Fall 2018 Connections

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connections FALL 2018



The Road to Next-Level

Cancer Care Fueled by Philanthropy

Cancer Patient Navigators • The Sit Down • Faces of Philanthropy

FALL 2018 VO L UM E 9

On The Cover


Dr. Steven Brower, Medical Director, The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center and Chief of Surgical Oncology, focuses on the road ahead for Englewood Health’s world-class cancer care program.

2. 4. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16.

Our New Brand Cover Story: Driving Precision Cancer Care The Sit Down: Elise Winters, Woody Rudin and Dr. Michael Schleider Know the Pros: Patient Navigator Cathy Verhulst

Faces of Philanthropy


A Green Light on Giving

CONNECTIONS – FALL 2018 EDITORIAL STAFF Debra Albanese Executive Vice President 201.894.3497 debra.albanese@ehmchealth.org

Todd Brooks Executive Director 201.894.3004 todd.brooks@ehmchealth.org

Sandra Sgambati Manager, Donor Relations and Communications 201.894.3386 sandra.sgambati@ehmchealth.org

Englewood Health has delivered the highest quality healthcare to the community for more than 128 years. Established in 1995 as a separate 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization, the Foundation raises private funds to further Englewood Health’s vision to become the regional leader in providing state-of-the-art compassionate care in a humanistic environment to the community it serves.

LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And, thanks to the generosity of Englewood Health Foundation benefactors, our ultimate destination of next-generation healthcare is in clear sight. In the previous issue of Connections, we shared Englewood Health’s roadmap for the next decade – a 10-year Strategic Plan positioning our health system as the premier regional provider of high-quality, affordable and compassionate care. The transformational objectives set forth in the Strategic Plan are rooted in compelling data derived from a recent Community Needs Assessment. This study, in addition to thoughtful collaboration among System Trustees, executive leadership, physicians, public officials and other stakeholders, identifies key areas of opportunity required to address our community’s most significantly anticipated health needs. Cancer care is one of these critical areas – and, we have made some incredible progress together. Thanks to a shared commitment and the investments of many, we opened the doors to The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center in 2016. Named in honor of the late Ronald Lefcourt, this revolutionary facility brings Englewood Health’s comprehensive oncology program to new heights. We are now ready to continue our journey – reaching for the new goals and priorities shared in the following pages. Our growing culture of giving is truly inspirational and unmatched. With the vision and tenacious spirit of our donors, I am certain that the road to next-level cancer care will be fueled by philanthropy.

With all best wishes,

Jay C. Nadel Chairman, Board of Trustees Englewood Health Foundation 3

We Are Now

Englewood Health Foundation.

4,850 Donors Last Year



Funds Raised in 2017

The recently-launched Englewood Health

brand reflects remarkable growth and expansion, uniting our entire System under one umbrella to showcase the true breadth of who we are and what we deliver. The transformation from a community hospital into a robust health system is, in large part, the result of philanthropic investment that consistently grows from year to year. Today, as a nationally-recognized hospital, Englewood Health reaches well beyond its walls with a coordinated network of outpatient facilities and physician offices in six counties and two states. Yet, never resting on our many accomplishments, we are always striving for even greater excellence.

Englewood Health Foundation remains an integral part of that steadfast mission. We continue to foster greater awareness and inspire philanthropic support to help ensure access to award-winning care for an ever-growing number of patients and their families.




States Where Our Donors Live


Percent of Donors Making Gifts in 2 or More Consecutive Years



2017 Physician Giving

Strategic Areas of Focus Our new name effectively communicates all that we are today and helps pave the way into the future. Following input from a wide range of stakeholders, the 2017 Strategic Plan better positions Englewood Health ahead of our community’s emerging health needs. Over the next decade, our visionary leadership, clinical expertise and philanthropic spirit will concentrate on eight strategic imperatives – ushering in a new era of healthcare for our region.

The evolution of our cancer program embraces a patient-first philosophy, bringing once-separated services together under one roof. Investments in advanced diagnostic and treatment equipment, expanded survivor wellness services, integrative medicine and patient navigation blend with best-in-class talent at The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center to deliver a meaningful continuum of cancer care. More on the exciting road ahead begins on the next page.

