October 2010

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from Kilimanjaro:

Dr. Dion Chavis


Management, Nutritional Coaching & HCG Diets The Deadlift: Power with Prevention

White Teeth for Everyone TAKE A “SNAPSHOT” OF YOUR HEALTH

October 2010

Pumpkin... Beyond

Your Granny’s


5 Habits

for Healthy Skin

Curried Waldorf Salad

Breast Augmentation

with No Downtime and No Narcotics— It Can’t Get Much Easier Than This!

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Innovative Pain Treatments Could Provide Permanent

Pain Relief


Tales from Kilimanjaro One Man’s View from the Top Dr. Dion Chavis

10 Breast


with No Downtime and No Narcotics—It Can’t Get Much Easier Than This! www.activelifeguide.com

October Guide



5 Habits for Healthy Skin



6 22


White Teeth for Everyone

23 Pumpkin... Beyond Your Granny’s Pie

19 The Deadlift:

12 Weight Management,

Nutritional Coaching & HCG Diets


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Power with

Prevention 18 Curried

Waldorf Salad

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By Samuel J. Bacon, DDS

White Teeth for



t seems we can’t turn on the TV, go to our mailbox, or even open a magazine without seeing an advertisement for teeth whitening. But how do we know which treatment is right for us? I’ll explain the different options available; you should consult with your dentist to decide which whitening is best for you.

In-Office Treatment: This treatment is a great way to get a whiter smile with just one visit to your dentist. Highly concentrated gel is applied to the teeth after an assistant has isolated and protected your gums. After 45–90 minutes, typically done in 15-minute increments, you may see a smile up to twelve shades whiter! Many people choose this form of whitening before a major event—weddings, engagement pictures, job interviews, etc. This treatment is the most expensive option; however, you see major results in as little as 45 minutes and only need a single visit to the dentist’s office. If sensitive teeth are an issue, you’ll want to inform your dentist before undergoing any in-office treatment. A small number of patients experience discomfort from the concentrated gel.

Whitening Trays: This treatment is designed for your convenience. Once a day, you apply a small amount of whitening gel into a customized tray provided by your dentist. The gel is left on your teeth for 30 minutes to an hour, normally right before you go to bed. Most treatments last several weeks and can produce amazing results. Patients tend to like this form of treatment due to the gradual whitening of the teeth and low maintenance.

Whitening Strips: Several products on the market offer an inexpensive way to whiten your teeth in the convenience of your own home. Whitening strips are placed on your teeth for approximately 30 minutes. Similar to whitening trays, strips are applied over several weeks until you achieve a whiter smile. As with any whitening option, gum irritation and tooth sensitivity are possible side effects. Regardless of the whitening option you choose, I highly recommend you visit your dentist for a check-up and cleaning before you start any treatment. This will ensure your teeth are healthy and will improve your whitening results. www.activelifeguide.com

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Your guide to a healthy lifestyle


Halloween is Here!



What Will You Be This Year? alloween is just around the corner. Some of you may be thinking about what to wear on this spookiest and silliest of nights. Some of you may be thinking, “Oh, come on—I outgrew costumes the day I got my braces.” Well, whether you dress up or not, Halloween has the potential to be a really fun night for all—kids AND adults! For adults, good luck in figuring out what costume will work best after a couple of drinks with friends and family. And for you kids, try to decide what favorite superhero, or book or movie character, will yield the best harvest of goodies! For those of you who enjoy staying at home waiting to open your door to all kinds of ghosts and goblins, maybe just relaxing by reading a book or magazine between visitors, we have a great activelife in the Spotlight article for you in this issue. Meet Dr. Dion Chavis, a very adventurous

person who has been around the world climbing some of its tallest mountains. In this month’s spotlight, he shares some of his most exciting adventures from the past several years—and gives us a peek at the adventures that lie ahead for him. To quote Dr. Chavis, “Everyone has to find where they fit in in the big picture. Mountaineering is [his] way. Once you reach a mountain peak, other aspects of life seem much more manageable.” I think we can all relate to that. Remember—be active, live well!

Do you know someone who does? We are looking for individuals for our cover story! activelifeguide.com


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Cover Story



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Do you lead an active life?

