your child is sick or injured…

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Learning: Edina Public Schools News is published three times a year by the Edina Public Schools (ISD 273) Communications Department and is distributed at no charge to residents of the District. The cost to produce Learning is largely offset by community advertisers.

Editor Alyssa Diamond Communications Specialist Columnist Ric Dressen Superintendent

More stories and a complete calendar of events can be found at www.edina.k12.mn.us

Edina Public Schools Board of Education Randy Meyer, Chair Idith Almog Cathy Cella Bert Ledder Regina Neville Peyton Robb Lonni Skrentner

For advertising information, contact JLP Marketing at 952-848-3943 or JLPMarketing@hotmail.com

Edina Public Schools Communications Department Valerie Burke Dir. of Community Education Services 952-848-3960 valburke@edina.k12.mn.us Alyssa Diamond Communications Specialist 952-848-3959 alydiamond@edina.k12.mn.us Julie Prior Communications Intern 952-848-3944 julprior@edina.k12.mn.us

Superintendent’s Column Connections Support Learning by Ric Dressen, Superintendent superintendent@edina.k12.mn.us The often-quoted former Yankee player, Yogi Berra, once said, “The future ain’t what it used to be.” That is especially true in today’s classrooms and schools, where digital media technologies are transforming how students learn and how families can engage to support learning. Edina is utilizing the power of technology to promote meaningful connections with families anytime, anywhere. Mobile devices and wireless networks let families monitor student progress daily from anywhere with just the click of a button. With the many ways to connect via email, school and classroom websites, conversations between teachers and parents occur far more frequently than the traditional parent/ teacher conferences. A technology genius once said that the real magic happens when technology gets out of the way. We couldn’t agree more. It’s not technology for the sake of technology that we desire. It’s things like real world

education in the classroom and conversations that students can have with other learners from around the globe that have the potential to spark a child’s imagination like never before. Communication is the cornerstone for so much of what makes education work. With that in mind, we are making several improvements to simplify and streamline families’ abilities to connect with us. First, a new website is in the works that will make information more accessible and easier to navigate. We are expanding our reach with news releases, video, Facebook, blogging and Twitter. Again, it’s not the bells and whistles we seek; it’s the ease of connections they allow. Edina Public Schools will continue to place our highest priority on those personal interactions that support learning and strengthen partnerships. That is the foundation of what our referendum seeks to build. Technology is the catalyst, it is the conduit, for frequent and lasting connections in our 21st century world. Ric Dressen Superintendent, Edina Public Schools

School Board Election Three active candidates are running for three open seats in the November 8, 2011, school board election. School board members will be elected to serve four-year terms beginning on January 1, 2012. Current board members, Peyton Robb and Bert Ledder, whose terms expire at the end of this year, did not file for candidacy. Robb has served on the board for 12 years and Ledder for the past eight. Active candidates include: Cathy Cella (incumbent), Sarah Patzloff, and Leny K. Wallen-Friedman. Please Note: Ben Rider and Jason Berger withdrew from the election and are not actively seeking board candidacy. Since their withdrawals were received after the August 18 deadline, their names will appear on the ballot however they are to be considered inactive candidates. Check local media for additional information and coverage of the school board race.

Election Day is November 8th Voting Information

Visit the Office of the Secretary of State http://pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us/

Absentee Voting In Person You can vote in person during regular business hours at Edina City Hall at from now until November 7.

By Mail If you need to complete the entire process by mail, contact Edina City Hall Voter Registration at (952) 826-0363 and ask to be sent an Application for Absentee Ballot. When they receive your application, they will mail you a ballot that you will need to complete and return by November 1.

UPCOMING EVENTS* October 28 Fall Musical “Urinetown” begins, 7:30 p.m., EPAC (runs through Nov. 5) 29 Technology Open House, 9:00-11:00 a.m., ECC 351 A hands-on look at how Edina students are using technology in the classroom November 7 School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., ECC 349 8 Election Day 14-15 Fall Choral Concerts, 7:30 p.m., EHS Fick Auditorium 17, 21 Parent/Teacher Conferences 18 No School - Kindergarten 20-25 No School - All Grades ecember D 12 School Board Meeting, 7 p.m., ECC 349 15 Concert/Symphonic Band Concert, 7:30 p.m., EHS Fick Auditorium 20 Orchestra Concert, 7:30 p.m., EHS Fick Auditorium 22-30 No School - Winter Vacation (through Jan. 2, 2012)

For a complete list of upcoming events, please visit us online at www.edina.k12.mn.us and click on “calendars.”

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Referendum Q & A What is a levy?

How will the funding be used?

A levy is a local tax that residents of an individual school district approve to help support student programs, opportunities and services in their school district.

The current operating levy will providing funding to keep class sizes stable and to continue to offer a range of academic course offerings.

• O perating levies give school districts the ability to levy dollars over and above the per-pupil funding allocation provided by the State. These funds are used to support existing academic programs and services. • Capital levies allow school districts the authority to spread out the purchase of items such as technology over a specified number of years.

How does Edina Public Schools compare to what other districts receive in technology revenue? Compared to six neighboring school districts, Edina currently receives the least amount of technology revenue per pupil.

