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Erikah Neger

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Turf Pirate

Turf Pirate

Where were you born? Did you grow up there? Born and raised in Orlando, Florida

What do you do for a living? I play professional golf on tour for a living. What would you like to do for a living? Play full time on the LPGA and run my own golf business.

Aside from golf; what do you prefer for fun and

relaxation? I like to boats, wake surfing, traveling, napping, eating pretty food, shopping, and playing with my dogs.

What golf apparel do you like to wear?

I love to wear lululemon and J. Lindberg

Whom do you most admire for their

inner and outer beauty? I admire Bella Hadid for her inner and outer beauty. She shows off her natural beauty and embraces creativity in the fashion industry. She also uses her platform to promote positive change in her community and bring attention to ongoing issues including racism, women’s rights, and victims of natural disaster. Tell us about your first kiss? My first kiss was in the playground of the Kennedy Space center. I always laugh about that. It was my 6th grade field trip to see the space shuttle. Steak, chicken, or seafood? Seafood! I’m a pescatarian and obsessed with sushi.

Tell us something about yourself that only your closest

friends know. I’m actually an introvert. I can turn on a social personality but when I’m truly comfortable I’m quiet and enjoy doing relaxing things at home like watching a movie and ordering Uber eats.

What three things would you need to survive on a

deserted island? A garden with a lot of food, a comfy bed and a speaker to play music. Can’t live without Spotify.

What do you find to be the most annoying habit people

demonstrate on the golf course? When people get aggressively angry. I understand golf is a hard game but when people are throwing clubs and cursing it ruins the vibe. Being on the golf course can be relaxing and beautiful!

Name the three most important things to you in this

world. My family, health, and my golf clubs.

Given the choice; would you select love, success, or

money to keep yourself happy? I would always choose love. I’ve always believed that love is what fulfills the soul the most.

What do you fear the most? I’m scared of being lonely. My family and friends make me the happiest and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy any successes or money without sharing it with them.

What three people would you most like to play with in your fantasy golf

foursome? Any of the Jonas brothers, Steph curry, or post Malone. They all seem like tons of fun and would definitely have some side bets going on.

What are some of your great

accomplishments? I graduated from Stetson university with a finance degree, I’ve won 2 professional tournaments, and I’ve playing 2 years of professional golf traveling all over the world.

Movies:…comedy, drama, action, romance?

Comedies! I love to laugh it always brings up my mood. Favorite charity to support? Happiness project! Supporting, educating, and providing resources for individuals that struggle or want to understand more about their mental health.

What else would you like for us to know about you?

I am an avid Pokémon player. I’m a licensed class 3 reptile breeder that specializes in tortoises! I’m working on getting my PGA certification to teach lessons and motivate girls to get on the golf course. I have 3 tattoos, my first tattoo I got was with my whole family and we all got our initials, this was all of our first tattoos. I love art and plan to incorporate artists’ works onto my bag and golf equipment as part of a show case for their work. Lastly, I want to become an advocate for mental health and become a resource for struggling individuals especially athletes.

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