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Send us an e-mail and we’ll consider you for the cover of alG

activelife Guide is published monthly by activelife Guide Corp. 6037 Saw Mill Dr., Noblesville, IN 46062; Copyright by activelife Guide Corp. activelife Guide is a registered trademark of activelife Guide Corp. activelife Guide strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. If you follow these fitness tips, you agree to do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge activelife Guide from any claims.


Habits for

Healthy Skin Wondering what you can do to nurture healthy, vibrant skin from the inside out? Tackle stress! Make activelifeGuide habits part of your life. Then, watch every inch of you -- but especially your face -- start to look younger, less stressed, and more alive.

1. Practice Deep Breathing Shift your body’s balance of oxygen versus carbon dioxide in favor of energizing, stress-squashing oxygen by doing slow, controlled breathing exercises. How often? Aim for twice a day.

2. Get Active Release the repressed anxiety trapped inside you by putting your body in motion for 30 minutes or more. How often? Do something -- anything -- every day, because exercise only tames stress for a maximum of 24 hours. So to reap the most benefits, you need to do it daily. If you prefer, tuck 10-minute pockets of activity into your day -- at lunch, after dinner, right after you get up and the house is still quiet. Find ways to sneak fitness into your schedule.

3. Beat the Foods That Beat You Reduce the allure of sugary, fatty foods -which are as bad for your skin as they are for the rest of you -- by eating more lean protein: fish, eggs, poultry, low-fat dairy

foods, and even walnuts. Also, try to be more aware of what you reach for -- and how much you consume -- when you’re stressed. Get some pointers on mindful eating. How often? All day, but especially early on -- morning protein helps curb afternoon cravings.

4. Focus on the Good Things Pick up a notebook you particularly like, and at the end of each day, make a list of things for which you are truly grateful. Or write down three things that went well, and why. How often? Nightly, as part of your winding-down routine.

5. Stretch Out Your Sleep Make it a goal to sleep as many hours as you need to feel alive and productive the next day -- all day. How often? Every night.

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By Michael Olszanski

OCTOBER 2010 |

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By Bruce W. Van Natta, MD

Breast Augmentation with No Downtime and No Narcotics—It Can’t Get Much Easier Than This!


“The Rapid Recovery Approach for Breast Augmentation” No Downtime, No Narcotics!


reast augmentation is the most common cosmetic surgery done in the United States each year. There is no denying the incredible beneficial effect it can have for women who have been genetically short-changed in terms of their breast volume. One reason many women hold off on getting breast enlargement is that they have heard that the surgery is really painful and that the recovery takes two weeks or better. Many of these women have kids, a job, or both, and can’t imagine taking that much time for themselves. The reality is that they don’t have to have pain or downtime with the technique we have been using for the past eight years. We call this the Rapid Recovery approach for breast augmentation. The standard “old-school,” post-op approach to breast enlargement involves binding the breasts with an ACE wrap, telling the patient to “take it easy”— significantly limiting arm motion—and taking narcotics for pain. What happens in this scenario is that the pectoralis muscle swells and gets stiff and painful. Since the patient doesn’t move, this process snowballs, with more muscle swelling, more stiffness, and more pain. It typically takes several days for this muscle swelling to resolve. I have heard many patients describe this recovery as being “worse than childbirth.” Ten to fourteen days of work and/or child care are typically lost with this approach.

The technique we have used for the past several years—with amazing success— involves a complete 180-degree switch in post-op care for augmentation. Patients undergo surgery in the morning, are sent home to take a two-hour nap, and then begin a program of stretching the pectoralis muscles with an overhead “jumping jack” kind of motion. They get in the shower, wash their hair, dry and style it, get dressed. We encourage them to go out with a friend or spouse, opening their own car doors. They can go shopping, go out to eat, go to a movie. We ask patients to do the arm stretches at least every hour. Most patients do them even more often because it feels good to do the stretches, all the while taking only ibuprofen— no narcotics are needed! At the end of the day we have the patients lie on their breasts for fifteen minutes, which gives a passive stretch to the muscle before they go to bed for the night.