The technology levy would be spent in the following ways: • • • • • • •

4% Tech Support for Teaching and Learning 3 29% Hardware 15% Software 10% Network 9% Contingency 3% Staff Development Less than 1% for technology supplies.

The current technology levy covers only a small percentage of the District’s overall technology expenses. The new technology levy would cover 90% of the District’s technology expenses and allow the District to annually redirect almost $1.2 million funds currently used for technology back to the general fund for use in other educational programs, services and projects. Supplies under 1%

Current Technology Revenue Received Per Pupil by School District $719




$306 St.Louis Park

$122 Edina

In 2001, Edina Public Schools capitalized on new legislation allowed school districts to levy for technology upgrades. This levy is now expiring. If the technology levy is unsuccessful, Edina Public Schools would lose the $122 per pupil it now receives in technology revenue.

What happens if the referendum does not pass? If both questions are unsuccessful, the district would lose 5% of its general fund annual revenue and would need to make an annual $4 million budget adjustment. Likely results would be: • Larger class sizes • Fewer programs and course offerings • Stalled expansion and integration of technology 4|

Hardware 29%

Software 15%



Eden Prairie



Tech Support for Teaching and Learning 34%

Proposed $549


Contigency 9%

Network 10%

Staff Development 3%

What is the Referendum tax impact?

The additional tax impact on a median-priced home ($400,000) in Edina is less than $15 per month. Below is the additional tax impact for the renewal of both levies.

Property Market Value

Additional Monthly Tax Impact of Both Questions

Additional Annual Tax Impact of Both Questions

$300,000 $10.75














Election Day is November 8th

District Leads State on Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments Results of the 2010-2011 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments released this past summer by the Minnesota Department of Education show that Edina Public Schools continues to lead the state in reading, math and science proficiency rates. Edina’s overall scores were:

Reading proficiency rate was 91.5 percent, increasing from 90.3 percent last year and compares to the state average of 74 percent.

Math proficiency was 79.6 percent, falling 7.3 percentage points from 86.9 in 200910 and compares to the state average of 56 percent. Statewide math performance in grades three through eight fell 8.7 percentage points as this was the first year of the new MCA-III math exam aligned to more rigorous state standards.

Science proficiency was 67 percent, a 1 percent increase over 2010 and compares to the state average of 48.4 percent.

The five-year trend shows that Edina is consistently 20 percentage points above the statewide average in reading, math and science proficiency rates. “Over the last five years, Edina’s proficiency rates in math, reading and science have been among the highest in the state,” noted Dr. Chad Schmidt, director of research and evaluation. “While we saw a dip in math proficiency this year, some

Awards and Recognition

fluctuation is not unusual when a new test with a new format is administered for the first time.” Since this is the first year of the MCA-III math exam, 2011 is considered a baseline year and should not be directly compared to previous years’ math proficiency rates. Edina Public Schools has started to see results that indicate a narrowing of the achievement gap. Several student groups as defined by federal No Child Left Behind legislation, including Black, Free-Reduced Price Meal, and Limited English Proficiency, have shown doubledigit gains in reading proficiency over the last four years. These improvements in proficiency have appeared at the same time that overall student performance in reading has remained at or near the top of the state.

DISTRICT ACHIEVEMENT Edina Named One of the Nation’s 100 Best Communities for Young People America’s Promise Alliance (Oct. 2011)

Highlands Elementary School Named a 2011 National Blue Ribbon School U.S. Department of Education (Oct. 2011)

Edina High School Named a “Best High Schools for Math and Science” U.S. News & World Report (Oct. 2011)

Edina High School Ranks 76 in Best High Schools in America

2011 MCA State Rankings

Newsweek Magazine (July 2011)

State Rank






Edina (tie)



Minnetonka (tie)

14 Edina High Seniors Named National Merit Semi-Finalists










Alyson Beveridge, Ekaterina Botchkareva, Rebecca Brookes, Sophia Charan, Allen Fang, Tyler Gieseke, Molly Little, Anne Schulberg, Miriam Sergent-Leventh, Krzysztof Stankiewicz, Nora Steinhagen, Meghana Vasireddy, Zhonghao Wang and Xue Zhang.

Edina Policy Debate Students Compete in Top 16 Round Robin

District Receives Top Credit Rating This summer, Edina Public Schools received a top credit rating from two of the leading global rating agencies. Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings bestowed their AAA ratings on the District, the highest assigned by both companies. The AAA ratings allow the District to obtain the lowest interest rates available when we borrow money by issuing bonds and certificates. “That the District has retained its AAA ratings despite significant national and local government financial uncertainty is a testament to its sound financial management and solid tax base,” said

Joel Sutter, executive vice president of Ehlers and a financial advisor for Edina Public Schools. The District has long been recognized for its excellent financial management and has received the Minnesota Department of Education’s Financial Management award for eight of the past nine years. The Edina community also maintains a strong tradition of supporting its schools. An April 2011 resident survey revealed that 97 percent of the residents surveyed felt they got a good value from their investment in Edina Public Schools.

