g u í a
Dirección y edición: FunGanga, S.L.
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martes / miércoles / jueves / domingo 17:00 - 23:00 viernes / sábado 17:00 - 5:00
c/ sepúlveda, 81 - barcelona
EDITORIAL AHORA QUE YA LO SABES BEARSPOINT dedicamos nuestra editorial a recomendar un libro que ha escrito un buen amigo, Oriol Pàmies. En “Ahora que ya lo sabes”, Oriol aborda a través de su experiencia y sus vivencias personales, entre otros, temas tan importantes como la orientación, la identidad o expresión de género, los prejuicios y la homofobia, la aceptación y el proceso de salir del armario, el activismo ... su objetivo y su deseo, que te sirva para tener la información necesaria, que te ayude a tomar tus propias decisiones en el momento oportuno y te permita darte cuenta que eres perfectx tal como eres. De lectura obligada estas navidades!
CRÉDITOS CREDITS Dirección y edición: FunGanga SL Redacción y corrección: Eduard Thió Diseño y maquetación: Ferran Rodríguez ferDISSENY Impresión: Saxoprint
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 -
04 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Alenti Sitges Hotel & Restaurant****
Carrer Primer de Maig, 19 - 08870 Sitges - - - Tel: (+34) 93 811 47 90 - Fax: (+34) 93 811 11 13
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 -
Top 10 Most Popular Gay B by
1 | GAYBY (2012) Jenn (straight) and Matt (gay) are best friends from college who are now in their thirties. Single by choice, they decide to fulfill a youthful promise to have a child together... the old fashioned way. 2 | BEARCITY (2010) Set in New York’s gay “bear” scene and taking a cue from the popular HBO franchise “Sex and the City”, BearCity follows a tight-knit pack of friends experiencing comical mishaps, emotionally sweet yet lusty romantic encounters and a cast of colorful, diverse characters as they gear up for a big party weekend. 3 | CACHORRO (2004) Pedro, a gay man with an active social life and big circle of friends, takes in his nephew Bernardo for a couple weeks. When it appears as though it might become a permanent arrangement, however, Pedro turns to his friends for guidance as he and 9-year-old Bernardo begin to forge a household together. 4 | CHUECATOWN (2007) Victor is a real estate agent in the quickly gentrifying neighborhood of Chueca in Madrid. But he hides a terrible secret; his apartments become available for sale when he murders the elderly women owners and disguises them as suicides. 5 | BEARCREEK (2017) A pack of friends in Denver’s gay bear community go for the camping trip of a life time filled with fun, laughs and a hot encounter. It all seems innocent enough until a rampaging sociopath joins them ensuring a trip they’ll never forget. 6 | DICKE MÄDCHEN (2012) Sven lives with his mother Edeltraut, she suffers from dementia. They share their lives, their flat and even the bed. During the day Sven works at a bank and Daniel looks after his mother. He accompanies her to the hairdresser, they go shopping or for a walk and Daniel keeps the flat tidy. 06 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Bear Movies and tv Shows 7 | ET + SI @ff (2006) The parallel fates of a few inhabitants of a strange planet : the world of Internet gay encounters… 8 | INSIDE THE CHINESE CLOSET (2015) In a desperate attempt to meet their parents’ expectations, Andy goes on a hunt for a lesbian woman to marry and Cherry in search of a baby to adopt. Being homosexual makes it hard to conform to their families’ and society’s expectations, but both Andy and Cherry are determined to do things ‘the right way’. 9 | A BEAR’S STORY (2003) When a gay man is invited to what he mistakenly thinks is a pool party benefit to “Save the Polar Bears” he discovers that not all gay men go for sleek, svelte younger men and his social and sex lives improve immensly. 10 | SKINNYFAT (2010) A young man tries desperately to get six-pack abs in order to impress a guy, only to learn that even six-packs may not be enough in the imageconscious world of gay dating.
