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TV series Puf are launching a new series… Given the unprecedented success enjoyed by TV series today, Puf decided to publish a series of books that decode this phenomenon using the social sciences. Written by specialists in this domain, each volume provides material to nourish reflection on the hidden mechanisms of a form of entertainment that tells us a great deal about our world, about society and about us. The goal of these books is to explain how they do this in a world that is seeking its bearings.
■ Desperate Housewives. A Guilty Pleasure? Virginie Marcucci Professor of English Wisteria Lane exposed: ambiguous morals and a perfect recipe for success.
April 2012 • 128 pages • 12 e ■ The Practice. Justice Called to the Bar Nathalie Perreur PhD, Information and Communication Sciences This book decodes the critical mechanisms of a brass-knuckles legal drama: The Practice.
April 2012 • 144 pages • 12 e ■ CSI. The Forensic Experts Gérard Wajcman Psychoanalyst An autopsy of the world’s most-watched television series, revealing what lies beneath the surface of today’s world.
April 2012 • 144 pages • 12 e ■ 24. The Option of Evil Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer Philosopher and jurist, researcher in international law at McGill University, Canada. A meticulous analysis of 24 through the prism of philosophy, law and international relations.
August 2012 • 176 pages • 12 e ■ Six Feet Under. Lives without Future Tristan Garcia Writer and philosopher The author considers Six Feet Under in its metaphysical, moral, political and fictional dimensions.
September 2012 • 168 pages • 12 e ■ Grey’s Anatomy. From Romance to Care Laurent Julllier - Professor of Cinema Barbara Laborde - Asst. Professor of Literature Grey’s Anatomy is not only a story about romantically inclined surgeons: it is an invitation to care about others.
The DicTionary of cinema: Thinking films Directed by
antoine de Baecque and Philippe chevallier This dictionary marks a new approach to thinking about the cinema. Films are, in themselves, a way of thinking, as Jean-Luc Godard suggests when he describes cinema as ‘thought with a form of its own, a thinking form.’ Through almost 400 stimulating entries written by more than 70 specialists from various disciplines (history, philosophy, psychoanalysis, psychology, semiology…) the Dictionary of Cinema: Thinking Films projects the central role played by the cinema in our understanding of the world. Antoine de Baecque, film critic and historian, is a Professor at the Paris West University Nanterre La Défense. Philippe Chevallier, PhD, works at the Bibliothèque nationale de France.
May 2012 816 pages • 39 € 3 261 000 characters Chinese rights already sold
ÀW bout de souffle • À nos amours • Acteur • Action ... • Actors studio • Adaptation • Adieu Philippine • Adorno Theodor W. • Agamben Giorgio • Agee James • Agel Henri • Amengual Barthélemy • Animation • L’année dernière à Marienbad • Annie Hall (Emmanuel Dreux) Antonioni Michelangelo • Apocalypse Now • Aragon Louis • Archives et Cinémathèques • Arnheim Rudolf • Arrêt sur image • Artaud Antonin • Arts plastiques • Assayas Olivier • Astruc Alexandre • Cinéma des attractions • Audiberti Jacques • Aumont Jacques • L’aurore • Autant en emporte hat the papers say
“One word, 400 words – this a well-constructed, well thought-out and
constantly useful work that reminds us of the meaningful place held by cinema in contemporary thought.” Le Monde des Livres
“An extremely stimulating volume”
Les Inrockuptibles
“Cinema is an object, but it is above all a place of thought […].Today, that thought has its own history, and this Dictionary of Cinema, the first of its kind, gives a full account through its 400 entries which include around 130 concepts, 110 critics and theoreticians, 50 ‘thinking film-makers’ and about a hundred “thinking films.” Philosophie Magazine
“A marvel of erudition and sensitivity”
Le Figaro Magazine
“This is […] an innovating book that combines academic erudition
with a sense of journalistic expression; theoretical explanation with the pleasure of anecdotes; a historical and a humorous approach. […] Droll and intelligent, it is an absolute must - like one of Jean-Luc Godard’s aphorisms developed over 816 pages.” Décision Santé
On the same subject
“This is […] the first time that cinematographic thinking - that which incites the love of the cinema - is presented in encyclopaedic form.”
■ Cinematic
L’ Avant Scène Cinéma
■ The
Cinema in 100 Words
Yves Rousset-Rouard April 2012 • 128 pages • 9.20 €
Vincent Pinel 8th ed. up-dated April 2012 128 pages • 9.20 € 37 000 copies sold
The sPielBerg DicTionary
From A for Abandon or A.I. Artificial Intelligence, to Z for Zoom or Zemeckis, the author analyses not only films but recurring images (circles, the sky, crowds, the sun…) and themes (the suburbs, chaos, childhood, family, war, heroes, everyday life…); elements of drama (evil, foreignness, alcohol…); decor (mountains, nature, science, the bicycle); references (Disney, Ford, chcock, Kubrick…); actors (Richard Dreyfuss, Harrison Ford, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks…); technicians (Michael Kahn, Janusz Kaminski, John Williams…) and meetings (with Andy Warhol, Michael Jackson) in more than 300 entries…
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clément safra
October 2011 • 360 pages • 26 € 600 000 characters + 16-page colour insert
Clément Safra graduated in cinema studies. Most of his work has focused on the cinema of Hollywood. He has done research on ‘Mickey Mouse, the American hero’.
What the papers say... “With Tintin on the screen, books on Spielberg are springing up like mushrooms, but the most stimulating must be the Spielberg Dictionary by Clément Safra.” Les Cahiers du cinéma “Clément Safra makes use of commentaries nurtured by his fine knowledge of films seen over and over again. In his own impassioned way, Safra provides us with descriptive and anecdotal texts but also takes the time to share some deeper reflections.”
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myThs anD iDeology of american cinema
Today, Hollywood’s film industry has fallen heir to the genres that made its fortune. But since the disappearance of the Soviet Union, and especially since 9/11, the old Cold War recipes have been rehashed into sombre and violent films where the fear of cataclysm and the cult of force are irresistibly enacted.
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laurent aknin
Messianism, paranoia and the quest for meaning: popular American cinema has changed its mood, now revealing a society that has lost its bearings. Laurent Aknin is a critic and historian of the cinema. His books include Cinéma bis. 50 ans de cinéma de quartier (2007) and Le Péplum (2009).
What the papers say... “The secret of this book’s success is that it is a pleasant, almost transparent read, thanks to its thematic organization and content, film by film. What the reader gets is an entertaining, illuminating, and enriching text. Concise and perceptive.” Culture blog, France Télévisions.
April 2012 • 192 pages • 20 € 320 000 characters + 16-page colour insert
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■ science-fiction put to the test of 9/11■ invasion films: the Aliens are back ■ Can we still make disaster films? ■ goodbye to the moon… and to space ■ starting over: star trek and its avatar ■ Magic and the fear of the east: the post-Peplum ■ the horror of times to come ■ the hard life of a super-hero ■ heart of darkness ■ regeneration ■ A new workshop for the imagination
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Pierre-rené serna
We have very good reasons not to subscribe to Wagner: his ideology, his aesthetics, his music. This book is an antidote to 2013, a discordant note in the celebration ad nauseam of the bicentenary of Richard Wagner’s birth. With just a touch of partiality and a sprinkling of malice, the author presents a counter argument developed by theme, in entries arranged in alphabetical order, which the reader may dip into according to his fancy, irritation or amusement. Pierre-René Serna is a journalist and a musicographist who contributes to various European reviews. A Spanish Parisian at heart, he also has other passions, such as architecture, horn music and bagpipes. He authored Cahier de l’Herne Berlioz (Codirection), Berlioz de B à Z (Van de Velde) and Guide de la Zarzuela (Bleu Nuit).
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■ After Wagner ■ All ■ Antisemitism ■ Arioso ■ Borrowing ■ Bourgeois ■ Breviaries ■ Clutter ■ Construction ■ Development ■ Dozing off ■ Fanaticism ■ Fascination ■ Father ■ Foreword ■ France ■ geyer ■ grandiloquence ■ heaviness ■ humour ■ hypnosis ■ Languor ■ Leitmotiv ■ Lengthiness ■ Libretti ■ Melody ■ Modernity ■ Monotony ■ nazism ■ noise ■ obscure ■ orchestra ■ Pangermanism ■ Personal experience ■ racism ■ recitative ■ rhythm ■ song ■ swelling ■ Vegetarianism ■ Vociferations ■ Wolf ■ Words
October 2012 96 pages • 9 €
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semioTics of Design anne Beyaert-geslin
The author studies the signification of different pieces of furniture taking a particular interest in the chair. Why is the presence of a chair different from that of a piece of sculpture? Why is the chair different from any other seat? What extra meaning does a designer bestow upon the object of design? By exploring items from these diverse viewpoints, the author reveals the designer’s constraints one by one while identifying the creative points already present in sketches of new objects. Taken out of its familiar context which prevents us from seeing it properly, the chair recovers its signification, so providing us with some precious prolegomena to a future semiotics of design.
sculpture and the domestic object the object in practice. the example of the chair ■ the object in the domestic setting ■ two sides of creativity
Anne Beyaert-Geslin directs the Centre de Recherches Sémiotiques in Limoges. A specialist in image and media semiotics, her published works include L’image préoccupée (Hermès-Lavoisier, 2009) and about a hundred articles. She has edited a dozen multiauthor works including Ateliers de sémiotique visuelle with A. Henault (Puf, 2004). She writes for the review Nouveaux actes sémiotiques.
October 2012 228 pages • 23 €
■ ■
■ The
Art Market in 100 Words
Hervé Chayette Marie-Aurore de Boisdeffre October 2012 128 pages • 9.20 €
michel angot This book is a History of India that reveals all the ambiguities in the concept of History when dealing with this particular civilization. The author pays special attention to the diverse religious traditions and the representations they have engendered, providing the necessary keys to understanding a culture that is so foreign to European minds.
Professor of Sanskrit, Michel Angot teaches at the Collège de France as well as many universities outside France. He is the author of L’Inde classique (Les Belles Lettres).
