SCFE new course options mean a bright and optimistic future for students IT’S that time of the year again when school leavers and other adults are planning for next September. After a couple of years that have turned our lives upside-down, the value of positive life experiences have become a priority. Further Education or Post Leaving Certificate courses are now well established as alternative pathway to Higher Education and are understood to support learners in gaining the skills and knowledge that will prepare them for the rigours of third level studies and decrease the potential for drop out. More importantly Further Education provides students with work ready skills which are industry led and provide direct access into meaningful employment. SCFE has a truly diverse range of courses on offer, many of which really suit learners who excel in creative and practical areas such as Art, Floristry, Fashion, Drama and Musical Performance, Hairdressing & B e a u t y, S p o r t , F i t n e s s a n d Wellbeing. SCFE has a strong reputation for excellence in the area of Early Childhood Education, Youth Work and Social Studies and now also offers courses in Special Needs Assisting and Intellectual Disability Studies and advanced Special Needs Assisting. Our Travel and Tourism courses suit learners who enjoy working with 46 Education
others and have an interest in travel and heritage. Choose what’s right for you, and the staff of Sallynoggin College will be there to help and support you on every step of your journey. CAO & Further Education Courses (PLC) Applications As part of a pilot programme a small selection of Further Education and Training courses (otherwise know as PLC courses) are now available for application through the CAO website. Students may now apply for SCFE courses including QQI Level 5 Certificate in Early Learning and Care with Special Needs Assisting, QQI Level 5 Certificate in Early Learning and Care with Montessori, QQI Level 5 Fitness Instruction & Exercise Science, QQI Level 5 Social Studies including Criminology and Addiction Studies, QQI Level 5 Fashion Design and QQI Level 5 Art, Craft & Design - Portfolio Preparation. Students are reminded that they can apply for the full selection of SCFE courses through our website New for September 2022 As a society we have become more health conscious and interested in fitness and wellbeing. SCFE have expanded the range of courses avail-
"SCFE has a truly diverse range of courses on offer, many of which really suit learners who excel in creative and practical areas such as Art, Floristry, Fashion, Drama and Musical Performance, Hairdressing & Beauty, Sport, Fitness and Wellbeing"
able to meet future skill needs in these areas. Along with our QQI Level 5 Fitness Instruction and Exercise Science course we are now introducing QQI Level 5 Physical Education (PE) & Sports Coaching, which offers qualifications in coaching as well a clear pathway toward a career in teaching, fitness and sports related fields. We are also introducing QQI Level 5 Physical Education (PE) & Inclusive Education this course combines SCFE’s proven expertise in the area of inclusion toward providing students with the skills required to work in the sport and fitness field within a diverse range of settings. Students from all of these courses can progress to a range of Third Level options or to SCFE’s QQI Level 6/ ITEC Personal Training and Strength& Conditioning and QQI Level 6/ITEC Personal Training and Sports Rehabilitation (including Physiotherapy Assistant and Sports Massage). Graduates form these Level 6 courses have progressed to a range of careers in this area including teaching, gym management/ owner to corporate fitness providers. Special Needs Assisting including Intellectual Disability Studies SCFE are delighted to introduce this new course which offers a broad