Libretto by Line Tjørnhøj
1. (Death Knell) (text: LT)
The Nuns are comforting and praising Clara lying on her “deathbed” on the table. They drink their coffee.
“Drinking coffee, heavenly, shimmer... shimmering light - take a cup of coffee.
Wonderful, shimmering light, one should not be afraid of death, for death will come to Wonderful Trust – entrust it all to mama Sound the Death Knell Welkin, well Hell seems to be on earth, well, one should not be afraid of death Ecclesia, lactans mama mater, Magna mater, Ecclesia.”
Flash Back
2. (Entering) (text mosaic from web & bible: LT)
Clara finds her inspiration on the world wide web and is confronted with her fathers view on her.
Web friends:
“Entering the disordered nation. Welcome in a disordered nation, this is a disordered nation. ProAna for you...thin...thinspiration...you are just starvelous.
ProAnaNation for you. It is beautiful...the pure truth... Get fascinated...get you thinspiration...thin...thinner....
Fat cow...fat disgusting cow...take a look at yourself... “leave...leave this disordered nation”
“Angel.... angel.”
“I want my little girl...shave, shave your pubic hair... shave...
(God): “Carrier of light – beloved of thee Father –The dying and the reborn light of heaven.... Defying your Father?? Mating with sin?? Breeding death!!!”
Feedings through a nasogastric tube, vomiting, exercise regime, control, laxative abuse, cramps and gas”
“Leave...leave this disordered nation”
3. Adipisci (textmontage: from web & Clara of Assisi Letters: LT)
Clara writes a letter to her internet proana friends –her father is watching. Trying to stop her.
Father: Venerabilis et sanctissimae Virgini (venerable and most holy virgin)
Clara indigna, Clara inutilis adipisci cum reverentia aeternae felicitatis gloriam
O soror- immortal domina (I unworthy and useless Clare, writes you with respect and wish that you oh sister will attain everlasting glory)
Web friends:
H2O is, without a doubt, the dedicated Ana’s best friend. It neutralizes stomach acids, quells tummy growls, cleanses your entire system of toxins, flushes out fats
Drink your water ice cold to burn even more calories as your metabolism must exert extra energy to balance body temperature and gets you through the next hour or two.
Starving, stuffing, cutting, purging, running, stuffing, cutting, binge.... Control! The only truth - true power, great, great enough to create order, order in life ...starving, stuffing, cutting, purging, running, stuffing, cutting, binge chaos life - in control, life chaos life chaos - controller - beyond power chaotic life great power.
First thing you’ve got to remember is liquids to have a successful purge. Most people use their fingers – one probably won’t work, three is for more advanced, ...so start with a nice easy two. Insert fingers into throat. Now what you’re trying to do is recreate “ reverse peristalsis” - this is the opposite of swallowing which involves contractions of the esophagus. Massage the back of the throat or make a kind of jabbing motion. Long nails? Cut ´em. Hurt like hell unless you know what you’re doing.
I am beautiful - I am perfect - I am the implication of the “thing”: thin! Hunger is a feeling - taste the feeling - taste the hunger feeling - the thin thing Fucking ignorant wanarectics - how dare you insinuate that any of us photo shopped our pics???? Clearly you know nothing about anorexia. Because if you did you’d have known that the way I look is not even that thin for a fucking anorectic!!! My body is a piece of artwork - it displays “pain” in a visual esthetic way Here is your dose of reality............you sad little ignorant wanarexic.... this is me...........this is anorexia .........this is what I look like
4. Speculum (Text: Clara of Assisi & LT)
Clara stands for the mirror
Pone mentem tuam in speculo aeternitatis
Pone animo tuam in splendor gloriam (place your mind in the mirror of Eternity, place your soul in the radiance of Glory)
My breast, a big black hollow, hold me, proana wisdom, I am pure. Let me be my body.
Amor suavior, et omnis gratia elegantior (His love is sweeter and his grace more elegant)
You are just, just a child. You will die for this? Shimmering – you are my light – Satellite, Celestial body, My shine is a poor reflection of you.
Quem cum ameveritis casta estis, virgo estis. Pone cor cor tuum figura divinae, et transforma te ipsam totam in imagine dimagin divinitatis ipsius. Pone cor tuum figura divinae et transforma te ipsam totam in imagine divinitatis ipsius ei.
(If you love him, you are chaste, you are a virgin. Place you heart in the figure of the divine substance and transform your entire being into the image of divinity through contemplation)
Reborn light. Divinity – pure force, like a star. Radiating beauty.
5. The Vow (Text: LT)
Clara takes a Vow on her loyalty to Anorexia
Never underestimate my power. I can make you feel high. Invincible.
Everyone lies. They say I am too thin. They say I don’t eat enough. See them! See them laughing, behind my back.
Anorexia & Clara: (the Vow)
Lei di kee due is the due, due i kelek rulesion lek, a de tomp le le mes tomp, yt row em ho mu it ho (Nonsense)
Obedience, or I will make you feel guilty as hell.
I have nothing but you. I won’t let you down. I am an inept and fumbling slave. Satiate my desires! I need to surrender to suffer pain.
have overcomed your pangs of concience, atoned your sins, and left you earthly desires, your soul will be touched by heavenly confidence one sweet dawn“)
The pure power of hunger enables me to produce oils, wine and other miraculous substances from my pores. I defy the limits of human suffering through extreme physical austerities and transcend the mortal world through my miraculous talents. Food is a substance that transit the boundary between me and not me... And this is a struggle to resist an ascribed identity I found my lover - I am the only person who will enslave me completely.... I am seductive and sadistic ...enjoying to manipulate my mind and brutalize my body...I surrender to suffer humiliation and indignityabuse and punishment And I confess.... confess it all to me...
7. Dies Irate (Text: Dies Irae & LT)
Clara’s father tries to get her into “control” again. Making himself a shameful victim.
Dies irae – Dies illa. Solvet saeclum in favilla. Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? Ingemisco tamquam reus. Culpa rubet vultus meus Judex ergo cum sedebit quidquid latet apparebit: nihil i nultum remanebit.
Clara: Lacrimosa
Father: Mihi quoque spem dedisti
8. Ave Maria (Text: Ave Maria & LT)
Clara is brought into a psychiatric hospital –calling her mother for help and flirting with and manipulating the psychiatrist calling him “god”, well aware of her own beauty.
Nurses psychiatrist:
Ave Maria gratia plena, dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus, Sancta Maria mater dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus nunc et in hora mortis nostra amen.
6. Minne (Text : Mechtild v. Magdeburg & LT)
Clara’s moment of self-realization
Eya minnen dú, wilt du wisen wielich din weg. Ja lieber heliger geist. Lere mic da. Eyya minnen du. Seele. Du kúmest ´ber die not des rúvens. Úber die libin der welt morgens in dem sussen touve das ist inne keit.
(„Eya, beloved soul, would you like to know your lot?“ „yes holy spirit – tell me“ „Eya beloved soul! When you
God is present in his power of manhood, the desire of the loins, gathered in two brooding tabernacles. God stands before his creation, excited...two brooding tabernacles holding the trunk, erect strong and upright...God ploughs his field...God breeds his seed, his sacred breath.... she gives herself. “My creation be of thee.... and the word became flesh.
Clara’s mother comes to visit. She admires Clara as an angel that she needs. She cannot face the facts, and is unable to help in any way.
Clara: She loves me...she loves me not.... she loves me...she loves me not
Clara’s mother:
Lightning angel – golden shadow – softly spreading protecting wings
Tender tough – close to my heart – sore and open I give in and cry
Angel – how come you chose me – Angel – close to my heart
Angel – ease my heartache – Angel – don’t leave me tonight
Blissful lips – golden shatter – in my darkness you lit a light
Like a kiss – close to my heart – golden shadow – you tempt me to fly
Angel – how come you chose me – Angel – close to my heart
Angel – ease my heartache – Angel – don’t leave me tonight
I promise to love you, to respect you, to be always faithful to you – and never to forsake you till death do us apart!
I promise to respect you, to give you matrimonial obedience, to be always faithful to you – and never to forsake you till death do us apart. What God has joined together, let no man tear asunder
Clara’s mother: Daylight coming – morning breeze – hear you whisper soft in my ear
Lightning light – stay in my heart – Golden Angel don’t fade away
Angel – how come you chose me – Angel – close to my heart
Angel – ease my heartache – Angel – don’t leave me tonight
10. Binge (Text: Clara of Assisi & LT)
Clara is released from psychiatric hospital and her compulsive behavior increases dramatically and takes her on a tour de force between refrigerator and toilet. She binges
I am binging; purging…food…more I need more
Hostia humanae, o paupertas, O beata paupertas. (Human sacrifice. O poverty! O beautiful poverty!)
Clara: This is my hostia humana, Where is the loo, I need to kneel, till the eats? comes up. Love me! Look…I atone for my sins. Love me!
Anorexia: You broke our pact! Kneel! Spit blood and slime. Fingers in throat. Atone my girl …atone!
O filia, benedicta quoniam dilectionem. Nulla Nullatemus posset exprimere lingua carnis filia (O my blessed daughter! The love I feel for you is for me not possible to express with my carnal tongue)
Clara: I am binging….I am binging.