September 2012 416 pages • 29 €
Writing the history of india A tropical area dominated by the monsoon ■ From the history of the region to the history of the nation ■ Before the empires ■ empires and kingdoms before islamization ■ the age of Muslim conquests ■ india’s religions ■ societies ■ the British conquest and the age of the empire in india ■ india invented by indians ■ Marching towards independence and separation: the indian national movement ■ india and the challenges of the 20 th century ■ Chronology ■ ■
Vienna anD cenTral euroPe
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David Tarot
A bastion of Christianity against the Ottoman threat, a place of splendour at the court of Maria-Theresa and a musical capital where the work of Schubert echoed that of Mozart and Haydn, Vienna also sheltered the avant-gardes of the early 20th century at the time of the Secession and Klimt, when Freud and Kafka were opening up new paths of knowledge to the world. David Tarot is a Professor of History in Bourgogne, a specialist of the Germanic world. He has often visited the countries on the banks of the Danube, working on historical, artistic and cultural themes.
The frontier between the Roman Empire and the ‘Barbarians’, the Danube was inevitably a unifying factor of the new Europe. On its banks, Austria became, throughout the centuries, the centre of gravity of the great Hapsburg Empire; and Vienna, its capital, one of the major centres of European culture.
April 2012 384 pages • 28 €
In p t t t k c
■ the lands of the Danube; a fluvial axis and a mosaic of territories
the settlement of peoples, romanization and the birth of the Danube states ■
A medieval and renaissance zenith
■ Between the ottoman threat and religious conflict ■ From Baroque to the enlightenment
Between revolution and defending the establishment ■
■ From the emergence of nations to the aftermath of WW1
Danubian europe in the 20th century: authoritarianism, totalitarian paroxysms and the european Union
in The same series •russia•egypt•rome•scandinavia•sicily•Florence and tuscany•greece•the United states•naples and southern italy•germanies•Venice forThcoming •syria, Lebanon and Jordan•turkey•From Carthage to Alexandria•south and north Korea•england 6
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In this summa of ancient Judaism which combines political and religious history, it appears clearly that the evolution of the Jewish religion, and of the culture and the society it engendered, is not the product of an autarky. Judaism took shape in keeping with its times and evolved alongside the civilizations that created it.
simon claude mimouni
This study of that ancient history is a landmark for all those who seek a deeper understanding of the roots of a Judaism that is less rigid than historiography had, until now, led us to believe. Simon Claude Mimouni is director of studies in the religious science department of the École pratique des hautes études. He published Le christianisme, des origines à Constantin (Puf, 2006).
opening to sacerdotal Judaism Prolegomena ■ introductions ■ Judaism in Palestine ■ Judaism in Diaspora ■ introduction to rabbinic Judaism ■ general Bibliography ■ Chronology ■ Maps ■ ■
May 2012 964 pages • 49 €
What the papers say... “It is impossible to convey how great a contribution such a book makes. It is a goldmine, from which readers will extract the nuggets that interest them in particular.” Le Monde de la Bible
A History of Judaism
Éric Smilevitch February 2012 128 pages • 9.20 €
from rhos To russia
Pierre gonneau and aleksandr lavrov The author recounts a long history that begins around 730, when the first Rhos, Vikings, settled on the banks of Lake Ladogad. He describes how, thanks to them, this ‘Russian land’ whose centre is Kiev was established between the 10th and the 13th century, the mutations that took place under Mongol domination (1237-1480) and the slow formation of an Empire centred in Moscow, that nevertheless claimed to descend from the Rus’ of Byzantium and Genghis Khan. The Muscovy of Ivan the Terrible and the first Romanovs then took on a unique position: a great European power in the making and the conqueror of Northern Asia. Pierre Gonneau is a Professor at Paris-Sorbonne University and director of studies at the École pratique des hautes études. He has authored several books about medieval Russian culture, particularly about Sergius of Radonezh and Andrei Rublev. Aleksandr Lavrov is a Professor at the University of Vincennes-Saint-Denis. Among other periods, his work has focused on the 17th and 18th centuries in Russia, more specifically on the regency of Tsarina Sophie - half-sister to Peter the Great - and on the relation between official religion, popular religion and the practice of magic. 7
ancienT JuDaism
sources and Bibliography
the Facts
russia of Kiev: the age of origins (730-980) - russia of Kiev: expansion (980-1246) - russia of novgorod: principality or city-state? - russia of the north-east: the beginnings of Muscovy between Mongol domination and Lithuanian expansion (1246-1533) - Late russian empire: formation, expansion and crisis (1533-1613) - russia of the first romanovs: crises and conquests (1613-1689) ■
russia of Kiev: cohesion and diversity - rural economy - towns and trades - Muscovite society and the dawn of modern times - the time and the territories of the Church - Cultural heritage ■
May 2012 690 pages • 49 €
hisTory of ancienT rome
Blending a chronological approach and thematic questions, Yann Le Bohec exposes a panorama of what we know about the history of Rome. In this way, he offers an enlightening introduction to the Roman world.
yann le Bohec
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Yann Le Bohec is Professor Emeritus at Paris–Sorbonne University.
origins the republic early empire: history early empire: geography early empire: Law early empire: Material life early empire: intellectual life From the 3rd century to the Later empire the end of rome
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September 2012 128 pages • 9.20 €
ancienT greece in 100 WorDs alain Billault
By providing the definitions of 100 words, this book proposes just as many ways to discover an exceptional historical period, shedding new light on what we know today about Ancient Greece. Alain Billault is a Professor at Paris– Sorbonne University.
March 2012 128 pages • 9.20 €
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What the papers say... “In clear, flowing style, [Alain Billault] opens 100 gates to discovery... we can confirm the intuitions we had formed without having any exact information to guide us through that heritage.”
B a o h o a re C F
Nouvelle revue d’histoire
100 sTories of The olymPics mustapha kessous
The Olympic Games are one of the great worldwide spectacles. There, our gaze alights upon the Gods of the stadium performing great feats. We also observe the geopolitical and economic conditions of the Games, their technical progress, as well as the incumbent trickery, corruption and doping. Taken together, the 100 stories in this book write the history of the Olympics. Mustapha Kessous is a journalist with Le Monde .
May 2012 128 pages • 9.20 € 8
What the papers say... “With lively pen, Mustapha Kessous recounts 47 modern Olympiads in a compendium of anecdotes […]… There are as many sports performances and geopolitical shocks as there are outstanding examples of technical progress, or episodes in the fight for women’s emancipation.” Le Monde des Livres
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At a time when peoples all over the world are turning towards the democratic republic – and as Europe hesitates to build a common one – what do we really know about the history of the European republic?
Blandine kriegel
This book tells the original, little known history of the modern republic, born of the unexpected encounter between two traditions: those of the republic of the city, and those of modern political law of the State, which permitted the revolt of the Netherlands to triumph over Philippe II’s imperial despotism.
Blandine Kriegel, philosopher, Emeritus Professor, played a pioneering role in the redeployment of political philosophy by revitalizing the notion of Rule of Law, which earned her international renown. Her work explores philosophy and political history through the evolution of the State and concepts of political law in the ancient and modern republic. Some of her work is translated (into English, Chinese, etc.) and is more often discussed abroad than in France today, especially in the United States.
“Blandine Kriegel’s book is an important one which, in many respects, chimes in with today’s ideological and political mood.” Le Point “With her idea of the emergence of the modern republic at the Renaissance, (the philosopher) casts new light on the debates about European construction.” Le Figaro “A passionate study on the birth of the modern State” Royaliste
the historical Context
Before the war the war of occupation and liberation William of orange or the modern Prince - european policy
Men and their Works
Men - hubert Languet (1518-1581) Philippe Duplessis-Mornay (1549-1623) François hotman (1524-1594) François de La noue (1531-1591) Philippe de Marnix de sainteAldegonde (1538-1598) - their Works Jean Bodin and the doctrine of sovereignty - théodore de Bèze: Du droit des magistrats sur leurs sujets François hotman and the doctrine of the nation - Declarations of independence by the Dutch republic William of orange’s defence
Is the modern republic a European idea? Or is it simply a case of using past lessons to pave the way to the future?
What the papers say...
introduction: republic of the City, republic of the state.
April 2012 372 pages • 29.50 €
“The thinking is complex, but the style limpid and the logic extremely appealing. This analysis is part of a system that is always coherent.” Nouvelle revue d’histoire “An enlightening and useful reflection at a time when nations are supporting the democratic republic and Europe is seeking its identity.” Actualité juive
conVerTing muslims • sPAin, 1491-1609 isabelle Poutrin
By giving the floor to the various characters in this story – Moors, high-ranking lords, inquisitors, theologians and councillors to the King, this book sheds new light on an episode that was agonizing for Muslims, tragic for Spain, and a key moment in relations between the Church and non-Christians. Examined today, this episode invites us to reflect on the use of constraint in matters of faith. Isabelle Poutrin is an assistant professor at the University of Paris-Est. Before turning her attentions to the history of religious minorities and conversion policies, she wrote books about women in religion and in politics, notably with Marie-Karine Schaub: Femmes et pouvoir politique. Les princesses d’Europe, XVe-XVIIIe siècle (Bréal, 2007). 9
The rePuBlic or The moDern Prince
the Conversions (1491-1526)
granada won back for Christ the anafins of Archbishop Cisneros Blood, holy water and tears Baptisms under force, yet valid ‘By threat and terror’ ■
the time of Doubt (1526-1609)
time to eradicate islam Voices raised in criticism theologians and infidels the urgent need for a solution the punishment of the obstinate
April 2012 372 pages • 29.50 €
einsTein anD The TrageDy of The 20th cenTury
anti-semitism, the holocaust, Zionism
Einstein was not just a physician of genius; he also participated in the events of his century. A man of influence who enjoyed great popularity, Einstein never sought power for himself: he unhesitatingly refused the presidency of the young State of Israel. This rare lack of personal advancement, the force of his vision, the ethical dimension of his commitment and especially his astonishingly accurate intuitions and political judgments have bestowed upon him something of the aura of a prophet.
2013 • 260 pages
simon Veille ■ the uncertain Jew Jews by the grace of goethe - god is Jewish - From the talmud to talmey - Profession: rebel! - the olympia Academy - «sangue non é acqua» ■ the fortified Jew the myth of assimilation - Jews from the east flock to Berlin What is a Jew? - Blumenfeld, einstein’s mentor ■ the committed Jew the hebrew University of Jerusalem - For love of Zion - the uprising of the Arabs of Palestine
Based on previously unpublished documents, the Einstein archives of Jerusalem in particular, this book reveals the personality of the genius as never before.