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 -
Music Cultura
LITERATURA / LITERATURE @libreriacomplices
BIG FAT LOVE (Palabra de Oso # 9) de Bob Flesh ¿Qué es el amor? ¿Funciona el poliamor? ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de throuple? ¿Está en crisis la pareja? ¿Cree usted en las relaciones abiertas? ¿Y en las cerradas? ¿Es posible enamorarse de un culo? ¿Es el fetichismo una forma de amar? ¿Por qué lo llaman sexo cuando quieren decir amor? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que desfilan a lo largo de Big Fast Love, la novela más sensual de la serie Palabra de Oso. Marc y su marido Theodor se verán inmersos en un tórrido enredo en la soleada Fort Lauderdale, un paraíso gay en el que lo más fácil es dejarse caer en brazos de la tentación. ¿Saldrá ilesa su relación de esta aventura? Deberás sumergirte en un océano de amor y sexo entre osos peludos y apuestos cazadores si quieres conocer la respuesta. What is love? Does polyamory work? What do we talk about when we talk about throuple? Is the couple in crisis? Do you believe in open relationships? And in the closed ones? Is it possible to fall in love with an ass? Is fetishism a way of love? Why do they call it sex when they want to say love? These are some of the questions that parade along Big Fast Love, the most sensual novel in the series Word of Bear. Marc and her husband Theodor will be immersed in a steamy tangle in sunny Fort Lauderdale, a gay paradise where the easiest thing to do is to fall into the arms of temptation. Will your relationship of this adventure be unharmed? You must immerse yourself in an ocean of love and sex between hairy bears and handsome hunters if you want to know the answer.
08 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Culture CINE - SERIES @ylacriticaespara
Que: LA TRINCHERA INFINITA Donde: CINES Para quien: AMANTES DE LA GUERRA CIVIL Publicado por: Alvaro Rodríguez-Guerra NOTA: 6 Higinio fue uno de los denominados “topos”, personas buscadas en la Guerra civil que vivieron escondidos en casas, túneles o escondrijos durante meses y algunos años, tantos como 30. No hace falta decir la angustia y claustrofobia de vivir tanto tiempo en un escondite, esperando que vengan a buscarte para matarte. #AntonioDeLaTorre nos regala otra interpretación de lujo, como nos tiene acostumbrados, y no por esperada se hace menos meritoria. Su mujer está interpretada por #BelenCuesta, que aprueba con creces su estreno en un papel enteramente dramático, saliéndose de su bordada vis cómica. A ellos dos les acompañan dos gratas sorpresas cómo secundarios: #VicenteVergara en el papel del vecino y #EmilioPalacios en el papel del hijo, que tiene un escenón que bien le podría valer alguna nominación. El guión es buenísimo, no solo por lo bien detallado de la historia, sino por los pequeños detalles, las anécdotas, y nos muestra que muchas personas vivieron sus vidas y realidades escondidos de la dictadura y del régimen. La producción es magnífica, el sonido es un actor más.. los susurros que se entreoyen a través de las paredes nos hacen aguzar nuestro oído e intentar, como el personaje, escuchar lo difícilmente audible. El metraje es largo, el ritmo lento, pero claro, no podría ser de otra manera, treinta años en un agujero dan para mucho, es un periodo muuuuy largo y muyyyy lento. Esperar que cada día sea el último, que se acabe una guerra, tras 3 años, saber que la han perdido y empieza el régimen, confiar en que los aliados al ganar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, destronen a Franco... y suma y sigue... Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 -
Por Marta Molas de Carrer del Torrent de l’Olla, 145 08012 Barcelona - 935 01 06 41