Anorexia: Kneel …Fat cow… Binge! – purge! – binge! – purge!..
Nuns: Filia benecita ad te habeo dilection o pia Lingua carnis
Clara: Loo….love me! Loo…. love me…
11. Valete (Text: Clara of Assisi & LT) Clara is back on her deathbed surrounded by father and nuns
Valete in domine et oretis pro me. Toto animo et cordis afectu magis sanctisimam. (Fare well with the Lord and pray for me. You have indeed with whole heart and soul chosen the holiest)
Father: Self-starvation, Holy war. Tormentor...Purify!
Clara: I am starving – my jihad is starvation –
Self-starvation – it is holy war. Victorious holy war –she sacrifices.... sacrilegious.... she sacrifices....
Clara: Sin...sin.... sin....
Father: She dies for me. She did choose a holy path.... cry my heart out...
Nuns: Paupertatem et corporis penuriam elegitis. Sponsum nobili quivestram virginitate immaculatam custodiet
9. Angel (Text: LT)
custo illaesam immaculatam. (You have chosen poverty and physical want. Accepting a noble spouse, who will keep your virginity always immaculate)
Father: Cry my heart out!! Don’t.... don’t you dare.... I can’t let you die.... My heart...my “Morningstar”.... “Quod tenes teneas....” my “Heart” “Morningstar”.... let go of your crusade.... Cross! Cross! Cross! ”...“quod tenes teneas...”
Clara: ....illaesam immaculatam...
Scene 1: "Death Knell" - nuns doing a coffee ritual.
Soundscape: turning spoons slowly in cups, hitting cup with spoon, slurping coffee, placing cup on teller, changing place for the cup. This in a percussive way.
Double Bass ppp leggiero flautando q = 50 Db. poco accel. 8 S1 Db. q = 100 16 mp leggiero q = 100 S1 Db. /ua/ "reinforced harmonics" mp /si/ /njo/ /i/ /kua/ /di/ /ja/ /jo/ /mjo/ /kjo/ /lai/ /dy/ /sjo/ 23 S1 S2 Db. /je/ /ki/ /jo/ /i/ /moi/ /y/ /nau/ /ja/ /sje/ /mo/ /i/ niyou/ /io/ /my/ /o/ Drin king - cof fee29 mp ponticello estremo arco
arco molto legato sotto voce /aa/ ad lib.
should not /b/ be a fraid - be a fraid - of death
death will come to
S1 S2 Db. /mmm/ hea ven - ly - Shim me - ry - shim me - ring - light Take a cup of 34 S1 S2 A1 Db. cof feep Won mf der - /f/ ful - Shim me - ring - light 38 pp mp leggiero mp S1 A1 Db. One
42 gliss. "airy multiphonics" one exhale gliss. ord. /aa/ ad lib. sul pont. 2
S1 S2 A1 Db. /wo/ /on/ /der/ /e/ /e/ /e/ /er/ /mmm/ /d/ Drin mp king - cof fee - /mmm/ hea ven - ly - shim me -46 p p S1 S2 A1 A2 Db. ry shim me - ring - light f /mam/ mp /moar/ /njo/ /o/ /o/ /a/ Ma51 f mp Mamp Ma sotto voce /aa/ ad lib. gliss. gliss. ornamental /aa/ /aa/ /aa/ /aa/ 3
S1 A2 Db. ma /mjong/ p /ja/ ja/ /njoar/ /mir/ /kja/ /you/ /ni/ /sau/ /dyi/ /mjie/ /nje/ 55 ma p /ua/ /si/ /njo/ /i/ /kua/ /di/ /ja/ /jo/ /mjo/ /kjo/ /lai/ /dy/ p S1 A2 Db. /i/ /rin/ /ja/ /mm/ /ja/ /mm/ /miyu/ mf /na/ /so/ /ka/ /kau/ /na/ /won/ /on/ /der/ /e/ /e/ 59 /sjo/ /je/ /ki/ /jo/ /i/ /moi/ /y/ /nau/ /ja/ /sje/ /mo/ /i/ niyou/ reinforced harmonics sim. reinforced harmonics sim. ord. 4
S1 S2 A1 A2 Db. /e/ /e/ /er/ /der/ ful 63 /ven/ mp /hell/ Drin mf king - cof fee - /mm/ hea ven - ly - Shim me -/io/ /my/ /o/ /ful/ mf /ven/ mp /hell/ mf S1 S2 A1 A2 Db. ma maf 67 ma ma - - ma maf ry shim me - ring - light Trust en trust - it all to /mm/ Ma ma f ma ma - - ma maf mp ord. molto vibrato molto vibrato 5
the death knellsound the death knellsound the death knellsound the death knell sound the death knell
Welkin, well Hell seems to be on earth
the death knellsound the death knellsound the
sound the death knell sound the death knell sound the death knell
well one should not be afraid of death
death knell sound the death knell sound the death knell sound the death knell sound
S1 S2 A1 A2 Db.
72 mp /moaro/ mf
S1 S2 A1 A2 Db.
quasi bells
humming "reinforced harmonics"
poco stringendo
quasi bells stringendo a tempo: q = 100 humming
S1 S2 A1 A2 Db. Ec "falsetto" senza vibrato p cle - si - a - lac tans lac tans ma 79 Ec "falsetto" senza vibrato p cle - si - a - lac tans lac tans ma mp /mm/ /aa/ /mm/ /aa/ /moar/ the death knell sound /aa/ /mm/ /aa/ /mm/ /aa/ /moar/ molto legato p S1 S2 A1 A2 Db. ma ma ma- ma ter Mag na ma ter - ma ter- E cle si a83 ma ma ma- ma ter Mag na ma ter - ma ter- E cle si a/aa/ /aa/ /aa/ /mm/ /aa/ /mm/ /aa/ ma /aa/ /aa/ /aa/ /mm/ /aa/ /mm/ /aa/ ma /aa/ 7
S1 S2 A1 A2 Db. lac tans mf 87 lac tans mf Drin mp king - cof feema ma Drin mp king - cof feep S1 S2 A2 Db. 89 /mmm/ hea ven - ly - /mmm/ /mmm/ hea ven - ly - /mmm/ ppp airy lunga "heartbeat" hitting DB body with handpalm s.p.e. lunga 8
Flash back
Scene 2 "Entering"
Dagmar finds her inspiration on the "world wide web" and is also confronted with male view on her.
ca. "40"
lento "pouring ice cubes into water"
"taking ice cube with 2 hands into mouth"
ca. "20"
"pouring water into mouth"
"breathing" (a hiiii) X 10
sul ponticello estremo
ca. "40"
cue from S1
heartbeat hand on body q = ca 100
walking on stones
ca. "20" pp
S1 S2
S2 A1 A2
dis "sotto voce" or - - der gliss. "speech" mf
t t t ter! ter! ENTER! En "sotto voce" ter pp - en en ter - en en ter - en en ter - en en ter - en en ter - en "sotto voce" mp en te - ring - the dis or - der ppp gliss.
S1 S2 A2 Dagmar Db. S1 S2 A2 Dagmar B.
in a disordered world. This is a disordered world "speech" mf En gliss. ter fff - en ter mp En f mp dis dis ord dis or - de - red f - world this mp is a 3 3 pppp gliss. "stonerunning" Wel mf come - come in trem.
En f dis "multiphonics" incl. high pitch airy fry or - der - Oh trem. mp 3 I mf want my "multiphonics" incl. deep throat sounds lit tle 10
for you? Thin... thinspiration. You are
STARVELOUS "speech" quasi commercial
through a nasogastric tube, vomiting, exercise regime, control laxative abuse, cramps
S1 A1 B. S1 S1 S2 A1 Dagmar B. Db. rub stone against mirror Get mp fas ci - na - ted In spi - ra - tionmolto vibr. gliss. mf girl p shave shave your pu bic ca "10" - hair shave your pu bic hair shave throwing stones ff gasping sounds of vomiting gasping Proooo proana nation FOR YOUUUU IT IS BEAUTIFUL !! ......... THE PURE THRUTH feedings
shave ff pu bic - shave you pubic hair pu bic - hair pu bic pp s.p.e. 11
"speech" agressive
Fat cow.......... Fat disgusting cow aaaaad ...take a look at yourself!
Leave the leave the leave the disordered nation
bic - shave your pu bic - hair hair pu bic - shave hair
s.p.e. trilling glissandi in crescendi with subito stops in accentuato
sotto voce calling mp gel - An gel molto vibr. p
An sotto voce mp mi - ne - Do mi - ne - Do mi - ne - Do mi - ne
imperativ Leave! leave this nation! leave this disorder ! disorder disorder disorder disorder "whisper" sul tasto molto lento arco gliss.