■ the persecuted Jew the Vehmic Court vs. einstein - the migrating bird - United against hitler! - the good samaritan - «the land of mass-murderers» - the elite of israel
Simon Veille is a journalist and a historian.
how They Wrote the history of WW2 Jean-Baptiste Pattier The author investigates a corpus that until now has never been considered as an object of historical study: those chapters of European school books devoted to WW2. It becomes clear that States deliberately and knowingly maintain and diffuse official truths that are often far removed from the reality of facts. To further his investigation, the author explored more than 300 textbooks form nine countries of the European Union: Germany, England, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Lithuania and Poland. September 2012 192 pages • 18.50 €
Jean-Baptiste Pattier carried out his research at the Centre d’histoire quantitative in the University of Caen.
official TruTh ■ the omnipresence of WW2 An object of culture and memory the politics and diplomacy of the history textbook - thinking european history - Pressures and the law of silence ■ Writing WW2 Military history - naming war resistance ■ the nazi extermination policy Concentration camps, extermination camps - Competition between victims - the destruction of europe’s Jews ■ national histories the ambiguous status of Bulgaria - Dobruja, thrace, Macedonia: occupied territories? - the case of Lithuania - great Britain: defending the home front - France in torment - italy in the mirror of Fascism - the Belgian tragedy ■ At the high Court of history the Austrian malaise - the case of germany - Lithuania, Poland: in denial - the Katyn file - Allied bombing - the role of the police and the French state
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Without the elaboration of a particularly complex propaganda strategy whose prime instrument is audio-visual production, al-Qaeda would probably have disappeared by now. This field study, during which the author met a large number of the principal Jihadist theoreticians, reveals the official historiography of al-Qaeda.
asiem el Difraoui ■ Foreword: 11 september 2001, a media victory. the founding image. ■ introduction to the Jihad of the image – some keys to understanding ■ theatres and the history of the Jihad in pictures
Beyond the needs of propaganda, Al Qaeda’s audiovisual production distorts the mythology of Islam to invent that of martyrdom, presented as Muslims’ unique path to salvation. In this way, Al Qaeda has succeeded in creating images and symbols that could continue to inspire future generations
Myth, martyr and cosmology – the great narrative of Al Qaeda and the international Jihad
■ Conclusion: the martyr prophecy – still a danger in spite of its failure
368 pages • 32.50 €
Asiem El Difraoui, is a German-Egyptian Doctor of Political Science who graduated from Sciences Po in Paris. Author of reports and books about the Arab world, he has won many international prizes, including the ‘New York Film and Television Award’ for Le Siège de Bagdad. His latest film as co-producer, Tahrir 2011, won the UNESCO prize at the Venice International Film Festival. He is now working for a Foundation which advises the German government and parliament on foreign affairs (SWP). He has published many articles on the Arab world for international scientific reviews, and co-authored a book about the war in Iraq.
Al-Quaeda in Its Own Words
2nd ed. 2008 Published in English (Harvard UP, 2008) German (Piper, 2006) Italian (Laterza, 2006)
January 2013
FORTHCOMING IN 2013 IN THE SAME SERIES ■ The New Islamic Bourgeoisie: the Turkish Model
Dilek Yankaya-Péan Turkish rights already sold
chronology of gloBaliZaTion Bernard Phan With the aid of a detailed chronological reference, the reader is invited to reflect on the concept of globalization, whose recent designation and vague definition should not let us forget its ancient origins. From the first conquests of the Ottoman Empire to the Arab Spring, from wars in Europe to the signing of the Lisbon treaty, this book assembles all those dates that form an indispensable preparation for a dense and complex history of globalization. Bernard Phan is an honorary professor in the prep. classes at Lycée Henri-IV. He has also taught at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University, in the MRIAE dept. (Magistère “Relations internationales et action à l’étranger”).
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europe’s hold on the world european imperialism at its zenith
the soviet-UsA confrontation
towards a new deal?
September 2012 256 pages • 16 €
The eThics of inTernaTional relaTions Contemporary Problems
edited by ryoa chung and Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer The ethics of international relations – also referred to as ‘international ethics’ or ‘global ethics ‘– is a recent discipline whose aim is to explore the nature and the role of moral values, challenges and ethical dilemmas in international relations.
Moral universalism and cultural diversity - r. Chung (Montreal University)
institutional cosmopolitism
s. Chauvier (Paris-sorbonne University) ■
environmental ethics
h.-s. Afeissa (Academy of Dijon)
From immigration to health, from just wars to peace-keeping operations, from globalization to trade, humanitarian actions to the environment, not forgetting cultural diversity and world poverty, this book is a highly instructive introduction written by the most distinguished specialists for students, researchers and members of the general public who are interested in the challenges of today’s world order.
intergenerational justice
A. gosseries (Catholic University of Louvain) ■
World public health
D. Weinstock (Mcgill University) ■
immigration and freedom
C. straehle (University of ottawa)
economic globalization and business ethics - W. norman (Duke Univ.)
& P.-Y. néron (Catholic University of Lille) ■
humanitarian action
F. Weissman (MsF, Doctors without Borders foundation)
March 2013
Preface by stanley hoffmann (harvard University)
the ethics of war - J.-B. Jeangène Vilmer
(Mcgill University)
introduction - r. Chung (Montreal University) and J.-B. Jeangène Vilmer (Mcgill University)
Peace-keeping operations
M.-J. Zahar (University of Montreal) & F. gaudreault (geneva University)
ethics and theory of international relations - A. Colonomos
(Cnrs, Ceri sciences Po)
globalization - K.-g. giesen (University of Auvergne)
international judicial institutions - F. Mégret (Mcgill University)
transitional and restorative justice
C. nadeau (Montreal University) and J. saada (University of Artois) ■ Postface by Pierre hassner (Ceri sciences Po)
international distributive justice - P. Van Parijs (Catholic University of Louvain / harvard University) ■
Women anD solDiers rape and Violence in War
In this ground-breaking book, the author makes a global analysis of rape and sexual aggressions in wartime, from Antiquity, when it was a ‘normal’ part of the booty, to our times, when legal recognition and condemnation have at last been obtained. José Cubero, agrégé in history, teaches in Tarbes.
José cubero ■
rape endured
the values of chivalry and the law of war - the brutalities of war from the renaissance to Louis XiV ■
rape Denounced
Civilizing war or the illusions of the 19th century - the great War: women and the ‘barbarian’ - the occupation of rhineland and French barbarianism ■
the times of regression
the war in spain or ideological rape the nanking massacre and the Asia-Pacific war - the nazi paradox Women and ‘liberators’ - the enemy’s women, enemy women - heads shaven at the Liberation
September 2012
■ From War Crimes to Crimes against humanity
192 pages • 18.50 €
torture and rape in the colonial wars - When violence becomes unacceptable - rape and the evolution of international law
Univ.) Lille)
War in The name of humaniTy Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer When can it be just to drop bombs in the name of human rights? In war – even when it is a just war – there are civilian victims. Is it better to kill than to let people die? In the name of humanitarian intervention, the right to intervene or the responsibility to protect, military intervention justified by humanitarian reasons is one of the most burning questions in international relations.
■ history. genealogy of practice and doctrine ■
terminology. the choice of words
Law. From illegality to legitimacy
■ humanity imagined. Far-off suffering, medias and intervention ■
Criteria. Pertinence of a just war
■ Competent authority. Who should intervene?
This interdisciplinary book (history, law, ethics and political science) is the most exhaustive ever published in France on this subject. Citing many examples, from punitive war in Ancient China to the NATO intervention in Libya, the author develops a realistic theory about intervention by taking five criteria from the doctrine of just war: just cause, competent authority, right intention, last resort and proportionality.
Just cause. Why intervene?
right intention. What motive to intervene? ■
Last resort. When to intervene?
Proportionality. how to intervene?
September 2012 256 pages • 16 €
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What the papers say... “A rich book that has the merit of exposing all the necessary complexity of a debate at the crossroads of ethics, law and the theory of international relations.” Libération
fascisT iTaly anD The PersecuTion of JeWs marie-anne matard-Bonucci This aim of this book is to retrace the history of Italian Jews under fascism and even more importantly, to answer questions on the nature and function of State anti-Semitism in the context of a totalitarian regime. By designating Jews as the enemy within, Mussolini hoped to create a new man, an essential ambition of fascist totalitarianism. The exclusion of Jews was seen as the mechanism that would allow a regime with a certain fascination for NationalSocialist Germany - and one that had been in power for more than fifteen years - to find new dynamism.
Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, philosopher and lawyer, is a researcher of international law at McGill University (Canada). Author of Réparer l’irréparable (Puf, 2009) and Pas de paix sans justice? (Presses de Sciences Po, 2011), he lectures on the theory of international relations, the ethics and laws of war at the Department of War Studies, King’s College in London. In 2012, he won the Debouzy ‘legal ideas agitator’ prize for this book.
the anti-Jewish state of emergency
how the decision was made
state anti-semitism
the successive states of persecution
Le nazisme et l’Antiquité Johann Chapoutot
3rd ed. 2012 English, German, Greek and Spanish rights already sold
Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci, is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of VincennesSaint Denis and member of the Institut universitaire de France. A specialist of contemporary Italy, her research has focused on fascism, anti-Semitism and various aspects of political violence. Among the works she has edited or co-edited: L’homme nouveau dans l’Europe fasciste (1922-1945) (Fayard, 2004); Antisémythes. L’image des juifs entre culture et politique, 1938-1939 (Nouveau Monde, 2005), Storia della Shoah in Italia (UTET, 2010). 13
October 2012 624 pages • 27 €
Italian and Spanish rights already sold
La première étude synthétique de la géopolitique française. Couverture Divali Communication - Image satellite ©PlanetObserver
Une large vision qui associe géographie, histoire, économie, diplomatie, stratégie militaire et sociologie. Un tableau complet sur les fondements, les manifestations, les acteurs et les horizons de la puissance française ainsi que sur les contraintes qui pèsent sur elle. De nombreuses cartes qui permettent de visualiser les phénomènes analysés. Un ouvrage très structuré qui permettra aux étudiants d’apprendre et de retenir, et au grand public de se faire une idée précise et claire de la puissance française aujourd’hui.