This revolutionary approach has resulted in essentially no downtime following the surgery in terms of taking care of children, including young infants, and no time off work. The only exception would be in cases where someone’s job involves extremely heavy lifting or pulling. Friends of my patients who have had the traditional approach are typically amazed at the difference in this technique. It has truly been a game changer. The next day, patients can return to work www.activelifeguide.com

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or drive the kids to school or soccer. Their lives don’t have to come to a screeching halt and they don’t have to experience the significant pain that is associated with the traditional approach. With over 1,600 patients who have undergone this approach, I can tell you this Rapid Recovery breast augmentation really works, day in and day out. I am always looking for ways to make surgical procedures easier for my patients and to limit recovery times. This technique has been one of the most incredible improvements we have ever implemented, and I am truly thrilled with the difference it has made for our patients. This is truly a breakthrough for women who want to have breast enlargement. www.activelifeguide.com


If you lead a busy lifestyle, this may be a great option for you. If you would like to learn more about our unique, advanced approach to breast augmentation, I encourage you to check out our Web site at www.easyaug.com. There you can view before-and-after photos and see how our approach to breast enlargement results in one of the lowest complication/ reoperation rates in the country. You can also read actual patient testimonials detailing their experience and watch our online consultation video. If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation, call 317-575-0330 and mention that you saw this article in activelife Guide.


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By Roger Spahr, MD

Weight Management, Nutritional Coaching and HCG Diets


hen was the first day you looked into the mirror and said, “Holy cow, is that how I really look?” I guarantee that moment happens to everyone, male or female, at some time in their life. The biggest question is what to do about it. We have talked in the past about how stress and hormone changes gang up on women and men alike to add layers of fat to protect us from our “stress lives,” insulating us from that time when we are asked to hike across Pike’s Peak dragging an out-of-gas minivan and three screaming children behind us. The first step is self-awareness. What have you been doing, or rather not doing, that has resulted in your situation? Like it or not, we are often the product of our own decisions. Ouch! Of course stressors play a part, as does biochemistry. However, if you “don’t like vegetables” and will “never eat them,” then you have a rocky road ahead. Typically, the answer is to expose oneself to properly prepared dishes and—ta-da!—your tastes change. The second step is to find a mentor or coach to help you through the process of change. Have you ever performed a physical task during your life which you found later was not the best way to achieve the desired result? I’ll bet you found it difficult to change, right? That is exactly why professional athletes and even successful business people often use coaches to focus them and improve their performance. You know that it takes more than a catchphrase to steer you in a different direction. That’s why our office uses a registered dietician/nutritionist to help our clients through a dietary coaching program. No matter who you see or what you do, you must find a mentor with experience and knowledge that you can see on a weekly or twice-per-month basis. You need that ongoing coaching to develop new attitudes and skills.

So you have found a coach and entered your diet process. Now what? Step three is the diet itself. There are entire books written on each of many diets, and all have their place. However, in my experience, the one with the best long-lasting effects—the one that decreases fat, balances hormones, and resets metabolism—is a diet based on the glycemic index. That diet reduces your intake of foods that transform rapidly into sugar. This transformation is worse when under stress. (Please note the hauling of kids over Pike’s Peak above.) What happens if you cannot seem to change your weight? Give up? Live with it? Believe that you were never meant to achieve a weight that at one time was your norm? Please do not allow yourself to believe that statement. Typically, your stressors have established inefficient parameters for handling energy burning and storage. It is now time for an expert. One of several techniques we employ for individuals who fail our phase one programs is the use of a method called the Simeon Protocol, based on the book Pounds to Inches by Dr. A.T.W. Simeon. The basic principle is to use very small injections of human chorionic gonadatropin (hCG) to reduce hunger and turn on the burning of brown fat. A very low-calorie diet is employed, and the results may be quite remarkable. The theory is that the diet resets your hypothalamic set point, an area in the brain that monitors metabolism, to start burning fat again. That mechanism may have been negatively affected by your diet and hormones. This needs to be monitored by a knowledgeable physician and expert in the field. Whatever you do, do not live with the thought that you are locked in and that nothing can work for you. As my granddaddy used to say, “It just ain’t so.”