S1 S2 A1 Dagmar B. Db. 47 S1 S2 A1 Dagmar B. Db.
a p hiii "multiphonics" with throatsounds ff a p hiii ff a p hiii ff
quasi commercial
thinspiration thin thin thinner thinnest thinspiration
airy multiphonics molto vibr. pp
fff l.h. Bipizz.
disorder disorder disorder
Spatial notated Each part relates loosely to one another freely quasi sweedish "kulning"* "herdcall" Do
52 S1 B. Db. 58 S1 Db. S1 Dagmar B. Db. Kjo f ru - - - Kjo ru - hei ju Carrier of light - Beloved of thee Father.....The dying and the reborn light of heaven..... "falsetto" i kjo ruZbpizz arco f mp ff mp fff quasi "bells" THIN thin THIN THIN thin thin THIN p freely "speech" "agressive" F K K K F F F F He e e F K K Ng kng gg LLLL "operatic" lento Defying your Father??.... arco f quasi vibrato or tremolo "ornamental" pppp 13
molto slow vibrato molto pontic.
B. Db.
pp death ppp molto lento
mating...mating with sin. Breeding death...death....death
"crying thin and soft falsetto"
gliss. gliss. 14
Scene 3: "Adipisci"
Dagmar writes a letter to her internet proana friends - her father watching, trying to stop her.
rubato free feeling, respecting the character of the inhales
q = 80 S1 S2 M-S A1 A2 6 S1 S2 M-S A1 A2 /a/
mp with
/hmm/ /a/ /hmm/ sempre /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o//hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /a/ mp /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /a/ /hn/ /år/ /hn/ mp /år/ /hmm/ mp /o/ /o/ /ah/ /o/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /hmm/ /a/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /a/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /a/ /hn/ /år/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /ah/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /ah/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /ah/ /o/
9 S1 S2 M-S A1 A2 B. 12 S1 S2 M-S A1 A2 Dagmar B. /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /hmm/ /a/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /a/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /a/ /hn/ /år/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /ah/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /ah/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /ah/ /o/ Ve p "operatic" ne - ra - bi - li - - et /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /hmm/ /hmm/ /a/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /a/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /o/ /o/ /ah/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /ah/ /o/ Dag mf -mar in dig - sanc tis - si - mae - Vir gi - ne f 2
16 S1 S2 Dagmar B. 22 S1 S2 M-S Dagmar pp gliss. gliss. vir gin na voiced implosive [ß] Dag mari nu - ti - lis - /o/ A digliss. pis civoiced implosive [ß] pp vir gi mf - ne - vir pp gi ne - - /o/ pp /a/ pp /hmm/ /a/ /hmm/ O Vir pp gi - ne - vir gi - ne - O /hn/ pp /år/ /hmm/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ cum re ve - ren - ti - a - /au/ pp /au/ /au/ ae ter nae - ae ter pp O 3
26 S1 S2 M-S Dagmar 31 Dagmar Db. 37 q = 40 q = 40 Dagmar B. Db. /a/ /hmm/ "falsetto" /o/ mp /a/ /hmm/ /a/ /hmm/ Vir - /hn/ /år/ /hmm/ fe mf li ci ta tis - O pp glo mf ri - am - /o/ glo ri - agliss. ornamental "reinforced harmonics" b.c. with tongue flutter and velum vibrato /mm/ gliss. /moaae/ "lament" "multiphonics"lunga pp f /o/ so /o/ - ror Dag mf a mar ff ppp sul pont. l.h.pizz arco 4
41 Dagmar B. Db. 42 S2 Dagmar B. Db. im m m mi mor tal - Do mi - na - na na ni ni A "sotte voce" p di - - - - - - pis - - - Vir mf - - ni mi - mi"multiphonics" "lament" articulated in slowmotion " fry" /au/ f ci mf ff a Ae mp ter l.h.pizz arco gliss. 5
quasi commercial "speech"
quasi instruction
gin ff "falsetto" O pp
quasi instruction
p mf
/au/ /au/ "falsetto" O pp "speech"
with vibrating vocals
the thing - the thin thing - feel the real thin thing -
= 40
S1 S2 M-S A2 Dagmar B. Db.
All should be placed "aside" so that the ear can zoom in on individually text DB follows Clara mp
H2O is, without a doubt, the dedicated Ana´s best friend.
first thing you´ve gotta remember is liquids to have a succesful purge.
So in order for you to purge, your esophagus has to contract several times
"speech" "recitando"
starving, stuffing, cutting purging, running, stuffing, cutting, bing
starving, stuffing, cutting purging, running, stuffing, cutting, bing
ni ff "falsetto" O pp voiced implosive [ß] gliss.
mp sul pont.
aproximate tempo
spatial notation - related to text all rest "relative"
It neutralizes stomach acids, quells tummy growls, cleanses your entire system of toxins, flushes out fats,
Most people use their fingers – one probably wont work, three is for more advanced, ...so start with a nice easy two.
before the food can come back up – it can take a while, but dont worry you will improve.
starving, stuffing, cutting purging, running, stuffing, cutting, bing starving, stuffing, cutting purging, running, stuffing, cutting, bing
I am beatyful - I am perfect - I am the implication of the "thing": thin!
Drink your water ice cold to burn even more calories as your metablism must exert extra energy to balance body temperature
Insert fingers into throat. Now what youre trying to do is recreate ”reverse peristalsis”
quasi commercial
Massage the back on the throat or make a kind of jabbing motion.
Control! the only thruth - true power, great, great enough to create order, order in life
Hunger is a feeling - taste the feeling - taste the hungerfeeling - the thin thing
what is lanugo - ladies and gentlemen - lanugo ladies and gentlemen is hair - long black hair -
S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar Db. accel. S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db.
pp mp f
pp mp f 7
"speech" ironically
and gets you through the next hour or two - this is the opposite of swallowing which inwolves contractions of the esophagus.
Long nails? Cut ´em. Hurt like hell unless you know what your doing.
chaos life - in control, life chaos life chaos - controller - beyond power chaotic life great power.
Fucking ignorant wanarectics - how dare you insinuate that any of us photoshopped our pics????
clearly you know nothing about anorexia. Because if you did you´d have known that the way I look is not even that thin for a fucking anorectic!!!
my body is a piece of artwork - it displays "pain" in a visual esthetic way
Here is your dose of reality........
you sad little ignorant wanarexic.... f mp this is me..........this is anorexia............this is what I look like
S2 A1 A2 Dagmar Db. 56 accel.
Dagmar Db. Dagmar Db. rit. Dagmar Db.
q = 40
"shouting" mp f flautando s.p.e. mp
mf mp ff
mp mf
mp p
4. Speculum (Text: Clara of Assisi & LT)Dagmar stands for the mirror
Nuns:Pone mentem tuam in speculo aeternitatis Pone animo tuam in splendor gloriam (place your mind in the mirror of Eternity, place your soul in the radiance of Glory)
Dagmar:My breast, a big black hollow, hold me, proana wisdom, I am pure.
Let me be my body.Nuns:Amor suavior, et omnis gratia elegantior
(His love is sweeter and his grace more elegant)
King:You are just, just a child. You will die for this? Shimmering – you are my light –Satellite, Celestial body, My shine is a poor reflection of
Nuns:Quem cum ameveritis casta estis, virgo estis.
Pone cor cor tuum figura divinae, et transforma te ipsam totam in imagine dimagin divinitatis ipsius.
Pone cor tuum figura divinae et transforma te ipsam totam in imagine divinitatis ipsius ei.
(If you love him, you are chaste, you are a virgin.
Place you heart in the figure of the divine substance and transform your entire being into the image of divinity through contemplation)
King:Reborn light. Divinity – pure force, like a star. Radiating beauty.
= a short audible inbreath meant to give a percussive effect
q. = 60 q. = 60 Alto3 Double Bass 7 A.1 A.2 A.3 Db.
Po ne - men fz pizz. fz fz fz fz Po ne - men te m - tu po ne - men tem - in spe te m - tu po ne - men te m - tu po ne - men tem tu am in fz fz p
spe cu- lo ae ter 2
po ne men tem- tu am in po ne men tem
te m - tu
molto vibrato ni - Po ne - men te
m - tu am - po ne - men
stringendo ne - men tem - tu am - in spe cu - ae ter -
po ne - tu am - cu ae ter gliss. -
Po ne - men te m - tu po ne - men
tu am - po ne men tem - tu am in po ne men tem -
m - tu am - po ne - men te
m - tu am - po ne - men
molto vibrato er - ni
12 A.1 A.2 A.3 Db. 17 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.2 A.3 Db.
fz arco leggiero
po ne - men te m - tu
Po ne - men te m - tu po ne - men
cu lo - ae arco leggiero
ta tis
po ne - men tem - tu am -
m - ae ter ni -3
men tem - ae ter ni
te m - tu
molto vibrato b.c. cu - lo - ae ter - ni - Po ne men
- tu am in po ne men tem -
m - tu am - po ne - men te
m - tu am - po ne - men
21 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.2 A.3
ni ta
tis - po gliss. ne men te
Po ne - men te m - tu po ne - men
cu- lo - ae ter - niA
a ni - ma - a ni - /ni/ /ni/ a
a ni - ma 3 - ah
25 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. tas A
tas a
tempo p /ni/
tempo po ne a
- men tem - tu am - in spe cu- lo- /ah/ sf 4
ni - a ni - ma - a ni - ma -
ne - men te
m - tu am - po ne - men
m - tu
ne men te
m - tu am - po ne - men te
/ni/ /ni/ ter /ni/ /ni/ /ni/ /ni/ ae ter - ni -
p ne - me tem - a ni - ma - a
ni ma
29 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. /ah/ ni ma - a ni - ma - ma a ni - ma - ae ter a ni - ma
- ma - a - ni - ma - ae ter ni te
/ni/ /ni/ /ni/ ter /ni/ /ni/ /ni/ /ni/ ae ter - ni /ni/ /ni/ /ni/ a ni - ma - a gliss. a ni - ma 3 a ni - ma ni ma - /ah/ a ni - ma - a ni - ma - a ni - /ni/ ma a ni - ma 3 /ah/ a ni - ma 3 - a ni - ma - /ah/ ae ter 5
m - tu am - po ne - men te
m - tu am - po ne - men
tu am - po ne - men te
m - tu am - po ne
men te
gliss. /ah/ 6
m - tu am - a ni ma
gliss. /ah/ ae
gliss. ni ma -
a ni ni ta - ae
ter ni - ae - ae ter - ni - ae ter - ni - ae ter - ni - tas -
ae ter - ni ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae
m tu am - po - ni ma
33 S.1 S.2 M-S.
A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar B.