Agrégé de géographie, Yves Gervaise a longtemps été professeur en classes préparatoires à Rennes. Il partage maintenant sa vie entre sa Bretagne natale et le Brésil où il se rend régulièrement depuis l’âge de vingt ans, où il s’est installé et où il enseigne (Université d’Ouro Preto).
Plaidoyer pour la puissance Les racines géographiques, historiques et culturelles de l’identité brésilienne par un auteur qui connaît de l’intérieur ce pays. La nouvelle puissance brésilienne : ses fondements, ses manifestations, ses orientations, ses limites aussi.
Terre coloniale devenue indépendante, mais sans guerre de libération. Pays tropical et métis qui a attendu le siècle dernier pour découvrir et manifester son identité profonde. À chaque période, le Brésil a fourni le reflet de la réalité du monde.
Les ambitions du pays émergent le plus proche des États-Unis et ses relations ambiguës avec son puissant voisin, mais aussi avec l’Europe, les pays tropicaux et les autres émergents. De nombreuses cartes pour fixer les différents horizons de la puissance brésilienne.
192 pages Pascal GaUChon 25 TTC France
Géopolitique du Brésil
Yves Gervaise
Victime de son succès, le Brésil fait l’objet de nombreux clichés, pour la plupart sympathiques ou souriants. Ce livre ne cherche ni à les corriger ni à en faire l’inventaire. Il présente une vision renouvelée de la réalité profonde du pays à partir de l’évolution de sa place dans le monde. Nation emblématique du « Nouveau Monde », mais aussi pays particulièrement sensible à la culture européenne.
Géopolitique de la
les chemins de la puissance
yves GeRVaISe
Festival fondé et organisé par Grenoble École de Management, anteios et PUF
Six first titles published in 2012
Festival fondé et organisé par Grenoble École de Management, anteios et PUF
De nombreuses de cartes décrivant le nouvel ordre mondial que les pays émergents font naître.
Les puissances émergentes nous préparent-elles un monde meilleur ? Pire ? En tout cas, elles changent le monde.
192 pages 25 € TTC France
du Nord • F. louis, F. Pichon, T. Josseran
Ils changent le monde
Flrédéric Pichon Agrégé de géographie, Yves Gervaise a longtemps été professeur en classes préparatoires à Rennes. Tancrède Josseran Agrégé de géographie, Yves Gervaise a longtemps été professeur en classes préparatoires à Rennes. Il partage maintenant sa
Terre coloniale devenue indépendante, mais sans guerre de libération. Pays tropical et métis qui a attendu le siècle dernier pour découvrir et manifester son identité profonde. À chaque période, le Brésil a fourni le reflet de la réalité du monde.
Les racines géographiques, historiques et culturelles de l’identité brésilienne par un auteur qui connaît de l’intérieur ce pays. La nouvelle puissance brésilienne : ses fondements, ses manifestations, ses orientations, ses limites aussi. Les ambitions du pays émergent le plus proche des États-Unis et ses relations ambiguës avec son puissant voisin, mais aussi avec l’Europe, les pays tropicaux et les autres émergents. De nombreuses cartes pour fixer les différents horizons de la puissance brésilienne.
192 pages Delannoy Sylvia 25 TTC France Partenaire des PUF et co-fondateur du festival de géopolitique de Grenoble
Partenaire des PUF et co-fondateur du festival de géopolitique de Grenoble
Geopolitics of Emerging Countries
Sylvia Delannoy
du Maroc à l’iran
Geopolitics of the Middle East and North Africa
Tancrède Josseran, Florian Louis, Frédéric Pichon ■
Geopolitics of India
Olivier Guillard
Tancrède JosseRAn, Florian loUis, Frédéric PiChon
Geopolitics of Brazil
Yves Gervaise
du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord
et de l’Afrique
L’analyse équilibrée de leur puissance, mais aussi de leurs limites et de leurs perspectives d’avenir.
Victime de son succès, le Brésil fait l’objet de nombreux clichés, pour la plupart sympathiques ou souriants. Ce livre ne cherche ni à les corriger ni à en faire l’inventaire. Il présente une vision renouvelée de la réalité profonde du pays à partir de l’évolution de sa place dans le monde. Nation emblématique du « Nouveau Monde », mais aussi pays particulièrement sensible à la culture européenne.
Une classification-clarification de la liste des émergents afin d’éviter qu’elle devienne un « fourre-tout ».
Ce livre, qui ne fait pas le portrait d’une sélection de pays émergents mais étudie les dynamiques de groupe, fait le point sur la notion d’émergence et s’interroge sur les armes qu’utilisent les nouvelles puissances pour bâtir un monde nouveau, dégagé de l’hégémonie occidentale, mais aussi sur les fragilités de leur stratégie renversante…
Florian Louis Agrégé de géographie, Yves Gervaise a longtemps été professeur en classes préparatoires à Rennes. Il partage maintenant sa vie entre sa Bretagne natale et le Brésil.
La première définition précise et raisonnée d’une notion « à la mode » qui reste trop souvent floue.
des pays émergent s et de l’
Couverture Divali Communication - Image satellite ©PlanetObserver
pays émergents
Agrégée d’histoire, Sylvia Delannoy a longtemps enseigné dans le secondaire et en classes préparatoires en France. Elle est actuellement professeur au lycée français de Singapour, au cœur de l’émergence.
Géopolitique des
Nouveaux trésoriers du monde, les pays émergents prêtent de l’argent aux vieilles puissances dont le déclin paraît irrémédiable, rachètent des terres en Afrique, s’unissent au gré de leurs intérêts, renforcent leurs armées, investissent dans la recherche, font croître des firmes mondiales… Aspirant à détenir tous les attributs de la puissance, ils semblent en mesure de renverser un monde dans lequel les rênes du pouvoir échapperaient aux Occidentaux.
Géopolitique Géopolitique Moyen-Orient Afrique du Nord
du Maroc à l’iran
Sylvia Delannoy
Geopolitics of France
Pascal Gauchon
Géopolitique pays émergents
Ils changent le monde
Couverture Divali Communication - Image satellite ©PlanetObserver
Festival fondé et organisé par Grenoble École de Management, Anteios et PUF
Geopolitics of Oceans and Seas
Les ambitions du pays émergent le plus proche des États-Unis et ses relations ambiguës avec son puissant voisin, mais aussi avec l’Europe, les pays tropicaux et les autres émergents. De nombreuses cartes pour fixer les différents horizons de la puissance brésilienne.
192 pages 25 € TTC France
et des
Pierre Royer
Nouveaux trésoriers du monde, les pays émergents prêtent de l’argent aux vieilles puissances dont le déclin paraît irrémédiable, rachètent des terres en Afrique, s’unissent au gré de leurs intérêts, renforcent leurs armées, investissent dans la recherche, font croître des firmes mondiales… Aspirant à détenir tous les attributs de la puissance, ils semblent en mesure de renverser un monde dans lequel les rênes du pouvoir échapperaient aux Occidentaux.
Agrégée d’histoire, Sylvia Delannoy a longtemps enseigné dans le secondaire et en classes préparatoires en France. Elle est actuellement professeur au lycée français de Singapour, au cœur de l’émergence.
Ce livre, qui ne fait pas le portrait d’une sélection de pays émergents mais étudie les dynamiques de groupe, fait le point sur la notion d’émergence et s’interroge sur les armes qu’utilisent les nouvelles puissances pour bâtir un monde nouveau, dégagé de l’hégémonie occidentale, mais aussi sur les fragilités de leur stratégie renversante…
La première définition précise et raisonnée d’une notion « à la mode » qui reste trop souvent floue. Une classification-clarification de la liste des émergents afin d’éviter qu’elle devienne un « fourre-tout ». L’analyse équilibrée de leur puissance, mais aussi de leurs limites et de leurs perspectives d’avenir. De nombreuses de cartes décrivant le nouvel ordre mondial que les pays émergents font naître.
Les puissances émergentes nous préparent-elles un monde meilleur ? Pire ?
192 pages olivier GUillARd 25 TTC France
Festival fondé et organisé par Grenoble École de Management, Anteios et PUF
et des
le rêve de l’unité brisée
Géopolitique des mers et des océans Qui tient la mer tient le monde
Les racines géographiques, historiques et culturelles de l’identité brésilienne par un auteur qui connaît de l’intérieur ce pays. La nouvelle puissance brésilienne : ses fondements, ses manifestations, ses orientations, ses limites aussi.
Géopolitique Géopolitique mers océans de l’Inde
Qui tient la mer tient le monde
Géopolitique des
Terre coloniale devenue indépendante, mais sans guerre de libération. Pays tropical et métis qui a attendu le siècle dernier pour découvrir et manifester son identité profonde. À chaque période, le Brésil a fourni le reflet de la réalité du monde.
Olivier Guillard Agrégé de géographie, Yves Gervaise a longtemps été professeur en classes préparatoires à Rennes. Il partage maintenant sa vie entre sa Bretagne natale et le Brésil où il se rend régulièrement depuis l’âge de vingt ans, où il s’est installé et où il enseigne (Université d’Ouro Preto).
Couverture Divali Communication - Image satellite ©PlanetObserver
Victime de son succès, le Brésil fait l’objet de nombreux clichés, pour la plupart sympathiques ou souriants. Ce livre ne cherche ni à les corriger ni à en faire l’inventaire. Il présente une vision renouvelée de la réalité profonde du pays à partir de l’évolution de sa place dans le monde. Nation emblématique du « Nouveau Monde », mais aussi pays particulièrement sensible à la culture européenne.
Couverture Divali Communication - Image satellite ©PlanetObserver
de l’Inde et du sous-continent indien le rêve de l’unité brisée
• Pierre Royer
Pierre Royer Géopolitique de l’ Inde • olivier Guillard
• Sylvia Delannoy
Other books on geopolitics among our long-sellers: two books by Pascal Gauchon and Jean-Marc Huissoud in the ‘Que sais-je?’ series: ■
Pierre RoyeR
25 €
Geopolitics in 100 Places
4th ed. 2011 • 17,000 cps. sold
Festival fondé et organisé par Grenoble École de Management, Anteios et PUF
192 - 256 pages One price for all books in the series
Geopolitics in 100 Words
2nd ed. 2010 • 12,500 cps. sold
See also ■
The Threat from China. An Invention of the Pentagon, Jean-Loup Samaan
October 2012 • 192 pages - 18 e
insiDe arms Trafficking from the Balkans to the suburbs Jean-charles antoine Covering conflicts of geopolitical interests, interventions by the major powers (the United States in particular), the role of mafias (especially Albanian, Italian and Turkish) and African or South American guerrillas, this book presents a complete and well-documented panorama of gunrunning from the Central and Eastern European countries and the Balkans, a trade which is a threat to States and the security of Europe’s populations.