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One Man’s View from the


BY Matthew Hume PHOTOGRAPHS BY Ramón García 14  activelife Guide |




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An activelife in the Spotlight


urning 40 is an event to be celebrated. It’s a time to look back at what has been accomplished thus far in one’s life, and it’s a time to consider the possibilities that lie ahead. In the case of Dr. Dion Chavis, this month’s featured individual, turning 40 gave birth to a new obsession. “I decided I was going to either become an avocational racecar driver or a

mountaineer. I left it up to my wife. She chose mountain climbing.” Dr. Chavis is board-certified in both plastic surgery and age management medicine. His practice, the Chavis Center, is based in Carmel, and he is also is an affiliate physician with Cenegenics age management practice (if you’ve seen an ad in your in-flight magazine that shows a 70-something man with a 20-something body, that’s them). Dr. Chavis and his family began vacationing at Mt. Shasta, California, in 1996, and repeated visits left him feeling very attached to the mountain and the surrounding region. So in 2000, to celebrate turning 40, he decided to make the 14,162-foot climb to the summit. “The hardest part of mountain climbing is coping with altitude complications, and it’s hard to replicate.” He began his training by running and lifting weights. At one point he loaded up his backpack and started hiking through the garage on his treadmill. “I felt like a caged gerbil,” he jokes. “Now I do a lot of hiking.” Holliday Park, on the north side of Indianapolis, is a favorite location for his training. On the morning I spoke with Dr. Chavis over the phone, I asked him what he had

eaten that morning for breakfast. “Water and supplements, so far,” he told me. It was 9:00, and the morning had required him to play handyman—his daughter had a headlight out on her car and she needed his help in replacing it—leaving him little time to properly nourish himself. His plan, though, was to scramble some egg whites along with some feta cheese. “I don’t really have a regimen when it comes to my diet,” he explained, “but I do try to maintain a diet with a low glycemic index.” A breakfast of eggs and cheese is a good example of this. “Basically, I do my best to avoid processed sugars and sugary carbs. My diet consists of, in large part, lean meats, tuna, and fresh vegetables.” It immediately occurred to me that Dr. Chavis and Laura Marenco, whom you met last month, both follow a diet based on the whole food philosophy. “Living a healthy lifestyle is perceived by many as drudgery, or even as punitive. But eating right can be delicious.” And with feta on the table, I completely agree. What does his family do while Dr. Chavis journeys one step at a time into his new obsession? As it turns out, the foothills of mountains are ripe with opportunities for www.activelifeguide.com

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exploration. “At Yellowstone, the region below the timber line is filled with beautiful lakes, hiking paths, and exotic birds. I may be the only one whose goal is the summit, but the whole family hikes.” Outside of vacations, his wife stays active with Pilates. Their son, who Dr. Chavis says is the fittest guy in the family, is an avid bodybuilder. Their older daughter enjoys running, and their younger daughter loves to play soccer. “My children are third-generation practitioners of healthy living,” says Dr. Chavis. He learned from a young age that staying in shape as we get older is easier than getting in shape, and he has his mother to thank for this. “My mother was a social worker in the 1950s and a practicing gerontologist. She taught me that aging is a natural process, not a punishment.” At 84-years-old, his mother is considered to be a leading specialist on aging in the state of Missouri. “My goal as I age is to maintain vitality, energy, and a positive disposition. Mountain climbing helps me to do that.” Dr. Chavis admits his life has seen cycles. “I lifted weights in high school and stayed active that way until I was in my thirties. I started running in med school as a way to relieve stress. Then I got busy with work—and busy raising a family.” But with that first mountain climb at age 40, he got back in the game of active living. This year, Dr. Chavis celebrated his 50th birthday. And what better way to mark the event by climbing Mt. Shasta again? And Mt. Adams? And why not throw Mt. St. Helens into the mix? “I never could have climbed all three of these mountains in the course of one summer when I was 40.” He also added white-water rafting to his repertoire this summer. “It really was just something