ter ni - ae - po ne - men tem - tu am - in spe cu - po ne - men tem -
ae po ne
gliss. - men tem - po ne -
ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae
38 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Db. tu
ne - men
- tu am - in spe cu men
- men
- po ne ma /ah/ a ni ma - /ah/ ae 3 3 3 /ah/ a ni magliss. /ah/ a ae 3 ae ter
ta - ae
- ae gliss. ae
mp gliss. 7
am - in spe cu
po ne - men tem - tu am - in spe cu - po
tem - po ne - po ne
- ni -
ter - ni - tas - ae ter - ni - ta -
43 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 B. Db. fff 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ae ae ae ae ae ae 3 8
46 q = 90 q = 90 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. /ih/ gliss. gliss. b.c. (bocca chiusa) sempre mm p mm ae ae ae ae mm b.c. (bocca chiusa) sempre p mm /o/ "velum-vibrato" e = e quasi bells a tempo /ng/ /o/ /ng/ /o/ /ng/ /o/ /ng/ /o/ /ng/ b.c. c. tongueflutter /mmm/ my soul leggiero pizz. p arco richochét pizz. richochét arco 3 3 9
50 A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. 55 A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm /mmm/ b.c. sim my breast hol low big /g/ unvoiced /g/ black /k/ sim. /k/ /a/ a na pizz. arco richochét pizz. arco richochét pizz. arco richochét 3 3 3 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm wis dom - Hold me hold me feel trill pizz. arco richochét pizz. richochét arco "trilling" pizz. arco richochét 3 3 3 10
am - in spe cu - po ne - men tem - po ne - men tem - po ne - men tem -
ne - men tem - tu am - in spe cu - po ne - men tem - po ne - men tem -
po ne
ne men tem - tu am - in spe cu - po ne - men tem -
59 e = e e = e A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. 65 q. = 60 q. = 60 e = e e = e S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. po p ne - men tem mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm my f pain see mp my soul love me I p am pure pizz. arco pizz. sul G arcogliss. pp pizz. richochét arco "trilling" 3 po p ne - men tem - tu am - in spe cu - po p ne - men tem - tu am - in spe
- men tu
po p
po p
f 11
po ne
70 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 B. Db. you mp will die ff you mp are just a child you mp will die die for this men men Ga mp Ga bri - Ga bri - el Ga mp bri - Ga bri - Ga bri - /el/ /el/ "sotto voce" You mf are just You are just
child You will die 12
74 S.1 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. An gel - An gel - Die! gliss. Die! An gel An gel gliss.3 3 bri el - bri el - Ga Ga Ga - bri /el/ /el/ Ga bri - Ga bri - /el/ /el/ Die /d/ /d/ /d/ die /d/ /d/ /d/ /h/ /i/ /h/ /i/ /h/ /i/ /h/ /h/ /i/ /h/ /i/ /h/ /i/ /h/ die ff for this? 13
78 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. gliss. Die mf Quem mf 3 Die gliss. Quem mf 3 Die gliss. Die f Quem mf 3 Die Die gliss. gliss. Quem mf 3 3 Die leggiero mf po ne - cor et po ne - cor et 3 /el/ /el/ Ga /ah/ Ga /ah/ Quem mf /h/ /i/ /h/ /i/ /h/ /i/ /h/ /h/ /i/ /h/ /i/ /h/ /i/ /h/ Shim f me - leggiero mp 14
cum a me - ve - ve ri - tis - ri tis - ri tis -
cum a me - ve - ve ri - tis - a me - ve - ve ri - tis -
cum a me - ve - ve ri - tis - /ah/ /ah/ my mor ning - star
cum a me - ve - ve ri - tis -
et trans form- et trans form- po ne - cor et po ne - cor et
et trans form-
cum a me - ve - ve ri - tis - a sta es tis
ring you are my light My heart
82 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 B. Db.
87 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 B. Db. Lumen pp gliss. mp lumen Lumen pp gliss. mp lumen lumen gliss. ord. gliss. et trans
- po ne - cor et vir go es tis vir go Lu my Mor ning - star 16
form - et trans for ma - et trans for ma - et trans for ma
92 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 B. Db. f /moar" mp /a/ "falsetto" "reinforceds harmonics" /moar" /a/ "falsetto" /moar" mp /a/ "falsetto" "reinforceds harmonics" /moar" /a/ "falsetto" "reinforceds harmonics" Sa mf te - lite - ce les - ti - al - bo dy po ne - cor et po ne - cor et
ne - cor et et trans for ma - et trans for ma men f Sa mf te - lite - Ce les - ti - al 17
mf 18
My shine re flec - tion of you re
mf flec - tion of you
po ne - cor et po ne - cor et et trans for ma - et trans for ma - po ne - cor et
bo dy My shine re flec - tion of you
re mf flec tion of you
"reinforceds harmonics" /a/ /yo/ /nyi/ /yi/
97 S.1 S.2 A.1
B. Db.
A.2 A.3
"reinforceds harmonics" /a/ /yo/ /nyi/ /yi/
ne - cor et po ne - cor
legno battuto avec un poco "crins" arco
nae - et trans for - ma - te ip sam - to tam - in i ma gi ne di vi
ta tis
ip si
et trans
102 e = e e = e S.1 S.2 A.1 A.2 A.3 B. Db. 107 S.1 S.2 Db. Po mf ne - cor cor tu um fi gu ra - di Po mf ne - cor tu um po
mf col
mf vi
fi gu - -ra
p sim. mf p sim. mf p 19
di vi
ne cor cor tu um - fi - ra di vi - nae - et trans form - te ip sam 20
Po ne - cor cor tu um fi gu ra - di vi - nae - et trans for - ma - te ip sam - to tam -
te ip sam to tam - in i ma - gi - ne i ma - gi - ne di vi -
mf ne cor cor tu um - fi gu - ra - di vi - nae - et trans form - te ip sammf trans form - di sim. mf p
Po sim. mf p
mf trans form - di sim. mf p
112 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Db.
Po et
in i ma gi ne di vi - ni - ta - tis - ip si - us - Ey
ni ta - tis - - ip si - us - Ey
in i ma - i ma - go - di vi - na - Ey
vi na ip si - us - Ey
in i ma - i ma - go - di vi - na - Ey
po ne - cor et po ne - cor et
vi na ip si - us - Ey
118 e = e e = e S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 B. Db.
mf Quem mf
Re mf born sim. mf p leggiero mp 21
cum a me - ve - ve ri - tis - ri tis - ri tis
et trans form - et trans form - po ne
cor et po ne
cor et
et trans form
Di vi - ni - ty - pure force
et trans form - et trans for ma - et trans for ma - et trans for ma - po ne
cor et
123 S.1 A.2 B. Db. 128 S.1 A.2 Dagmar B. Db.
Lumen pp gliss. mp lumen
/moarniy/ mf /moar/ f "falsetto" /a/ p /a/ like a star Ra di - 22
ne - cor et po ne - cor et po ne - cor et et trans for ma - et trans for ma
133 S.1 A.2 Dagmar B. Db. 138 S.1 A.2 B. Db. f /moar" mp /a/ "falsetto" "reinforceds harmonics" /moar" /a/ "falsetto"
/moar/ mf /a/ "falsetto" p /a/ /moar/ "reinforced harmonics" mf /a/ /yo/ /niy/ /yi/ fff ate ah beau ty - /moar/ "reinforceds harmonics" /a/ /yo/ /nyi/ /yi/ mf po ne - cor
et trans for - ma di vine 23
et po ne - cor et
141 S.1 A.2 Db. et trans for - ma 24
feel high in vin ci ble
I dont eat e nough - See them See them laug hing - be hind - my back
leggiero (quasi "mass")
q= 40 Bass Double Bass 6 Dagmar B. 12 Dagmar
e =
18 Glass. B. Db.
Ne "sob" ver
make "sob" Eve mp ry
/lei/ alle unisont /di/ /kee/ /due/ /is/ /the/ /due/ /due/ /i/ /ke/ /lek/ /lei/ Anorexia: /di/
mp /kee/ /due/ /is/ /the/ /due/ /due/ /i/ /ke/ /lek/ /rule/ /sion/ /lek/ sounding inhale /a/ /de/ /tomp/ /le/ /le/ /mes/ /tomp/ mp gliss. gliss. gliss.