May 2012
Jean-Charles Antoine, Doctor of Geopolitics at the Institut français de géopolitique (University of Vincennes-Saint Denis), specializes in the global trafficking of small arms and light weapons, the emergence of organized crime and the Black Sea region.
288 pages • 22 €
16 pages of maps
le sujet est riche. Grande puisyenne, la France cherche ce que la stratégie d’une nation de ux, à mi-chemin entre grandeur . Géopolitique gaullienne du du Geste ? Géopolitique dienne de la sublimation au a construction européenne ? que du pré carré que ses adversimilent à un renoncement ? que de la morale et de l’autre rce de rejet de la Realpolitik, ervir la géopolitique des autres ? es options sont ouvertes et dans l’ouvrage.
Géopolitique Géopolitique Brésil de la France
les chemins de la puissance
Ancien élève de l’ENS et agrégé d’histoire, Pascal Gauchon enseigne en classes préparatoires ECS à Ipésup. Il a déjà publié de nombreux ouvrages sur la France et sur la géopolitique, en particulier Le modèle français, PUF, « Que sais-je ? » et le Dictionnaire de géopolitique et de géoéconomie, PUF, « Major ».
Géopolitique du
Pascal Gauchon
it pas de livre intitulé tout simGéopolitique de la France qui soit exclusivement à ce sujet, alors tres équivalents ne manquent es États-Unis, la Chine, la Russie, ’Inde, le Mexique, le Royaumeagne, l’Italie, la Pologne, Israël te n’est pas exhaustive !
Because geopolitics has become a central issue, and because the questions it raises are often complex, Puf are launching a new series of books written by teachers of the discipline and accessible to a wide readership. With a pedagogical approach and precious aids to understanding, they deal with all today’s most urgent issues.
Couverture Divali Communication - Image satellite ©PlanetObserver
Géopolitique de la France
yer pour la puissance
• yves Gervaise
• Pascal Gauchon
n ew
Monumental military arsenals Armed conflicts for newly independent states ■ the emergence of organized crime ■ An expansion of networks covering the european continent ■ the european Union’s failings and weak points ■ the true stakes of gunrunning in european suburbs ■ the globalization of arms trafficking ■ the cases of Columbia and French guiana ■ the intervention of the major world political powers ■ Conflicts with multiple and tangled geopolitical parameters ■ ■
The aral sea oVerfloW
A sociological study of the Water War
The Aral Sea, that huge lake in Central Asia on the border of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, has shrunk dramatically because of an excessive irrigation policy to develop the monoculture of cotton. This well-documented book has no use for the oft-repeated banalities about the tragedy. An in-depth field investigation, it explains how the hydro-economic models of international cooperation have generated an authentic water war by increasing tensions between States. It also recounts how international experts, channelled by local administrations and their own agendas, base their conclusions on a representation that omits crucial elements of reality (cotton smuggling, misappropriation of public funds, playing on technical standards).
Preaching about water shortage
■ From the introduction of cotton to an imaginary image of hydraulics (1850-1916) ■ Cotton, hydraulics and soviet arithmetic (1917-1990) ■ the inertia of cotton cultivation in Ferghana Valley (1991-2010) ■
in the experts’ laboratories
the political economy of preaching water shortage ■
What the papers say... “This pertinent (and learned) book takes stock of the situation, in Central Asia and beyond.”
Doctor of Sociology and State engineer (corps of Bridges, Water and Forests), Raphaël Jozan is an associate researcher at the Laboratoire techniques, territoires et sociétés (LATTS). He works for several development agencies in France and abroad. .
Alternatives internationales
April 2012 220 pages • 22 €
This book received Le Monde prize for academic research
See also ■
Water in 100 Words, Jean-Louis Chaussade and Maryvonne Pellay August 2012 • 128 pages - 9.20 e
The energy War
the hidden side of the israeli-Palestinian Conflict
A new and enlightening reading of the IsraeliPalestinian Conflict through the prism of energy resources, a vital stake for Israel. David Amsellem is a specialist of the energy question in the Near and Middle East. He has also carried out research on the Jerusalem tramway, from a political and strategic viewpoint.
David amsellem
raphaël Jozan
energy: israel’s anxiety
supplies: israel’s strategic moves
the ‘treasure’ of the sea
the curse of electricity
in Palestine
israel’s weak point?
October 2011 192 pages • 19 €
16 pages of maps 15
in Praise of DeBT The ‘debt crisis’ is not only a financial and economic one. It is also a symptom of an identity crisis, of contemporary individuals and their vain desire for radical independence which constitutes the neoliberal system. But this critical stage of the identity crisis also presents an opportunity: the chance to elaborate ethics and policy on the borderline between public and private; an understanding of debt that would permit us to bear its weight more lightly.
nathalie sarthou-lajus
■ introduction: the real meaning of debt ■
exchange, gift and debt
the founding experience of debt
the utopia of a debt-free society
■ Conclusion: the tragedy of debt and the joy of becoming other
Nathalie Sarthou-Lajus graduated in philosophy. She has been assistant editor-in-chief of the review Études since 2007. She authored L’Éthique de la dette (Puf, 1997).
October 2012 96 pages • 9 €
can caPiTalism Be goVerneD? As globalized capitalism inflicts a substantial loss of sovereignty on States, and as workers learn the hard lesson of the capitalism/democracy paradox, the time is right to begin thinking the conditions of legitimate sovereignty in the capitalist firm, capitalism’s flagship institution. This book provides the necessary historical and theoretical circuit, and ideas for getting out of this situation.
September 2012
isabelle ferreras
■ introduction. how are employees faring? ■
What is a firm?
■ Proposition: from political bicameralism to economic bicameralism ■ Critical history: from work management to firm government
Sociologist and political scientist Isabelle Ferreras, is a tenured fellow of the Belgian National Science Foundation (F.N.R.S., Brussels), professor at the Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), permanent member of the Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires Democracy, Institutions, Subjectivity at the University of Louvain (CriDIS-IACCHOS) and Senior Research Associate of the Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard University (Cambridge Mass.).
■ Conclusion: the urgent need for a kick-start… institutional innovation ■ Annexe: 24 objections to economic bicameralism. some elements of a solution
336 pages • 18 €
The inTangiBle force laurent habib A lively, informative and optimistic text which explains the mechanisms of a new economic model based on each firm’s intangible assets - i.e. its ideas, brand names, knowledge, culture and talents – and how firms can best draw from these assets new sources of inspiration and growth.
January 2012
CEO of Euro RSCG C&O and general manager of Havas in France, Professor at Panthéon Sorbonne University Laurent Habib, is an expert in brands and firms. In 2010, Puf published his La communication transformative (translated into Spanish).
72 pages • 6.50 €
how to transform the economy
A new era
the crisis of excessive materiality
six generations of means of creating value ■
■ Better exploitation of intangible assets in the firm ■ Paths towards the economy of intangible assets ■
in favour of new public policy
towards a virtuous capitalism
What the papers say... “A concise and well-argumented defence” Les Echos
‘ s t k p a
F t l c m a
S f v i a p d s (
Jean-françois lyotard ‘Why philosophize? Because of desire, because there is absence in presence, death in the living; and because of our power, still becoming; because of alienation, the loss of what we believed to be vested rights and the gap between deed and doing, the spoken word and speaking; and lastly because we cannot avoid attesting the existence of a lack with our words. The real question is, how could we not philosophize? ’ Written with rare pedagogical clarity and philosophical depth, this introductory philosophy course given by Lyotard in 1964 is published here for the first time.
Why PhilosoPhiZe? ■
Why desire?
Philosophy and origin
About philosophical expression
Philosophy and action
What the papers say... “Jean-François Lyotard writes here with sincerity, and it is simply enthralling… The texts gathered here were not taken from dusty drawers, quite the opposite. Lyotard opens real doors. And what’s excellent is that he does not close them afterwards….” Livres-Hebdo
Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998) was one of the great figures of French philosophy in the second half of the 20th century. Among his most famous books: La phénoménologie (Puf, 1954), Discours, Figure (Klincksieck, 1971), La condition postmoderne (Minuit, 1979) and Le différend (Minuit, 1983).
“A lucid reflection, didactic and unique, on our irresistible need to reason.” Lire
April 2012 112 pages • 10 €
English, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish rights already sold
“Jean-François Lyotard brings us a masterly reflection on the essence of philosophy.” Les Inrockuptibles
a liTTle PhilosoPhy aBouT ZomBies ‘Zombies are all around us, in films, on TV, in the streets, at the bookshop. Both terrifying and grotesque, they appear to be no more than the latest kitsch trend, entertainment. Yet under their complicated make-up hides one of the most symptomatic figures of contemporary culture and society.
maxime coulombe ■
the motif
the double
the return of the repressed
the apocalypse
Fear of epidemics or phantasms about catastrophes, modern alienation or fascination for violence: the zombie, and the apocalyptic world it is capable of creating, speak to us firstly and intimately of ourselves and a certain desire to break away from the West. Sociologist and art historian, Maxime Coulombe is a Professor of the History of Contemporary Art at Laval University in Quebec. His research focuses on contemporary imaginary figures, particularly on what they can tell us about the state of subjectivity in advanced modernity. His publications include: Imaginer le posthumain: sociologie de l’art et archéologie d’un vertige (Presses de l’Université Laval, 2009) and Le monde sans fin des jeux vidéo, (Puf, 2010). 17
September 2012 128 pages • 13 €
form anD oBJecT A treatise on things
This treatise is an original thought adventure, an odyssey through theory for the beginning of our era: a search for that which has become, for us today, a ‘thing’.