to do between climbs,” he says modestly. He and his climbing buddy decided to get a taste of level 5 rapids on the White Salmon River, which feeds off the glacier at the top of Mt. Adams. “It wasn’t scary, but you definitely had to pay attention. The current was fast, and each of the rapids had names. One was called ‘The Baby Killer.’ And the last one is a waterfall—it felt like being in a washing machine!” Most of the mountains Dr. Chavis has summitted are on the North American continent, but his sense of adventure eventually led him to one of the world’s highest, most famous peaks: Mt. Kilimanjaro. “It was my first time venturing out of North America—I loved interacting with Africans on the African continent.” And the climb up the mountain was a multicultural experience in itself. “It was like the United Nations with hiking boots on,” Dr. Chavis recalls. His climbing group included individuals from Japan, France, and Austria. The journey up the mountain took three days—coming down took two—and it afforded an opportunity for this gathering of nations to draw close together. “There were hut communities on the mountain with mess halls and supplies. Meal time gave us a chance to get to know each other and form friendships.” And if climbing Mt. Shasta left Dr. Chavis feeling empowered, how did Mt. Kilimanjaro affect him? “The sensation of being so far above the clouds, at the highest point on the African continent, was incredible.” If you’re ready to make a change in your own life, Dr. Chavis first recommends seeing your primary care physician. “It’s important to get a history and physical in order to get an objective starting point.” Beyond that, he suggests formulating a specific goal within a specific timeframe. “You have to decide to make a change—flip the switch, so to speak. Take the sentence, ‘I’ve always wanted to…’ and fill in the blank.” Perhaps your goal will be to learn to play tennis. Or maybe you’ve always wanted to take a dance class. Maybe you want to find an outdoor activity that lets you enjoy nature. Whatever the goal, Dr. Chavis also recommends finding a trainer or workout partner. “By training with someone, you can help each other stay on track.”


So what’s next on the horizon for Dr. Chavis? “I’m really hoping to run in next year’s Indy 500 Mini Marathon,” he tells me. And while he confesses that an attempt at Mt. Everest is not currently in his plans, he already has a calendar of upcoming climbs: Mt. Whitney is slated for 2011; Mt. Shasta again, along with Mt. Rainier, in 2012—that trip will include a side trip to Seattle’s Jimi Hendrix Museum; and hopefully another meeting of the nations on Kilimanjaro in 2013. To the Native Americans who first resided in the area surrounding Mt. Shasta, the mountain held great spiritual significance. Dr. Chavis understands this. “Everyone has to find where he or she fits in in the big picture. Mountaineering is my way. To sit on top of a mountain is spiritual overload for me.” What else keeps him climbing? “The physical act is painful, but the effects are exhilarating and empowering. Once you reach a mountain peak, other aspects of life seem much more manageable.” The act of climbing a mountain has given rise to an endless number of metaphors for life. For Dr. Chavis, the metaphor is quite succinct: “Life is a journey—you travel through it one step at a time.” Better get your boots on.

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Waldorf Salad

The famous Waldorf Salad, full of apples, celery, raisins and walnuts, gets a healthful makeover with a touch of golden curry. It has nearly twice the fiber of typical versions.

Ingredients • 1/4 cup nonfat plain yogurt • 3 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise • 1/2 teaspoon curry powder • 1/8 teaspoon salt • Pinch of cayenne pepper, or to taste • 1 orange • 2 tart-sweet red apples, diced • 1 cup chopped celery • 1/3 cup golden raisins • 1/3 cup coarsely chopped walnuts, toasted

For more recipes, go to our Website www.activelifeguide.com/recipes

Preparation 1. Whisk yogurt, mayonnaise, curry powder, salt and cayenne in a medium bowl. Grate 2 teaspoons zest from the orange and add to the dressing. 2. Using a sharp knife, cut off the peel and white pith from the orange. To make segments, hold the orange over the bowl (to catch the juice) and slice between each segment and its surrounding membranes. Add apples, celery, raisins and walnuts; toss to combine.

Tips & Notes To toast chopped walnuts, cook in a small dry skillet over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until fragrant and lightly browned, 2 to 5 minutes.

Nutrition Per serving: 136 calories; 5 g fat (0 g sat, 0 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 24 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 2 g protein; 4 g fiber; 134 mg sodium; 222 mg potassium. Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (26% daily value). Serving Exchanges: 1 ½ carbohydrate, 1 ½ fruit, 1 fat www.activelifeguide.com

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The Deadlift: Power with Prevention