e = 180
- un mp der - es ti - mate my po wer - I can
one - lies They say I am to thin They
21 Glass. B. Db. 24 Glass. B. Db. 27 Glass. B. Db. /rule/ /sion/ /lek/ /a/ /de/ /tomp/ /le/ /le/ /mes/ /tomp/ /yt/ /row/ /em/ /ho/ /mu/ /it/ /ho/ sim. /lei/ /di/ /kee/ /due/ /is/ /the/ /due/ /due/ /i/ /ke/ /lek/ /rule/ /sion/ /lek/ richochét gliss. gliss. gliss. /yt/ /row/ /em/ /ho/ /mu/ /it/ /ho/ /lei/ /di/ /kee/ /du/ /a/ sim. /de/ /tomp/ /le/ /le/ /mes/ /tomp/ /yt/ /row/ /em/ /ho/ /mu/ /it/ /ho/ sim. /lei/ /di/ /kee/ /due/ /is/ /the/ /due/ gliss. gliss. gliss. /is/ /the/ /due/ /due/ /i/ /ke/ /lek/ /rule/ /sion/ /lek/ /due/ /i/ /ke/ /lek/ /rule/ /sion/ /lek/ /a/ sim. /de/ /tomp/ /le/ /le/ /mes/ /tomp/ /yt/ /row/ /em/ /ho/ /mu/ /it/ /ho/ gliss. gliss. richochét gliss. 2
30 Glass. B. Db. 33 Glass. Dagmar B. Db. /a/ /de/ /tomp/ /le/ /le/ /mes/ /tomp/ /yt/ /row/ /em/ /ho/ /lei/ /di/ /kee/ /due/ /is/ /the/ /due/ /due/ /i/ /ke/ /lek/ /rule/ /sion/ /lek/ /a/ sim. /de/ /tomp/ /le/ /le/ /mes/ /tomp/ gliss. gliss. gliss. /mu/ /it/ /ho/ gliss. Ah "lament" f (voice break) ff /ai/ f /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ ff sim. /yt/ /row/ /em/ /ho/ /mu/ /it/ /ho/ gliss. mp gliss. f mp f gliss. 3
36 Glass. Dagmar B. Db. 39 Glass. Dagmar B. Db. q = 40 42 B. /mo/ mf /a/ gliss. - /mo/ /a/ gliss.mp /ne/ /le/ /lei/ /di/ /kee/ /due/ /is/ /the/ /due/ /lei/ /di/ /kee/ /due/ /is/ /the/ /due/ mp f gliss. mp gliss. O A tempo pp "sob" /due/ /i/ /ke/ /lek/ /rule/ /sion/ /lek/ /a/ /de/ /tomp/ /le/ /le/ /mes/ /tomp/ /yt/ /row/ /em/ /ho/ /mu/ /it/ /ho/ ff /due/ /i/ /ke/ /lek/ /rule/ /sion/ /lek/ /a/ /de/ /tomp/ /le/ /le/ /mes/ /tomp/ /yt/ /row/ /em/ /ho/ /mu/ /it/ /ho/ f gliss. gliss. gliss. f O A tempo pp "sob" Anorexia: be digliss. mf ence p "falsetto" mf or mp "falsetto" I will make you feel 4
52 Dagmar B. 61 Dagmar 68 e = 120 rit. rit. q = 140 q = 140 Dagmar Db. 75 Dagmar 81 Dagmar I "sob" mp I have guil ty guil ty mf as "sob" mp hell no thing - but you I wont let you down let you down I have no thing - I 3 wont let you down I f "sprechstimme" am an in ept - and p fum bling - slave Sa ti - ate - my de si - res! - I need to sur ren - der - to suf fer - pain to suf fer 5
The pure power of hunger enables me to produce oils, wine and other miraculous substances from my pores
nen - dú min dú se le - wi ilt - du wi is - sen - wie lich - din weg
nen - dú Wilt du wis sen - wie lich - din weg
dú min dú Wilt du wis sen wie lich din weg
I defy the limits of human suffering through extreme physical austerities and transcend the mortal world through my miracoulos talents.
q = 90 Soprano1 Soprano2 Mezzo-soprano Alto2 Dagmar 6 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.2 Dagmar Dú p mf Ey mf ya min nen dú Ey mf ya - min nen - dú Ey ya Ey mf ey ey ya min nen dú "speech"
min mp
f min nen -
Ja lie ber - he li -
Ja lie ber - he li - ger - he li - ger - geist Ja
lie ber - he li - ger - le re - mich
Ja lie ber - he li ger he li - ger - geist
Food is a substance that transit the boundary between me and not me......and this is a struggle to resist an ascribed identity
13 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.2 Dagmar 20 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.2 Dagmar he li - ger - geist
"falsetto" mp
es f mf dú Se es f Ey ya ey min nen dú Se es ord. f Ey mf ya - min nen dú Se min mf nen dú Se Ey mf ya ey ya min nen dú Se 2
I found my lover - I am the only person who will enslave me completely....
26 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.2 Dagmar 33 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.2 Dagmar le ff Du p mf ku mest - ú ber - ú ber - die not des rú wenf Ú mp ber le ff Du p kum mf ú ber - ú ber die not des rú wen le ff Du p ku mf mest not des rú wens f Ú ber - die le f Du p kum mf ú ber - ú ber die ú mp ber le f Du p kum mf ü ber - ú rú wenf pi ne gliss.ff Ú mp ber - die lie bin der bi te pi mp pi ne ú mp ber - die lie die pi ne bih mp te ú ber - die lie bin die pi ne
Des mor gens - in dem su sen tou ve
mor gens - in dem súes sen tou ve
I am seductive and sadistic ....... .....enjoying to manipulate my mind and brutalise my body...... ....I surrender to suffer
das ist die be sclos - sen - in ne - keit
das ist die die be sclos - sen - in ne - keit -
humiliation and indignity - abuse and punisment
and I confess .... confess it all to me...
39 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 Dagmar 45 S.1 S.2 Dagmar Db. der welt "sotto voce"
"sotto voce"
bin der welt mf mf der welt
Ey mf pp 4
50 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.2 Dagmar Db. 54 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 Dagmar Db. Ey mf ya min nen dú gliss. Ey mp ya Ey mf ya min nen dú min nen Mun "sotto voce" mf dus se ne - scit no men il li mors ya min nen - dú Ey ya min nen mp pizz. p nen dú gliss. min nen - dú gliss. dú An "sotto voce" ji mf - ha Shekhinah: vatt se lett ha sha - ron - sho sha nat ha am ma kim 3 Mun dus se ne scit no men il li mors dú Wilt du wis sen - wie lich - din weg 5
mors 6
de ei! spon sa! Sich wie schoen´ sin
Ja lie ber - he li - ger
Ke sho shan na been ha - ho - him - keen ra, aj - ja - tiib - been
Mun dus se ne - scit - no men il
Ja lie ber - he li - ger - he li - ger - geist
óv gen - sint Sich wie schoen sin óv gen - sint
rose Sha
"falsetto" mp lie ber - he li - ger - le re - mich es
Ke ta bo - ah - ha - ba
58 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 Dagmar Db. 61 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 Dagmar Db.
/ah/ mp /ah/ sempre
3 li
hab ba nåt
64 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 Dagmar Db. 67 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 Dagmar Db. Vi de ei! spon sa! Vi de ei! f Ey ya ey min nen dú ha ja tiib been hab ba nåt - Häd di - a i - all 3 ron ro rose and the li ly 3 ord. f Ey mf ya - min nen dú Se le -ff Du p kum mf be et - had ja - ji - in - väd dig - lå - al la - ji. of the val val - leys 3 Se le ff Du p ku mf 7
Mun dus se ne - scit - no men il
- - ú ber die not des rú wen -
al la - ji - a ha - va - aj ja tiib - been hab ba
Die min ne - sol(l) sin mort
I am the rose of Sha ron - rose
70 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db.