PÓNTELO, PÓNSELO. ¿PERO CUÁL ME PONGO? El día de la lucha contra el SIDA nos ha pillado este año en plena polémica por la decisión del gobierno francés de recetar preservativos gratis, especialmente a los jóvenes, como prevención de esta enfermedad que afecta a unas 145.000 personas en España. Por ello desde amantis queremos profundizar en el mundo de los condones, que a priori puede ser muy simple, pero nada más lejos que la realidad. Y para muestra, un botón: Condones veganos. Si quieres comprar condones libres de compuestos de origen animal, puedes pasarte ya a marcas como Glyde o RFSU. Ambas apuestan por condones libres de caseína. Los Glyde, por ejemplo, en lugar de caseína apuestan por extracto de cardo de alta calidad y su sabor y color es conseguido a partir de frutas y semillas. Ricos, ricos... Para gustos, colores. Parece que sexo oral y condón no van de la mano. Si eliges un buen condón y además, de gusto exquisito, vas a querer repetir... Ya no de pene, ¡sino de goma! Llega el preservativo gourmet. ¿Qué te parecería un condón con gusto a cognac? ¿O a esas ricas nubes que tostabas en tu adolescencia? Para salir preparado de casa. La última novedad son condones que se pueden poner sin erección. Ideales para que el ‘aquí te pillo aquí te mato’ no te pille desprevenido. Para los más grandes. En el mercado existen un sinfín de tallas, modelos y patrones en lo que a gomas se refiere. Los hay finos y en tamaño extralarge, XXL pensados para que no aprieten y los diseñados para adaptarse lo mejor posible. Y para los que necesitáis trajes a medida, ¡también existen condones para vosotros! La marca alemana MY.SIZE hace condones en 7 tallas: solo debes medir tu pene y escoger tu medida. Alérgicos del látex, ¡uníos! Cada vez son más las marcas que apuestan por alternativas al látex. Encontraréis los Unique, hechos en resina sintética y muy finos; o RealFeel de Durex. ¿Qué os parece? Como véis hay un amplio abanico en el mercado para disfrutar al máximo de vuestras relaciones ¡de la forma más segura! 10 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 -
Scruff for gay men on the g The year was 2009, and Johnny Skandros was wandering around the city when he noticed a scruffy gay aesthetic emerging. Inspiration struck, and Johnny called up his friend Eric Silverberg to say, “OHMYGOD, I’ve got the name for our app — SCRUFF!” (Eric’s response was described as several excited yeses strung together.) They were planning to build the best gay social app out there, after being disappointed with what was on the market at the time, and now it had a name. Eric got to work writing the code, and Johnny began to craft the image of their new app. SCRUFF landed in the App Store in 2010 and has since undergone several key developments that have only grown its reach and user base — now at 10 million members worldwide. Recently released for iOS, and with an Android version in the works, the SCRUFF 5 update adds loads of new features including the SCRUFF Venture branch dedicated to helping gays travel better and safer. SCRUFF Venture’s Ambassadors & Safety Features Improve Travel When we spoke with Johnny, he explained SCRUFF has seen explosive growth because of all the extra customizable features it offers over competitors. Plus, he went on, it’s the first gay social app to really capitalize on how much gay men travel. With SCRUFF Venture, members can search by location for guys in any part of the world and even add their itineraries in order to show up in other user searches at the right times while traveling, a unique advantage since most other apps focus so much on locality. “The gay community is global and diverse,” started Johnny. “Why would we want to limit ourselves?” He told us that a lot of app users actually seek out guys and chat before traveling to a particular area so they “know” someone when they land. Friendliness among users is something SCRUFF has worked hard to foster. While the app has always had a robust list of events for various cities, in the newest version of the app, members in popular destinations have been able to 12 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
go volunteer as travel ambassadors to give visitors the downlow on the best places in their town. Part of providing better travel experiences, a large focus for the app, includes added safety features and advocacy. In addressing the way some governments were using gay app’s GPS functionality to “hunt” homosexuals, SCRUFF Venture only lists user location by city, not by how close they are to anyone else in real time. Additionally, when users enter one of the 75 countries that criminalizes homosexuality in some way, they’ll receive an alert of all the laws and their punishments, which helps SCRUFF members stay informed and travel more safely. Expanded Profile Details = Better Chats, Dates, Hookups & More Another big update that came