ere we are again preparing for yet another stellar football season! Your favorite athletes have been training diligently in the weight room and have made great strides in advancing their strength and power! Special weightlifting moves such as the deadlift have been incorporated to supercharge an athlete’s performance from the squatting stance. Along the way, however, there may have been some little problems that could have come up. Headaches and lower back pain often are seen with the use of the deadlift. Even though it is the best way to increase your physical prowess, some mild foot position issues or jerking to get that last rep out may have started you on a path for future injury. Let’s see how we can reduce your risk! There are several ways to do the deadlift. Some use dumbbells, while others utilize the straight bar. Some incorporate the straight leg; others keep the legs bent. As a spinal specialist and former strongman athlete, I prefer athletes to use the bent-knee approach called the “Romanian style.” Regardless, a flat back throughout the entire motion is key to reducing the chance for injury to the lower back during the execution of the deadlift. During the Romanian-style lift, you start in the squat stance with the toes pointed outward slightly, and lift using your gluteal and hamstring muscles throughout the movement until you are upright, finishing with a forward pelvic thrust. Your knees maintain a slight bend in them even at the end of the movement. Throughout the entire motion, do not round your back! This is key to reducing the posterior motion of the rib heads and a strain to the lower back. Also, avoid any jerking motion involving the head. This is where a series of other problems could begin. The sudden jerk of the head under load can offset the base of your skull and its articulation with the upper bones of the neck. Not only can a headache result, but you may see congestion of your sinuses. Your blood pressure may even rise and lead to dizziness. Ringing of the ears, jaw pain, and, of course, neck pain all may result from getting a little overzealous with the deadlift. These things are all correctable with a chiropractic adjustment as opposed to 12 weeks of time in a balance institute. You may see the exercise described, as well as others, on the Internet by going to www.exrx.net. As always, if you have any questions or comments, they may be addressed personally by contacting our office. Have a great—and pain-free—workout! www.activelifeguide.com


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By Pattanam Srinivasan, MD, Clinical Director, Advanced Interventional Pain Center

Innovative Pain Treatments Could Provide Permanent

Pain Relief


ermanent pain relief? Is this possible? Yes! Defying all treatment statistics and published literature at Advanced Interventional Pain Center, four pain conditions still thought to be recurrent and incurable have responded to innovative, minimally invasive pain treatments resulting in permanent pain relief. These include: postherpetic neuralgia, a condition frequently troubling the elderly population with persistent pain after a shingles attack (viral infection); vascular pain due to poor blood circulation; certain types of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), which results due to many years of intense pain symptoms; and intractable pelvic pain in women. Under my clinical direction, Advanced Interventional Pain Center has treated over 1,600 individual patients and has performed over 5,000 interventional treatments since its inception in 2005. Patients who presented with the above-mentioned pain conditions have had months and years of pain symptoms. They had failed every possible pain treatment consistent with current literature, noting poor pain relief in these conditions. To their delight, after undergoing just one or two minimally invasive pain procedures, pain symptoms appeared to have vanished without a trace. What was done differently? I believe it is the in-depth understanding of a pain condition and individualizing pain treatments through personal attention to detail, as well as sound application of scientific principles as it applies to pain treatments. For example, in postherpetic neuralgia, procedures are done to improve vascular flow to the infected nerves where the shingles virus is still causing the disease, and such procedures also help antiviral drug therapy to penetrate the infected nerves and destroy the virus. This novel concept, developed and utilized only at Advanced Interventional Pain Center, is responsible for permanent relief from postherpetic neuralgia in most patients presenting with this pain condition. Novel concepts are also used in the treatment of common pain conditions, such as low back and joint pain from arthritis, to provide long-term pain relief. By “novel concepts,” I do not mean the treatments are experimental; rather, “intelligent” use is made of existing and approved treatments to get the maximum benefit—long-term pain relief. Success rates in providing long-term pain relief at Advanced Interventional Pain Center have been consistently over 90% in the last four years, while the national and international treatment success rates for similar pain conditions remain at 50%.