ú ber
3 mest not
rú wensf Ú 8
73 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. li mors Mun dus se ne - scit der bi nåt /ah/ lich Mort and the li ly of the val 3 ber die pi mp bih mp te /a/ 9
76 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. no men il li mors Mun dus te Vi de ei! Vi de ei! Vi de ei! Vi de ei! lich Vi de ei! Vi de ei! Vi de ei! val leys 3 ú ber - die lie bin - der welt 10
79 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.2 A.3 B. Db. 83 A.1 A.2 A.3 Db. /ah/ pp "humming" freely (sweedish feeling) /mm/ p "humming" freely (sweedish feeling) /ah/ p I am p the rose 3 pizz. pp of Sha -ron rose and the 11
87 A.1 A.2 A.3 Db. 90 M-S. A.1 A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. sim. sim. sim. gliss. li ly of the val val leys 3 3 Tran fix - my heart sim. leys trans f fix my heart with the wounds /a/ fix molto legato molto ponticello arco 12
93 M-S. Dagmar Db. 97 M-S. Dagmar Db. 100 M-S. A.3 Dagmar Db. trans fix -
heart trans fix - my heart my heart
heart /a/ trans fixmy my heart trans fix - my heart lullaby gliss. trans fix my heart re pp pen -
pen - tance re re molto vibr. gliss. re pp pen - tance - re pen - tance - re pen - tance re re sempre 13
tance - re pen - tance re
102 Voice2 M-S. A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. 104 Voice2 M-S. A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. /ae/ "lament" ff freely sempre "æ" ma lullaby ma - sig ger gliss. re pp pen - tance - re pen - tance - re pen - tance re re /ae/ "lament" ff freely sempre "æ" du skal so ve - nu ma ma - si "fry" ger molto vibr. gliss. 14
106 Voice2 M-S. A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. 108 Voice2 M-S. A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. du skal so ve - nu ma ma - si ger gliss.gliss. f du skal so ve - nu ma ma - si ger gliss. f 15
110 Voice2 M-S. A.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. 111 A.2 A.3 Dagmar du skal so ve - nu re pen - tance re pen - tance 16
Dies Irae scene 7
in "comments on the score" you will find the explanations on special voice effects.
this notehead means "airsound" - exhale sound around the tone. like just before an airy onset
It should create the effect that the tone dissapears in air and come back in a soft onset (analog effect for DB - very noisy tone quality)
this is exampels of sound depending on the possibilities on site
in wooden shoes dragging an iron shovel
molto lento q = 40
Soprano1 Soprano2 Mezzo-soprano Alto1 Alto2 Voice Dagmar Bass
/o/ ppp /o/ ppp
/i/ ppp voicing on inhale /o/ /o/ /o/ as whisper hes /i/ ppp /o/ voicing on inhale as whisper hes /myior/ "reinforced harmonics" mp Dies ff i ppp walking
ppp "reinforced harmonics" /o/ mp
4 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A2 Voice Dagmar B. /m/ /o/ /m/ /o/ /u/ whisper /K´iiyu/ whisper as whisper hes /a/ whisper as hes - /u/ /K´iiyu/ /a/ /s/ /a/ /s/ /a/ /o/ /u/ /ning/ "velumbell" pp rae Di es i stop walking scraping wiht shovel /myiour/ ppp mp p 2
8 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A2 Voice Dagmar B. Db. /K´iiyu/ Dies whisper /ss/ Dies whisper /ss/ il la - il /i/ i whisper rae - /a/ il la - /rr/ di es - /i/ /a/ /m/ /a/ /m/ - /o/ di es /a/ /m/ /a/ /m/ - /o/ /o/ /di/ /es/ dies /i/ /rae/ mp /o/ Dies Dies /es/ rae Sol ol vet /K´iiyu/ Dies senza vibrato mp i mf rae Dies p il mf la - Dies gliss. /t∫/ arco s.p.e. pp 3
12 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A2 Voice Dagmar B. Db. la di es - /i/ /rr/ /rr/ /rr/ /rr/ /rr/ /rr/ /rr/ /rr/ /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ mp /i/ 3 /i/ /i/ /i/ molto vibrato /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /ei/ /o/ molto vibrato /rr/ /rae/ mf di es - - /o/ pp et et et kneeling at stones hitting them against each other scraping with them sol mp "sotto voce" vet 3 p mp s.p.e. 4
15 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A2 Voice Dagmar B. Db. gliss. /ht/ mf sol ppp vet sol - - (i)/n/ mp /ht/ sol ppp vet /ht/ /ht/ /ht/ /a/ gliss. 3 sol ppp vet Sol sol ppp vet sol /a/ sol gliss. vet gliss. et in in kneeling at stones - still sae clum f -gliss. (i)/n/ mp /t∫/ f sol mp ve vet mf p 5
18 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A2 Voice B. Db. vet /ss/ /o/ /ss/ /ss//ss/ /o/ /l/ sol 3 /so/ /ay/ (i)/n/ /ay/ /ss/ sol ve ve ve vet /ht/ /ht/ /ht/ /ss/ /o/ /o/ /ay/ /o/ /ht/ /ht/ /ht/ /i/(n) /i/(n) 3 3 3 ve /t/ p /t/ /t/ ve ppp /t/ /t/ /t/ /i/(n) /i/(n) /o/ 3 3 vet in in in ve ve 3 vet f /i/(n) p /t∫/ f (i)/n/ mp /t∫/ f mf pp pizz. f 6
21 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 Voice Dagmar B. Db. vet sol vet mi serff /o/ sol ve ve ve vet vet /ei/ 3 /o/ sol vet p /d/ /d/ /o/ /ay/ sol ve - sae p mi - - ser - /f/ mi 3 3 sol sol sol sol sol mp vet sae clumff /sol/ sol mp vet sae clum - Fa ff "shouting" 3 p flautando s.p.e. arco mf stop sound p gliss. stop sound p molto vibrato gliss. s.p.e. 7
25 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A2 Voice Dagmar B. Db. mi ppp ser - /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /rr/ mi ser - /rr/ mi whisper ppp ser /o/ rage /d/ /d/ /ai/ /ai/ /ai/ /i/ /oh/ ppp wrath /o/ /an/ /o/ /ger/ /o/ /o/ /o/ ser /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser mi mp ser - mi ser - mi ser - mi ser - mi ser mi ser mi ser f ff actions throwing scraping etc Fa dolce mp /a/ pp "falsetto" (f)/a/ "glottal onset ingressiv (f)" “multiphonics" ff lunga Subharmonics!! gliss. 8
29 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 Voice Dagmar B. Db. mi ser - /rage/ mi ser - /mm/ mi ser - /mm/ /år/ /ah/ /ah/ /ah/ 3 mi ser molto vibrato pstop sound mp /o/ molto vibrato p /fii/ mp sim. /o/ /tai/ /o/ /tai/ /o/ /di/ /o/ /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser mi ser mi still "speech" MORIBUNDUS! p gliss. pp 9
32 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 Voice Db. /di/ mi ser - /di/ solves mi ser - in di solmolto vibrato ves mf sim. /o/ ppp as whisper hes - as hes /d/ /d/ /o/ in /o/ in /o/ /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser ser mi ser 10
35 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A2 Voice B. mi serwhisper in act mi ser - act mi ser mf mi p ser - /ah/ sol vewhisper death molto vibrato /mm/ /o/ mi ser - /o/ in /o/ whisper death /o/ whisper act /o/ /mm/ mi /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /f/ mi ser - /o/ /mm/ /f/ /am/ "glottal onset ingressiv (f)" “multiphonics" /am/ - - - - - - mi ser sae - "reinforced harmonics" /tam/ - - - 11
38 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A2 Voice B. Db. mi se ri - se ri - se riwhisper sigh /ei/ sigh whisper ing - /g/ sigh /mm/ death /o/ death /n/ /n/ /n/ /na/ /u/ molto vibrato stop sound /o/ 3 ser /o/ mi ser - na ture /o/ /o/ be whisper ing mi se - ri mi ser - /ture/ mi ser - /ff/ /am/ /tam/ nat. - - /quam/ - tam mf sae - sae - sae - /quam/ In mf co - tam ff 3 mp arco l.h. pizz. f l.h. pizz. 12
42 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 Voice B. Db. /g/ whisper wrath mi serwhisper rise sigh ing /o/ /fo/ /o/ 3 na ture blush whisper /o/ /rr/ of /o/ /ai/ /ff/ rage whisper mi se - ri mi ser sum mf leggiero sum /tnk/ mi ser - sum sum /tnk/ sum sum /tnk/ dic p tu - rus - dic tu - rus mf - sum sum /tnk/ mf arco sul pont. arco mf l.h. pizz. p arco molto pontic. mf 13
q = 90 48 q = 100 q = 100 S.1 S.2 Voice B. Db. 52 S.1 S.2 B. Db. er mf go gliss. er go er go - er go - in in In ge - mis - Ju "falsetto" pp dex - er go - In ord. f - er "operatic" mf go - cum se de sul pont. l.h. pizz. arco Zbpizz arco pp f arco mf s.p.e. leggiero gliss. cum gliss. la tet gliss. - - re bit gliss. cum se la tet bit quid quid - la tet - ap pa - re - bit gliss. gliss. 14
55 rit. rit. q = 90 q = 90 S.1 S.2 B. Db. 59 S.1 S.2 B. Db. ni hil gliss. - ni hil gliss. - tam quam gliss. - cul pa - ru bet - ru bet cul pa ni hil - i nul tu re ma - ne bit "reinforced harmonics" /tam/ /quam/ gliss. gliss. gliss. mp ff rubet ff me senza vibrato re ord. us - /t∫/ f cul mf pa ru bet - /vul/ "reinforced harmonics" 3 - mf f 15
63 rit. rit. B. Db. 69 q = 40 e = 160 e = 160 S.1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. /tus/ me ord. us molto vibrato sum leggiero pp sum /tnk/ mi ser - sum sum /tnk/ p f p f p er mf go - cum se gliss. mf mi ser - mi ser stand up er mf "operatic" go - cum se de sum sum /tnk/ Mi f hi - quo que senza vibrato - spem de dis - ti - de dis - ti ff - er mf "operatic" go - cum se de col legno battuto p leggiero gliss. gliss. 16
gliss. la tet
gliss. - re bit
bit quid quid - la tet - re bit gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. ni hil
gliss. - ni hil 17
gliss. - ni hil -
gliss. ni
gliss. mi ser
gliss. -
mi ser - mi ser - mi ser - mi ser - mi sermi ser - ni hil - mi ser - ni hil - mi ser -
ni hil - ni hil - ni hil ni hil - - gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss.