Tristan garcia
What is a thing? Breaking down the philosophical barriers that once closed in the field of things, this Treatise gives equal consideration to a table, a sharpened flint stone, a human, the word ‘truth’ and five seconds. Here are the things which are, in this day and age, ours: a chaos of the real, of the possible, of matter, and of words and ideas.
November 2011 492 pages • 29 €
English rights already sold
Faced with this new landscape, the present Treatise does not propose a new reflection on our access to things, but rather suggests we pick up the reins and embark on an entirely new theory-adventure. Tristan Garcia’s project is to show it is possible to define things in such a way that everything may be something. For the condition of thinking together is that the world of things be shared; not a cosmos organized around principles and substances, but a world where no thing is more thing than another, where everything is equal.
■ Book 1: Formally thing thing and World to be and to understand ■ Book 2: objectively Universe - objects, events time - Living - Animals - humans on representation - the Artistic the Cultural - history the economy of objects Values - Classes genres - the stages of Life Death - CoDA
What the papers say... “The ‘treatise of things’ that Tristan Garcia has published as Forme et objet is without a doubt one of the most original works published on the matter for a long time.” Le Monde des Livres “This is a magnificent, systematic, and well-balanced book, constructed like a cathedral.” Marianne
Philosopher, novelist, pop culture enthusiast, inveterate connoisseur of American TV series (see his 2012 essay, published by Puf, on ‘Six Feet Under’), and impassioned sports fan, Tristan Garcia is a graduate of the Ecole Normale. He taught at the University of Picardie Jules-Verne. He is the author of an essay, Nous, animaux et humains (Bourin, 2010) and two novels published by Gallimard.
“In a dizzying philosophical treatise entitled Forme et objet, Tristan Garcia reveals himself to be a great metaphysician, confronting the mystery of things.” Les Inrockuptibles
figures of hisTory With these two texts initially published on the initiative of the George Pompidou centre but now out of print, Jacques Rancière continues his ingenious reflection on the representational power of artistic images, in film and in painting. How does art succeed in portraying events that traverse an entire epoch?
August 2012 96 pages • 10 €
German, Korean and Spanish rights already sold
Jacques Rancière is one of the major figures of contemporary thinking in France whose work has been translated all over the world. Among his most recent titles: Les Ecarts du cinéma (La Fabrique, 2011); Aisthesis (Galilée, 2011); Béla Tarr, le temps d’après (Capricci, 2011).
Jacques rancière ■
the Unforgettable
in front of the camera on the other side of the window the threshold of the visible Confronting annihilation ■ Meanings and Figures of history
the four meanings of history history and representation. three poetics of modernity three ways of painting history
What the papers say... “ As always with Rancière, we are struck by the density of his prose, his choice of words, his reasoning, which is never watered down. While others write a great deal to say very little, he says a great deal in very few words. He even goes as far as to permit the reader to conclude his rationale - which is a very fine quality in a philosopher. ” Livres-Hebdo
ans c
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ricoeur anD his Peers
Bourdieu, Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, Castoriadis Today, we are aware of the fertile dialogue between Paul Ricœur and structuralist thinkers, but generally we are unaware of his position regarding the post-structuralist movement.
Johann michel
Should we see Ricœur’s philosophy in opposition to post-structuralism in France, or should we, on the contrary, show that it is a unique variation? After studying the question, Johann Michel defends the second option.
■ habitus, the narrative and the promise ■ the sense of unmeasure. hegelism with reserves ■ off the topic and the becomingtopic ■ Caring for self and others ■
imagination and institutions
Johann Michel is a University Professor (Institut Universitaire de France, University of Poitiers), attached to the EHESS (IMM). Member of the scientific council of the Fonds Ricœur, he also co-directs the international review, Ricœur Studies (Pittsburgh University). Among other books, he authored Paul Ricœur. Une philosophie de l’agir humain (Cerf, ‘Passages’, 2006), Gouverner les mémoires (Puf, 2010), and Sociologie du soi (PUR, ‘Sens social’, 2012).
La philosophie de Gilles Deleuze
2nd ed. - 2011 - 352 pages ■
Derrida. La déconstruction
2nd ed. - 2008 - Chinese, Spanish and Turkish rights already sold FORTHCOMING IN 2013 IN THE ‘QUE SAIS-JE?’ SERIES ■ ■
February 2013
Gilles Deleuze Paul Ricoeur
matic, ucted
atise arcia reat the
The mosT suBlime of hysTerics hegel and Lacan slavoj Žižek Slavoj Žižek’s masterpiece succeeds in shattering hundreds of preconceived ideas while revolutionizing our reading of Hegel. Slavoj Žižek is a philosopher and a psychoanalyst. He obtained his PhD from the University of Ljubljana and became a Doctor of Psychoanalysis at the University of Vincennes. He teaches at the European Graduate School (Saas-Fé) and is the international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities (University of London). He has written around forty books, which have been translated all over the world and been the object of many studies and commentaries, including Marxisme et psychanalyse (see below).
Žižek.Marxisme et psychanalyse
Ronan de Calan – Raoul Moati
Are the reflections of Slavoj Žižek more than just the sources of media frenzy? This short introductory text aims to show that Žižek’s theory on the relationship between Marxism and psychoanalysis, derived from Lacan, resists simplification and defies cultural and political journalistic novelty. In so doing, it becomes clear that Žižek is a philosopher well worth reading.
■ introduction: the impossible absolute knowledge ■
hegel with Lacan
Post-hegelian impasses
What the papers say... “ A reprint of his first book, now out of print, Le plus sublime des hystériques is no less than Hegel reread by Lacan. It is also Zizek, of course, revealing the naissance of his intense and invigorating oeuvre. ” Technikart
November 2011 448 pages • 28 € English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Turkish rights already sold
in Praise of reVenge Revenge is generally considered to be an archaic and arbitrary reaction, recalling a time when violence prevailed over law. Yet in many situations, it appears to be normal behaviour, likely to procure relief after one has been the victim of an unjustified wrong or a mark of disdain. In On the Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche recalls that compensation or reparation constitute an immanent form of justice supported by an anthropological reality: man cannot remain a humiliated consciousness.
michel erman ■
honour and debt
the anger of Julie
the time for vengeance
From resentment to settling scores
the role of emotions
Crimes and punishments
Pardon and pride
the elevation of vengeance
Is the desire for revenge purely instinctual? Or is there a ‘just’ element that we should acknowledge and understand? How can we think revenge from a moral stance? October 2012 164 pages • 13 €
Author and philosopher, Professor at the University of Bourgogne, Michel Erman published La cruauté. Essai sur la passion du mal (Puf, 2009). His philosophical reflection explores passions that are often obscured in civilisation and/or assigned to the darker side of human nature.
The meTaPhysics of BurnouT The phenomenon we call burnout is not just an individual problem that affects a few exhausted people. It holds up a mirror to dysfunctions in the relations between human beings and their material environment. After analysing the archaeology of the concept, the author distinguishes three main types of burnout: the first, specific to professions who help others, appears to be the exhaustion of their humanism; the second, a trouble of adaptation and perfectionism; the third a consequence of the struggle for recognition. The philosophical implications of each of these three states is identified. Finally, burnout can also be an occasion to rethink the pact between human and technicity, and reinterpret the notion of progress.
February 2013
Pascal Chabot is a philosopher. He teaches at the IHECS (Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales in Brussels). He is the author of La philosophie de Simondon (Vrin, 2003) Après le progrès (Puf, 2008) and Les sept stades de la philosophie (Puf, 2011, Korean rights already sold). 20
Pascal chabot ■ introduction Burnout and betrayal ■
What does burnout refer to?
What does burnout reflect?
■ What opportunities does burnout present?
ge care sTuDies A crucial and topical question at the heart of today’s society, care is the subject of the most lively discussions involving many disciplines, from the medical world to moral philosophy and politics, taking in the human and social sciences, literature and the arts. The centre of debates between medicine and ethics, care providers and politicians, man and his environment, it involves many professions (medical and beyond) and emerging problems (technical and ethical); it has metaphysical dimensions and calls for political projections. But the theory of care also introduces a new model of human and social sciences: the abandon of strict rationalism, the integration of feminist and gender issues, post-colonial studies and reflections on vulnerability, dependence and interdependence. The domain of care is extending to more and more disciplines: philosophy, sociology, psychology as well as law, economy and political science. Today, Puf is publishing a series of brief and succinct books (64 pages, 6€) for those who provide care and those who receive it. They bring greater understanding of the theoretical and practical implications of care, in the aim of nourishing on-going and future debates.
FIRST TITLES PUBLISHED ■ The Risk Society and the Caring Society Joan Tronto
October 2012 ■ Become a Doctor Céline Lefève
64 pages • 6 €
October 2012 ■ Intensive care. The Technical and the Human Jean-Christophe Mino
September 2012 ■ Care and Politics Frédéric Worms
August 2012
The Ethics of Care
Fabienne Brugère
2011 - Portuguese rights (Brazil) already sold
BelieVing anD knoWing thinking Politics, Morals and religion
Are we witnessing a ‘return to religion’? Why are Americans more religious than Europeans? Why is the ‘power of street protest’ greater in France than in Germany? Why is the trend towards oligarchy such a chronic threat to democracy? Is the notion of moral progress a valid one? Did the 1968 rebellion in France really spark off a crisis in values? Where does the authority of ‘political correction’ come from?
September 2012 324 pages • 17 €
raymond Boudon ■ Prologue. sociology and Politics ■
Do we choose what we believe?
explaining ordinary beliefs
A sense of morality
Does moral progress exist?
■ Faith and reason: two French visions ■ What does it mean to give power to the people? ■ the unsinkable theory of the man-machine
Sociology has developed tools and methods that permit us to answer, in a rigorous manner, these questions and many more on a multitude of political, moral and religious phenomena cited by the eight studies assembled in Believing and Knowing.
sociology as a science
■ epilogue. the schisms of sociology
Raymond Boudon, Emeritus Professor at the ParisSorbonne University, is a sociologist. His work is a reference all over the world. He is a member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques, the Academia europaea and several academies abroad including the British Academy, The Royal Society of Canada and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
L’inégalité des chances
Hachette, 2006 ■
Effets pervers et ordre social
La logique du social
Dictionnaire critique de la sociologie
Puf, 3rd ed. 2004 - 768 pages translated into Arabic, Chinese, English, German, Italian, Japanese and Portuguese ■
La place du désordre
Tocqueville aujourd’hui
Odile Jabob, 2005
L’art de se persuader
Renouveler la démocratie
Odile Jabob, 2006
Traité de sociologie
Puf, 1992 - 576 pages translated into Italian, Portuguese and Rumanian ■
Raison, bonnes raisons
Puf, 2003 - 192 pages
Seuil, 1992 ■
Les méthodes en sociologie
Puf, 12th ed. 2002 - 128 pages translated into Arabic, English, Italian, Japanese and Russian
Puf, 3rd ed. 2004 - 256 pages translated into English, Italian, Korean, Portuguese and Russian ■
Déclin de la morale? Déclin des valeurs?
