MAINE-ANJOU Junior Update
2020-2021 AJMAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Whitney Walker, Arkansas Vice President - Cassidy Barker, Missouri Secretary/Treasurer - Kaleb Miller, Iowa REGION 1 Whitney Walker, Arkansas Madisen Joliff, Ohio REGION 2 Kaleb Miller, Iowa Dexter Small, Kansas REGION 3 Cameron Luedtke, Texas Chancee Clark, Oklahoma AT-LARGE Madison Loschke, Kansas Emma Preston, Illinois Macie McCollum, Texas Cade Austin, Wisconsin Cassidy Barker, Missouri
QUEEN Mckenna Striegel, Ohio
Hey there AMAA and AJMAA enthusiasts! My name is Whitney Walker and I am thrilled to introduce myself as your newly elected American Junior Maine-Anjou Association (AJMAA) board president. I am originally from Northwest Arkansas and currently attend Oklahoma State University, where I am a sophomore double majoring in Agribusiness and Agricultural Leadership. I have been showing Maine-Anjou cattle for my entire junior career and love my Maine-Anjou family that stretches across the nation! On behalf of the 2020-2021 junior board, we are so excited to serve you guys this year with the best of our ability. Having board members from Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Kansas, and Wisconsin, we feel like we can reach even more members while at local and state level shows, alongside our national shows. One of the most important jobs that we have as
breed representatives is connecting with our members, and that is exactly what we plan to do! As most of you know, COVID-19 kept us from having our leadership conference back in May and drastically shifted our junior national plans. Although we were thrown for a loop, this also allowed us to expand the possibilities for NYLC in 2021, as well as try new ideas at junior national that turned out awesome! It’s always beneficial to step out of comfort zones and try new ideas, and this year was proof of that. Personally, I am so thankful for the association staff, volunteers, and state associations for adapting and making sure that we still got to enjoy one of the best weeks of the year in South Dakota. As we move into the fall, I want to wish each of you good luck at county fairs, state fairs and majors! I hope to see you all at American Royal!
PRINCESS Jaelin Wolfinger, Nebraska Mikell O’Hara, Montana Abree Belcher, Iowa AMAA YOUTH COMMITTEE Jirl Buck, Oklahoma Mark Beauprez, Colorado Cali O’Hara, Montana Andy Jones, Illinois