Readers couscous

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4 Couscous young readers TEACHER’S BOOK

retold by Rob Sved

4 young readers

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Sved, Rob

Couscous : standfor young readers, level 4 / retold by Rob Sved ; illustrated by Arthur França. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016.

ISBN 978-85-96-00689-7 (aluno)

ISBN 978-85-96-00690-3 (professor)

1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. França, Arthur. II. Título.

16-06381 CDD-028.5

Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Literatura infantil 028.5

2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5

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This is an old story from Tunisia. Tunisia is a country in the north of Africa. These are the main characters of the story. Can you match them with their pictures?

1. Zohar, a couscous-seller

2. Karim, a rich man

3. Sarah, Karim’s wife

4. The couscous genie

5. Salman, a rich clothes-seller

Here are some of the foods in this story. Check the foods that you like.

Personal answers.

1. beans 2. broccoli 3. carrots 4. chicken 5. cookies 6. couscous 7. nuts
8. olives

This story happens in the year 1720, in Tunis. It is a big and busy city in North Africa. There are many people on the streets. They are selling clothes and food.

Every day, Zohar pushes his couscous steamer along the street. In the winter, he makes couscous with carrots. Now it is summer and he makes it with broccoli and beans. Zohar moves around the streets of Tunis and sells his couscous. He sells tea too. Everybody loves Zohar ’ s couscous and tea.


At the same time, another man, Karim, is in his dining room. He lives in a big house with his wife, Sarah. They are very rich and they have many servants.

“ Bring me my lunch! ” he says to his servants. They bring him soup, chicken, vegetables, and fruit.

I want some cake, too. And some milk! ” he shouts.

After lunch, Karim says goodbye to Sarah.

I have an important meeting in the city, ” he says.


In the center of the city, Zohar is walking with his steamer.

“ Couscous with beans! Couscous with broccoli! Delicious couscous! ” he shouts.

to Zohar ’ ’ s friends.

Many people like his couscous. Soon a big family comes s steamer for food. They are Zohar the father says. Can we have four big bowls of couscous with beans? And can we have some tea, please?

Can I have some broccoli, too? asks

“ We ’ re very hungry today, ” “ of with ” he asks. “ ” asks the little girl.

Of course!

“ ” laughs Zohar.


At that moment, a carriage with two horses comes down the street. It is Karim. He is going very fast. He doesn ’ t want to be late for his meeting.

“ Move! Get out of the street! ” Karim shouts.

Zohar doesn ’ t move. He gives four bowls of couscous to the father. “ Here you are, ” he says. He looks at the little girl. “ Oh, and here is your broccoli! ” he says.

“ MOVE! ” Karim shouts again. But Zohar is talking to the little girl.

Karim ’ s carriage stops. “ Listen to me! ” he shouts.


“ Would you like some couscous? ” Zohar says to Karim.

No! I would like you to move. I am a very important man in this city. I can ask the king to take your steamer! ” says Karim.

“ You can ’ t do that, ” says Zohar. “ steamer. ”

“ A genie? Genies are in children ’ ” laughs Karim.

“ Now move your steamer! ” “ ”

There is a genie in this s books. They are not in couscous steamers on the streets of Tunis! I am giving food to this family. Please wait.


Karim is very angry. He gets down from the carriage. He takes out his sword.

“ Say goodbye to your steamer! ” says Karim. He starts to hit the steamer with the sword.

t make the genie angry!

“ Stop! Don ’ ” says Zohar.

“ crazy! ”

Why are you talking about a genie again? You are You don

“ I ’ m not crazy, ” says Zohar. “ ’ t believe me? Watch this. ”

Zohar moves his hand next to the steamer, “ ”

Zohar moves his hand next to the Couscous genie, Master Zohar needs you!

Karim laughs. “ This is crazy! There isn ’ t a… ”


Suddenly there is a bright light. A big genie comes out of the steamer.

The genie has two red beans for eyes, a carrot for a nose, and some broccoli

Zohar speaks to the genie. comes for a beard. His body is the color of couscous.

Sir, ” says the genie. “ What would you like? ”

Karim watches the genie. He stands with his mouth open. He drops his sword on the ground.

Karim mouth his on to “ Give me a cup of tea, please. ”


“ Of course, master, ” the genie says and starts to go into the steamer.

“ Wait! ” shouts Zohar. “ Give me two cups of tea… and some nuts, too. ”

“ Of course, master, ” says the genie and disappears.

Soon the genie returns with two beautiful cups of tea and a big plate of nuts. “ Here is your tea, master. Here are your nuts. Is that all? ”

“ Yes, that ’ s all. Thank you, ” says Zohar and the genie disappears.


That is amazing! ”

says Karim and he drinks the tea.

“ And the tea is delicious! ”

Karim is a greedy man. He wants the magic steamer. Do you want to sell this steamer?

“ ” he asks Zohar.

“ No, no, ” says Zohar. “ present from my mother… ”

“ ” says Karim.

It is a very special steamer. It is a I can give you 70,000 dinars, says Karim.

“ No, I can ’ t… ”

“ 100,000 dinars! ” “ ”

No, the steamer is… 200,000 dinars! One million dinars… and my carriage and my horses!

200,000 dinars! One million ” Karim shouts.


moment. “ O.K., give can have the steamer, ”

me one million dinars, the carriage, and the horses. You he says.

Karim runs to the bank. He comes back and gives the money, the carriage, and the horses to Zohar. Karim is very happy. He pushes the steamer down the street. People are laughing at him.

s Karim! He has an old couscous steamer. Hah! It

Look! That ’ ”

Karim says, “ Hah! It ’ s a very special steamer! ”

The people laugh again.

The people laugh again.


Karim opens the door of his house. He pushes the steamer into the living room. “ Sarah! Sarah! ” he shouts to his wife. “ Look at this! ”

Sarah comes into the living room. “ What is this old steamer? Where is the carriage and where are the horses? ” she asks.

Don ’ t worry! Watch this! ” says Karim.

Karim moves his hand next to the steamer. “Couscous genie, Master Karim needs you!” he says.

Nothing happens. “ Where is the genie? ” thinks Karim.


Sarah is not happy. “ What are you doing? There isn ’ t a couscous genie. This is an old couscous steamer! ”

“ No, wait. It is a special steamer, ” says Karim.

” It ’ s a couscous genie, ” thinks Karim. “ I need to make couscous. ”

He puts the steamer on the fire and he says again, “ Couscous genie, Master Karim needs you! ”

Suddenly there is a bright light. The genie comes from the steamer again.

“ Look! I am right! ” says Karim. Look! I am right!

“ Wow! ” says Sarah.


In this traditional Arabic story we meet Zohar, who sells couscous, tea, and nuts to the people of Tunis.

A genie lives inside Zohar’s couscous steamer, and one day, Karim, a rich businessman, wants to buy the steamer – and its genie. Zohar is happy to sell, but genies are not always what you expect – or want!

StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles.

Level 1 | 125 Headwords

Level 2 | 240 Headwords

Level 3 | 390 Headwords

Level 4 | 540 Headwords

Level 5 | 680 Headwords


ISBN 978-85-96-00690-3


Couscous Audio a vailabl e o eniln
88596 006903

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