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Driving Precision Cancer Care



With a hard-fought battle behind him, Superman is ready for his next adventure. But this isn’t the superhero with a red cape that we all know from the movies. This Superman is a father, a grandfather and a stage-3 bile duct cancer survivor who relishes spur-of-the-moment day trips and traveling the world with friends. His passport carries stamps from incredible journeys to Madrid, Italy, China, Tokyo and Mexico, but his visit to The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center at Englewood Health might just be his most important destination of all. That trip would save Steve Swiderski’s life. “I was in terrible pain for weeks and I knew something was wrong, but I never expected to be told I had stage-3 cancer,” recalls Steve. “From that diagnosis, things moved pretty quickly.” Dr. Steven Brower, Medical Director of The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center and Chief of Surgical Oncology, performed a nearly nine-hour surgery removing a bile duct tumor blocking Steve’s liver. Steve then began a treatment plan that included chemotherapy and radiation.

It was a very long road, but I never stopped fighting. Time with my family and friends – it’s just too precious. Today, Steve is a cancer survivor. He earned the moniker Superman from his cancer care team led by Steven Brower, MD, Minaxi Jhawer, MD, Chief of Hematology/Oncology and Mei Zhang, MD, Radiation Oncologist. “I’m not certain the outcome would have been the same had I gone to a different hospital,” says Steve. “I wasn’t a number here. I was a person. That level of personalized care was the difference in my ability to fight.” Patient-Centered Cancer Care Englewood Health celebrated the grand opening of its 185,000-square-foot Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center in 2016, thanks to the commitment and extraordinary 7


vision of philanthropic partners helping raise an unprecedented $50+ million through Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. The Center offers ready access to state-of-the-art technology and a dedicated team of multi-disciplinary clinicians whose patient-centered approach to care is revolutionizing disease management. In its first full year, the Center performed more than 50,000 clinical breast exams, 31,500 mammograms and 3,900 non-breast cancer screenings. Our clinical team diagnosed 1,200 new cancer cases and managed nearly 5,000 patient infusion visits. These numbers punctuate the rising prevalence of cancer throughout our community – and the nation. According to the National Cancer Institute, this year alone an estimated 1.7 million new cancer cases will be diagnosed in the United States and approximately 600,000 Americans will die from the disease. This astonishing trend hits close to home at Englewood Health and is identified as an area of need in our new 10-year Strategic Plan. It is philanthropy that will continue to drive progress and enable Englewood Health to create a framework for next-generation cancer care in our region. Accelerated Talent Recruitment Englewood Health is home to national and international experts in the fields of surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology and pathology. The highest-caliber medical professionals live right here, collaborating, crafting and executing custom treatment plans. Ongoing recruitment of key leaders with subspecialized expertise is essential to the continued success of our oncology program. “We’ve seen a shift in just the last few years – our oncology volume is increasing in cancers such as colorectal, pancreatic, prostate, thoracic, urologic and lung. FA L L 2 0 1 8


COVER STORY We must accelerate recruitment of top experts in these tumor-site specific fields to improve outcomes for patients facing these complex cancer diagnoses,” explains Dr. Brower. Breakneck Speed Sought-after physicians with sophisticated skill sets rely on cutting-edge technology to raise the bar on diagnosis, imaging, treatment and surveillance. Keeping pace with the breakneck speed at which cancer research and treatment are progressing is dependent on the ability to capitalize on critical advances in innovation. “We have incredible technology like MRI-guided biopsies, low-dose CT scanning, advanced digital radiation and pioneering laboratory techniques already at work here,” says Dr. Brower. “Ongoing investments in the latest technology will dramatically improve – and save – the lives of cancer patients,” he concludes. Looking ahead, technology will undoubtedly continue to shape the patient experience at Englewood Health. Equipment like the PET/MRI that combines two modalities into a single machine creates a simultaneous visual on both anatomy and functional activity. Used for diagnostics, staging and surgical planning, this technology means less testing, faster results and reduced radiation exposure for patients. For breast cancer diagnosis, Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) successfully detects up to 30% more cancers in women with