mi ser - mi ser - mi ser - mi ser - mi serbit quid quid - la tet - ap pa - re - bit
75 S.1
Dagmar B. Db. 80 S.1 A2 Dagmar
B. Db.
de bit
gliss. quid quid
gliss. - ap pa
85 S.1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. 90 S.1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. ni hil - mi ser ni mf hil - mi se - - ri mi ser - mi ser - mi ser - mi ser - mi serni hil - mi ser - ni hil - mi ser - ni hil ni hil - ni hil - ni hil - ni hil - ni hil mi mi ser mi ser ni hil - ni hil - ni hil - ni hil 18
Scene 8: Ave Maria
Dagmar is brought into psychiatric hospital - calling her mother for help, and flirting manipulating the psychiatrist calling him "god", well aware of her own beauty Psychiatrist:
arco pp
mp a ve Ma ri
mu li e ri bus et be ne dic tus fruc tus ven tris tu i je sus sanc ta ma ri a ma ter de i o ra pro no bis pec ca to ri bus
et in ho ra mor tis nos tra a men A mp ve Ma ri a gra ti a ple na do mi nus te e cum be ne dic ta tu in
Bass Double Bass 4 Dagmar B. Db. 7 Dagmar B. Db.
a A a
A ve
mp Ma ri a gra ti a ple na do mi nus te e cum be ne dic ta tu in 3 3
gliss. ma ma gliss. ma
Ma ri a A a
ve Ma ri a
nunc et in ho ra mor tis nos tra a men A mp ve Ma ri a gra ti a ple na do mi nus te e cum be ne dic ta tu in
p ma - /ja/
A a ve Ma ri
mu li e ri bus et be ne dic tus fruc tus ven tris tu i je sus sanc ta ma ri a ma ter de i o ra pro no bis pec ca to ri bus
10 A1
Db. 13
Dagmar B. Db. 16
mp ma -
mu li e ri bus et be ne dic tus fruc tus ven tris tu i je sus sanc ta ma ri a ma ter de i o ra pro no bis pec ca to ri bus
ma ri a gliss. - ri a Ma ri - a -
3 3
Ma ri a
"falsetto" ma
ord. mp
19 S1 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. 23 S1 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. Ma mf /ja/ /ja/ Ma i a Ma ri a ri Ma i a Ma ri a ri a A a ve Ma ri nunc et in ho ra mor tis nos tra a men A ve ma ma be ne dic ta ri a Gra ti a ple e na vibrato f Do mi nus te a ri a Ma ri a gliss. ri a 3 a ri a 3 a A a ve Ma ri a sanc ta ma ter de i ho ra mor tis A ve ma ma 3
28 S1 Dagmar B. Db. 32 S1 S2 Dagmar B. Db. cum Be ne di ic ta a tu Ma ri a Ma ma A ve Ma ma ma ma ri a Ma ma ma ma ri a Ma ma ma ma ri i be ne dic ta Sanc ta ma ter de i ho ra mor tis ri a A ve vibrato f Ma ri a A ve vibrato f Ma ri a a A ve Ma ma ma ma ri a Ma ma ma ma ri a Ma ma ma ma ri a Ho ra mor tis no stra a men a a 3 3 4
36 S1 S2 A1 Dagmar B. Db. 39 S1 S2 A1 Dagmar B. Db. Sa f stringendo San ta Ma Ma f ma ri a o rant Sa 3 p a a a a f a p a a a a a a a f Ma ma ma ma ri a Ma ma ma ma ri i a A ve men A men a ve ma ri a gra ti a ple na ter De f De i o Ma ter de i mp a a a a ff mp a a a a ff Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ri a Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ri a do mi nus te e cum be ne dic ta tu in mu li e ri bus et be ne dic tus fruc tus 5
41 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. 44 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. ra Ma mf ma Ma ri a ra mf Ma ri a a a mf Ma ma a ter de i o ra Ma ma ri a Ma mf ma Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ri a ven tris tu i je sus sanc ta ma ri a ff Ma mf ma de i o ra ma ma Ho ra mo tis No stra A men a A men Ho ho ra A a 3 men A a a men a A ve a men gliss. gliss. Ho ra mor tis no stra A gliss. 6
q = 80 q = 80 48 S1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. 51 S2 A2 Dagmar Db. mand mf doms kraft skipping a rope creating the "beat" sempre /go/ "speech" mf /go/ /go/ /go/ /go/ /go/ /go/ continue skipping till bar 311 god is his po wer - of man hood - the /de/ /de/ gliss. left hand pizz. arco mf "reinforced harmonics" Light senza misura pp mf /mm/ p /de/ /de/ /de/ /de/ sire of Gods loins 7
he - red - in two broo ding ta ber - nac les - He stands be fore his cre a - tion -
- tedthe lust of gliss. his loins /g/ /g/ /g/ god lust in two broo ding -
ta ber - nac - les - two broo ding - ta ber - nac - les - hol ding - the trunk e rect -
56 A2 Dagmar Db. 60 S1 S2 A2 Dagmar Db. 64 S1 Dagmar Db. /moar/ /mm/ /mim/ /mim/ /mim/ /mim/ /moar/ /mm/ /mim/ /mim/ /moar/ /mm/ /mim/ /mim/ gat
/ex/ ex mp
ff ex mp ex
f loin mp lust lust ff /moar/ ex
/ta/ /ta/ /ta/
ex ex ci - ted -
ci ted
"falsetto" mp
pp "reinforced harmonics" 9
pp "reinforced harmonics"
and up right -
breed his seed his sa cred breath
his seed letting go of skipping rope his seed his
pp "reinforced harmonics"
"falsetto" mp right/moarniyor/
God ploughs his field God
68 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar Db. 72 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar Db.
gliss. God mf /bree/ mf /bree/
trunk /moarniyor/ ppp /moarniyor/ ppp /moarniyor/ ppp breed
strong and up right"falsetto" p sa cred breath
76 S1 S2 Dagmar Db. 80 S1 S2 A2 Dagmar Db. be mp thee be mp thee she "speech" mf gives her she gives her to be of be thee f f word mp God Ga bri - el - svin -ging lil /moarouniyor/ ff 10
85 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. 89 S1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. wo mp man God ff wo man - /a/ li ly - /a/ God ff mp God ff /a/ li ly - /a/ wo man gliss. - /a/ li ly gliss. - /hi/ /a/ /hi/ /a/ wo man - /a/ li ly - /a/ wo man - /a/ li ly p gliss. breed breed Ga bri el /a/ wo man gliss. - /a/ li ly gliss. - /moaroar/ "reinforced harmonics" p God breed breed God gliss. gliss. breed gliss. /a/ wo mangliss. /a/ li lygliss. /a/ wo man gliss. gliss. 11
92 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. 99 S1 S2 A1 A2 B. Db. mp Ga bri el f "reinforced harmonics" /mm/ ppp b.c. vibrato: velum + tongue ad lib. gliss. gliss. seed mp gliss. gliss. f /mm/ b.c. vibrato: velum + tongue "reinforced harmonics" ppp ad lib. gliss. /mm/ "reinforced harmonics" b.c. vibrato: velum + tongue ppp ad lib. gliss. b.c. vibrato: velum + tongue /mm/ ppp ad lib.
creation be of
flesh "speech" f /a/ li ly - /a/ wo man /mm/ "reinforced harmonics" b.c. vibrato: velum + tongue mp ad lib. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. 12
thee - thee became
105 accel. q = 90 q = 90 S2 Db. 112 S2 B. Db. 116 S2 A2 B. Db. poco a poco crescendo e stringendo a fine A mf ve Ma ma gliss. mf ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma A mf ve Ma ma ri a ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma mf ma ma ma A ve ma ma ri a ma ma mom A 13
120 S2 A2 Dagmar B. Db. 124 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma Ma ma /mor/ "sob" mf ve Ma ma ri a A ve ma ma ri a A ve mom A mf ve Ma ri a A ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma A mf ve Ma ma A ve Ma ma A ve ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma /i/ /jord/ A ve Ma ma ri a A ve ma ma ri a A ve 14
128 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. 132 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. ve Ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma Ma ri a A ve Ma ma A ve Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma /mor/ /i/ /jord/ mom A ve - Ma ma ri a A ve ma ma ri a A ve Ma ri a ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma A ve Ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma /mor/ /i/ /jord/ ri a A ve mom A ve Ma ma ri a 15
136 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. 139 S1 S2 A1 A2 Dagmar B. Db. A ve Ma ri a ma ma ri a A ve Ma ma ma ma ri A ve Ma ma A ve Ma ri a ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma /mor/ A ve ma ma ri a A ve mom mor a a a /i/ /jord/ i a 16
Scene 9: Angel
Dagmar´s mother comes to visit. She admires Dagmar as an angel that she needs. She cannot face the facts, and is unable to help in any way
ca "120" quickly
Dagmar at the table waiting for her mother to come
Dagmar sets the table for the "eucharist" - preparing her "deathbed" with coffee cups, spoons, coffeepot etc for the nuns - letting the activity of the setting creating a soundscape
mp spoken while plucking the petals of an ox-eye daisy
"speech" she loves me.... she loves me not..... she loves me.... she loves me not ......she loves me...... she loves me not
col legno battuto
she loves me.... she loves me not..... she loves me.... she loves me not ......she loves me...... she loves me not
"speech" altered with "sprechstimme" & "falsetto"free pitch anchored to note: d
ning - an gel - gol den - sha dow - Soft ly - spre ding -
Dagmar q = 140 q = 140 9 Dagmar Db. Dagmar Db. 25 S.1 Db.