Puf, 2nd ed. 2002 - 128 pages translated into Italian
Hachette, 2001 ■
Le sens des valeurs
Puf, 2nd ed. 2007 - 400 pages translated into Italian
Puf, 2nd ed. 1993 - 296 pages translated into English, Polish and Portuguese ■
Etudes sur les sociologues classiques
Puf, 2 volumes, 1998 and 2000 - 304 and 352 pages
Le relativisme
Puf, 2008 - 128 pages translated into Italian and Portuguese
Le juste et le vrai
Essais sur la théorie générale de la rationalité
Puf, 2007 - 352 pages
Fayard, 1995
a hisTorical anD criTical DicTionary of racism edited by Pierre-andré Taguieff 550 articles in an exhaustive inventory propose a critical examination of explanatory models of racism; drawing on sociology, social anthropology, social psychology, history, political philosophy… This dictionary casts a historical and conceptual light on all the debates and controversies that enter into the phenomenon of racism – from everyday stigmatization (insults) to organized massacres – hence the choice to take into account the demarcations of the phenomenon (intolerance, ethnocentrism, xenophobia) as well as its hard core (doctrinal constructions and biological concepts). There is also a comparative approach (‘Exclusion’, ‘Colour’, ‘Crime against humanity’, ‘Genocide’, ‘Ethnic cleansing’…), analyses of social interaction (anti-Black, anti-White, anti-immigrant…), and entries such as ‘authoritative personality’, ‘collective identity’, ‘conspiracy theories’, ‘multiculturalism’… which open up another facet of reflection. This Dictionary of Racism is equally a Dictionary of Antiracism: the various traditions emanating from Abolitionism, Anti-colonialism, Anti-imperialism, Anti-nationalism and Anti-fascism are analysed in numerous articles. A multi-author book covering racism in all its manifestations, this dictionary is a reasoned and critical response to the anxiety and fear inspired by globalization and its mixophobia. It also helps us understand what ‘new racism’ – racism without races or any claims of inequality - can mean. A new challenge for humanity.
Pierre-André Taguieff, is research director at the CNRS (CEVIPOF, Centre de Recherches politiques de Sciences Po, Paris)
L’antisémitisme, Pierre-André Taguieff
“ Que sais-je ?” series - Mars 2013 128 pages - 9.20 e
March 2013
DicTionary of fooD anD eaTing edited by Jean-Pierre Poulain
More than 230 studies, written by 162 specialists from a wide variety of linguistic horizons and complementary scientific domains (anthropology, sociology, medicine, history of religions, psychology, law, economy, history, geography, international health policy…) make up the menu of the Dictionary of Food and Eating. This dictionary is the first to reveal the diversity and the richness in meaning covered by all aspects of food and eating. October 2012 1536 pages • 42 €
Thinking about this subject naturally takes us straight to the heart of social and cultural dialectics: those of home-grown produce and globalization, of authenticity and food standardization, of the symbolic and the real, of animality and humanity. But we also have to situate it, oscillating between extremes such as giving and depriving, aid and weapon, malnutrition and fattening, undisciplined thinking and industrial rationality, nutri-genetics and nutri-genomics, the herbivorous and mad cow disease, gastronomy and fast-food, the basic need and the sophisticated religious rite… in brief, from incorporation to individual identity: when we eat, we signify our belonging to a culture.
Sociologist, Jean-Pierre Poulain is a Professor at the University Toulouse Le Mirail (Centre d’Études et de Recherche Travail Organisation Pouvoir). Puf published his Sociologie de l’obésité (2008, Portuguese rights already sold) and Sociologies de l’alimentation (3th ed. 2011, Italian and Portuguese rights already sold).
DaViD le BreTon Anthropologist and sociologist, David Le Breton is a Professor at the University of Strasbourg, member of the Institut Universitaire de France and the Institut des Etudes Avancées at the University of Strasbourg. His research focuses above all on the anthropology of the body and the anthropology of adolescence. The many books he has written explore the social and cultural construction of the body, especially in the contemporary context. Among them, Puf published: Anthropologie du corps et modernité, latest edition with update in 2011 (translated into eight languages including Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian …) while La sociologie du corps, in the ‘Que sais-je?’ series has been translated into four languages. He has also written books on the anthropology of risk and, in particular, high risk behaviour in young people or deliberate risks taken by people who practice physical activities and sports: La sociologie du risque (Puf, Que sais-je?) and Conduites à risque. Des jeux de mort au jeu de vivre (Quadrige). He also wrote a manual: L’interactionnisme symbolique and edited Dictionnaire de l’adolescence et de la jeunesse, both published by Puf.
David Le Breton’s work can be read in about fifty translations throughout the world. ■
Anthropology of the Body and Modernity
Puf, 6th edition entirely updated in 2011. 13,000 cps. sold Translations: Arabic (Beirut, 1993); Argentina (Buenos-Aires, 1995); Korea (2003); Italian (Milan, 2008); Rumanian (2002); Rumanian (Moldavia 2009); Chinese (Shanghai, 2010); Portuguese (Brazil, Petrópolis, 2011), Persian (translation on-going, Iran). ■
The Sociology of the Body
‘Que sais-je?’ series, Puf, 7th ed. 2010, 27,000 cps. sold. Translations: Korean (1999); Spanish (Buenos-Aires, 2002); Brazilian (Petrópolis, 2006); Arabic (Egypt, Cairo, 2012) Persian translation on-going (Iran). ■
High-Risk Behaviour. From Death Games to Life Games
Puf, 3rd ed. revised and augmented, forthcoming Feb. 2013, 6,500 cps. sold Translations: Portuguese (Brazil, 2009); Spanish (Argentina, 2011). ■
Symbolic Interactionism
Puf, 3rd ed. revised, 2012, 4,500 cps. sold ■
The Sociology of Risk
‘Que sais-Je?’ series, Puf, 1995, new edition 2012. ■
Dictionary of Childhood and Adolescence
(co-authored with Daniel Marcelli), Puf, 2010.
memoirs of a Transsexual the sleeping self
marie edith cypris Although transsexualism is no longer considered to be a mental illness, today’s term - transsexuality doesn’t tell us a great deal more about this inexplicable condition. Even the word ‘condition’ is becoming obsolete as a reference to what is now seen as a human right: for men and women to change their sex. Between a pathology endured and a chosen fantasy, the gap is manifest; as wide as the gap between a burdensome affliction and an eccentric whim.
336 pages • 26 €
Preface by Christophe Dejours
Author’s introduction
■ Context of solitude, feeling of isolation ■
Changing sex: theories and aporia
relationship with the mother
relationship with the father
■ Leaving home for good during the teens
Exploring her own experience, the author merges the attitudes of academics and of transsexuals themselves, in order to achieve an unusual synthesis. She testifies to the torments of her teens, she whose future was to be accomplished in the opposite sex to that of her birth. She tries to understand how the young man she once was veered towards his inescapable destiny and into this tumultuous biography. Without the slightest self-indulgence, and with a truly original vision of gender identity problems, she asks many questions that have never been raised before. Through her reflections on the problematic of sexual identity, she challenges us to think the radical changes which could result from an abolition of gender.
Disc jockey/night clubs
Prostitution, descent into hell
redemption/the health-carer
servant in Paris’s 16th district
Back to the stitches…
Meeting a first boyfriend
our Teenagers anD us October 2012
geneviève abrial
288 pages • 18,50 €
In the new ‘Psychoguides’ series, a practical book that guides parents in their search for a better relationship with their teenage children. Geneviève Abrial is a psychoanalyst and a trainer.
What is adolescence?
■ Difficult to be a teenager Your teenage child’s attitude to you Your attitude to your teenage child ■ how to handle your teenage child taking stock resonance how to act? After action
ALREADy PUBLISHED IN THIS SERIES Me at Last! your Active Psychoanalysis Geneviève Abrial
■ Mood Stability at Last! Claire Gindre, Frédéric Sorbara
Eat and Feel Good Florence Pujol
■ Break Free of Stress Nicolas Rouig
■ Stop Fighting Against your Body Jean-Christophe Seznec
M F t i
■ Conclusions: new transsexual challenges, ethical questions
Marie Edith Cypris is a medical care assistant who has worked in rest homes, hospitals and private clinics. In her spare time, she makes collages. She is a collector of vinyl records and a former disc jockey, an activity which she sees as much more than a hobby for the featherbrained: a veritable passion.
Understanding, Assisting
T o p a t n
■ Professional conversion/medical care assistant
August 2012
F e c t t o l
The acQuisiTion of numBers michel fayol
Thinking, counting, how do they function? Based on the results of the latest research in cognitive psychology and neuropsychology, enriched by accounts of experiments conducted with children, this book invites us to rethink our way of teaching numbers.
■ representing and symbolically manipulating quantities: the codes ■
■ the genesis and application of calculations
Michel Fayol is a Professor at the University of ClermontFerrand. He has written several books about the acquisition and the use of written language and numbers, mainly in Puf’s ‘Apprendre’ series.
Difficulties and problems
January 2012 128 pages • 9.20 € Portuguese rights already sold
The acQuisiTion of language
From the articulate production of sounds to the elaboration of speech, this book analyses how children acquire language. The author explains the subtlety and the complexity of an apprenticeship that is uniquely human and gives advice on how to approach and find solutions for eventual language problems.
michèle kail
■ new experimental paradigms of the acquisition of language ■
From sounds to words
■ From the emergence of syntax to grammatical constructions
the organisation of conversational and discursive capacities in the child
Michèle Kail is a research director at the CNRS.
