Getting the Facts TEXT 1
All About Poutine
Poutine is Québec’s most popular fast food. Who invented poutine? What do you need to make the perfect dish? What are some new varieties of poutine? Where can you find the dish in other parts of the world? TEXT 2
Video Games: A Short History
Learn about the history of the earliest video games. Discover who creates them, how each game is different, and all about the challenges and dangers of playing video games. TEXT 3
Roller Coasters: Big Thrills on Small Trains
Explore the tallest, the fastest and the longest roller coasters in the world! What are the different types of roller coasters? Where are the great rides closer to home?
3 levels of difficulty easy
Michael O’Neill
Getting the Facts All About Poutine TEXT 2 Video Games: A Short History TEXT 3 Roller Coasters: Big Thrills on Small Trains TEXT 1