The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center Re-accredited for 3 years by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) and one of the first in NJ to carry this accreditation



dense breast tissue where mammograms may be insufficient. In breast surgery, non-radioactive beacons are localizing breast tumors in place of traditional wires, yielding greater surgical precision and patient comfort. Across the cancer spectrum, comprehensive genomic profiling interrogates more than 300 genes across all four classes of genomic alterations to help understand the genomic makeup of a patient’s tumor. That unique profile is then matched to known targeted therapies, immunotherapies and clinical trials. According to Dr. Brower, it is this type of robust innovation that allows our doctors to design truly personalized treatment plans. Roadblocks to Care Patients, caretakers and extended family face a precarious balancing act, juggling the realities of everyday life alongside a cancer diagnosis. “As someone who has always been independent, I was surprised at how quickly I became overwhelmed. It didn’t take long to realize I couldn’t make this journey without help. It would have been impossible,” says Steve. Patient and family assistance – from diagnosis through survivorship – improves treatment outcomes and is emerging as a cornerstone to cancer care at Englewood Health. Along with a growing patient navigator program, a dedicated patient access center is planned for the near future. It will streamline the intake process through

The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center 3-Year Silver Accreditation The Commission on Cancer

The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center Recognized by U.S. Congress as a model for the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease

a centralized referral center and help expedite diagnosis, appointments and care planning with a steadfast goal of reducing time to treatment. Creating broader access through operations and infrastructure is essential, although for many patients battling this disease, it is not enough. The extraordinary cost of care is often an insurmountable roadblock. “Oncology is facing a crisis of affordability that is not sustainable. The financial burden to patients is increasing, creating barriers to appropriate care and reducing hope for survivorship,” explains Helene Wolk, Senior Vice President, Operations. A report recently published by the Journal of Clinical Oncology found that cancer patients who declared bankruptcy faced a considerably higher risk of death than those who did not. On average, 15 percent of cancer patients diagnosed at Englewood Health last year were not insured. The remaining 85 percent who are insured incur bills of more than $1,000 for unreimbursed treatments like infusion and radiation. That is a financial burden of nearly $1 million a year. “With continued support from generous benefactors, we are restoring hope for survivorship by helping navigate financial roadblocks to treatment,” says Wolk. The Journey Forward After Treatment A collaborative effort remains underway at Englewood Health to focus greater attention on the physical, practical and emotional concerns facing long-term survivors. Like our very own Superman Steve, patients are emerging victorious in their fight against cancer. They are living longer and healthier lives, so we must invest in their future by enhancing support services, integrative medicine, educational programs and counseling. With all the many opportunities – and possibilities – that lie ahead, philanthropic support puts us in the driver’s seat. Together, we can champion a comprehensive cancer care program for our community that is truly second to none.

Philanthropy is helping make a difference for many cancer patients struggling to navigate financial obstacles to care. The Alice Youngman Fund was created earlier this year in memory of Alice Youngman, who lost her battle with this devastating disease. Established by her husband, Bruce, to honor his wife’s incredible compassion and zeal for life, the Fund supports patient access to care by underwriting the costs of unreimbursed medicines, treatments, services and other necessary therapies promoting healing and recovery. “Alice lived a joyous life. Her incredible kindness and unique ability to connect with people was an inspiration to all who knew her. Even during her own fight against cancer, Alice continued to care for and support others in need,” recalls Bruce. “The Alice Youngman Fund will perpetuate her loving and generous spirit for years to come.”

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Elise Winters is a leading polymer artist, creating amazing one-of-a-kind jewelry and sculpture, many of which are featured in the collections of museums and dozens of books and magazines. However, as a metastatic cancer patient first diagnosed 16 years ago with a highlyaggressive form of the disease, perhaps it is her ability to design a personal survivorship journey that is most inspirational. Just like her best signature pieces, this design would rely on custom formulas, unique tools and a vision of what could be. With the support of her husband of 30 years, Woody Rudin, Elise turned to the clinical expertise of Englewood Health oncologist, Dr. Michael Schleider, to help etch out a distinct and personal plan of action. Today, these three share an incredible and genuine affection for one another. In their words, Elise and Woody consider Dr. Schleider to be a “Reader of Bodies” and a “Toucher of Souls.” It is that level of compassion and care that inspired the thankful couple to make a meaningful philanthropic pledge from their estate in his name.