in SCRUFF 5 was additional, more descriptive and searchable profile options — from body hair density to sexual and relationship preferences like polygamy. Members can even select the communities they most identify with like guy-next-door, otter, bear, chub, and more, and they can search by those, too. The robust search functions help users find exactly what they’re looking for and what to expect from one another. Once a guy catches your eye, send him a “woof!” “Woofing someone” — a flirty way to signal your interest in another SCRUFF user — “is a great ice breaker if you don’t want to send a chat right away,” explained Johnny. While SCRUFF members certainly use the app for hookups, a recent survey Johnny’s team conducted showed that more than 50% of the app’s users are looking to chat and date. Many users even find love, he said. “I hear at least one marriage story a week, and I’ve even been asked to ordain!” Johnny went on to describe the storyline he hears most often: It begins with a woof to someone in a far-flung country, so they just chat casually, sometimes for years. Then, somewhere down the line, they find themselves in the same city, meet up, and there’s instant chemistry because of their SCRUFF history. Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 -
Whether they just remain friends or actually go on to get married, a relationship is formed from a woof. There & Back Again — Building SCRUFF from Scratch After they knew the name and what they wanted their app to do, Johnny and Eric realized it was going to need more attention to become the best gay app available. They quit their day jobs and left New York briefly, moving back home to double-down and focus on getting SCRUFF off the ground. Once the app was released in 2010, Jason Marchant quickly downloaded it. He was impressed, but he also had some suggestions. After emailing Eric some ideas, he was brought on as the Chief Product Officer to ensure the userfriendliness of the app. As SCRUFF became more profitable, the trio made their way back to New York and began working in a shared office space with Eric serving as the CEO and Johnny as the Founder and face of SCRUFF. From an appearance on Rupaul’s Drag Race Season 6 to flying across the world promoting and hosting SCRUFF events, Johnny became an integral part of the SCRUFF brand and its success. A few years later, the business was able to take on more employees for development, marketing, and customer support. Internally, the role of Vice President of Marketing, Media, and Events was created and Joey Dube, who had been working with the company for several years, was promoted to the role. From attending SCRUFF events with Johnny to managing other key marketing efforts, Joey helped the company take the SCRUFF brand and events to the next level. From key partnerships with gay clothing brands like Nasty Pig to managing SCRUFF branded events around the world, the marketing team’s efforts grew and eventually the team quadrupled in size. It’s that level of passion, that has enabled the team to move into their current office, complete with a view of the Empire State Building. If you find yourself looking up at all the skyscrapers surrounding Bryant Park, you might just catch the glint of the sun reflecting off the big metal “S” branding SCRUFF’s 29th floor office. 14 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
“I feel very fulfilled that our team has made all of this happen,” Johnny said of SCRUFF’s success. “If you had told me when in the beginning that we would have over 10 million members, I wouldn’t have believed you.” The company, now about 30-strong, has already outgrown its beautiful Midtown office. Even though it means looking for a new space that’s probably going to cost more to rent and decorate, Johnny couldn’t be more proud of SCRUFF’s trajectory. SCRUFF’s Innovations Have Resulted in Massive Growth & Usage SCRUFF has dominated the market with over a million downloads and tens of thousands of reviews that make it a top-rated gay app in both the App Store and Google Play. Their main priority has been listening and responding to users, like adding relationship status, community identity, and sexual preferences to profiles and expanding options for traveling SCRUFF members. Staying on top of what their members most desire has allowed them to climb the charts, and if they continue to innovate based on the feedback they receive, SCRUFF is poised to be a must for every gay man looking for fun at home or abroad. Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 -
