Dajana Yasir LC Belgrade
Sabina Serifović LC Tuzla
Dragan Mitić LC Belgrade
Jana Milenković LC Belgrade
Nataša Šaponjić LC Belgrade
Bor Brezec LC Ljubljana
Orçun Uysal LC Istanbul
Dear EESTECers, Nothing can better describe our team and our work in the past year than this publication we prepared. We visually showed you our projects, the most popular ways of communication or that marathons are not as popular activity as motivational weekends and parties (but you probably already knew the last one). We showed you that EESTECers use Facebook and Instagram more than other social media and that more Commitments have PR strategies then HR ones and FR strategies than PR ones. You could see that most active EESTEC travellers come from Belgrade, Krakow and Istanbul, or that Germany and Turkey have the highest number of LCs/JLCs/Observers in their countries, or that the 35% of us are women. So this is the average EESTECer based on our data: He is male and 21.6 years old. He learned about EESTEC from his friends, decided to become a member so he can meet new people and has been one for a year and a half. He knows both Haka and “hir aj kam hir aj go” dances. He visited 3 EESTEC events, the best part of the trip was meeting new people (a social guy!) and he thought everything was perfect at the trip. He would like to visit LC Madrid and he thinks the best part about EESTEC are people (no surprise for our social guy). What data didn’t tell us is that he is young, ambitious, diligent, hard-working, fun seeking, responsible, an adventurer who is willing to devote his time and energy to this organisation, to our organisation, to our EESTEC. He is me. He is you. He is all of us. So this is for all of you. We hope you will enjoy scrolling through this publication and that you will learn something new. In case that you want to learn more, just send us an email to statistics-coordinator@eestec.net and we will be happy to provide you with more information!
REGIONALIZATION The Project established at 2016 and mainly focused on the gather the commitments around common aspects between them. Regions generally divided to relatively near geographics. Project Board consist of 1 Leader and 7 Coordinator for each Region. Regions’ work is basically setting Online Meetings and Representatives attend these meetings respectively from the Region’s commitments. Coordinators creates and share monthly meetings’ agenda and representatives share thoughts and experiences from the commitments according to topics of the Online Meetings. Last years’ main goals were encourage the Regions to organize their very first Live Meeting and form a solid Regional Policy Paper which defines the fundamentals (Here you can find the link for the document). By the end of this year, Region I (LC Izmir),Region II (LC Cosenza), Region IV (LC Karlsruhe), Region VII (LC Riga) have organized their Live Meeting and Region V (LC East Sarajevo) is going to organize at upcoming days. To see this project how beneficial so far, Final Statues Report was arranged to collect the datas from the commitments. Here you can find the results from this report.
EESTech Challenge EESTech Challenge (EESTEC Tech Challenge) is the international students’ competition organized by our Association focused on the technical aspect of EESTEC. The aim of EESTech Challenge is to create opportunities for European students to gain knowledge in the field of EECS and to develop a professional network and at the same time to strive towards higher recognition of the academical aspect of EESTEC. The project was established two years ago, and since then it has been growing and developing. Here are some stats to show it.
Did you have sponsors?
Did you online seminars?
Did you organize EC before?
SOFT SKILLS ACADEMY In the previous year, (18 different) Commitments organized 19 Soft Skills Academies, where 6 of them participated in this year SSA’s story organized SSA for the first time. More popular SSA’s topics are: Time Management, Communications Skills, Leadership, Team Building and Teamwork, Persuasion, Presentation Skills, Self-confidence / Self-awareness, Body Language and Emotional Intelligence.
Less popular topics are: Habits, Public Speaking, Stress Management, How to write CV, How to sell idea, Feedback, Motivation, Self Leadership, Creative Thinking, Physical Resilience, SWOT Analysis, Strokes, How to take criticism, Procrastination, Conflict Management, Networking, Entrepreneurial Spirit and Influencing Solving. Training sessions were mostly supported by EESTEC trainers. For their work, they got great average mark 9.2. In average, in organization of each Soft Skills Academy 18 people were involved and organization took about 2 months. Total number of applications was 2284 or 120 applications per Commitment. Only 745 applicants participated training sessions, which means 39 participants per Commitment. In this way of education more interested were ladies, because over 60% participants were females. Participants were students from different faculties and about 30% participants were members of EESTEC. After SSA was finished, each Commitment was enriched with 4 more active members. In average, 3 companies supported each SSA. Popular and successful way of financing were grants. 5 od 18 Commitments submitted grant, and 4 of them got it. The most popular promotion channel was Facebook, follows Instagram, live promotions, flyers, posters and TV. According to the previous text, this SSA session went very successful. Congrats to all involved! Thank you for contributing to EESTEC by organizing and participating SSA.
ABOUT GENERAL GRAPHS The general data about Commitments aims to paint a picture about our Association and what it's commitments have in common and how they differ from one another. The goal was to get and analyse the relevant data on the most important aspects of commitments. Those are PR, HR, FR, participating in international projects like SSA and EESTech and others. Since every commitment does things differently it's interesting to check out how popular a solution to a certain problem is. It's also really useful to compare your views with the views of other members of the Association and see where we stand. It makes you think about why you do something the way you do and why not how most commitments do it. Are you missing something? Or are there concrete reasons why your commitment differs? We believe that after going through this data you'll have a better picture about our Association and we hope everyone finds something useful here.
Who travelled the most
Age of members
Do they have mentoring system
Numbers of LCs/JLCs/Observers in each country
Gender of members Fields of study of members
Statistics Team