Tell us about the day the three of you met for the first time. Elise: It wasn’t by chance that we came to meet Dr. Schleider but rather by divine design. Following my diagnosis, I did some research and came across his name. Once I met him, I could feel the presence of another creative soul. I knew instantly that I wanted him to help me fight this. Dr. Schleider: I am oriented to quickly learn who the patient is because every illness occurs in a context and so 10 people with the same diagnosis will have 10 different scenarios. As doctors, we have very limited time to figure that out. The more you get to know a patient, the better equipped you are to design approaches that make sense – not just with a treatment plan but how you get there. As an example, I knew right away that Elise wanted to be proactive and well informed, so that created opportunities for new pathways. 8


Instead of waiting for the inevitable, I made it a point to take direct action, to be proactive rather than passive. Elise Winters

What do you appreciate most about Dr. Schleider? Woody: From the first day to today, Dr. Schleider let us know we were heard and understood. That alone does more good than any pill ever invented. He knows our concerns, sometimes before we know them, and our goal. For a doctor to say “yes, I can help you get to your goal,” and then think outside the box to map out a plan; it’s invaluable. He’s given us the gift of time.

Dr. Schleider, Elise and Woody have expressed their gratitude for the gift of time that you’ve given them. Would it be accurate to say, that they’ve given you something as well? Are you kidding me? Yes, of course! Elise gives me recommendations for fantastic delis and terrific books to read! All kidding aside, there’s value in knowing your weaknesses and strengths. So, here I am, doing my life’s calling and always striving to do things better. I am growing because they are driving me to continue extending my knowledge and expertise, so I can deliver what I call, “custom tailoring.” Let’s talk about the recent dedication of Dr. Michael Schleider Grand Rounds made possible by your generous gift. Why did you decide to do that? Elise: We thought about ways to give back and then it occurred to us how invested Dr. Schleider is in continuing education. A gift that would allow for naming the Grand Rounds after him seemed the right way to go. Woody: As former teachers, Elise and I are caregivers by nature and firmly believe in the importance of helping others through education. For our estate, we wanted to carry on that idea and support an institution that takes care of people and fosters continuing education for its caregivers.

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How do you see philanthropy supporting a higher level of patient-centered care? Dr. Schleider: First, I am honored to call Elise and Woody my friends and so appreciative of their generous spirit of philanthropy. Financial support allows for growth – through enhanced technology, clinical research and education programs like Grand Rounds. I’ve spent a lot of my career teaching residents and my advice is to always seek ways to continue your education, like through a lecture series. Education is a living thing and it’s enormously impactful on the care of our community. Dr. Schleider, what one word comes to mind when describing Elise?

That’s a hard question. One word? Miraculous! Elise, what one word best describes each of these great men in your life? One word is not enough, so I’ll give a few for each. Woody is compassionate, loving, patient and supportive. Dr. Schleider – creative, humble, expert. Woody: Don’t forget funny!

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KNOW THE PROS Cathy Verhulst, MC, LCSW, OSW-C Perhaps it’s her genuine smile or engaging personality, but Cathy Verhulst has a knack for instantly connecting with people. It is an asset she draws on daily as Manager of Patient Navigation at The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center. Over the last seven years, while helping thousands of patients navigate the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis, Cathy maintains one unwavering goal – to connect with each patient as a unique and whole person. “Cancer happens on top of life,” says Cathy. “We understand the emotional response to hearing the word cancer. It is overwhelming and scary, impacting life and family in ways never before imagined,” she explains. “Our role as navigators is to understand the unique circumstances of each individual patient and provide whatever support necessary to allow for them to begin treatment as soon as possible.” As a licensed clinical social worker and certified breast patient navigator, Cathy knows the value of support and resources, reaching out to every newly-diagnosed cancer patient to offer and explain navigation services. Cathy is grateful for philanthropic support directed to The Englewood Fund and through events like the Walk for Awareness that allows her the ability to extend critical assistance to patients when they need it most. “We’re able to provide patients and their families so many wonderful resources – counseling, educational programs, transportation and financial assistance – thanks to the generosity of donors.”