■ Atypical acquisition of language
o you child
August 2012 FORTHCOMING IN MAy 2013
128 pages • 9.20 €
The Child in 100 Words Jacques André
sophie de mijolla-mellor
A notion as important as repression, whose positive creative outcome it constitutes (as opposed to neurosis), sublimation occupies a paradoxical position in psychoanalysis: never totally defined by its founder, it is however indispensable if we want to reflect on the origins of feelings of affection, social links, artistic achievements and even the ‘pleasure of thinking’.
a TreaTise of suBlimaTion
608 pages • 29 €
What sublimation is not to Freud
What sublimation is to Freud
sublimation between eros and thanatos ■
sublimation after Freud
■ sublimation at different times of life ■ sublimation between thought and art
This book takes stock of the fruits of research since Freud and tests their capacity to reflect on human beings and their becoming, so demonstrating the irreplaceable contribution of psychoanalysis. September 2012
sublimation and belief
sublimation in social life
sublimation in everyday life
A t a r o p o t w a
H l c J i
Agrégée in philosophy, Doctor of Arts, psychoanalyst, Professor at Paris Diderot University where she is director of the graduate school ‘Recherches en Psychanalyse’, Sophie de Mijolla-Mellor is internationally esteemed for her publications on the psychopathological, anthropological and cultural implications of sublimation and thought. Director of the review Topique, president of the Association Internationale Interactions de la Psychanalyse’ (A2IP), she has assembled here the contributions of her collaborators in that association.
T m t t t
G P t a L w ‘ d
narcissism Narcissism is a key concept in psychoanalytical theory and may be located at the heart of the construction of personalities, characters, and identities. This book invites us to explore narcissism in its various forms, from narcissistic wounds to the rage and the depression narcissism may provoke; touching also upon pernicious narcissistic perversion. Paul Denis, internationally esteemed for his publications, is a psychoanalyst, member of the Société psychanalytique de Paris. He has written many books including Les phobies in the ‘Que sais-je?’ series.
Paul Denis ■ narcissistic personality problems. A clinical perception: the case of Édouard Manet ■
narcissism in Freud’s work
some clinical aspects of narcissism
■ narcissistic sexuality, love and narcissism ■ narcissism and perversion, narcissistic perversion ■ evolution of the concept of narcissism in psychoanalytical theory ■
narcissus on the couch
the question of identity
■ the sociological destiny of narcissism
April 2012 128 pages • 9.20 €
D t P L g I d a c
ems. of
the Key Concepts of Psychoanalysis gérard Pirlot and Dominique cupa André Green (1927-2012) was one of the great thinkers of contemporary psychoanalysis. He was an outstanding clinical practitioner and theoretician and many of his concepts have altered our metapsychological comprehension of how the psyche functions. We owe to him the elaboration of an original model for theoretical and clinical thinking which has become indispensable today when non-neurotic structures, his specialization, are treated clinically. He reformulated the fundamentals of metapsychology while respecting Freud’s edifice and adding contributions from major thinkers such as J. Lacan, D.W. Winnicott and W.R. Bion, so renovating psychoanalytical method. This book covers the principal of André Green’s major concepts in two parts: first, the conceptual genealogy up until 1996, then, working from the elaboration of the concept of clinical thinking, the evolution of André Green’s paradigms.
anDré green
■ Conceptual genealogy until 1996
Affect the ‘white psychosis: the child of id’ Life narcissism/death narcissism. the dead mother, negative hallucination and framing structure Language in psychoanalysis Borderlines and double borderlines: borderline disorders and private madness the negative and its developments the drive between language and representation of things the death drive and the disobjectalizing function ■ Clinical thinking and Conceptual evolution after 1996
‘Clinical thinking’
Gérard Pirlot, psychoanalyst and member of the Société Psychanalytique de Paris, Professor of Psychoanalytical Psychopathology at the University of Toulouse II, after a previous professorship at Paris West Nanterre La Défense University, former hospital psychiatrist, has written many books and articles. In 2011, he published ‘Du signe au discours d’André Green’ in Revue française de psychanalyse, 75, 4. Dominique Cupa, psychoanalyst and member of the Société Psychanalytique de Paris, Professor of Psychoanalytical Psychopathology at Paris West Nanterre La Défense University, chairman of the Nephro Psychology Unit, AURA, Paris, has written many books and articles. In 2005, she authored a chapter of a work on ‘La question de l’affect chez André Green’, in L’affect (Paris, Puf) and in 2008 she edited Image du père dans la culture contemporaine. Hommage à André Green, (Paris, Puf).
the intrapsychic and the intersubjective: drives and/or object relations Clinical thinking on non-neurotic states From ‘thirdness’ to the construction of the absent father the chains of eros and objectalization heterochronology: time disintegrated and the unconscious ‘subjectal’ line, ‘objectal’ line and the theory of gradients Psyche’s self-reflection A second look at the death drive question
September 2012 256 pages • 23 €
sherlock holmes anD his meThoD Why are we still infatuated with Sherlock Holmes? The author answers this question by proposing a pertinent and careful reading of Arthur Conan Doyle’s commentaries on his ambivalent relationship with his character, tracing the development of the fictitious investigation and considering Sherlock Holmes as a model and reference for all the disciplines that are founded on the interpretation of signs, commonly referred to as the Human Sciences.
February 2012 204 pages • 20 €
Dominique Meyer-Bolzinger, teaches twentieth century French Literature at the University of Haute-Alsace. Acclaimed specialist in detective fiction, she is particularly interested in the methods of fictitious investigation as well as the insistent presence of detective fiction in contemporary literature. She has published numerous papers on detective fiction, on Simenon and on Modiano.
Dominique meyer-Bolzinger
sherlock holmes, a 20th century myth
A strange expert
A doctors’ affair
the semiological adventure
A plea for clinical medicine
the sherlock holmes heritage
A discourse on method
is sherlock holmes positivist?
What the papers say... “In this fine book, full of effervescent ideas and suggestions, detective fiction becomes a moment of Western thinking.” Mediapart
unParDonaBle ferencZi Though a central figure in the history of psychoanalysis, Sandor Ferenczi (1873-1933) remains marginal in relation to classic authors, so nourishing the misunderstanding at the root of his companionship with Freud. The unfinished dialogue between Ferenczi and Freud nevertheless permits us to understand the ever-open and pressingly contemporary question of the institutional transmission of psychoanalysis.
March 2012 372 pages • 28 €
yves lugrin
■ the Wiesbaden episode (1932) ■ the Palermo incident (summer 1910) ■ the Breslau ordeal (Christmas 1897)
Yves Lugrin is a psychoanalyst, associate member of the Société de psychanalyse freudienne (SPF), and author of numerous articles.
Psychoanalysis in PalesTine The author retraces the history of Freudism in Palestine before the creation of the State of Israel. A history of immigration, tragedies, ideological combats and powerful personalities, against a background of anti-Semitism and the rise of Nazism… But this book also tells the story of the resistance to psychoanalysis and Freud’s ambiguity regarding Palestine and Zionism. By exploring the reception of psychoanalysis in this country, Guido Liebermann takes us to the heart of the history of the Jewish people and the agonizing birth of the State of Israel, while revealing the incredible richness of that unique adventure.
May 2012 324 pages • highly illustrated 28 €
Guido Lieberman lives and works near Tel Aviv. He is a psychoanalyst, a historian and clinical psychologist in a psychiatric hospital attached to Tel Aviv University. 30
guido lieberman
Preface by elisabeth roudinesco ■ the institutional foundation of psychoanalysis in Palestine ■ Psychoanalysis and teaching skills ■ receptions and resistance to Freud in the Yishouv
epilogue: psychoanalysis in israel after WW2: ambiguities and consternation
conferences The professional seminar held in Beijing, a Puf initiative organised with the support of the Institut Français, brought together researchers, publishers, translators and booksellers. The aim was to instigate a collective reflection on the objectives set by human science publishers in France and in China (to valorise research, satisfy the expectations of specialized readers, widen their readership, adjust content to societal debates), as well as on the challenges facing those publishers today (the development of digital technology, the invention of new ways of reading, writing and diffusing). The day was organized in four round tables, one of which was devoted to the various problems linked to translation – the training of specialized translators in the appropriate domains, the time required and the cost of translation – but also the available financial support for translations, the contribution of translators to the diffusion of research, bringing authors and important texts to the public’s attention. Lastly, the multiple possibilities offered by translation projects to authors (writing prefaces, adding chapters, updating bibliographies, making corrections) were discussed.
BeiJing 7 April 2012
This June, the Puf foreign rights department organized what it hopes to be the first in a series of events geared toward translators working in the fields of social and human sciences.
Paris 15 June 2012
Over forty translators working to and from languages as diverse as German, Japanese, Chinese and Russian attended the gathering, held in Paris. Translators were able to discuss amongst themselves, sharing experiences and trajectories. It emerged that there is no one formula for becoming a translator, except interest and, often, academic training in the field the translator is working in. Invitees had the unique opportunity to hear English-language translator Catherine Porter speak with Luc Boltanski about their collaboration on the translations of several books by the French sociologist. A variety of interesting issues came up: what does a word like ‘grandeur’ become in English? When is it possible to maintain unusual or rare-sounding words in a translation? Where do ‘concepts’ come in and how can translations into different languages help explore or even enrich them? A new collaborative platform dedicated to translation, TLHub, was also presented at the gathering, informing the translators present about what technology can do for their profession. In short, the event was a way of formalizing a dialogue about translation that has been growing in scope over the past few years, and seems bound to continue its expansion.
BeiJing / Paris
• 2012
Book fair 10-14 October 2012
Stand in Hall 6.1 A 954
Foreign Rights Department 6, avenue Reille 75685 Paris cedex 14 FRANCE Phone: 33 1 58 10 31 00 Fax: 33 1 70 76 65 59
Ms Marion COLAS Foreign Rights Manager UK, USA 33 1 58 10 31 55
Ms Maria VLACHOU Scandinavia, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Latin America, Far East 33 1 58 10 31 65
Ms Laurence zARRA Italy, Portugal and Brazil, Greece, Turkey, Eastern Europe, Maghreb, Middle East 33 1 58 10 31 66
Ms Alexandra PERNIN Departmental accounts 33 1 58 10 31 69
Ms Catherine MacMillan
Conception and realisation
Mr Laurent Marquès