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“I am not saying politics is the unconscious, but only the unconscious is politics” -Jacques Lacan

Vulnerability : Ideology : object-Event: e

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fishing town


t gis

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Stalinotope Ideotope

poliotope USSR: the ideological world

Meta-ideology is the study of the structure, form, and manifestation of ideologies. Meta-ideology posits that ideology is a coherent system of ideas, relying upon a few basic assumptions about reality that may or may not have any factual basis, but are subjective choices that serve as the seed around which further thought grows. According to this perspective, ideologies are neither right nor wrong, but only a relativistic intellectual strategy for categorizing the world. The pluses and minuses of ideology range from the vigor and fervor of true believers to ideological infallibility. Excessive need for certitude lurks at fundamentalist levels in politics and religions.


The essence of CCCP’s ideology is based around the cold war. THe economy is run on prodcution of military equipment, and Murmansk ‘s growth is a direct result of this.

After 1972, the period increased by an average of 2 days, indicating an extended melting period for the ice sheet of about 70 days: 40 and 30 days in spring and autumn, respectively. From 1960 to 1972 the melting period (with a >10% melt extent) decreased by an average of 3 days

Dynamic arctic



Kart:CAPITAL LANDSCAPE globalizing ideology




Biotope Ecotope Spectacle When an Ideology, the abstract will - and the illusion- of the universal, is legitimized by the univer-sal abstraction and the effective dictatorship of illusion in modern society, it is no longer a volun-taristic struggle of the partial, but its victory. At this point, ideological pretention acquires a sort of flat positivistic exactitude: it is no longer a historical choice but a fact. In this toy of assertion, the particular names of ideologies have disappeared. Even the role of specifically ideological labor in the service of the system comes to be considered as nothing more than the recognition of an "epis-temological base" that pretends to be beyond all ideological phenomena. Materialized ideology has no name, just as it has no expressible historical program. This is another way of saying that the history of ideologies is over.

poliotope The trend in simulated melt extent since 1972 indicated that the melt extent in 2010 averaged twice that in the early 1970s.

Society of the Spectacle

the “non-ideological” world

Shopping vernacular

Guy Debord : 213

consumer ideology


:capitalist envelopev

The Gaia hypothesis, also known as Gaia theory or Gaia principle, proposes that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings on Earth are closely integrated to form a single and self-regulating complex system, maintaining the conditions for life on the planet.

:communist Brickwork

For the period 1960-72, simulated melt extent decreased by an average of 6%, whereas 1973-2010 had an average increase of 13%, with record melt extent in 2010.



The ice cap has shrunk not only physically but also cukturally. We now see the north pole as something vulnerable, something that needs to be protected and preseved.

Green space of Murmansk


Ideology as an instrument of social reproduction

Karl Marx posits that a society’s dominant ideology is integral to its superstructure. In the Marxist economic base and superstructure model of society, base denotes the relations of production, and superstructure denotes the dominant ideology (religious, legal, political systems). The economic base of production determines the political superstructure of a society. Ruling class-interests determine the superstructure and the nature of the justifying ideology—actions feasible because the ruling class control the means of production. For example, in a feudal mode of production, religious ideology is the most prominent aspect of the superstructure, while in capitalist formations, ideologies such as liberalism and social democracy dominate. Hence the great importance of the ideology justifying a society; it politically confuses the alienated groups of society via false consciousness, such as in the case of commodity fetishism—the belief that value is inherent to a commodity, rather than external, added to it via labor.

Kart: VULNERABLE LANDSCAPE reactionary ideology

monument to nature

geotope pretope


Radiative forcing 2.5

multiple becomings of space

Linear contrails

Cloud albedo effect

Direct effect

Stratospheric water vapour


"It is true that the operations of walking on can be traced on city maps in such a way as to transcribe their paths (here well trodden, there very fain) and their trajectories(going this way and not that). But these thick or thin curves only refer, like words, to the absence of what has passed by. Surveys of routes miss what was: the act itself of passing by. The operation of walking, wandering, or "window shopping", that is the activity of passers-by, is transformed into points that draw a totalizing and reversible line on the map. They allow us to grasp only a relic set in the nowhere of a surface of projection. Itself visible, it has the effect of making invisible the operation that made it possible. These fixations constitute procedures for forgetting. The trace left behind is substituted for the practice. It exhibits the (voracious property that the geographical system has of being able to transform action into legibility, but in doing so causes a way of being in the world to be forgotten. "

Solar irradiance




Net Anthropogenic Component


Land use


Black carbon on snow

Halocarbons 4














Ra diative forcing (W /m 2)



Collective Psychosis anger


bargaining Denial depression

p.97 The Practice of Everyday Life - Michel de Certau

Dissappearing ice

new planetary condition OUR embeddedness in our Lebenswelt things we know without knowing - the unwritten rules determine the way we see the world around us

Social breakdown

Limited resources What if we do not act now... We do not live in post-ideological times, this is not the end of history, there is no end point in ideology. How do we as architects react to the palimpset that is our world?

Ice free arctic

2036 With the Arctic ice-free, Chinese Cargo ships and Supertankers regularily ship through the northern passage.


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