12:15 PM

The Difference a Day Makes Patient Navigators, like Cathy Verhulst, deliver support, access and guidance to Englewood Health cancer patients throughout their journey to survivorship.

10:45 AM

Infusion Center rounds to meet patients receiving first chemotherapy

New patient referrals for nutrition consultation

1:30 PM

Lead smoking cessation group at Graf Center for Integrative Medicine

10:15 AM

9:30 AM

8:30 AM

Meet patient following breast cancer diagnosis

Call for prescriptions for upcoming patient testing, verify insurance coverage

Connect patient with transportation to treatment

We understand the emotional response to hearing the word cancer.

Navigating Patient-Centered Care Jacqueline Cahn never met Harold P. Freeman, MD, the physician credited with creating the nation’s first patient navigation program in 1990, but they certainly shared a passion. Jacqueline was an Englewood Health Foundation star volunteer who sadly lost her battle with cancer in 2016. She, like Dr. Freeman, recognized the positive impact of early cancer detection and treatment on survivorship, but also understood that too many patients faced obstacles that often delayed treatment. That insight, along with profound appreciation for the compassionate care she received at The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center, inspired Jacqueline’s generous gift to expand and name the patient navigation program. Today, The Cahn Family Cancer Care Companion Program continues to grow. More than 1,100 newlydiagnosed cancer patients received navigation support services last year with philanthropy driving this essential program forward to meet record demand.

It is a difference that spreads across the entire continuum of care with a focus on eliminating barriers to timely treatment. One notable example – time from diagnosis to treatment in colorectal cancer cases decreased 40% since 2016 under the guidance of the program’s oncology patient navigators. “When a patient misses their appointment, we are concerned because time to treatment is critically tied to patient outcomes,” explains Jolynne.

Our job is to identify any barrier and eliminate it. Designated as a standard of care by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer, patient navigation is a hallmark of any high-performing cancer program. The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center delivers exceptional clinical talent, robust support services and ground-breaking diagnosis and treatment technologies. Generous supporters, like Jacqueline, and a compassionate patient navigator team help ensure that every patient is able to access them.

“Cancer patients are immediately thrust into an unknown and challenging world,” says Jolynne Guidotti, Oncology Patient Navigator and Advanced Nurse Practitioner. “The journey to survivorship is filled with practical considerations, clinical tasks and emotional complexities that often lead to anxiety and coping difficulties,” she explains. “When a patient knows they can reach me any time, it’s a level of comfort that really makes a difference.” 7:00 PM

6:15 PM

5:30 PM

2:30 PM Support group with 15 cancer patients in attendance

4:15 PM

3:30 PM

Attend internal cancer conference

Return patient phone calls, provide resource connections, schedule wig fittings

Reach out to patient with positive biopsy, offer services, schedule MRI and surgical consultation

Check in with MD for update on recentlydiagnosed breast cancer patient

Visit worried cancer patient in her hospital room – schedule her for Reiki

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At the Heart of the Community

Mahesh Bikkina MD, MPH, FACC, FSCAI, FSVM Mahesh Bikkina, MD, recalls understanding the importance of helping others even as a boy growing up in India thanks to the example set by his father, Bikkina Rama Rao, MD. With that early influence, it is not surprising that Dr. Bikkina pursued a career in medicine or that the delivery of personalized care was a distinction that first attracted him to Englewood Health in 2016.

Board certified in cardiology, internal medicine and interventional cardiology, Dr. Bikkina credits a patientfirst philosophy for powering incredible growth and transformation at the Hospital in recent years. “Investing in the community was a lesson my father taught me, so I’m glad to see we continue to improve access, expand programs and raise the bar even higher on compassionate care,” he says with pride. A philosophy of giving back returns Dr. Bikkina to India several times each year to teach young physicians and donate his time and talent to the poor by performing complex and high-risk cardiovascular procedures. It also inspired Dr. Bikkina to make a generous gift to Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. “Philanthropy plays a critical role in ensuring the highest-level of care and patient experience. I have a responsibility to do my part in contributing to our collective mission,” he explains. Holding a master’s degree in public health, Dr. Bikkina believes it is impossible to overestimate the value of preventative care and appreciates the continued increase in patient education programs at Englewood Health thanks to Foundation support. “As a physician, I treat disease, but long-term benefit comes from giving patients access to tools that help prevent disease,” he explains.