The gaymap
ww 16 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
p on your mobile Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 -
MARTES 3 TUESDAY CAFÉS & Restaurante RECOMENDADOS / RECOMMENDED cafes and restaurant Pannus Café, D’Mystic Café 13.00h SAUNAS SAUNA OCTOPUS (Trav. Beatas, 3) SAUNA PRINCIPE (C. Churruca, 10) sauna beach (Plz. de los Mostenses, 9) (3€ de descuento con pack mad.bear 2019) (3€ discount with mad.bear 2019 pack) 18.00 - 22.00h RECOGIDA DE PACKS MAD.BEAR 2019 / COLLECT MAD.BEAR 2019 PACKS Bears Bar (Calle Pelayo, 4) 18.00 - 02.30h RUTA DE BARES PARTICIPANTES / BAR ROUTE (PARTICIPATING BARS) Bears Bar, The Paso, Barbanarama, el Bulldog bar, el 12 bar, thick bar, Naked Bar, firewood bar ofertas especiales con pack mad.bear 2019 (ver paginas publicitarias de cada bar) mad.bear 2019 pack holders get special discounts (check out the publicity pages)
MIERCOLES 4 WEDNESDAY CAFÉS & Restaurante RECOMENDADOS / RECOMMENDED cafes and restaurant Pannus Café, D’Mystic Café 13.00h SAUNAS SAUNA OCTOPUS (Trav. Beatas, 3) SAUNA PRINCIPE (C. Churruca, 10) sauna beach (Plz. de los Mostenses, 9) (3€ de descuento con pack mad.bear 2019) (3€ discount with mad.bear 2019 pack) 18 -
18.00 - 22.00h RECOGIDA DE PACKS MAD.BEAR 2019 / COLLECT MAD.BEAR 2019 PACKS Bears Bar (Calle Pelayo, 4) 18.00 - 02.30h RUTA DE BARES PARTICIPANTES / BAR ROUTE (PARTICIPATING BARS) Bears Bar, The Paso, Barbanarama, el Bulldog bar, el 12 bar, thick bar, Naked Bar, firewood bar ofertas especiales con pack mad.bear 2019 (ver paginas publicitarias de cada bar) mad.bear 2019 pack holders get special discounts (check out the publicity pages 00.00h - A CIERRE / TO CLOSING NEW INCOGNITO CLUB (C. Barbieri, 10) BEARMEX (MEXICO) DJS: mariano - kris nouk
JUEVES 5 THURSDAY CAFÉS & Restaurante RECOMENDADOS / RECOMMENDED cafes and restaurant Pannus Café, D’Mystic Café 13.00h SAUNAS SAUNA OCTOPUS (Trav. Beatas, 3) SAUNA PRINCIPE (C. Churruca, 10) sauna beach (Plz. de los Mostenses, 9) (3€ de descuento con pack mad.bear 2019) (3€ discount with mad.bear 2019 pack) 14.00h - LGBTQ FREE WALKING TOUR punto de encuentro / meeting point bears bar madrid (Calle Pelayo, 4) 18.00 - 22.00h RECOGIDA DE PACKS MAD.BEAR 2019 / COLLECT MAD.BEAR
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 - 19
2019 PACKS Bears Bar (Calle Pelayo, 4) 18.00 - 03.30h RUTA DE BARES PARTICIPANTES / BAR ROUTE (PARTICIPATING BARS) Bears Bar, The Paso, Barbanarama, el Bulldog bar, el 12 bar, thick bar, Naked Bar, firewood bar ofertas especiales con pack mad.bear 2019 (ver paginas publicitarias de cada bar) mad.bear 2019 pack holders get special discounts (check out the publicity pages) 00.00h - A CIERRE / TO CLOSING NEW INCOGNITO CLUB (C. Barbieri, 10) bearwww party DJS: boli - amadeo 06.00am - AFTER PARTY sauna beach (Plaza Mostenses, 9) DJS - GOGOS - ONLY MEN - 3 PLANTAS/FLOOR - BIG DARK ROOM
VIERNES 6 FRIDAY CAFÉS & Restaurante RECOMENDADOS / RECOMMENDED cafes and restaurant Pannus Café, D’Mystic Café 13.00h SAUNAS SAUNA OCTOPUS (Trav. Beatas, 3) SAUNA PRINCIPE (C. Churruca, 10) sauna beach (Plz. de los Mostenses, 9) (3€ de descuento con pack mad.bear 2019) (3€ discount with mad.bear 2019 pack) 18.00 - 22.00h RECOGIDA DE PACKS MAD.BEAR 2019 / COLLECT MAD.BEAR 2019 PACKS Bears Bar (Calle Pelayo, 4) 18.00 - 23.30h SALA YA’STA (Calle Valverde, 10) MAD POP > T - DANCE djs: algora - caris hilton - tazodemew 18.00 - 03.30h RUTA DE BARES PARTICIPANTES / BAR ROUTE (PARTICIPATING BARS) Bears Bar, The Paso, Barbanarama, el Bulldog bar, el 12 bar, thick bar, Naked Bar, firewood bar 00.00 h A CIERRE / TO CLOSING ya’sta CLUB (Calle Valverde, 10)
