Why do Most Plans Stay on the Shelf? Voronezh, 2014

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URBAN DESIGN: Why do Most Plans Stay on the Shelf? Lecture, Voronezh June 2014 Edouard Moreau, Urban Designer, Founder of Off-The-Grid Studio



The role of the urban designer is changing it’s not only about designing plans he is designing a complex system of ideas, programs, analysis, coordinations, storytelling, roadmaps... it’s as much about the content as it is about the process.

“rupture of scales� Bernard Reichen, Architect Urban Designer

0.1 - 1 ha the public space

10-100 ha the district

1000-10000 ha the city


the architect-demiurge* is (almost) dead

* = a being responsible for the creation of the universe

Ville Radieuse

the architect-demiurge is fundamentally linked with over-simplification & “too big to swallow� effects

Kilamba “Ghost Town”, Angola

confessions of a (demiurge) sinner

Example of Doha Port


80% of masterplans/designs stay on the shelf (not counting competitions...)

West Kowloon Cultural District

West Kowloon Cultural District First Ideas - 1996

wrong brief wrong site “too big to swallow� over-simplified development program lack of business model limited coordination with stakeholders limited technical studies weak storytelling lack of project roadmap political context ....

Quito, Former Airport

classic practice of

emerging practice of



a client has a site and

a territorry exist, but there is a

a budget and needs a

neeed to find and organise a

new building for a new

stakeholders, curate the


program and help raise the necessary funds,

“the role of city planning has shifted from creating a city to editing a city� Hidetoshi Ohmo author of Fibercity,Designing for Shrinkage

“In the early 90s I was very skeptical about the value of planning – about what it could do. Lagos was a confrontation of that skepticism. Initially I thought: yes, this shows that planning makes no sense; it’s irrelevant. But now I’ve begun to see the subtleties in Lagos – that self‐organization is inscribed upon an organized model of the city. There’s a weird interdependence between the planned and the unplanned. Planning is becoming more interesting to me. It represents a cycle from skepticism to an awareness that we have to try to assume the role of planners, perhaps in a new way.” Rem Koolhaas

IS BOTTOM-UP THE SOLUTION ? Tactical Urbanism Guerilla Urbanism Acupuncture Architecture Temporary Use DIY Urbanism Handmade Urbanism Incremantal Urbanism Wiki Architecture ....

“too much bottom, not enough up” Michael Speaks, dean of Syracuse University School of Architecture


quote from Ariel Sharon, who during the endless negotiations about borders in Gaza and the West Bank, just went ahead and build “irreversible facts on the ground”, bypassing grand plans created by diplomats.

“its not to satisfy themselves with immediate interventions but rather to penetrate the mechanisms of power, money, policymaking, politics, etc.. that forms the basis of transformations of our cities. � Wouter Vanstiphout chair of design as politics, Delft University


from designing bottom-up or plans “factsto onprocesses the ground� ?



1. get the brief right 2. get facts on the ground

typical design process timeline

project inception/ brief

concept design


schematic design

planning approval

tendering process

get the brief right



high level cost estimates high-level business model market insight and analysis assistance in investor roadshows

project implementation strategy project phasing / roadmap technical briefs/RFP assistance in project management design and technical reviews

optimization of the layout testing architectural

market assessment


high-level cost estimates

key anchors:

high-level business

international school + eco-resort


“the heroic designer increasingly becomes the curator, editor, and director of collective dialogue-based process. [...] the production of spaces no longer aspires to absolute perfection, but underlies a process.� Philipp Oswalt, architect, founder of urban catalyst


URBAN DESIGN: Why do Most Plans Stays on the Shelf?

Lecture, Voronezh June 2014 Edouard Moreau, Urban Designer, Founder of Off-The-Grid Studio



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