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Investing in the Future

Erica Park Erica Park grew up in Korea and has lived in major cities in California, Indiana and Massachusetts. However, it is Bergen County that she considers home and admires most as an incredibly unique and diverse community. An Englewood Health Foundation Trustee, Erica appreciates that the Board reflects this same diversity and open-mindedness. “It’s refreshing that they listen to all the voices in our community and I appreciate the opportunity to share my perspective as a woman, mother and Korean. Varied opinions will continue to shape the future of this great institution,” she says. Convenient access to quality medical care is personal for Erica, whose father lost his battle with stomach cancer at an early age. “My father received chemotherapy at two different times. Only once did we live near the hospital. When we didn’t, the nearest chemotherapy center was an hour away by car. My mom didn’t drive, so my dad had two options – a cab or public transportation – which made the two-hour trip even longer,” she explains. A dedicated family man who always put his family above himself, Erica’s father elected for the least expensive method of travel. “I watched my father, who was already battling cancer, make an exhausting journey to each chemo treatment session,” Erica recalls with sadness. “The distance to the hospital added an unnecessary layer of physical and emotional stress on both my parents, as well as me and my brother. Compared to the time when we lived near the hospital, the difference was quite dramatic. It would have taken a huge burden off of my parents if we weren’t so physically far away from the hospital.” Her vision for the future and enormous love for her family energize Erica as a generous philanthropic partner of the Foundation. “Giving back is my investment in what will be for my family, my kids and, eventually, my grandkids. It ensures high-caliber healthcare will always be right here in our backyard,” she says.

Serving Up Support

Mara Allen

Mara Allen doesn’t enjoy cooking at home but serving up snacks at her granddaughters’ sleepovers or making a turkey sandwich for an employee in the Drapkin Café, she does with heart and smiles. A Café constant for ten years, Mara works every station – from the salad bar to the cash register – and says her favorite part of her job is meeting new people. “It’s wonderful to see the same friendly faces each day, but as the Hospital continues to grow, I’m always meeting new people.”

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It’s those people, and their stories, who Mara says keep her inspired to give back by participating each October in Englewood Health Foundation’s Walk for Awareness. “I started walking many years ago as a tribute to my mother, who we lost to breast cancer,” explains Mara. “Yet, so many of the people I meet have stories – one woman’s 23-year-old daughter was just diagnosed with cancer and they have no health insurance. The Walk for Awareness helps raise funds to provide treatment for people like her and it feels good to be a part of that mission.” FA L L 2 0 1 8 13

HAPPENINGS Heel the Soul On March 6, $100,000 was raised at the fourth annual Englewood Health Heel the Soul benefit. Over 230 supporters gathered with a mission to assist women courageously battling serious illness. Attendees enjoyed a live performance by a local rock band, featuring Englewood Health’s very own Dr. Nimesh Nagarsheth, Chief of GYN Oncology. Joanne Ehrlich, Founder and Chair, Heel the Soul

Breakfast Club Michael J. Massimino, former NASA astronaut; Senior Advisor of Space Programs at Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum; Professor, Columbia University and New York Times bestselling author, headlined The Breakfast Club gathering on April 26 at the Alpine Country Club. Funds raised supported Englewood Health’s Robotic Surgery Program. Beth Nadel, Breakfast Club Co-Chair Carol Rubin, Breakfast Club Co-Chair Suellen Freeman, Breakfast Club Co-Chair Michael J. Massimino, Featured Guest Speaker

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Physician Partners Reception Dr. Marc and Ronit Arginteanu invited guests to their home on May 17 for the Physician Partners Reception. This event is hosted annually by the Foundation in recognition of Englewood Health physicians who are transforming healthcare in our community through philanthropy. Dr. Marc Arginteanu, Chief of Neurosurgery, Director of Spine Surgery Service and Englewood Health Foundation Trustee Ronit Arginteanu

