Efactor - Startup Marketing What You Need to Do Before You Begin

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Startup Marketing

What You Need to Do Before You Begin

Author : Eva hukshorn, partner EFactor


Efactor is a Smart Network that matches entrepreneurs with the very people who can help them grow


Finding Business Partners: from partners to investors, from coaches to customers


Largest Entrepreneurial Network in the World with 1mio members in 185 countries


An online community Offering you a network, knowledge, events, and every business resources you need to succeed @ discount!


GO Online, fix your personal profile & company profile and get MATCHED!

It’s not about connections - it’s about the right ones…

Marketing is About Making Yourself Visible

Marketing Exposure Evolved Quickly

Marketing evolved: - 1980s: Fewer ads >> more people >> undivided attention - 2010s: More ads >> less people >> less attention - Product proliferation and availability => Choice - Media proliferation => Continuous & Fragmented - Access proliferation => Everywhere

But So Did The Consumer

• Interruption marketing is no longer accepted. • Audience is participating instead of receiving. • Solution: GET THEM INVOLVED

Why You Need a Marketing Plan: Control!

• • • • • • • •

Define your idea / Bus. Plan Target audience Target market Budget constraints Smart marketing Feedback Measurable Logo

• • • • • • • •

Recruiting Investor relations / PR Crisis Management Traffic Employee relations Company culture Style company Philosophy

But So Did The Consumer

1 2

1. Know

2. Characteristics Product 3. Specify your target market

3 4. 4


Specify your target group

5. Collect information


1. Identify stage in life cycle 2. Goal communication

7 3. 8

Research buying behavior

4. Select marketing channels

9 5.

Create marketing budget

1 0 out consistent messages Marketing plan helps you to send 5

Know Thyself : SWOT Analysis

INTERNAL: Strength & Weaknesses • • • • • • • • • • •

Resources: financial, intellectual Customer service Efficiency Competitive advantages Infrastructure Quality & price Delivery & me Costs Capacity Personnel / management Organizational structure

EXTERNAL: Opportunities & Threats • • • • • • • • • • •

Political Legal Economic condition market Expectations of stake & shareholders Technology Public expectations Competitive environment Barriers to entry Commodity prices Amount of customers Structure of suppliers

Identify the Characteristics of Your Products / Services











a SWOT of your product

Specify Your Target Market

Example: •


Fashion in North America

Fashion in the US

Fashion in New

Fashion in New York, Manhattan

Pret-a-porter fashion in New York, Manhattan


Targetsmall, and then roll-out to near markets

Specify Your Target Customer

Demographics: •







Relationship Status

Generation X, Y, Z





Political Preference

Life Style

Targetsmall, and then roll-out to near markets

Collect Lots of Information & Analyze

WAY TO COLLECT • Market: - Economic - Regional • Customer characteristics • Competition: - Companies -Products

HOW TO COLLECT • Surveys: - Online surveys - Personal surveys • Group sessions • Industry reports • Competitors • Other…be creative!

Lots of quantifiable data needed

In Which Stage of Lots the of Product Life &Cycle are You In? Collect Information Analyze BRAND AWARENESS




Different stages, different messages

Determine the Goal of Your Message and Communication

BRAND AWARENESS TEASING & POSITIONING • Recognition • Messages frequent & consistent • Positive feelings • Awareness of USP • “Experience”




ACTIVATING & CONVINCING • Understanding problem • Awareness of ‘how’ problem is solved • Products & services are easily accessible • Administration process are clear & practical

SATISFACTION & RELATION • Continuous dialogue • Deliver promise • Solve problem • Create long-term relation • Relation continues even after product or services is delivered



Research Your Customers’ Buying Behavior

Need Information & Problem Awareness

• Stimulus Creation

Information Search

• • • •

Evaluate Alternatives Purchase Post – Purchase Evaluation

Personal Sources Commercial Sources Public Sources Experiential Sources

• High Involvement • Low Involvement • Satisfaction • Confirmation

Choose Your Marketing Channels

BRAND/IMAGE – TEASING Radio Public transport Free Publicity Press release Guerilla Bill Boards Spectacular SMS Tell a friend Cars

BRAND/IMAGE – POSITIONING Television Magazines Advertorials Press Interviews Brochures Website News Rooms Podcasts Flicker Video/YouTube Partners TV Shows

SALES/TRAFFIC - ACTIVATING Conferences Congresses Seminars Direct Mail E-mail Telemarketing Leaflets Action website Free Cards Point of traffic Newspapers SEO / SEA Social Communities*

SALES/TRAFFIC - CONVINCING Sales Promotion Premium Services Sales training Sales coaching Product folders Sampling Trials Case Studies Testimonials Post-ordering Catalogue Display

Note: www.BiTSEN.nl, Frans de groot / Toon ten Cate

Choose Your Marketing Channels

LOYALTY - SATISFYING Membership Cash back card Events Newsletters News updates Forum Education Apps Online games Panels Mentoring Q&A Video calling Workspace

LOYALTY RELATIONSHIP Blogs Widget Testimonials Book writing Member-brings-in-member In-house/online magazine Individualentertainment & business Relationship building events

Visit Now http://www.efactor.com/

https://www.facebook.com/efactor http://www.twitter.com/efactor

Thank You!

This document was prepared by Eva Hukshorn. Several people and organizations have inspired her to write this presentation, amongst which are, but not limited to the Founders of EFactor, ABN AMRO/RBS, University of Groningen, Institute for Management Accountants, Paul Grant Founder of the Funding Game

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