Even ogres are afraid

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Game rules © Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson S.p.A. – Tutti i diritti riservati




«There is no child, teenager, or adult in this world who has not heard, at least once, about OGRES. Everyone thinks ogres are gigantic and ugly, or that they smell like goats, but that is a lie! I know that many of us are decidedly beautiful and we take care of our looks. We live in very nice houses and our lives are quite similar to yours. And there is one thing that no one knows about us: we are big cowards! Don’t make fun of us, it’s not our fault. There is a spirit, an “Ogrescarer,” who wanders around at night going from house to house, blowing fears into our faces. We call him Terribilius. When you wake up in the morning….poof! You are afraid of something. But if we unite our forces together we can hope to beat him. So, do you want to help us defeat him?» From C. Scataglini, Anche gli orchi hanno paura, 2008, Edizioni Erickson

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Even ogres are afraid is a cooperative game that is meant to encourage children, teenagers, and adults to develop new strategies for overcoming their fears. Making > ÃÌ v Þ ÕÀ ÃÌ ÀiVÕÀÀi Ì vi>ÀÃ Ã ViÀÌ> Þ Ì ` vw VÕ Ì] > ` i>V v ÕÃ > viÃÌÃ our fears in a different way. Some people hide behind any old excuse, some people deny being afraid, some people isolate themselves in silent terror, others run away from their problems. In every situation, the person feels a real discomfort. However, it is reasonable to believe that fear can be overcome by using the right strategies.


First of all, it is essential to be able to recognize and admit, mainly to oneself, that the sentiment one feels is actually fear. Then it is necessary to be able to understand what is really at the root of that fear. The real turning point along the path to resolving one’s fears, however, is that of being able to share them, and speak about them with others. Communicating what one feels when he/she is scared of something, Ì i ` ÃV ÛiÀÞ Ì >Ì Ì iÀà ­iÛi >`Õ Ìî >Ûi vi>ÀÃ] > ` Ì i >ÌÌi «Ì Ì w ` > à ÕÌ to these fears by talking are all ways in which the charge of emotional tension fear provokes inside each of us can be relieved. Along with the De Ogres family, a family of ogres at the mercy of the fears caused by the sneaky Terribilius (a Ogrescarer ghost), everyone plays together trying to help each other by inventing stories and encouraging one another.

This game invites children, teenagers, and even adults to intervene, speak, interact, and V «iÀ>Ìi À`iÀ Ì w ` > à ÕÌ Ì Ì i vi>ÀÃ Ì >Ì Ì iÞ i V Õ ÌiÀ > } Ì i Ü>Þ° The game is mediated by the characters from the story, the ogres, who take part in the }> i >à > V >À>VÌiÀ « iViÃ] Ü Ì Ì i > v w ÌiÀ } Ì i «>ÀÌ V «>Ì v Ì i « >ÞiÀÃ Ì i Ãi Ûið * >Þ } Ü Ì Ì i }Ài V >À>VÌiÀà > iÃ Ì i>à iÀ Ì w ` > à ÕÌ Ì i½Ã own fears as well, because deep down, Ogredea’s, Tronky’s, Agresete’s, Matriorka’s and Ogrebaldo De Ogres’s fears are not that different from the ones that often strike humans.


© Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson S.p.A. – Tutti i diritti riservati

Game rules • 20 Fear Cards • 20 Courage Cards • 20 Speak Cards

• 1 spinner • 1 dice • 1 set of rules


CONTENTS • 1 game board • 5 pieces cut outs • 5 piece holders

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PREPARATION Take the game board, open it, and place it at the centre of the table game-side up. Divide the Fear Cards, Courage Cards and Speak Cards into their respective piles. Mix each pile of cards and place them on the game board in the spaces indicated. Detach the 5 character piece cut outs and place them in the plastic holders. Now put the spinner together: detach the yellow arrow from its plastic circle, put it through the hole in the spinner and block it with the arrow (check that it spins correctly). Place the dice on the game board. Now you are ready to start!

PLAYERS From 2 to 5 players (you can play with a maximum of 25 players divided in teams). Important: The game requires the presence of an adult. We advise this person to play actively on a team and not to restrict him/ herself to intervening only when needed to facilitate dialogue (when the Speak Cards or Courage Cards are played), or to enforce the rules of the game. Often participating in the game is the best way to inspire trust and create team spirit with the other players.


GAME OBJECTIVE The players should help each other free themselves of all of the Fear Cards present in the game. Everyone wins only if all the Fear Cards are eliminated. If the players give up and decide to stop the game before all the Fear Cards are eliminated, then Terribilius, the evil “Ogrescarer” wins.

© Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson S.p.A. – Tutti i diritti riservati

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BEGINNING THE GAME Game pieces: each team choses their own game piece from among the members of the De Ogres family and places it on the matching square on the game board. If there are any left over they can be put back in the box.


Carte Paura: each team receives a number of fear cards based on the following chart. The cards are placed face up on the table so that all players can see them. NUMBER OF TEAMS




3 cards

4 cards

5 cards


3 cards

4 cards

4 cards



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Who starts the game? Each team chooses one member to throw the dice. 6JG VGCO YKVJ VJG JKIJGUV PWODGT IQGU Ć‚ TUV +H FGUKTGF QVJGT ETKVGTKC ECP DG WUGF VQ FGEKFG YJQ IQGU Ć‚ TUV VJG VGCO YKVJ VJG [QWPIGUV RNC[GT VJG team with a player that ate a piece of cake most recently, etc! In case of a tie, it will be necessary to throw the dice again. The winning team starts the game, and play follows in a clockwise direction.


TURNS The player whose turn it is rolls the dice and moves his/her game piece in a clockwise direction the number of spaces rolled. According to which space he/she lands on, the following things must be done: draw a Courage Card, Speak Card, Fear Card (on the Terribilius space). o). If the player lands on the BONUS space (with the De Ogres family members on it) he/she gets another turn (see the Special Spaces paragraph). After moving the game piece, the team can decide whether to use a Speak Card or a Courage Card to eliminate the Fear Card in play. It is then the next team’s turn. HOW TO ELIMINATE THE FEARS Each player has the Fear Cards visible to everyone. To eliminate the Fear Cards it is necessary to FIRST use a Speak Card and THEN a Courage Card. Only after these two steps have been taken can the Fear Card be discarded at the bottom of the pile. Each player can only play one card per turn, so team work is fundamental. To free oneself from fears, it is necessary to open up and talk about them, and then listen to other people’s advice.


Š Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson S.p.A. – Tutti i diritti riservati


Ć‚ I

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Using the Speak Cards To eliminate a Fear Card VJG Ƃ TUV UVGR KU VQ talk about it! To use a Speak Card, the player must place it over the matching icon found on the corner of the Fear Card about which he/she wants to speak. It can be a card from his/her own team, or from another team (see Ƃ I 6JGP VJG URKPPGT KU URWP CPF DCUGF on the result one of the following actions must occur: • Give advice • Tell an experience • Invent a story Everyone on the team can participate in completing the action, but they must follow the directions on the spinner. When the Speak Cards are being used, anyone can ask questions to the player who is speaking. Once this step has been completed, the Speak Card remains placed over the corner of the Fear Card.

Ć‚ I Correct placement of the Speak Card.



If the Speak Card has this symbol on it, it can be played in the regular way or as a help card during the opponent’s turn to give support together with one’s own team about what is being spoken about. Once the card is played as a help card, it must be discarded at the bottom of the pile.

It seams easy but... Playing a Speak Card doesn’t guarantee automatic success. If the team does not succeed in talking about something, does not respect the directions on the spinner, or does not speak about the fear in question, the card gets discarded at the bottom of the pile and cannot be left on the Fear Card. If any doubt arises, ask the adult moderator.

Š Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson S.p.A. – Tutti i diritti riservati





Using the Courage Card If there is already a Speak Card placed on a Fear Card, a Courage Card can be played to try and eliminate the HGCT UGG Ƃ I 'CEJ OGODGT QH VJG VGCO ECP RCTVKEKRCVG KP VT[KPI VQ Ƃ PF solutions or concrete advice on how to face and overcome that particular fear. The players are free to say what they feel is best to help themselves or the others in overcoming a particular fear and the adult can help and direct. It is not necessary that the “fear advice” be 100% complete, but it is sufƂ EKGPV GPQWIJ HQT VJG VGCO WUKPI VJG Courage Card to take an active role in confronting problem and avoid any attempt at escaping from the problem.

Ƃ I Correct placement of the Courage Card: it is now possible to eliminate the Fear Card.

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SPECIAL SPACES If a game piece lands on one of the spaces, the following rules are applied.


COURAGE SPACE Draw a Courage Card. SPEAK SPACE Draw a Speak Card.

FEAR SPACE Draw a Fear Card and add it to those of your team. If there are no more Fear Cards left in the draw pile, ignore this space. BONUS SPACE If you land on this space, your team gets another turn at the end of its turn.


© Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson S.p.A. – Tutti i diritti riservati

The adult’s role


The role of the adult moderator/player should be a resource for the other players and should not in any way provide generalized solutions that may get in the way of Ì i >ÌÌi «Ìà v Ì i V `Ài > ` Ìii >}iÀÃ Ì w ` Ì i LiÃÌ Ü>Þ Ì ºLi LÀ>Ûi»° other words, the adult must perform his/her part as a player with taking the place of the other participants in the game by giving too much help in the various phases of the game. The adult who does not participate directly in the game acts as a coordinator and helps with the organization, explaining the rules and if necessary helps to encourage iÛiÀÞ i½Ã «>ÀÌ V «>Ì Ü Ì Ã«iV w V ÌiÀÛi Ì Ã° -«iV w V> Þ] Ì i « >Þ } >`Õ Ì is called on to intervene in the situation where some participants avoid facing the «À L i « Ãi` LÞ Ì i vi>À Ü Ì iÝViÃà Ûi Þ ÃÕ«iÀw V > À à i>` } >`Û Vi] À Ì iÞ give answers which are clearly meant for escaping the problem rather than looking for a real solution. Let’s try to explain this last scenario with an example.

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À> ViÃV >à > i>À >À` >L ÕÌ º i>À v ë `iÀà > ` Ì iÀ ÃiVÌû Ü V > Ài>`Þ has a Speak Card played on it from a previous turn. Marco, whose turn it is, decided to play a Courage Card to try and eliminate the fear, but while giving advice for overV } Ì i vi>À µÕiÃÌ i `iV >ÀiÃ\ º*i « i Ü >Ài >vÀ> ` v LÕ}à >Ài à Þt " Þ L>L ià > ` } À à >Ài >vÀ> ` v LÕ}Ãt» i>À Þ] Ì Ã ÃÌ>Ìi i Ì V> Ì Li >VVi«Ìi` >à ºV ÕÀ>}i >`Û Vi» ÃÕ Ì>L i v À V µÕiÀ } Ì i vi>À° Ì Ã V>Ãi] Ì i >`Õ Ì V> Ài« À>Ãi Ì i «À L i \ º Ü > Þ }À Ü Õ«Ã] à i v Ü >Ài > iÃ] Ü >Ài >vÀ> ` v LÕ}ð >ÀV ] Ü >Ì ` Þ Õ Ì ¶»° At this point, Marco (whose turn it is) can reconsider and try harder to give Francesco > ÃÕ}}iÃÌ À i V> > Ì> Ã Ì > Li >Û ÕÀ > ` Ã>Þ Ã iÌ } i º" Þ ÃÌÕ« ` «i « i >Ài >vÀ> ` v LÕ}Ãt» Ì Ã V>Ãi] Ì i >`Õ Ì V> >Ã Ì iÀ « >ÞiÀà vÀ >ÀV ½Ã Ìi> À vÀ Ì i «« à } Ìi> ­Ã® Ì ÌiÀÛi i LÞ >à } º v Þ Õ iiÌ Ã i i Ü Ã Ài> Þ >vÀ> ` v LÕ}Ã] Ü >Ì ÃÕ}}iÃÌ Ã Ü Õ ` Þ Õ } Ûi Ì i ¶» Ƃ Ì iÀ player’s answer (from Marco’s team) or from the opposing team if they use a help V>À`] V Õ ` Li ivviVÌ Ûi° À iÝ> « i] º"v V ÕÀÃi Ì Ã « Ãà L i Ì Li >vÀ> ` v LÕ}Ãt Maybe it’s not a real fear but instead it is the fact that insects are bothersome and also a bit gross…but to be really afraid of them is a bit of an exaggeration because Ì iÀi >Ài >À` Þ > Þ `> }iÀ Õà ÃiVÌÃ Ü iÀi Üi Ûi°»


/ i >`Õ Ì V> Ì i «À « Ãi Ì i «À L i Ì >ÀV >}> LÞ Ã>Þ } º- ] Þ Õ « >Þi` the Courage Card. What do you think you can say to your friend Francesco so that Ì i i>À >À` V> Li Ài Ûi`¶» > Þ] >ÀV }iÌà V ÃiÀ Ì Ì i «À L i ° º Ü Ìi Ì >Ì ÃiVÌÃ] v À Ì i ÃÌ «>ÀÌ] V> ½Ì ÕÀÌ Þ Õ Ã Ì Ã w i Ì ÕÃÌ ÃÌ>Þ >Ü>Þ from them. Yes, it is true that mosquitoes, for example, bite but it is easy enough o ii« Ì i >Ü>Þ Ü Ì ÃiVÌ Ài«i > Ì Ì >Ì V> iÛi Li L Õ} Ì Ì i ÃÕ«iÀ >À iÌ°» This answer represents a valid starting point for the player (child or teenager) to try and express other indications and strategies on how to overcome the fear of spiders and insects in an effective way. We repeat that the help and encouragement provided by the adult must be acted upon only in cases where the situation has arrived at a dead end which results in stopping the game. Otherwise it is preferable for the encouragement and solutions come from the players themselves.

© Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson S.p.A. – Tutti i diritti riservati


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