Inspiring Legacies Friends and supporters joined together for the 2018 Gala: Inspiring Legacies on June 9, raising more than $1.3 million. The late Ronald Lefcourt and the Emergency Physicians of Englewood, PC were recognized for their countless contributions, visionary leadership and undeniable spirit of generosity. Warren Geller, President and CEO, Englewood Health Thomas C. Senter, Esq., Chairman, Englewood Healthcare System and Englewood Hospital Jeffrey Lefcourt (accepting on behalf of Ronald Lefcourt) Jay C. Nadel, Chairman, Englewood Health Foundation Hillary Cohen, Vice President of Medical Affairs and Chief of Emergency Medicine Robyn and Jonathan Lefcourt, Englewood Hospital Trustee (accepting on behalf of Ronald Lefcourt)

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A Green Light on


y mother was diagnosed with an aggressive lung cancer tumor in 1982. Her oncologist was hopeful, but hope was ultimately the only weapon in his limited arsenal. She died three months later, valiantly enduring painful complications from the disease and its treatment. Over three decades later, my 84-year-old father is a three-time cancer survivor enjoying his retirement years in the warm Florida sun. Today, cancer patients and their families enjoy greater optimism thanks to the most innovative tools. This year, the Foundation is committed to raising much needed Eleanor and Salvatore Albanese funds to underwrite the acquisition of equipment and technology to advance capabilities within four critical service lines – cardiology, vascular surgery, surgical services and oncology. With hospital “profit” margins the slimmest in a decade, Englewood Health relies heavily on the philanthropic dollar to support technology advancements like these: • High-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy delivers radiation through implants placed by catheter close to, or inside, the tumor, providing more effective radiation and reducing treatment time from weeks to days for many types of cancer. • Low-dose CT technology offers a preventative lung cancer screening tool using less radiation than traditional CT scanning. With exceptionally high-quality imaging, this technology is changing the dynamic of lung cancer treatment through the benefit of early diagnosis. In fact, in just the last two years, scans on approximately 800 high-risk patients identified nine cancers that may have otherwise gone undetected. • The latest evolution of minimally-invasive robotic equipment allows surgeons to work with superior exactness, increasing range of motion, enhancing visualization and improving the ability to spare healthy tissue. Patients experience reduced complications, less scarring and faster recovery. Cutting-edge technology gives oncologists clear advantages and extraordinary opportunities when it comes to changing and saving lives. With year-end upon us, we ask that you keep Englewood Health Foundation in your giving plans. Your leadership support is pivotal to transform opportunities into reality … and into renewed hope for all of us.

Philanthropic partners are essential to our future and mission. Every day, we see first-hand how the generosity of our donors touches patients and their families. It is a profound impact that cannot be underestimated and for which we are incredibly grateful. Debra Albanese Executive Vice President, Englewood Health Foundation 16 E N G L E W O O D H E A LT H F O U N D AT I O N

After a heart attack, Robert Hans’ heart is beating stronger than ever for his wife, June, and their family.

Mary Ann Fernandez is a yoga instructor back in Warrior position after a breast cancer diagnosis.

With bariatric surgery, Luisanna Fermin lost diabetes and weight – and found her perfect wedding dress.

Your gift to The Englewood Fund is an investment that promises an invaluable return – the ability to change and save lives for patients just like these. Our community relies on Englewood Health for revolutionary healthcare, innovative wellness programs and outstanding support services, right here close to home.

Help us dream big, do more and deliver. Pledge your leadership support through The Englewood Fund today by contacting the Foundation at 201.894.3725. You can also make your gift online. Visit www.EnglewoodHealthFoundation.org. FA L L 2 0 1 8 17


Join us at our upcoming events! For more information, please call 201.894.3725, email foundation@ehmchealth.org or visit www.EnglewoodHealthFoundation.org.

Winter 2018

Thursday, December 13th • Montammy Golf Club

May 4, 2019 • Cipriani Wall Street

Honorees Richard Goldweit, MD • David and Jennifer Graf Englewood Health Foundation is proud to host many exciting special events throughout the year. Leadership, physicians, employees, friends and supporters come together to celebrate our many achievements and raise funds to continue advancing our mission of world-class healthcare. Be sure to visit our website for the latest on upcoming events. Remember to check out the event photo gallery to view and download your favorites.

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