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EFSUMB.fm Seite 284 Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2006 9:55 09

EFSUMB Newsletter

EFSUMB Newsletter


European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology


It was also agreed that in order to vary the content of the Newsletter and give the

Since the last Newsletter

with more and more Scientific and Medi-

current editor a bit of a rest, the other

the Publications Commit-

cal Journals who have gone down this

members of the committee would produ-

tee and the Education and

route. It may also give a difficult problem

ce items for the Newsletter on a regular


with regard to speed of publication but I

basis. This should start to happen with

am sure the editors will cross this bridge

the next edition, so keep an eye out for

when they come to it.


in London and had a very profitable mee-

We also decided that rather than another

The other area of intense discussion was

ting, the first proper meeting with the

drive to increase numbers of subscrip-

the web site. We owe a great debt of gra-

new committee. It was noted with en-

tions to the Journal across the board we

titude to Gianna for keeping this up to

thusiasm that the EJU has changed to

would target certain societies whom we

date and at her suggestion are hopeful

electronic submission. My own experi-

thought may be particularly receptive to

she may be able to find a course to help

ence of this with the British Journal of Ra-

such discussions. There was also discus-

refine her skills even further. If any mem-

diology was that it brought a substantial

sion about whether a one year subscrip-

ber of the federation has any suggestions

increase in paper submissions and there-

tion to the EJU should be included in re-

about the web site, hopefully mainly

fore more work for the Editorial Board

gistration for future congresses but this is

constructive, they would be most wel-

but hopefully an even better Journal as a

a matter which has been considered and


result of this. There is no doubt that easy

rejected previously and is unlikely to re-

submission will bring the Journal in line

ceive overwhelming support.


Standards have


Both these do valuable work for the Federation. The Publications Committee met

David Pilling Editor ERSUMB Newsletter

CADUCEUS - A newly formed Danish Australian connection

Ultraschall in Med 2006; 27

Inspired by the royal wedding in the

"We share a common past with both par-

Looking back this new Danish Australian

spring of 2004 between the Danish

ties being strongly involved in the pio-

connection has seen the formation of a

Crown Prince Frederik and Australian

neering work of medical ultrasound and,

memorandum of understanding (MOU)

Mary Donaldson an informal contact was

as of the spring of 2004 we - in a sense -

and also the first successful short term

made between the Danish Society of Dia-

share a common cultural future with the

placement of a young Danish doctor Chri-

gnostic Ultrasound (DSDU) and the Aus-

royal wedding between Crown Prince

stoffer Brushøj to advance his research

tralasian Society for Ultrasound in Medi-

Frederik of Denmark and Australian Mary

and PhD relating to musculoskeletal ul-

cine (ASUM) with the purpose of establi-

Donaldson. We are physically as far apart

trasound in Melbourne, January 2006.

shing a platform for a formal collaborati-

as possible on the planet Earth, and yet


we are closely related in many ways. We

A document describing the principles of

find these thoughts interesting and think

the collaboration was drafted by ASUM

The text of the initial draft for an agree-

they can be utilized to the benefit of ul-

CEO Dr Caroline Hong and signed April

ment began:

trasound in our two countries."

2005 by the presidents of the two socie-

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