LIQUORE A BASE DI CHINOTTO DI SAVONA Liquore dal profumo intenso, tipico del frutto di chinotto di Savona, amabile al palato con un retrogusto leggermente Amarognolo. Altamente digestivo da servire freddo, o come ingrediente per aromatizzare dolci. “CHINOTTO”- LIQUOR BASED FROM SAVONA Liquor with an intense fragrance of CHINOTTO, a small bitter orange-like fruit (as you can see in the included brochure) typical of the “Savona Area” (in fact all CHINOTTO products are a “Slow Food Presidium” of the Savona Province). The liquor has a sweet and light aftertaste to the palate. The CHINOTTO liquor has also highly digestive properties. It is better to serve it cold in order to taste better his flavor nuances. It can be used as ingredient for sophisticated desserts like parfaits or to prepare cakes. LIQUEUR A BASE DE CHINOTTO DE SAVONA Liqueur avec un intense, typique saveur du fruit du CHINOTTO, doux en bouche avec un léger arrière-goût amer. Hautement digestif, à servir froid ou comme ingrédient de sophistes desserts. Contents
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-Net Contents 10 cl e 3.38 Fl.Oz.Us. 26 % Vol. -Net Contents 50 cl e 16.91 Fl.Oz.Us. 26 % Vol.