arco Mother: p Light
col legno battuto
34 S.1 Db. 42 S.1 Glass Db. 51 S.1 Glass Db. pro tec - ting - wings Ten der - touch close to my heart sore and o pen - I give in and cry mf f An "falsetto" p gel - how ord. come you chose me mf /a/ p gliss. arco gliss. gliss. gliss. col legno battuto An gel - close to my heart An gel - ease my heart ache - An gliss. sempre gliss. 10
gel dont leave me to night
In my dark ness - you lit a light Like a kiss close to my heart
Gol den - sha dow - you temp me to fly
how come you chose me An gel - close to my heart An gel - ease my
60 S.1 Glass Db. 70 S.1 Glass Db. 78 S.1 Glass Db. 87 S.1 Glass Db.
sim. p ful -
- sha
gliss. gliss. gliss. arco gliss. col legno battuto
mf An "falsetto" p gel gliss. arco gliss. gliss. gliss. col legno battuto
gliss. gliss. 11
heart ache - An gel - dont leave me to night
I promise to love you, to respect you, to be always faithful to you, and never to forsake you
until death do us part.
What God has joined together, let no man tear asunder.
- gel how come you chose me An gel - close to my heart
96 S.1 Glass Dagmar Db. Db. Dagmar Db. 121 S.1 Dagmar Db.
gliss. f arco gliss. gliss. gliss. "speech"
"falsetto" p
ff pp col legno battuto 12
An gel - ease my heart ache - An gel - dont leave me to night
Day light - co ming - mor ning - breeze Hear you whis per - soft in my ear
Light ning - light stay in my heart Gol den - sha dow - dont fade a way -
131 S.1 Db. 141 S.1 Glass Db. 150 S.1 Glass Db. 160 S.1 Glass Db. 168 S.1 Glass
arco gliss.
gliss. gliss.
ff gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. gliss. 13
freely ornamentet ff
freely ornamentet
Scene 10: Bing
Dagmar is released from psychiatric hospital and her compulsive behavior increases dramatically and takes her on a tour de force between refrigerator and toilet. She binges.
q. = 70 q. = 70 Dagmar Double Bass 5 Dagmar Db. 10 S.1 S.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. Bing
ff I mf am bing grace notes: "multiphonic fry" /b/ /b/ /b/ /b/ purge more mf more /f/ /f/ food more I´m pur ging me more more /b/ bing I purge f /p/ purge more mp 3 Hos mp ti - ae - hu ma - nae - O pau per tas 3 Hos mf ti - ae - O pau f per tas be mf Hos ti - ae - hu ma - na - O be a - ta - pau per tas 3 bing ff This f is my hos ti - ae - hu ma ornamental 3 mp
to kneel now
till all my "eats" comes up
me! Look I /a/ a tone - for Love
15 S.1 S.2 A.3 Dagmar Db. 21 Dagmar Db. be a - ta - pau per - tas - /o/ /o/ a ta O sanc ta /o/ 3 Hos ti ae - hu ma na - /o/ /o/
ff s.p.e.
mp p ord.
is the loo I need
con molto vibrato
sotto voce mp
mf 3 10
26 S.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. 32 S.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. /ah/ pp sempre ad lib. /ah/ pp sempre ad lib. Love p me Anorexia: You agitato con dolore mf you broke our pact! mf blood mp gliss. f Kneel Spit gliss. blood and slime spit ting ff mp molto pontic. gliss. p 11
37 S.2 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. 43 S.2 A.3 B. Db. ff blod mp gliss. f blod mp gliss. f blood mf fingers mp in your mf throat ff pp "belting" senza vibrato gliss. fff A mp tone - my girl ´tone gliss. "belting" con vibrato ff my p "falsetto" girl pp ff pp 12
I am drow ning - in my own fat Hun ger - pain - I need some food
e = e e = e 49 S.2 M-S. Dagmar Db. 54 S.2 M-S. Dagmar Db. 60 S.2 Dagmar Db. O mf sotto voce fi li a be ne - dic ta - quo ni - am - di
sotto voce
a - ta - fi li - a - be ne - dic ta - O be a ta -
binge 3 mp lec ti o - nem - Nul f con dolore la - te - nus - pos set - ex pri fi li a - O o 3 I changing
/b/ binge I Anorexia: On f (shouting) "speech" & "sprechstimme" your knee Fat Cow! Bing! ff Purge! Bing! mf me re lin gu - a gliss. - car nisff fi mp li - a fi p li a Purge! Bing! Dagmar: Love mp ord. mp 3 3 13
I /b/
character to:
66 S.2 Dagmar Db. 70 S.2 M-S. Dagmar Db. 75 M-S. Dagmar Db. be ne - dic - ta - ad te ha be o - di lec ti - o - o pi mf - Love Love me I Love me Love /m/ /m/ /m/ /m/ gliss. gliss. gliss. f a Lin mp gua car nis joyfull humming mp sotto voce /m/ /m/ /m/ /m/ me /m/ /m/ /m/ /m/ me Loo mf loo mp gliss. 3 love w c - Love me I Love me I molto pontic. con molto vibrato ff 14
81 Db. 85 Db. leggiero pp 3 gliss. 3 15
q = 100 q = 100 Soprano1 Double Bass 10 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.3 Db.
is at her death bed surrounded by father, mother and nuns O Mother: pp "falsetto" "lament" O mp Va pp le p te Va pp le p te Va pp le p te Self mf star - va - tion pp p
Scene 11:
20 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. in Do mi - ne - et or in war mp pp in Do mi - ne - et or self star - va - tion - It is ho ly - ho ly - war I mp am star ving - star ving - /oo/ my ji had - /oo/ dy ing - /oo/ my ji had star va She self star va - tion - /oo/ Ah mf"sob" 2
28 S.1 S.2 M-S. A.1 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. re tis f ho ly war f war pp re f tis pp pro mp me p tion f war pp mp pro me p Ho ord. ly f - war pp /ah/ "sob" f p f sul pont. fp gliss. mp s.p.e. p 3
36 S.1 A.1 A.3 B. Db. 44 S.1 A.1 A.3 Db. Vic mp to - ri - ous - ho ly war Cry mf for her She sa cri - fice 3 /ah/ /ah/ Tor mp men tor - Pu ri fy! p pp mp p mf Sa cri - li gi ous - She sa cri fices - Pu ri f p 4
51 S.1 Dagmar B. Db. 60 B. Db. 69 S.2 B. Db. fi ca tion - tion Sin mp Sin Sin very slow
/ah/ p "falsetto" Self mf star - va - tiongliss. Dies mp for pizz. f ppp arco p me She mf did
a mp ho ly - path ho ly fm.v. leggiero mf To mf to - a ni mo et cor dis cry mp my heart out 5
performed onset from "airsounds" into
into ord.
ho ly - path
out Dont! dont you dare!
79 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.3 B. Db. 88 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.3 B. Db. /i/ /(h)a/ /(h)i/ /(h)a/ a fec tu ma gis sanc ti - si - mam Pau mf /i//(h)a/ /(h)i/ /(h)a/ Pau mf Cry f cry mp /(h)a/ /(h)a/ /h)i//(h)a sempre per ta - tem - et cor po - ris - pe /(h)a/ /(h)a/ /h)i//(h)a sempre per
- pe my
I 6
ta - tem - et cor po - ris
96 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.3 Dagmar B. Db. 104 S.1 S.2 A.1 Dagmar B. Db. nu ri - am - E le - gi - tis - spon nu ri - am E le - gi - tis spon sum I can´t let you die My mp heart Mor mp mp sum no bi - li - qui ves tram no bi - li - qui ves tram ning star Quod f te nes - te ne - as ff f 7
113 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.3 B. Db. 121 S.1 S.2 A.1 A.3 B. Db. Vir mf gi - ni - ta te Vir mf gi - ni - ta - mp My f heart Mor ning mf f im mf ma cu la f - tam gliss. - cu mf sto3 te Im ma - cu - la - tam star Let mf go let go of your cru sade - Cross! 8
129 S.1 S.2 A.1 Dagmar B. Db. 138 S.2 A.1 A.3 Dagmar B. di et - cu sto - il la - e - sam - im Il mf la e - im ma ff Cross! Cross! Quod te nes - te ne - as gliss. ma du - la - tam Star va - tion - self star - va - tion - Star Star Star va - tion cu mf late ff 9
145 S.2 A.1 Dagmar B. im ma - cu - la - tamf ff Self mf star - va Self Star Self star - va tion Star f 10