The Maine Anjou Voice

Page 14

Each year the American Maine-Anjou Association (AMAA) holds their National Maine-Anjou Show at a rotating location between the American Royal, Kansas City, Mo., North American International Livestock Association (NAILE) Louisville, Ky., and the Fort Worth Stock Show, Fort Worth, Texas. Special this year, the National Maine-Anjou Show & Annual Meeting was also the host of a very special, milestone birthday for the AMAA, 50 years. Held in conjunction with the 2019 NAILE, the AMAA celebrated 50 great years of existence with breeders from across the country in attendance. The 50 year celebration was held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, November 17. Kicking off the afternoon was keynote speaker, Mark Core, Executive Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer for Vermeer, Inc. and longtime Maine-Anjou breeder, who lead attendees in the afternoon session. Mark’s message was clear in describing how far the AMAA has come in its 50 years, but most importantly what is our plan for the next 50, what is our True North? He challenged members to take a look at their practices, to figure out where they excel, what they need to work on and how you can combine this skill set to become the best you can be as a marketer and breeder. Following Mark’s presentation, Blake Nelson gave the annual meeting report and awards were presented to the following operations; K&A Farms, 2019 Heritage Road Hall of Fame, Morton Farms, 2019 Breeder of the Year and Rick Carlson, 2019 Maine Man of the Year. A highlight for attendees was also the recognizing of those Legacy Breeders who have held a continuous AMAA membership for greater than 30+ years. The AMAA was proud to recognize these operations and is thankful for their continued service and commitment to the Maine-Anjou breed. As we look to the future and our True North, the message is clear, the people who support your endeavors are the key to success. The AMAA has always been fortunate in having a great support system and some of the best breeders in the nation. As we look to the future, it is bright, as we continue on the journey for the next 50 years. Congratulations to the AMAA on their celebration of this momentous, milestone birthday.



Keynote Speaker: Mark Core, Vermeer, Inc.

AMAA Celebrates


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