SABADO 7 SATURDAY CAFÉS & Restaurante RECOMENDADOS / RECOMMENDED cafes and restaurant Pannus Café, D’Mystic Café 13.00h SAUNAS SAUNA OCTOPUS (Trav. Beatas, 3) SAUNA PRINCIPE (C. Churruca, 10) sauna beach (Plz. de los Mostenses, 9) (3€ de descuento con pack mad.bear 2019) (3€ discount with mad.bear 2019 pack) 18.00 - 22.00h RECOGIDA DE PACKS MAD.BEAR 2019 / COLLECT MAD.BEAR 2019 PACKS Bears Bar (Calle Pelayo, 4) 18.00 - 23.30h SALA YA’STA (Calle Valverde, 10) MAD POP > T - DANCE djs: algora - caris hilton - tazodemew 18.00 - 03.30h RUTA DE BARES PARTICIPANTES / BAR ROUTE (PARTICIPATING BARS) Bears Bar, The Paso, Barbanarama, el Bulldog bar, el 12 bar, thick bar, Naked Bar, firewood bar 21.00 h CENA / DINNER MAD.BEAR 2019 reservas / reservations Restaurante Topolino Buffet (Plaza de Santo Domingo esquina con la Calle de Preciados) 00.00 h A CIERRE / TO CLOSING ya’sta CLUB (Calle Valverde, 10) x-party powered by boxer madrid DJS: boli - fake plastic - erik lopez 06.00am - AFTER PARTY disco sauna beach (Plaza Mostenses, 9) DJS - GOGOS - ONLY MEN - 3 PLANTAS/FLOOR - BIG DARK ROOM
20 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Noviembre 2019Agosto a enero a Octubre 2020 / November 2019 / August 2019 to October January 2020 2019 - 21
DOMINGO 8 SUNDAY CAFÉS & Restaurante RECOMENDADOS / RECOMMENDED cafes and restaurant Pannus Café, D’Mystic Café 13.00h SAUNAS SAUNA OCTOPUS (Trav. Beatas, 3) SAUNA PRINCIPE (C. Churruca, 10) sauna beach (Plz. de los Mostenses, 9) (3€ de descuento con pack mad.bear 2019) (3€ discount with mad.bear 2019 pack) 18.00 - 22.00h RECOGIDA DE PACKS MAD.BEAR 2019 / COLLECT MAD.BEAR 2019 PACKS Bears Bar (Calle Pelayo, 4) 18.00 - 23.30h SALA YA’STA (Calle Valverde, 10) MAD POP > T - DANCE djs: algora - caris hilton - tazodemew
18.00 - 03.30h RUTA DE BARES PARTICIPANTES / BAR ROUTE (PARTICIPATING BARS) Bears Bar, The Paso, Barbanarama, el Bulldog bar, el 12 bar, thick bar, Naked Bar, firewood bar 19.30 - 2.30h 17th bearwww off-line party bears bar madrid (Calle Pelayo, 4) dj mariano 00.00 h A CIERRE / TO CLOSING COCÓ CLUB (Calle Alcalá, 20) main party DJS: decode - manuel de diego - erik lopez 06.00am - AFTER PARTY disco sauna beach (Plaza Mostenses, 9) DJS - GOGOS - ONLY MEN - 3 PLANTAS/FLOOR - BIG DARK ROOM
22 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 - 23
La Recet La Receta HUMMUS
The Recipe
INGREDIENTES 400g garbanzos cocidos 2 cucharadas grandes de tahini 1 diente de ajo ½ Limón ½ vaso de agua Un poco de sal, comino molido, pimentón dulce, perejil Aceite de oliva
INGREDIENTS 400g cooked chickpeas 2 tablespoons tahini 1 clove of garlic ½ lemon ½ cup of water A little salt, ground cumin, paprika, parsley Olive oil
PREPARACIÓN Lavar bien los garbanzos bajo el chorro de agua del grifo y ponerlos en el vaso de la batidora. Añade el diente de ajo pelado, la sal, el comino, el zumo de medio limón y la salsa tahini. Bate bien y ve añadiendo agua poco a poco hasta que quede una mezcla cremosa pero con cuerpo. Decora con un poco de perejil picado y pimentón al gusto, y un chorrito de aceite de oliva.
PREPARATION Wash the chickpeas under running tap water and put them in the bowl of the mixer. Add the peeled garlic clove, salt, cumin, juice of half a lemon and tahini sauce. Beat well and go slowly adding water until a creamy mixture but with body. Garnish with a little chopped parsley and paprika to taste, and a drizzle of olive oil.
24 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Socios: 12 € - Socios por un dia: 19 € C/ Aragó, 130 - 08015 BCN - Tel: 934 51 04 79
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 - 25
El Còctel El Cóctel BLUE LAGOON
El Cóctel The Cocktail
INGREDIENTES 50 ml de vodka (una medida) 10 ml de Blue Curaçao 20 ml de jugo de limón natural Ginger ale
INGREDIENTS 50 ml vodka (one measure) 10 ml of Blue Curaçao 20 ml of natural lemon juice Ginger ale
PREPARACIÓN Mezclar el vodka con el blue curaçao. Agregar un hielo que dejaremos que se derrita. Mientras, en un vaso colocamos hielo hasta la mitad, el jugo de limón y completamos hasta la mitad con Ginger Ale. Agregamos el vodka con curaçao y si hace falta, completamos con Ginger Ale o con más jugo.
PREPARATION Mix the vodka with the blue curacao. Add an ice and let it melt. Meanwhile, in a glass we put ice halfway, the lemon juice and we complete halfway with Ginger Ale. We add the vodka with curacao and if necessary, we complete with Ginger Ale or with more juice.
26 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 - 27
Calle Hortaleza, 26 - 28004 Madrid 28 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 - 29
30 - Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020
Noviembre 2019 a enero 2020 / November 2019 to January 2020 - 31