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Michael Brown

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Turf Pirate

Turf Pirate

Where were you born? Did you grow up there?

Born and raised in Elkins Park Pennsylvania

Is “acting your age” overrated? It’s underrated. Even the adults are children these days.

What do you do for a living? I’m in sales and marketing for the startup putter company, Makefield Putters.

What would you like to do for a living? Play on the PGA Tour

Aside from golf; what do you prefer for fun and

relaxation? I love No limit Texas Hold Em. It’s brain exercise, scratches my gambling itch, and I don’t have to talk.

What golf apparel do you like to wear? Travis Matthews

Whom do you most admire for their inner and outer

beauty? My Mother has always been beautiful. Her happiness comes from giving to others and serving God. I wish I were more like her.

Tell us about your first kiss? I’m confident it was horrible from the look on her face.

Tell us something about yourself that only your closest

friends know. I’m a romantic and believe I’m living the lead role in a Cinderella story.

What three things would you need to survive on a

deserted island? Albacore, Youtube, and the 60 degree wedge that gets me out of most jams.

Who would you like to have with you on the same

deserted island; and why? My Dad has always been the guy I go to for advice. I’ll need to know how to survive.

What do you find to be the most annoying habit people

demonstrate on the golf course? Telling me about their shots

Given the choice; would you select love, success, or

money to keep yourself happy? I live to succeed but wouldn’t survive without love.

What do you fear the most? Running out of time

What three people would you most like to play with in

your fantasy golf foursome? My Dad, my Grandfather, and Rush Limbaugh

What are some of your great accomplishments?

I won three different state amateurs inside of a year.

Relaxed evening at home, or nightclub and cocktails?

Always home.

Last time you spewed something through your nose

from laughing so hard? When Michael asks Oscar for advice on his upcoming colonoscopy.

Favorite comedian? I’m a John Mulaney fan.

Movies:…comedy, drama, action, romance? I like Sundance and Independent movies

Favorite television channel? Golf Channel.

Last book you read? Are you there God? It’s me, Margaret.

News, current events; hardcopy or on-line? Foxnews

Favorite charity to support? Food for the Poor.

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