Mimi Sergent-Leventhal and Erin Sielaff finished in the top half of the nationallyrenowned Greenhill Round Robin held at Greenhill High School in Addison, Texas on September 15- 16

Edina High School’s Production Anything Goes Receives Local and National Honor Governor’s Commendation 2011 International Thespian Festival

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Community News Edina Community Center: Celebrating 30 Years 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of the Edina Community Center. For many, it’s difficult to imagine Edina without this community space. It has become the heartbeat of our community. Today, the Center is a lively home for a wide variety of Community Education services, including programs through our Edina Family Center, youth and adult and classes and volunteer opportunities, school aged childcare programs as well as connections to resources through our Edina

Resource Center. In addition, the Edina Community Center also provides space for community meetings and events, our District’s Welcome Center and administrative offices, and the Normandale French Immersion School. On any given day, the building is bustling with students taking Advanced Placement exams, new families registering students for school, teachers pursuing professional development, preschoolers climbing aboard a fire truck, adults and students engaged in learning and youth enjoying after school enrichment and recreation. In 1981, the current Community Center, housed Edina East High School. Due to declining school enrollment, a decision needed to be made on what to do with the high school building. Rather than sell the building, as many neighboring districts were doing during this time, the Edina Public School

Board and community elected to repurpose the facility as a flexible community space. For the first time in Edina, there was space to offer daytime community education activities, rent space for a steady source of income and provide community groups with access to meeting spaces. Edina Public Schools showed leadership and prudence by repurposing the old Edina East High school into the Edina Community Center. For over 30 years the Center has provided flexible space for both the school and our community. We are proud of the collaborative nature of this community space, one that facilitates connections between students, teachers, families and community resources. Looking ahead, it’s exciting to imagine what’s next for our Edina Community Center. We invite all of you to participate in Community Center activities and be a part of shaping its future.

Edina Public Schools Innovation through the Decades Edina Public Schools has a long tradition of excellence in innovation. Here are a few highlights from our history of “firsts” in the region and nation.








Purchased first school bus to transport children.

After WWII, built own high school.

Began Advanced Placement program.

Repurposed old high school, now serves learners of all ages. (above)

Created Education Fund to support and enhance learning.

Early adopter: capitalized on new legislation to levy for technology.

Google selects EPS as one of 10 global winners for its effective use of Google


2011 Annual Report for our Community

To get your copy of the 2011 Annual Report, visit www.edina.k12.mn.us. 6|

The 2011 Annual Report for our Community is now available. This report provides an opportunity to reflect on the successes and challenges of the 2010-11 school year, and to highlight the work of an engaged and inspired collaborative team—teachers, students, families, administration, school board, staff and community members. In the pages of the Annual Report, you can read about every aspect of Edina Public Schools, ranging from student achievement

to financial management, from athletics to fine arts, from leveraging technology to leveraging community partnerships. You can read about the national and international recognition we’ve garnered, our innovative professional development for teachers, and our vibrant community education program that provides lifelong learning opportunities for learners of all ages, backgrounds and needs.

Creek Valley Elementary Teacher Attends Prestigious SMART Summit “The summit gave me the opportunity to collaborate with professionals who I continue to learn and grow from,” said Rink. “Best of all, these SMART tools help me meet diverse learning needs along with making learning more exciting and fun for students.”


a new year of growth and self-discovery.

Call to schedule a


Rosemary Rink, a third-grade teacher at Creek Valley Elementary School, was invited to attend a SMART Technologies summit this past July. SMART produced the first interactive whiteboard in 1991 and now provides a host of interactive learning technologies and software. Rink’s attendance was based on being named a SMART Exemplary Educator (SEE) during the 2008-2009 school year. Of the 780 SEEs in North America, just 55 educators were invited to participate based on their “proven ability to create extraordinary teaching and learning moments with SMART products,” according to SMART Technologies CEO Nancy Knowlton. During the summit, Rink and other SEEs received 32 hours of advanced training on SMART Notebook software to integrate SMART hardware and software products for a comprehensive teaching approach. Rink was also awarded a SMART Document Camera worth over $1,000 that will be used to foster deeper student engagement through its 3D interactive technology.

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Dr. SK Lo, Center Director

Get Connected with Edina Public Schools •

The Edina Events Card offers free general admission to school events for Edina residents age 60 or older

Edina Center for Adult Education offers a wide array of classes and continuing education opportunities including fitness, cooking, technology, travel and more.

The Community Volunteer Program connects community members with volunteer opportunities throughout the District.

For more information, call 952-848-3952 or visit www.edinacommunityed.org

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Dated Material

5701 Normandale Road Edina MN 55424

Stay Connected

SNAPSHOT: Homecoming 2011 Edina Marching Band to Perform in NYC The Edina Hornet Marching Band has been invited to represent Edina and Minnesota in the 10th Anniversary Tribute to 9/11 in New York City and the 92nd Veterans Day Parade on November 11th. The group will perform as part of a mass band performance in Times Square to honor and remember the victims of 9/11.

2011 Homecoming King and Queen Cavonte Johnson and Piper Bain


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