Season of g n i c i o j Re
in Trials
By Valentina Visuvasam
It’s been quite a rough and tough last few months despite the fact that we have all had some laid-back days and days of rest as I would call it. Before the pandemic Ministry was very busy for us meeting people, taking care or families, counseling young people and those in need, visiting church family for some reason or the other. Spending time with others made it seem that it was a whole lot of ministry being done. But then came the real shakeup. Lord was calling out to us. Seek me and you shall not find me. John 7:34.
Since the first day of this world when God created this universe, He kept saying it’s good it is good. He loved his creation and all that He created. You see our God was very creative. when we look at all the different plants and animals that the Lord created each one is different. Look at the Giraffe which is tall, or the turtle, which is short, like the eagle which flies high but fish which swam. The hippopotamus was huge animal walks slowly, while how agile and fast is the deer or leopard. One was crated green as a frog, red like a cardinal (had time to see them fly around in our backyard during this lockdown!), huge as an elephant and small as an insect. Such was God’s creation but then God was not satisfied. None of those creatures satisfied him. So, he said in Gen.1:26 ‘let us make man in our own image’. Who was God talking to? Father God was talking with the Holy Spirit. You see Holy Spirit was present from the creation of Man. And then God made man. He said it is very good.
But at the Garden of Eden man disobeyed God and went his own way and did his own thing eating the very fruit that God told him not to eat. He sinned and then hid himself from God. When God came calling his name Adam where are you, man knew he was naked. He could not face God because of the sin disobedience which exposed so he ran away from God...Since then man has been running away from God but Father God in His love has been calling out to each one of us by Name. Today Lord is seeking you, won’t you turn your heart to Him, follow Him, and surrender your all to Him. And you shall seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13.
Valentina Visuvasam, Writer who Loves Jesus, she lives in PA, USA with her Pastor husband and daughter.