Strangely, pain management is not a term used at Advanced Interventional Pain Center, as patients receive long-term pain relief without the use of narcotic pain medications within two to three treatment sessions, rarely requiring a fourth. So what is the role of the pain specialist who doesn’t prescribe pain medications? Contrary to popular belief, a pain specialist is not someone who continues to prescribe narcotics. Prescribing narcotics can be done by any physician and requires no specialized training. The role of a pain specialist is to determine the pain transmission pathways of persisting pain conditions when primary causes have been ruled out by other physicians, and not simply to prescribe more narcotic medications. At Advanced Interventional Pain Center, our quest to find better pain treatments has lead to an important innovation that can provide drugless pain treatments using a laser device that selectively destroys pain nerves while leaving healthy tissues intact. Deep-Tissue Low-Intensity Laser Therapy (DT-LILT™) is a minimally invasive technology using Low-Intensity Laser Ablation (LILA™) for selectively destroying C pain fibers responsible for chronic pain symptoms. A variety of pain conditions that involve C fiber pain transmission can be treated, resulting in instantaneous pain relief. Such pain relief is sustained over several months. DT-LILT™ indicates the group of medical applications collectively developed for using LILA™. LILA™ works by employing the phenomenon of cell absorption and cell resonance to selectively destroy C pain fibers on contact. Heat is not generated in the process, preserving the integrity of healthy tissues and other types of nerve fibers. LILA™ is easy to use when one or more focal pain conditions exist and are confirmed by a physician’s clinical exam and diagnosis. DT-LILT™ and LILA™ are new concepts that were invented at Advanced Interventional Pain Center. DT-LILT™ and LILA™ have completed preliminary clinical testing. They offer enormous advantages over all existing modalities of pain treatments for focal pain conditions. DT-LILT™ does not require any drugs, and no sedation is required for the procedure. DT-LILT™ is devoid of adverse effects when used appropriately and for this reason can be safely performed in a physician’s office. DT-LILT™ and LILA™ are available only at Advanced Interventional Pain Center on a select patient-by-patient basis, as these treatments are yet to be FDA approved. Pain treatments that avoid narcotic medications help patients in preventing or avoiding surgery. Compliance with our pain treatments is very important if pain relief is to be obtained. I have noted that patients who fail these treatments are usually those who don’t quit smoking, those who seek addictive pain medications, and/or those who do not show up for follow-up visits. To know more about the non-narcotic, drugless pain treatments offered at Advanced Interventional Pain Center, I recommend visiting our Web site at www.inter-pain.com. www.activelifeguide.com

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By Robert Prather, DC, DABCI, BCAO, LAc





ur bodies change constantly, and the most valuable tool that the physician uses to assess health is laboratory testing. Lab testing takes an internal and dynamic “snapshot” of you at the time of the test. As a health care physician, I must first identify the cause or causes of a patient’s health symptoms before I attempt to “heal” him or her. Lab testing is probably one of the most important things that you can do for yourself. I believe the three most important labs for overall health are blood, hair, and stool analysis.

#1 Snapshot—Blood Analysis We look at blood work not just for disease, but for imbalances in function. You may feel normally healthy, but blood work from a functional perspective can show many imbalances. The sad thing is that most health care practitioners don’t analyze blood chemistries from a functional perspective. At the Prather Wellness Center, we use a comprehensive blood panel that includes 52 separate blood tests. This blood panel gives the most comprehensive picture of a person’s overall health. I have had over 365 hours of post-graduate work on analyzing blood chemistries from a functional perspective. What do I mean by a “functional perspective?” Let me give you an example. This past week one of my patients went to the emergency room with heart palpitations. After a thorough and expensive testing, no problem was found and she was sent back home. After I reviewed her blood work from the hospital, it was obvious to me her adrenals were stressed. I started her on adrenal supplementation; after two days she felt completely normal again and the heart palpitations stopped. This is just one of the many reminders to me of the incredible benefits of routine blood testing with a functional perspective.

#2 Snapshot—Hair Analysis Every single mineral in the body has an effect on every other mineral in the body. The physical body is made up of minerals, which are the basis of all life. The hair analysis we perform at the Prather Wellness Center is one of the most accurate ways of detecting toxic metals within your tissues and determining your mineral imbalances. All minerals need to be in balance for optimal health. For instance, if calcium and magnesium are too low, you may have muscle twitches or trouble

sleeping. If sodium and potassium are too high, you may have hyperactivity. We had a patient come into our office who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. A hair analysis revealed high manganese levels, which can imitate the symptoms of Parkinson’s. The patient had a full recovery once we balanced his manganese levels. The key is that all of your minerals need to be in balance with each other so they can nourish your body properly as they are supposed to do.

