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Following the conversation through Efus
Efus has been working for more than 30 years on the issue of the protection of public spaces and its position is summarised in the Security, Democracy and Cities – Co-producing urban security policies manifesto, where it recommends considering the various ways public spaces are used based on objective and subjective data, involving the public in co-producing security policies, and maintaining a healthy balance between the use of security technologies and the respect of fundamental rights.
In the latest edition of Efus’ regular Security, Democracy and Cities conference (October 2020, Nice, France), two workshops were organised on that issue: How can cities design and manage safer, more inclusive public spaces? and Foresight strategies to better protect public spaces and promote urban resilience
Efus’ ongoing web conference series
Throughout the year, Efus organises regular web conferences that are open to all, which focus on key urban security topics such as the protection of public spaces in its various aspects. They gather representatives from European municipalities, academics, practitioners, law enforcement agencies, etc., and are a useful source of information and contacts.