GREAT TOOLS FOR SMALL WARRIORS New title to the series! This vividly illustrated book offers tips to address bullying from different perspectives: the abuser’s, the victim’s, the observer’s and the accomplice’s. It also tries to pin down the concept of bullying and highlights the importance of having a social support network (family and friends) to deal with it.
Author: Coni La Grotteria Illustrator: Marina Sáez Format: Hard Cover Size: 22 x 17 cm (portrait) Pages: 46 Age Level: 6+ Publication date: October 2022 Grant available
W ritten by Global Teacher Prize 2021 winner Coni La Grotteria. holistic take on how to deal with bullying, from the A perspective of each actor involved. entle but striking illustrations that depict everyday G feelings that many kids experience, in a nonaggressive and positive fashion. traightforward explanations that you can easily S put into practice.
Rights sold in: Korean and Portuguese (Portugal).
Coni La Grotteria is a preschool teacher and was awarded the international award Global Teacher Prize 2021 for her outstanding contribution to the profession. Her educational project, Schools of Peace, has been awarded internationally and has been implemented in schools around Europe and Latin America. Marina Sáez is an award-winning illustrator. She has studies in architecture, fine arts and illustration and currently combines her work as a freelance illustrator and teacher. Her work has been exhibited in Barcelona, Athens, Berlin and Chicago.