#3 Snapshot—Stool Analysis Many chronic disorders come from digestive problems and inadequate nutrient absorption. Even with a complete and balanced diet, nutrients have to be properly digested to transport vitamins to different parts of the body. Proper gastrointestinal functioning also ensures elimination of toxic molecules, microbes, and undigested food particles from the body to prevent infections, toxic reactions, allergies, and other health problems. The comprehensive stool analysis we use at the Prather Wellness Center detects the presence of pathogenic yeast, parasites, and bacteria, which could be contributing to chronic illness and neurological dysfunction. It provides helpful information about natural products effective against specific microorganism strains detected in the sample. The test also evaluates beneficial bacteria levels, intestinal immune function, overall intestinal health, and inflammation markers. I saw a young man who was diagnosed with ADD. His parents brought him into our office for evaluation because he was going to be put in special education classes. Once a stool analysis was performed, it was found he had high yeast with no normal gut bacteria. After six months of treatment, we eliminated the yeast and restored the normal gut flora which brought him from being a student getting Fs on his report card to being an A student.

To help promote better health, the Prather Wellness Center is offering $25 DISCOUNTS on each lab analysis or a $100 DISCOUNT when you order all three. Offer expires October 31. Call us at 317-848-8048 or visit us at www.pratherwellness.com. Dr. Robert Prather is the host of the Voice of Health radio show, which airs every Saturday at 9AM on Freedom 95.9 FM WFDM and NewsTalk 1430 AM WXNT. www.activelifeguide.com

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Pumpkin...Beyond Your Granny’s Pie


Pumpkins are one of nature’s great powerhouses when it comes to boosting both natural health and beauty. This amazing orange vegetable can be a health contributor beyond the standard holiday pumpkin pies that become popular around this time of year.

Beauty products that contain pumpkin not only have aromatherapy benefits but skin regenerating benefits as well. Pumpkin nourishes the skin and is known to be the highest source of natural vitamin A, along with over a hundred other beneficial vitamins and nutrients. The enzyme-filled pumpkin is a natural exfoliating vegetable that contains alpha and beta hydroxy acids that have been shown to promote smoother, younger-looking skin by increasing the rate of cellular renewal. When pumpkin is used in professional facial products, it directly addresses skin issues such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines and wrinkles.


If you have always wanted to try a facial and were hesitant about the sensitivity caused by some treatments, try a pumpkin facial. It is effective, yet gentle, and the smell is beyond delicious. It is like having a pumpkin tossed into your face—but in a good way. By Brenda Schultz, Owner of The Naked Monkey

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meals or snacks each day, adding in a whey protein shake can help with this. 3. Whey protein encourages more lean muscle growth. Remember that getting a “toned body” requires increasing muscle (or at least maintaining it) while decreasing body fat levels. Including some additional whey protein in your diet, especially around your workouts, can help you achieve this.

Can Whey Protein Help Me with My Weight Loss Goals?


By Laura Marenco, PT

So how can whey protein help me with my weight loss goals?

Bryan, Carmel, IN

he majority of my clients call asking me for the secret of a healthy, toned physique. I tell them that the secret is simply a mix of hard work, a healthy eating regimen, and great supplementation. One of the key supplements to look for is whey protein.

Here are some facts that will help you clarify any questions you may have about this staple of any fitness program: 1. Whey protein serves as a meal replacement when you are pressed for time. It’s always better to eat something than to eat nothing. Because whey protein powder is so convenient, you can keep it around at the office and make a quick shake when you are tempted to eat a less healthy snack.

What is whey protein? Whey is just a form of protein that is naturally present in dairy products like skim milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. If you drink a glass of milk, you are already consuming some whey proteins. The whey protein we’re talking about here is in a powdered form in which the manufacturer takes liquid whey and “dries it,” making whey protein powder—a form of whey that is portable and easy to reconstitute.

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2. Whey protein helps you eat 5–6 smaller meals across the day. Eating smaller, more frequent meals has been linked to improved body composition and less of a tendency to overeat later in the day. If you are finding it hard to fit in several small



4. Whey protein works as a great postworkout recovery drink. Because whey protein is quickly digested, one of the best times to drink a protein shake is right after you workout. This helps encourage recovery and ensure that you have enough amino acids available to allow your body to build muscle. So remember, make sure you are performing some form of cardiovascular activity (running, speed walking, cycling, taking a class) for no fewer than 30 minutes a day at least 4 days a week and strength training no fewer than 3 times a week. A solid workout routine, along with a sound, healthy eating plan, will yield results. Also, don’t forget to supplement with a good quality whey protein as well as whole food–based vitamins. To submit your question, please go to www.activelifeguide.com/contact us Laura Marenco is a fitness professional with over 10 years of experience. Visit www.lauramarencofitness.com or call 317.345.3892 for a consultation and rates.



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