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EFSUMB2-05.fm Seite 155 Montag, 4. April 2005 5:02 17

EFSUMB Newsletter

EFSUMB Newsletter


European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

Editorial Publications Committee

Well, the winter is over

the Italian Ultrasound Journal. It is fasci-



nating to see a different emphasis and

season is upon us. Prep-

different problems faced in a national

This committee will meet to consider all



journal compared with a multinational

aspects of its activities and in particular

2005 in Geneva are well

one. I hope to have future contributions

to develop further the web site and

advanced and the out-

from other Editors. At least one has

Newsletter as well as input to the Journal

line programme looks

already been promised and maybe more

in April.

very comprehensive. All

will be.



Education and Professional Standards

are to be encouraged to submit papers and posters. All the details

Young Investigators award


As for the past few years there will be a

The latest version of the Minimum Train-

are on the website and elsewhere in the newsletter.

session at Euroson 2005 for young inves-

ing Standards document has been ap-

But there are many more meetings to

tigators. I am sure most national societies

proved by the Executive Bureau and will

tempt us all before that. As regular read-

already have the matter in hand but we

be available to all members in the sum-

ers will remember I have exhorted you to

should all be encouraging our young col-

mer after their May meeting.

try the British meeting in December

leagues to submit for this most valuable

which attracts few visitors from Europe


With all this activity it is clear that these are exciting times and we all have the op-

but I am lucky enough to have been invited to the Danish Society meeting in Co-

portunity to have our say. Will we both-

General Assembly

er? I hope so.

penhagen in April and so will have the opportunity to see for myself how another

The Executive Bureau is preparing for a

national society conducts its meeting.

General Assembly meeting in Geneva

David Pilling

I am sure I will learn much about ultra-

where a number of important decisions

Editor Newsletter

sound, enjoy some hospitality and return

must be made. It is hoped that a good

refreshed. It seems to me that the more

number of delegates will attend to con-

meetings there are the more difficult it is


to choose but wherever I go I probably






learn at least as much from chance conversations over a drink as I learn from for-

Board of Directors

mal presentations. Sometimes the ques-

Ultraschall 2005; 26

tion and answers after presentations are

Several committee memberships will

every bit as helpful as the presentations

change in Geneva. All societies should

themselves but it does take someone to

consider nominating to the Publications

be brave enough to ask the right question.

and Education and Professional Stand-

As a further attempt to show readers

ards committee.

what else is going on in other parts of Europe this newsletter contains a short contribution from Francesco Drudi, Editor of

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